Drawing Register Reference Manual

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Drawing Register

OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
STARTING UP................................................................................................................................................... 2
STARTING CANDY ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
CREATE A NEW COMPANY ........................................................................................................................................... 2
CREATE A NEW JOB....................................................................................................................................................... 2
SETTING THE MAXIMUM DRAWING NUMBER LENGTH ............................................................................................. 3
DATA ENTRY .................................................................................................................................................... 4
DRAWING INFORMATION ENTRY ................................................................................................................................ 4
Entry fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................5
Selection buttons (Input form) ...........................................................................................................................................7

CREATING AND EDITING TEMPLATE DOCUMENTS........................................................................ 9

CREATING TEMPLATE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 9
Using lookup codes ................................................................................................................................................................9
Setting a logo for issue slip printing............................................................................................................................. 11
ISSUE SLIP TEMPLATES ................................................................................................................................................12
DRAWING ISSUES........................................................................................................................................14
RECIPIENT DETAILS ENTRY .........................................................................................................................................14
RECIPIENT NAME ENTRY ON THE DRAWING’S ISSUE LIST .......................................................................................16
NEW DRAWING ISSUE LIST.........................................................................................................................................17
REVISED DRAWINGS ISSUE LIST .................................................................................................................................18
PRINT ISSUE SLIPS FOR RECIPIENTS ...........................................................................................................................19
PRINT DRAWING ISSUE SUMMARY LIST FOR RECIPIENTS........................................................................................20
SELECTING THE LOGOS WHEN PRINTING ISSUE SLIPS .............................................................................................20
SEARCH & FIND .........................................................................................................................................................21
DRAWING LIST TOOLS ...............................................................................................................................................22
Copy count print ................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Revision list print................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Drawing list print................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Edit field names ..................................................................................................................................................................... 23
KEYWORD DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................................24
KEYWORD SEARCHING ...............................................................................................................................................24
BACKUP OF DRAWING DATA .................................................................................................................24
UPDATE CANDY ...........................................................................................................................................25

The Candy Drawing Register is designed to keep track of drawings and their revisions, the recipients of
drawings, the issuing of drawings to each recipient and to allow fast searching and sorting of drawings.

A complete history of the drawing revisions and issues is maintained and accessible for querying.
The following steps should be performed to successfully maintain the Candy Drawing Register.

o Creating a company & a job.
o Setting the maximum length for the drawing number
o Drawing information entry.
o Recipient name entry on issue list.
o Recipient details entry.
o Creating and editing template documents
o Issuing drawings to recipients.
o Searching for drawings.
o Viewing search results in drawing list.
o Revision History Printing.
o Keyword definitions & tools.
o Backup of drawing data.

Starting Candy
Start Candy from the windows desktop by double clicking in the Candy shortcut.
Complete the user Login with your User Name, Initials and Company name.

Create a new company

Select the Candy button > Company Manager to
open the Company Selector.

On the company selector, create a new company by

clicking on the company menu and select New >

This is the top level menu in the system. You may

create up to 24 companies on a given computer.

To select a company, position the cursor on the required company and use Enter or Double click with the

Create a new job

Double click on the Company name to access the Jobs in this
company. The job selector will generate a new header and new job

You may create up to 99 jobs within a company and they may be

created, copied, renamed, deleted and backed up either using the
Job menu or using the Right-click menu

On the company selector, create a new job by clicking on the Job

menu and select New job.

Enter the required job name and confirm. The job will now be
displayed in the job manager. To open the job double click on the
job name or click the Select button at the bottom of the job

Both the company name and the job name will be displayed on top
of the screen (Blue section on top).

Setting the maximum drawing number length
Select Drawings from the application tabs on top of the screen.

If an item from this menu is selected for the first time, the following document is displayed:

Specify Drawing Number Length (6 - 30) ...and hit OK

The maximum length of any drawing number (in characters)

must be entered here. Once entered, this value cannot be

The larger this number, the larger the size of the data files
created for storing drawing information.

HINT: If the drawing number for all drawings received

contains the contract code (i.e. drawing no’s 4112211177
and 4112789212 both contain the contract code 4112), it may be advisable not to include this prefix
when entering drawings (drawing number length could then be set as 6, and not 10).

Drawing information entry
Select Drawing Input Form from the Documents menu.

A Blank drawing input document appears to be filled in:

The input form is blank when selected from the menu.

Finding a drawing already entered in the register can be done by scrolling through the drawings with
the PREVIOUS button. The drawings are stored in entry order and will also be displayed in this order.

There are 3 methods of entering information.

1. Entering information on a blank form for a new drawing.
2. Changing/ Amending an existing drawing number and information, to store it as a new drawing.
3. Updating the revision number of an existing drawing.

Entry fields
Drawing number An alphanumeric field for recording a The drawing number length is
drawing number, which must be unique. established when the drawing
register for the current job is first
setup, and may be set between a
minimum of 6 characters and a
maximum of 30 characters.
Revision Number A three character alphanumeric field for If you attempt to change the
recording the revision number of a revision number of a drawing
drawing. before it has been completely
issued, a warning message is
displayed when you store the
drawing. If you accept the new
revision, no issue slips may be
printed for the previous revision.
Drawing description A sixty character alphanumeric field for
recording the title of a drawing.
Date received A date field for recording the date of Using any key in this field
receipt of a drawing in the form automatically inserts the current
dd/mm/yyyy. date taken from the computer's
internal clock. This date may be
edited as required.

Entering data on the drawing input

form use the button to display
the scrolling calendar, to select the
required date.
Copies Received A two digit numeric field for recording the Use the scroll button to select
number of copies of each drawing that has the required number.
been received.
Drawing Source A four character alphanumeric field for If a drawing source is entered, that
recording the source of a drawing, for does not already exist in the
example ARCH(itect), ENG(ineer) or database, a prompt is given to add
SUB(contractor). it to the source sheet on the
keyword code definitions

Use the dropdown pick list to

display drawing source codes
Drawing Status A four character alphanumeric field for If a drawing status is entered, that
recording the status of a drawing, for does not already exist in the
example TEND(er), PREL(iminary) or database, a prompt is given to add
CONS(truction). it to the status sheet on the
keyword code definitions
Use the dropdown pick list to
display drawing source codes

Location Code #1 A four character alphanumeric field for If a location code is entered, that
recording a primary location code to does not already exist in the
which a drawing is to be associated. database; a prompt is given to add
it to the location 1 sheet on the
keyword code definitions
Location Code #2 A four character alphanumeric field for If a location code is entered, that
recording a secondary location code to does not already exist in the
which a drawing is to be associated database, a prompt is given to add
it to the location 2 sheet on the
keyword code definitions
User Code #1 A four character alphanumeric field for If a user code is entered, that does
recording a user defined code to which a not already exist in the database, a
drawing is to be associated, for example prompt is given to add it to the
the initials of the person who created the user 1 sheet on the keyword code
entry. definitions document.
User Code #2 A four character alphanumeric field for If a user code is entered, that does
recording a second user defined code to not already exist in the database, a
which a drawing is to be associated. prompt is given to add it to the
user 2 sheet on the keyword code
definitions document.
Additional remarks A thirty character alpha-numeric field for
recording a comment against each entry

When storing a drawing input, checks are performed for new codes, which require confirmation before
storing as a keyword.

There are 6 indexed fields:

• SOURCE: Issuer of drawing (e.g. Architect, Engineer, Consultant)
• STATUS: Current status of the drawing (e.g. Preliminary, For Construction)
• LOC 1 & 2 Location codes are used to specify the area on site where this drawing applies.
• USER 1 & 2 Codes denoting any other characteristic of the drawing requiring search

Each of these indexed fields allows entry of a 4 character code. When a form is stored, the codes in
these fields are stored in the indexed keyword list. As a code is typed into any of these six fields, it is
checked for a unique match with all previously stored keyword codes.

If a match is found, the balance of the code is automatically displayed. This enables easy input, as a
match is often found after typing only one or two characters of the code. After all the relevant data has
been entered on the Input Form, the form must be stored with the STORE DRAWING button.

Before the form is stored, the keyword codes are checked again and confirmation is required before it is
indexed and stored in the keyword list.

Selection buttons (Input form)

New Form Use this button to call up a new blank form

without storing the information on the current
drawing input form.

Previous Use this button to call up the drawing input form The previous drawing is displayed in
for the previous entry on the drawing list, without the order of the drawing numbers or
storing the information on the current drawing if a search is active, in order of the
input form. current search expression.

Next Use this button to call up the drawing input form The next drawing is displayed in the
for the next entry on the drawing list, without order of the drawing numbers or if a
storing the information on the current drawing search is active, in order of the
input form. current search expression.

Amend Use this button to change to an existing drawing This is the only way a drawing
Number number. Over type the drawing number and store number can be altered once it has
the new number. been registered in the system.

The old drawing number is

permanently removed from the
drawing register
“Partially This panel displays the issue status for the current Not issued - When a drawing is
Issued” – drawing. There are three issue status indicators, initially created or the revision
Issue any one of which may be displayed for each number is changed, the issue status
Status drawing. is set to “not issued”.

Partially issued - When drawing

issue slips are printed, an option is
available to mark all included
drawings as issued. If not all
recipients have had their issue slips
printed, a drawing or drawings may
not have been issued to all its
recipients; therefore it is marked as
“partially issued”.

Completely issued - When drawing

issue slips are printed, an option is
available to mark all included
drawings as issued. If a drawing has
been issued to all its recipients it is
marked as “completely issued”.

Store Use this button to store any new or amended As the details are stored, the
drawing drawing details. keywords are checked, and a
confirmation is requested if a new
keyword is found.

All new keywords are entered into

the keyword code definitions
document. If new drawings are not
stored all the information entered for
them is lost.

Tip- If a drawing number is changed

on a previously stored drawing and
then restored; it is stored as a new
drawing. This enables rapid entry of
similar drawings.
Store & Use this button to store any new or amended The next drawing is displayed in the
Next drawing details, and call up the drawing input order of the drawing numbers or if a
form for the next drawing in the list. search is active, in order of the
current search expression
Cancel Use this button to close the drawing input form
and return to the drawing register menu, without
saving any changes to the current form.

A template document is a word processing document that is created, and with the use of standard
lookup codes, can be used for printing issue slips and exporting drawing search results.

Creating template documents

Selecting Template Documents from the Drawing Register menu displays the template document

Create a new template on the Issue Slip Template Manager by selecting Template > New > Template
or the button at the bottom of the Template Manager.

Using lookup codes

A lookup code is an instruction in square brackets which will be replaced by the looked-up text when
printing or exporting using the template document.

[COMPANY] - Current company name

[JOB] - Current job name
[TIME] - Time now, printed as 16:30:12
[DATE] - Today's date, printed as 14/03/08
[RECIP NAME] - Recipient's name
[RECIP ATTN] - Recipient's first name
[ISS DATE] - Issue date, printed as 14/03/08
[ADDRESS1] - Recipient's address 1st line
[ADDRESS2] - Recipient's address 2nd line
[ADDRESS3] - Recipient's address 3rd line
[ADDRESS4] - Recipient's address 4th line
[ADDRESS5] - Recipient's address 5th line
[BATCH] - Recipient's batch number
[DRAWINGS] - Indicates the position in the document for inserting the drawing data.
[LONG DATE] - Today's date, printed as WEDNESDAY 14 MARCH 2008

To change the font type and /or format, highlight the text with the mouse and right-click the
highlighted text. Adjust the font and format of the text as required from the menu items displayed.

Note: The [DRAWINGS] lookup will display a list of all the drawings to be issued for the recipient. This
lookup code’s font or format is protected and it is not recommended to change this.

Setting a logo for issue slip printing
A COMPANY and/or JOB logo can be added to the issue slip print if required. The COMPANY and JOB
logos are set in the company and job properties.

Setting the COMPANY logo

Select the Candy button > Company Manager

and highlight the company name displayed in the
Company manager.

In the Company manager select the menu

Company > Properties. Select the Logo tab and
then Browse to find the picture file on your

Note there are 4 picture type files that can be


Setting the JOB logo

The Job logo is set for the job in the Job manager
in much the same way as the Company logo.
Select the Candy button > Job Manager and
highlight the company name displayed in the Job

In the Job manager select the menu Job >

Properties. Select the Logo tab and then Browse
to find the picture file on your computer.

Note: You can also right-click on the Company or

Job name to call up the right click menu Properties.

Issue slip templates
When an issue slip is printed for a recipient, and this recipient has a template code specified in his/her
details document (refer recipient detail entry), the template document will be printed with lookup text
installed until the [DRAWINGS] lookup code is reached. At this point, the list of un-issued drawings is
printed. After printing the list of drawings, the balance of the template document (with lookup text
installed), is printed.

The following two pages show examples of a template document in use:

Figure 1 - Template

Figure 2 - Completed slip using template

Recipient details entry
Before the new drawings entered in the register can be issued to their recipients, the details for each
recipient must be entered. This is done by selecting Recipient Details from the Settings menu or on
the toolbar. The following list showing all the recipients for all the drawings is displayed:

New recipient codes and names may be entered on this recipient list. New recipients can also be
entered the keyword definition list or the drawing issue list.

Code A 4 character code identifying the The code cannot be repeated.

Description Recipient’s full name
For Attention Recipient’s common name
Recipient’s address The form allows entry of 5 lines of address
Email Email address for recipient
Number of copies required The number of copies of each drawing to
be issued to the recipient
Issue slip template code The issue template to be used when Defining template documents is
printing issue slips for this recipient.. discussed later

Current issue batch This shows the current batch number for This will enable a recipient to
number this recipient. Each time an issue slip is maintain the sequence of
printed for this recipient, his batch batches of drawings issued, and
number is incremented. to query previous batches
which he has not received.

(I.e. Last batch no. received is

042, and batch no. for the
current issue is 044, therefore
he has not received batch no.
Return within “N” days of Set the turn-around time, in calendar This can be used for
issue days, for the return of documents issued subcontractors that must issue
to consultants for approval. shop drawings for approval via
the main contractor.
See also “Overdue drawings
Save Details Save the changes made for the recipients. Note changes must be saved
before closing this document.
Overdue drawings check This will display a filtered list of all the See also “Return within “N” days
drawings for the select recipient that have of issue”
not been returned (I.e. no return date
typed in the drawing issue list for this
Delete recipient Delete the selected recipient’s details. NOTE: When drawings have
already been issued to the
recipient, it can not be deleted.

Recipient name entry on the drawing’s issue list
Before a new drawing can be issued to its recipients, the names of all persons receiving this drawing
must be entered in the issue list.

The issue list can be called up from the Drawing List document menu > View >Drawing Issue list,

Or by can be called up from the Drawing Input Form document menu > View >Drawing Issue list.

In the drawing list select / highlight the required drawing by placing the cursor line on the drawing
before opening the issue list.

The following diagram shows a typical example of a drawing issue list with recipient names already

New drawing issue list

When a new drawing has been entered into the drawing register and the issue list is displayed, the
names of all the recipients of this drawing must be entered.

The code field in this document is an indexed field. If a match is found with any previously entered code
as a code is typed, the balance of the code, and the remainder of the line is automatically displayed.
Confirmation is required before any new codes will be indexed and stored in the keyword list.

The REQD NO field holds the number of copies of each drawing normally issued to the recipient. If this
number is 0, this means that the details for this recipient have not yet been entered.

The ISSUED NO field holds the number of copies of THIS drawing to be issued to this recipient. This
number may differ from the REQD NO. Either of these numbers may be altered.

The ISSUED DATE is stored automatically when the drawing is issued to each recipient. Issuing of
drawings is dealt with later in this manual.

The RETURNED DATE column enables a drawing to be "tracked", should it be required that the drawing
is first issued to a responsible person for approval. Only when such a drawing is returned may the
drawing be issued further.

An issue slip is first printed for this recipient, and when the drawing is approved and returned, the
Returned Date is installed by selecting Tools > Mark drawing as returned or Set drawing return date.

Changes may be made to any lines at any time, providing this drawing has not yet been issued (no issue
date stored). It can be seen in the previous example that Jim Frith, Fred Funny and Bart Barcon have not
yet been issued with this drawing.

Revised drawings issue list
To enter a revision of a drawing already in the drawing list, highlight the drawing in the drawing list and
open the drawing input form by selecting View > Drawing Input.

In the drawing input form overtype the revision number with the new revision number and Store
Drawing. After the drawing is stored, open the drawing issue list for this latest revision by selecting
View > Drawing Issue list.

If a blank issue list represents a later revision of a drawing previously issued to its recipients, the
previous list of recipients can be copied from that revision's issue list by selecting Tools > Copy last

Recipient codes from another drawing's issue list may also be copied into this issue list.

If the menu Tools > Copy recipients is selected, a document is displayed showing the drawing number
and description of the current drawing. Find the drawing number for the recipients to be copied by
hitting the UP or DOWN ARROW key. Hitting Enter copies all the recipients of that drawing at the end of
the current issue list.

Print issue slips for recipients
Once a group of new drawings and revisions have been entered on the input form, and the recipient
names have been entered on the issue list, the drawings can be issued. When Issue Slip Printing is
selected from the menu, the following scrollable list containing all the recipient names is displayed:

Recipients requiring issue slips can be selected and unselected with the SELECT button. When a
recipient has been selected, an > is displayed next to his name. If no recipients are selected, issue slips
will be printed for all recipients with outstanding drawings.

The number of issue slip copies can be increased by selecting the COPIES button and decreased by
selecting the ARROW button.

After selection, the PRINT button should be hit. Select Print Templates to print the issue slips for the
selected recipients. Any additional columns required in the drawing data list can also be selected during
this process.

When an issue slip is printed for a recipient, the drawing register is searched for all drawings not yet
issued to this recipient and a list of these drawings is printed together with the recipient's name, batch
number and issue date.

When a selection of issue slips has been printed, the drawings should be marked as issued to exclude
them from the next issue slips printed. The issue date is then automatically stored next to this recipient's
name in the drawing issue list. Confirmation is required before these drawings are marked as issued.

This enables the user to print several copies of the issue slips, in case, for example, the paper jams inside
the printer. The status of each drawing is displayed on each drawing input form. If a template code has
been entered on this recipient's details document, it will be used when printing the issue slip.

Print drawing issue summary list for recipients
A summary list of all drawings including
revisions, issued to the selected recipients
can be printed by selecting the Issue
summary print form the Print button
selection menu.

A date range and optional columns can be

selected from the options displayed.

Selecting the logos when printing issue slips

To display the Company and or Job logo on the issue slip, select the Options button on the print
dialogue and then Logos in the Print options dialogue.

Search & Find
A search can be done on any of the columns in the Drawing list and only the filtered results will be
displayed on screen. Place the cursor inside the column to be searched and select Search then type in
the search criteria and confirm.

The search can be refined further by selecting Search again (Example – filter out all the Car park
drawings issued by the Architect). A secondary search criteria menu will be displayed. Make sure the
cursor is positioned in the column to searched, before the additional search is selected.

The original list can be displayed again be selecting Abandon search from the Search menu.

Find works on the same principal with the difference that the cursor would jump to the first instance of
the find criteria in the drawing list.

Sort will sort the column selected in descending order.

Drawing list Tools
On the drawing list select the document menu Tools > Printing; this will open a menu with 3 options:

• Copy count print

• Revision list print
• Drawing list print

Copy count print

Copy count will print a list of the drawings indicating the drawing count received, drawing count to be
issued based on the number of drawings required by each recipient. The copies required = copies to be
issued minus copy count received.

This report gives an indication of the number of additional copies to be made by the site team.

Revision list print
Revision list print will produce a report displaying the revision history for each of the drawings in the
drawing list.

Drawing list print

Drawing list print will produce a report displaying a full list of the latest revision drawings.

Edit field names

The field names/headings of the two Location codes and the
two User code columns can be renamed if required.

On the drawing list select the document menu Edit > Edit
field names; this will open a dialogue for editing.

The default column headings will be altered to display the

new names.

Keyword definitions
The keyword definitions can also be defined / entered in the Keyword Code definition dialogue. To
display this dialogue select Settings > Keyword definitions from the Drawing menu.

The keyword definitions icon on the drawing toolbar will also open this dialogue.

Keyword searching
Search / filtering per keyword is available in this keyword definitions. Place the cursor on the item to be
used in the search and select the Search button. The search result will be displayed on the screen in the
drawing list form. The search can be refined further by selecting Search again.

Example – A search on a recipient’s name will produce a full list of the latest revision drawings issued to
the recipient.


To prevent any possible data loss, please ensure that regular disk backups are made.

To keep our users up to date with the latest modifications and developments in the software, the
software versions will expire at regular intervals prompting you to update the latest version.
To update the latest version select Help > Update Candy (http)

A web page will be opened displaying current version installed on your computer as well as the latest
version available for download.

Download the file to a folder on your machine.

Make sure Candy is closed before you run the downloaded file.


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