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Stonyhurst Southville International School

A Premier Learning Institution

Fully Accredited by WASC, USA
ISO 9001:2008

Unit Design in Mathematics 8

A.Y. 2016-2017
First Term

Title of Unit Expansion and Grade Level 8

Factorisation of Quadratic
Curriculum Area Time Frame 2 weeks
Developed By Quennie S. Flores Subject Mathematics
School Stonyhurst Southville International School
Identify Desired Results (Stage 1)
Content Standards –Curricular Outcomes
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of expansion and factorisation of quadratic
The learner is able to:
 consolidate their algebraic capability from key stage 3 and extend their understanding of
algebraic simplification and manipulation to include quadratic expressions
 simplify and manipulate algebraic expressions (including those involving surds {and algebraic
fractions}) by: factorising quadratic expressions of the form x2 + bx + c, including the difference
of 2 squares; {factorising quadratic expressions of the form ax2 + bx + c}
T1 Simplify tedious work by using patterns, rules, or observations.
T2 make accurate and wise decisions
T3 bounce back every time they encounter problems
T4 follow rules and regulations
Making Meaning
Enduring Understandings Essential Questions
Students will understand that Students will keep considering….
1. Patterns, rules, or observations Overarching Questions
facilitate the solutions to real-life 1. Why are patterns important in life?
problems. 2. What is life without problems?
2. Without problems, life will not be 3. How does one succeed when he falls?
exciting 4. Why follow rules and regulations?
3. There are several ways to solve 5. Why do we need numbers and symbols?
problems in life. (if there’s a will, 6. How can numbers be symbols and words at the
there’s a way) same time?
4. Maintaining proper order, they need Topical Questions specific to the topic/content
to observe rules and regulations 1. How do you recognise quadratic expressions?
5. Numbers are integral in our daily 2. How do you expand and simplify quadratic
life expressions?
6. Numbers can be represented by 3. How do you use a multiplication frame to factorise
symbols and words and it helps in quadratic expressions?
organizing things.


Knowledge Skills
Students will know… Students will be able to…
1. Basic concepts related to expansion 1. Recognise quadratic expressions
and factorisation of quadratic 2. Expand and simplify quadratic expressions
expressions: 3. Use a multiplication frame to factorise quadratic
Quadratic Expressions expressions
Expansion and Simplification of Quadratic
Factorisation of Quadratic Expressions
Habits of Mind ( 21st Century Skills)
1. Striving for accuracy
2. Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision
3. Being open to accept and correct mistakes

Assessment Evidence (Stage 2)

Performance Task Description
Coding Evaluative Criteria Assessment
GRASPS Evidence
Goal – To promote fun in learning Math
Role - You are a Math games developer, artist who will design the game,
computer program who will create the program Performance
Audience- Math games enthusiast Tasks:
Situation – the school is spearheading a school wide contest on Math
Games. You are to develop a math game that matches the school’s
requirements. SITUATION:
Product – Create their own Math games (ex, Math puzzles, Sudoku,
dominoes) using special products
Standards for Success
Rubrics (accuracy of the content, rules, creativity, visual impact)
*** Rubrics on the last page
Other Assessment Evidence:
Formative and Summative

Learning Plan (Stage 3)

Coding Pre-assessment:

M 1. Introduce the essential questions and discuss the Progress Monitoring
culminating unit performance task, including the
scoring rubrics.(W)
A 2. Present the KWL chart and ask the students to
complete the first two columns on what they know
about expansion and factorization of quadratic
expressions and what they want to learn about the
A topic.(H)
3. Discuss the various kinds of expansion and
A factorization of quadratic expressions (E)
T 4. Do some practice exercises in pairs. (E)
5. The learners will meet their group members to create
their own Math games and provide them enough time
to create their product. Instruct the learners to
M present their output in class. (E)
6. Do self-reflection on which parts of the topics the
students are having difficulty. Ask the learners to go
back again to their KWL chart and complete the last
column regarding what they learn about expansion
A and factorization of quadratic expressions.(R)
7. Give quizzes and prompts frequently to check the
T understanding and mastery of the learners of the
topics. (E)
8. End the unit by realizing the significance and uses of
quadratic expressions in daily lives.(R)
Learning Materials/ References
New Syllabus Mathematics 7th Edition (Shinglee)

Revision Number Date Remarks/Reason for Revision Revised by

1 June 2016 Refinement of the Unit Design Quennie

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

Quennie S. Flores Ms Marissa R. Gutierrez/Ms Raquel D. Plata Mr. Anthony Paul M.

Subject Teacher SAH/DC Principal

Effectivity: 060115

Criteria Distinguished Proficient Apprentice Novice

4 3 2 1
Accuracy of the All information All but one of All but two of the Several
Content cards made for the information cards information
the game information made for the game cards made for
are correct. cards are correct the games are
made for the not accurate
are correct
Rules The rules were The rules were The rules were The rules were
clearly written written, written, but some not written
and explained but one part of parts of the
that the game need further
all could easily game needs explanation.
participate further
Creativity The group The group The group members Little effort was
members have members have have tried to exerted in
exerted a lot exerted some make the game making the
of effort in effort in interesting and fun, game
making the making but some of the interesting or
game the game things are difficult fun
interesting and interesting to
fun and fun to play understand/enjoy
to play as by the game
manifested by using textures,
their fancy
creative writing, and/or
questions, interesting
game pieces characters
Visual Impact Contrasting Contrasting Contrasting colors Little or no
colors colors and at least 1 color; no
and at least 3 and at least 2 original graphic graphics were
original original were included
graphics graphics were used to give the
were used to used to give cards and
give the game board visual
the cards and cards and appeal
game board game board
visual appeal visual appeal

Expansion and Factorisation of Quadratic Expressions

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