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 Recommendations for fluid replacement - * too much water loss or higher body temp = heat

(prolonged aerobics) disorders

-6-8 ounces of cool water every 15-20 mins - * caution when: -temp is over 80ºF
* cold fluids easily absorbed in stomach -humidity is over 60%
- commercial fluid replacement/sports drink
 Heat Acclimatization
- contain 6-8% glucose – carried out more
than an hour - improved blood distribution & increased blood
- portability ensures greater fluid intake
- *highly fit – acclimatized in 4 days
 Overexertion/Overtraining
- * sedentary – 8 days
- independent of weather conditions
 Tips in hot weather
- cause of exercise training 1. Slow down exercise, add breaks
2. 2 cups of fluid 2 hours before exercise
- Overload Syndrome - Drink 4-8 hours every 10-15 mins
3. Clothing that breathes
- susceptible to a variety of hyperkinetic - White/light colors
conditions - NOT rubber, plastic, non porous
4. Rest in shade
- fatigue, irritability, sleep problems, 5. Slow down when incomfy
increased risks for injuries
 Heat Cramps
 In an overtrained status
- considerable salt lost in sweat
- performance declines sharply – causes individuals to
train harder - take lightly salted foods; massage
 Overtraining Indicator - *History of exertion, muscle cramps
- 4-5 more beats than normal  Heat Exhaustion
 Resistance Training - heat stress exceeds the capacity of the temp-
regulating mechanism
- likely overtraining
- * fast, shallow breathing; weakness; dizziness ;
- may not reap the full benefits of the program headache; moist/cool skin or profuse sweating; pale
face; normal/ slightly elevated temp; weak pulse
- recover in 2-3 days
 Heat Stroke
 Staleness
- temp-regulating mechanism has given up
- getting bored/uninterested
- * noisy breathing; hot, flushed skin; red face;
- pace workout to avoid staleness chills/shivering; disorientation; erratic behavior; high
body temp; no perspirations; full, rapid pulse; altered
 Hyperthermia consciousness or unconsciousness; convulsions
- alarming rise in body temp.  Treatment
- Stop exercising
- sets stage for heat stress and heat stroke - Cool the body
- potentially fatal collapse of temp-regulating - Get immediate medic attention
mechanism - Get out o the heat
- In recovery postion
- * evaporation of sweat allows maintenance of - Fan person; cold packs
 Hypothermia
- * humidity ; evaporation take place, body temp will
be higher - excessively low body temp, uncontrollable
shivering, loss of coordination, mental confusion
 Exercise in Hot Weather
- lose heat faster than is can be produced
- can be dangerous when prolonged
- prolonged exertion = muscle fatigue
- more water loss = hotter
- exposure = body heat lost
- less efficient sweating mechanism = more humid
- cold reaches the brain
- looses ability to reason - dizziness or fainting
- slow speech - place in cool environment; replace fluids
- hand control lost  Sun Protection Factor (SPF)
 Early Signs - absorb sunburn-inducing radiation
1. Shivering
2. Pale cold skin - help prevent damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation
3. Cold environment
 Worsening - SPF 6 – exposed 6 times longer than without
1. No shivering even when cold sunscreen
2. Drowsiness
3. Irrational behavior, confusion  Dehydration
4. Slow, weak pulse
5. Slow shallow breathing - excessive loss of water from body
6. Clumsy walking
 Treatment - perspiration/sweating,
1. Open airway when victim is
unconscious. Check breathing urination/evaporation
2. When conscious, keep in warm room
3. Replace wet clothes with dry ones  Sweating
4. Give high energy food and warm drinks - 2.5 liters from the lungs and skin, urine and feces and
5. Cover head, hands, feet – heat is lost from perspiration
through extremities
6. Don’t lie down - 150-250 ml every 15 mins
7. Transfer to med facility
 Thirst
 Vasoconstriction
- dryness sensation in mouth
- increase stimulating capacity of skin. Results in
reduction in temp of extremities - desire for liquids
- * Warm affected area
- * Shivering – defense mechanism against cold
- *core temp.
- temp of deep organs
- 37ºC/98.6ºF
- changes reflect on skin
 Cold Weather (Exercise)
- Wool
- Dress in layers – can be removed
- Cover head & neck
- Protect fingers, toes, ears, nose,
- Clothing that breathes – absorb &drain
moisture away

 Cold Acclimatization
- metabolic adjustments
- improved tissue insulation
 Heat Rash
- prickly heat
- red raised rash, prickling & tingling during sweating
- localized in areas covered by clothing
 Heat Syncope
- rapid physical fatigue during heat overexposure

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