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q1 / product vrms x current is known as ____________________.

q2/ reciprocal of power factor is known as __________________.

q3/ diverrsity factor has always value ____________________.

q4/ ¥for LTI if all poles and zeros are inside unit circle then _________________.

q5/ z-transform ROC must be centered at _________________________.

q6/ if all conductive objects are grounded at same place then risk of shock is _____________.

q7/ small voltage (10v) measured between two points is known as ____________________.

q8/ _____________ sense fault an initiate a trip.

q9/ which of the following is not purpose of disturbance of monitioring equipment.

a) model validation b) disturbance investigation c) incorrect protection system d) account of system


q10/ which of the theorem is used in the power system for the analysis of fault.

q11/ powerer in inductive reactance is known as _______________________.

q12/ optical power depends ________________________ associated with optical fiber reciever.

a) quantum b) dark current c) thermal d) all

q13¥ if shunt resistance of galvanometer is increased then current sensitivity _______________.

q14/ if RLC in resonance then _____________________________

q15/ load factor is the ratio of _________________________.

q16/ arrow derivative doesnt have __________________________.

q17/ transmission level voltage upto 110 kv is known as _________________________.

q18/ fault caused by lightning in power system causes.....

a) line to line to ground b) line to ground c)ground to ground d) all of these.

q19/ the percentage of symmetrical faults in power system is ________________.

q20/ analog to digital converter the precession range is _________________.

q21/ which of the following amplifiers achieve high linearity.

a) class A b)class B c) class A and B d) class C

q22/ ripple frequemcy of bridge rectifier is

a) same as input b) twicce the input c) half of the input d) none of these

q23/conduction angle of classs A amplifiers is_______________________.

q24/ electric field parallel to plane electromagnetic wave will be _______________________.

q25/ norton's theorem applied to resistive circuit having __________________ in parallel with resistor
for non reactive circuit (ideal impedence Z)

q26/ del * A equals D+J

q27/ RC snober circuit is used to limit the rate of __________________________ in the off state.

a) rise in current in SCR b) rise in voltage c) conduction period d) none

q28/z - transform is used when signal is not in ______________________.

ans ) diversion

q29/ when shunt winding of a motor has a resistance of 85 ohm at 22 C , when motor runs at full load
then resistance becomes 100 ohms , the resistance temperature coefficent of the winding will be nearly

a) 20 b)50 c) 70 d)100

q30/ if Rt is resistance of a coil of copper at t C and R1 is a resistance at T C and also the resistance
temperature coefficent for copper/degree C at 0 C is 1/234.45 then Rt/RT is given by

q31/ _____________ in ckt current leads the voltage by 90 or voltage lags the current by 90.

q32/ voltage is different in __________________ two points.

q33/ voltage remains constant no matter how much current is drawn.

q34/ DIASE is a two terminal ______________________.

a) 4 layers semiconductor device b) 3 layers c) 2 layers d) none

q35/ oscilloscope measures ___________________________.

q36 / delta connection is less expensive due to __________________.

q37/ active device is 0ne which _______________________.

a) store energy b) dissipate energy c) supply energy d) all of these

q38/ generator operating at unity pf , effect on main magnetic field will be ____________.

q39 / solid grounding is used

a) 11kv b) below 660 v c)132 kv d) none

q40/ if ROC includes unit circle then ____________________.

q41/ types of relay ______________ and ____________________.

q42/ fourier series of a continuous signal require ____________________ number of hormonically

complex exponentials.

q43/ a constant power like 3 -phase can be obtained from __________________.

a) 2 phase a.c b) dc

q44/ which of the following is free from error ______________________.

a) precession b) accuracy c) error d) none

q45/ superposition theorem while solving we convert into _________________.

q46/ a bulb has a resistance of 500 ohms at 100 volts many hours it wil light for 1kwh.

q47/ the ____________converts heat energy into kinetic energy.

ans/ rocket.

q48/ whcih of the follwing is least reliable...

a) wind b) solar c) thermal d) geo therrmal

q49/ _____________ relay is used in motor for over current protection.

q50/ z- transform is not used in ____________signal.

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