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qo~ members are also kno,m as tie members. The fonn of a tension member is governed to a large
eat by the type of the structure of which it is a part and by the method of joining it to the adjacent
.,.lw. of the structure. In general the section should be compact and in order to minimize stress co_n-
i!lll:OD it should be so arranged that as large portion ofit as possible is connected to the gusset plates.
e common shapes used are shown in Fig. 5. I. · ·

Ll J r:7
r !7 ------L-----

L J !
Figure 5.1 Shapes of tension members.
. .1s1ee1 µr·
pesign °1
5.1 DESIGN STRENGTH f tbe following:
. the 1owest o
. rncrnbcr 1s
The design strength of a tension. in of gross sectiofl TdzJ . .
(a) Design strength due to yield g.
't' al sect1on, ,,,
(b) Rupture strength o en JC
(c) The block shear Tdt1'
. . of Gross section
,;,1.1 DC'sign Strength Due to Vieldlll9
This strength is given by

where, Jy == yield stress of the material

Ag== gross area of the cross-section . . .
Ymo =partial safety factor for failure in tension by y1eldmg =1.1.
s.1 .2 Design Strength Due to Rupture of Critical Section
As explained in chapter 3, this strength for plates is
_ 0.9Anfu
Tdn -

where An net effective area at critical section

For threaded rods and bolts

0.9A r
Tdn = nJu

where An== net area at the threaded section~

1C .
== -(d-0
4 .9382p) ' where P is pitch of thread

= 0.78 tr d 2 for ISO threads


Single Angle [Ref. Fig. 5.2)

D· 123
eszgn o/Tension Members

-- -

II' r
J\ '

b, = ,i + w, - r h.,· w

Figure 5.2

::~ dfectiYeness of outstanding leg is less, the design strength as governed by rupture at net section
:mcn by
_ 0.9Ancfu /JAgofy.
Tdn _ ____;_;'------'C...+---
Ymt 'Ymo

ere. Anc = net area of the connected leg

Ago = gross area of the outstanding leg

,8 =1.4-0.076 ( WJ (/: 5_ $ fuYmo

f u Le fyYmt
2:'. 0.7

... w = outstanding leg width.

b5 = shear leg widt~ as shown in Fig. 5.2.
Le = length of the end connection, that is, the distance between outermost bolt in the end joint
measured along the load direction or length of the weld along the load direction.
t = thickness of leg.
P:eliminary design IS code recommends the following formula:

- a AnJ;,
Tdn -

.; a= 0.6 for one or two bolts

= 0.7 for three bolts

= 0.8 for four or more bolts along the length of connection or equivalent weld length.
er, if it is difficult to find equivalent weld length, designers have to judge this.
I S·trt, cm rr;;n
( ~teC
f )L' \'jg lt (? '

J. . scctions etc., may be c 1

)24 • • c1 1nnI1c , Is ac
Other sections . i<) ,h1c a11g1cs, . r,1rthcst edge of the outstanct· lllat~"

. t the ( 1 f. · 1n t1,c ' '
1n ,
The ntpfllr<' sl rc11glh, 7d• " ·th t, takCII " gIi,
. I ,Jc t,u1W' ·' •'
equation ,., 101 .,,ng c ,,ng ~ ·-11.·d leg, '

~ :;:,1
bolt ,\ cld line 1n the C(H I -I< ~lll'iir
1.:(.i .
5.1.3 Design Stre11gtll rwe f mc111bcr maY occur ~:: t;:::/tolving,1
,\t the c,mncctcd end. fai lure of a ct . 1 c atong the fastener - a1lurc is1''
, ,dicutar P an I
plane and tcns1ot1 on a pcrpct
failur~. _ -<r-- --- T
1 i2
~- __., I
... ---- 21 4° •3

~-- -~ I

--- (a)
Figure 5.3

Referring tc fig. 5J(a), shear failure occurs along .1-2 and 3-4 whereas tenSion fai]ureocc
Referring to Fig. 5.3(b), shear failure occurs along 1-2 and tension failure along 2-3.
TS 800-2007, recommends the following block shear strength Tdb if bolted connections all

be smaller of
T - A,g/y 0,9Amfu
db - .Jj3rmo + Yml

0.9.:1 r
Tdb = nvn Ju + Atg f y
✓3Yml Ymo

Avg and Avn=_ Minimum

.. gross and net area ll\ shear (1-2, 3-4 Ill . 5·3(a)' 1-2 i
. f 1g.
where, A g and Arn - MmlDIIUD gross and net area m
. tension . fig•
. [2-3 as shown JJl . 5.Jl
_ ,a
- ,,.1,.,.,.1,..,11",.... ....1,1.,1 -,n_j rnnneCu•o-,s
J> t,v
l ~'D
Design of Tension Members 125
x,it11ple 5.1
etennine the ~esi~ tensile strength of the plate 130 mm x 12 mm with the holes for 16 mm diameter
Its as shown m Fig. 5.4. Steel used is of Fe 415 grade quality.

~ Critical section

!---35-.J---60 ---.-l

Figure 5.4


Strength of the plate is the least of

(a) Yielding of gross section

(b) Rupture of critical section
(c) The block shear strength

(a) From consideration of yielding:

Now A
' g
= 130 x 12 = 1560 mm , iy=250 N/mni2, Ymo = 1.1

Td = 1560 X = 354545 N = 354.545 kN
g l.1

(b) From the consideration of rupture along the critical section:

Critical section is having two holes.

Diameter of holes = 16 + 2 = 18 mm.
:. An= (130 - 2 X 18) X 12 = 1128 111111

Strength of member from the consideration of rupture

.rSteel Structures
Design o;

126 . O.
xJ J 28 x 410
o.<U,, I" :::: - 1.25

:::: 33 2986 N = 332. 986 kN~

stre h
(c) Block shear ng! : = 60 x 12 = 720 mm
2 2
2 - 2280 mm Atg
A = ) (J5+60)xl2-
vn =(35+60 -l.5x 18)x
]632 mm
2 A =(60-! 8)x12,,,s04Th,I
.tn ....

The block shear strength is the least of the following two:

/4,gf;, + 0.9AuJu]
T -
db - [ ✓)y., 0 Ymi

2280 x 2so
= ✓3xl.1 + 1.25

= 447953 N = 447.953 kN.

(2) 0.9Av,,fu + A,gfy

T;lb r:;
'\/3yml Ymo

= 441784 N::: 441.784 kN

Tdb = 441.784 kN

Strength of plate == 332.986 kN

Example 5.2

A single unequal angle ISA 9060, 6 nun is connected to a 10 nun gusset plates at the en
nos. of 16 mm bolts to transfer tension (Ref; Fig, S.SJ.
angle Detennine
the design tensile sUel

(a) if the gusset is connected to 90 mm leg.

(b) if the gusset is connected to 60 mm leg.
Design °/Tension Members 127

ISA 9060 6 mm

◄•- w ►1

Given: g 50 mm, 1·f"1/0 mm leg is connected, b, w + w1 t

30 mm, if 60 mm leg is connected

Figure 5.5


(a) 90 mm le!! is connected to gusset:

(i) Strength as governed by yielding of gross section:


Agf v·
. Ymo

Ag-- 865 mm2 (from table)

865 x 250
Tdg-=- 1. l = 196364 N = 196.364 kN.

(ii) Strength as governed by tearing at critical section:

Nct area of connected leg = Anc = ( 90 -%) 6 x = 522 mm


Gross area of outstanding leg~ Ago= ( 60-%) x 6 = 342 mm

w fy bs
P= l.4-0.076x-x-x -
t fu LC

length of outstanding leg = 60 mm

w ==
W;== 50 mm
bs == 60 + 50 - 6 = 104 mm
Le= 4 x 50 = 200 mm
. of Steel Structures
128 Design .

60 250 y 104
// 14 o.o76 x 6 x4 10 200
/ II V / /// O >0 7
- l. 159 < ~ , - ·
.I I' f 111I

Hence P= 1. 159
0.9A f, j/Af.,,fv
T - /1( . II + -
dn ,,
}' mf I 111 1>

() 9 X 522 X 410 J.) 59 X 342 X 2 50

. +- ---- --
- - 1.25 - - 1.1

= 244180 N =244.180 kN.

(iii) Block shear strength
Failure may take along section 1-2-3.
do= 16 + 2 = 18 mm, tearing length in tension = 90 - 50 = 40 mm 2
Avg= 230 X 6 = 1380 mm2 Avn = (23 0- 4.5 X 18) X 6 = 894 mm
Arg = 40 X 6 = 240 mm2 Atn = (40 - 0.5 X 18) X 6 = 186 mm

Block shear strength is smaller of the following two values:

_ Avg fv 0.9Atmfu
(a) Tdb - -=---=-- +_ __:_:.:_.: . . . :.:-
✓3 Y mo Yml

1380x250 0.9 x186x410

-3-X -
1.1- + _ _l._2_5- -

= 235985 N = 235.985 kN


(b) T - 0 .9 Avnfu + A,gfy

db - r;;
-v 3 Y m{ Ymo

= 0.9x894 ~ 10 + 240x250
✓3 Xl.25 1.1
= 206913 N = 206_ 913 kN
Tc11, = 206.913 kN
Thus when 90 mm leg is connected to gusset th 963
244.iso kN and 206.913 kN, i.e., ' e slRngtb of the plate is the least ofl ·

Strength of the plate is 196.364 ~

Design of Tension Members 129

(b) When 60 mm leg is connected to gusset plate:

(i) Strength as governed by yielding of gross area

Tdg = 196.364 k:N as in case (a)

(ii) Strength as governed by tearing at critical section:

Net a1 ea of connected leg =-
A II( ==-
60 - -2 x 6 = 342 mm 2

Gross area of outstanding leg = Ago= 90 - ( 26) x 6 = 522 mm2

f y bs
P= 1.4-0.076 X-w X7XL
f Ju C

w =90 mm w1 = 30 mm
bs = 90 + 30 - 6 = 114 mm
LC = 50 x 4 = 200 mm

90 250 114
ft= 1.4- 0.076x 6x 410 x 200

1.004 < fu Ymo > 0.7

fy Ymi

/3= 1.004
0 9A f fl Agofy
+- --
Td -_ · nc u
n Ymt Ymo

0 _9 x 342 x410 + 1.004x522x250

1.25 • l.l

= 220069 N = 220.069 kN

(iii) Block shear strength:

Ti • l gth · tension = 60 - 30 = 30 mm 2
eanng en m
~=230x6= 1380mm 2 Avn
= (230 - 4.5 x 18)
x 6 =
894 mm
2 3 72
A,g=30x6= 180mm A1n=( 0- lS)x - 6
130 . ~(Steel Structures

c. .11 0 wing two values:

. the sma
Block shear strength ts , lier of the 10

1I/' r
\ + O. 9 1,,, .111
" ,l 1',,, Y111t

IJ 80><.250 l 0.9X72X4-10
/3 XI. I 1. 25

'.20.2332 N = 202.332 kN

(b} _ 0.9Avx.I11 +
, A f
tg Y
l;11i - r:; y
'\J 3y 171 t mo

= 0.9x894x410 + l80x250
J3 xl.25 1.1

= 193277 N = 193 .277 kN < 202 .332 kN

Tdb = 193.277
Strength of member is the least of 196.364 kN, 220.069 kN and 193.277 kN. i.e.,
Strength of member= 193.277 kN Answer

Exarnr11J ::. J

Instead of single angle, if two angles are used in the connection as described in example 5.2, de
design tensile strength

(a) if two such angles are connected to the same side of the gusset plate through the 90 le
(b) if two such angles are connected to the opposite sides of the gusset through 60 nun

These two connections are shown in Fig. 5.6.

It may be noted that accor?mg. ~o IS 800-2007 formulae, the double angle strength~ ore
that of single angle as obtamed m example 5.2. Earlier code uaed to give sm:nsth Ill b sl
If tacking bolts are provided or not there is no change in strength f tensile melllt,er. 'f esjo
have been confirmed by test results and finite element results. ~ are somo of the JJl
, suggested in IS 800-2007.
Design <>lTcn
· .
-~ion MC'mhers 131

I\I I pl Ill

~l ./ 1• 11 %t' I plate

( ll)

J•'igure 5.6

Example 5.4-
Deterroine the design tensile strength of 160 x 8 mm plate with the boles for 16 nun bolts as shown in

Fig. 5.7 . Plates are of steel, grade Fe 415.

1401 1401

. 3


- figure 5.7

Solution: .deration of yielding

(a) Strehgth frorn the const
A f I 60 x 8 X 25~ ,,, 29()909 N = 290.909 Jdlll
_ _y_J-::=: --
Tdg - y ,,,v 1.1
132 Design of Steel Structures

(h) Sh·cngth from the consideration of rupture along the critical section:
v P,;
4,, h- 11d0 + i.J 4a . I

0 = loOmm do = 16 + 2 == 18 mm, Psi= 40 mm, gi = 25 mm


(i) Along section 1-1-1-1:

.. I , ( I 60 l x I8) 8 = 848 mm
(n) Along section 1-1-2-2-1-1:
2 X 40 ]
A11 - I60 - 4 x 18 + - - x 8 == 960 mm
[ 4X 25

(iii) Along section 1-1-2-3.2-1-1:

2 2
4x40 Jx8=1072 mm
A,,= 160-5xl8+--

An to be selected is 848 mm

T 0.9A11 J;1 0.9x848x410

dn :=: ,, . = I = 250330 N
. !ml
. 5
= 250.330 kN.

Strength of plate = 250.330 kN.

Example 5.5
Determine the tensile strength of a roof truss member 2 ISA 9060, 6 mm connectecl to the 8"""
g nun thickness by 4 nnn weld as shown in Fig. 5.8. The efl'edivc leBglh ofwdd is 200 OJIII

S o/11tio11:
aross area of angles, Ag= 2 x 865 = 1730 mm

Area of the connected leg, A,., = 2(9!!- ~ )x 6=1044 lllll)2

Design of Tension i\fembl!rs 133

4 mm ,\dd
- ~ - --------
- ~00 mlll --i

ISA 9060. 6 mm
-l - \r.:.1 und.:r shc-.u-

90 und,:r 11.•nsit,n

.\r...-.1 mhkr

-4 mm \\e!d
GlMet plate

Figure 5.8

(i) Strength governed by yielding

1730x ,50
= - .::.-- i9318~N=393.18~kN

(ii) Strength of the plate in rupture at critical section:

H b
Now, ,8 = 1.4 0 0 6 X X X
I fu l.,.

In this case w = 90 mm, t = 6 mm,.'1· = 250 MPa,f,, = 410 MPa, bs = w = 90 mm, Lw = 200 mm.

60 250 60
,8= l.4-0.076x-x-x-
6 410 200

= 1.261 "h~his<(;: )>0.7

P= I.261, sincefi = 410 N mm\/. : : : 250 N/mm2, y., - 1 1 and
r,,r1 ~ 1.2s
0.9x4IOxl044 l.261x.684x250
Hence T
1.25 l :1

= 504217 N = 504.217 kN


- - - --5-t- x -25 -

- :~ 3 4 kN
S~:.:~l: i)f ial.S:ion member = 392.727 k:N

The follo'\\i!lg ci~gn proc-e,..'½ ms~, be adopted,

l. Fin:i !lie • ~ gross 'X<a to carry the & bid CIN-si,;laiug the Sba.gth in .

where Tr. = fucmred tensile force.

1 &.ecr suirable shape of the S<ctioo ~ - and die

lbe member such that gros,. area is llpc■i the type of Blruelme
3. Determine ihe number of bolts or t h e ~ Clill_l 11111191-". calt:ulaffld
4. Find the strength considering: -......r 1111d ......
(a) Strength in yielding of IIOSs arta
( )
Strength in rupturc o f ~-----=
Q-o I • e
Design of Tension Members

· ·mum edge ct·1stance and muumum

Vsua 11Y, 1"f mim •• • are mamtame
pitch · · d, strengtb in yielding is
the least value, hence the design is safe if Ag provided > Ag required.

s. The strength obtained should be more than factored tension. If it is too much on higher
side or the ength is less than factored tension, the section may be suitably changed and
6. IS 800-200 7 also recommends the check for slenderness ratio of tension members as per th e
Table 5.1.

Tablr 5.1 ~1aximwn values of cfte~tl\ c slenderness r:itios

tfro'n fable 3 ofIS S00-2007]
;\frmbcr ~Jax. /Ir
SI. ~o.
A tension n1cmbcr m VI hich a reversal of direct stress occurs due to loads t the1 thati
\\ ind or seismic forces
1 J!<O

A me•nbe. nonnally actmg as a tie in a roof truss or a bracing system not conside1ed
eftectl\ c v. ht.11 subject to possible re\ ersal of stress into compression resulting
from the action of wind 01 earthquake forces
:vf embers ah, dJS unde1 tension other th.m pretensioned members 400
4 Ten:.ion memb-."rs. such as bracings, pretensioned to avoid sag, need not satisfy the Nu hmit
maximum slenderness ratio linut

Elample 5.6

Design a single angle section for a tension member of a roof truss to carry a factored tensile force
of 225 kN. The member is subjected to the possible reversal of stress due to the action of wind. The
effective length of the member is 3 m. Use 20 mm shop bolts of grade 4.6 for the connection.

22 1
From the consideration of yield strength, gross area of the angle required = { x
Try ISA 10075, 8 mm which has gross area Ag= 1336 mm • 2
T = 990 mm2

Number of bolts required:

d=20mm :. d0 =22mm
Use gusset plate of thickness 10 mm.

Strength of one bolt in single shear

= 00
l o+1r x20 2 x0.78)
=45272 N

Adopting edge distance e = 40 mm; pitch p = 60 mm,


40 (10

K,, is smaller of , xii· J ;-< 22

Bolt , 1h1l'

225X tOOO , 5
Numbrt of boll~ required = 45272
( c) Strength a
· ~· 5.9.
Pro, 1dc the bolts as shown l1l F,g.
Avg = (40 ~
A,g = (100
_L f- 75

-r J _
/ 8
Strength a

_ 40 1-- Le 60X4 240mm ~ \

.Figure 5.9

Checking the design:

(a) Strength against yielding:

Ag./~ 1336 X 250 .

- - = I =303636 N > 225000 N O.K.
Ymo •1

(b) Strength of plate in rupture:

l l 00 - 22 - 2)x 8 == s92 nun2

Area of connected leg nr• - ( 8

Hence safe.
Area of outstanding leg A
-(75 _2 8)
X 8 ::: 568 nun2 Check form

fi - I.4 - 0.076 ~ 250 (75

8 x..__._, +,40 - 8)
410 "--- Hence O.K.
= 1.206 (2
D<!sign of Tension Members 137

_ 0.9 X 4 !O x 592 568 x 250

1.25 + l .20h X 1.1

==- 330442 N > 225000 N

(c) Strength against block shear failure

Avg= (40 + 60 X 4) 8 = 2240 mm2 Avn = (40 + 60 x 4-4.5 x 22) x 8 = 1448 mm2
A1g= (100 - 40) x 8 = 480 mm Atn = (100- 40 - 0.5 x 22) x 8 = 392 mm2
Strength against block shear failure is smaller of

= Avg f y + 0.9Ahifu
✓3 l'mo l'ml

= 2240 X 250 + 0.9 X 392 X 410 = 409642 N

✓3 X 1.1 1.25


= 0.9xl 448 x410 + 480x250

✓3 x l.25 1.1

= 355879 N
Tdb == 355879 N > 225000 N.

Hence safe.
Che ck ~1or manmum
. -I •• r- least radius of gyration= 12.7 mm (from steel table)
r .
!_ = =236 < 350
r 12.7

• lience 0.K.
c ,-11c fll/"C ',\'
) ((L' I ., 1
!)('.\ ,g,1()
( '

.c; , ., idc of o IO mm thi ck guss

< • I 0 n ell'- 1, " . , et Pl
h<'I conncd c< ;\ss um c shop conncc t1on &le
Design a double angle tcn..,,on n,crn l•l•ick bolt s. ' · · •,
J • 20 n11t1 ' '
an axial factored load of3 75 l<N t :-,l:

1.t x375>< IOOO _ l650mm 2

. fyiclding == - 250 ·
Arca required from the co11~1dcrat1on ° 2
l 876 mm .
. I , ·oss area . 2 x 938 Area of connected I
Try 2 JS\ 7550. 8 mm thick wluch HIS gr

n 2] 400 1 Area of outstandi

X✓3 1.25
(a} In double shear= : x20 + 0.78x
[ 4 x20
=I033 14N.

(b) Strength in bearing:

Taking e = 40 mm, p = 60 mm,

. 40 60 400
Kb 1s smaller of - - - - - 0.25 - 1.0
3 X 22 ' 3 X 22 ' 410 '
1.e.. Kb = 0.606

,Jph - l.lS-x 2.5 X 0.606 X 20 X 8 X 400 = 77568 N

7 8N

Number of bolts required = 375 ooo = 4 83

77568 .

Provide 5 bolts in a row as shown 10

. p·

le) Strength ngamst

.. 10
r- ((J,,r 4 240
j l Per angle:
I ~
0 0
8mnt Avg = (40 + 60 X
Avn = (40 + 60 X
A,g = (75 - 35)
A1n = (75 - 35 -
h 50 35 8
12mm Strength against bl
Figure s.10
Design of Tension Members 139

(ll , lu cksig11:
(., \ \ l.....

pl strength against yielding =A,~~= !876x 250 = 426364 N> 37 5x I000

11110 1.1

tl'' Strength of plate in rupture:
Area of connected leg,

Anc = 2( 75-22-½ )xs = 784 mm


Area of outstanding leg,

Ago = 2 X ( 50 -%) X8

= 736 mm2
ft=l.4-0.076x wxfy x ~
t fu Le

50 250 77
= l.4-0.076x-x - -x -
8 410 240

= 1.307

_ 0.9.fz1 A11 c /J. Ago(v

Tt i n - ~ - - + - - 1

J'mt 11110

0.9x 410x784 736x250

= · -- - - + 1.307 x = 450062 >375000N
1.25 1.1


{c) Strength against block shear failure:

Per angle:
Avg== (40 + 60 X 4) X 8 = 2240 mm
Avn == (40 + 60 X 4 - 4.5 X 22) X 8 = 1448 mirrZ
A,g== (75 - 35) X 8 = 320 mm
Atn == (75 - 35 - 0.5 X 22) X 8 = 232 mm

~ against block failure of each angle is the smaller of the following two values:

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