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Sandalwood - Know the Amazing Health Benefits

The Herbals 85% (70 ratings) BHMS, MD - Psychiatry, MD – Homeopathy Unani

Specialist, Delhi • 16 years experience

The soothing fragrance of sandalwood strengthens your brain

by allowing it to relax and take rest. In addition, this Ayurvedic
herb provides a warming effect. Besides, it relieves lots of
disorders such as headaches, fever, acne, itching, stomachache,
leucoderma, etc. Sandalwood or just Chandan is believed spiritual
and mystical with respect to Hindu mythology. Since ancient times,
it has been a part of skin care and beauty regime. You can use
sandalwood powder for acne or skin whitening or for regular skin

Mentioned below are the health benefits of using Chandan or

Indian Sandalwood in paste and oil form.

1. Sandalwood oil has antispasmodic properties and provides

immense relief from muscular spasm and contractions.
2. Sandalwood oil is a great mood enhancer as it increases the
production of the hormone Serotonin. Thus, people under
severe stress, anxiety, or depression can benefit immensely
from the use of sandalwood oil.
3. The sandalwood oil is often used as an expectorant to provide
relief from a cough and similar respiratory infections.
4. A paste comprising of sandalwood powder and crushed basil
leaves when applied on the forehead acts as an effective cure
for headaches.
5. The anti-inflammatory properties of sandalwood are treating
inflammations affecting the urinary system.
6. People with decreased urination are also known to benefit
from using sandalwood.
7. The use of sandalwood oil directly on the skin can help
in lowering the blood pressure.

Skin and beauty benefits of using sandalwood

1. Sandalwood has antiviral, antimicrobial, and antifungal

properties and comes as a soothing agent for people suffering
from itchiness triggered by skin infections such as Eczema
and Psoriasis.
2. The use sandalwood powder in combination with cucumber,
rose water, and curd serves as an excellent remedy to get rid
of the suntan. Just prepare a fine paste using all the
ingredients and apply to the affected skin area. Wash off with
cold water after 10-12 minutes.
3. Gently massaging the face with sandalwood oil can work
wonders in the case of loose or saggy skin.
4. People with a very oily skin can use a face pack comprising of
sandalwood powder and rosewater for maximum benefits.
5. Sandalwood (especially used in oil form) is an aphrodisiac
that can produce positive results in people with low libido
6. High in antioxidants, sandalwood reduces the signs of aging
to a great extent by protecting the skin from the negative
effects of free radicals.
7. Sandalwood powder (especially the red sandalwood), when
used along with curd and turmeric provide an instant glow.
8. For maximum results, prepare a paste using sandalwood
powder with plain water or rose water (paste should not be
very thick) and apply it to the affected skin area. Keep it for
15-20 minutes and then rinse off with water. The same pack
can be used to treat pimples, acne scars, dark circles with

It is amazing to note that the benefits of Sandalwood are immense

for skin and overall health, still, rather than going for natural
treatments most people opt for chemical based products to enhance
their beauty and skin conditions.
Cauliflower (Gobhi) - Are You Aware of These Benefits?

Dr. Shrikant N Wanikar 84% (54 ratings)

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Post Graduate Diploma In Panchkarma
Professional Ayurveda, Nagpur • 26 years experience

Cauliflower is a member of cancer-fighting (Cruciferous or

Brassicaceae) family of vegetables, often overlooked by its green
cousin broccoli.

Recent studies suggest that 'cruciferous' vegetables are an

exceptional source of natural antioxidants because of their soaring
levels of various phytochemicals. Besides, they are also rich
suppliers of essential vitamins, fiber, minerals, soluble sugars,
carotenoids, and phenolic compounds. In fact, it is believed that
brassica vegetables are the biggest source of phenolic compounds
in the human diet.

With its excellent supply of high level of anti-inflammatory

compounds, health-promoting phytochemicals, and ability to beat
off heart disease, brain disease, cancer, and even weight gain- it
looks there is nothing that cauliflower can’t do. Read more about
its health benefits.

Top Health Benefits Of Cauliflower-

1. Low in calories: Cauliflower does not amount to a high-
calorie gain while imparting essential nutrients to the body.
Cauliflower is rich in fiber that cleanses the digestive tracts, it
also contains vital antioxidants like vitamins A, C and D and
therefore, purifies your system from within. It is packed with
anti-inflammatory properties, thus providing the required
amount of energy without adding to the unwanted fats.
2. Controls diabetes: Since cauliflower increases the protein
intake of the body and averts the consumption of unrefined
carbohydrates, it substantially reduces the chances of an
insulin spike. Switching over to cauliflower helps in abetting
dreaded diabetes, an ailment that afflicts a large section of the
modern lives.
3. Tasty to eat: Unlike most bland diet food like the spaghetti
squash, cauliflower does not make you crib and crave for
some buttery indulgences. When cooked with like couscous, it
can be all light and fluffy, ideal for a side dish to curries.
Whereas, when served in salads, raw cauliflower can be fairly
toothsome and crunchy.

Adding to cauliflower's health benefits is its extreme versatility.

You can use it in your cooking, add it to salads, or just eat it raw.
Midnight Cravings For Snacks - Are There Ways To Curb It?

Dt. Deepal Shukla 89% (101 ratings)

M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai • 8 years experience

Midnight snack craving is basically a craving for food when you

wake up in the middle of the night. Midnight cravings can lead to
weight gain if you binge eat on a regular basis. It is important that
you accept the situation and take steps to rectify it.

A majority of the foods that you consume are mostly empty

calories such as cookies and sugar based food. If you don't control
these cravings, then it may lead to tremendous weight gain. Here
are a few tips to control your midnight snack craving -

1. Eat your Dinner Properly: It is important that you eat a well-

balanced dinner that consists of carbohydrates, protein and
fats. If you don't eat a proper dinner, then the chances of
eating later and subsequent binge eating go up drastically.
2. Include Fiber: Add fiber to your diet as fiber helps you in
feeling full. Eat fiber rich foods such as beans, lentils and
broccoli which promote a feeling of satiety.
3. Green Tea: Drink a cup of green tea after eating as it will help
you sleep better.
4. Stay Hydrated: Make sure that you are properly hydrated as it
will prevent food cravings. Dehydration may also lead to
other health complication such as skin problems.
5. Consume Yoghurt: Consume portions of yoghurt as it
contains probiotic bacteria that help in keeping your digestive
system healthy. It also promotes a feeling of satiety as it
contains protein.
6. Plan an Activity: Don't immediately go to bed after dinner,
instead go for a walk or play with your pet. Make sure that
you spend some time after dinner prior to retiring for bed.
7. Eat Healthy: If you do have cravings then go for healthy
choices such as eating salads and fruits. Focus on foods such
as cucumber, jackfruits and apples.
8. Protein: Make sure you add protein to your diet as protein
helps in muscle building. It also makes you fuller so that you
eat less. Include foods such as eggs, chicken and fish to your
9. Exercise: Exercise on a regular basis. This increases the
secretion of endorphins in your body which improve your
wellbeing and promote happiness. It will help you sleep better
and reduce your craving to eat unhealthy foods.

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