Purposive Communication Assement Task 2 Reaction Paper Template

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Name: Chincuanco, Catherine Kristina K.
Section: 1N2 Score: 10-03-19
Directions: Read and comprehend the following reflection questions and answer them to the best of your ability by
expressing your answers within exactly the number of COMPLETE SENTENCES required (S1-S5).
What are the demands of your would-be career in terms of your communication skills using the English language?
S1: As a Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian, using English helps me to see things from different perspective.
S2: I get to understand another culture deeper and as well as become good listener.
S3: It can be used to develop myself more and be passionate with what I love.
S4: Better chance to excel for a job.
S5: More opportunities to work in the field of science and technology.
Explain the importance of the model of communication you will employ in your would-be profession? Be specific.
S1: The model of communication that I will employ would be transactional.
S2: It’s the exchange of messages between sender and receiver where each take turns to send and receive message
S3: As I assess my patient’s condition, it is imperative to grasp his/her nutrient intake, lifestyle and history.
S4: Having a strong relationship with my patient will lead to quality information and better health care.
S5: The patient’s level of satisfaction is improved by understanding their ailment and the available treatment.
How would your acuity in the use of Philippine English contribute to your role as a would-be professional?
S1: My ability to understand the use of Philippine English would help me communicate easier.
S2: It enables us to state our thoughts and relate to people.
S3: It will not be difficult since some of Filipino terms can be used in other foreign languages.
S4: There are some words that can be translated into other languages but also has the same meaning or thought
S5: Language helps create personal connections with people.
Explain the importance of respect for one’s culture as a would-be professional interacting with the global village?
S1: Knowing that we are future Nutritionist- Dietitians, we are trained on how culture affects food choices.
S2: Being culturally sensitive allows us to respect and value other cultures.
S3: It also enables us to share our knowledge and understand our patients more
S4: It is essential to know how diverse the world is, be more open minded toward people of different backgrounds.
S5: There’s really a greater chance of interacting with other people from various races particularly in our field.
With the aid of technology, what principles would you employ as you communicate as a would-be professional in a
borderless world?
S1: As I communicate, I have to respect and maintain the patient’s confidentiality.
S2: Information must be accurate and true.
S3: Be mindful with dealing their emotions and learn how to address it.
S4: Take steps to provide treatment and follow up on patient’s progress
S5: Let them participate actively in all decisions related to their health and give unbiased advice.
What legacy will you make as a Thomasian would-be professional who is an exemplar of the core values of
competence, commitment, and compassion coupled with the graduate attributes of being a servant-leader, effective
communicator and collaborator, analytic and creative thinker, and a lifelong learner?
S1: Legacy is not just about leaving what you earned but also what you learned.
S2: As a Thomasian, I want to educate, promote and empower others to make healthy choices.
S3: I would like other people to have wider awareness with regards to how much our diet plays a role in our body.
S4: Nonetheless, I still have a lot of things to learn and improve on.
S5: Someday, I will look back and know exactly why all my struggles had to happen.

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