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September 16, 2019

Letter from President Davies

Magandang araw po Elders at Sisters!

Elders and Sisters, Sister Davies and I loved being with you during zone conference last week. We love you and appreciate
your love, kind words, and greetings. It was a delight for us to be with you and feel the Spirit teach all of us, as you shared
your comments and taught Christlike attributes.

Come Follow Me
I was recently studying a talk by Elder Neil L. Anderson that he gave at the recent Mission Leadership Seminar. I would
like to share some of his thoughts, and some of my thoughts.

As I read the talk, I thought of Matthew 4:17-20:

17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
18 And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother,
casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.
19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
20 And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.

Each of us has hearkened to the call of our prophet, and accepted his call to represent Jesus Christ as full-time
missionaries. We repented to be worthy to serve. We have heard President Russell M. Nelson tell us that, “Time is
getting short.” We know that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. And we are teaching and testifying of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ which has been fully restored in this dispensation.

We have truly become, “Fishers of men”. We have left family, friends, education, employment – we have put all of those
things on the “alter of sacrifice”. We have chosen to accept the call of Jesus Christ, to “follow Him”, and He has made us
fishers of men.

Elder Andersen encouraged the new mission presidents to ensure that all of their missionaries are truly converted. I
thought about how we, as a mission, “strive to be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost”, at all times. How we
study the scriptures and PMG. How we seek to open our mouths to everyone that we meet. How we make sure that we
are diligent, and urgently use every minute of every day – finding, testifying, and teaching our Heavenly Father’s children.
And, my heart was filled with love for all of you. You are the best of the best of the best of the best!!!

Elder Andersen taught the following. “Look at this image.”

“At first, the missionaries look quite similar as they pursue the path
of discipleship, but on closer look, we see their differences.”
September 16, 2019
“Some are securely on their way; some are only beginning. Some
have their eyes fixed on the Savior; others are looking away.”

“Almost all enter the mission wanting spiritual experiences, but they
are not equally prepared to embrace the challenge before them.
They are different in testimony, capacity, personality, and desire.
Each comes to you with this sacred charge: ‘Help make of this son or
daughter of God a lasting and enduring disciple of Christ.’” (Elder
Neil L. Andersen)

To watch and experience your personal conversion, and see the

miracles that you experience, is humbling and exciting for Sister
Davies and I. We rejoice in your testimonies and conversion! We rejoice in your service! We rejoice in your
countenance, excitement, and desire, to serve our Heavenly Father with “all your heart, might, mind, and strength”. And
you will be able to “stand blameless before God at the last day.” (D&C 4:2)

Sometimes, Sister Davies and I have the privilege of helping a missionary, “face the Lord”. Sometimes we help
missionaries get back on the right path, traveling towards their Savior. And we do this with all of our love.

I was pondering the wisdom of Elder Callister’s talk, “Becoming a Consecrated Missionary”, and a couple of principles
touched my heart.

“Consecrated missionaries leave their fears on the sacrificial altar and open their mouths with everyone. This will
be one of your great challenges in the mission field. It sometimes separates the consecrated missionaries from the
good missionaries. I recognize there may be multiple reasons why someone doesn’t open his mouth at all times
and in all places – why he holds back a part of the offering. It could be a timid personality, or a fear of man, or a
streak of laziness, but whatever the excuse may be, it must eventually be overcome. It never outweighs the
Savior’s command which states: “And thou must open thy mouth at all times.” (DC 28:16). This injunction is
repeated again and again in the scriptures.”

“Consecrated missionaries are out of the apartment [early]. They do not come back before 9:00 p.m., except for
lunch or dinner. They speak to everyone. They knock at one more door. There is a quickness in their pace and an
urgency in their work. You can see it in their faces.”

“When consecrated missionaries are exhausted and nothing is left, they rely upon their faith, and the reserve tanks
of energy somehow carry them through the day. They too become recipients of the promise to Joseph Smith: “In
temporal labors thou shalt not have strength for this is not thy calling.” But then the promise: “Thou shall devote
all thy service in Zion; and in this thou shalt have strength” (DC 24:7-9).”

Elders and Sisters, you are the chosen, and the best of our Heavenly Father’s sons and daughters, and we love you!
September 16, 2019
PMG Challenge
To stay on track, you should have read and studied 48 pages of PMG. I promise you that you will have great success and
witness miracles as you become a Preach My Gospel Scholar!

PMG Scholarship Study

Elders and sisters, now that you have the 42 principles in chapter 3 of PMG, now you should select a Book of Mormon,
and Bible reference for each of the principles. And then begin memorizing the scriptural references. Once you have the
references memorized, then you should start memorizing the verses.

I suggest that you start sharing this with the members and leaders of your ward or branch. Tell
them that the PSPM will be working toward having many baptisms in December, and get them
to work with you and help you. They will get excited as they learn more about the PSPM . If we achieve
one baptism per missionary in the month of December, we will have around 150 baptisms!!!

Over the next few ‘Ber’ months, we should be filling our escalators with many of our Heavenly Father’s children, who are
coming unto him, and preparing for baptism. Prepare for our . All confirmations performed on any
Sunday in December will count towards the PSPM (December 1st, 8th, 15, 22nd, and 29th).

Please Report Any Gossip to the Mission President:

You are the best of the best of the best of the best!!!

Sister Davies and I love you with all of our hearts! Every day we ask our Heavenly Father to watch over and guide you.
May our Heavenly Father continue to bless us in our sacred labors!

All our love, -President and Sister Davies

Obedience Urgency Consecration
September 16, 2019

Letter from Sister Davies

I read a story this week that I love and want to share it with you.

“This is Jim Thorpe. Look closely at the photo, you can see that he's
wearing different socks and shoes. This wasn't a fashion statement.
It was the 1912 Olympics, and Jim, an American Indian from
Oklahoma (orphaned at age 9) represented the U.S. in track and
field. On the morning of his competitions, his shoes were stolen.
Luckily, Jim ended up finding two different shoes in a garbage can.
That's what he's wearing in the photo. But one of the shoes was too
big, so he had to wear an extra sock. Wearing these shoes, Jim won
two gold medals that day. This is a perfect reminder that you don't
have to resign to the excuses that have held you back. So what if life
hasn't been fair? What are you going to do about it today?
Whatever you woke up with this morning; stolen shoes, ill health,
hard companionships, tired feet, family issues, don't let it stop you
from running your race. You can experience more in life if you'll get over the excuses and get on with living. You
can have reasons (excuses) or you can have results...but you can't have both.”

So many times we spend so much time trying to blame someone or something on our failures or finding
excuses for the things that are hard to do. If we just decide we are going to do them, no matter what, a way
will present itself. We talked about the “Remember” page in PMG. God has not sent us here to fail. Use these
methods to find the success He needs us to find.

I loved being with you this week at Zone Conferences. You are truly amazing. We have some pretty amazing
times on the 42 principles. Thanks to everyone who has learned them and also to those who were willing to
give it a try. Our fastest times at the West Zone Conference was Sister Edwards (44.00), Sisters Little, Pastores
and Tobias (48.88), Elder Garner (32.64) and Elders Cuyag and Miller (55.29). At the East Zone Conference
there was Sister Pattee (42.62), Sisters Dahl and Miller (48.04), Elder C. Johnson (31.52) and Elders Manglicmot
and Jenson (31.05). You are amazing and I love your energy. Please remember to have joy and fun in this work.
Welcome to Sister Zia who arrived on Wednesday. We love her already!
Four weeks ‘til general conference!!!! Watch that the days don’t mess up your baptisms. (Broadcast is on the
12th and 13th). You won’t be able to confirm on the 13th or announce for the next week.

• Thank you for cleaning those apartments! You are the best!
• Congratulations on being brave during your flu shots!
• Remember to “practice” listening to those thoughts that encourage you to do something
good. Have fun with the “bursts of joy” that that will bring. You are on your way to great
things, being guided by the Holy Ghost.
• Only 101 days until “white Christmas”! Set goals and make plans.
Love you with all my heart!
September 16, 2019
Sister Davies

• If you have a “Completed Family” baptism, please send a picture of the family, with the missionaries,
and the family name, to the office.
• BCR’s need to be turned into the mission office WITHIN 1 WEEK, following the confirmation. Please be
careful when filling out the BCR form, ensuring that the name and date formats are correct, and all of
the information is legible, neat, and accurate.
• You should have: 3,800Php left of your support money. Take care of your sacred funds. And NEVER
lend or borrow money!

Date Event Time Location
September 21 Lopez Interview 10:00 AM Lopez Stake Center
September 26 5th Week Check Up 9:30 AM Mission Home

Contacts (*Make sure these are in your phones*)

Sister Seely – (MP Secretary and Travel) 09998855966

Elder Seely – (Finance) 09998855968
Sister Snyder – (BCR’s, Supplies, Referrals) 09998855967
Elder Snyder – (Housing, And Phones) 09479949573
September 16, 2019

Baptism Statistics
Actual Baptisms Actual Baptisms Baptism Goal Actual Baptisms Baptism Goal
Last Week For the month For the month Year-to-date For 2019

20 46 117 618 1404


Weekly Silver Bullet Areas (n) = consecutive weeks

Silver (6+) Gold (12+) Platinum (18+)

11-Malinao (2) 9-Santa Cruz 3 (2) 7-Cabuyao 2 17-Lucban 1a (14)
11-Unisan (7) 8-Santa Rosa 2a 7-Lopez 3a 16-Batangas 1a (10)
10-Santa Rosa 1a (2) 8-Lucena 1 7-Majayjay (4) 14-Barra 1a (3)
10-Gasan (9) 8-Victoria 6-San Juan 13-Assistants (10)
9-Candelaria 1a 7-Calamba 2a (10) 6-Nagcarlan 1b 12-Lipa 1 (3)


President and Sister Davies

Elder and Sister Snyder
Elder and Sister Seely
Elder Cuyag & Elder Miller
September 16, 2019

PSPM Completed Families

Elder Marzan

Elder Laranjo

Sister Villamil

Sister Van Dijk

September 16, 2019

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