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Inroduction to linguistics



Group 1
MIA TRI UTAMI 176310356

Firstly, there is no beautiful sentences to speak except thanks and pray unto our god
allah SWT because his guided and his loved, in this opportunity to be able to compile a
working paper under the tittle " Introduction of linguistics " is properly and correctly, and on
time. Secondly, may sholawat and salam be accepted be our loved messager who has guided
us from the darkness to brightness, namely rosululloh Muhammad SAW.
This paper is structured so that readers can know how important application of
linguistics.This paper was compiled with help from various parties. Both parties come from
outside as well as from parties concerned it self. And because the aid and help of God Almighty,
these papers can be finally resolved. The compiler also thanked to mr. yuyun bachtiar as the
teachers/tutors in English subject. who have many professors help compilers in order to
complete this paper. Hopefully this paper can give a broader insight to the reader. Although
this paper has advantages and disadvantages. For criticism and suggestion please his
constituents. Thank you.

A. Blackground

Linguistics is the sicentific study of language, Linguistics can be broadly

broken into three categories or subfields of study: language form, language meaning,
and language in context. According to the experts :
(Adrian Akmajian, Richard Demerts, Ann Farmer, and Robert Harnish) “What is
linguistics, then? Fundamentally, the field is concerned with the nature of language
and (linguistic) communication.”.
(John Lyons) “Linguistics is scientific study of language.” .
(Raja T. Nasr) “Linguistics is concerned with human language as a universal and
recognizable part of human behavior and of thehumanabilities.”

Over time linguists came to recognize a growing number of language

components; each new component was an attempt to plug the “leaks” in an earlier
grammar, to explain what had previously resisted explanation. The following
discussion pinpoints the various leaks linguists have recognized (as well as their
attempts to plug the leaks) and demonstrates how culture and language influence each
other. The first is the study of language structure, or grammar. This focuses on the
system of rules followed by the speakers (or hearers) of a language. It encompasses
morphology (the formation and composition of words), syntax (the formation and
composition of phrases and sentences from these words), and phonology (sound
systems). Phonetics is a related branch of linguistics concerned with the actual
properties of speech sounds and nonspeech sounds, and how they are produced and
B. Purpose the papper
1. For knowing what is definition of linguistics
2. For knowing what is contains of linguistics
3. For knowing what is purpose of learning linguistics

C. Problem Formulating
1. What is definition of linguistics?
2. What is contains of linguistics?
3. What is purpose of learning linguistics?

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