Our Duty and Responsility After Ayodhya Verdict

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Our Duty and Responsility after Ayodhya Verdict

The nation is indeed tired of the sickening mandir-masjid dispute which has been
perpetuating communal tensions and shattering social harmony. We must now avail whatever
chance the Court has provided to bury the hatchet and hope for sustaining bonhomie in future.

The landmark “Ayodhya Verdict”: the unanimous judgement delivered by the learned five-judge
constitutional bench of the nation’s revered “Temple of Justice” headed by the Honourable Chief
Justice of India (CJI) on the historical day of 9 November, 2019 has brightened the global image
of our great nation by upholding the idea of India. India, a country of 1.3 billion people
belonging to 6 different religions, speaking 30 languages and 122 dialects, celebrating 291 small
and big festivals, worshipping 330 million different gods, who love, despise, care, hate, feel,
fight each other and still manage to not just survive, but thrive is what baffles the global
community. Unlike the other major global communities which are like a “melting pot”, India is a
bouquet of flowers of varying shades and colours that stands out like a rain bow. The Supreme
Court judgement has proved beyond doubt that despite many evil shadows cast on the secular
fabric of India, the nation has withstood all storms due to the ancient culture of tolerance and co-
existence inherited by it.

The Supreme Court judgement has given a sane message to the nation, to have patience and have
faith in the nation’s judicial system. The solution to all the ills and woes and grievances lies in
the nation’s judicial system rather than taking law into own hands. It is a message to all the
violent and armed rebels in restive North East, Naxalites and Left Wing Extremists as well as the
radicalised Kashmiri youth and home grown militants. The CJI has emphasised that the decision
is not based on faith or belief but on evidence. The findings of the Archaeological Survey of
India (ASI) assisted the Court to peruse the evidence of that period and arriving at the
revolutionary judgement. The Court has observed that “Underlying structure was not of Islamic-
origin, as artefacts and architectural evidence had distinct non-Islamic evidence.” Ayodhya
Verdict has brought to an end almost five century old dispute and nearly a century plus old legal
suit which had divided the nation in two different groups based on religion. The decision of the
learned bench has ensured that “Bharatiyata” (Indianism) continues to be supreme in India which
promotes the concept of “Sarv Dharma Sama Bhava embodying the equality of all the Dharma
(religions) and believing them to be equal to or harmonious to each other. “Sarv Dharma Sama
Bhava teaches all citizens to become good human beings first and then think of being a Hindu or
Muslim. All religions are the same and humanism is supreme.

While religion is a matter of faith, Nation is above all and remains supreme. Prime Minister
Modi’s refreshing words, “This verdict shouldn’t be seen as a win or loss for anybody. Be it Ram
Bhakti or Rahim Bhakti, it is imperative that we strengthen the spirit of Rashtra Bhakti,” should
act as conciliatory for those who always look forward to exploit such delicate issues to suit their
style of opportunistic politics. The decision will further strengthen the secular fabric of our great
nation India and promote the idea of Nation First. The milestone judgement will not only cement
nation’s unity in diversity but will also give a fillip to its vast cultural heritage which proudly
boasts of “Ganga-Yamuna Tehzeeb.” As advised by the Prime Minister, the verdict should not be
viewed through the narrow prism of victory or defeat of a particular religion. It is the victory
over the cruel ideology of a barbaric invader Babar who after the victory over Oudh in 1528,
ordered his military commander Mir Baqi to construct a mosque at the site of the birthplace of
Lord Shri Ram where a Mandir already stood. In the British administrative and judicial records,
the structure was always referred as “Masjid Janamsthan.” Lord Shri Ram is considered world
over as an icon of righteousness, obedience, truthfulness and faithfulness. He is worshipped not
only in India but in many countries of South East Asia and many other parts of the world. The
Hindus, Buddhists and Jains consider him as divine. The name of God most often lauded in Sri
Guru Granth Sahib, after that of Hari is Ram. Ram, Raja Ram, Raghunath and such other words
occur approximately 2500 times in the Holy Granth.
Right from Munshi Jagannath Lal Khushtar’s translation that was published in 1860, we have a
rich collection of translations of Ramayana and its episodes in Urdu. The Muslims of India with
due reverence refer to him as “Imam-e-Hind”. Allama Iqbal writes, “Hai ram ke vajūd pe
Hindustan ko naaz, ahl-e-nazar samajhte haiñ us ko imām-e-hind.” (India is proud of the
existence of Rama. Spiritual people consider him prelate of India).The verdict has placed an
onerous responsibility on the Government of India by directing it to form a trust for construction
of the temple and also allot five acre land to the other party for construction of a mosque. It is
now for all parties political as well as social to not to politicise this sensitive issue any more and
without stretching it any further help the government in smooth implementation of the court’s
judgement further enhancing the secular fabric of our great nation.

There should be no further harm to the nation’s unity, integrity and harmony to promote vested
interests at the expense of national interest. There are certain politicians in the country of the like
of Owaissi whose entire political career centres on communal politics. Finding the judgment
lopsided, some community leaders are contemplating further legal action. They would better act
on the great poet-philosopher, Allama Iqbal’s counsel: “Na rah minnatkash-e-shabnam nigun
jam-o-subu kar le” (Don’t take petty obligation and have no pious hopes). As the Court has
arrived at the present decision after “navigating through the layers of complexity of the case”, a
decision to continue with the legal battle will, in all probability, be an exercise in futility. It is for
the people to give them a befitting reply by not falling prey to their divisive politics thus beating
their evil design to disturb communal harmony. Blinded by his political ambition he has not even
spared the Supreme Court by terming the highest seat of justice as “supreme but not fallible.”
Charles Dickens said, “If there are no bad people, there will be no good lawyers.” People like
Owaissi need to be tried for contempt of the Court by questioning the competence of the Court.

As stated by the Prime Minister “Nation Building onus is on the citizens.” The nation needs to
move forward to create a fearless society that co-exists peacefully. We have to work for
fructifying PM’s dream of New India 2022 that coincides with 75th year of independence. Let us
resolve to change that mind set and hold aloft that idea of India where diversity is not only
respected but is developed into the national asset that multiplies our comprehensive national
power rather than retarding it. The Supreme Court judgement has provided us that opportunity.
Let us collectively celebrate the defeat of cruelty and victory of righteousness, construction of
temple and mosque simultaneously, victory of our legal system and last but not the least victory
of India.

“Where the mind is without fear

And the head is held high
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.”

Rabindra Nath Tagore

Yours’ Faithfully
Partha Pratim Mazumder
Dist : Nalbari State : Assam
PO : Kazipara Pin : 781341
Phone : 9706630579

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