Thanos Industries Case Study

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BICOL, Joepet
BRINA, Maximo V
LADERA, Gianluke
MACHICO, John Lloyd
POTOY, Jolly
RIVERA, Anjo Jay
TANO, Willie John
VELASCO, Stephen Grant

2nd Year - BSCE

Matina, Davao City

October 2019




A Case Study Submitted to

Engineer Clib James I. Delos Reyes

In fulfillment of the CEE 108

Engineering Management Subject


BICOL, Joepet
BRINA, Maximo V
LADERA, Gianluke
MACHICO, John Lloyd
POTOY, Jolly
RIVERA, Anjo Jay
TANO, Willie John
VELASCO, Stephen Grant
2nd Year - BSCE
Matina, Davao City

October 2019
Executive Summary

Thanos Industries - started as a small midwestern corporation dealing

with a single product line. It deals with commercial contracts and in rare

cases, government contracts. Within the years, it diversified its field through

acquisition programs. The corporation experienced growth through its strong

capabilities and superior marketing. It received awards and accumulated

several awards in the industry. However, shortcomings were projected due to

absence of project management. Troubles came shortly after that challenged

the corporation’s capabilities and power.

With project management non-existent in the corporation, Thanos

Industries faced many troubles. Some of the issues relative to their

consequence of not having a project management are the employees’

performance, organizational structure, interaction between divisions, and

difficulty in expanding. Growth is not retained and lack of people with the

desired skills and talents is prevalent. These issues could have been the main

factor of the corporation’s turndown if not quickly recognized and realized.

Therefore, the researchers have went through and analyzed the available

data of Thanos Industries to mitigate the effects of its perturbations. They

emphasized what the corporation has lacked of and introduced ways to

suffice it. The case study allows the readers to pinpoint shortcomings that

could occur and realize what should be done to quickly resolve it. In the end,

the researchers strongly agree that project management should be prioritized

in operating a corporation.


Many days and sleepless nights have been spent in making this case

study. Great efforts were poured upon the requirement and it would have not

been possible through the help of so many people. Thus, the researchers

would like to express their gratefulness to the following:

Firstly, to God Almighty who have been always there to be the guiding

light of courage and perseverance.

Secondly, to the researchers’ parents who morally and financially

supported them in making ths case study.

Thirdly, to Engineer Clib James Delos Reyes who have been the

researchers’ mentor in making this case study possible. Without his guidance,

the researchers would not have been able to accomplish the requirement.
Fourthly, to Mr. Willie John Tano, who have projected strong heart and

mind in pursuing this study. The researchers would like to thank him for his

patience and understanding with his subordinates.

Fifthly, to the researchers friends who have given them encouragement

and motivation throughout the making of the study.

Lastly, to their classmates who have helped them in finalizing their case

study and for cheering and giving them laughter in times of difficulty.

Table of Contents


TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………… i

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………………………… ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT……………………………………………………… iii

Brief History of Thanos Industries……………………………….. 1

Current Status of Thanos Industries…………………………….. 1


Analysis of Case…………………………………………………… 4

Key Issues/Goals………………………………………………….. 12

Alternatives………………………………………………………… 12

Decision Criteria…………………………………………………… 18

Assumptions……………………………………………………….. 19

Data Analysis………………………………………………………. 19

Justification/Predicted Outcome…………………………………. 21

Exhibits……………………………………………………………… 23


Conclusion………………………………………………………….. 25

Recomendation…………………………………………………….. 27

References…………………………………………………………………… 28
Chapter I


The case study intends to relay understanding within the Thanos

Industries’ data and information. The researchers attentively went through the

corporations available information and troughout their run through, numerous

problems were found. Because of this, they came to a discernment which led

them in establishing better ways in effectively operating an organization that

could help the corporation achieve success single-handedly.

Possessing a great sense of leadership is an important factor in

keeping things work well within a corporation. One key factor enabling

leadership skills is the communication. Interaction between the leader and its

subordinates creates intimacy resulting to oneness. This interaction paves

way for collaboration enabling better performance of the employees and

better productivity. Prudence is also associated to leadership as it permits the

person to see the future. Thinking ahead gives more ideas of what to do next

in order for the corporation to grow and avoid failure. However, Thanos

Industries recognized these only in the end causing them many troubles in

their management as well as in their transition in the industry.

In pursuing the growth and development of a corporation, risks were of

greatest concern. Problems arose unknowingly hampering the corporations

progress. If left unresolved, a major turndown could happen anytime soon.

How could difficulties be avoided? If it cannot be, is there any immediate

remedy? These questions could help lowering the quantity of problems

coming in as it leads to planning. In starting a business, a person could think

of what his goals are and how could he achieve them. This is where planning


its way. Establishing goals becomes significant as it somehow serves

as basis for planning. Steps can be clearly identified on how to achieve the

goals set by the company. In this way, perception of the future occurrence is

possible. A corporation could get its perceived outcome as thing were already

set beforehand.

Organization has also an essential role in mobilizing a corporation.

Time could be used efficiently as organized corporations get things done in no

time. With organized division of workloads, confusion has no place to be in

the corporation.

Without the three aspects, a corporation may fail at their venture. Even

with one of them is absent, continuance is a blurred image. Growth and

development could be achieved through these main aspects - great skills in

leading, careful planning, and thorough organizing. When these aspects are

realized together, a corporation is ready for its journey in the industry.

Brief History of Thanos Industries

Thanos Industries started as a relatively small mid-western

corporation dealing with a single product line that dealt solely with commercial

contracts and sometimes, considered submitting proposals for government

contracts. It functioned under a traditional form of organizational structure that

somewhat resulted to decentralized managerial philosophy within each

division. In 1993, the direction of the company changed as it initiated a strong

acquisition program. The corporation bought smaller firms and brought it in

which diversified their fields. Also, with their super technological capabilities

and superior marketing department, the corporation experienced extensive


growth. Moreover, their four years of research and development and intensive

competition from a major defense organization, awarded them a major

defense contract in July of 1996. This time, their technological capabilities and

marketing department was still relied on to obtain the contract. Even so, after

obtaining the contract, a series of government contracts went in. It resulted to

an extensive growth making way of changing their general managers. By

1997, Thanos Industries hired a new general manager who have been

actively engaged in research and development and has an extensive

background in program management. Still, problems keep emerging within

the corporation and has yet to be resolved by the new general manager.

Current Status of Thanos Industries

Production shortage regarding government contracts is projected to occur in

late 2001 or early 2003. In 1998, Thanos Industries realized it leading them in

initiating three-pronged approach to bridge the expected situation. The

corporation emphasized the need of doing things where an employee is best

at. They also decided to look for similar product lines and products that do not

require extensive research and development. Each division established its

own marketing department which focuses on seeking more federal funds by

acquiring successful contracts that they could utilize in increasing funds upon

research and development. Also, by this time, the corporation realized the

importance of selecting a proper general manager as it mainly contributes to

the success of itself. Even so, proper control over research and development

efforts were neglected not ending the problems within the corporation. Project

management was still unsatisfactory and underdevelop.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the aggregation of the case analysis, key issues,

alternatives, decision criteria, assumptions, data analysis, and the predicted

outcome that could enlighten the readers about the case study.

Analysis of Case

Thanos Industries is undoubtedly a strong corporation that holds power

not only in commercial contracts but also in government contracts. Their belief

of diversification through the acquisition of smaller businesses and bringing it

in to their company never failed them to grow extensively. With the

corporations’ strong marketing department that knows exactly what the

customers want, what the market will bear, what the competition is doing and

where are they going, Thanos Industries have the full control on its growth.

On the other side, negative aspects also dominated in the corporation.

Thanos Industries fails in implementing streamlined project management. The

corporation failed to identify key factors affecting the company’s growth which

resulted to improper planning and somewhat, stagnant future planning. Aside

from that, the corporation engaged in decentralized managerial philosophy

within each division that made the interaction between them absent. In

addition, the marketing department of the corporation controlled the contract

proposals leaving project managers unaware of the company’s future plans.

Though the marketing department made a huge impact on the company’s

growth and development, Thanos Industries still faced lot of difficulties

through their transition.


Throught the efforts of the marketing division, the corporation experienced

extensive growth. This made them the decision of changing the general

managers. A new general manager who have an extensive background in

program manager and have been actively engaged in research and

development has been brought in to accommodate the unyielding growth of

the corporation. During the new manager’s duty, he observed lot of problems

going on within the company. Challenges immediately came to him as he took

position but also rendered immediate ways to prompt efficient program

management in the corporation.

Modification of company ways has been done to mitigate the effect of the

company’s past program management. Many things have been well but

problems still arose. The corporation has thrive even with so much problems

going on within it. Nonetheless, Thanos Industries was not aware of the

troubles happening and just continued to operate until such time, realized it.

There were lot of troubles and errors going on within the company. It

faced numerous challenges as it tries to pursue its position in the industry. To

further understand, the researchers cited and enumerated the following:

Problems Facing the General Manager

1. Adopting and/or Implementing Project Management

Project management considerably intensify successful execution of

running a corporation (Burgan, S.C. & Burgan, D.S., 2012). Being able to

have standard project management procedures, processes, and systems

allow a company in achieving value. In connection, Thomas and Mullaly


(2008) emphasized that the degree of value the organization realizes

depends on the efficiency of implementation. Thanos Industries, however,


failed to adopt such and so, the general manager finds it difficult to

relate all the departments. The corporation is aware of the underlying

circumstances due to absence of project management but chose to rely

on their super technological capabilities and excellent marketing


2. Relying on Super Technological Capabilities and Marketing Department

One factor that the Thanos Industries did not see is that the marketing

department is slowly becoming a proposal department. Zweig Letter

(2017) noted that if people from the marketing department write

proposals, they are not marketing anymore, rather, they are selling. Also,

by relying on the capabilities and on the marketing department, the

corporation allowed other departments to do less. Moreover, Naylor

(2009) stated “When marketing has too much power, it stifles the creativity

if engineers, so product advances may only be incremental.” And by doing

so, the general manager cannot fill the gap between the different

departments immediately.

3. Operation of Commercial and Government Contracts

Thanos Industry started doing commercial contracts dealing with a

single product line. Sooner, as the corporation started doing government

contracts, it did both. This venture made a huge impact on their growth

and development as it widens their scope. Even so, by relying only in its

capabilities and marketing, commercial contracts have been left out which

is due to long term proposals in the government contracts and inefficient

project management.

4. Key Management Incentive Program (KMIP)

To allow employees to work hard, Key Management Incentive

Program was implemented by the corporation. The corporation also based

the performance of the employees’ attainment of goals. This paved way

for employees to focus in doing single type of work to acquire more

achievements. Furthermore, collaboration between them did not happen

as each of them centralized in their required performance. It made a gap

within the corporation which resulted to an autonomous state since they

barely interact with each other. Thanos Industries cannot acquire the right

decision as managers and employees were being self-centered.

Cancialosi (2014) added that obstinate incentives based on sales,

profit margins, and customer service scores can restraint the work of

entrepreneurial ventures. The author also emphasized that manipulation

of these numbers is not impossible by the people touching the business

segments daily. What is more is that when KMIP is designed poorly,

Cancialosi stated “It can put a company’s sustainability at risk by paying

out too much, incentivizing the wrong behaviors, or possibly driving

people to game the the system to meet their targets.”

As for Thanos Industries, KMIP resulted to employees being self-

centered and attached to working with what is required to them. Their

performance depended on what they can get after attaining numerous


required goals. Employees comply as what is expected from them thus,

blocking their minds to think outside their coverage.

5. Production Engineering and Research and Development Management

Prior to the employment of the new manager, Thanos Industries’

Production Engineering and Research and Development Department did

not have an interaction. R&D is either ahead or behind the other

departments. This leaves the production of the corporation weak.

Communication was therefore nonexistent resulting to poor productivity of

the corporation.

6. Interaction Between Departments

The decentralization of the corporation resulted to poor

communication between the corporation’s departments. There is no

engagement of two or more than departments in any activities. Lamarco

(2018) denotes that effective communication allows the company to

alleviate conflicts and or issues happening within. He also added that

effective communication permits employees to get what they need quickly.

Moreover, when there is communication between each other, the

corporation will be able to assess what are the issues they need to focus

on and what can they do to solve it.

As stated by Naylor (2009), when departments are able to understand

each other, their jobs will be easier and their productivity will increase.

When the departments communicate, they work together creating more

ideas through brainstorming. Also, the author added that collaboration

between the increases awareness of each others’ functions and value in

the corporation. When one of the departments get overpowered, services

and products produced could be unsatisfactory.

The significance of interaction between the employees should be

established. With so much interaction going on within the corporation,

issues can be recognized immediately. Problems will not be able to fit in

the company as the employees join hands together.

Change Within the Organizational Structure

1. Decentralized Managerial Philosophy

Thanos Industries implemented decentralized managerial philosophy

within the corporation. This philosophy designates each department in a

certain task. According to Griffin (2019), this philosophy promotes

autonomy within departments. This means that employees are being

empowered in making their own decisions regarding to what is tasked to

them. Also, employees can enjoy democracy in doing their tasks allowing

them to be chill and relaxed in their job.

Even so, as the new general manager took position, corporate

philosophy was implemented. Its main purpose is to accommodate the

need of the corporation’s long-term government contracts, long cycles,

and diversified products. According to BEITraining (2018), corporate

philosophy allows the company to establish a vision and a mission for

itself. In this way, values could be instilled and a common goal is shared.

Compared to decentralized managerial philosophy, it paves way for

interaction and collaboration between employees. What is more is that it

abolishes the autonomous state within the corporation. The new

philosophy promotes unification alongside the diversification of the


The company philosophy instilled in the employees makes a huge

impact on their performance. Growth and development depends on how

the corporation is doing in their management with the aid of the

company’s choice of philosophy. Thanos Industries underwent changes in

its system that somehow provided ideas for comparison. The transition of

its management got a long way and has yet more to pass by.

Expansion and Growth

1. Acquisition Program

Thanos Industries believed that acquisition program secures the

future of the corporation. In fact, it is one of the key factors that helped

them prosper even with many problems coming in. Through the

acquisition program, the corporation has diversified its product and

services. From dealing solely with a single product line in commercial

contracts, ventures in dealing with government contracts was added.

Though it also widens the gap between the departments, it made a great

impact on the company’s development. Aside from that, with the new

company philosophy, the corporation has coped up and somehow

mitigate the troubles within it.

2. Super Technological Capabilities and Marketing Department


These two aspects lead the expansion and growth of the corporation.

They fill in the lacking of program management of the corporation in

acquiring project proposals. The capabilities of the corporation enabled

them to gain trust from their clients. Moreover, the broad knowledge of its

marketing department pushed through its success in keeping proposals in

their hands.

3. Thanos Industries’ Division

Until 1996, Thanos Industries did not realize the need of participation

of other departments to marketing department in making proposals. The

marketing department has mostly controlled the contracts which resulted

to inadequate future planning. However, on the other side, diversification

was intensified and became a strength to the corporation. The new

general manager made the corporation realize the importance of

coordination between the employees. New departments and positions

were introduced to provide efficient management. Proposals were not

controlled by the marketing department anymore. Interaction started to

happen between the various departments of the corporation. Moreover,

the division between catering commercial and government proposals

optimized the work.

Responsibilities of the New Manager

1. Project Management Director

A director of project management was identified in 1997 and had the

power over the project managers, operations group, and the contracts

group. This permitted better collaboration within the corporation. The new

position allowed the general manager to receive reports fast as it reported

directly to him.

2. Interaction with Functional Departments

Thanos Industries recognized the significance of associating

departments with each other. Interaction between them plays an essential

role of effective management and planning. Also, interaction promotes

organized corporation as it assists exchanging of information between the

departments. The general manager should also be actively engaged in

interacting with his subordinates as somehow, it could result to a better

performance of the employees.

Thanos Industries has gone through lot of troubles as much as what the

researchers have enumerated. Many aspects were disregarded by the

corporation resulting to numerous troubles going in within. Though growth and

development is still prevalent, neglecting these issues could result to major

downfall anytime soon.

Key Issues/Goals

To allow further enlightenment, the researchers present the following key

issues and goals within the company:

1. Recognize the significance of implementing project management.

2. Provide a strong company philosophy within the corporation.

3. Create and instill company policy to share relativeness with each other.

4. Follow a standard set by the corporation.


5. Understand how incentive program could work efficiently.

6. Develop activities that could encourage interaction in the corporation.

7. Check employees’ performance regularly

8. Maintain surveillance of each departments’ growth

9. Encourage talents within the corporation.

10. Intensify performance in research and development.


Many troubles were observed in the management of Thanos Industries.

To suffice the difficulties faced by the corporation, the researchers advise the


1. Adopt and Implement a Project Management

As Burgan, S.C. and Burgan, D.S. (2012) stated, project management

substantially enhances the successful operation of an organization. Even

so, project management remains elusive in terms of its efficiency in

implementation. Thanos Industries, for instance, has failed in adopting

and implementing making the system within the corporation in physical

phenomenon .

This enabled the researchers to basically conclude that project

management has to be enforced. Consequently, Golini et. al. (2014)

emphasized that the possible remedy for the poor performance rates and

unsatisfactory services in an organization is the practice of project

management. The corporation will be systematized and be more


competitive as it allows efficient traffic flow of various things within the


2. Keep the Decentralized Managerial Philosophy

The philosophy provided freedom for everyone in their work. It

hindered the communication between employees. However, it is not the

main reason of the lack of interaction within the company. The absence of

project management mainly contributed to the loss of interaction within the

corporation. Though it promoted autonomy upon each department,

Joseph (2019) implied five advantages of having a decentralized

managerial philosophy. These are the following:

1. Greater Autonomy Empowers Employees

2. Relieving the Burden

3. Preparing for Emergencies

4. More Efficient Decision-Making

5. Ease of Expansion

The author stated that with great autonomy, employees get a sense of

importance and feel they have done great input in the direction of the

organization. In addition, it allows the employees to utilize their knowledge

and experience in crafting decisions. On the other side, decentralized

management relieves the burden of the corporation as it allows less job

for the general manager permitting him to do future plans and other

business related aspects. Also, this philosophy enables the corporation to

stay in its position when there is an emergency. Since each department


works in autonomous state, survival is possibly strong. Moreover,

decision-making is efficient in this philosophy since a manager does not

have to wait for a chain of command from other departments. Lastly, if a

corporation decides to expand, because of decentralization, one

department could be assigned as a single entity to operate new

expansions. With efficient project management implemented,

decentralized managerial philosophy could do a great difference in the

company’s growth and development.

3. Develop and Instill Company Policy

Even a corporation is in a decentralized managerial philosophy,

collaboration is still possible. Though autonomy is present, with a

company policy being followed, everyone will feel a sense of unification.

Company policy creates common goal for the department. Shared

objectives will arise resulting to oneness defying diversification. According

to Scott (2019), company policies emphasize the responsibilities of both

the employer and the employees. It establishes rules of conduct that

assist in better cooperation between them. To further comprehend, the

author denoted the following:

1. Employee Conduct Policies

In this policy, duties and responsibilities of each employee is

realized. The author added that conduct policies exist as a guideline

for suitable employee behavior.

2. Equal Opportunity Policies


The policies covered herein abolish inappropriate behavior from

employees, supervisors, and independent contractors regarding the

race, gender, sexual orientation and religious and cultural beliefs of a

person within the organization. These policies favor equal treatment

with all of the company’s employees.

3. Attendance and Time Off Policies

Employees work schedule adherence is reflected within these

policies. Discipline is instilled in the employees knowing what could

happen to them by being late or absent. This also allows the general

manager to set allowed number of absences an employee could have.

The company policies stated above could help Thanos Industries’

efficiency in project management. Once implemented, the transition of

the company’s growth and development should be at ease.

4. Create Vision and Mission for the Corporation

Alongside the company policy implemented, vision and mission could

be added. It will create a sense of what the company is up to and what the

company is for. Also, with its presence, the corporation could identify

steps in achieving its goals and objectives. The road of improvement is

clear as the corporation is set on track.

5. Modify Incentive Program

Thanos Industries already has an incentive program which is the Key

Management Incentive Program (KMIP). However, this type of incentive


program resulted to self-centralization. As what Fotsch B. and Case J.

(2018) denotes, incentives affect employees behavior from the start up to

the end of their work. Employees focused on their required objective to

gain incentives at the end of the year. To counter this, the researchers

suggest that the incentive program should be modified.

The incentive program should be dependent on the overall

performance of a department. In this way, cooperation between the

employees within a division intensifies. Self-centralization is disregarded

and interaction is expected. The authors also stated “Companies with the

most effective incentive plans involve employees in establishing team

goals, thereby building both understanding and buy-in.” Thus, by having

the teams performance as the basis of giving incentives, collaboration is

expected giving way to diverse talents and skills that could help the cor

poration boost its progress.

6. Intensify Interaction Between Departments and Employees

Through the modification of incentive program, the gap between the

employees is closed. Interaction occurs leading to effective teamwork

among employees. Intensification of interaction between the corporation’s

division should also be given attention. Departments should also be able

to collaborate to suffice what the other cannot do. In this way, troubles will

immediately be taken care of.

7. Assess Employees’ Performance Regularly


As the corporation intensifies its communication throughout itself,

each department’s performace should do well. With the drive of the

incentive program, employees are expected to do their best as well.

However, without regular surveillance of their performance, negligence is

possible. Also, assessing employees performance regularly could help

identify what should be improved or what should be modified in order to

attain great results.

8. Encourage Growth Within Each Department

The corporation instilled one thing in its mind which is success. To

enable continuation of growth, the corporation should do various ways of

developing itself. To do that, each department should not only do well in

their field but also provide inputs in improving the corporation. This could

be possible through the encouragement given to them. The corporation

should emphasize the need of growth to be able to go alongside the years

passing by and not be left out.

9. Conduct Workshops and Seminars

The corporation lacked talents and skills in their management. The

need of young talents is prevalent. To satisfy this, the researchers

suggest to have workshops and seminars in the corporation. This will

alllow the employees enhance their skills in a certain aspect. In this way,

the corporation should not be bothered by the demand of talents in the


10. Enhance Research and Development Department

Thanos Industries projected a production shortage sooner as the

corporation continued to go on. The corporation focused on its strength in

its marketing department and forgot the significance of research and

development. With this, the researchers strongly suggest enhancing the

research and development department. Also, a good relationship between

the marketing and research and development is advised. As Naylor(2009)

stated that when both departments work together on understanding and

acting on customer needs, both their jobs will be easier and both will

attain productive results. Furthermore, research allows the corporation to

spot strengths and weaknesses within the company thus assisting the

corporation’s growth and development. Immediate solutions will be

provided and better products and services could be offered with a well-

functioning research and development department.

Decision Criteria

The aforementioned alternatives can be evaluated using the following


1. Thanos Industries must ensure efficient project management. Company

policy is strongly implemented and the corporation’s values in achieving

its objectives were observed. (30%)

2. Profit is retained and return on investment is maximized. (20%)

3. The recommendation must align with a strategy that prioritize growth

development and actions. It must be able to sink in Thanos Industries


growth in the future considering the ability to include or deduct product

lines as needed. (50%)


Thanos Industries is expected to project more growth with the researchers

suggestions. The researchers assume that with the comprehension of their

findings, the corporation would be able to alleviate their status.

By implementing project management in the corporation, the researchers

assume an ease of traffic flow of work throughout the corporation.

Decentralization is also expected to be empowered through an efficient

project management. The researchers anticipate collaboration within

departments that would allow an explosion of ideas in developing the

corporation. Positive outcome is foreseen implying the researchers findings.

However, negative results are also expected and shortcomings may occur

during the corporation’s transition. Thanos Industries might not be able to

cope up with the changes. Employees might have negative feedback with the

alterations implemented by the corporation. Not all employees might have

positive response resulting to a possible turndown.

These assumptions could possibly occur in varying systems of the

corporation. These are out of corporation’s control and what it could only do

is evaluate its performance regularly. The researchers, however, strongly

propose its alternatives as it may also help a corporation grow and develop

very well.

Data Analysis

The researchers went through the available data of Thanos Industries

and were able to comprehend the situation that occurred within the

corporation. The researchers present the data analysis based on the

information that they have gathered from the given case.

The data that has been available focused on the company’s case with

the mentioned mechanism and contracts problem facing the new manager

and changes within the organizational structure. The company’s operational

capabilities have been perceived as heavily involved in commercial and

government contracts.

In 1996, the success of the company relied on superior technological

capabilities that managed the customer and market behavior factors and

superior marketing department that easily acquired contracts.

In 1997, the highly decentralized manufacturing organization and

autonomous status in each division brought up the challenges to the new

manager. Under KMIP program, some division’s strategic planning is

stagnant while working approach set up to low-level standards that failed to

generate the expected business results. Indeed, the emerging perfomance-

based rather than goal-orinented working approach was not concern in

organizational growth. Also, the paradigm of reaseach and development has

been became way ahead or way behind of the other divisions.

The general managers changed the corporate philosopy to assess the

company’s current position and its future growth. The managers foresee

improvements that procreates a market profitability and maximize return of

investment promptly, the company operates in full capacity. A systematic view


of separation of the commercial product line from government contract that

expected to overcome market competition will help company not rely on its

success solely in government contract. Thus, the company revised its

organizational structure.

The expansion of the company between 1996 and 1997 entitled with the

growth objective in each division, performed by one program manager with

expertise in commercal field. The establishment project head offices was

mainly to monitor the government contract. In order to cope with uncertain

contract demands, the company developed a full range of proactive

approaches for the contract. The further changes organizational structure that

give way a fultime director of project management integrating the contract

proposal into subdivision managers that lead the marketing management

controllable. The interface between the marketing department and program

office began to increase.

To cope with the expansion of government contract, the company

initiated a strong acquisition of talents. Young talent within the organization

saw involvement with projects as an opportunity to move up. This aspect was

a reality to faced due the shortage of abundant talent.

Justification/Predicted Outcome

With the researchers’ provided alternatives, Thanos Industries could cope

up with its lag in its project management. Comprehensive planning could

happen allowing better results. Organization is optimized creating sense of

unification devising top-quality performance. The researchers strongly


predicts unyielding growth and development of Thanos Industries while

securing its stability in its position.

Consequently, greater prower will be justified with the researchers’

findings. Through the initiatives given, the corporations’ current position will be

skyrocketed when effective implementation is done. With the superior motives

of the researchers to intensifying growth and development, and with their

reliable references, progress is highly hoped for.

Thanos Industries’ difficulties are no more than a thing to bother anymore

when the researchers’ methods are followed. The corporation will experience

greater progress than it had before. Also, anytime, when a new problem

enters, the corporation will immediately notice it allowing it to provide an

immediate action. Awareness is being practiced and creativity is introduced.

Thanos Industries will significantly move up.

Moreover, by the alternatives provided, the corporation could allow

sustainability and resiliency. With its assistance, Thanos Industries could

retain its strong influence in its field, may it be in the commercial or

government contracts.

Furthermore, by implementing the options presented by the researchers,

even with the corporation’s diversification of fields, a holistic approach is

possible. With the implementation of company policies, vision and mission, a

unified system is practiced.

To sum it up, the researchers strongly agree that the alternatives provided

is on the brighter side. Though some bad things may occur, with its reliable

approach, Thanos Industries could easily mitigate it. The researchers approve

its intentions of building up a corporation very well by rendering sharp

procedures in efficiently operating a corporation.


The researchers present the following organizational structure followed by

Thanos Industries within their transition. Alternative organizational structure is

also conferred herein.

Exhibit I - Organizational Structure of Thanos Industries in 1996

General Manager

Program Quality
Engineering Personnel Contracts Operations
Management Control

Exhibit II - Organizational Structure of Thanos Industries in 1997

General Manager

Quality Program
Engineering Personnel Marketing
Control Program Management

Operations Contracts

Manager I


Exhibit III - Organizational Structure of Thanos Industries in 1998

General Manager
VP Business

Project Project
Engineering Personnel Marketing
Program Managers Managers


Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

Projects Operations Contracts
Projects Projects Projects

Exhibit IV- Alternative Organizational Structure

General Manager

Research Director
Engineering and Personnel Marketing
Program Management
Chapter III

Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presents the conclusion and recommendation constructed by

the researchers. It implies what the researchers have found and emhasized

what could be done to avoid troubles to happen in a corporation.


Thanos Industries has possessed great power in handling commercial

and government contracts at the same time. However, their strength has only

relied on two aspects - their strong technological capabilities and superior

marketing department. And so throughout their journey, many problems has

arise leaving the corporation in shambles of solving it immediately.

Project management was not implemented until the new general

manager took position. Decentralized managerial philosophy has been

replaced corporate philosophy which abolished the autonomy within its

employees. The new philosophy was said to retain profitability and maximize

return on investment. Even so, with the strong resources of the researchers,

decentralized managerial philosophy is more efficient. The only problem it

faced is that no appropriate project management was implemented.

Decentralization strengthens a corporation’s ability to maintain its stability in

the industry. As what the researchers have provided, this philosophy offers lot

of benefits specially to large-scale corporations like the Thanos Industries.

One aspect that has also been left out by the corporation is the research

and development department. It did not receive better attention as the

corporation intensified only in its technological capabilities and marketing

department. Production shortage has been projected and it is due to lack of


research. Thus, the researchers conclude that research and development

should be given priority to enable the corporation to modify its ways and

provide better and quality services.

Thanos Industries forgot the essence of equal treatment among its

divisions as well. The corporation has focused on its strength weakening the

function of other departments. Other departments has been left out not

recognizing its value in the corporation. And so, the researchers has come up

to an idea of equal distribution of attention to all of its division.

To add, communication did not exist within the corporation. Interaction

plays an essential role anywhere and the corporation seemed to be unaware

of it. Without interaction, confusion may occur. Moreover, without it, efficient

organization is impossible. To conclude, lack of interaction results to

unsuitable organization.

Overall, the performance of Thanos Industries is undeniably satisfactory.

Its improvement is yet to be commended as it somehow retained its porition in

the industry. Still, its system cannot be an epitome for successful operation of

a corporation. It lacked in many aspects hindering efficient system within. To

finally sum up, Thanos Industries’ growth is due to its strength in its

capabilities and superior marketing department while no other division has

significantly made contribution to its progress.



To fulfill the growth and development of Thanos Industries, the

researchers strongly recommend the following:

1. Identify appropriate project management suitable for the corporation.

2. Identify a company philosophy desirable for the corporation.

3. Ensure proper planning and organizing.

4. Exhibit efficient organizational structure.

5. Determine strengths and weaknesses.

6. Promote communication within the corporation.

7. Exhibit good conduct of leadership with subordinates.

8. Identify factors directly affecting the employees’ performance.

9. Enhance employees’ skills and talents.

10. Give adequate funding to research and development.


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