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Lipton Ice Tea Analysis

Competitor Analysis:
The Indian Tea industry is 150+ years old. It is an important aspect of in Indian Economy & it plays a
major role in our GDP. While India is ranked 2 nd in Tea Production, as of 2016 it is 27 th as per annual
per capita consumption of Tea. In India there a lot of competitors with a variety of products,
competitors such as HUL (Hindustan Unilever), TATA Tea, Tetley, Brook Bond, Organic India, Patanjali,
Wagh Bakri etc. HUL is a parent company of Lipton.

TATA Global Beverages:

It has mainly divided its beverages into 3 Categories

1. Tea
2. Coffee
3. Water

We are focusing upon tea here. Worldwide, it has 8 brands– TATA Tea, Vitax, Tetly, Joekels, Good
Earth, Jemca, Teapigs but in India, it has 4 brands which are available online/offline which are TATA
Tea, Tetley, Good Earth, Teapigs. We will focus on TATA Tea and Tetley.

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