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SIAL 2012

Paris, France
October 21-25, 2012

Report prepared for the

US Dry Bean Council

J. Stobbs (Marketbase), 71 avenue Bosquet, 75007 Paris, FRANCE

Tel. (33) (0) 1 45 51 36 03/ Fax (33) (0) 1 47 53 72 85
Email: jstobbs@marketbase.fr
1. Executive Summary

SIAL (Salon International de l’Alimentation) – Paris, France

October 21-25, 2012

US Ambassador to France,
Charles H. Rivkin with some
members of the SIAL Trade
Teams. From left to right:
Judd Keller, Johanna
Stobbs, David McClellan
Ambassador Rivkin, Dennis
Engelhard, Lynn Virkler and
Jeff Van Pevenage.

SIAL 2012 At A Glance:

• 5,900 exhibitors, 84% non-French

• 19 product and food channel sectors
• 100 countries exhibiting
• 150,192 visitors from 200 countries (an increase of 10.2% over
2010); 62% were international visitors
• 1,002 new products exhibited
• 403 innovations selected, 18 SIAL Innovation Awards presented
• highlights: a 360° view of the global food industry , with topics
focusing on innovation, food and health, sustainable development,
wine, ingredients, and the retail and food service sectors
• 200 events, conferences, meetings and debates, including a SIAL
TV studio.

Source: SIAL Press Office

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 2

Held every two years during a 5-day period in October, the SIAL food show is
located 14 miles to the north of Paris, in a specially constructed exhibition center
(Parc des Expositions, Paris Nord Villepinte), comprised of 8 giant halls. The Parc
offers 2,150,000 sq. ft. of exhibition space.

143 US companies and associations exhibited at SIAL 2012 in the US Pavilion.

The US Dry Bean Council’s corner booth (Hall 4, T091), which was adjacent to the
USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council’s booth, had discussions with 210 visitors.

Complete information on SIAL 2012 can be found on the website:


The next SIAL is scheduled for October 19-23, 2014.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 3

Remarks and Recommendations

Transportation at SIAL

Once again, the major preoccupation of exhibitors and visitors to SIAL is the fact
that the transportation system from Paris to the Parc des Expositions remains
woefully inadequate, with no relief in sight. Not only is the RER train system unable
to accommodate the volume of traffic generated by a show that attracts some
150,000 people, but the labor unions that control the train lines now deliberately
choose to strike during the SIAL period in order to bring increased pressure on the
government to grant higher wages and more favorable working conditions.

In anticipation of strikes on the RER train system this year, IMEX, the organizers of
the US Pavilion, hired a private bus company to transport US exhibitors to and
from SIAL each day. The 5-day bus service cost 70 Euros ($90) per person. There
were four pick-up points: 2 on the Left Bank (Odéon and rue Monge) and 2 on the
Right Bank (Champs-Elysées and Etoile).

In order to take full advantage of this bus service, J. Stobbs, representative for the
US Dry Bean Council, made hotel reservations at the Hotel Napoleon, which is
situated near the Etoile (Arc de Triomphe) and only one block from the Etoile pick-
up spot. This location was also only a 2-minute ride to the A1 motorway, which
leads directly to the Parc des Expositions.

Despite this attempt to make transportation to SIAL less painful, problems

remained. Traffic on the A1 motorway was heavy, particularly on the return evening
trips (the A1 motorway is the main artery from Charles-de-Gaulle airport to Paris
and also links France and Belgium). In addition, the drivers of the private bus
company (Cars et Voyages) were unfamiliar with SIAL. They did not necessarily
know how to reach Hall 4 (the location of the US Pavilion) and, once there, blindly
obeyed instructions from the security guards to move on to a distant parking area,
beyond Hall 5. This meant that US exhibitors had to trek to Hall 4 on foot, through
the rain, cold and fog. At the same time, the labor unions called a strike on the last
day of SIAL, adding to traffic disruptions (not to mention 3 suicides on the RER
tracks during the SIAL period, which shut down RER services for several hours).

Stobbs and the USDBC SIAL Trade Team members discussed the transportation
issues at SIAL and tried to come up with a solution to the problems. SIAL is the
second largest food show in the world and it was agreed that the USDBC needs to
continue to exhibit there. The option of staying at a hotel at the Charles-de-Gaulle
airport was rejected as being too unpopular. Using the RER train system is now
accepted as being too unreliable. Therefore, the private bus system would seem to
be the least bad way to get to and from SIAL. The USDBC will encourage IMEX to
continue to offer this service in 2014 – but this time with drivers who are better
acquainted with SIAL geography, so that US exhibitors may be dropped off in front
of Hall 4. Stobbs has started discussions with IMEX on this important point.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 4

Product Interests at SIAL

• US pinto beans got special attention at SIAL 2012, as buyers begin to

understand that red-speckled, cranberry-type beans from China are in short
supply and are rising in price.
• 9mm and 10mm garbanzo beans were the focal point for many visitors,
especially Turkish buyers.
• Chinese companies showed more serious buyer interest than ever before.
• Once again, the SIAL Trade Team members established a list to provide
general price indications for all of the different US dry legume classes displayed
at the show; this list was helpful in discussions with visitors to the booth, and to
determine their level of interest.

Industry Reception

• This activity continues to be a great success. 119 guests attended this year’s
reception (more than in previous years).
• 700 printed invitations (with RSVP reply cards) were mailed out to trade
contacts in markets all over the world.
• In future, in addition to posting invitations, Stobbs may also consider sending an
electronic version of the invitation, to help boost responses.
• A complete list of industry reception attendees is found in Appendix I of this
report, pages 12-15.

David McClellan (right), USDBC representative, discusses US

dry legume products with a visitor to the booth.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 5

3. Exhibition Stand

The US Dry Bean Council booth was located in the US Pavilion (Hall 4), well
placed on a central crossroads.

The USDBC had the corner booth this year, adjacent to the booth of the USA Dry
Pea & Lentil Council. The two Councils shared the overall space (there was no
separating wall), which allowed for an effective use of manpower and an efficient
distribution of information materials for both organizations.

The US Pavilion Lounge, down the aisle from the USDBC booth, acted as a
meeting point for American exhibitors and their clients.

Cork Fehr (left), USDBC SIAL Trade Team member, answers questions
from visitors to the booth.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 6

4. Stand representatives

The US Dry Bean Council was represented by members Judd Keller, Dennis
Engelhard, Cork Fehr and Phil Hinrichs.

David McClellan (USDBC/USADPLC representative for Spain and the

Mediterranean region) and Johanna Stobbs (USDBC/USADPLC representative for
Northern Europe, Turkey and Russia) organized and worked the booth.

The USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council was represented by Executive Director, Tim
McGreevy, and members Candice Henderson, Jeff Van Pevenage and Lynn

A trilingual assistant, Eminé Aygun, was hired to enter trade leads into the USDBC
database during the show.

5. Stand materials and product samples

The booth was decorated with colorful posters and a range of product samples,
which were exhibited in open bags and arranged in such a way as to attract
maximum attention. Visitors were given the latest edition of USDBC Suppliers

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 7

6. Trade Leads

210 trade leads were entered into the USDBC database for SIAL 2012, an 11%
decrease from SIAL 2010. There were fewer trade leads this year because the
trade teams did not fill out forms for visitors who were judged to be of low-potential.
Instead, the teams focused on those visitors who were seen to be serious potential

The US was the best performing country, followed by Italy, France and Turkey. Of
this year’s trade leads, 47 were rated as offering the highest potential for sales
(“A), with 64 rated as the second highest potential for sales (“B”).

Top Trade Leads - SIAL 2012

UK, 7
Holland, 7 France
USA, 15
China, 7 Turkey
Italy, 14 Algeria
Belgium, 7
France, Spain
Spain, 9
13 Belgium
Algeria, China
Turkey, 13
12 Holland

All trade leads from SIAL 2012 are found in Appendix II of this report, pages 21-68.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 8

7. Reception for the International Pulse Industry

The US Dry Bean Council hosted a reception for the international pulse trade on
Monday, October 22, in cooperation with the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council.

Gathered together were international buyers from many countries and members of
the Executive Committee of CICILS-IPTIC (the International Pulse Trade and
Industry Confederation). Despite problems with the RER train system, this
reception was the most successful ever held at SIAL, with 119 attendees (see
attendance list in Appendix I, pages 12-15).

Bob Green, Chairman of the International Programs Committee of the US Dry

Bean Council, and Tim McGreevy, Executive Director of the USA Dry Pea & Lentil
Council, were introduced by USDBC representative Johanna Stobbs, who invited
them to say a few words of welcome.

The two-hour reception was held in the Vieux Marché restaurant at the SIAL
exhibition center. A private bus service was hired to drive guests back to Paris.

Bob Green (right), Chairman of the USDBC’s International Programs

Committee, talks with Matthew McMichael, the new Purchasing Director
for H.J. Heinz. The H.J. Heinz Purchasing Department is now based in
Zeist, Netherlands. Bob Green also welcomed guests to the SIAL
industry reception on behalf of the US Dry Bean Council.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 9

8. Outcomes

The main take-home message for SIAL 2012 is that international buyers are now
increasingly aware of changes in the levels of Chinese dry legume production and
prices. As Chinese growers gradually switch from dry beans to corn, soy and
wheat to meet domestic demand, supplies of Chinese dry legumes are decreasing,
with corresponding higher prices.

This phenomenon is driving buyers back to the US and is creating new and
exciting opportunities for US exporters. This situation includes Chinese companies
looking to buy US dry legumes.

The world is changing in ways that could not have been predicted only a few short
years ago. The dry legume market, always in a state of flux, is now turning its
attention to US production. There are signs indicating that US dry beans will
become increasingly sought after in the years to come, especially if US production
can hold steady or even increase, with US prices on a par with, or below, those of

As always, SIAL (with its German counterpart, ANUGA) serves as a focal point for
the US Dry Bean Council to meet with long-term clients and to find new trade
contacts in an atmosphere which allows buyers to talk about their product needs
and to share information.

USDBC members welcomed many old friends to the SIAL 2012 booth, and met
with a good number of potential new buyers. Trade relations is an ongoing activity,
especially when dealing with a commodity in which crop production and moving
prices create ever-changing market conditions. International trade shows such as
SIAL help to keep buyers informed and to build strong commercial ties.

Paris, October 31, 2012

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 10

SIAL 2012 Snapshots

Top left, clockwise: Cork Fehr and Phil Hinrichs chat with a visitor to the booth; Lynn Virkler and
Candice Henderson; Candice Henderson and Judd Keller; Jeff Van Pevenage discusses US dry
legumes with the Memiş family of TAT (Turkey); Phil Hinrichs and Tim McGreevy; Phil Hinrichs
and Dennis Engelhard.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 11


USDBC Reception Attendance List - SIAL 2012

October 22, 2012

1 ALARCIA, Maria Alemar Argentina

2 ALONSO, Marcos Fruleco Spain
3 ALVAREZ SASTRE, Roberto Alimentos Naturales Spain
4 ALVAREZ, Pedro Legumbres Peneles Spain
5 ATAT, Munir Sameks Turkey
7 BASKAYA, Ergun Marka Trading Turkey
8 BASKAYA, Kivang Marka Trading Turkey
9 BASTOS, David dbGroup Portugal
10 BASTOS, Sophia dbGroup Portugal
11 BENITZ, Pedro Legumbres Pedro Spain
12 BESSEMS, Bart Schepens & Co. Belgium
13 BLAZQUEZ HUELAMO, Santiago Legumbres Spain
14 BLECHARSKA, Urszula Florpak Poland
15 BOUBESS, Hassan S. HB Agrotrade Switzerland
16 BRAET, Jan Alimex Belgium
18 BRYJA, Jim H. Interra USA
19 BUHLER, Nathan Viterra USA
20 BUISSON, François William Saurin France
21 CATTANEO, Florent Cogeser France
22 CHAN PAO WAN, William Agrapulse China
23 CHERKI, Alex CIACAM France
24 CHERKI, Illan CIACAM France
25 CHIDWICK, Martin Canada
26 COOK, Raychel Viterra USA
27 DABAN, Olivier Rileg France
28 DALSACE, Eric Dalsace Frères France
29 DE BAS, Jan CWT Belgium
30 DE CASSON, Frabrice Agrapulse Switzerland
31 DEGROOTE, Benedicte B Grains France
32 DEGROOTE, Erik Mees Agro Consulting France
33 DEGROOTE, Frédéric B Grains France
34 EDGECOMBE, Tim Pulse Australia Australia

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 12

38 FEHR, Pam USA
39 FERNANDEZ DE LUZ, Ana Legumbres Pedro Spain
40 FLATEN, Justin JM Grain USA
41 GACHOUD, Ana PL International USA
42 GARCIA, Albert Alons-Gar Spain
43 GARCIA, Paco Alons-Gar Spain
44 GEORGEOGLOU, Jason Elamer Greece
45 GEORGEOGLOU, Nico Elamer Greece
46 GERARD, Christine Bondeulle North America Canada
47 GNIADY, Katarzyna Florpak Poland
48 GOETHALS, Peter Beanworks Belgium
49 GREEN, Bob Michigan Bean Commission USA
50 GREEN, Rosemary USA
51 HAGE, Cor A. Poortman Netherlands
52 HAGEN, Erik A. Poortman Netherlands
53 HAUDECOEUR, Jean-Claude Haudecoeur France
54 HELLMANS, Daniel CWT Belgium
Poortman / Alliance Grain
58 HOLBEN, Dan Traders UK
59 HUTIN, Denis Alimentos Naturales Spain
60 IZGUR, Mirza Doruk Marmara Turkey
61 JOHNSON, Holly JM Grain USA
62 JOSSERAND, Fabienne Solimex France
63 JOURNO, Laurent US Embassy France
64 JURIC, Roberto Expor Italy
65 KAVUZOGLU, Metin Davut Metin Gida Turkey
67 KERMABON, Jacques Agrilim Belgium
68 KIZILTAN, Ahmet Marka Trading Turkey
69 KIZILTAN, Orhan Deniz Marka Trading Turkey
70 KURBATOVA, Olga Mistral Russia
71 LAMAU, Jean-Louis JL Lamau France
72 LAMBERT, Maria PL International USA
73 LAMBERT, Paul PL International USA

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 13

74 LEVER PEARL, Justine South Africa
75 LEVER, Brad South Africa
76 LEVER, David Advanced Seed South Africa
77 LIN, Daniel United Brokers China
78 LUENGO ASENSIO, Gaspar Legumbres Luengo Spain
79 MARTIN, Esteban Curcija Argentina
80 MATEU RUIZ, Daniel CG Iberica Spain
81 MAYA, Roberto Pedon Italy
84 McLEOD, Lashonda US Embassy France
85 MEMIS, Bedrettin Bashan Turkey
86 MILLER, Jessica JM Grain USA
87 MILLER, William JM Grain USA
88 NIVAGNE Sophie Groupe Cecab France
89 NOSARZEWSKI, Wojciech Dawtona Poland
90 NOVELLA, Busatta Pedon Italy
91 PEDON, Paolo Pedon Italy
92 PINARCI, Nursah Bashan Turkey
93 PRONOST, Yves William Saurin France
94 RAYNAUD, Patrick WEBCOR Angola
95 ROCK, Claire Sabarot France
96 ROJO, Giana M. Ermats Canada
97 SALVADORES J., Esteban El Maragato Spain
98 SEMMLER, Jono Agri Semm Australia
99 SERFATI, Gérard Cogeser France
100 SIBECAS, Alejandro Fruleco Spain
101 SIRT, Orhan Orhan Sirt Tarim Turkey
102 STOBBS, Johanna USDBC/USADPLC France
103 TADROS, Atef Teekay International Egypt
104 THEBAULT, Claude France
105 THORPE, Tyler Agricom International Canada
106 UTELLI, Bruno Agrapulse Switzerland
107 VAN DONGEN, Mees Mees Agro Consulting France
108 VAN GOETHEM, Leslie Casi Beans Belgium
109 VAN LEEUWEN, Henk Cogeser France
110 VAN NIEUWENHUYSE, Danielle Casi Beans Belgium
112 VAN WEZEMAEL, Stijn Beanworks Belgium

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 14

115 WILLETT, Candy Steele & Co. USA
116 YI, Sup Lan Ermats Canada
117 ZIMNIEWSKI, Cezry Schepens & Co. Belgium
118 ZMITKO-SOMERS, Jamie Michigan Dept. of Ag. USA
119 ZOCCA, Luca Pedon Italy

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 15


SIAL 2012 Evaluation Survey

In order for us to report back to FAS on the results of our participation in the 2012
SIAL Trade Show, please answer the following survey. Your answers will be kept
confidential and will only be used to give us a general sense of the positive and
negative aspects of the show. Please feel free to add any additional comments that
you may want to make.

NB: Of the 7 SIAL Trade Team participants, partial answers were received from
only 4. Answers as received are presented below in different colors, to differentiate
one respondent from another.

1. Nº of business meetings you had at SIAL 2012

2. Value of US legume sales you made at the SIAL 2012 show
Focused on making contacts, not sales
3. Your estimate of the value of US legume sales that will be generated in
the next 12 months by contacts made at SIAL 2012
Estimated $660,000
$3-$4 million

Also, we would appreciate your general thoughts on SIAL and our booth:

• Did the booth work well? What could be improved?

Booth worked well.
Yes, it was fine and I believe we were in a good corner location in the US
Pavilion. Our bag display showed well with the corner booth.
Yes. But needed more electrical outlets. I thought the booth was very
The booth worked well. The location was great. Hard to change anything –
could put rubber mats down behind the booth desks to help absorb the
impact of standing on concrete. The mats could be put on the pallets and
shipped around to the next trade show as well.
• US Pavilion – OK?
Pavilion OK, but I liked the old system better where there were more US
companies in the same area – although I know we benefited by being
close to China.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 16

Yes, but I believe the environment and service in the US lounge could
have been better and more professional.
USA Pavilion was perfect.
• Booth big enough?
With the combined space of the USDBC and the USADPLC working
together, the space was adequate.
• Booth materials useful? Something lacking?
Need better staplers.
In particular, the USDBC Suppliers Directory was very important in
promoting the industry. Also, having it both in English and French was a
Very good. I think from the dry bean side, the bean sample card is very
valuable. The price indication list was also a good tool.
Booth materials wee perfect. We had it all and it worked well: French,
Spanish & English brochures.
• Filling out the Trade Lead forms – too complicated? Do we need to re-design
the forms? (FYI: we took in 210 trade leads, slightly fewer than in 2010).
I think the forms are complicated the way the categories are set up. I had
trouble locating varieties.
The form worked fine and allowed space for comments for better details
on the inquiry.
I think the trade lead forms are fine. It might be a useful tool to have it
available in electronic form so that one of booth members could stand
there with his or her iPad and take notes.
I understand that some companies/booths has a business card scanner;
they put customer information into the scanner and information
automatically went to a database. Maybe this system could cut the down
time of having to type in the trade lead summaries.
• How did it compare with the booths of other pulse industry exhibitors (Canada,
Australia, Turkey, Argentina, etc.)?
Other booths, such as Canada were “flashier”, but I doubt that was
The booth was well presented compared with other pulse presentations,
such as the Chinese. We had sacks of pulses rather than the small trays
that we saw at other stands.
I thought ours was more than acceptable and competitive.
• Did the industry reception live up to your expectations? (We had 119 attendees
– more than in 2010.)
I thought the reception was on the small side.
It was a very well done event with good attendance and the opportunity to
socialize with buyers.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 17

Yes. I was a little disappointed in our industry reps not acting more
welcoming and host-like. Maybe a pep talk in the booth, or even a mention
at the welcome dinner, would remind folks of what a great opportunity it
is to bond and show our appreciation to our customer base.
• Hotel – was the Hotel Napoleon acceptable?
The hotel was nice, but quite expensive; the rooms were terribly small,
but the beds were great.
The hotel was acceptable except for the timing of breakfast compared
with our departure time.
Yes very nice.
The hotel was fine, but I would have liked air conditioning in the room for
that price. Maybe in the future that is something that could be seriously
considered in booking a hotel.
• IMEX Bus Service to and from SIAL – did this live up to expectations?
The bus service could have been better, but it was great having it,
considering the circumstances.
It was a very convenient commute to and from the expo. Preferable to
having to use public transportation despite being on a strict schedule.
The traffic was bad. Make no mistake, the bus was good and the
communication and directions involved were outstanding.
The bus was fine and was always on time for departure to and from SIAL.
How can you fix the traffic? You can’t.
• Would you have rather caught the IMEX bus in another part of town (i.e. the
Latin Quarter) even though this would have meant a longer ride through city
traffic to reach the A1 motorway?
I would have preferred staying in another part of town rather than the
“high rent” district, although it was nice in some ways.
I’m looking more at convenience, so if hotel were located in another
location, it would be OK if it were close to a bus pick-up spot.
No, our stop was convenient.
If a hotel in another part of town could have taken us on different roads,
maybe it would be a good idea.
Would you have rather stayed at an airport hotel and avoided the drive from
Paris to SIAL altogether?
Staying at the airport would be convenient, but we want to be IN Paris,
while in Paris.
Would prefer to be located in the city with access to a greater selection of
restaurants for dinner.
At times I thought that would be good but, no, you got it just right the way
it was. Good planning!
I’m not a big tourist and did not take a day off. The airport gets my vote.
• Do you have any suggestions as to how we can better manage transportation
issues at SIAL?
Yes, stop the RER from striking!

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 18

The only problem was the SIAL drop off in the morning and not being able
to arrive at Hall 4. It needs to be arranged so that the bus is allowed each
day to stop at the US Pavilion hall location.
If we stay at the airport there won’t be any transportation issues.
• Other
SIAL name tags should have the person’s name and company in larger
and bolder print for easy recognition.
My perspective as a farmer is different than an “in the trenches” marketer.
I think I can bring to many customers the reality of agricultural production
- help explain in a very real way that we are not producing “widgets that
we can make as many or as few of as we want”. It is also incredibly
valuable to watch the marketing team do their job. That allows me to carry
back to my fellow growers the exceptional gift that we have with our
marketers and international reps, in our effort to market the beans we
grow around the world.

Who did we talk to and what did they say? We have put together statistics on the
number of visitors, the countries of origin and the varieties requested, but please
give us your ideas on what you think was most significant about:

• the trade that visited the booth

The trade visitors to the booth were quite varied in origin.
Generally the visitors to the booth were end-user canners, packagers,
some institutional buyers, as well as importers and traders.
• what they do
The visitors I saw were mostly importers/wholesalers.
The visitors facilitate the movement of pulses through the food chain
via their particular company focus.
• where they were from
I saw mostly traders from Spain and China.
Participants at the show were from North Europe/ Spain/ Italy/ Greece/
North Africa (Algeria), Portugal (sellers who work the business to
Angola) and South Africa. Many Chinese suppliers also visited, but
only to check out what we had and our prices, since they are generally
our competitors.
• what they were looking for
Garbanzos, whole green dry pea and Pardina lentils.
The main interests at this show were US Kabuli chickpeas, Great
Northern beans, some lentils, as well as good interest for green peas
to the Far East.
• how the current economic situation is affecting the pulse business
I heard more buyers asking for extended payment terms and
complaining about prices; definitely a sign of economic problems.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 19

Even though banks have been given money to lend, it appears they
have held on to it and credit is still very tight for our worldwide buyers,
making them spot buyers versus having the financial resources to buy
larger blocks of product for the future. They can only buy what they
need today, shipped as of yesterday!

SIAL 2012 Evaluation Survey

October 30, 2012

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 20


SIAL 2012 Trade Leads

October 21-25, 2012

Our industry delegates rated our SIAL trade contacts on an A through E scale.
A = Good customer of US legumes and/or key industry member
B = Good prospect as buyer of US legumes
C = Possible buyer of US legumes
D = Probably not a buyer of US legumes
E = Not a good prospect as buyer of US legumes
These notes are based on very short interviews with visitors and often lack company information.
Fortunately many firms now have websites from which you can get a better idea of a company’s
activities, size and interests. In all cases, exporters should confirm the credentials of new trading
partners before entering into contracts.

A = Good customer of US legumes and/or key industry member

ACOS, s.p.a. (Importer)

Massimo Frello, Buyer
Patrizio Bortoli, Purchasing Dept.
Via del Progresso. 32
36060 Molvena (VI) Italy
Tel: +39 0424 411356
Fax: +39 0424 418652
Emails: massimo.frello@acosnet.it; patrizio.bortoli@acosnet.it; roberto@acosnet.it
Web: www.acosnet.it
Comments: Large legume trading company with processing plants in China and Ethiopia; strong
position with Italyn canners. Massimo replaced Riccardo Santoro Nov. 2009. Patrizio B. started
with Acos Dec '09.

Afro Gémeos - Importação, Exportação Produtos Alimentares, Lda. (Importer, Dry Packager)
Luis Semedo, Director
Zona Industrial Granja Amazen D14
2625-607 Vialonga, Portugal
Tel: + 351 96 241 4830
Fax: + 219 731970
Emails: afrogemeos@sapo.pt; luis_semedo@sapo.pt
Comments: Needs contacts for green baby lima, large lima, pintos, cranberry beans and Myakoby.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 21

Agidra (Importer/dry packager)
Jean Philippe Thevenet, Deputy Purchasing Director
16, rue Nicephore Nieppe BP 156
69801 Saint-Priest Cedex, France
Tel: + 33 4 72 28 12 12
Fax: + 33 4 72 28 12 13
Emails: jp.thevenet@agrida.com
Comments: Large french importer buying and packaging for french retail chains. Wants to develop
trade directly with U.S. growers. Wants U.S. participation of promoting U.S production to their
stores. Needs garbanzos, great northern beans, dark red kidneys, richleas

AgraPulse (Trader)
Bruno Utelli, Managing Director
Fabrice De Casson, Trader
16 chemin des Coquelicots
1214 Vernier (Geneva) Switzerland
Tel: +41 223 412 269
Fax: +41 22 341 1484
Emails: geneva@agrapulse.com
Web: www.agrapulse.com
Comments: Legume traders, working pinto beans into Angola.

Agrino, Ev.Ge. Pistiolas S.A. (Importer / Packager)

Agis Pistiolas, Managing Director
Dora , Purchasing Manager
45, Amaroussiou Ave.
141 23 Lykovrisi - Athens, Greece
Tel: + 30 210 6122 622
Fax: + 30 210 6126 677
Emails: apist@agrino.gr tsoukala@agrino.gr
Web: www.agrino.com
Comments: Leading Greek rice packager. Also packages legumes (Great Northern, Richleas,
Estons, Lg Wt kidney, garbs) and prepared rice dishes. Buys GN from Alberta & USA.

AGRODER (Importer, Canner, Dry Packager, Wholesaler)

Ismail Dervisoglu, Export & Import Manager
Sait Dervisoglu, Foreign Trade Manager
Kazanli Mh. 32001 Sk. No:4/A, Akdeniz
33281 Mersin, Turkey
Tel: +90 3242213415
Fax: +90 3242213416
Emails: ismail@agroder.com.tr; sait@agroder.com.tr;
Web: www.agroder.com.tr
Comments: Interested in Garbanzo, Great Northern. Has bought 1000 Tons of chickpeas so far
(9mm). Seems ok with price level. Large firm, very diverse. Visited at length with Jo and invited for
reception. Left a brochure with Elisa that details their business.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 22

ALIMENTOS NATURALES, S.A (Importer / Packager)
Eulogio Sánchez Hernández, Director de Compras y Aprovisionamientos
Armando Álvarez Menéndez, Director Industrial
Pol. Ind. De León, s/n
24231 Onzonilla (León) Spain
Tel: +34 987 219 200
Fax: +34 987 219 202
Emails: esanchez@alnatur.com; aalmarez@alnatur.com;
Web: www.alimentosnaturales.es
Comments: Spain's largest legume packager, also a major producer of jarred legumes. Buy US
lentils, chickpeas and kidney beans. In Spain call: Tel 902 18 05 52 Fax 902 18.05.53. Selling US
pintos into Angola - will promote w/USDBC.

Ango-Zara (Importer/Wholesaler)
Zeya Uddin, Director
Saba Uddin, Director
Rua Fredrico Welwitchia nº3, 1º andar, Apt. Nº13/14
Ingombota (Luanda) Angola
Tel: +244 933 999 999
Emails: zeyauddin@angozara.com; sabauddin@angozara.com;
Web: www.angozara.com
Comments: Distributor of fast-moving retail products (Kellogs, Tiger Brands, Nestle, ITC, etc.) in
Angola, selling to super- and hypermarkets. Preparing a packaging line for legumes. Very
interested to work with suppliers of US pintos, blacks, garbs, lentils, etc.

Ardo Coordination Center n.v/s.a. (Processor)

Nele Bebusschere, Food Technologist
Wezestraat 61
B-8850 Ardooie, Belgium
Tel: + 32 51 33 55 63
Fax: + 32 51 30 59 97
Emails: nele.debusschere@ardo.be
Web: www.ardo.com
Comments: Leading European producer of frozen vegetables with production facilities in various
countries. Interested in buying large limas, pintos, black beans, navy beans, dark red kidneys for
production of pre-cooked IQF product.

Asseman - Deprez (Importer / Packager)

Pascal Fontaine, Responsable Commercial
Catherine Asseman, Manager
ZAE des Petits Pacaux - BP 84
F-59660 Merville, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 28 49 65 32
Fax: +33 (0)3 28 48 36 54
Emails: videlys@wanadoo.fr catherine.asseman@asseman-deprez.com;
Web: www.asseman-deprez.com

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 23

Comments: Important French importer, packs for large supermarket chains. Interest: Blackeye,
Garbanzo, Dark Red Kidney beans (20 MT), also 20 MT of cranberries, 20 mt of richleas. Wants to
know the average count of large limas. Uses 12 mm garbs. Uses quality pdt.

B & S Global Purchase (Importer)

Martin Van Dalen, Global Sourcing Executive
P.O. Box 3119
3301 DC Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Tel: + 31 (0) 78 653 4239
Fax: + 31 (0) 78 654 5918
Emails: mvdalen@bs-gg.com
Web: www.bs-gg.com
Comments: Important dutch company importing big volumes of dry legumes through Rotterdam.
Supplies the UN in several markets, including Afghanistan. For other customers needs 5 kilo
packaging with special labels. Will contact Stobbs to request quotes.

Bitar International (Importer)

Rashed Bitar, General Manager
Rabih Ayash, Purchase Manager
El Amara Bldg,1st Floor, St. Therese, El Hadath , P.O.BOX 8/25
Ghobeiri (Beirut) Libano
Tel: +961 5 466888
Fax: +961 5 467998
Emails: rashedbitar@hotmail.com +9613676828;
Comments: Interested in 9 mm of Garbanzo Beans (5 to 10 containers) and 5 containers of

Casibeans bvba (Trader)

Carlo A. Suy, Chairman
Leslie Van Goethem, Commercial Manger
Danielle Van Nieuwenhuyse, Commercial Manager
Schaarbeekstraat 23A bus 01
9120 Melsele, Bélgica
Tel: +32 250 10 93
Fax: +32 250 10 99
Emails: info@casibeans.com; carlo@casibeans.com; leslie@casibeans.com;
Web: www.casibeans.com
Comments: Legumes trader with processing plant in China. Has worked US beans, lentils and
garbanzos for many years when market allows. Has current buyer interest for cranberrys,
blackeyes and chickpeas.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 24

COROOS Conserven B.V. (Lentils processor/ Canner)
Cor van Gogh, Sales Manager
P.J. Oostrom, Purchaser
Mr. Scheefhals, Purchaser
P.O. Box 61, Middenweg 1
4420 AC Kapelle, Netherlands
Tel: +31 113 333 000
Fax: +31 113 341 894
Emails: c.vangogh@coroos.nl p.j.oostrom@coroos.nl; w.scheefhals@coroos.nl
Web: www.coroos.nl
Comments: Interested in Black and DRK beans. Lentils processor. Important canning company in
the Netherlands. Buys through ACOS (therefore Chinese). Could be interested in switching to U.S.

Country Life (dry packager (organic))

Otakar JIRANEK, Director
Nenacovice 87
26601 Beroun 1, República Checa
Tel: +420 311 712 470
Fax: +420 311 712 415
Emails: jiranek@countrylife.cz
Web: www.countrylife.cz
Comments: Important importer/packager from Czech Republic. Brand "Country Life". Specializes
in organic product but also does conventional dry legumes.

Dincer Gida Sanayi Ve Ticaret LTD. Sti (Importer/Dry packager)

Mehmet Tevfik Dincer,
Taylan Onur Dincer,
Ataturk Mah. Suis Caddesi No 37 Santral Umraniye
Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: + 90 216 443 08 78
Fax: + 90 216 443 08 80
Emails: dincer@dincer.com onur@dincer.com;
Web: www.dincer.com
Comments: Top Turkish importer+dry packager. Imports US whole green peas, needs blackeyes,
garbanzos, pinto beans, black and cranberry beans and richlea lentils. Needs good quality lentils.
Quality packager.

DIYABLAR (Importer)
Sükrü DIYAB, Manager
P.O. Box No: 60
Mersin, Turkey
Tel: (+90) 324 231 36 91
Fax: (+90) 324 233 16 36
Emails: diyab@superonline.com; sukrudiyab@hotmail.com
Comments: Large Turkish Importer. High priority.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 25

Enray Inc. (Manufacturer)
Nimesh Ray, President
4569 Las Positas Road, Suite #D
94551 Livermore (CA) USA
Tel: (925) 218 2205 ext 101
Fax: (925) 365 0587
Emails: nimesh@enray.com
Web: www.enray.com
Comments: Interested in organic products for U.S. products. Requests Pardina lentils, 12 truck
loads of black beans per year, 1500 cwt of Cannellini beans, 12 truck loads of split green peas.

Estumrar Company (Importer)

Omar Elfiatory,
Benghazi, Libya
Tel: + 218 91 752 98 78 or 218 92 621 26 32
Emails: omar@estumrar.com
Web: www.estumrar.com
Comments: interested in all type of beans.

GE.CA. LEGUMI s.r.l. (Importer / Wholesaler / Packager)

Angelo CASILLO, Amministratore
Matilde Casillo, Administration
Agglomerato Asi Nola-Mariglaino, Località Boscofangone
80035 Nola (NA) Italy
Tel: 39 081 8210506
Fax: 39 0818284254
Emails: info@gecalegumi.it mathildecasillo@gecalegumi.it;
Web: www.gecalegumi.it
Comments: Major legume importer/processor serving canning industry in southern Italy. Also
packages in half kilo bags.

Grams & Tons (Importer)

Ahmad G. Sidani, Managing Director
Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: + 961 1 65 18 41
Fax: + 961 1 65 68 85
Emails: gramsandtons@hotmail.com
Comments: Interested in all type of beans, richleas and laird lentils.

Greco and Sons Inc. (wholesaler)

Scott Jaffe,
1550 Hecht Road
60103 Bartlett (IL) USA
Tel: 630 823 30 15
Fax: 630 837 0906
Emails: sjaffe@grecoandsons.com
Web: www.grecoandsons.com

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 26

Comments: He wants chickpeas in 50 lbs bags and talked to Kyle Hinrichs about those. He wants a
multitude of edible beans in 2-3 lbs processed sacks to sell into hotels and restaurants.

HAK (Packager & Canner)

Marko Wolthuis,
Adri den Dekker,
Koen Megens,
Jagerspad 7
4283 GM Giessen, Netherlands
Tel: +31 183446501
Fax: +31 183446205
Emails: marko.wolthuis@hak.nl; adri.den.dekker@hak.nl koen.megens@hak.nl
Web: www.hak.nl
Comments: High quality packager & canner selling to EU supermarkets. Currently purchasing U.S
products. Interested in split green peas, preferably polished. Also purchasing great northern
beans, dark and light red kidneys.

Handelmaatschappij JP Beemsterboer BV (Importer)

Ivo Van Der Staak,
PO Box 8
1749 ZG Warmenhuizen, Netherlands
Tel: + 31 226 396464
Fax: + 31 226 393519
Emails: ivanderstaak@beemsterboer.nl
Web: www.beemsterboer.nl
Comments: Dutch import/export company looking for U.S. pinto beans for a customer in the
Dominican Republic. Must be pintos from Nebraska or Wyoming.

HBC Trading Australia Pty. Ltd. (importer)

Richard Allouche, Purchasing Manager
Michael Arain, Managing Director
PO Box 671 Northbridge NSW 1560 Unit 6 McCabe Industrial Estate
2067 Chatswood (NSW) Australia
Tel: + 61 2 9958 5688
Fax: + 61 2 9417 5528
Emails: sales@hbctrading.com.au
Web: www.hbctrading.com.au
Comments: Sells pulses and other products, some organic, to Australian supermarkets. Request
offers for a split container of YSP and GSP.

HERMANOS CUEVAS, S.A.(PICUEZO) (Jarred Legumes Producer)

Alberto Barquin, General Manager
Julian CUEVAS VILLOSLADA, Director Gerente
Ctra. Arnedo, km. 1
26560 Autol (La Rioja) Spain
Tel: +34 941 39 00 16
Fax: +34 94 1 39 05 62
Emails: alberto.barquin@picuezo.es

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 27

Web: www.picuezo.es
Comments: Vegetable canner and one of the leading jarred legume producers in Spain. Requests
offers for US 8 mm garbs. Also uses 9 + 10 mm as well as DRK + LLB (usually China or Poland),
some pardinas and Richleas for cans, China lentils for jars.

Invivo Group (Wholesaler)

Amaury de Gavelle, Trader Food Grains & Relations Cooperatives
83 Avenue de la Grande Armee
75782 Paris Cedex 12, France
Tel: + 33 1 40 66 29 72
Fax: + 33 1 45 00 88 49
Emails: adegavelle@invivo-group.com
Web: www.invivo-group.com
Comments: France´s largest cooperative. Do some trading in North Africa. Will contact
representatives with enquiries.

Jose Castellanos e Hijos S.L. (Importer)

Ezequiel Castellanos, Manager
c/ Mansilla, s/n
24248 Urdiales del Páramo (León) Spain
Tel: +34 987 37 3674
Fax: +91 777 4848
Comments: US chickpea customer, also interested in cranberry beans

Kuando (Broker)
Wouter Hommes,
Av. Rio Branco, 181 / sala 3.604
20040-007 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Brasil
Tel: + 55 21 3293 9310
Fax: + 55 21 3172 1555
Emails: whommes@kuando.com
Web: www.kuando.com
Comments: Working on 1100 mt of pinto beans to Angola govt tender. Looking for contacts from

LA DORIA (Canner)
Antonio Borrelli, Purchasing Director
Giovanna Sepe, Purchasing Manager
Via Nazionale, 320
84012 Angri (SA) Italy
Tel: +39 081 516 6111
Fax: +39 0815166265
Emails: antonio.borrelli@gruppoladoria.it; giovanna.sepe@gruppoladoria.it;
Web: www.gruppoladoria.it
Comments: LA DORIA is a major canned tomato producer, and Italy's largest pulse canner (lentils,
green peas, chickpeas, cannellini, bomba, baked navy, cranberry and red kidney beans), fruits in
syrup and fruit juices. Likes to buy US origin when possible.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 28

Antonio Jiménez Blanes, Administrador
Vicente JIMÉNEZ BLANES, Director Departamento Extranjero
P.I. La Vega, Nº5
18230 Atarfe (Granada) Spain
Tel: 34 958 43 60 62
Fax: 34 95 8 43 61 09
Emails: info@legumbressierranevada.com; antonio@legumbressierranevada.com
Web: www.legumbressierranevada.com
Comments: Pulse importer/wholesaler. Specialist in chickpeas - works both local production and
imports. Buys US white and café garbs, US regulars, GNB, navy and cranberry. Interest in DRK.

Mediterranean Snacks (Food Processor)

Vincent P.James, President & CEO
708 Main Street
07005 Boonton (NJ) USA
Tel: 973 402 26 44
Fax: 973 402 2663
Emails: vincent@mediterraneansnackfoods.com
Web: www.mediterraneansnackfoods.com
Comments: Produce pulse-based snack products. Interested in U.S regular and whole red lentils.

Naturalia srl (Manufacturer of pre-cooked food)

Alfonso Piscitelli, Managing director
via Zara, 12
Salerno, Italy
Tel: +39 0823 801014
Fax: +39 0823 1602007
Emails: info@naturaliafood.it
Web: www.naturaliafood.it
Comments: Leading Italyn manufacturer of pre-cooked & dehydrated beans for food producers.
Looking for pinto beans for industrial manufacturers of soups.

Ottaviani Food s.r.l. (Food Processor)

Valentina OTTAVIANI,
Strada Secondaria A4 Zona Ind. Agglomerato di Mazzocchio
04014 Pontinia (LT) Italy
Tel: +39 0773 85 31 82
Fax: +39 0773853414
Emails: info@ottavianifood.it
Comments: Produces frozen artichokes, cranberry beans, garbanzos etc. Has been buying from
local wholesalers (Argentine Garbanzos and cranberries and Canadian Garbanzos.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 29

Ozalp Toros Gida San. Ve Tic. LTD. STI. (importer)
Ozalp Toros,
Ismet Inonu Bulv. No: 78 plaza B Blok 5/10
Mersin, Turkey
Tel: + 90 324 237 40 41 - 237 40 88
Fax: + 90 324 237 40 82
Emails: ozalp@ozalptoros.com.tr
Web: www.ozalptoros.com.tr
Comments: send prices quotes for 3 to 5 containers of 9 mm chickpeas. He has done business
with several U.S suppliers.

PEDON S.A. (Importer / Packager)

Paolo Pedon, Export Manager
Gianluca Zanotti, Quality Manager
Luca Zocca, Marketing Manager
Via Del Progresso, 32
36060 Molvena, Italy
Tel: 39 0424 411338 / 411356
Fax: 39 042411118
Emails: info@pedon.it; paolo.pedon@pedon.it; gianluca.zanotti@pedon.it; luca.zocca@pedon.it
Web: www.pedon.it
Comments: US pardina promotions going well.

PEDRO ALVAREZ, S.A. (Importer / Packager)

Pedro Álvarez Ric, Director de Operaciones
Ctra. Villarejo, 3, (Apdo. correos 4)
24350 Veguellina De Orbigo (León) Spain
Tel: 987376055
Fax: 987375015
Emails: penelas@legumbrespenelas.com; palvarez@legumbrespenelas.com;
Web: www.legumbrespenelas.com
Comments: Packager and wholesaler of locally produced and imported legumes. New jarring +
packaging plant operating since 2009. Buys local pardinas and garbanzos but also imports.

Prosite Group Holding Co. W.L.L. (Importer/Packager)

Gaurav Nanda, Business Development Director
PO BOX: 10680
Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: + 973 13613606
Fax: + 973 17264414
Emails: gaurav@prositebh.com
Web: prositebh.com
Comments: Importer, shopper and packer from Bahrain. Needs blackeyes, red split lentils, dark
red lentils. Wants to be contacted next week with some offers. There is a U.S naval base in Bahrain
with 18000 U.S troups so they want to bring them U.S products.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 30

San Miguel CSM Alimentos S.A. de C.V. (Food Manufacturer)
Alejandro Madrazo Placeres, Director
Candido Aviles No. 37, Lomas de Memetla
D.F. C.P. 05330 Cuajimalpa, Mexico
Tel: + 52 55 5812 6464
Fax: + 52 55 5812 5370
Emails: a.madrazo@sanmiguel.me
Web: www.gruposanmiguel.com & www.snmiguel.com & www.saboresaztecas.com
Comments: please send prices quotes. Bean splits; any color, bulk in container & totes. 1 truck per
month FOB Laredo. He manufacturers refried beans.


Santiago BLAZQUEZ,
Enrique Mariñas, 36. 6ª Planta. Oficina 6
15009 A Coruña (A Coruña) Spain
Tel: 34 98 117 42 46
Fax: 34 98 1174492
Emails: santi@santiagoblazquez.com
Comments: Legumes broker - Spain and N.Africa

SEPROLESA (Selección de Productos Leoneses, S.A.) (Importer / Packager)

Ángel Díez, Director General
Ana REGUERA, Purchasing & Marketing Manager
C/ Capitán Haya, 55, 1º-8ª
28020 Madrid, Spain
Tel: 34 91 571 8809 / 987 71 58 10
Fax: 34 91 5719022
Emails: adiez@seprolesa.com; areguera@seprolesa.com;
Web: www.seprolesa.com
Comments: Largest volume producer of packaged and jarred legumes in Spain. Has supplied
legumes (packaged + jarred) to the Mercadona chain since 2007.

Soufflet Alimentaire (Importer/Dry packager)

Antoine Laroche, Purchasing and Sales director
41 rue du Petit Bruxelles
59300 Valenciennes, France
Tel: + 33 3 27 20 09 06
Fax: + 33 327 304 542
Emails: alaroche@soufflet-group.com
Web: www.soufflet.com
Comments: largest dry packaging company in France. It has participated in the USDBC french
Reverse Trade Mission of September 2012.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 31

Suico EOOD (Importer)
Radostina Mladenova, Import Manager
16, Malashevska, St.
1225 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: (+359) 2 8139888
Fax: (+359) 2 936 71 60
Emails: r.mladenova@suico.eu
Web: www.suicom.com
Comments: Interested in baby lima beans, blackeye beans, great northern beans, pinto beans,
laird-type lentils (Number 2) and richlea lentils (number 2)


Mohamed Rhalem, Administrator
Lot Nº 42, Avenue EL Farabi Zone Industrielle. Tassila
80.000 Agadir, Morocco
Tel: +212 (0) 28.33. 30.40/60
Fax: +212 (0) 28.33. 13.71
Emails: superfoods@menara.ma
Comments: Requests offers for lentils 500 MT. Also interested in 11 mm of garbanzos.

Sur la Table (wholesaler/Retailer)

Kerin Seeger, Chief Marchandising Officer
5701 6th Avenue South, Suite 486
98108 Seattle, USA
Tel: 206 613 6335
Fax: 206 613 6064
Emails: kerin.seeger@surlatable.com
Web: www.surlatable.com
Comments: have 100 stores in the U.S. Interested in both bulk and packaged dry products to sell
in those stores. All classes.

The Bread Factory (Importer)

Narcis Balalau, Purchasing and Goods-In Manager
Unit 12, Garrick Road Industrial Estate Irving Way,
NW9 6AQ London, UK
Tel: + 020 8457 20 80
Fax: + 020 8457 20 90
Emails: narcis_balalau@breadltd.co.uk
Web: www.breadltd.co.uk & www.gailsbread.co.uk
Comments: English importer interested in all classes in small quantity. Mostly beans.

Zein J. Harb & Partners S.A.L. (Importer, Wholesaler)

Wissam J.Harb, Assistant General Manager
Haret Hreik- Mouawad Str - Nahleh Building - 1st floor
Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: +961 1 270450, 279900
Fax: +961 1 273897
Emails: info@zjharb.com; zharb@inco.com.ib

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 32

Comments: Agent for rice Coop. Interested in 80 ton per month of garbanzos 9mm. He has
purchased before from USA.

B = Good prospect as buyer of US legumes

Abu Odeh Bros. Co. (Importer/Exporter)

Moh'd Abu Odeh, Deputy General Manager
Anas Abu Odeh, marketing manager
P.O. Box 425685 (Yarmouk Street)
11140 Amman, Jordan
Tel: +962 6 491 4961
Fax: +962 6 490 7878
Emails: mabuodeh@batelco.jo
Web: www.abuodehbros.com
Comments: Pulse and nuts trader. Interest in 8/9 mm of garbanzos, whole green peas. CIF Aqaba,

Aciko Komerc d.o.o (Packager)

Aleksandar Petrasinovic, Import Manager
Beranovac Beranova 17a
36103 Kraljevo, Serbia
Tel: + 381 36 5443 705
Fax: +381 36 5443 459
Emails: aleksandar@acikokomerc.com
Web: www.acikokomerc.com
Comments: Imports alubia beans also beans from China: light speckled Kidney beans and
cranberry beans. Imports from Canada. Did not know U.S. had dry beans. Wants to hear from

Agro Maestrale (Importer)

Mohamed Dahmani, General Manager
7 rue Mohamed Ben Driss hussein Dey
Alger, Algeria
Tel: + 213 21 77 17 32
Fax: + 213 21 77 17 32
Emails: Agro_maestrale@yahoo.fr
Comments: Interested in 1000 MT of garbanzo beans 9 mm

Al Durra for General Trading and Investment Co. Td (Wholesaler)

Emad Al-nen, CEO
P.O. Box: 852691
11185 Amman, Jordan
Tel: +962 6 55 32 841
Fax: +962 6 55 32 861
Emails: emad@durra.co; aldurraemad2hotmail.com
Web: www.durra.co & www.durra.sy

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 33

Comments: Interested in garbanzo beans, whole green peas: 100 MT quarterly or every 2 months,
8 mm, 7 mm, 6 mm.

All American Nut & Candy Corporation (Dry Packager)

Isidor Budina, President and CEO
930 Fairway Dr
60106 Bensenville (IL) USA
Tel: 630 595 6473
Fax: 630 766 6476
Emails: isidor@All-American.Co
Web: www.All-American.Co
Comments: Wants to buy bulk beans for packaging.

Altomundo Trade & Investments (Pty) Ltd. (Importer)

Yves Saffiedine, Managing Director
145, 9th Street, Parkmore
2146 Sandton, South Africa
Tel: +27 1 1883 5 177
Fax: +27 11 784 33 18
Emails: yves@alto-mundo.com
Web: www.alto-mundo.com
Comments: takes 5 to 10 containers per month into Angola. Will take 100 lb bags of pinto beans.

ANGOFEX - Importacao e Exportacao, LDA (Importer)

Dr. Pedro Taboada, Director
Dra. Tereza Monteiro,
Av. 4 De Fevereiro, N 57 - 5º Portas 24/25
6306 Luanda, Angola
Tel: +244 222 332520 &395071
Fax: +244 222 397411
Emails: pedro.taboada@angofex.co.ao
Comments: Distributor in Angola of Monteiro-brand pinto beans. Source from US and Canada.
High quality standards - no Chinese product. Offices in Luanda and LIsboa. Will buy US pintos this

Asian Food Trading SNC (Wholesaler, Dry Packager)

Dalip Singh Mandher,
Via Della Tecnica 13/A, B, C
Prato di Correggio, Italy
Tel: 0039-3921924357 & 3294218987
Fax: 0522-736035
Emails: dilipmandher@yahoo.com
Web: www.asianfood.it
Comments: Request 6-7 FCL per year. Interested in blackeye beans, red split lentils, black beans,
cranberry beans, dark red kidney beans.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 34

Basmati EURO (Importer/packager)
Jamil Zetali, Manager
Klutjenfelder Str. 8
20457 Hamburg, Germany
Tel: + 49 40 24 83 55 45
Fax: + 49 40 24 83 55 46
Emails: info@EuroBasmati.com; Jamil@EuroBasmati.com
Web: www.EuroBasmati.com
Comments: Interest: chickpeas.

Beanworks BVBA (Importer)

Stijn Van Wezemael, Commercial Manager
Dorp West 130
B-2070 Zwijndrecht, Belgium
Tel: + 32 3 296 9000
Fax: + 32 3 296 9202
Emails: stijn@beanworks.eu
Web: www.beanworks.eu
Comments: Interested in pinto beans to Russia and other destinations.

Brand Food International Trading Company (Importer/wholesaler)

Mahmoud Maouche, Sales Director
Maison rouge, lot No 28
Kouba, Alger, Algeria
Tel: + 213 21 29 39 39
Fax: + 213 21 29 44 44
Emails: mahmoud.maouche@brand-food.com
Web: www.brand-food.com
Comments: Algerian buyer interested in split green peas, 100/200 MT of garbanzos and 1200 MT
per year; 100 MT of laird lentils # 2 and 1200 MT per year.

Cheonbo Natural Food Co., LTD (Importer)

Choi Jung-Hwi, President
692-16, Guyrong-ro, Sotae-myeon, Chungju-si,
380-851 Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea
Tel: + 82 43 854 2009
Fax: + 82 43 854 0320
Emails: cheonbonf@hanmail.net
Web: www.cbnf.co.kr
Comments: Interested in 10 MT of garbanzo beans, red split lentils, whole green peas. He wants
yellow soybeans (GMO free), he has been importing small quantity already.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 35

COTIA (Trader)
Ricardo de Castro Figliolini, Trader
Amilton De Oliveira Junior, Sales Director
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 201-23º andar
CEP 05426-100 S. Paulo, Brasil
Tel: +55 11 3265 6674
Fax: +55 11 3266 6411
Emails: rcfigliolini@cotia.com.br
Web: www.cotia.com.br
Comments: Trader exporting Brazilian food + steel. Trading to Angola,. Did 3000 MT of #2
business to Angola last year. Would like immediate contact concerning pintos beans for Angola.

DAMCO Bakkerijgronstoffen B.V. (Importer)

Bernard Ketting QC, Financial Director
Industrieweg 14
3133 AA Vlaardingen, Netherlands
Tel: +31 10 435 0522
Fax: +31 10 435 0376
Emails: bernard.ketting@damco.nl
Web: www.damco.eu
Comments: Interested in GNBs to Rotterdam; has not imported GNB depends on prices. Uses GNs
to make confectionnery, then adds sugar to make paste for candy.

dbGroup Portugal (Wholesaler)

David Bastos, CEO
Sofia Peres,
Pavilhão A01 Box 26
2660-421 São Julião do Tojal, Portugal
Tel: +351 961 212 769
Fax: +351 912 403 099
Emails: dbgroup.office@gmail.com; dbgroup.ceo@gmail.com
Web: www.dbgroup-portugal.com
Comments: Interested in cranberries and mostly garbanzos & blackeyes. He knows David. Imports
into Lisbon.

Delica AG (Trader)
Immanuel Hansen, Purchaser Food
Bresteneggstrasse 4
CH-5033 Buchs, Switzerland
Tel: + 41 (0)62 836 29 55
Fax: + 41 (0)62 836 24 16
Emails: immanuel.hansen@delica.ch
Web: www.delica.ch
Comments: Food pdts trader working coffee, dry fruits, nuts, spices, pulses. Sells to retailers,
wholesalers, food processsors & catering operations. One of largest coffee roasters in Switz.
Works 8000MT/yr of other non-perishable pdts. Int. In high qlty US pulses

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 36

Dicle Group (Packager)
Ahmet Cakir, General Manager
Suha Merey, Import-export Manager
Cilek mah. 162 Cad. No:10
Mersin, Turkey
Tel: + 90 324 221 97 70
Fax: + 90 324 221 73 77
Emails: export@diclegroup.com; ahmetcakir@diclegroup.com
Web: www.diclegroup.com
Comments: Packager of pulses and cereals. Requests offers for 1 FCL of great northern beans, 1
FCL of blackeye beans, 1 FCL of black beans, 1 FCL of small red beans. 1 FCL of U.S. Regular lentils;
8mm chickpeas prompt - 4 FCL. Special labeling.

DLG Food Grain (Importer/Canner/Dry Packager)

Erling K. Jensen, Managing Director
Tonderingvej 14, Durup
DK-7870 Roslev, Denmark
Tel: + 45 33 68 77 00 and + 45 33 68 77 06 (direct line)
Fax: + 45 33 68 86 95
Emails: eje@dlg.dk
Web: www.dlgfoodgrain.dk
Comments: Interested in whole green and whole yellow peas up to 20 000 MT per year, may need
approx 8000 MT

E. Neophytou Trading Co. Ltd. (Importer/Packager/wholesaler)

Evangelos NEOPHYTOU, Managing Director
Antonis Neophytou, Director of operations & development
5 Trikomou Str. 2540 Dhali Industrial Area, PO BOX: 29055
1620 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: 357 22 433 685 / 347 802
Fax: 357 22 347 581
Emails: info@serano.com.cy
Web: www.serano.com.cy
Comments: * july 2003 requested suppliers directory , Dry fruits and nuts roaster and packager
looking to expand into peas, beans, lentils. Interested large limas, blackeyes, garbanzos, richleas,
estons, red split lentils. Mixed containers.

EAST END FOODS PLC (Importer/Packager)

Roger Wouhra, Purchasing Director
David Wouhra, Managing Director
East End House, Kenrick Way
B71 4EA West Bromwich (West Midlands) UK
Tel: (+44) 121 553 1999
Fax: (+44) 121 525 6565
Emails: roger@eastendfoods.co.uk dswouhra@eastendfoods.co.uk;
Web: www.eastendfoods.co.uk

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 37

Comments: Important dry packager located in the north of the UK. Serves the ethinc market.
Employs 300 people. Modern packing facility. Requests offers for dark red kidney. Imports aprox
500 MT/yr. Now buying from China since last year. No. 1 grade - 150/200

EURL Lamara Abdelaziz (Importer)

Tel: + 213 21 22 0047
Fax: + 213 21 22 0047
Emails: aziz.import@yahoo.fr
Comments: Interested in 12mm garbanzos, whole yellow peas, 150 MT of #1 whole green peas,
Estons, Richleas, split green peas and navy beans; 25 kg bags, divided into 4 deliveries to Birjaia
port, Algiers. Usage at 20 containers per variety.

Eurofood srl (Canner)

via M.Benincasa, 11
84013 Cava de Tirreni, Italy
Tel: + 39 089 345353
Fax: + 39 089 341015
Emails: eurofood@euroitaly.com
Comments: interest: 15 containers /yr of garbanzos, 7-8 containers per year of whole green peas,
20 to 25 containers of dark red kidneys.

Hakmar Group of Companies (Trader/importer)

Ilker Zeytin,
Yayalar Mahallesi Ankara Cad. No: 173
Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: +90 216 307 93 93
Fax: +90 216 307 77 90
Emails: ilkerzeytin@hakmar.com.tr
Web: www.rencberbakliyat.com
Comments: Requests offers for Great Northerns, cranberries and Richleas.

Hangzhou Zhouli Trading Co., Ltd. (Importer)

Wu Shenghui, General Manager
No. 67 Shop, Jinshaxuefu, Hangzhou Economic - Technical Development Zone
310018, China
Tel: + 0571 88478489
Fax: + 0571 88478489
Emails: wushenghuihz@gmail.com
Comments: Interested in 3 containers of whole green peas.

Indya Foods Pty Ltd (importer)

Rohit Nayar, Director
1/3-5, Grahm Rd
3169 Clayton South (VIC) Australia
Tel: 03 9548 1122
Fax: 03 9548 1144
Emails: rohit.nayar@indyafoods.com.au

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 38

Web: www.indyafoods.com.au
Comments: Buys 8 containers/yr dark and light red kidney beans. Requests offers.

ITM Trading Peru SRL (Importer/Wholesaler)

Julie Fenouillet, Sourcing - American zone
Av. Pardo y Aliaga 640, Oficina 1201
San Isidro, Lima, Peru
Tel: + 51 1 422 1866 20
Fax: + 51 1 440 0860
Emails: jfenouillet@mousquetaires.com.pe
Comments: Representation in Peru but buying for France, supplies supermarkets, FCL, 25 kg.
Interested in U.S regular, pardina, richleas, navy beans, dark and light red kidney beans, split green

LEGUMBRES PEDRO S.L (Canner/Distributor/importer)

Pedro Benítez Ortega, Gerente
Pol.Ind.La Palmosa,Manzana 3, Calle C Parc.13-17
11180 Alcalá de los Gazules (Cadiz) Spain
Tel: +34 956 420126
Fax: +34 956 420007
Emails: info@legumbrespedro.com; pedro@legumbrespedro.com
Web: www.legumbrespedro.com
Comments: Spanish legume packager. Needs 800 mt pardina lentils to finish the season.
Produces mostly store brand product. Can take nº2's? Generally buys through ALONSGAR and

Lucar Health Food (Importer)

Olgica Kustudic, GM Assistant
Tekelijina 32-34
21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Tel: + 381 21/512 307, 551-296
Fax: + 381 21/512 307, 551-296
Emails: oljalucar@eunet.rs
Web: www.lucardoo.co.rs
Comments: they import beans from China but are looking for premium products and perhaps
some premium purchasing that they can use to meet a segment of their market.

Mangusta Pulses (Importer/Wholesaler)

Plamen Irinkov, CEO
Danail Irinkov, Purchasing Manager
15 Br. Georgievich str.
9000 Varna, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 52 30 36 77
Fax: +359 52 30 36 77
Emails: mangusta@gbg.bg
Web: www.mangustapulses.com
Comments: Buys from Argentina, China and Canada: GN, WGP, Richlea. Never bought from US.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 39

Maslaton (Importer/Wholesaler)
David Maslaton,
48, Moshe Dayan st
43580 Raanana, Israel
Tel: + 972 9 7744586
Fax: + 972 9 7749129
Emails: admator@bezeqint.net
Comments: Wants 25 containers of frozen blackeyes.

Medijuice LTD (Wholesaler)

Vered Grebelsky,
Shaar Hair building 2, 54 Derech Haatzmaut ST.,
53304 Yehud, Israel
Tel: + 972 3 6322386
Fax: + 972 3 6322401
Emails: vered_g@medijuice.co.il
Web: www.medijuice.com
Comments: Interested in 200 MT of garbanzos.

Milma Ltd. (Importer)

Jamal UD Din, Chairman
Unit 1, No 8 Argall Avenue
E10 7QE London, UK
Tel: + 44 20 8988 9908
Fax: + 44 20 8988 9929
Emails: jamal@dinsinternational.com
Web: www.milmafoods.com
Comments: Interested in 9 mm of garbanzos, split yellow peas, footballed red split lentils, split
yellow peas. Wants small quantity with their label printed on.

Molino San Pablo, S.A. (importer/dry packager)

Lic. Timothy Charles, Executive Manager
Via el puerto
Aguadulce, Republica de Panama
Tel: + 507 997 4444
Fax: + 507 997 5778
Emails: tcharles@superiores.com
Web: www.superiores.com
Comments: have bought Canadian, interested in U.S. products: garbanzos, pintos, light red
kidney, cranberries, navy beans. Starting packaging operation


M.J. Selvanesan, Procurement Manager
Mr. Ahmed, Deputy General Manager
P.O. Box 32040
21428 Jeddah, Arabia Saudí
Tel: 966 26081515. ext- 125
Fax: 966 26367938

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 40

Emails: selvan@nfic.com.sa s_r_ahmed@nfic.com.sa;
Web: www.nfic.com.sa
Comments: 14 yr-old producer of Luna and Green Farms brands canned, tetra brik and dry
packaged products. Has bought beans from Michigan. Most interested in Navies and whole green
peas. Price of both seemed troublesome to him.

Nikol D.O.O. (Importer)

Radisav Nikolic, Exec. Mgr
Deligradska 3/II/6
15000 Sabac, Serbia
Tel: +381 15 334 286
Emails: nikol.v@gromnet.net
Web: www.agronilol.com
Comments: Importing cranberry beans from Canada. RFO US origin.

Nourhan Trading Group (Importer)

Eli Bouganim, Director
27 Engelhard Ave.
07001 Avenel (New Jersey) USA
Tel: +1 732 381 8110
Fax: +1 732 381 8120
Emails: eli.nourhangroup@verizon.net
Comments: Sells to African trade. Imports some blackeyes. Requests offers for US blackeyes in 5,
10, 20 and 50 lb. Formats

NV Versele-Laga (Importer/Bird seed producer)

Luc Coene, Purchaser
Kapellestraat 70
B-9800 Deinze, Belgium
Tel: + 32 9 381 32 00
Fax: + 32 9 386 85 13
Emails: luc.coene@verla.be
Comments: Belgian company producing mixed bird seed products. Buys through Casi beans.

Oberon (Importer)
Trayan Belev,
Nikolay Zashev,
2129 Ravno pole
Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 2 987 5509
Fax: +359 988 7396
Emails: aberon@aberon.bg
Web: www.oberon.bg
Comments: Bulgurian importer for 15 years. Interested in great northern beans and richleas.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 41

OMA Trading (Wholesaler)
Marouani Mohammed, General Manager
Rue Dieudonne Levefre, 71
1020 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel: + 3225240783
Fax: +3225243586
Emails: info@omatrading.com
Web: www.omatrading.com
Comments: Interested in 250 mt of garbanzos, Eston lentils 250 /ton and split green peas 50 MT.

Orit Bahar (Importer)

Orit Bahar, Import-Export & Purchasing Manager
P.O.B 80
70800 Gan Yayne, Israel
Tel: + 972 8 8686326
Fax: + 972 8 8686389
Emails: oritb@sunfrost.co.il
Web: www.sunfrost.co.il
Comments: Producer of frozen vegetables; currently buying from local agents and want to import;
interested in Great Northern beans.

Oztat Pirinc ve Tuk. MAD. TAR. URN. GIDA SAN. TIC. A.S. (Importer/Canner/Dry Packager)
Serdar Ozdemir, Board Governor
Baris Mah. Kosuyolu Cad. No. 23
Gebze/Kocaeli, Turkey
Tel: + 90 262 643 42 30
Fax: + 90 262 643 42 32
Emails: serdar@oztatbakliyat.com; srdr.ozdermir.com
Web: www.oztatbakliyat.com
Comments: Has 325 stores in Turkey and has packaging operation. Interested in large lima beans,
garbanzos, great northern beans, pink beans, small red and light red kidney beans, U.S. Regular
lentils, richlea lentils.

Pomobel (Importer)
Raul Mateus, President
Domingo Sousa, Assistant
Rua Arnaldo de Novais, 33-D
Malhanga (Luanda) Angola
Tel: +244 (222) 339 055
Fax: +244 (222) 336 451
Emails: Raul.Mateus@pomobel.com; sousa.domingos@pomobel.com;
Web: www.pomobel.com
Comments: Importer/wholesaler working on tenders from Angolan armed forces. Also owns a
supermarket. Have 2 new warehouses near future site of new Luanda airport. Requests offers for
1200 mt pinto beans for gov't tender Nov. 2012 shipment.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 42

Rencber (Supermarkets)
Ilker Zeytin, Import Manager
Velibaba Mahallesi Ataturk Cad. Seckin Sok. NO 1
34896 Istanbul (Pendik), Turkey
Tel: +90 216 379 08 57
Fax: + 90 216 307 85 70
Emails: ilker.zeytin@rencberbakliyat.com
Web: www.rencberbakliyat.com
Comments: Rencber is part of the Hakmar group. Buying the folowing items now: garbanzo,
cranberry beans and richlea lentils.

Rhodes Food Group (Canner)

Cobus Van den Berg, Procurement manager
Coetzee Wium, Purchasing Manager of dry peas and beans
Gerhard Kotzé, Director - RFF Canning
Pniel Road,Groot Drakenstein
7680 Paarl (Western Cape) South Africa
Tel: +27218704000
Fax: +27218704130
Emails: kotzeg@rfffoods.com; vandenbergc@rhodesfoodgroup.com
Web: www.rfffoodscom
Comments: Requests navy beans 40 MT per month and whole green peas

Rosilvia Comercial, LDA (Importer)

Omonefe Jeffrey Oghene, Administrator
Rua Cirilio da Conceicao, Silvia No-22, 2 apt. 13
Luanda, Angola
Tel: + 244 222 333 296
Fax: + 244 222 333 983
Emails: jeffoghene@hotmail.com
Comments: Private Sector. 10 stores. Interest: 2000 MT of pintos per year. Prefers 50 LBS.
Delivered to Luanda. Letter of credit and freight collect.

SABB (Importer)
Fortune Bibrac, Managing Director
97170 Petit Bourg, France
Tel: + 0590 32 21 29
Fax: + 0590 32 21 38
Emails: fortunebibrac@groupesabb.com
Comments: wants a mixed container of dark & light red kidneys, regular and richlea lentils. They
want it in small packs 2 to 4 kg. Will contact Johanna.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 43

SANO VITA SRL (Packager)
Mircea Banica, Executive Manager
Loc. Ulmetel, Nr. 182, Com. Pausesti Maglasi
Jud. Valcea, Rumania
Tel: +40 250 776 333
Fax: +40 250 776 680
Emails: office@sanovita.ro
Web: www.sanovita.ro
Comments: Romanian packager. Buys 4-5 tons at a time. Interest in Chickpeas, Split Red lentils,
Yellow Split peas, richleas.

Sarl Genali (Importer)

Hakim Ould Kaci,
70 Promotion immob. Khelifati, Mohamadia
Alger, Algeria
Tel: + 213 21 82 28 37
Fax: + 213 21 53 05 04
Emails: sarlgenali@yahoo.fr
Comments: Importer and wholesaler of legumes and dry fruits + nuts in Algiers. Interest in US
chickpeas, white beans, lentils and peanuts.

Sarl MB Produit Alimentaire (Importer)

Morsli Brahim, Co-Manager
368, rue Tahar Bouchet
Texeraine (Alger) Algeria
Tel: +021 40 25 97
Fax: +021 40 22 04
Emails: mbproduit@yahoo.fr
Comments: interest in chickpeas. Could not speak much english. His partners knows Lynn.
Appears to be established importers in Algeria.

SARL Moulins Tidja (Importer)

Village Tidja Cne Ighram
06057 Akbou-Bejaia, Algeria
Tel: + 034 347 192/034 347 381
Fax: + 034 347 186
Emails: sarlmti@hotmail.com
Comments: Interested in offers for Richleas, US regular lentils, great northern beans and 9 mm of
garbanzos. 200 MT for each. Also imports from Turkey, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand.


Moussa Argabi, Sales Manager
Cite du Lycee lot BE 04 2eme etage
Rouiba Alger, Algeria
Tel: + 00 213 21 81 20 08
Fax: +213 21 81 20 09
Emails: sarlzimafood@yahoo.fr
Comments: Interested in 2 container of blackeye pea

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 44

Serttas Bakliyat (Importer)
Soner Serttas, Director
Ahmet Turan Serttas, chairman & board director
Cilek Mahallesi Cumhuriyet Bulvari nº102
Mersin, Turkey
Tel: +90 324 221 7927
Fax: +90 324 221 73 91
Emails: soner@serttasbakliyat.com.tr ahmet@serttasbakliyat.com.tr;
Web: www.serttasbakliyat.com.tr
Comments: looking for prices on cranberry beans, garbanzos 10 mm, blackeye beans. 100 lb bags
or 50 kg bags.

South American Food Express (Importer/Wholesaler)

Rajesh Bharatsingh, Director
Groothandelsmarkt 85-87, Spaansepolder
3044HC Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)10 462 29 73 / 462 29 88
Fax: + 31 (0) 10 437 12 06
Emails: info@safebv.nl; rajesh@safebv.nl
Web: www.safebv.nl
Comments: Buying locally (Rotterdam) wants to buy directly as it is too costly into Rotterdam.
Probably 1 FCL/yr to start. Interested in Split yellow peas and blackeye peas (for Indian pancakes).

Tallas Food Industries L.T.D (Wholesaler)

Wael Tallas, Manager
P.O. Box: 293
30010 Um El Fahem, Israel
Tel: + 972 4 6312257
Fax: + 972 4 6310484
Emails: wael_talas@hotmail.com
Comments: interested in Garbanzo beans. Requests 500 tons of garbanzos and red lentil polished
per year.

Tarim Urunleri Dis Ticaret ve Sanayi Limited Sirketi (wholesaler)

Munir Atat,
Uray Cad. No. 40
33060 Mersin, Turkey
Tel: + 90 324 233 15 41 - 233 15 42
Fax: + 90 324 238 04 25
Emails: sameks@sameks.com.tr
Web: www.sameks.com.tr
Comments: Interested in 500 MT of garbanzos 10 mm and richlea. 100 / ton.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 45

Tesco Stores Limited (Dry Packager)
Nichola Borg, Dried Fruits Nuts Seeds & Pulses Buyer
Armitage House Delamare Road
EN8 9SL Cheshunt (Hertfordshire) UK
Tel: + 44 (0) 1992 644971
Emails: nichola.borg@uk.tesco.com
Web: www.tesco.com
Comments: Leading UK retail chain.

TLALIM Import & Trading LTD (Hummus Manufacturer)

Yafit Tal, Managing Director
26 Hakishor ST.
58867 Holon, Israel
Tel: +972 3 5227443
Fax: +972 3 5231877
Emails: tly@tlalim.net
Comments: interested in garbanzo beans.

Universal Impex Corp. (Importer/broker/dry packager)

Paul Bridgemohan, Operation Manager
780 Fenmar Drive
ON M9L 2T9 Toronto, Canada
Tel: + 416 743 7778
Fax: + 416 743 0570
Emails: paul@universalimpexcorp.com
Web: www.universalimpexcorp.com
Comments: Sells to Canadian retail chain primarily. They also sells into the Carribean. Interested
in blackeyes, garbanzos (8mm), pintos, black beans, small red beans, dark and light red kidneys,
laird, eston, richleas lentils, split green and yellow peas. 8 kg bag


Francisco Soriano, Director
P.I. Poyo de Reva S-12 (C/Mallorca esq. Levante s/n) Oficina 301
46394 RIBARROJA DEL TURIA (Valencia) Spain
Tel: +34 96 166 8085
Fax: +34 96 166 8227
Emails: paco@valenciabrokers.com
Comments: Paco worked with his father's brokerage company in Valencia until June 2010. Now
brokering independently dry fruits, nuts and pulses.


Martin Urmet, Juhataja General Manager
Peeter Kibe, Purchasing Manager
Moisa tee 7, 75301, Juri Rae vald
75301 Harju maakond, Estonia
Tel: (+372) 603-4030
Fax: (+372) 603-4031
Emails: martin.urmet@veskimati.ee

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 46

Web: www.veskimati.ee
Comments: Interest: whole yellow peas # 1, 150 to 200 MT per year. Cleans and sells dry peas
and beans to consumers. Buys from Europe but crop small this year so might need to buy outside

Wacmac (Importer/wholesaler)
Sietesz 218
37-206 Sietesz, Poland
Tel: + 48 (16) 642-62-54
Fax: + 48 (16) 642-62-54
Emails: biuro@wacmac.pl
Web: www.wacmac.pl
Comments: wholesaler buying legumes & dry fruits & nuts from importers. Wants to import
directly. Requests offers for U.S. navy and great northern beans.

WildRoots Foods (Dry Packager)

Ashley Nichols, Project Manager
9500 N. 129th E. Avenue, Suite 200
74055 Owasso (Oklahoma) USA
Tel: 918 804 8767
Emails: ashley@dmsbrands.com
Web: wildrootsfoods.com
Comments: Interested in 20 MT of split yellow peas. Package products for Costco. Using chanadal
for their mixes, looking to possibly replace with split yellow peas if they cook faster, or source

Yichang Qingjiang Greenfood Co.,Ltd (Processor)

Phoebe Zheng, Sales Director
568 Changyang Avenue
443500 Changyang Economic Development Zone (Hubei) China
Tel: +86-717-5308-000
Fax: +86-717-5308-111
Emails: phoebe@ycneostar.com; phoebe9778@gmail.com
Web: www. ycneostar.com
Comments: Yichang Neostar International Trade Co.,Ltd. is the leading Chinese supplier of canned
fruits, vegetables, sauce and bean products. Interest in whole green peas & DRK import to China (3
containers/month). Packaged in big bags. Quote CIF Shanghi, China.

C = Possible buyer of US legumes

Advanced Food Stuff (Importer)

Hana Bourayou, Manager of External Relation
P.O. Box: 42583 1st Zayed St. Al Khalidiya
Abu Dhabi, U.A.E
Tel: + 971 2 222 3332
Fax: + 971 2 222 3331
Emails: advanced@egiae.ae; hana.aigle@live.fr

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 47

Comments: Interests: all type of beans, whole red lentils, richlea and laird lentils, whole green and
whole yellow peas.

Aggarwal Impex (Importer)

Sangeeta Aggarwal,
Sneh Aashish, Plot 74, Sector 28, Vashi,
400-703 Navi Mumbai, India
Tel: + 91 22 651 27 219
Fax: + 91 22 2789 5664
Emails: sangeeta@aggarwalimpex.net
Comments: Interested #3 Richleas and whole yellow peas; blackey beans and chickpeas. needs
bulk shipments in containers to Navashiva or Calcutta port; low quality is ok, low price is essential;
wants more possible suppliers.

Al Kassoumeh Egyptian Export (Importer)

Farouk Kassoumeh, Chairman
14 Mosadak St Giza
Dokki, Egypt
Tel: + 202 333 66 101
Fax: + 202 333 66 215
Emails: alkassoumeh@alkassoumeh.com
Web: www.alkassoumeh.com
Comments: Interested in whole yellow peas and 9 mm of garbanzo beans

Al Mawada Holding CO. (Importer/exporter)

Harith I. Al Durra, General Manager
Baghdad, Iraq
Tel: + 9647901406323
Comments: Imports legumes into Iraqi market. Interest: garbanzos, great northern beans.

Al-Ameed Foodstuff Group (importer)

Manaf Kallingal, Purchase Manager
Kuwait - Shuwaikh 3
Tel: + 965 24917373
Fax: + 24835110
Emails: alameedfoodstuff@gmail.com
Web: www.wix.com/ameedgroup/foodstuff
Comments: Interested in Garbanzos.

Almdhla Company (Importer)

Mohamed I. Zarzer, Chairman
Kabaw, Libya
Tel: + 218 91 214 6220
Fax: +218 21 487 0061
Emails: mohamed_zerzer@yahoo.com
Comments: interested in 1500 MT of garbanzos 9 mm.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 48

Almond Business Inc. International Trading (Importer/Dry packager/ wholesaler)
Kirill Novak,
Vilnuska Str., 33
02660 Kiev, Ukraine
Tel: + 38 044 559 02 20
Fax: + 38 044 559 02 20
Emails: info@almond.ua; kirill@almond.ua
Comments: 1 mixed container per month of baby limas, green baby limas, great northern beans,
pintos, pink beans, Navy, cranberry, small red beans, dark and light red kidney beans.

Alwazeer Tarim Taah. Nak. IC. Ve DIS TIC. LTD. STI. (Wholesaler)
Nihan Bulut, Foreign Trade Manager
Camiserif Mh. 5232 Sk Guzeller Is Merkezi No.1 Kat:2/4
33060 Mersin (Akdeniz) Turkey
Tel: + 90 324 233 30 66
Fax: + 90 324 233 30 46
Emails: nihan@alwazeerfoods.com
Web: www.alwazeerfoods.com
Comments: New Company interested in 40 mt of garbanzos.

Angodis USA, LLC (Buyer)

Gilles Curtat, Senior Executive - Vice president
801 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1020
33131 Miami (Fl) USA
Emails: gilles@angodisusa.com
Web: www.angodisusa.com
Comments: Interested in Pintos.Buys from Africa - Rwanda. New products for them. Already
exports other products to Africa. No info on quantity.

Artion (Importer)
Thanasis Nasiakopoulos,
6th klm Larissa-Athens
Athens, Greece
Tel: + 30 2410 671455
Emails: info@artionproducts.gr
Web: www.artionproducts.gr
Comments: Interested in garbanzos, 75 MT/year of U.S regular lentils and richleas. 2 containers.

Commodities & Materials Ltd (Importer)

14 rue Colette
95310 Saint Ouen L´Aumone, France
Tel: + 33 6 73 61 61 76
Comments: Interest: U.S. Regular lentils, whole green peas. 50 Kg bags. Export Algeria. West

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 49

Continental Super Store S.A.S (Importer)
Via Pacinotti 3/b,
28100 Novara, Italy
Tel: + 0321 683147
Fax: + 0321 331501
Emails: marshad112233@yahoo.com
Comments: Interested in blackeye beans, black beans, chickpeas. Wants offers on combined
containers. 2 FCL Genoa mixed.

Daca Fzco (importer/wholesaler)

Catherine Du Bois, Director
Two towers B-1205, P.O. Box 643816
Dubai, U.A.E
Tel: + 971 (0) 4 424 33 79
Fax: + 971 (0) 566 232 747
Emails: catherine@dace-me.com
Web: www.daca-me.com
Comments: Interest in pintos. Working East Africa. Will contact office for enquiries.

Dees (Manufacturer for Retail)

Deirdre Collins,
Emails: info@dees.ie
Web: www.dees.ie
Comments: wants products from ADM North Dakota- consolidate to UK? She is buying product
directly and is very happy but looking to consolidate freight because she only uses 2 pallets every 3

Empresas Darlic Corp. (Broker)

Belko Darlic C., Director
Los quillayes
07593 Puente Alto, (Santiago) Chile
Tel: + 56 7 861 67 64
Emails: belko.darlic@darliccorp.cl
Web: www.darliccorp.com
Comments: Broker to South America. Interested in garbanzos, laird lentils and richleas.

EU Multi Trade AB (LTD) (Importer)

Hussein Sharq, Managing Director
Lagmansgatan 31
241 71 Marieholm, Sweden
Tel: + 0413 10500
Fax: + 0413 10550
Emails: info@machinery2.com
Web: www.machinery2.com
Comments: Interested in price quotes for 7 to 12 mm chickpeas to Marieholn port Sweden.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 50

Filepa Srl Import Export (Importer)
Mimmo Filepa,
Franco Filepa ,
Tel: + 39 081 81 38 772
Emails: filepa3@gmail.com
Comments: Importer in Naples area. Selling to canners. Never worked with U.S. supliers. Only
with China.

Finetex (Trader)
Friedmann ,
Tel: + 32 3 233 59 54
Emails: finetex@skynet.be
Comments: Interested in whole greens and split green shipping into Africa. This would be a new
business for them; their customer base would like these product line.

Fisher (Importer)
Brussels, Belgium
Emails: sales@fisher.com
Comments: Interested in whole green peas, laird lentils, split green peas.

Foodimpex International AB (Importer)

Emil Andersson, Commercial Manager
BOX 1421 Jarnvagsgatan 11
S-251 Helsingborg, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)42 18 01 00
Fax: +46 (0)42 18 47 35
Emails: emil@foodimpex.se
Web: www.foodimpex.se
Comments: Importing beans to IQF for consumption in Sweden. Small quantity in container
volumes. Interested in baby lima beans, blackeye beans, garbanzos, potentially pinto beans, dark
red kidney beans, light red kidney beans, and white kidney.

Geap Foods L.L.C. (Importer)

Cyrus Rustomji, Manager
Ashish Inamdar, Marketing Manager
P.O. Box 5192
Dubai, U.A.E.
Tel: + (9714) 2859450 / 2857506
Fax: + (9714) 2857498/2854078
Emails: anita@geapgroup.com ashish@geapgroup.com;
Web: www.geapgroup.com
Comments: Interested in: US pea, lentils, beans.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 51

Giorgio Foods (Canner)
Janusz M. Majewski, President and CEO
P.O. Box 96, Blandon Rd.
19560 Temple (PA) USA
Tel: + 610 926 2139
Fax: + 610 926 7012
Emails: jmajewski@giogiofoods.com
Web: www.giorgiofoods.com
Comments: Mushrooms processor. Making pizzas with beans, no cheese or tomato. Usage not
much or now. Interest: black beans, dark & light red kidneys.

Green Harvest Corp. (Importer)

6560 Bandini Blvd,
90040 Commerce (CA) USA
Tel: + 323 278 3580
Fax: +323 278 3512
Emails: yokotao@gmail.com
Comments: had been importing Chinese. Now looking for U.S. production. Interest in black beans.

GSYS Food (Trader)

George Fang,
Flat B, 15th floor, Peifeng Mansion West Block, NO 35, Linxia Road,
Lanzhou (Gansu) China
Tel: + 86 931 8438676/8457920
Fax: + 86 931 8457925
Emails: info@gsysfood.com; dawnagri@hotmail.com
Web: www.gsysfood.com
Comments: Exporter of conventional and organic edible seeds, beans, bird seeds and spices.
interested in 1000MT of whole green and whole yellow peas. Also looking for rapeseed. Currently
not importing peas.

Hars (Importer)
Radek Hojda, General Manager
Lucjan Hodja wolica 12,
22-500 Hrubieszow, Poland
Tel: + 48 84 6971360
Fax: + 48 84 6971360
Emails: biuro@hars.pl
Web: www.hars.pl
Comments: Interested in baby lima and large lima beans. Wants 3 to 4 thousand tons per year.
Would like something in size between baby lima and large lima beans.

Inversiones Muroba 77, C.A. (Broker)

Robert R. Obadia K., Director General
Av. El Empalme Edif. Fedecamaras, piso 4, Ofic. 4C
Caracas, Venezuela
Tel: +58 212 731 2086
Emails: inversionesmuroba77@gmail.com

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 52

Web: www.almadrabagourmet.com
Comments: he is a broker for Venezuela Government. He told that the govt works on a letter of
credit. Robert runs canned tomato sauce and tuna production. Would like quotes for all lentils
and split green peas.

Jadeagro Agroalimentaire Distribution (Importer & Wholesaler)

Akhal Aziz, Manager
Zone industrielle site B lot. No 5556
Beni Mered (Blida) Algeria
Tel: + 213 (0) 25 359 076
Fax: + 213 (0)25 359 077
Emails: jadeagro.blida@gmail.com; adpblida@gmail.com
Comments: Request 80 MT of garbanzo beans, 80 MT of pinto beans, 50 MT of black beans, 50
MT of cranberry beans and 50 MT of small red beans. Use most in winter months

Jilin Yuanda Grains CO., LTD (Trader)

Annie , Manager
Room 207, Tower 13, NO. 88 East Nanhu Road, Hongcheng Guoji,
Changchun, China
Tel: + 86 0431 81907158
Fax: + 86 0431 85282216
Emails: ccwanganni@yeah.net
Web: www.jilinbeans.com
Comments: Exporter of Chinese beans and seeds. Requests offers for 5 fcl whole green peas CNF
Tianjin China 100 bags #2 or better.

Khedut Feeds & Foods Pvt. Ltd. (importer)

Tushar Thumar, Director, Process & quality control
Taluka Sangh Gundala Road, Gondal
360 311 Gujarat, India
Tel: + 91 2825 222191
Emails: kfafpl@gmail.com
Web: www.kanbi.in
Comments: buying from Argentina now so price is important. Interested in 4 containers / month
of garbanzos, 3 container per M. of whole green and 3 container per M. of whole yellow peas.

La Case a Vins (Importer)

Vincent Hitier,
Zone d´activite Manithy
97232 Le Lamentin, France
Tel: + 33 5 96 51 58 81
Fax: + 33 5 96 51 61 99
Emails: caseavin@orange.fr
Comments: Interested in Light red kidney beans. Finds the price too expensive and wants the
containers to be shipped to Martinique.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 53

Lily Tobeka Co., Ltd. (Snack food producer)
Jintana Oupadis, Oversea Purchasing
Yaowamarn Chiralerspong, Managing Director
Leander M. Hamilton,
6/10 Pipatanasin Building, 12th floor, No. 12C Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra Rd., Thung Mahamek,
10120 Bangkok, Tailandia
Tel: + 662 670 6405 6
Fax: +662 670 6409
Emails: linle@cscoms.com yaowamarn@lilytobeka.com;
Web: www.khaoshongsnacks.com
Comments: Peanut roaster and snack producer. Interest in white beans and kidney beans for fried
or roasted snack. May be looking for more classes.

M.N.O. Gida San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. (Importer)

Murat Nurgun,
Cemal Gursel Caddesi No: 30 Karsiyaka
35600 Izmir, Turkey
Tel: + 90 232 382 55 65
Fax: + 90 232 382 82 47
Emails: info@mno.com.tr
Comments: interested in 100 to 120 MT of garbanzos 8 to 10 mm. 25 to 50 kg bag.

Manimex Angola Comercio & Industria (Importer)

Jean Bosco Kayitare, General Manager
Cassenda, Rua 3 No 34
Luanda, Angola
Tel: + 244 923422469
Emails: K_jbosco@yahoo.fr; k_jbosco@yahoo.fr
Comments: Interested in cranberry beans, pintos. Wants 5 kg bags. Needs quotes in small bags. 3
to 6 containers per month. Luanda and Lubina port.

MLM International Fzco (Wholesaler)

Vijay Nagrecha, Director
P.O. BOX No. 122360, LOB 9, G 27 Jebel Ali Free zone
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: + 971 4 881 7571
Fax: + 971 4 328 4286
Emails: dynamic@eim.ae
Comments: interested in 1/3 container of cranberries per months, 2 containers of dark red
kidneys, 1/3 container of light red kidneys, 1/3 container of chickpeas. Uses 2 containers and
wants them shipped in one pound bags.

Ntielle Internacional Comercio Geral, Import Export Lda. (Importer)

Ousmane Diakite, Sales Manager
Rua Corand Land 50 R/C, Bairro Marcal,
Luanda, Angola
Tel: + 33 9 52 62 18 92

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 54

Fax: + 33 1 43 61 23 04
Emails: ousmane2006@hotmail.fr
Comments: New company. Ships to Angola. Interested in prices quotes for all peas, lentils,
chickpeas and dry beans.

Radec (Importer)
Ludovic Darin, Manager
1, rue Alfred Lumière prolongée
97122 ZI de Jarry (Baie-Mahault) Guadaloupe
Tel: +33 590 32 00 46
Fax: +33 590 26 98 23
Emails: radec1@wanadoo.fr
Comments: Importer in Guadaloupe looking for a US supplier who can ship in 1 kg bags with
private label for retail customers.

Rogovski (Broker)
Nir Rogovski,
978 N. Beneva Road
34232 Sarasota (FL) USA
Tel: + 941 677 8420
Emails: rogovski@gmail.com
Web: www.rogovski.com
Comments: Gourmet food products rep. Looking for the perfect chickpeas for hummus. It needs
to be a dense seed. Believes small caliber chickpeas are the best. He is a promoter of good
hummus. Not a buyer but interested in testing chickpea varieties.

Romike Limited (Wholesaler/dry packager)

Albert Chow,
Corner Boundary Road & Churchill Roosevelt Highway,
San Juan, Trinidad, West Indies
Tel: + 868 674 5721/3807
Fax: +868 638 2649/675 2904
Emails: albertchow.romike@gmail.com
Comments: interested in garbanzos, light red kidneys, split green peas, split yellow. Will contact
suppliers in catalog.

Safeline Company (Agency trad.) (Importer)

Haytham Al-Mekhlafi, General Manager
Hadda St.
Sana´a, Yemen
Tel: +967 1 429 853
Fax: +967 1 424 641
Emails: haytham@safelinecompany.com
Web: www.safelinecompany.com
Comments: Family owned business in Yemen. Has food contact with the military. Request 1 FCL
of great Northern Beans, 1 FCL of Pinto Beans, 1 FCL of U.S. Regular lentils, 1 FCL of red Split lentils
and 1 FCL of cranberry beans per year.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 55

San Antonio Imports, S.A. de C.V. (Importer)
Lic. Mayra G. Mejia H., Imports Coordinator
Av. Mandarina Nº 1555
44530 Col. Mercado de Abastos (Guadalajara, Jalisco) México
Tel: + 52 333 8115566
Fax: + 52 333 6712081
Emails: sanantonioimp1@gmail.com
Comments: Interested in estons lentils, pintos. Begins with truck load. 25kg. Puts products into
wholesale market. DAP sale - smaller new buyer. Contact via email.

SARL Chefa Ingredients (Importer)

Zerrouk Fahim, General Manager
Cite 390 logements No 13, Gue de Constantine
Alger, Algeria
Tel: + 021 83 87 00
Fax: + 021 83 87 00
Emails: nowafood@hotmail.fr
Comments: Interested in 100 MT of garbanzos. 7-8-9 and 12 mm. 150 MT of U.S regular lentils,
whole and split green peas and navy beans.

SARL MESSAOUDI Freres Market (importer)

Samir Messaoudi, Co-Manager
Salhi M´Hammed Ouled Haddadj Boumerdes
Tel: + 024 84 83 02
Fax: +024 84 81 57
Emails: messaoudi_freres@yahoo.fr; samirm_mfm@yahoo.fr
Comments: Legume importer. Has not worked with U.S. but is interested this year.

Shimla Hills Offering Pvt. Ltd. (Importer)

Sumant Bindal, Director
5EB, 633, 6th floor, Dubai Airport Free zone,
Dubai, UAE
Tel: + 971 42995886
Fax: + 971 42995887
Emails: sb@shimlahills.com
Web: www.shimlahills.com
Comments: Interested in laird lentils and whole red lentils. Trades into Dubai and India.

SOGEDE Distribution (Importer)

Chantal Rey Casoni, Sales Director
Avenue Sampiero Corso
20600 Bastia (Corsica) France
Tel: +33 4 95 31 44 84
Fax: +33 4 35 54 02 88
Emails: sogede@sogede.com
Web: www.sogede.com
Comments: Importers and distributors of legumes to Corsican retail sector.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 56

Synergy Inc. (Importer)
Falak Muhammad, Director
P.O. Box 104448
21331 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 2 649 3551
Fax: +96 2 649 2026
Emails: info@incsyn.com; falakm@live.com
Web: www.incsyn.com
Comments: legumes importer/wholesaler. Reqeusts offers for US chickpeas, yellow split peas and
blackeye beans. Has office in China.

Vishnukumar Trading L.L.C (Importer/Exporter)

P. Saravanan, Marketing Executive
P.O Box 115065
Dubai (Alras) U.A.E.
Tel: +97142263065
Fax: +9714 320 42 15
Emails: vktuae@emirates.net.ae
Comments: Interested in 9 mm garbanzos. Needs heat treated chickpeas to new Ireland. Problem
with quarantine so has to be heat treated. Getting heat treated chickpeas from Argentina.

Yulong Industrial Ltd. (Importer)

Sulf Zhao, General Manager
West of Huanghai Road
Junan County (Shangdong) China
Tel: +86 5397 395 288
Emails: AGRFOODS@126.COM; agrfood@gmail.com
Comments: Importer of green dry peas. Currently using Canadian peas.

ZM Group (importer/wholesaler)
Antelias, Kobbeize Str, Majdalani bldg RDC.
Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: + 961 4 40 80 91
Fax: + 961 4 40 80 92
Emails: info@zmgrouptrading.com
Web: www.zmgrouptrading.com
Comments: buying chickpeas from Argentina, whole green peas from Canada, will investigate the

D = Probably not a buyer of US legumes

Admrk Group Int'l Sdn.Bhd. (Broker)

Anju Puri, Manager
20-P-3, Angkupuri, jalan off Bukit Klara
50480 Mont Klara (Kuala Lumpur) Malaysia
Tel: +603 6211 2646
Emails: admrk.grp@gmail.com

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 57

Web: www.admrk.com
Comments: 10-15 containers per month usage

Agri-Can International Inc. (Exporter)

Ainu Azeem, Director Export
45 Gardiner Avenue, Regina
S4S 4P5 Saskatchewan, Canada
Tel: + 306 205 6755
Fax: + 306 205 6756
Emails: agri-can@hotmail.ca
Comments: He exports from Canada. Interested in 50 mt of garbanzo beans only 9mm not

AGRIFOUR S.R.L Import-Export (Wholesaler)

Giovanni Grillo, Import Manager
Fraz. San vittore 43
12045 Fossano (CN) Italy
Tel: + 39 0172 642395
Fax: +39 0172 642005
Emails: gio@agrifour.com
Web: www.agrifour.com
Comments: Doing all varieties; interested in Dark red Kidney beans, garbanzos, chickpeas. Trying
to start a new company with Mario Monetto.

Alicopsa Comercial Alimentos S.A. (wholesaler)

Luis Roja Oyarzun, Logistic Manager
Luis Thayer Ojeda
1106 Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: + 56 2 873 04 81 - 873 04 05
Fax: + 56 2 873 04 89
Emails: luis.rojas@alicopsa.cl
Web: www.alicopsa.cl
Comments: Imports beans for school feeding programs. Interested in pintos and great northern

Apro 2000 (Importer)

Risto Suklev, General Manager
Vidoe Smilevski Bato 8a-I/4
1000 Skopje, Macedonia
Tel: + 389 2 2403 036
Fax: + 389 2 2403 035
Emails: apro.2000@yahoo.com
Comments: General interest in pulse. Currently exporter of jar and cans of fruits and edible
products. Might be interested in U.S regular lentils and whole green peas.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 58

C et M GmbH International Trading (Broker)
Carlota Tosta-Meyer, Managing Director
P.O. Box 100102
D-20001 Hamburg, Germany
Tel: + 49 40 46773056
Emails: cetm-gmbh@web.de
Comments: Interested in garbanzo beans, black beans, small red beans, red split lentils, split
green peas.

Colvstone Trading Limited (Trader)

Tony Fallah,
7108 Katella Ave, Suite 345
90680 Stanton (CA) USA
Tel: 714 252 7172
Emails: colvestonehk@gmail.com
Comments: Interested in 5000MT of richleas and trying to make lentil business.

Comercial Edera, C.A. (Importer)

Heinz F. Eckert, Director
C.C. La piramide Av. Rio Paragua Mezzanina OF. 28
Parque Humboldt, Venezuela
Tel: + 212 976 18 01
Emails: heckert@cantv.net
Comments: Interested in split green and yellow peas, whole green and yellow peas #2 grade. All
types of lentils #3 grade. Buys blavk beans from China.

Comptoir Commercial Fall & Fils (Importer)

Matar Fall, Import-Export Manager
Marche Triaroye Gare
Dakar, Senegal
Tel: + 221 33 854 02 65
Fax: +221 33 854 02 62
Emails: ccffils@gmail.com
Comments: Interested in whole green peas.


Ramen Sawmynaden, Director
2E Ohoorun Avenue, Belle-Rose (P.O. Box 37)
Rose-Hill, Mauritius
Tel: (+230) 467 1440
Fax: (+230) 454 4526
Emails: dransk@intnet.mu
Comments: Importer from Mauritius - please send price quotes on large lima beans. Also imports
from Canada, Turkey and Australia.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 59

efocus foods (Importer)
Maggie Yin, Sales Manager
No.215, GaoChao Rd.
Shanghai, China
Tel: +86 2155151978 69000082*816
Fax: +8621 55213185
Emails: yifufood@126.com
Web: www.efocusfood.com
Comments: Import frozen cake to China from USA. Interest in US legumes.

EFOR IQ Company (Importer)

Salih Eviz, General Manager
Mucema Ticari Terik
Ibrahim Halil Zaho, Iraq
Tel: + 9647504508700
Emails: saliheviz@hotmail.com
Web: www.eforiq.com
Comments: Iraqui importers who buy product through Turquey. Their turkish supplier is TAT.
Email Stobbs to provide more information. Interested in 8 mm garbanzo beans, red split lentils,
split yellow peas.

El Ansary Trading & Contracting Co. (Importer)

Anas El Ansary, Executive Director
4 El khaleel St., Lebanon Sq., El Mohandesen
Cairo, Egypt
Tel: + 202 33023282
Fax: + 202 33038554
Emails: anas@el-ansary.com
Web: www.el-ansary.com
Comments: Egyptian importer interested in chickpeas.

Fujian Lubao Group (Canner)

Ray Xie, Sales Manager
No.1 Jinpo, Yancuo Town, Longhai, Zhangzhou City 8th floor, building No. 10 Guanyinshan
Business Center
Xiamen, China
Tel: + 86 592 2999800
Fax: + 86 592 2999828
Emails: ray@greenfresh.com
Web: www.greenfresh.com
Comments: Wants to can dark red kidneys and whole green peas.

Globlal Foods Trading GmbH (Importer)

Vasudev Sharma, Head of Sales
Am Winkelgraben 1a
D-64584 Biebesheim, Germany
Tel: + 49 (0) 6258 9898 51
Fax: + 49 (0) 6258 98 98 99

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 60

Emails: sharma@gftonline.de
Web: www.gftonline.de
Comments: imports into Spain, Germany. Currently buying from Canada, Turkey. Feels U.S
products always expensive. Based on price. Interested in U.S Regular lentils, whole red lentils,
whole green peas.

Grand Appetit (Retailer)

9 rue de la Cerisaie
75004 Paris, France
Tel: + 33 1 40 27 04 95
Emails: grandappetit@free.fr
Comments: Small shop and restaurant chain with a desire of organic products of whole green
peas, pintos and adzuki.

Igloo Food Trading (importer)

Hamza Ouabdsselam, Manager
Lot si Redouane No 85 - Local No 2 Es Senia
Oran, Algeria
Tel: + 213 41 36 50 37
Fax: + 213 41 36 44 66
Emails: hamza.ouabdsselam@yahoo.com
Comments: Will contact Johanna after the Fair. Needs great northern beans.

J&M Company (Importer/wholesaler)

Makhmoud Dzhaafar, Chief Executive
Tel: + 7 861 267 0544
Emails: machmoud@narod.ru
Web: www.jmseeds.com
Comments: 1500 MT of garbanzos per year. 7-8-9 mm.

Jesco Resources LTD. (Importer)

John Tourtellotte,
5 rue Marignac
1206 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: + 41 22 347 3809
Fax: + 41 78 718 6184
Emails: jet.geneva@gmail.com
Comments: Importer of beans. Primarily used chinese beans.

Jiva Organics Mfg. Dist. Inc. (Broker)

Rajinder Bagga, Vice President
7442 Fraser Park Drive
V5J 5B9 Burnaby, BC, Canada
Tel: + 604 254 9480
Fax: + 604 253 0939
Emails: rajinder@jivaorganics.ca
Web: www.jivaorganics.ca

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 61

Comments: Interested in organic whole red lentils, richlea, whole green peas, whole yellow peas,
split green and yellow peas and richleas.

Khanzada Food Limited (Dry packager)

1,A Station Approach, Mauldeth Road,
M19 1BA Manchester, UK
Tel: + 0161 432 5087
Emails: khanzadafood@gmail.com
Comments: would like prices shipped to UK for # 1 chickpeas.

Mercograos Importacao e Exportacao Ltda. (Importer)

Valmor Tumelero, Buyer
Estrada do Capao Bonito, 228
Guarulhos, Brazil
Tel: + 55 (11) 3638 8900
Emails: valmor@mercograos.com.br
Comments: Buys from China. May be interested in pinto beans and black beans.

Monteagle International Limited (Retailer)

Ravi Sugoorshetty,
30 city Road
EC1Y 2AG London, UK
Tel: +91 22 2164 2672
Emails: ravi.sugoorshetty@monteaglegroup.com
Web: www.monteaglegroup.com
Comments: Interested in 15 containers of black beans, also interested in cranberries, whole
green peas, whole yellow peas. 50 kg bags.

Naturis S.p.A. (Processor)

Francesco Rocchi, General Manager
Via Manfredini, 30
45100 Rovigo, Italy
Tel: + 39 0425 363128
Fax: + 39 0425 410108
Emails: f.rocchi@naturis.com
Web: www.naturis.com
Comments: they are just starting up and looking for all products.

NGM International BV (Trader)

Christian Fuentes, Herrera
492 Willemsplein
3016 DR Rotterdam, Netherlands
Tel: + 31 10 430 1911
Fax: + 31 10 430 1867
Emails: cherrera@nidera.nl
Web: www.ngm-int.com
Comments: Interested in blackeyes, garbanzos, U.S. regular lentils, cranberries, light red kidney
beans. He would like to have us email.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 62

Özdiker (Importer)
Ilyas Özdiker, Director
Cilek Mah. 138. Cad. NO. 8
Mersin, Turkey
Tel: +903242219649
Fax: +903242219646
Emails: ilyas@ozdiker.com
Web: www.ozdiker.com
Comments: Agro products trading company. Buys whole red lentils from Canada and Australia.
Requests lentils size 66 90% 15/66 - 5 containers red lentils with husks - 30 containers. Shipment in
bulk containers. Also interested in U.S. Regular.

Panasia Handels GmbH (Importer)

Dongsu han, General Manager Sales & Purchase Department
Landstrasse 38
2464 Gottlesbrunn, Austria
Tel: +43 2162 200 40
Fax: +43 2162 200 4010
Emails: hands@panasia.at
Web: www.panasia.at
Comments: imports rice may be interested in peas later.

Papadopoulou Platonos Sons & Co (Wholesaler)

4, Ipirou str.
570 09 Kalochori (Thessaloniki) Greece
Tel: + 30 2310 752823
Fax: + 30 2310 752151
Emails: plato1@otenet.gr
Comments: Supplies hotel in Greece. Wants mixed containers of blackeyes, great northerns, large
limas, split green and yellow peas.

Pri-Chen (Canner)
Ali Assali, Export Manager
PO BOX 216,
30075 Kfar Qara, Israel
Tel: + 972 4 6356916
Fax: + 972 4 6352766
Emails: prihen@walla.com
Web: www.pri-chen.com
Comments: Producer of pickled vegetables and olives. Interest in US legumes for canning.

Quality Food (Importer/wholesaler)

Abderrezak ,
2 rue Omar Yacef
Alger, Algeria
Tel: + 213 21 71 72 59
Fax: + 213 21 71 72 59
Emails: bouchenetoufik@yahoo.fr

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 63

Comments: Interested in 9mm of chickpeas, blackeyes, great northern beans, U.S regular lentils
and richleas.

S.A.S Faroy (Broker)

7 allee des Sapins
91310 Longpont Sur Orge, France
Tel: + 33 1 69 01 39 84
Fax: + 33 1 69 01 39 84
Emails: faroy.fr@gmail.com
Comments: Also has an office in China. Wants to import U.S products to China. No idea of quality.

SECODIS-CI (Importer)
A.Salam El Cheikh, General Manager
18 B.P. 943 Abidjan 18 Vridi Zone Industrielle
Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Tel: + 225 21 21 79 79
Fax: + 225 21 21 79 80
Emails: salam@afnet.net
Comments: Interest: garbanzos.

Serwan General Trading Co. (Importer)

Ali Serwan,
Neshteman Building 4th floor / Room S747
Arbil, Iraq
Tel: + 222 8757/ 07504451120/07504781400
Fax: + 0086 579 85 32 35 14
Emails: serwantrading@yahoo.com; serwan1120@gmail.com
Comments: Importer from Iraq just getting into business. Interested in Blackeye Beans and
Garbanzo beans.

Sesajal (Importer, Processor)

J.L. González Iñigo,
Israel Montano, Purchasing Manager
calle 22 No. 2332 Zona Industrial
44940 Guadalajara (Jalisco) Mexico
Tel: +52 (33) 31343470 ext. 133; Direct: +52 (33) 31451575
Fax: +52 (33) 31343470/72
Emails: joselgi@sesajal.com
Web: www.sesajal.com
Comments: Does currently imports and wants to start.

Societe ZRIG de Commerce International Import-Export (Importer)

Zrig Abdallah, Manager
Av. Mohamed Imm khouildi 3eme etage
4170 Zarzis, Tunsia
Tel: + 216 75 690 990
Fax: + 216 75 690 990
Emails: zrig2007@tunet.tn; zrig2007@yahoo.fr

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 64

Web: www.zrigtrading.com
Comments: Interested in garbanzos. General inquiry.

Soeximex (wholesaler)
Jean-Pierre Albisson, Sales Manager
31-33, rue Pleyel
93200 Saint Denis, France
Tel: + 33 1 48 13 74 65
Fax: + 33 1 48 13 74 51
Emails: negoce@soeximex.com
Web: www.soeximex.com
Comments: Would like a quote soon for 500 MT of light red kidney beans.

Soleda Negoce (Importer)

Samia Menzel, Purchasing Manager
M.Jaber Hakim, Directeur Commercial
Malick Jaber, Sales Representative
5 avenue des Morillons
95140 Garges les Gonesse, France
Tel: + 33 1 30 11 09 09
Fax: + 33 1 34 07 00 97
Emails: direction@soleda-negoce.com
Web: www.soleda-negoce.com
Comments: Uses US product; small French importer of dry legumes for the ethnic market;
interests: cranberry beans, dark + light red kidney beans.

Soreti International Trading Co. (SITCo) (importer/wholesaler/exporter)

Bulbula Tulle,
PO Box: 20217 code
1000 Addis Ababa,, Etiopia
Tel: + 251-11 618 2673/618 2671
Fax: + 251 11 6182675
Emails: sitco@ethionet.et; bulbulatule@gmail.com
Web: www.soretiinternational.com
Comments: Trader in Ethiopia but trades to other countries as well. Interested in #1 & #2 richleas,
pintos and small red beans. CIF Djibouti

Sotrama SARL (Importer)

Fahmi Brahim,
181, bd Gallieni
92390 Villeneuve-la Garenne, France
Tel: + 33 1 47 98 16 22
Fax: + 33 1 47 98 28 77
Emails: sotrama.sarl@gmail.com
Comments: Importer of dry legumes for ethnic market. Interest: all pulse products.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 65

Sweilem Import Export Est. (Importer & Wholesaler)
Nabil Khoury, General Manager
P.O. Box: 910607
11191 Amman, Jordan
Tel: + 962 6 4882000
Fax: + 962 6 4883202
Emails: sweilem@go.com.jo
Comments: Would like to bring in mixed containers of products and sell to supermarkets and
small shops. Will bring in 100 pound bags and put in small packages under his label. Request baby
lima beans, blackeye beans, pinto beans, small red beans, split yellow peas.

Trimurti Trading Co. (Broker)

Parshotam Kumar Gupta, MD
Karan Gupta, Director
Bhagaya Tara Complex, Opp. S.B.I (Mandi Area)
146001 Hoshiarpur, India
Tel: +91 1882 227103
Fax: +911882241103
Emails: info@trmtc.com; ttc@trmtc.com
Web: www.trmtc.com
Comments: Interested in garbanzos, pintos, whole red lentils, whole green peas, whole yellow
peas 7-8-9 mm

Universal Cherng Industrial Co., LTD. (Importer)

YU-Jung Chen,
2f No. 124. Cheng-De RD., SEC.4. Shih-Lin Dist.,
Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: + 886 2 288 688 48
Fax: + 886 2 288 688 46
Emails: universal.cherng@gmail.com
Comments: Interested in great northern, black and navy beans. Does not import now.

Veetee House (Food Manufacturer)

Jan Robjins, Export Sales Manager
Medway City Estate
ME2 4LT Rochester Kent, UK
Tel: + 44 (0)1634 290092
Fax: + 44 (0)1634 297792
Emails: jrobins@veetee.com
Web: www.veetee.com
Comments: Rice packager with production facilities in India and the UK.

Vialimentos Sociedade Unipessoal Lda (Importer/Wholesaler)

Pedro Gioes, General Manager
Av. Eng. Arantes e Oliveira, 162
7000-758 Evora, Portugal
Emails: v.alimentos@gmail.com

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 66

Comments: Going to import to Angola to supply to supermarket chains; looking for prices,
products, terms. Wants information on what pulses Africa buys. Doing business in Angola in frozen
meat. No familiarity with dry beans and peas. Does not import currently.

Vibgyor Agro Commodities Pvt. Ltd. (Broker)

Himanshu Raiyani, Director
Office No: 202, Aum planet, Dr. Hedgewar Road, Rajkot
360 003 Gujarat, India
Tel: + 91 281 2572652
Fax: + 91 281 2576275
Emails: himanshu.vibgyoragro.com
Web: www.vibgyoragro.com
Comments: Brokers of grains, legumes, spices and oil seeds with offices in India, Sudan, Australia,
Germany and UK.

Z.A.S. International, Inc. (Exporter)

Fazel Musazay, Sales & Trade Manager
3685 Mt. Diablo Bvld., P.O. Box 1223
94549 Lafayette (California) EE.UU.
Tel: +925 283 1200
Fax: +925 283 1213
Emails: fmusazay@zasint.com
Web: www.zasint.com
Comments: Interested in baby limas. Gave him some samples. Looking for Singapore.

E = Not a good prospect as buyer of US

Amexim (Importer)
Haro Jordan, President
1320 Balmoral Drive
91207 Glendale (CA) USA
Tel: (818) 550 8636
Fax: (818) 550 8635
Emails: haro@ameximinc.com
Web: www.ameximinc.com
Comments: Importer based in CA importing from Canada and China. Sells to packagers. Interested
in small volumes

Belamionix d.o.o. za export-import (Importer)

Pezerovic Elvedin,
Bosnia And Herzegovina
Tel: 00 387 (0) 49 746 096
Fax: +387 (0) 49 746 096
Emails: belamionix@belamionix.ba; belamionix@gmail.com
Web: www.belamionix.ba
Comments: Might be interested in cranberry beans

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 67

Franchi (Broker)
Giorgio Franchi,
Tel: + 39 328 1271 982 (0523 592865)
Fax: + 39 0523 59 3865
Emails: giorgiofranchi07@gmail.com
Comments: Just looking at packing and canning - would like to be a supplier/broker. Mainly
interested in beans.


Via Brescia - ( Vicinale della Preferita ) 67/R
25014 Castenedolo (BS), Italy
Tel: (+39) 30 2131513
Fax: (+39) 30 213 1503
Emails: info@landocean.it
Web: www.landocean.it
Comments: Is interested in 20 MT of blackeye beans, 1 container.

Zakarya Trading Company (Importer)

Zakarya Arif, Director
Suite 613, 6th floor Hussain Trade Centre, Altaf Hussain Road
New Challi (Karachi) Pakistan
Tel: +922132214347
Fax: +922132214826
Emails: ztco@cyber.net.pk; zakarya@ztco.com.pk
Comments: Interested in 400 MT of pintos. Containers 5, 10 to 20. # 1 and # 2. Looking best price.
Currently importing from Ethopia.

US Dry Bean Council, SIAL 2012 Report, October 31, 2012 68

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