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Geochxmca et Cosmochlmlca Acta 1977. Vol 41.

pp 113 lo 125 Pergamon

I” Great Bntam

Metasomatic zones in metamorphic rocks

Department of Geology, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01060, U.S.A.

(Recelued 31 March 1976; accepted in revised form 8 July 1976)

Abstract-Prediction of a unique sequence of metasomatic zones that would develop by intergranular

diffusion with local equilibrium is possible only for relatively simple systems, unless extensive thermo-
chemical and kinetic information is available. The complexity of the problem for a given example
will depend on what portion of the set of chemical components required to describe the example
are ‘diffusing components’, that is, components that move relative to ‘inert markers’. Diffusing com-
ponents are commonly K-components (THOMPSON, 1970) for the various local equilibria of a sequence
of metasomatic zones, since diffusion tends to impose a monotonic variation of the chemical potentials
of these components across the zones. The number of diffusing components may vary from zone
to zone in a particular example, as may the number of diffusing components that are K-components.
Calculation of the rate of growth of a specific sequence of zones is relatively straightforward only
for cases where the zones are primarily due to the variation of the chemical potential of one independent
diffusing component. Calculation of the material transfer involved in the growth of a sequence of
zones, assuming a single sharp initial contact is meaningful only if ‘inert markers’ or a discontinuity
in the otherwise-constant ratio of two components indicate the present location of the initial contact.
Examination of some natural talc-silicate diffusion zones suggests that a diffusion-imposed gradient
in the chemical potential of calcium is largely responsible for the observed zonation. Metasomatic
zones developed at the boundaries of ultramafic bodies, however, are produced by diffusion-imposed
chemical potential gradients of several components, notably silica and magnesia, the number varying
from zone to zone.

species? In order to answer these questions, some sim-

ple, hypothetical systems will be examined in detail.
THE MODIFICATIONof metamorphic rocks by metaso- Predictions based on the simple systems are then
matic processes has been a popular and controversial compared with more complicated natural examples.
topic in the petrologic literature for many years. Of In order to discuss the development of metasomatic
the numerous natural occurrences for which metaso- zones in metamorphic rocks, it is convenient to begin
matism may be demonstrated, perhaps the most strik- with some assumptions that will simplify the problem.
ing examples are those in which the metasomatism Ultimate justification for the assumptions lies in a
has produced distinct zones or bands of unusual comparison of theoretical predictions with observa-
mineralogy. The simple geometry of many metasoma- tions of natural examples.
tically-produced mineral zones indicates that they (1) I shall assume that all mass transfer occurs by
contain a record of essentially one-dimensional meta- diffusion. As discussed by KORZHINSKII (1970, p. 3),
somatism. The one-dimensional aspect of metasoma- it is convenient to differentiate between two limiting
tic zones along with a hopefully complete picture of material transfer mechanisms: diffusion metasoma-
various ‘degrees’ of metasomatism make such zones tism and infiltration metasomatism. Both may pro-
potentially quite useful in the understanding of meta- duce metasomatic zones, as may a combination of
somatic processes. While many important features of the two (FLETCHER and HOFMANN,1974). Neglect of
metasomatic zones have been discussed in the litera- infiltration metasomatism is justified for low-porosity
ture, some have been underemphasized or over- metamorphic rocks due to the probable absence of
looked. In the following paragraphs I reconsider the flowing pore fluid required for infiltration.
metasomatic zones with these features in mind and (2) I shall assume that the problem may be adequa-
the hope of further clarifying some consequences of tely treated in terms of one-dimensional diffusion.
diffusion in metamorphic rocks. This assumption requires that the rocks be homo-
As a guide to the discussion, I shall examine meta- geneous in any plane normal to the diffusion direction
somatic zones in terms of the following questions. and, strictly speaking, excludes many common
What information is contained in a sequence of meta- examples where spherical symmetry is appropriate
somatic zones concerning the geochemical migration (for example, FISHER,1970; JOESTEN,1974). However,
that produced them? Can the sequence of metasoma- restricting the model to one dimension allows most
tic zones produced for a given set of physical condi- important features to be considered and takes full
tions be predicted? What information is needed for advantage of the simple geometry of many natural
such a prediction? What are the qualitative effects zones. Throughout the paper I shall refer to a diffu-
of differing degrees of ‘moveability’ among diffusing sion column, which could be any cylinder of rock of
114 J. B. BRAD>

unit cross-sections whose axis coincides with the diffu- spond with any discrete physical entity, quantities
sion direction. such as the flux or density of a component are well-
(3) I shall assume that local equilibrium (THOMP- defined. us lony us CI wrt~pletc set of compotlettts is

SON, 1959, p. 430), obtains at each point in the diffu- specrjied for the system of interest. This formalism
sion column and throughout each plane normal to simplifies the description of diffusion processes and
the diffusion direction with respect to those chemical avoids difficulties concerning the identity of diffusing
components that are diffusing components (see particles. The simplest examples of diffusion zones are
below). This is equivalent to assuming that reaction those for which there is only one ‘diffusing com-
rates are much faster than diffusion rates. It permits ponent’. By one diffusing component I mean that only
the use of thermodynamic relationships that are cru- one of the components chosen to describe the compo-
cial to the analysis of many transport problems (see sition of the zones moves relative to a set of ‘inert’
DE GROOT and MAZUR, 1962, p. 23). markers (DARKEN, 1948; BRADY, 1975a).* In other
(4) 1 shall assume that all diffusion occurs at a sin- words, all weight or mole ratios among components
gle temperature and pressure. This assumption may are constant through the diffusion process, except
not be very appropriate for many natural examples, those that involve the diffusing component. This
but it allows substantial simplification of the theoreti- greatly restricts the possibilities for diffusion zones.
cal treatment. since the only compositional variations allowed are
(5) I shall assume that all diffusing species follow along a set of lines in composition hyperspace radiat-
intergranular paths through the column (BRADY, ing from the composition of the diffusing component.
1975c, 1976). This means that diffusion is one-dlmen- One diffusing component would be assured if only
sional only in a statistical sense, but allows the one of a specific set of system components has an
growth of diffusion zones to be modeled as a quasi- appreciable solubility or density in the intergranular
steady-state process (BOOTH, 1948; FISHER and region, and if intracrystalline diffusion was unimpor-
ELLIOTT, 1974). tant (see BRADY, 1975~. p. 75: 1976).
(6) I shall assume that the minerals involved are As an illustrative example, consider a hypothetical
pure substances without any compositional variability three-component system with mineral compatibilities
[ KORZHINSKII’S ( 1970, p. 117) ‘one-component at the conditions of metamorphism. as shown in Fig.
minerals’]. This 1s not very realistic for natural rocks, 1. As specified above. let the initial configuration be
but it does considerably simplify the following discus- juxtaposed homogeneous rocks of compositions X
sion. Relaxing this assumption does not significantly and Y (Fig. l), that is mixtures of minerals F and
affect the qualitative results. C. and D and B, respectively. Furthermore, let com-
(7) I shall take as an initial configuration two ponent 3 be the single diffusmg component. What
homogeneous rocks of infinite extent juxtaposed sequence of zones should be observed in the place
across a planar interface. This initial geometry may of this initial configuration after a long anneal? To
closely approximate that of many natural systems and answer this question, some consequences of the diffu-
ensures that the diffusion will be one-dimensional. sion process need to be utilized.
Note that this geometry, with a single initial disconti- Diffusion of a chemical component generally occurs
nuity, sharply contrasts with the hypothetical initial in response to a chemical force which is a gradient
configurations discussed in detail by THOMPSON(I 959.
pp. 430-440). c-3
On the basis of-these assumptions, it 1s possible
to evaluate the growth of metasomatic zones during
the metamorphism of a specific initial mineralogic
configuration. It turns out that the final result is
greatly influenced by the number of ‘diffusing com-
ponents’ in the system of interest.



Diffusion may be described in terms of the motion

of quantities of a specific set of chemical components A=l
relative to a specific frame of reference (BRADY. 1975a,
b). Although a chemical component need not corre- Fig. 1 A hypothetical ternary system. Compositlons of the
stable phases A, B, C. D. E. F, G. H are shown here in
*A possible inert marker in a metamorphic rock IS a terms of the mole fractions of components 1. 2, and 3.
mineral that does not participate in the reactions involved Compatibilitles for a single temperature and pressure are
m zone growth. (For example, an accessory mineral like indicated. Note that for most choices of the composition
sphene.) Other possible inert markers are atoms that are variables three phases are stable. Diffusion resulting from
known not to diffuse in a particular environment, and tex- the juxtaposition of rocks of compositions X and Y is dis-
tural features based on these atoms. cussed in the text.
Metasomatic zones in metamorphic rocks 115

in the chemical potential of the component (see DEN-

BIGH, 1951, p. 52). The motion of the component
serves to reduce gradients in its chemical potential
such that after a metamorphic event long enough to
eliminate initial discontinuities, the chemical potential
of the diffusing component will vary monotonically
D t E:
and continuously along the column. Thus, the value F*D
of the chemical potential of the single diffusing com- 4 ;O+E
ponent, at any point in the column sufficiently 4 *
D+G ;
affected by the diffusion, will depend on where that :G+ B
point is relative to the overall chemical potential gra- A+D
dient. In other words, the value of the chemical poten-
tial of the single diffusing component, for the local 0 + e;
equilibria of planes in the diffusion column, depends
on conditions external to those planes (that is, on I I 70 1
the diffusion). By definition, therefore, the one diffus- 1
0 x2 -
ing component is a ‘K-component (THOMPSON, 1970)
for the various local equilibria of the diffusion-pro- Fig. 2. A p-X diagram for the hypothetical system of Fig.
duced metasomatic zones. To quote J. B. THOMPSON 1. The stable assemblages consistent with the topology of
Fig. 1 are shown in terms of the chemical potential of
(1970, p. 543), “. . we shall designate as K-com-
component 3, p,, and the bulk composition with respect
ponents those components for which the chemical to components 1 and 2, XZ. Note that for most choices
potentials are fixed by some medium that lies outside of the variables pJ and XZ only two phases are stable.
what we have selected as our thermodynamic system, If component 3 is the only ‘diffusing component’, then dif-
or, in other words, components for which the chemi- fusion may not change X2. Therefore, diffusional exchange
between assemblages X and Y may only produce assem-
cal potential is externally controlled. We shall desig- blages along the vertical lines corresponding to the compo-
nate all other components as J-components.” As a sitions of X and Y.
consequence, mineral assemblages that buffer the
chemical potential of a diffusing component should
creasing p3) and zones produced on the other side
be found only at isolated points (or planes) in the
moving up the vertical line labeled Y (increasing p3),
diffusion column, and no zone of finite thickness
subject to the restriction that the chemical potential
should contain a buffering assemblage.
of component 3, p3, be equal on either side of the
The fact that the single diffusing component, 3, is
final location of the initial boundary. Using a dashed
a K-component suggests that Fig. 1 is not the most
line to indicate the relative position of the initial
convenient diagram for determining the sequence of
boundary, possible sequences of zones include:
metasomatic zones. More appropriate is Fig. 2 in
which the chemical potential of component 3, pgr is
used as an independent variable, rather than its mole
fraction. Figure 2 consists of 2-phase fields separated (1)
by horizontal 3-phase lines. This is in obvious con- F+CIFjD+EIG+EIG+BID+B (2)
trast with the 3-phase fields and 2-phase lines of Fig.
F+C(FjG+E(G+B(D+B (3)
1. Single phases are found along vertical lines in Fig.
2 and at points in Fig. 1. Figure 2 can be constructed F+CIF\AiG+EIG+BID+B. (4)
entirely from the topology of Fig. 1 using the poten-
tial surfaces of GIBBS (1928, pp. 118-129). In some All of these sequences are consistent with the initial
instances, however, it is not possible to determine the assumptions and a monotonically increasing p3 across
relative positions of certain 3-phase lines without ad- the zones.
ditional thermodynamic data (for example, the Note that the zones produced have at most two
3-phase line F-A-D in Fig. 2). See KHORZHINSKII minerals. If the mole fraction of component 3 varied
(1959, pp. 80-88) for a description of the method of independently, then there would be several zones with
construction. three minerals. Note also that by not allowing com-
Possible sequences of diffusion zones may be found ponents 1 and 2 to diffuse, zonal sequences may be
directly from Fig. 2 by examining the two vertical produced with incompatible phases in contact at the
lines that correspond in composition (in terms of initial boundary. However, assemblages at all boun-
components 1 and 2) with the initial assemblages X daries are in partial equilibrium with respect to com-
and Y. Since the weight or mole ratio of component ponent 3 (cf. THOMPSONand WALDBAUM,1968, p.
1 to component 2 cannot be changed by the diffusion 1968).
process, the initial boundary will always be marked In order to predict which of the possible sequences
by a discontinuity in this ratio. Therefore, zones pro- will actually occur, or in other words, the relative
duced on one side of the initial boundary may be value of p3 at the initial boundary, a considerable
read moving down the vertical line labeled X (de- amount of additional information is necessary.
116 J. B. BRADV

Specifically, the relative rates of widening of the poss- for systems and conditions of geologic interest, I shall
ible zones on either side of the initial boundary need assume here that there is no interaction among diffu-
to be known (see below). Using this mformation, a sive fluxes (all off-diagonal diffusion coefficients are
material balance argument for the flux across the in- zero). The effect of precipitation or dissolution upon
itial boundary, and the restriction that p3 vary mono- mixing of two diffusing components was investigated
tonically and continuously, a unique sequence may for two-component systems by FRANT? and MAO
be determined. Only for a binary system (where the (1976). They found that zone sequences and growth
lines X and Y in Fig. 2 would coincide) or for a sys- rates are nearly the same with or without precipi-
tem with very few stable minerals do the mineral tation, so I will not consider the problem further here.
compositions alone indicate a unique sequence of On the other hand, complications in predicting the
zones. sequence of zones are worthy of some discussion, for
The growth of diffusion zones for the case where qualitative behavior can be revealed that should help
there is only one diffusing component is mathemati- interpret natural examples.
cally analogous to a variety of heat flow problems. Let us return to the example of the three-com-
For detailed discussions of these and related problems ponent system shown in Fig. 1. This time, however,
see BoorR (1948), DANCKWERTS(1950). WEINER let components 3 uncl 1 be diffusing components.
(1955), FRANTZ and MAO (1976), WEAREet al. (1976). Assuming the same initial configuration, what zone
From the listed papers it is clear that the relative sequence should develop during a long anneal? Again,
rates of zone widening can be predicted if the follow- Fig. 1 is not the most convenient representation: Fig.
ing is known: the sequence of zones, the density of 3A or 3B is more appropriate. In Figs. 3A and 3B.
the diffusing component in the minerais of each zone, the chemical potentials of components 1 and 3 have
and the density of the diffusing component in the in- been used as independent variables. As discussed
tergranular region at the zone boundaries. In addi- above. this is appropriate for those portions of the
tion, one must know or assume that the effective. diffusion column where both components are K-com-
steady-state intergranular diffusion coefheient ponents. I have included two possible p--i* diagrams
(BRADY,197%) is the same for all zones. If the actual to emphasize that Fig. I does not contain sufficient
value of this diffusion coefficient is known, then abso- information to differentiate between the two geome-
lute rates of zone widening may be calculated. tries. For details of the construction of n-n diagrams,
Thus, for the case of one diffusing component, see KOKZHINSKII(1959, Chapter IV).
possible sequences of zones may be delineated from If components I and 3 diffuse with equal facility,
the topology of the appropriate phase diagrams, if the probable sequence of zones may be read from
known. Although the example discussed above was a straight line drawn between the points X and Y
for a 3-component system, additional components in-
troduce difficulties only in terms of graphical repre-
sentation. A probable sequence of zones may be
selected from the possible sequences only if equilib-
rium densities of the diffusing component in the
minerals and intergranular region are known.



The addition of a second diffusing component may

considerably complicate an analysis of the growth of
diffusion zones. To begin with, two diffusing com-
ponents have the potential to interact while diffusing
such that each may tend to diffuse in response to
a gradient in the chemical potential of the other (see
DENBIGH.1951. p. 27). In addition, two diffusing com-
ponents may react upon mixing so that the complex-
ity of a mathematical description of zone growth is
increased (IIELFFERICH and KATCHALSKY, 1970; Fig. 3A. A p-p diagram for the hypothetical system of
Fig. 1. The stable assemblages consistent with the topology
FRANTZand MAO, 1974, 1976). Moreover, predicting of Fig. 1 are shown in terms of the chemical potentials
the sequence of zones is complicated by the possibility of components 1 and 3. The dashed line indicates the as-
that the two diffusing components may move at dif- semblages of sequence (1) which assumes that component
ferent rates or with different effective fluxes. The 3 is the only diffusing component. As indicated, the diffu-
sion of component 3 may produce gradients in pt. Some
problem of interacting fluxes is a difficult one that
diffusion of component 1 could modify the sequence of
becomes nearly intractable for multi~rn~n~t sys- assemblages as shown with the dotted line. The chemical
tems (see BRADY,1975a, Section 4). Because of the potential of component 2 varies from point to point on
complexity of the problem and complete lack of data this diagram
Metasomatic zones in metamorphic rocks 117

diffuse (relative to ‘inert’ markers) and because there

was no component 2 in the initial assemblage F + C.
Thus, any assemblage containing component 2 must
have been produced from the initial assemblage
D + B. However, if both initial assemblages con-
tained significant quantities of component 2, then the
final location of the initial boundary could not be
E precisely specified without additional kinetic informa-
tion because weight and mole ratios among all three
components are variable. Other sequences consistent
A with a monotonic and continuous variation of both
; pi and pLgare, of course, possible and may be derived
, D by the reader.*
If the two diffusing components differ in their ease
of transport, then a variety of additional zone
sequences are possible. This situation might arise
even if the two components have the same effective
diffusion oelocity, if they have markedly different
densities in the intergranular region (see ILDEFONSE
and GABIS,1976, p. 299). Consider again the example
represented by Figs. 1, 2, and 3A, and assume that
Fig. 3B. A p-p diagram for the hypothetical system of Fig. component 3 is much more ‘effective’ as a diffusing
1. Figure 3B is topologically identical to Fig. 3A, but geo-
metrically distinct. The sequence of assemblages produced component than component 1. In this case, a
by diffusion of components 1 and 3 between assemblages sequence of zones should develop very similar to
X and Y is indicated by the dashed line. Note that this those obtained above with component 3 as the only
sequence is different from that which is suggested by Fig. diffusing component. One of the possible sequences,
3A. Also note that the direction of motion of component
(l), is indicated on Fig. 3A by dashed lines. Note that
1 suggested by this geometry is opposite to that suggested
by the geometry of Fig. 3A. although there was initially little gradient in the
chemical potential of component 1, the diffusion of
component 3 will produce pr gradients, including a
defined by the initial assemblages. The actual p-p
maximum and a minimum. These gradients in p1 may
path described by the diffusion zones may not be
be sufficient to cause enough diffusion of component
exactly a straight line in Fig. 3A or 3B, since there
1 to alter the sequence of zones to those along the
is nothing to constrain pr and p3 to vary exactly
dotted path in Fig. 3A. Thus, a possible zone
in unison. However, if both are equally ‘effective’ as
sequence with component 3 diffusing more readily
diffusing components, that is, if each can diffuse
than component 1 would be

F+C 1 F ; F+E 1 E 1 D+E 1 G+E 1 G 1 G+B ( D+B.
Zones E and G are the only zones for which com-

enough to ensure a monotonic and continuous vari-

ponent 1 is a K-component and would probably be
ation in its chemical potential, the sequence of zones
narrow relative to the other zones. Similarly, if com-
indicated by a straight line will be correct in most
ponent 1 diffuses much more readily than component
cases. For Fig. 3A this sequence would be
3, a possible sequence would be
and for Fig. 3B
Zones H, E, and G would be small compared to zones
F+CiHIEJDID+B. (6) F and B, and are the only zones for which component
3 is a K-component. More possibilities exist, depend-
Again, the relative position of the initial boundary
ing on the relative effectiveness of the two diffusing
is indicated by a dashed line. It is possible to locate
the initial boundary because component 2 does not
The zone sequences predicted above are decept-
ively simple due to the number of components in the
* The sequences (5) and (6) are not compatible with the
conclusions of FRANTZand MAO (1975) in terms of their system examined. Somewhat greater generality may
predictions of the direction of zone boundary movements. be obtained by considering a four-component system.
The sequences For a four-component system with two diffusing com-
ponents, the appropriate diagram for examining poss-
ible zone sequences would be 3-dimensional, with one
and F+CIC:HIEIDID+B @a) composition axis and two chemical potential axes.
do fulfill their criteria and are also consistent with the Actually, only two p-p planes through such a p-p-X
oresent analysis. diagram need be considered: those corresponding to
118 J. B. BRADY

the compositions of the two starting assemblages. than others, the number of diffusing components that
These planes would be analogous to the lines X and are K-components may vary from zone to zone.
Y in Fig. 2. Since two of the four components do Zones with the most K-components are likely to
not diffuse (relative to ‘inert’ markers), the initial occur near the initial boundary, since the driving
boundary will always be marked by a discontinuity force for diffusion is likely to be greatest there. How-
in the otherwise-constant weight or mole ratio of ever, zones at other positions in the diffusion column
those components. The sequence of zones produced may also have the full complement of K-components.
on one side of the initial bounda~ could be read (3) If two or more components do not diffuse.
from one of the p-p planes and the sequence on the weight ratios among these components in the diffu-
other side from the other p-p plane. Unfortunately, sion-produced zones will not vary from those of the
the only guiding restriction relating these two initial configuration. If available, such non-diffusing
sequences is that the chemical potentials of the two com~nents which are stationary relative to ‘inert’
diffusing components be equal across the initial markers. may be used to locate an initial boundary
(= final) boundary-unless the effectiveness of the two and to calculate volume changes for the diffusion
as diffusing components differs, as in (7). column. If there is only one non-diffusing component,
As mentioned above, the ~lculation of rates of an initial boundary can be located with certainty only
zone growth is complicated by interacting fluxes and if that component was absent or nearly absent from
precipitation upon mixing. However, even if these one of the initial assemblages or if additional textural
effects are neglected, rates of zone widening may be information is available.
difficult to determine when there is more than one (4) Zone sequences may be easily predicted only
diffusing component. The difficulty stems from the for the simplest systems (only a few possible minerals
fact that if two or more diffusing components are or only two components) or for cases where there
K-components, the mineral assemblages of adjacent is only one diffusing component or only one J-com-
diffusion-pr~u~d zones generally wiil not buffer the ponent in each zone. Even if the number of diffusing
chemical potentials of both the diffusing components components that are K-components is the same in
at the common zone boundary; at least one of the each zone, there will commonly be a large number
chemical potentials is free to vary. This means that of acceptable possibilities, and a specific prediction
the boundary conditions commonly used for the is not possible without detailed thermochemical and
mathematical solution of zone growth rates may not kinetic data. If the number of diffusing components
be obtained from equilibrium considerations. A that are K-components varies from zone to zone, then
method of solution has been suggested by FRANTZ zone sequence prediction may be even more difficult.
and MAO (1975) for the case of stoichiometric In the latter case, the concept of a facies for diffusion-
minerals with known solubilities in the presence of produced metasomatic zones (with facies diagrams
an intergranular fluid phase and for which diffusion such as Figs. 2 and 3) is not particularly useful (cf.
coefficients are known. WEARE et al. (1976) discuss BURT, 1971).
solutions for zone growth rates where intergranular It would be convenient to be able to predict which
densities of diffusing com~nents at the zone boun- com~nents will be diffusing com~nents for a par-
daries are assumed to be known. ticular example. Unfortunately, this will in general
require detailed thermochemical and kinetic data,
much of which is not presently available. However,
for any component to be important as a diffusing
component, certain minimum requirements must be
Expanding the preceding discussion to cases of met.
three or more diffusing components is not practical (1) Initially there must be a significant local gra-
due to the limitations of graphical analysis. However, dient in the chemical potential of the component.
several characteristics of the simple systems con- Without such a driving force no diffusion will occur.
sidered probably also apply to multicomponent sys- For example, SiOz will not be a diffusing component
tems with many diffusing components. in a rock that contains quartz throughout.
(I) The mineral assemblage of a diffusion-produce (2) The diffusion coefficient for the component must
zone may not buffer the chemical potential of any be large enough at the temperature of metamorphism
component that diffuses through that zone. This is to ensure a significant diffusion velocity along the
a consequence of the principle of local equilibrium, available intergranular paths. Interestingly, the diffu-
the necessity of a continuously varying chemical sion coefficients for most non-volatile components are
potential to sustain diffusion, and the assumptions probabiy very similar at the conditions of metamor-
listed above. Thus, at least one of the components phism, so that this may turn out not to be a crucial
diffusing through a metasomatic mineral zone must parameter (see WALTON,1960; BRADY,197%).
be a K-component for the mineral assemblage of that (3) The density of the diffusing component in the
zone. intergranul~ region must be high enough to ensure
(2) If some of the diffusing components are more a significant diffusive fiu.u of the component relative
effective in reducing their chemical potential gradients to the time scale of metamorphism. Even with a large
M&somatic zones in metamorphic rocks 119

chemical potential gradient and a high diffusion coef- product by a zone sequence that is not consistent
ficient, there cannot be much diffusive flux without with the monotonic variation of the chemical poten-
a high concentration (and therefore high concen- tial of at least one diffusing component that is a
tration gradient) in the diffusion medium. K-component.
The components that are most ‘effective’ as dilfus-
ing components will be those that have a relatively
low density in the zone minerals and a relatively high
density in the intergranular region (cf. KORZHINSKII, Perhaps the simplest example of talc-silicate zones
1970, p. 125). An obvious example of this is the case described in the literature is that of JOBTEN (1974).
of volatile components whose density may be higher He describes monomineralic zones that developed
in the intergranular region than in the adjacent concentrically around chert nodules in a contact-
minerals. Indeed, the diffusion of volatile components metamorphosed limestone in Texas (see also TILLEY,
such as Hz0 and CO2 may be so effective that gra- 1948). Except for COz, the minerals in Joesten’s zones
dients in their chemical potentials are eliminated on are in the binary system CaO-SiOz. Thus, for a given
the scale of most diffusion zones. The constant chemi- temperature, pressure, and ko2, there is only one
cal potentials of these components may be treated sequence of zones consistent with the assumptions of
as boundary conditions in the application of the pre- this paper.
ceding analysis (THOMPSON,1955, p. 80; KORZHINS- Both CaO and SiOz are possible diffusing com-
KII, 1959, p. 16). Thus, the three-component system ponents, but only one may be a K-component (at
examined could be a four-component system, if one constant koI). The predicted sequence of zones is
of the components is a K-component with a constant that consistent with a monotonic variation of hioI
chemical potential throughout. (and kCCaO). Joesten’s observations at several locations
The reader should note that in a binary system in the thermal aureole (temperatures) confirm this
there may be two diffusing components, in the sense prediction and lead him to similar conclusions.
that they both move relative to ‘inert’ markers, but Because of its simplicity, it may be possible to use
only one may be a K-component. If the chemical this example to obtain quantitative information on
potential of one component is specified by conditions the timing of the metasomatic event, if appropriate
external to a particular local equilibrium, the chemi- intergranular diffusion data become available. Con-
cal potential of the other component is fixed by the versely, it may be possible to use a thermal model
single phase present through the Gibbs-Duhem rela- of the contact aureole to obtain diffusion data from
tionship for that phase (at constant temperature and the zones (George Fisher, personal communication,
pressure). Similarly, for an n-component system at 1975).
constant temperature and pressure, all n-components Most natural talc-silicate zones are not as simple
may be diffusing components, but a maximum of as those described by Joesten. More typical are calc-
n - 1 may be K-components (see JOESTEN,1974, p. silicate zones like those described by THOMPSON
897). (1975). Thompson’s zones were found at a marble-
Of the assumptions on which these generalizations pelitic schist contact in sillimanite grade metamorphic
are based, perhaps the one most obviously incorrect rocks from northern Vermont.
is the restriction that zone minerals be pure sub- Thompson describes the zoning sequence
stances. Most natural zones involve some minerals
with significant compositional variability. These marhle garnet diopside clinozoisite amphibolite pelitic
minerals must continuously change their composition 1 zone leli~~~ite 1 dizie 1 zone /L/hi\l
with that of the intergranular region as the zones de-
velop, if their possible compositional variations may be Although chemically complex, it turns out that many
expressed in terms of a linear combination of the diffus- important features of these zones may be represented
ing components (KORZHINSKII,1970, p. 115). Simple on an ACF diagram with A = A1203 + Fez03,
zone growth models that do not consider the neces- C = CaO, F = Fe0 + MgO + MnO. Quartz is pres-
sary continuous reactions may be significantly in ent throughout, so a constant hio2 may be used as
error. The qualitative results given above are other- a boundary condition. Alkalis have been neglected,
wise unaffected by compositional variability. but they are abundant only in the pelitic schist. It
The assumption of constant temperature and pres- should be recognized, however, that using the ACF
sure throughout the period of metamorphism is also diagram can only provide information on the relative
suspect for any natural example. Not only would a movement of the components A, C, and F.
varying temperature cause varying growth rates, but Minerals observed and compatibilities consistent
it might also lead to the initial development of one with local equilibrium and THOMPSON’S (1975) zones
sequence of zones, followed by modifications at con- are shown in Fig. 4. To simplify the diagrams and
ditions where other minerals are stable. The latter discussion, I have assumed the minerals to be pure
case could produce effects similar to those observed substances of ideal compositions. Compositions of the
when the condition of a sharp initial boundary is vio- marble and pelitic schist are shown in Fig. 4 at the
lated. Either situation might be manifested in the final points labeled X and Y. respectively. If there is only

Cc Saturation

I Gr t Id I Id + DI

Gr + DI

Cro t Di

Czo + Hbl Hbl

An + Hbl

-0 . )
0 1
Fig. 5. A p--X diagram for the system of Fig. 4. Stable
Fig. 4. An ACF diagram for some talc-silicate zones. assemblages consistent with the topology of Fig. 4 are
Minerals and compatibilities consistent with the calc-sili- shown in terms of the chemxal potential of component
cate zones of THOMPWN(1975) are shown in terms of the C and the bulk composition with respect to components
components A = Al,O, + Fe20,, C = CaO, F = Fe0 + F and A. X and Y Indicate the marble and pelite, respect-
MgO + MnO. X and Y are the compositions of marble ively. The dotted line shows the possible assemblages that
and pelite, respectively, adjacent to the diffusion zones. See may be produced from the pelite with the addition of com-
Table 1 for mineral abbreviations. ponent C by diffusion.

one diffusing component, namely C (= CaO), then analyses were calculated from modes determined from
possible sequences of diffusion zones may be found ‘linear point counts’. Assuming that the original peli-
along the vertical lines passing through the points tic schist was like the remaining pelite, then inhomo-
X and Y in Fig. 5, which was constructed from the geneities in its A:F ratio were present on a scale
topology of Fig. 4. Possible sequences include (see larger than that averaged by a linear point count par-
Table 1 for mineral abbreviations) allel to those inhomogeneities. An examination of

Cc ; Id Gr Di czo An peht ic (9)
Di I Di Di czo Hbl Hbl I schist
cc Dl Id Gr / DI czo An pelitx (10)
Di Di Di Czo Hbl I Hbl schist
cc Dl Gr Dl czo An pelitlc (111
I3 Di czo Hbl Hbl I schist
cc Dl DI czo An pelitlc (121
I3 czo Hbl Hbl sclust

In fact, sequence (9) IS nearly identical to the detailed Thompson’s samples indicated that if modes for entire
sequence described by Thompson. The only major zones are used, the chemical analyses calculated more
difference is the absence of the zone Czo + Hbl in nearly fit the line Y.
Thompson’s descriptions. However, on examination The most significant deviation from the line Y in
of Thompson’s samples, small colorless amphiboles Fig. 6 is that of the points near the composition of
were found in his ‘fine clinozoisitediopside’ zone, the diopside. Although these points might also be attri-
proper location for a CzO + Hbl zone. buted to an initial inhomogeneity, there is another
This result suggests that Thompson’s zones may possible explanation: component A or F may have
be largely a consequence of the motion of one diffus- locally been a diffusing component. In Fig. 7, the
ing component, namely C, relative to A and F. chemical potentials of both C and A are used as inde-
Further evidence is contained in Fig. 6, in which the pendent variables. The dashed line path in Fig. 7
chemical analyses calculated by Thompson for between the points labeled X and Y corresponds with
various locations in his zones are shown on an ACF sequence (9), which was obtained from Fig. 5 assum-
diagram. Although there is a good deal of scatter in ing that only C is a diffusing component. A modifica-
the analyses, the dominant trend indicated in Fig. 6 tion of the dashed path that is consistent with
radiates from the C corner of the triangle. The ideal Thompson’s zones is indicated by the dotted path
trends that would be observed if C was the only dif- that crosses the diopside field. Thus, allowing A to
fusing component are indicated by the lines labeled diffuse enough locally to assure an independent vari-
X and Y in Fig. 6. The scatter observed about the ation of its chemical potential would tend to produce
line Y is expected for several reasons. Thompson’s a diopside zone in the proper location. Allowing F
Metasomatic zones in metamorphic rocks 121

Table 1. Mineral abbreviations

Act = actinolite Gr = grossularite

Alm = almandine Hbl = hornblende
An = plagioclase (anorthite) Id = idocrase
Bi = biotite Mag = magnesite
Cc = calcite Mus = muscovite
Chl = chlorite Qz = quartz
Czo = clinozoisite Serp = serpentine
Di = diopside Tc = talc
Gar = garnet Tr = tremolite

to diffuse locally would tend to produce clinozoisite must have left the region of the zones altogether, if
and eliminate diopside at the same location, as may the assumptions listed above are correct. CO2 must
be deduced from Fig. 8. Therefore, if the local increase have been released upon the decomposition of calcite
in the modal percentage of diopside observed by to produce the calcium that was added to the pelitic
Thompson was produced by the local independent schist. Similarly, partial dehydration would occur as
diffusion of A or F, rather than an initial inhomo- the pelite reacted with the added calcium to form
geneity, it was probably A that was the diffusing com- talc-silicates. As discussed by THOMPSON (1973, the
ponent. escape of these volatile components entails a con-
Another point in favor of A diffusing, rather than siderable volume loss at constant pressure. Alkalis
F, is the observation that the diopside and amphibole have also left the talc-silicate zones, in favor of the
in several zones show a textural similarity, in terms pelitic schist. This occurs when alkalis lose their as-
of their distribution, to the biotite of the adjacent sociated aluminum to stabilized calcium aluminum
pelitic schist. This suggests that the F component of silicates, as the chemical potential of calcium rises.
the biotite may be less able to diffuse than the A The important point is that these components, H20,
component. Whatever the case, it is clear that neither COZ, KzO, and NazO have been able to virtually
the A component nor the F component had a signifi- eliminate gradients in their chemical potentials on the
cant diffusion flux over more than a few millimeters, scale of the diffusion zones. Therefore, it is the diffu-
relative to inert markers, while a large quantity of sion-imposed gradient in the chemical potential of
the C component moved several centimeters. It fol- CaO (and possibly A120, locally) that is responsible
lows that an inert marker present at the original for the observed mineralogic zoning. Ideally, this
marble-pelitl schist boundary would now be located means that the rate of growth of these zones could
between Thompson’s marble and garnet zone. Inter- be calculated, if the appropriate diffusion data and
estingly, VIDALE(1969) found that the C component intergranular densities for CaO were available. How-
had a much greater concentration than either the A ever, what the ‘appropriate’ diffusion data are remains
or F component in the fluids equilibrated with her uncertain (BRADY, 1975~). This is emphasized by the
experimentally-produced talc-silicate zones. This is presence of similarly proportioned zones at Thomp-
consistent with the importance of C diffusion sug- son’s Vermont locality that range in overall width
gested here. by an order of magnitude.
Of course, C was not the only component that
moved relative to inert markers. Some Hz0 and CO2

Fig. 6. Bulk compositions of the talc-silicate zones of 4 -

THOMPWN(1975). The calculated chemical compositions
given by Thompson for a sequence of talc-silicate diffusion Fig. 7. A kpA diagram for the system of Fig. 4. The
zones are shown on an ACF diagram. The lines labeled dashed line indicates the sequence of assemblages (9) that
X and Y are the trends that would be expected if C was would be produced between a marble X and a pelite Y
the only diffusing component, on the basis of the assump
__. if component C is the only diffusing component. A modifi-
tions of this paper. Note that the composltlons tall on cation that might be produced by the local diffusion of
the two-phase tie lines of Fig. 5. A is shown by the dotted line.



Metasomatic zones are commonly found along the

contacts of ultramafic bodies in regional metamorphic
terrains. Due in part to the economic value of associ-
ated talc deposits, many examples of these ‘blackwall
zones have been described in the literature (for
example. GILLSON, 1927; HESS. 1933; READ, 1934;
TER, 1962, 1968: CURTIS and BROWN, 1969,
1971; CARSWELL et al., 1974). Certain features are
common to many zoned ultramafics, and from these
an idealized sequence of zones may be constructed.
The ideal sequences may be used to reveal some pF -
major factors controlling zone formation.
PHILLIPS and HESS (1936) describe two main types Fig. 8. A pc-pF diagram for the system of Ftg. 4. The
dashed line indicates sequence (9). which might be pro-
of blackwall zoning sequences, one apparently form- duced between marble X and pelite Y if component C
ing at higher temperatures than the other. The lower is the only diffusing component Note that local diffusion
temperature type occurs with the ideal sequence of component F would most likely produce a zone of Czo.

serpentmite ~~a;;~,,, ) talc 1chhte / wg (14) that although CO2 is probably a diffusing component
and a K-component in all zones (except possibly the
serpentite), it has not eliminated all gradients in its
and the higher temperature type with the ideal chemical potential. Fortunately, it does not appear
sequence to be important to evaluate variations in pco2, except
talc actmohte biotite pelitic (15) for the talc + magnesite zone. Therefore, I shall con-
serpentin’te 1maz&teI / ) Ischist sider both pnZo and koL to be constant throughout
the zones and neglect the talc + magnesite zone.
Chlorite is present m many samples of the higher tem- which is primarily the result of a diffusion-imposed
perature type, primarily occurring between the biotite gradient of ko, (see GREENWOOD,1967).
zone and actinolite zone. Phillips and Hess suggest At constant temperature, pressure, pnZO and pco2,
that this chlorite is a retrograde alteration of the the minerals present in the lower temperature
higher temperature sequence (15). READ (1934), how- sequence (14) may be adequately represented on an
ever, includes chlorite in his ideal sequence for a Shet- AMS composition diagram. with A = A1203 +
land Islands locality that is otherwise identical to (15). Fe& M = MgO + Fe0 + MnO, S = SiOz (see
An even higher temperature sequence is described by Fig. 9). The initial compositions of the serpentmite
CARSWELLet crl. (1974). They describe symmetrically and quartz-mica schist are .approximated by the
zoned veins in a peridotite with chlorite in the center points X and Y, respectively. Using the procedures
and the ideal sequence discussed above, possible sequences of zones may be
peridotite 1enstatite ( anthophylhtc 1 tremolite 1chlorite

Contacts between the peridotite and country rock

also show sequence (16). but with biotite between the
chlorite zone and the siliceous country rock.
Because of the number of components involved in
these sequences, it is useful to consider the status of
the volatile components Hz0 and CO* before
attempting a graphical analysis. Hz0 has been added
to the original peridotite in all sequences; CO2 has
been added in the two lower temperature sequences.
The general absence of assemblages buffering pulo,
the general abundance of hydrous minerals, and the Y
typical behavior of many metamorphic rocks are con-
sistent with HZ0 being a diffusing component that Fig. 9. An AMS diagram for Ideal. lower temperature
has established a constant value of its chemical poten- ‘blackwall’ zones. Mineral compatibilities consistent with
tial in all zones (except in those cases where unserpen- the lower temperature sequence of diffusion zones of PHIL-
LIPS and HE.s~(1936) are shown on an AMS diagram with
tinized peridotite remains). CO* is less abundant and A = AlzOs + Fe,O,. M = MgO + Fe0 + MnO. S =
ko, is buffered by the ideal assemblage antigorite Si02. X and Y indicate the bulk compositions of serpen-
+ talc + magnesite. at constant pnIo. This suggests tinite and pelite adjacent to the ‘blackwall’ zones.
Metasomatic zones in metamorphic rocks 123

easily determined from the topology of Fig. 9 for the

case of one diffusing component. If S is the only dif-
fusing component a possible sequence would be
serpentinite ( talc : muscovite quartz (17)
i chlorite mica
where the dashed line indicates the’ initial contact.
Similarly, if M is the only diffusing component, a
possible sequence would be
Fig. 11. Bulk compositions of some ultramafic ‘blackwall’
serpentinite talc I talc chlorite quartz (18) zones. Chemical compositions of ‘blackwall’ zones given
1chlorite quartz mica by PHILLIPSand HESS (1936) and CURTIS and BRO\NN
’ I schist (1969) are shown on an AMS diagram. Note the change
in A content between the chlorite zone and the actinolite
Both of these sequences are indicated on Fig. 10 along zone.
with the observed sequence. It is clear from Fig. 10
that for the chlorite zone, both S and M must be for the former to grow by diffusion. As noted above,
diffusing components that are K-components. S and the status of chlorite in the higher temperature
M are probably also both diffusing components for sequence is uncertain. However, it is reasonable to
the talc zone, but only one may be a K-component believe that both chlorite and biotite may be stable
in the presence of talc, Note that by including musco- at least for conditions intermediate between those
vite in Fig. 10, and in the rocks, I have tacitly that produced sequences (14) and (15). This case is
assumed that variations in pkZo are not important. more difficult to treat graphically, but that biotite
Since K20 appears to have moved from the blackwall should appear in the sequence nearest the country
region into the adjacent pelitic schist, there is prob- rock is consistent with the overall trends in hio2 and
ably a gradient in kZo decreasing toward the schist. pMMgo.The major features of the zones in all suggested
Neglecting this gradient does not appear to yield con- sequences, however, are primarily due to the diffusion
tradictory results. of both S and M.
As the reader can verify, the higher temperature Chemical analyses of a higher temperature
sequence (15) is graphically quite similar to the lower sequence (15) from Chester, Vermont (PHILLIPSand
temperature sequence (14), with biotite playing the HESS,1936) are shown in Fig. 11 along with chemical
same topologic role as chlorite. The only major differ- analyses of the Shetland Islands zones of READ(1934)
ence is the presence of actinolite, which implies that [analyses from CURTIS and BROVJN (1969)]. The
CaO had become an effective diffusing component analyses match very closely the ideal mineral compo-
with the increase in temperature. Indeed, CaO must sitions, suggesting that the ideal sequence (15) is a
diffuse through the actinolite zone and biotite zone good approximation to the natural examples. The dis-
continuity between the actinolite zone and biotite (or
chlorite) zone in relative A content would suggest that
this is the location of the initial contact. Such a con-
.. clusion, however, is only valid if it is certain that A
\ X
\ ;...
was not a diffusing component and did not move rela-
tive to inert markers (if present). Definite evidence
for an initial boundary in the absence of verified
inert markers is only given by a discontinuity in the
otherwise-constant weight ratio of two components.
This information is available for the Shetland Islands
example in the analyses of CURTISand BROWN(1969,
---- (17) 1971). The Al/Cr ratio and, less perfectly, the Al/Ni
. . . . . . . . (18) ratio both show a sharp discontinuity at the actino-
- -. observed litechlorite boundary. Of course, the initial boundary
might be slightly into the actinolite zone or into the
chlorite zone, since the chemical analyses used are
an average for each zone. More closely spaced analy-
ses are necessary to determine a precise location.
With the initial boundary located, quantitative evalu-
Fig. 10. A ~~-h diagram for the system of Fig. 9. ation of material transport is possible, using pro-
Sequences (17) and (18) are shown on this diagram along cedures such as those outlined by GRESENS(1967) and
with the observed seauence of diffusion zones. Neither (17). BAB&CK (1973). The material transfer calculations
for which S is the only diffusing component, nor (18),‘for
presented by CURTIS and BROWN(1969) based on a
which M is the only diffusing component, duplicate the
observed sequence. It appears that both M and S must different initial boundary (chosen to maintain con-
be diffusing components, at least in the chlorite zone. stant volume) cannot be correct. Similarly, material
1’4 J. R. BRADY

would require loss of potassium, probably along the

dike to the country rock. However, this loss of potas-
sium, which is relatively easy to move, is not difficult
when compared with the material transfer of other
components, some of which may be hard to move,
suggested by the model of Carswell et al.

In genera1 terms, the natural examples of metaso-
matic zones examined above are consistent with the
theoretical models outlined near the beginning of this
paper. Details and complexities of specific examples
that are not consistent with the simple models are
FIN.12. The K-components of indivtdual ‘blackwall’ zones. expected, due to probable violations of the simplifying
Probable K-components for each zone of an ideal sequence
of ultramafic ‘blackwalf zones are indicated by horizontal assumptions. The encouraging point is that observed
tines. This selection of K-components is consistent with zones do have much in common with the simple
the diffusion models discussed in the text. models.
Metasomatrc zones do contain information about
transfer calculatrons by CHIDE~TER (1962), who also what components have moved by diffusion during
uses what is basically a constant volume assumption metamorphism. This information is most easily
for several lower temperature sequences from north- obtained by comparing observed zone sequences with
ern Vermont, are ,probably not correct.
However, Chi- those predicted by simple models. In principle, the
dester’s numbers should be very nearly correct, since zones can indicate which components have moved
the initiai boundary he chooses is close to the chlor- and with what relative ease of transport. The most
ite-talc boundary, which is the initial boundary indi- effective diffusing com~n~ts, or the components
cated by his chemical analyses and the criteria dis- that can establish mdependent variations of their
cussed above. chemical potentials, are likely to be those with the
Some of the preceding discussion may be clarified highest density in the intergranular region of a rock
by Fig. 12, in which the probable K-components for (BRADY. 197%). Thus. metasomatic zones may con-
each zone of the higher temperature sequence (15) tain information about the nature of the intergranular
are identified. Although Fig. 12 is baaed on idealized region of metamorphic rocks.
sequences, the general picture is probably correct. The results of this paper are entirely qualitative.
Except for ,&o. which may be nearly constant Quantitative info~ation on the duration of meta-
throughout, the chemical potentials of the listed morphic events might be obtained from metasomatic
K-components should show a monotonic variation zones if a considerable quantity of experimental infor-
across the zones indicated. mation becomes available. In particular, effective dif-
The highest temperature sequence (16) is very much fusion coefficients (BRADY, 197%) for several com-
like the other two, except that a gradient in pnH20is ponents and the parameters that control them must
more likely in this case. The mineral names are be determined. Due to the variable thickness of meta-
changed, but the topology of the AMS diagram somatic zones, even at a single locality, a minimum
remains the same. I would, however, like to suggest time for zone growth is probably the best possible
a possible alternative origin to that proposed by result.
CARSWELL et al. (1974). The sequence (16) is found
as a symmetrical ‘vein’ in a peridotite body in south- Acknowledgements--This paper is based on a portion of
ern Norway. Carswell et al. postulate a fluid-filled a Ph.D. thesis submitted to Harvard University in 1975.
fracture in the ultramafic body along which the peri- Comments by my theses advtsors J. B. THOMPWN and A.
B. THOMPSONand perceptive revrews by RAYMONDJOE~TEN
dotite could exchange material with the country rock and C. D. CURTIS have enabled me to improve upon early
(a migmatite terrain), either by fluid flow or diffusion. versions of this paper. Financial support of the Depart-
If this were the case, one might expect a sequence ment of Geological Sciences. Harvard Universrty 1s grate-
of zones to form that match those on the ~ftru~a~~ fully acknow~~g~.
szde of the initial contact. If the lower temperature
sequences may be used as a guide, then the observed
sequence should stop with the actinolite zone rather BABCMXCR. S. (1973) Computattonal models of metasoma-
than the chlorite zone. Perhaps a more reasonable tic processes. Lithos 6, 279-290.
explanatton is to postulate a granitic dike, such *as Boo-&rF. (1948) A note on the theory of surface diffusion
those common to migmatite terrains, as producing reactions. Trans. Faraday SK. 44, 796-801.
BRADY J. B. (1975a) Reference frames and diffusion coeEi-
the original compositional discontinuity. If the dike cients. Amer. J. Sci. 275, 954-983.
was not too thick, then its material could be BRADYJ. B. (1975b) Chemical components and drfTus.lon.
exhausted by diffusion, resulting in sequence (16). This Amer. J. Sci. 275, 1073-1088.
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