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A Lab Manual for EDM Wire Cutting Machine


Prepared by:- Ashraf , Muhammad Nadeem

Study Level: - PhD

Session:- 2018-2022

Student No: - B21810005W

Harbin Engineering University, China

Wire Cutting machine and Procedure:
Diagram of wire cutting machine:

Procedure for cutting: There are the following steps for cutting metals/alloys in wire cutting
Step 1: Before cutting process, you need to first clamp the ingot/metal in the jaw and fix it
tightly as shown in figure

Fig# 1: Clamping the sample

Step 2: After clamping the ingot, you must take the ingot near the wire by moving the horizontal
and vertical screws.

Fig # 2: Horizontal and

vertical screws for moving

Note: There should be some distance between the cutting wire and the ingot.
Step 3: First specify the area which you need to cut by choosing /selecting coordinates (x, y).
You can do this by a meter scale. Suppose you want to cut 1cm along horizontal and 1cm along
vertical then the coordinates are (10,10). Here 10,10 values are taken so because when we are
inserting coordinates in the programing machine, it measures in mm so 1cm = 10mm.

Fig# 3: Workpiece for cut

Step4: After specifying the coordinates, turn-on the power button. After this first click the water
button and then cutting wire button which are green in color as shown in figure below in order to
check the proper functioning of water and wire. After checking, close these by clicking relevant
red buttons by keeping power button on as shown in the figure.
Note: The relevant red-buttons are for opposite process i.e. for closing water, stopping the wire
and machine
Fig# 4: Control buttons for power, wire and water
Step 5: After doing all the above steps now go to program machine which is fitted with
computer inside it. Press the power button to open the computer fitted in machine.

Fig #5: Program Machine

Step 6: A window will open

where ‘F1’ would be shown to
press to continue the further
process as shown below
A new window will appear as
1- RUN
2- USE
3- ESC
Click on ‘RUN’ and then press ‘Enter’. A new window with HL cutting system display will
appear as

Click on “Pro drawing programming” as shown above

Step 7: After clicking the “pro drawing programming”, a window will open with drop-down list
as shown below choose the “straight line” option and then “two-point straight line” option given
on the right side in the drop-down list. Suppose you want to cut 1cm along ‘x’ direction, then
enter 10, press < button, enter 0 and then press ‘Enter’. Similarly do for ‘y’ direction.
Note: When you are inserting coordinates in the machine, then it produces a little bit confusion
related with direction. So, note that on the sample horizontal direction is considered as y-
direction and vertical direction is taken as x-direction. When the coordinate lines get red it means
you have inserted coordinates correctly.
Similarly do for all remaining coordinates. After inserting all the coordinates, the window will
appear as
Having done with the coordinates the specified area on the screen will be shown as

After this click “ESC” key then “F2” key on the motherboard to return as shown below

Step 8:
After adjusting coordinates and clicking “ESC” and “F2” keys the screen window will appear as
Select “NC program” option as shown above and then click on the “processing route” option as
shown below

When you click the processing route then at that time enter the starting point of processing (0,0).
This step is very important for future cutting of the sample. If you don’t do this, you cannot
cut your sample at all. So this point must be kept in mind. By doing so the chosen area will
get red. So getting the coordinate lines red, you must click on the “code save” option which is at
number 3 of the upper drop-down list on the right side of the computer screen.
Step 9: Now click the keys ‘F2’, ‘Q’, ‘Y’ and then ‘N’.
Step 10:
After pressing all the above keys, the window will be shown as
Click on the Work-1 option and then click on ‘CUT’. Press the green "feed water" button and
click the green "transport wire" button to check whether the coolant and transport wire are
normal; If normal, click "F12" to lock the workbench; Click "F1", hit enter twice, and click
"F11" to give high frequency.
Note: Before cutting is started make sure that all F10, F11, F12 keys are red. Then press ‘F1’ and
then press ‘Enter’ button two times.

Note: If you want to cut more than one samples, then a list will appear on screen as
1. Continue
2. End
3. Forward
4. Backward
In this case click the keys in this sequence “Continue”, “End”, “Enter”, “F11”, “F1” and then
press “Enter” key 2 times.

Step 11: After the completion of cutting, click the “space” key, select “stop”, close the general
control switch, and remove the sample.

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