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It was 5:00am in the morning. The sun was rise again And the moon was gone.

Zel Was wakeup early

every morning With A big smile on her face and thought that Something Wonderful Is about to happen.
Aling Corazon The mother of zel is a seller of Fruits and vegetable in the Market. Aling Corazon Buy the
fruits and vegatable in cebu because Cebu province produced A lot of fruits and vegatable. Zel help her
mother To sell those foods after her classes.
One day Zel Did'nt go to school because her mother has sick. Zel is Valedictorian she has so many
awards. Best In Science,Best in Writing,Best in mathematics etc.
Zel has an Mental illnes. Because when she was 3 years of age. She lost his father. Her father passed
away. She thought that it is the end of her life.
Zel was poor. Aling Corazon and Zel need to do anything just to have a meal after a long day of work .
That's why zel have a poor probabilty to face and relate to other life Because on her appearance Zel Has
an cataracts on her eyes she got it from her mother "Inherited Genetics"
After that day Zel Decided to stop to go to school. Because on her mother Situation
Her mother Totally Blind. Aling Corazon Stop Her work and Stay only on their house. Zel Continue Sell
the fruits and Vegetables.
"Anak kailangan mong pumasok ng iskwela bagkus ayan lamang ang makakabago ng ating buhay"
" Hindi ko kayang makita kayong Nahihirapan Ina"

On the Other day Zel Cooked A breakfast to her mother She Poached Eggs Stacked on top of Onion And
garlic. She saute Swamp Cabbage in soy sauce and viniger With sesame oil. Aling Corazon open her eyes
and Smell the delicious Foods. Aling Corazon Kiss Zel on her forehead
with smile on her lips.
Zel always Find her Tatay Juan To Aling Corazon. Aling Corazon Did'nt say anything About Her Father's
real identity. She only 3 years old when her father died.

20 years ago. When Aling Corazon Was 18 years of age . The Father of aling Corazon Wants to marry
Evan the guy who owned a Company And Restaurant in netherland. But Aling Corazon Did'nt love the
Guy Because Aling Corazon Was faithful And Loyal to the only man Who's name is Mang Juan.
Mang Juan is a farmer. Their Love is unconditional Even If Mr. Eduardo Did'nt want Mang Juan They do
everything just to save their Relationship And love.
Mr. Johnny And Mrs. Jacinta Buena Ventura Parents Of Evan. Mang Eduardo Is care taker of the family
buena Ventura.
Since that Evan Was the only . Mr. Eduardo is the Care taker of the mansion The farm and also Maid of
Evan. Mr johnny And Mrs Jacinta Trust Mr. Eduardo so well.

One day Evan Meet Aling Corazon In their house. Because Aling Corazon Always Visit her Tatay In
Mansion. Corazon is beautiful Smart Sexy Everyone think that corazon is i deal Girl. Evan Was Fall in love
to Aling Corazon. Evan wants to marry Aling Corazon But Aling Corazon is comitted to Mang Juan. And
Mang Juan Is the only Guy That Aling corazon love. But Evan did everything to get Aling Corazon. One
day Aling Corazon Visit her Tatay in mansion She saw Evan. Evan is drunk and walk to Aling Corazon,
that's why Aling Corazon Run So Fast. But Corazon got raped by Evan.
She did'nt tell it to her Tatay. "Kaylangan mong Asawahin Si evan Para Makaahon tayo sa kahirapan"
Aling Corazon Said " Hindi Mo ako naiintindihan Ama"
After that Scenario Mang Juan Ask Aling Corazon why she was Unease. And She Can't Sleep
Aling Corazon think That if she Abort the baby it was her Conscience. So Aling Corazon Decided Continue
Her pregnancy. Aling Corazon Does'nt tell to juan That Zel is not his real Daughter. That Zel is Daughter
of Evan because of Raping Incident. Aling Corazon Does'nt tell to Police. She just say it to her Inang. Her
Inang Is Victoria Alcantara Who died When He give birth to Aling Corazon Alcantara.

3:30 in the Afternoon. Zel And Her Playmates Decided to Go to river To hunt Some Fish.
"Halika manghuli tayo ng isda" "Halika wag na tayong Mag paalam pa" the other child said.
They bought.
Cichlid Fish, Milkfish,Mussel,Oyster, Crabs And Shrimp. Zel Want to Hunt the big Tuna Fish because she
want to Suprise. Aling Corazon And Mang Juan.
Zel Catch Up a Big Tuna Fish. The tuna Fish shaking too hard that's Why zel slept and bump her head in
the rock. In the Afternoon. Aling Corazon And Mang Juan Notice That Zel is in not in their house since
10:00 o clock in the morning. Aling Corazon And Mang Juan Got worried. They Find it Until
Mang Juan And Aling Corazon Found Out that Zel Is in the hospital. They Cry and cry until aling corazon
The Doctor Said that he need to Examine Zel, Because the lumb on Zel's head was deep. After the
Laboratory zel was Diagnose in commatose The Doctor said that zel needs blood Transfusion.
Mang Juan Does'nt Having Doubt. He said to doctor that his willing to give all his blood just to help her
Only Daughter.
Aling Corazon got nervous she think that if Mang Juan Donate Blood to zel. Mang juan Will found Out
That Zel is not his real Daughter.
Aling Corazon Did not agree To Mang Juan She said that even that they Spend A big Amount of money
She will do. Even if its hard to earn money.
"Ako nalang ang gagawa ng paraan upang hindi ka rin malagay sa piligro"Aling corazon said that to Mang
"Hindi Maari yan Kaylangan kong gumawa ng paraan"
Mang Juan Persist that He need to do Anything As long as posible to save her daughter. After that day.
After the blood transfusion Mang Juan Ask Aling Corazon."WHAT HAPPEN" "WHY ZEL AND ME ARE NOT
COMPATIBLE!!!! Is this a Joke?! Aling Corazon said Are you out of your mind. Aling Corazon was Denial.
"Hindi muna Kaylangan itago mo pa sa akin ang lahat"
Aling Corazon Cried and She said That "Im sorry" Hindi ko ginusto ang nangyari". Mang juan go to his
Child's room and He said. To day Is the last day that zel Will see her Tatay.
No one know When Mang Juan Lived. Aling Corazon Was Depressed And not able to talk well. After a
year Aling Corazon Find Mang Juan Always.
Past few Years Aling Corazon Got a Message That Mang Juan Is Dead. They Saw mang Juan In his Kubo In
their Barrio
Mang Juan Lived In Tawi Tawi For Almost 5years and After that Mang Juan Made him think Sundenlly.
That if He is Not the real father of Zel. And then who is the real Father. Is there someone or Some
person That Aling Corazon Love Before Mang Juan
There's a lot of thing Mang Juan Wants to Ask To aling Corazon. Why She did not tell it to Mang Juan.
Before Mang Juan Died He wrote a letter. A letter to Zel
"Even if im not your real Father. I still Give you my Blood. Even if i already know that im not Your real
father i still love You My One And only Daughter"
And also he Wrote A letter to Aling Corazon
"To my first love. I still love you and no one can stop me to love you. Even if i choose to Stay away To
both of you does'nt mean that i did'nt love you anymore. I choose this because i want you to know that
you did wrong. Why you still Hide it to me. I love Zel. I love you both. That if you said it to me first I will
accept that but you choose to hide and hurt me more. But like what i've said i love you always and

After Aling Corazon Read those letter. They went to the funeral of Mang Juan. With full Of regrets and
Dissapoinment on her face. When he see Mang Juan Laying at his owned made "Kabaong"
"Kung maiitatama ko lang ang lahat ng aking pagkakamali hindi ako magdadalawang isip na Baguhin iyon
Aking sinta"

After 17 years Ago. Zel is Already a teenager. Aling Corazon Is a Vendor Of Fruits And Vegatables in
Aling Corazon Do Everything just to finish Zel Studies And to achieve her dreams to became a teacher.
Zel helps her Inang To Sell those fruits And Vegetable After her school. Zel Is Scholar And Suma Cum
Laude That's why even if she study in other university She will be accept. Zel Studies In University of the

"Inang this is my classmate" Zel Introduced her classmate to her mother cheerfully.
"Mabuti yan Anak" Aling Corazon Said to zel
One day aling corazon have a sick that's why zel needs to absent her Class.
It took 3weeks absent And their so many Activities. Projects, Research , Reaction. That she need to do.
Zel Need To finish that task to Maintain her Grades. But zel failed, she think that if she failed the
Semester they need to pay her tuition but They don't have money or Savings. That's why she Call her
boy bestfriend. It was Carlo his childhood Friend.
Carlo is a Cum Laude In University of the philippines. Her long term Boy bestfriend. They have feelings to
each other but they want to finish their studies first. Carlo is rich. Smart Owned A Company. he Owned
BMW,FERRARI, LAMBORGINI,SPORTS CAR etc. Carlo Love zel so much because zel is the first Bestfriend
Of carlo since They are Grade 3 Up until now.
They said that it is better to late than to go early but not ready.

One day Mr. Cubambang Professor of Zel said that She was failed at her exam.
Zel was feel guilt because they do anything to pass the exam.
Mr.Cubambang said to zel that she need to go to his office and talk about her Grades. Zel was happy
Because she think that Mr. Cubambang Will help her. But she's Wrong. Mr Cubambang Like Zel Since
First day when Zel Study At UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES. Mr.Cubambang take advantage to Zel
Because Zel needs to finish those things and she does'nt want to disappoint her mother.
Mr. Cubambang Took advantage to zel
He rape the girl. After that scenario zel Remember what happen to her mother. She said that she need
to abort the baby because her mother and carlo will disappoint.
After 3 months aling corazon see something. She knows that zel is pregnant because she caught zel
using pregnancy test. But aling corazon did'nt tell something to zel. She want that aling corazon will
know first. But a months ago zel does'nt tell to aling corazon about her preganamcy that's why Aling
Corazon Confront her if she's pregnant. Zel cried and please her mother that don't tell it to carlo. Zel also
said that She was a victim of rape that's why she Need to abort the baby. Zel was slap by aling Corazon.
And said that That's not the reason and solution why she need to abort the baby. Zel shout to Aling
Corazon And then Aling Corazon said. Im a victim of rape too! But i surrender to god everything. I choose
Even if you are the root of everything! Even if you are the real Daughter of Mr Evan Buena Ventura Im
victim Of rape too. But i choose to love you.
Aling Corazon Was 87years old. Even if 30 years ago when Mang Juan Leave Aling Corazon. She still love
Mang Juan. And said That if she could bring back the Old days. Aling Corazon Promise to her Self. That if
she will die. She will find Mang Juan In other Life.
The love of aling Corazon Is pure and Unconditional.
Aling Corazon died. Because on her Cancer In Ovary.

After 1 year Carlo and Zel continue their relationship Even if Carlo is not the real father of the baby. Zel
Give birth to A Cute little tiny boy Name Jose Emmanuel Alcantara. Jose Is Such a Lovable And smart kids
like his parents.
Jose is teenager now. Zel and Carlo is happy because they saw carlo is growing better and manly Man.
But one day Zel was nervous because it was 11:30 pm but Jose is not in their house. A few minutes later
zel Saw jose running Going to their house With plenty of blood. Zel is angry and asked Jose Why she has
so many blood on his wrist and arms And jose said. I Help a young lady Rape by a guy.

Zel Is Get proud to his Son.

Jose Emmanuel is 23years old now.
One day Jose Is going to the market. Aling Zel Said That Jose Needs to buy Rice and Cans for their Meal.
Jose Saw a Girl crying on the street. Without Slippers
Carlo Ask "Bakit ka Naiyak"
And then the Girl Replied " Wala ho ito Maraming salamat"
Jose feel that he Love at first sight to the girl. A year Ago. Jose and The Girl Named Jassela Batumbakal.
See's good to each other.
Jose always Visit To the market to buy Fruits and vegatables.
Jassela ask. "Bakit palagi kang nabili ng gulay"
And Carlo Replied. "Noong nabubuhay ang lola ko Nagtitinda rin siya ng gulay at prutas"
They don't know that In Accident Time and place that they meet. Is the very best part of their life.
Jassela Bring Jose to her Province Jassela Wants to visit her family and also Jassela's Family Want to
meet Jose

Good Afternoon' Jose! Come in! Aling Margarita said With A big Smile on her face
Aling Margarita Is jassela's mother.
Jassela is the only One Daughter of Aling Margarita And Mang Minyong.

They decided not to tell to jose. What is the Real identity of Jassela.

(1996) Jassela Is Teenager Girl Who love to go to party. "Gimik with friends" Etc
Sometimes Aling Margarita Got fainted to Jassela. Because Jassela Is not following the rules of her
They said that if 7:00pm you should know that you need Stay On the house that time.
Don't talk to strangers. Especially When You don't know it well. You did'nt know what is their intentions
to you.

Jassela Did,nt mind the rules. She said that she's not a inmate. She have her own life.
But aling Margarita And Mang Minyong wants only to teach her on how to be discipline.

One day Mariela( friend of Jassela) invite Jassela to attend to her Birthday party.
Mariela said that this is going to be a wonderful ,amazing And memorable Time of their life.

It was 12:00 am Aling Margarita And Mang minyong is sleeping. They Does'nt know where is jassela.
Jassela Did'nt say it to her parents and Ask permission.

Aling Margarita wake up and does'nt know where to find Jassela.

Mariella's friend ask who is the girl with black and long hair and Sexy Body.
Mariella said She is jassela. She's single.
Bimboy Walk towards to Jassela And Ask Her Name. Is she what etc.

Bimboy Give Jassela A wine After That Jassela got drunk. Bimboy Take Advantage to jassela. He raped
jassela and leave her.

Jassela Cry and Went to her Home. She does'nt know What to say to his parents.
Jassela Said And Confront Aling Margarita And Mang Minyong That she was raped.
Her parents. Aling Margarita And Mang Minyong Can't believe what jassela said.

Jassela Continue her Pregnancy After the pregnancy Jassela Give her Child to DSWD and give Leave It.
Jassela Daughter name Isabella. A Cheerful and joyful child
She did'nt tell it to mariella. That she's pregnant and And it because to bimboy. Mariella's friend.

Jassela Went to manila. And work In company.

Because Aling Zel Is A Suma Cumlaude in UNIVERSITY OF PHILIPPINES. So that's why Jose is Smart boy
Jose Emmanuel is CEO in a company that jassela Working.

Jassela is a janitres in company of Jose Emmanuel.

One day Jose Saw Jassela Working In the middle of the night.
Jassela Said. Her Shift is not already done.
Jose Said that. Leave it there i got you

Jose And Jassela are friends. They talk always They Eat And date. Everyone Think that theirs something
In Jose And Jassela.
After a Year Jose Court Jassela.
Jassela Answer Jose's courthsip.
They Build A strong And happy Relationship.

Jassela Invite Jose To their Family Reunion in province they Went to Cebu.
Aling Margarita And Mang Minyong
Welcome Jose In their House.
Aling Margarita and Mang Minyong Talking in the Kitchen.
Like If jose Will found out what Jassela Real Identity will he Leave Jassela?

Jose Accidentaly hear what Aling Margarita

And Mang Minyong Say.
Jose What.
What is the real Identity of Jassela.
Jose leave Mang Minyong And aling margarita and Walk to jassela..

Can we talk? Jose said With Tears in his eyes.
Jassela Said...Why Honey?
Can you tell me the truth.
What do you mean???
Jassela Said.
Jose Cry and bend his knee and Ask.
Why you need to do this to me.
Jassela Said... im sorry
But i have a daughter. I am A victim of rape. Jose run away. Leave the Cebu and went to their House.

Jose Tell the story to Aling Zel.

Jose said that jossela is Liar.
She hide everything. She's Dirty
After Jose said that to Aling Zel.
Aling Zel Slapt jose.
Jose's face looks like he saw ghost walking In front of him.
And Jose Ask His Mother Why?
Aling Zel Cry
Because i am A victim of rape too.
Your Grandmother Are victim of rape too.
Do you think jose That Jassela Like what life she have now?
Do you think jassela is okay. When you tell To her that she's a liar.
You need to accept. Because you love her.
You just need to be A real Man.

Jose Think That Aling Zel Is Right.

He Go to Cebu to Bring Back Jassela To his life.
Jassela Forgive Jose.
Jassela Said That its my fault you don't need to Apologize to me.

And after 7 years. Jose And Jassela Have their own kid. And jassela Got Isabella In Orphan. Jose And
Jassella Got their own baby. And they live happily ever after.

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