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Coping Strategies of Students after Experiencing Academic Failure


We are well aware that the secondary level is a critical phase of

education. This stage allows students determine on what path they want to go
into. It also serve as a cross roads for your dreams and your life choices. This
stage will equip students with the needed academic background to continue his
studies and where students are preparing for their chosen paths but this is
also an alarming stage for being burnt out that is cause by school works and
academic stress.

According to studies, stress is a major factor to a how a child performs

academically. A researched done in 2000 states that, stress can enhance
learning ability but too much of it can cause physical and mental health
problems and the academic achievement of a child is put to risk. Stress is
found to be a major contribution factor to academic performance but dealing
with stress depends on how people handle it if he will handle it with a positive
way or in a negative way. Stress and dealing with stress are phenomena
closely intertwined with human life. (Shahmohammadi, 2011) They relate to all
minor and major events in life. (Shahmohammadi, 2011) Stress is define as the
state of mental tension and worry cause by problems in our lives and
something that causes strong feelings of worry or anxiety. (Merriam-Webster
Dictionary) Too much stress may lead to anxiety or worse depression.
Depression makes someone take his life because he can’t handle his strong
feelings of worry or anxiety anymore and every individual experiences stress
occasionally. Students in general experience stress in situation such as going
to a new college, preparing for exams, dealing with friends and peers, death of
relatives, divorce or separation of parents, etc. (Shahmohammadi, 2011)
In the education fields the common source of stress that may lead to fear
and anxiety among students are high expectation of parents, teachers,
academic pressure, and competition among classmates, physical set-up,
limited opportunities and ambitions. (Nakalema and Ssenyonga, 2013)

Academic failure happens when students poor in grade, do not achieve

the expectation and do not meet the academic standards. Academic failure is a
stressful event which students must deal with it.

Academic failure can be a stressful event for students. We, students

defined academic failure as poor in an exam, when the results do not meet the
student's expectation, and when the results do not meet a minimum of
academic standards. Failed in academic has an effect not only on the students,
but also their parents and family who support them.

Research from Rusinani (2014) revealed parents and family play a
major role in affecting their children's achievement, rather than friend and
teacher. It consistent with Fathoni, Faturochman Kurnianingsih and
Kim(2014) who found that in SHS and undergraduate students ,support from
family has the biggest influence in achieving success in academic. There were
many kinds of support which family gives to children as emotional,
informational, material and religious support. The emotional support was
found to be the most important support to children in achieving success in

Success in academic is the most important attainment in students.

Students put the academic achievement as the most important attainment
because they perceive success in academic as self-fulfillment and make their
parents proud. We students perceived that success in academic was important
in order to make our family proud of us. Achieving the academic success in
student related to their relationship with the parents.
This study is aiming to provide an insight into the role of academic stress
among students, their emotional adjustment and coping mechanism .Over a
period of time, academic stress among students has increased drastically due
to parental expectation and competitive environment among students. It may
result in having a harmful effect to the individual and parents. Students are
not able to cope due to parent’s expectations and cut throat competition among
students leading them to mental health issues like depression, anxiety, suicide.
These facts require immediate attention; hence, awareness among students,
parents and teachers should be created so that preventive measures can be
taken to create a friendly and healthy environment.

The most important thing in exploring coping strategies ate describing

what person thought and done in coping with the stressful events.

Stress can have many kinds of implication on students physical, mental,

health, well being, and also academic performance. (Ryan,2013). So it is
important to study on how the students cope with the academic failure as a
stressful event. Coping strategies of students after experiencing academic
failure can be turn-out self regulated learning and the academic success of the

Oftentimes, most of students struggle in their academic preparation.

High school is one of the stressful times for many students as they go through
the process of adapting a new educational and social environment. However, it
is believed that certain factors may allow some students to succeed
academically, such as stress coping skills. High school can be a very stressful
period in the lives of most students; however, some students cope with stress
better than others. Many students who are able to handle stress well have
effective stress coping skills. When high school students are facing stressful life
events, they typically use many kinds of coping strategies to deal with them.
They use various coping strategies simultaneously, and strategies are also
likely to change over time, depending on the effectiveness of the applied


This study on “Coping strategies of Students after Experiencing

Academic Failure.” seeks to attain the following objectives:

1. To identify the individual differences of students who are coping with

academic failure.

2. To analyze the reason why students gets a failure grades in their studies

3. To differentiate the students getting a high grades to a student’s coping a

failure grades in their studies.


This study aims to determine the “Coping strategies of Students after

Experiencing Academic Failure.” Specifically, it aims to answer the following

1. What is the profile of the respondents?

A. Age:

B. Sex:

C. Type of School:






This study involves 30 random students from both public and private
school. It will revolve around students who frequently used strategies to cope
up their academic failure.



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The intent of this study is to show that the students who experienced
academic failure have shown adequate strategies in preventing failing grades.
This study distinguishes the difference between students who uses coping
strategies from those students who don’t.

Coping Strategies of Students after Experiencing Academic Failure




Directions: Read each data carefully. Answer each statement truly. Put a check
on the space provided. Do not leave any blank.

Name (Optional): ____________________________________________


___ 12-14 ___ 15-17 ___ 18-20


____ M ___ F

Type of School:

____ Public

____ Private

____ 7-9 _____ 10-12


_____75-79 _____80-84 _____ 85-89 ____90 and above



Directions: Read the following statements below. Put a check mark (/) on the
column that corresponds to your choices by using the rating scale.

Rating Scale Descriptive Equivalent

5 Always
4 Frequently
3 Sometimes
2 Rarely
1 Never

Statement Always Frequently Sometimes Rarely Never

1. I asked my subject
teachers about the things
that I don’t
2. I read books every time I
come home.
3. I surf on the internet to
widen my
4. I always make sure that
I write something on my
journal about our
lesson.(De Guzman,2019)
5. I concentrate on what
questions I got incorrect
and why I got them
6. I go over my papers and
review, check my mistakes
and observe them.
7. I pay attention in
8. I talk to my friend by
releasing my emotions to
him about my academics.
9. I review more often after
failing. (De Guzman,2019)
10. I use failure as a
reason to strive more in my
studies. (De Guzman,
11. I got depressed
because of various low
scores in my
12. I always let myself have
a free-time even though I
have assignments to do.
13. I do not scan my books
whenever I get home but
instead I play online
games. (De Guzman, 2019)
14. I do not review when
there is an upcoming exam
because I know that I will
fail anyways.
15. I put the blame on my
teachers because they did
not explain the lesson well.
16. I feel ashamed of the
scores I get.(De
17. I find it hard to cope
up with the lessons after
failing. (De Guzman, 2019)
18. I was not able to
manage my time with my
academics as I tend to
focus on the subject I
failed. (Arenas,2019)
19. I notice a gradual
decrease with my self-
confidence because of my
scores. (Montemayor,2019)
20. I am anxious of how
other people think about
me as I cope up with the
subjects I failed. (De


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