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Drama is a story written which is intended to be performed and presented on stage. It is an art of imitating human
characters and actions. The actors impersonate the characters in particular incident or event in the story. Early drama
was usually written in poetic form, while the modern and contemporary drama is usually written in prose.

Genres of Drama

a. Tragedy - this is a type of drama in which the main character is struggling against dynamic forces. It shows downfall
and destruction of the hero or noble who is caught up in a sequence of events such as death and difficult circumstances
which inevitably results in disaster.

b. Comedy - this is a type drama intended to capture the interest and entertain the audience through injecting wit, humor
and delicate ideas. The characters always find solutions to conflicts and obstacles they encounter.

c. Tragicomedy - this is a type of drama which does not adhere strictly to the structure of tragedy. It blends both aspect
of tragedy and comedy. The story suggests a happy ending despite of the unfortunate events which happened in the plot.

d. Farce - this is a type of drama with exaggerated characters and swift movements. Its plot consists of humorous events
and ridiculous situations.

e. Melodrama - this is a type of drama which shows events that follow each other rapidly, but seems to be governed by
chance. It possesses a sensational dramatic piece which appeals strongly to the senses.

Elements of Drama

1. Plot - it refers to series and arrangement of events in a drama. It consists of five parts: exposition, rising action,
climax, falling action and denouement.

2. Characters - they are the actors who create the entire shape of the actions in the drama through creating opportunities
and conflicts in the story.

3. Setting - it is the time, place and condition where the story takes place. It also refers to the physical arrangement of
the stage to vivify stage directions.

4. Dialogue - it pertains to the lines delivered by the actors and used to advance the action and narrate the story.

a. Aside - this is a short speech delivered by the actor to the audience in which the other characters do not hear.

b. Soliloquy - this is a short speech delivered by the actor by uttering his inner thoughts to the audience in order to reveal
personal feelings.

5. Gestures - it refers to the physical movements of the character on stage.

6. Music - it is used to add color and dramatic effect in the play.

7. Theme - it is the central idea or message that explains what the play is all about.

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