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Put each verb in brackets into the correct form

1. …………… (he/visit) art galleries in his free time?

2. We can’t buy the tickets. We ………………… (already/spend) all our money.
3. She ………………. (think) that colour ………………. (look) fantastic on you.
4. Please, be quiet! You ……………………… (always/complain) about everything.
5. I ………………….. (never/play) basketball. Is it fun?
6. Your eyes are red. ………………… (you/cry)?
7. What ……………… (you/look) at? ………………. (I/wear) the wrong clothes again?
8. Tina ……………….. (just/come) from work.
9. I ………………… (do) my science project for a week.
10. You are very quiet. What ………………. (you/think) about?
11. How much …………………. (the baby/weigh)?
12. How often ……………………. (you/have) English lessons?
13. The cake ……………….. (taste) great. Can I have another piece?

Complete with the correct tense, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Simple, Past
Perfect Continuous

1. What …………………. (you/do) when the fire ………………… (start) that day?
2. I could tell she ………………… (cry) because her eyes were red.
3. He …………………… (jog) when he …………… (slip) and landed on the ground.
4. Yesterday, John ……………… (get) on the motorbike and …………….. (ride) away.
5. Sarah ……………….. (cross) the road when a flower pot ………….. (fall) on her head.
6. While Steve …………… (do) the washing-up, Sally ……………. (clear) the table.
7. He was upset because he ………………….. (fail) the exam.
8. Tom ………………… (play) tennis for months before entering his first tournament.
9. Anne didn’t see me wave to her. She …………………. (look) in the other direction.
10. What …………………. (you/do) at nine yesterday morning?

Complete the passage with suitable words

I (1) ………….. always been very fit and healthy, and I have (2)………….. had a serious
illness. However, a couple of weeks (3)………………, I caught the flu. I must admit that until
then, I (4)…………………. not realised just how unpleasant the flu could be. I had a high
temperature for nearly a week, and my whole body hurt. I don’t think I have (5)………………..
felt so miserable. It’s taking me ages to get my strength back. It really bothers me that I haven’t
had enough energy to play football (6)……………… I got ill. In fact, I have (7)…….…………
been to the doctor to ask if it’s normal to feel weak for so long. He says I’ll soon feel better.
Apparently I’m lucky. For some people, especially the old and the weak, the flu can be very
serious. Doctors have tried (8)………………… years to find a cure for the flu, but they haven’t
found one (9)………………. . Fortunately, researchers have developed a vaccine, which gives
effective protection against the disease. According to my doctor, most of his elderly patients
have (10)……………….. received their flu shots.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use Future Simple,
be going to, present simple, present continuous, future continuous, future perfect simple, shall

1. The concert ……………… (start) at exactly 10 o’clock.

2. Don’t worry! I……………… (lend) you some money if you need it.
3. I can’t meet you on Friday. I …………….. (go) to the dentist.
4. See you at the station! I ……………………(wear) a red jacket.
5. Julia has just had such a good idea! I think I ………………. (join) the same club.
6. We have to be at the studio at 8.55 as the programme ………………….. (begin) at 9.
7. Don’t worry! I ………………….. (not leave) without you.
8. We certainly ……………………… (not finish) all the work by this time tomorrow.
9. My father has decided he ……………….. (resign) from his position next week.
10. I’m glad you want to see the film. ……………….. (we/meet) outside the cinema at 6?
11. I’m afraid Bill ………………. (not come) on time tonight. He’s so unpunctual.
12. The manager is shouting at her. She ………………… (be) fired!
13. It’s extremely cold. It ………………….. (probably/snow) tonight.
14. I’m going to an audition. This time tomorrow I ……………….. (sit) nervously in the
waiting room.
15. He’s a promising young actor. By the time he’s thirty or so, he …………….. (win)
many awards.
16. At one o’clock tomorrow, she ……………… (have) lunch with her new boss.
17. By the end of this week, I ……………….. (write) over ten application letters.
18. Don’t worry. I’m sure you ………………. (find) a job as soon as you ……………
(leave) school.
19. Anne …………………… (invite) some of her friends for dinner after work.
20. ……………. she …………… (remember) to call us this afternoon?

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