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Appendix 3: 2019 SYSU List of Undergraduate Majors for International Students

序号 学院名称 招生大类(专业)名称 学制 专业要求 2019报到校区 学院本部

No. School & Department Subject (Major) Duration Requirement Registration Campus School Base

汉语言文学 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
1 4 Liberal arts students &
Chinese Language and Literature Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
science students
Department of Chinese
汉语言 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
2 4 Liberal arts students &
Chinese Language Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
science students

中国语言文学系(珠海) 文理兼收
汉语言文学 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
3 Department of 4 Liberal arts students &
Chinese Language and Literature Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
Chinese(Zhuhai) science students

历史学系 历史学 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
4 4 Liberal arts students &
Department of History History Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
science students

历史学系 (珠海) 文理兼收

历史学 珠海校区 珠海校区
5 Department of History 4 Liberal arts students &
History Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus
(Zhuhai) science students

逻辑学 理科 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园

6 4
Logic Science students Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
Department of Philosophy
哲学 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
7 4 Liberal arts students &
Philosophy Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
science students

哲学系(珠海) 文理兼收
哲学 珠海校区 珠海校区
8 Department of Philosophy 4 Liberal arts students &
Philosophy Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus
(Zhuhai) science students
人类学(含人类学、考古学专业) 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
9 4 Liberal arts students &
Anthropology (including Anthropology, Archeology) Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
社会学与人类学学院 science students
School of Sociology &
Anthropology 文理兼收
社会学 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
10 4 Liberal arts students &
Sociology Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
science students

英语 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
11 4 Liberal arts students &
English Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
science students

德语 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
12 4 Liberal arts students &
German Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
外国语学院 science students
School of Foreign
Languages 文理兼收
法语 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
13 4 Liberal arts students &
French Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
science students

日语 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
14 4 Liberal arts students &
Japanese Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
science students

国际翻译学院 文理兼收
、俄语专业) 珠海校区 珠海校区
15 School of International 4 Liberal arts students &
Foreign Languages (including English, Arabic, Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus
Studies science students
Spanish, Korean, and Russian)

岭南学院 文理兼收
经济学类(含金融学、经济学专业) 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
16 Lingnan (University) 4 Liberal arts students &
Economics (including Finance, Economics) Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
College science students

工商管理 广州校区南校园* 广州校区东校园
17 4 Liberal arts students &
Business Administration Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou East Campus
science students
Business School
会计学 广州校区南校园* 广州校区东校园
18 4 Liberal arts students &
Accounting Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou East Campus
science students
金融学 理科 珠海校区 珠海校区
19 International School of 4
Finance Science students Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus
Business & Finance

旅游学院 Tourism Management (including Tourism Management, 文理兼收
珠海校区 珠海校区
20 School of Tourism Economics and Management of Convention and 4 Liberal arts students &
Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus
Management Exhibition) science students

法学院 法学 广州校区南校园* 广州校区东校园
21 4 Liberal arts students &
School of Law Law Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou East Campus
science students

政治与公共事务管理学院 Public Administration (including Administrative 广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园
22 4 Liberal arts students &
School of Government Management, Political Science & Public Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus
science students

国际关系学院 文理兼收
国际政治 珠海校区 珠海校区
23 School of International 4 Liberal arts students &
International Politics Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus
Relations science students

心理学系 心理学 理科 广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园

24 4
Department of Psychology Psychology Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus

传播与设计学院 新闻传播学类(含新闻学、传播学专业) 文理兼收

广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园
25 School of Communication Journalism and Communication (including 4 Liberal arts students &
Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus
and Design Journalism, Public Communication) science students

图书情报与档案管理类(含图书馆学、档案学专业) 文理兼收
广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园
26 Library and Archival Science (including Library 4 Liberal arts students &
Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus
资讯管理学院 Science, Archival Science) science students
School of Information
信息管理与信息系统 理科 广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园
27 4
Information Management and Information System Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus

数学学院 理科 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
28 Mathematics (including Mathematics and Applied 4
School of Mathematics Science students Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
Mathematics, Statistics)
数学学院(珠海) 数学类(含数学与应用数学、信息与计算科学专业)
理科 珠海校区 珠海校区
29 School of Mathematics Mathematics (including Mathematics and Applied 4
Science students Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus
(Zhuhai) Mathematics, Information and Computer Science)

物理学 理科 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园

30 4
Physics Science students Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
School of Physics
理科 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
31 Opto-electric Information Science and Engineering 4
Science students Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus

物理学 理科 珠海校区 珠海校区
32 School of Physics and 4
Physics Science students Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus

理论与应用力学 理科 广州校区东校园* 深圳校区

33 4
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Science students Guangzhou East Campus Shenzhen Campus
School of Aeronautics and
航空航天工程 理科 广州校区东校园* 深圳校区
34 4
Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Science students Guangzhou East Campus Shenzhen Campus

化学学院 理科 广州校区南校园 广州校区东校园
35 Chemistry (including Chemistry, Polymer Materials 4
School of Chemistry Science students Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou East Campus
and Engineering)

化学工程与工艺 理科 珠海校区 珠海校区
36 School of Chemical 4
Chemical Engineering and Technology Science students Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus
Engineering and Technology

业) 理科 广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园
37 School of Materials 4
Materials (including Materials Physics, Materials Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus
Science and Engineering
Chemistry, Polymer Materials and Engineering)

材料学院 理科 广州校区东校园* 深圳校区
38 Materials (including Materials Physics, Materials 4
School of Materials Science students Guangzhou East Campus Shenzhen Campus
地理科学类 理科 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
39 4
Earth Science Science students Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
School of Geography and
城乡规划 理科 广州校区南校园 广州校区南校园
40 5
Urban Planning Science students Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus

地球科学与工程学院 地质学类(含地质学、地质工程专业)
理科 珠海校区
41 School of Earth Sciences Geology (including Geology, Geological 4 广州校区南校园*
Science students Zhuhai Campus
and Engineering Engineering)

环境科学与工程学院 环境科学与工程类(含环境科学、环境工程专业)
理科 广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园
42 School of Environmental Environmental Science and Engineering (including 4
Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus
Science and Engineering Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering)

大气科学学院 大气科学类(含大气科学、应用气象学专业)
理科 珠海校区 珠海校区
43 School of Atmospheric Atmospheric Sciences (including Atmospheric 4
Science students Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus
Sciences Sciences, Applied Meteorology)

海洋科学学院 海洋科学 理科 珠海校区 珠海校区

44 4
School of Marine Sciences Marine Sciences Science students Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus

海洋工程与技术 理科 珠海校区 珠海校区
45 School of Marine 4
Marine Engineering and Technology Science students Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus
Engineering and Technology

Sino-French Institute of 核工程类 理科 珠海校区 珠海校区
46 4
Nuclear Engineer & Nuclear Engineering Science students Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus

生命科学学院 理科 广州校区南校园* 广州校区南校园
47 Life Science (including Life Science, 4
School of Life Sciences Science students Guangzhou South Campus Guangzhou South Campus
Biotechnology, Ecology)

生物医学工程 理科 广州校区东校园* 深圳校区
48 School of Biomedical 4
Biomedical Engineering Science students Guangzhou East Campus Shenzhen Campus
土木工程 理科 珠海校区 珠海校区
49 4
Civil Engineering Science students Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus
School of Civil
水文与水资源工程 理科 珠海校区 珠海校区
50 4
Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering Science students Zhuhai Campus Zhuhai Campus

Electronic Information (including Electronic 理科 广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园
51 4
Information Science and Technology, Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus
Telecommunications Engineering)

School of Electronics and 光电信息科学与工程(工学)
理科 广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园
52 Information Technology Opto-electric Information Science and Engineering 4
Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus

微电子科学与工程 理科 广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园

53 4
Microelectronics Science and Engineering Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus

Electronic Information (including Electronic 理科 广州校区东校园* 深圳校区
54 School of Electronics and 4
Information Science and Technology, Science students Guangzhou East Campus Shenzhen Campus
Communication Engineering
Telecommunications Engineering)

理科 广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园
55 Computer Science (including Computer Science and 4
Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus
Technology, Information Security)

信息与计算科学 理科 广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园
56 School of Data and 4
Information and Computer Science Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus
Computer Science

软件工程 理科 广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园

57 4
Software Engineering Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus
交通工程 理科 广州校区东校园* 深圳校区
58 4
Traffic Engineering Science students Guangzhou East Campus Shenzhen Campus
School of Intelligent
Systems Engineering
智能科学与技术 理科 广州校区东校园* 深圳校区
59 4
Intelligent Science and Technology Science students Guangzhou East Campus Shenzhen Campus

临床医学 理科 广州校区北校园
60 5 Guangzhou East Campus
Clinical Medicine Science students Guangzhou North Campus

基础医学 理科 广州校区东校园* 广州校区北校园
61 Zhongshan School of 5
Basic Medical Sciences Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou North Campus

法医学 理科 广州校区东校园* 广州校区北校园

62 5
Forensic Medicine Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou North Campus

医学院 临床医学 理科 广州校区东校园* 深圳校区

63 5
School of Medicine Clinical Medicine Science students Guangzhou East Campus Shenzhen Campus

口腔医学 理科 广州校区东校园* 广州校区北校园
64 Guanghua School of 5
Stomatology Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou North Campus

药学 理科 广州校区东校园 广州校区东校园
65 School of Pharmaceutical 4
Pharmacy Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou East Campus

药学 理科 广州校区东校园* 深圳校区
66 School of Pharmaceutical 4
Pharmacy Science students Guangzhou East Campus Shenzhen Campus
Sciences (Shenzhen)

公共卫生学院 预防医学 理科 广州校区东校园* 广州校区北校园

67 5
School of Public Health Preventive Medicine Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou North Campus
预防医学 理科 广州校区东校园* 深圳校区
68 School of Public Health 5
Preventive Medicine Science students Guangzhou East Campus Shenzhen Campus

护理学院 护理学 理科 广州校区东校园* 广州校区北校园

69 4
School of Nursing Nursing Science students Guangzhou East Campus Guangzhou North Campus

说明 Note:
1. 学校按大类招生的专业,学生入学后按照所在院系专业教育培养方案和要求进行专业分流,确定培养专业,大部分专业的学习科目实行双语教学,详情可咨询相关院系。
In some programmes, applicants will be first admitted into a certain subject, and then be assigned to a specific programme (major) after registration according to the
curriculum design and requirements of different programmes in different schools. Most courses in SYSU adopt both Chinese and English as the languages of instruction.
Applicants can contact specific schools for more detailed information.
2. 报到校区一栏*表示本专业学生将根据教学安排,后一阶段迁至另一校区就读,具体迁移情况以学校当年公布为准。参加汉语补习的学生,须根据《录取通知书》上的报到校区前来报到。
In the column of “Registration Campus”, “*” means undergraduate students of the programme will be allocated from the registration campus to another campus at some
point during the programme, and the list of those programmes is subject to changes with further notice of the university in the specific year. Applicants attending the
Chinese preparatory course should register according to the campus shown in their Admission Letter.
3. 如有变动,以最新公布为准。
The above information is subject to changes with further notices.

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