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An approach to hospital planning and design using discrete event simulation.

Conference Paper · January 2007

DOI: 10.1145/1351542.1351808 · Source: DBLP

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Ian William Gibson

Healthcare delivery modelling


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Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference
Ian W Gibson


Ian W. Gibson

Bovis Lend Lease

Level 32, 140 William Street,
Melbourne, Victoria, 3000, AUSTRALIA

“The American health care delivery system is in need of

ABSTRACT fundamental change. The current care systems cannot do
the job. Trying harder will not work. Changing systems of
Recent reports have established the need for change in the care will.”
US health system. Building projects can play an im-
portant role in enabling change to support organizational 2.2 Cost of Health Care
objectives. The current major investment in hospital con-
struction in the US provides an opportunity to improve The quality problem is compounded by the current high
health service. Planning and design of hospitals generally cost of delivering health care and hospital buildings.
uses benchmarks and experience without rigorous analy- OECD 2004 showed that the US had the highest propor-
sis of processes, resources and facility requirements. This tion of GDP allocated to health care of 14.9% compared
paper considers an improved approach to planning and to the average of 8.9% for all OECD countries. The re-
design of hospitals by using Discrete Event Simulation cent forecast by the Bureau of Census (2006) estimates
(DES) to enable improvement in the quality and produc- 2006 costs at $2.1 trillion per annum or 16% of GDP and
tivity of health services and an improved workplace for rising to $4.1 trillion per annum or 20% of GDP by 2016.
staff. The Bureau of Census (2006) forecast for expenditure on
structures and equipment shows current costs of $92 bil-
1 INTRODUCTION lion and forecast to reach $190 billion in 2016.

The subject of this paper is the use of Discrete Event 2.3 Current Design Practice
Simulation (DES) as a decision making tool in the plan-
ning and design of hospital buildings. The basis of the pa- Current design of hospitals is largely based on custom and
per is a review of the literature on the major issues of the practice and benchmarks. Current best practice is outlined
US health care system and the role that building projects as follows:
can play in enabling organizational change. A review of • The clinical managers develop a descriptive
current hospital planning and design and use of DES pro- model of care and functional brief.
vides the basis for describing an improved process for de- • Experienced hospital planners and architects
sign of health services and facilities using DES. consult with the managers who will be responsi-
ble for the proposed health service. The consulta-
2 BACKGROUND tion may consider the patient’s journey in receiv-
ing health services.
• Databases of facility requirements are used in
2.1 Crossing the Quality Chasm developing the planning and design. These stan-
dards can be mandated in regulations and ap-
The Institute of Medicine (2001) documents the prob- pointing design teams.
lems of the quality of the US health system and the need
for improvement to be based on evidence based clinical 2.4 Nurse Work Environment Innovation Summit
practice, best use of staff, buildings and equipment.
The conclusions were summarized by Corrigan 2001 The rationale for the Nursing Work Environment Inno-
as: vation Summit 2007 was:
Ian W Gibson

“Because traditional nursing unit design and layout, com- • Design spaces and equipment to enable safe
bined with the episodic introduction of disparate tech- work practices – particularly lifting of patients,
nologies, have introduced tremendous inefficiencies and infection control and low noise stress.
waste into nurses’ work environment, which greatly re- • Consider workflow in the provision and layout of
duces the amount of direct patient care time that nurses spaces to minimize walking.
can provide.
Because returning direct patient care time to nurses in 2.7 Systems Engineering Approaches
current and planned nursing units has the opportunity to
positively affect professional nursing practice, the role of Reid et al 2005 outlined the systems engineering tools ap-
the nurse, and the safety and quality of patient care deliv- propriate for addressing the issues in the health system.
ery.” These systems engineering tools have transformed the
quality and productivity performance of other large com-
2.5 Building Projects and Organizational Change plex systems including manufacturing, transport and tele-
Better Choices Better Health, 2003, considered the cur- Three tools are particularly relevant to this paper:
rent and future health care needs for the South Australian 1. Discrete Event Simulation.
public health system serving over 1.5 million people. The 2. The Baldrige National Quality Program created
report recommended extensive change to the health sys- in 1987 to improve U.S. industrial competitive-
tem and noted that capital development is a driver of ness and encourage the pursuit of quality in all
change. sectors of the economy.
The Office of Government Commerce 2004, re- 3. Toyota Production System which focuses on re-
viewed best workplace projects that integrate business, spect for people, satisfying customers require-
organizational and physical changes and emerging best ments, eliminating waste, smooth production,
practice. While the report is based on experience in gov- minimizing waiting, movement and rework.
ernment offices the principles are relevant to health work- This approach has resulted in improved quality,
places. reduced costs and improved customer satisfac-
Relevant points are: tion. The approach is being introduced to health
• The physical workplace can significantly impact care (Jones et al 2006) through process mapping
effectiveness and efficiency. The extent to which as a tool in improving functioning of depart-
physical layout, appearance, comfort and func- ments of the health care system. Improvements
tionality affect work is now widely recognized. reported include improved quality, safety, ser-
• The workplace can be a resource in change and vice delivery, throughput and staff satisfaction.
improvement to achieve the organization’s ob- For example in Flinders Medical Centre South
jectives. Australia reduced emergency waiting times by
• Successful organizational change requires con- 25% by improving the flow of work and a pa-
sideration of people, process and place. thology laboratory reducing the floor area by
40% and up to 90% reduction in production
2.6 The Role of the Physical Environment times.

The Center for Health Design 2006 considered the urgent 3 CURRENT USE OF DISCRETE EVENT
need to address the problems in healthcare workplaces SIMULATION IN HEALTH
that result in staff injuries, medical errors and waste.
Key steps to be considered in designing workplaces
to support these improvements are 3.1 A Recent Survey of Current Use in Health Care
• Design the buildings to effectively address op-
erational and systems problems impacting staff Jacobson et al 2006 surveys the use of discrete event
effectiveness and productivity. simulation to understand the operations of health care fa-
• Promoting cultural change as part of the design cilities over the last thirty years.
process to ensure effectiveness and acceptance of Key findings include:
innovation. • “A significant amount of research has been con-
• Effective consultation with healthcare teams. ducted in the area of patient flow and asset allo-
• Provide space for carers to effectively contrib- cation.
ute to the care. • The multiple performance measures associated
with health care systems make discrete event
Ian W Gibson

simulation particularly well suited to tackle Successful treatment requires close cooperation between
problems in these domains. primary and secondary care and can include surgery.
• A large number of discrete event simulation stud- The new service was prompted by increased demand
ies reported in the literature have the common and new regulatory standards for care. It was not un-
theme that they attempt to understand the rela- common for people to wait four months for an outpatient
tionship that may exist between various inputs appointment, six months for ultrasound and 12 months for
into a health care delivery system (e.g., patient an operation. The demands on the service required a radi-
scheduling and admission rules, patient routing cal and innovative solution to provide the required ser-
and flow schemes, facility and staff resources) vices. The challenge was to improve service quality with-
and various output performance measures from out increasing the staff, equipment and facilities used.
the system (e.g., patient throughput, patient wait- Use of DES was essential for the success of the pro-
ing times, physician utilization, staff and facility ject. The benefits resulting are improved quality of care
utilization).” to patients, staff motivation and performance of the or-
• “Discrete event simulation offers perhaps the ganization. Throughput was increased by 40% with con-
most powerful and intuitive tool for the analysis stant resources and the time to deliver health care was
and improvement of complex health care sys- substantially reduced. In 2005 Dodds received awards for
tems.” the “Best use of IT in the Health Service” and "Best inno-
vative use of Technology” for this project.
3.2 Examples of Use of DES as a Design Tool

3.2.1 Building Planning and Design The preceding sections of this paper have considered the
need for change in delivery of health services and the op-
O’Hara et al 2004, provide examples of using discrete portunity that hospital building projects provide in con-
event simulation as a tool in the design of an ambulatory sider health care processes, staffing, equipment, space and
care surgery. layout requirements.
A simulation model was used to establish the opti- The following sections outline an approach to hospi-
mum relationship between the throughput, staffing, num- tal planning and design utilizing DES to improve current
ber of operating rooms, recovery beds and the waiting methods by rigorous analysis of patient, clinical, staff,
room. equipment and facility requirements; and building layout.
The approach combined the expertise and experience
of health care planners, architects, simulation modelers, 5 PROBLEM FORMULATION
nurses, doctors and patients. It enabled rigorous evalua-
tion of options by using the knowledge of the stakeholders The problem is to plan and design a major hospital build-
in the DES. Bottle necks in the process and space were ing to:
identified in the study and design solutions developed to • Enable the delivery of patient care which is safe,
avoid them in the built facility. appropriate, timely, evidence based, patient fo-
The primary value of use of DES was better assess- cused, efficient and economical.
ment of health care processes and productivity opportu- • Make best use of staff, equipment and facilities.
nities, improvement of staffing and space utilization. • Provide a physical environment which promotes
safety, effectiveness and amenity for patients,
3.2.2 “Three Wins – Service Redesign Through Flow staff and visitors.
Dodds 2006, describes the successful use of work flow
modeling in the redesign of a vascular health service. The objective is to plan and design a major hospital build-
Vascular diseases are an example of a chronic, non ing to:
life threatening disease that are considered to be the big- • Provide the health services forecast for the de-
gest challenge to 21st century medicine. The service is sign date.
typical of many health services where quality and produc- • Enable the delivery of evidence based best prac-
tivity depends on coordination of services for the varied tices health care.
needs of patients. Detailed assessment requires specialist • Optimize the staffing, equipment, processes,
staff using sophisticated non-invasive tests and often re- technology and facility to deliver the health ser-
quires a consultation with a consultant vascular surgeon. vices.
Ian W Gibson

• Provide an improved environment for patients, Doctors, Nurses and Allied Health profession-als,
staff and carers. • Facilitators able to translate health knowledge
for simulation engineers and architects and
7 OVERALL PROJECT PLAN • Simulation Engineers to create models of health
care processes and resources.
The following outline of the Baldrige National Quality The project team needs to establish a strong working
Program for the Health Sector 2007 provides a framework relationship recognizing the different paradigms in their
for a comprehensive management context for the project. disciplines. Engineers are generally used to creating mod-
1. Leadership in creating a vision and leading the els of reality to enable planning, design and construction
clinicians, staff and patients. projects. Health professionals are generally focused on the
2. Strategic planning defining the future role of the reality of particular patients and diseases.
organization in the short, medium and long term. Consultation and verification with the clinicians re-
3. Focus on patients, other customers and markets sponsible for the service is essential throughout the study.
as the primary basis for considering the process Consultation, process mapping and simulation provide a
and operational rules. transparent way of communicating how the service is to
4. Measurement, analysis and knowledge manage- be delivered.
ment by using evidence based clinical practice The process for planning and design using DES in-
and rigorous analysis of staffing, equipment and tegrated with current practice is shown in Figure 1. The
facility requirements. three phases are outlined as follows:
5. Workforce focus in providing adequate resources • Planning phase develops the brief describing the
to provide the required health service, through requirements of the hospital to provide for the
appropriate involvement, considering the work- forecast demand for the health services in terms
place safety and needs. of spaces, equipment, operational requirements,
6. Process management in terms of clinical and op- policies and staffing.
erational practices to deliver the results. • Master plan which defines the spaces required
7. Results to be measured against the safety, appro- and preferred layout of the departments.
priateness, timely, evidence based, patient fo- • Schematic design defines the layout of the
cused, efficient and economical. rooms, spaces and equipment. This design pro-
The disciplines involved in the project are vides the basis for a limit of cost budget, pro-
• Senior executives and hospital Board, gram, contract documentation and construction.

Figure 1 Planning and Design Process

Planning Brief Master plan Schematic Design

Service planning Clinical Pathways Site analysis Develop options

Process mapping

Develop Options Develop Options

Workplace study Value management study

Simulation Mk 1 Simulation Mk 2 Simulation Mk 3

Value management study Value management study Value management study

Evaluate Options Evaluate Options Evaluate Options

Decide preferred Decide preferred Decide preferred

option option option

Planning brief Master plan Schematic design

Ian W Gibson

8 PLANNING PHASE Process maps are prepared for the activities involved
in the clinical pathway, related staff activities and supply
chain for drugs, medical and other supplies. Basing the
8.1 Activities Prior to Simulation process on the patient journey ensures the simulation and
the design is patient centered.
The Planning Phase commences with Service Planning to Figure 2 shows a process map based on clinical path-
estimate the health services demand using a population way for Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) on the day of
forecast for the design period and forecast of the preva- presentation to the health service. The process map
lence of disease in the community. The health care ser- commences when the patient first engages with the health
vices are defined by Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG), a service in this case via the paramedic identifying a sus-
system which classifies hospital cases into approximately pected ACS. The process mapping includes bring together
500 groups. They have been used since 1983 to determine the doctors, nurses, information and supplies necessary
how much Medicare pays the hospital, since patients for the diagnostic and treatment activities described in the
within each category are similar clinically and are ex- clinical pathway. These activities include X ray, blood
pected to use the same level of hospital resources. The testing, observation and documentation leading to the
demand would be expressed as number of patients per Physician reviewing the information and deciding the
year and the time distribution for the service demand. treatment options. A key feature is the patient waiting for
Clinical pathways describe the treatment required for the resources to be assembled before an activity can pro-
a DRG. Use of evidence based clinical pathways pro- ceed. During this period the patient care is also required to
vides a basis for the diagnosis and treatment to be based provide relieve pain, counsel the patient and carers, feed,
on the best current clinical knowledge. wash and monitor the patient’s condition.
Figure 4 Process Map for the Clinical Pathway for the presentation of Acute Coronary Syndrome

Paramedic identifies Notify Hospital of Physician walks to

suspected ACS nature of care cubicle

Physician review
Obtain Medical Physician walks to Physician documents
orders initial
record workstation

Treatment and
Nurse walks to Nurse documents
Staff activity Wait Blood tests initated

Blood sample
transported to Blood tested
Nurse walks to
Patient activity Wait Pathology

Travel Travel to ED

Wait Imaging Wait

Chest x-ray Radiography Report Physician review

Patient care
Ian W Gibson

A workplace study provides the basis for planning the If the resource is not available the patient waits until
facility requirements to achieve the organizations ob- the resource becomes available based on the operational
jectives for collaborative teams, appropriate patient and procedures adopted.
staff amenity. This study complements the process map- The model measure the waiting time prior to com-
ping and DES in considering the people factors. mencing treatment; time to complete diagnosis and treat-
A value management study (VMS) considers the ment; time spent waiting for resources; cost of treatment
process mapping and workplace study information to pro- and waiting; staff and equipment utilization.
vide the required utility and amenity at least cost. VMS is Once the model is coded, validated and verified ini-
a recognized method of developing and evaluating ideas tial runs can identify critical resources (i.e. medical spe-
to improve products and services. The study of the proc- cialists) and medical equipment (i.e. imaging equipment).
ess would seek to reduce the number of activities in the Further runs can consider the models of care options, op-
process, reduce waiting, reduce patient movement, erating policies and patient scheduling and prioritizing op-
smooth patient flow and optimise staff, facility and tions.
equipment utilization. The simulation will enable consideration of options
for scheduling patients, process, roles, and numbers of
8.2 Simulation during Planning Phase rooms, layout and use of technology. Simulation would
enable rigorous analysis of options to integrate outpatient
Simulation Mk 1 considers the process as mapped; oper- and inpatient facilities and options to provide diagnostic
ating policies; staff, equipment and facility requirements services with the health delivery function or in a central-
to estimate the time taken for clinical activity, resource ized department.
utilization, waiting time, supplies required and cost. Simulation enables analysis of the whole hospital
Data sources for the model include hospital records, system. Figure 3 provides a high level view of the com-
observation, interviews with clinicians and studies. Elec- ponents involved in delivering health care services in a
tive and emergency patient arrivals can be estimated major acute hospital. Modeling can provide means of ra-
based on similar hospitals and scheduling practices. Vari- tionally considering the various components of the hospi-
ability in patient arrival and activity times for carry out tal. Models of care, staff and facility requirements can be
diagnosis and treatment can be modeled based on the sta- analyzed and the optimum means of delivering the re-
tistical distribution. quired health services developed. The planning modeling
Staff availability can be modeled considering shift considers the clinical pathways which would be bundled
practices, meal and rest breaks, training and administra- into departments. The simulation can analyze the options
tion requirements. Allowances can also be made for travel of providing health services through General Practitio-
time for staff based on knowledge of typical time spent ners, Community Services, Ambulatory care or Inpatient
traveling. services.
Figure 3 A high level systems view of a hospital
Supplies- Utilities –
Staff-Doctors, Information &
drugs, electricity,
Nurses and communications Sterile supplies
equipment and Water and
Allied Health technology
medical medical gases

Diagnostic and treatment services Continuing care

Ambulance Emergency
Intensive Mental
Sub acute
care health
Car Maternity
Inpatient GP care
Sub acute
Helicopter Imaging
Outpatients Community

Diagnostic support Support services

Imaging Pathology Patient records Management Death

The cost of delivering the health care can be esti-

mated on an activity based costing basis. Evaluation of
Ian W Gibson

the options leads to a preferred option to be developed in Simulation Mk2 is based on the Planning Model but
the Master Planning Phase. adds the travel distances between the departments as pro-
Throughout the Planning and Design Phases the re- posed in the master planning options. The analysis con-
sults developed can be reviewed against current practice siders the same metrics as the Planning Phase to enable
and benchmark information. Where the simulation indi- evaluation and development of the options for the Master
cates changed requirements the differences need to be Plan.
carefully considered in developing the design. Value engineering will consider where the options
The output from the Planning Phase is a Planning and seek means of improving the delivery of health ser-
Brief which defines: vices. For instance master planning usually provides an
• Estimates of facility requirements such as num- opportunity for sharing reception areas rather than provi-
ber of inpatient beds, operating theatres and sion on a departmental basis. Simulation will enable
emergency cubicles. analysis of the demands to estimate the space require-
• Major equipment requirements – number of im- ments for such shared use.
aging machines. The master plan architectural and engineering designs
• Staffing requirements for doctors, nurses, allied can be developed based on the results of the simulation.
health professionals and clinical support staff. This provides the basis for preparing a preliminary capital
• Operational policies on booking elective patients and operating cost estimate, program and the business
and prioritizing health services. case for the health service.


Master planning commences with site analysis and devel- Schematic design involves preparation of preliminary ar-
oping physical planning options and is complete with a chitectural and engineering design to define the building
preferred master plan locating all departments in the pro- and systems to be used in the hospital. The detailed in-
posed facility. formation developed in the Planning Brief and the Master
Site analysis considers existing conditions on the site Plan provides the basis for architects to prepare the layout
including the topography, statutory requirements, trans- of the rooms and other spaces which make up the depart-
port systems, utilities and building conditions. ments.
Development of options commences with the prepa- Animation based on the design proposals (Figure 4)
ration of a Space Budget based on the Planning Brief. Pre- provides an important means of communicating and veri-
liminary layouts of the building are prepared based on the fying the proposals. The proposals can also be tested by
Space Budget and Site analysis. A number of options are benchmarking, training simulation studies and prototyp-
usually developed to consider difference assumptions ing.
such as different building height, access or site options.
Figure 4 Animated simulation of health services based on schematic design (Source: O’Hara 2004)
Ian W Gibson

Preparation of an architectural layout of the rooms

and equipment will provide the basis for refining the downloads/proj2006.pdf
simulation and considering further “what ifs.” The level Corrigan Janet M., 2001 Crossing the Quality Chasm In-
of detail can be developed to consider the staff bases, stitute of Medicine, Committee on the Quality of
work spaces, location and size of storage of supplies and Health Care in America
equipment. The nurse work environment could be mod-
eled in detail to minimize movement and provide the basis Dodds, Simon, 2006, Three Win: Service Redesign
for collaboration and communications. Through Flow Modeling, Kingsham Press.
Further value engineering can seek opportunities to
reduce wasted time and resources based on the schematic ort_HC2005.pdf
design proposals. Institute of Medicine Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New
The Schematic Design Phase will result in architec- Health System for the 21st Century (2001)
tural and engineering designs which are based on rigorous
analysis through simulation of the service demand, proc- &page=1
esses, staffing, equipment, technology and building lay- Jacobson, Sheldon H., Hall, Shane N. and Swisher James
out. Models of care can be further tested and refined in R 2006, Chapter 8 Discrete-Event Simulation of
the Schematic Design Phase. This enables the cost esti- Health Care Systems Patient Flow: Reducing Delay
mate, program and business care to be finalized to a limit in Healthcare Delivery Spring US
of cost budget and commitment to proceed with contract
documentation and construction. qu3m/
Jones, Daniel and Mitchell, Alan 2006, Lean thinking for
11 CONCLUSIONS the NHS, Lean Enterprise Academy UK,
Health care needs to change to improve quality, produc- _nhs_leaflet.pdf
tivity and job satisfaction. Major hospital building pro- Nurse Work Environment Innovation Summit, 2007
jects provide an ideal opportunity to implement change Robert Wood Johnston Foundation
through the planning and design phases. Discrete event
simulation can be used to analyze processes, resources OECD Health Data, 2006, How Does the United States
and facility requirements to deliver best clinical practice. Compare, Organization for Economic Co-operation
This will require a team approach by doctors, nurses, al- and Development
lied health professionals and administrators, architects and
simulation engineers. Office of Government Commerce, 2004, Working with-
out walls: An insight into the transforming govern-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ment workplace, United Kingdom Office of Govern-
ment Commerce
The author wishes to thank Susan O’Hara of O’Hara
Healthcare Consultants, Mark Sullivan of Mark Sullivan without_walls.pdf
Architects and James P. Walsh of Sparta for their friend- O'Hara, Susan, 2004 Sullivan, Mark, Bell, Henry, Using
ship and dialogue which has contributed to developing Simulation to Improve the Patient Pre-admission
this paper. Testing Design Process, Proceedings of the 36th
Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C.
Reid Proctor P., Compton, W. Dale, Grossman, Jerome H.
Baldrige National Quality Program 2007 Health Care and Fanjiang Gary, Editors, 2005 Building a Better
Criteria for Performance Excellence Delivery System: A New Engineering/Health Care Partnership, Committee on Engineering and the
are_Criteria.pdf Health Care System, National Academy of Engineer-
Better Choices Better Health, Final Report of the South ing, Institute of Medicine
Australian Generational Health Review, South Aus-
tralian Government Robert Wood Johnston Foundation Nurse Work Environ- ment Innovation Conference, Oakland California.
Bureau of Census, 2006, National Health Expenditure
Projections 2006-2016
Ian W Gibson


IAN W GIBSON is Project Director with Bovis Lend

Lease in Melbourne, Australia. He has over 20 years ex-
perience in project management of major health projects
from concept to construction completion. Experience in-
cludes leading teams in planning and design of major
hospitals and in developing project management systems
for major projects. or

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