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Manpower Request Form

(FormMRF 01/12)
To Be Filled By Requesting Department

Department Name Department Manager Name

No Of Employees Department Main Function
Position Required No of Employees
Offered Salary Offered Grade
Position Main Function Position Reporting To

Position Requested Budgeted YES NO


Note: Please Ensure That You Attach A Job Description of the Position With the Request Form
Please Ensure that the Position has an annual KPI set
Dept MGR
Sign ……………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………….

To Be Filled By Human Resouces Department

Position Requested Budgeted YES NO

Job Description Attached YES NO

Annual KPI Defined YES NO

Budget Include Total Annual Basic Salary RO

Total Annual Allowance RO

Total Annual Training RO

Total Annual Increment RO

Total Annual Bonus RO

Total Annual Budget For Position RO 0


HR MGR Sign ……………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………….

Note: Ensure To Attach Relevent Budget Approved By the Mangment for this Position
Ensure to attach Job description & annual KPI

To Be Filled By Chief Executive Officer

This Position to be Recruited This Year YES NO


To be Decided By Senior MGT/ Board of Directors YES NO

CEO Sign ……………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………….

"At Mbonny It's all about the business" MAN.PLN/HR/ORG NAME/REF NO/2010

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