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The title of the project is “Culture Analysis and its impact on Business”. Your report should
be aimed at expat managers who are considering an assignment in that country.

The report should be a MAXIMUM of 12 pages (11 font size, TNR, 1.5 spacing), not
inclusive of Appendices.

1. The first section should include an independent comparative culture analysis of

two countries: 1) India, and 2) a country of your choice (preferably one that the
exchange students in your group belong to). You may use any of the culture
dimensions from across all the models of national culture to analyze the societal
values of the countries. Analysis must be based on your reading and understanding
of its political, social and economic history, and the current state of its institutions
like political system, education, health, labour laws and union representation in
management, and management styles. Your analysis must be backed by data
whenever possible eg. number of working hours per week compared to other
countries, availability of social security, gender equality, percentage of GDP spend
on healthcare, etc. The focus should not be on the history or geography, but on the
cultural values. For example, the seven-member Federal Council as Head of State
in Switzerland may be interpreted as the low PDI in the society. The more data you
use to support your analysis, the better. (6 pages max)

2. Compare your own analysis with the research data (eg. Hofstede/GLOBE etc) and
highlight consistencies and contradictions, with possible explanations for any
contradictions. (3 pages max)

3. Highlight the most glaring cultural differences in culture between the two
countries, and some difficulties that might arise in managing across them. Business
issues could include international business, global strategy and structure,
intercultural communication, negotiation, decision making, leadership,
rewards/recognition/compensation, mergers, acquisitions and JVs, Ethics, IHRM
etc. Support your analysis with library research from the sources listed below. (3
pages max)

4. All citations and referencing must follow the APA style. All sources (even if they
are old students’ reports) must be cited as a reference in the References section..


3. for the most current data and research
on societal values of different countries.
4. GLOBE website ( for detailed
research findings on most large countries. You can also refer to the Special issue
of Journal of World Business, 2002, volume 37, issue 1 for published papers on
national cultures and leadership implications. There are two volumes in the library
in the Reference section on country-wise GLOBE research findings.
5. Journals like Journal of World Business, Organizational Dynamics, Journal of
International Business Studies, California Management Review, HBR.


1. This is a project testing your ability to analyse, interpret, and use data,
rather than fact-finding and listing figures and numbers.
2. Since this is not a field project, I expect rigorous library research. The projects
will be evaluated according to rigour in analysis, and quality of citations.
3. This is NOT a project on dos and don’ts like “bow three times and offer
your visiting card with both hands” type of learning. Your project should
have serious managerial relevance.
4. All projects also need to have a two page summary of the important points
which will be circulated to the entire class, and be part of the syllabus for the
end term exam.

Please contact me if you need any help with references or any other clarifications.

All the best,


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