We Are A Plant But at The Same Time Our Own Gardener

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We are a plant but at the same time our own gardener.

As you know, we are what we eat, what we drink, etc. but also what we feel
and think. Can you imagine eating healthy food every day that we can’t
stand? We would feel sad, we would hate eating and that would bring us to
an awful mood, would that be healthy? Obviously not. We need a balance
between being healthy physically, but also mentally.

Most of us we know that: We are what we eat. But we forget to take care
of our emotional state. For us, it is a must going to the doctor when we feel
sick, but in our society, we don't always seek mental health care when we
feel extremely bad mentally.

I would like to ask you something, what did you do last week to look after
your body? What did you do to look after your mind?

Do not feel guilty at all if your answer is more about what you did for your
body, maybe you went to the gym, you ate lots of fresh vegetables, etc. But
maybe you have noticed that you been all week stressed, spending all
weekend at home doing work and so on.
Do not feel guilty if you didn’t do anything about your body and neither
your mind, it’s better to start late than never.

Do you have any ideas about what could you do to look after your mental
We all are different, not all of us enjoy spending most of our free time with
friends. Another example at the moment it is very trendy to go travelling,
but some people just hate it, and honestly, it's fine, I would be scared if
everyone had the same hobbies and/or dreams.
I would like to give you a few tips to spoil your mind and look after it. Your
mind would really appreciate that you respect yourself, how?

- Saying no, to those things you don’t want to do and they won’t add
anything good to your life. I need to clarify this, sometimes we don’t want
to do a test, but if we do it we will get a degree, a job… But, other times we
are doing things we don’t want to do and they do not add anything to our
life, for example, looking after our niece every Sunday when you don’t want
to, there is when we have to say “no”. Summing up, I encourage you to
delete those activities you do not like at all in your daily life and they are
not adding anything in your personal growth.

- Doing things we really enjoy. Sometimes just buying an ice cream,

listening to music during a walk or watching a movie at home on a cold day
makes us extremely happy and peaceful, let’s do more things like that in
our daily life!!

- Do not damage your brain! Have you noticed all the ingredients from
your fizzy drinks? In your biscuits? Sometimes drinking or eating them will
be nice, because we will enjoy it’s taste and have feelings of pleasure, but
on a daily basis our brain will be so much happier if we avoid them.

Why we are like plants? Because we have basic needs, water, food… but
also good conditions, mentally and physically.
Why we are like gardeners? Because we have to look after our own needs
every day if we want to be alive. And we are your best gardeners because
we know our bodies and our minds.

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