04/01/2019 Chapter 1: Introduction To Software Engineering

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Software Engineering


Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Engineering

What is Software? Explain Characteristics of software

Software is set of some programs it is group of several tools are used to

perform exactly required operations. Software is a instruction or set of
instructions some time it is known as computer program that when
executed it provide desired functions & performance. Software means
set of some programs or methods are use to manipulate data structure
& also it give the effective performance regarding with some proper

As per given details software is proper way to operate

hardware, it is a product which work for find out solution on specific
problem. Software is set of some meaningful programs they organized
in one single group & also it work for perform define operations for find
out solution on particular problem.


1) Software is Develop or engineered but it is not manufactured:

Software is set of some program it must be develop but hardware
is manufactured, software is logical part so it use as a engineered
2) Software doesn’t Wipeout or ware out: Software is group of some
programs it use as a proper grouping of several term we can use it
for long term but now in proper process it use for future scope.
3) Most Software is Custom Built Rather than assembled form
existing components: it is another one characteristic of software
because hardware can be built using existing components but
software development is not possible by using excising
components because it must develop or manufacture by using
customer requirements or custom built, hardware development is
component base construction but software development is
custom built development.

In given diagram it work about some of the software future scope

process because most of the software doesn’t ware out or wipe out.
In given diagram product performance is specify for a particular
purpose & it give proper guideline for avoid the failure.


Explain applications of Software?


Explain Types of Software?

Software may be applied in any situation for which specified set of

procedural steps (program Or algorithm) has been defined. Information
or data contents are manipulate by using a particular software
application that also work for property give the meaningful process.
Now in current following some different categories are used for
working with software ( Applications of Software)

Above all are the different types of software application

1) System Software: System software is the one of the part of every
computer, it is a interface or intermediate between user &
computer (H/W & user), it generate heavy interaction between
user & computer for a specific purpose. System software is a
collection of meaningful programs return to service to other
programs, system software consist compiler, interpreter, file
management utility & other some tools.
2) Real Time Software: Real time Software’s are those all programs
which are use to maintain some of the real world events such as
like super market billing system, railway or transport booking
system these all are the real time software’s. Real time software’s
is use as a monitoring & control system for data gathering
components as well as collect information from several resources.
3) Business Software: Business information processing is the largest
software application area, in business area several business
software’s are use such as like accounting software, inventory
software, payroll software these all are the management
information systems (MIS) are consider as a business software.
4) Engineering Software: Engineering software’s such as like
automated software such as like auto cad. Engineering software’s
is use as a simple process for giving several engineering services.
5) Scientific Software’s: scientific software’s are special kind of
software’s they are use in several scientific task for a particular
purpose scientific software’s are use for temperature, whether
report research as well as medical studies.
6) Embedded Software: it is used in consumer or industrial market
these software use in microwave oven, weapon control systems,
vehicle control system these all are the types of embedded
7) Personal Computer Software: Person computer software is basic
software for perform the personal operations such as like word
processing, spreadsheet, presentation, entertainment & financial
applications these all are the personal computer software’s like
ms Office is one of the best e.g. for these categories
8) Artificial Intelligence Software: AI it is most popular type of
software in current days like biometric machines, neural network
system, image or voice reorganization system the all are the types
of artificial intelligence software.
9) Product line Software: product line software is product base
software we can use it for billing operation, stock maintenance
operations & inventory management.
10) Web Application: Web applications are recent technology in
software it is specially use for e-comers. Web application are web
base software are use in internet network for particular purpose
such as like flipcart googal pay, wts up


Explain Software Evolution?

In software engineering for performing particular task or solve a

particular problem there are several term are presents all these term
we can use as a software evolution during software evolution there are
many techniques are use that every technique is specially use to
increase reliability of software. In software evolving there are several
frame work activities are perform in this activity there are following five
steps or five activities are use
1) Communication
2) Planning
3) Modeling
4) Construction
5) Deployment

All these activities are consider as a software evolution

1) Communication activity: Communication is 1st stage in software

evolution we can use it for make intercommunication between
several team members or developer for implement adaption or
migration & Also communication is required for software
2) Planning Activity: planning is a2nd stage is software evolution it
work for give the proper planning about software development
process & its maintenance during software evolution we need to
provide planning as a process for 1.developing 2.maintaining
3) Modeling Activity: modeling is the actual presentation of software
it demonstrates of software in front of clients.
4) Construction(Development) Activity: construction is consider as a
actual process of software development in this term software
development process is perform as per given requirements of
clients int this term there are several development life cycles are
5) Deployment Activity: Deployment is final step in software
evolution it works about proper activities for completing the
software evolution. It is a proper delivery of software to client &
also it fulfills all the requirements.

Software Evolving

In software engineering evolving role of software is depend on the

product, at same time software take dual role 1) Develop a complete
product 2) define a vehicle for delivery the product for these purpose
software evolving role is depend. The evolution of softer is represent in
several era’s

1) Early years(1950-1960)
2) Second Era(1960-1970/1975)
3) Third Era(early 1970/1980-1990)
4) Forth era(1990-2000)

All these era are considering as a development stages of software.

These all are the stages of specific software development at that time
every term is involve in software evolution.

Early Years: In early years very simple & ordinary software’s are
develop like batch orientation, limited distribution & custom software
these are the types of software’s in early era.

Second Era: In second era form 1960-1975 several software’s are

develop like distributed system (Multi user), Real-time software’s,
product software’s.

Third Era: in third era from let 1970 to let 1980 there are several
advance software’s are develop like pure distributed system,
embedded software’s, low cost hardware software, consumer impact
software’s. these all are the products of third era.
Forth era: Forth era is form let 1980 to 2000 in this era software
development are implement with some effective features. In this era
Microsoft work for some of the advance software development. In this
forth era use of software in private companies, industries as well as for
personal use software development is use. In this forth era there are
following some different type of software’s are develop

1) Powerful desktop
2) Object Oriented Technology
3) Expert systems
4) Artificial neural network
5) Parallel computing
6) Network computing

As per given details in development evolution of software there are

several era are present every era release with some expert systems.

In software evolving there are following some role we can present.

1) Industry perspective role

2) Aging software plant
3) Software competitiveness

These three are the basic roles in software evolving.

1) Industry perspective role: In the early days computer based

systems were develop as per industry perspective like technical
requirement or manufacturing requirement some time it work
about several effective term for fulfill all the industry
requirement. The main evolving role is the depending on
requirement of industry.
2) Aging Software plant: aging software plant is responsible for
giving some of the basic principal for improve the evolving role of
software. During aging software plant many additional
requirement fulfill for a particular purpose.
3) Software competitiveness: it is another one term in evolving role
of software it give the effective role for reconstruct all the
requirements & provide several options or several software’s for
any one problem. Several large & small companies work for
software development so they arrange all its requirements in
growing software’s.


Explain Software Myths?

Software myths are work in many causes of software affection & it

work about mythology that occur during study about software.
Software myths can be classified in following some categories:

1) Management Myths
2) Customer Or Client myth
3) Practitsional Myths

These three are different kind of myths involve in software engineering

during its development as well as delivery.

1) Management Myths: management myth is associated with

manger like manger in most discipline is may be under pressure to
maintain budget, keep schedules & improve the quality. In
management myth there are several myth & reality can be
represent that work about actual its role in software engineering.
Myths Reality

a) We already have a book that’s The book of standard may very

full of standards & procedures well but is it use, is it complete,
for building software so we is it adaptable, in many cases
can’t provide peoples or answer of these all cases is no.
employees for guidance
because they know everything.

My people do have state of It takes much more latest model

the art software development computers but as compare to
tools we buy them newest hardware software is more
computers. important so we need to install
required software’s also.

If we get behind schedule we Software development is not a

can add more programmers manufacturing process, adding
peoples to let software projects
when make it again later.

In this reality we work about

some of the basic tools for
managing all the work with
effective programmers not with
more beginners
2) Customer Or client Myths: Myths A general state of objective is
sufficient for begin writing program or software. Reality: poor
, on every stage information must be supply to programmer
Myths: project requirement continuously change but change can
be easily because software is flexible. Reality: it is true the
software requirement do change, they accommodated easily but
it is not easy to make changes because we need to maintain all
the requirements or full fill changes
3) Practional myths: Myths: once we write the program & get it to
work our job is done. Reality: writing code & delivery the software
that means our work is not done because we need to provide the
service to maintenance Myths: until I get a program running I
really have no way to check the quality. Reality: one of the most
effective software qualities is quality filter so we need to properly
verify its quality at every time. Myths: only deliverable software’s
are successful projects. Reality: working program is only the part
of software configuration but some of the unused programs may
also important in future.


Explain the Concept of Software process?

Software process can be view as a common process frame work it is

establish by defining a small number of activities. In software process
number of task set are represent with several levels. Level 1 : initial
level 2: repeatable level 3: define level 4: Managed level 5: optimizing
all these five levels are consider as a software process with several
framework activities at that time software process is use for several
purpose with umbrella activities.
In given diagram software process is consider as a managing all the
activities for defining proper software process.

1) Level 1: Initial:- a software process is consider as addhoc & client

server technology at that time initial process must be start with
individual efforts.
2) Level 2: Repeatable:- Basics project management & all its
functions must be repeat for every task.
3) Level 3: Define:- In software engineering every process must be
define with Quality assurance.
4) Level 4: Manage:-In software process software quality
management & quantitative process management these both
term are responsible for management term.
5) Level 5: Optimizing:- Optimization is use to include all individual
components in one common framework.
In software process model goal or task are define.

1) Goals: Overall objectives that must be achieve

2) Commitments: These are requirements commit to the client
3) Abilities: Abilities are existing qualities that can be achieved.
4) Activities: Activities are actual process for managing all its frame
work activities.
a) Communication:
b) Planning:
c) Modeling
d) Construction:
e) Deployment:
5) Methods for monitoring implementation: In this term there are
several monitoring term we can use for handle all the process
6) Methods for verifying implementation: It is final term in software
process it give the actual ability for achieve our task.

In software process there are following some different models we can


In liner sequential model all five activities implement in one after one
format & exit from process when deployment is done
Represent all its activates with repetition process whenever
deployment is not properly done.
It is framework activates for software process it give the parallel
process at a time for a particular software assessment.


Explain the Waterfall model?

In software engineering waterfall model is that technology in existing in

software development at that time several models can be use like
prototyping model, RAD as well as incremental model these all are the
basic models in software process. During software process or software
development waterfall model or classic life cycle model is most
commonly use model that allows us to give the development of
particular model with following five steps:

1) Requirement gathering
2) Planning
3) Designing
4) Coding
5) Delivery

Above all five steps are involve in waterfall model that waterfall model
is also called as classic life cycle model, because in this model
systematic approach is use that begin with customer specification of
requirement & then planning, modeling, construction & deployment(
delivery) are the progress.
In given diagram waterfall model is considered as an actual process for
analysis, design, coding, testing & delivery & also in this step
maintenance is also required. We can represent waterfall model using
following some term:

1) Communication/ requirement: In this term all the requirements

gathering process is done by software engineers (analyst) the
information collection, behavior, performance these all are the
basic steps of the waterfall model.
2) Planning: Planning is 2nd step in waterfall model it is actual project
planning or software planning. In this step all construction
planning are done. In this step cost of software & time
requirement is specify.
3) Designing: Modeling or Designing is multi step process because it
works about software architecture, data structure as well as all its
flowchart development & presentation of software idea.
4) Coding: Coding or Software construction is another term; in this
step actual code generation or software development is
performing for apply the particular programming language
approach for developing our planned software.
5) Delivery: Deliver or Deployment is another one term that work
about simple process for finalize the life cycle & delivered
software to client so now that software is ready to use.

Waterfall model is also called as V-Model it represents with following

some action for construction of software.
In given diagram waterfall model is represent with several testing’s for
specific approach & also it give the software development.


Explain Incremental model?

Incremental model is software process model that use in software

process for complete a particular process for deliver the software.

Def:- The incremental model of software combine elements or the

components of the linear sequential model(Waterfall model) with the
iterative philosophy that’s why some time incremental model is called
as iterative model. It allows us to implementing software development
process with following some steps:

1) Analysis
2) Design
3) Coding
4) Testing
5) Delivery

During incremental model there are several process we can use with
incremental or repeated format.

in given diagram of incremental model linear & parallel process are

combine & then it work about actual deployment or delivery there are
many situations where initial software requirements are well defined
but the overall scope of development need improvement or upgrade in
that case incremental model repeat same thing for several times. In 1 st
increment core product is delivered, in 2nd increment more
sophisticated product is delivered using same way we work about more
sophisticated products in every increment. In incremental model there
are following phases are repeatedly implement in every increment.

1) Communication :
2) Planning( analysis)
3) Designing (Engineering)
4) Coding (Construction)
5) Delivery (Deployment)

Above all phases are required for performing the incremental model.

Explain Spiral model?

Spiral model is originally proposed by or released by boeheam , it is an

evolutionary software process model that work with some of the
repeated operations for giving some development of software for
working with framework activates. In spiral model there are following
some steps are use:

1) Customer Communication
2) Risk Analysis
3) Modeling/Engineering
4) Construction or coding
5) Delivery/Deployment

Above all is the basic requirement in typical spiral model

In given spiral model at every time the quality o software is improved.

Spiral model is an evolutionary software process model that combine

linear sequential model with iterative nature that means same process
repeat at number of times. In spiral model software is develop in series
of incremental realize. Spiral model is divided into number of activities:

1) Customer communication:
2) Planning:
3) Modeling/ Engineering:
4) Construction:
5) Deployment/delivery:
As per given details all these frame work activates are responsible for
complete a particular software development for propose software.


Explain the concept of evolutionary process model?

Evolutionary process model is mostly use software process model that

is use to give the way to organize all the process in proper & reliable
format. All complex systems are mostly use in evolutionary software
process model & also it work with repeated model. In evolutionary
software process model there are following some models are use:

1) Incremental model
2) Spiral model
3) Component assembly model
4) Concurrent development model

The linear or waterfall model always works in straight line format but
evolutionary models are always worked in iterative format.

Normally linear models are work for simple software development but
in evolutionary model iterative (repeat) development is perform so
same process repeat again & again so that’s why it work with more
effective & technical format at that time simplex systems can be
develop properly & programmers develop more complete versions of

In evolutionary process model there are following some models we can


1) Spiral model:
2) I
3) Prototyping Model: prototyping model is basically evolutionary
process model it is depend on fuzzy logy in prototyping there are
several term are use. Prototyping model bign with the
communication then identify whatever requirements are known’s
then perform planning operations & after planning (Quick plan)
perform the modeling or designing after complete the designing
implement the construction of prototype f& finally deliver the
software & regularly collect feedback from user.

in given diagram
there are several steps are present that every step is use to
implementing the process of prototyping model. We can
represent all the steps of prototyping model by using following
1) Communication:
2) Quick plan:
3) Modeling:
4) Construction
5) Delivery:


Explain the concept of software engineering?


Software engineering a layered technology?

Software engineering is an establishment & use of sound engineering

principals in order to obtain economically software that is reliable &
work efficiently on machine. In given definition of software engineering
it is a well organized & well define set of some principals are use to
develop software with sound principals & also it work effectively on
real machines. In software engineering there is several process stages
(Layers) are use. In software engineering following four stages or layers
are use:

In given diagram software engineering layers work for effectively

develop software using quality principles so software can effectively
work on real machine.
Def: Software engineering is the application of systematic, disciplined,
reliable approach to the development (Software), operation & proper
maintenance of software.

Def: Software engineering is basically study of all required approaches

like systematic, discipline & reliable tools of software development.

Software engineering is layered technology, any engineering approach

must rest on quality of the software, and the quality management is
the main aspect of software engineering it is also called as key process


1) Tools: Tools are those all components which are required for
development & maintenance of software.
2) Methods: Methods are responsible for describe how to use tools.
Methods are considered as a proper technology of any tools.
3) Process: process is the actual exhibition of tools that means
implementation of tools are consider as a process.
4) Quality focus: Quality focus is the final term in software
engineering layer it works for give the high quality program for
software for actual use on real machine.

In software engineering there are following some maintenance phases

are use for quality focus.

a) Correction: find out problem & correct that

b) Adaption: it is process for make proper environment for software
c) Enhancement: it is a process for give the perfective software
d) Prevention: prevention is the actual process for avoid all the
unwanted changes or unwanted tools for better quality of

Explain the crisis on Horizon?

In software engineering crisis on the horizon is important term use for

managing several requirements at that time software development
face several problems those all problems are consider as a crisis. The
word crisis is defined in Webster dictionary as a “turning point in
particular event (anything) that consider as crucial time & also it is a
actual turning point in overall event”.

Crisis on the horizon is also consider as software affliction & also it deal
with many kind of problems involve in software development. Crisis on
the horizon is the turning point in the course of disease when it become
clear withers the patient will live or die that means it is actual result

In actual crisis on the horizon there are following some term are

1) What is the problem to be solved?

2) What are the characteristic of entity is use?
3) How will the entity be realized?
4) How will the entity be constructed?
5) What approach is use to cover the uncover errors?
6) How will the entity be supported over the long term?

Above all are the actual approaches are involve in crisis on the horizon.

3. A Generic View Of Process

Explain Software engineering Layers?

There are several term are present that every term is known as layer
during software engineering process we work about several effective
term at that time following four (4) layers are most important layers.

1) Tools
2) Methods
3) Process
4) Quality focus

These four layers are most commonly use layers are applicable for
working with proper development of software.

Software engineering: It is a systematic, discipline & well designed

approach to the development of software & maintenance of the
software. Software engineering is also called as establishment &the use
of sound engineering principles regarding with some of the proper
decisions for effective designing. In general cases we work about
following some layers for working with software development tools. In
generic view of software process there are layers we can represent.
1) Tools: Tools are most common component of layered technology
it allows us to give the reestablishment of existing component for
construction of software tools are actual mechanical cases it
provide the required reasons only.
2) Methods: software engineering methods are provides technical
guidance for specify how to use a particular component for
development of software. Methods are responsible for following
some activities:
1) Analysis & designing
2) Program Constructions
3) Testing Operations
4) Maintenance

These all are the basic activities of method

3) Process: Process is important layer in software engineering

technology. It is actual execution of tools & methods, when
particular tools is use for achieve a specify task in that case
process is perform a process was define as a collection of work
activities, action& task that is activities, action &task are
commonly known as process.
4) Quality Focus: it is another one important part of software
engineering layered technology in quality focus there are several
approaches are uses such as like: 1) Correction 2) Adaption 3)
Enhancement 4) Prevention. These all four actions are involved in
quality focus.
Process Framework?

Process framework is use as a simple activity for managing

development of software with several umbrella activities, software
process framework we can represent by using following diagram:

In given framework several processes are known as umbrella activities.

I process framework following five level are used.

1) Initial: It is initial & starting level use for apply the approach for
start the software development process.
2) Repeatable: It is that framework activity which work for repeat a
particular work at no of times iteration format for achieve a
particular result.
3) Define: In process framework all projects must be definition for
particular process framework.
4) Manage: Managing tools & managing methods is proper
measurement of process framework it works for implementing all
the activities [Actions] in entire process framework.
5) Optimizing: It is that term in process framework it works about
complete the software process framework & optimize the result.

In process framework as umbrella activities use for effective software

development with correspondent tools.


Explain PSP & TSP

In software engineering personal process model & team process model

both are the different approach they work for managing all the
requirements regarding with software process only. In software
engineering several models are use but whenever we need to perform
process management then there are two kind o technique are mostly

1) Personal software process

2) Team Software process

PSP: PSP stand for personal software process it is a simple approach for
managing software management for working with personal software
development regarding with its prototyping.
In PSP model there are different five framework activity are use:

a) Planning:
b) High Level Design
c) High level design review
d) Development
e) Postmortem

These five framework activity are involved in PSP & also it work about
effective management.

PSP is that term which is responsible for build a computer software &
apply the proper measurement in software planning. In PSP every
activity is define as an effective term for software development

PSP is collection of these five framework activities

a) Planning: planning is 1st activity in PSP it work about several

effective term for apply tools collection & make proper planning
for software process (Project Schedule & Estimate).
b) High Level Design: It is 2nd activity in PSP it works about external
specification for each component, it works for develop a
component design.
c) High Level Design Review: It is formal verification method, it is use
for apply the process on uncover errors & also it maintains design
verification for next level.
d) Development: Development is actual coding, compile & tested
code that means actual software development using coding is the
important task for PSP.
e) Postmortem: Postmortem is the final activity in PSP model it work
for apply all the generic review & also it represent statistic. The
effectiveness of process is determined by using postmortem
process & also it provides guidance for modify the process &
improve the effectiveness.

As per given all details in PSP every process is applicable for

implementing all the effective term for apply project base technology.


Team Process Model

It works for developing some of the effective operation for quality base
signals for applies the software process with process model services. In
software process model there are two or more than two terminologies
are used that every term is use for apply proper services with effective
results. In Software process model personal & team different
technology are use for developing software using following some
framework activities

1) Project Launch
2) High Level Design
3) Implementation
4) Integration & Testing
5) Postmortem

Above all activities are TSP activities are specially used to give the
effective results for managing some grouping operation. Much industry
grade software is addressed by team of practitioners at that time TSP
model is use. The goal of TSP is to build a self directed project &
organize itself to produce high quality software. In TSP there are
following objective is use:

1) Build Self Directed Team, Build Plan & Establish The Goal (3
Engineers are required)
2) We need to provide motivation for sustain a peak performance.
3) Exhilarate software process
4) Provide improvement guidance
5) Provide facility for training & teaching
6) To work for improve the industrial grade team skills

As per given all details TSP is software process model for make a
complete project using self directed team.

TSP activities we are represent by using following term:

1) Project Launch: It is primary activity for launch your goal or

project & presents it to your team.
2) High Level Design: In 2nd step we need to make plane & also go for
high level design.
3) Implementation: implementation is process for implement your
project (Coding).
4) Integration & Testing: In this step we need to integrate or collect
all the team members’ workout & then test it before launch.
5) Postmortem: postmortem is simple process for apply the effective
output & also verify your project is perfect or not.

Above all five activities are involved in TSP model.

In given all details TSP is use as a process for representing team level
operations for industry grade software.
Explain the Process Technology?

Process technology is another one term in several modules about

development of projects in process technology we work for following

1) In process technology the 1st term is to analyze the current

2) Organize our work task.
3) Perform Controlling on the software organizations.
4) Provide monitoring on the progress of software
5) Managing technical quality is the most important term.

Above all terms are involved in process technology are use to

implementing the development of software using either PSP or TSP.

Process technology tools allow software organizations to build

automated models & also they provide process framework, task set &
umbrella activities. In process technology following activity are involve:

1) Create acceptable process.

2) Other process technology tools also use.
3) Allocate space for process technology.
4) Provide monitoring on the process technology.
5) Control all the software engineering activities.
6) Control all the software engineering actions.
7) Define task for process model.
8) Apply the required process for complete the task.

Above all are the basic term in process technology & also it work about
several process technology for generating proper plan.
Explain Product & process?

If the process is week the end product will be suffer from several
problems & also it maintain actions for some of the product issue.
Product & process both are interrelated term, the actual performance
of process is responsible for product development & also every process
issue is apply the effect on product development so product is the
result of process. About every 10 years give or take 5 the software
community says “the problem by shifting form product issue to process
issue is interconnecting with each other”.

The natural tendency of any process is similar to the software process

because process & product both are the interrelated term. In product &
process suppose creative process is perform then high quality product
is generate like a designer artist enjoy to the process of brush stroke as
compare to result & also a professional software developer also must
enjoy the development process as compare to the final result.


4 Agile Developments

What is agility?

In software engineering quality is that term which is use for apply

several term regarding with software development for improve the life
periods of software that means agile development is process for apply
basic framework activity like:

1) Communication
2) Planning
3) Modeling
4) Construction
5) Deployment

These minimal tasks are the part of agile process.

Agile software engineering is use to combine philosophy & set of

development guide lines, philosophy encourage customer satisfaction
& guiding is use to improve the efficiency.

Agility has become today’s buzzword when describe a model software

process, everyone is agile in model software process that means quality
is the new software development technology is work about proper
philosophy & proper guideline for developing the software.

Now in current model software process agility is responsible for give

the effective process for developing a software with some rapid tools &
algorithm give the satisfy results for particular problem or task.

Def: Agility means effective (Rapid & adaptive) response to the change
effective communications with all customers & developers, in agility we
work for following some term:

1) Planning: planning is the agility activity for make perfect plan

regarding with some of the proper tools for make complete
2) Design: Design is the 2nd term in agility it works for simple
designing o planning.
3) Coding: Coding is actual implementation of planning it is use to
apply proper process for developing the program/ code.
4) Testing: Testing is responsible term for give the verification
process for test coding is effective or not.
As per given details agility is that term which is responsible for
encourage team structure, perform rapid delivery as well as give the
satisfied results.

What is an agile process?

Agile process is that term in software engineering which is related

about managing the unpredictable term & improve the reliability of
software, in agile process there are following three key term are

1) It is difficult to predict in advance which software requirement

will persist & which will the change.
2) For many type of software, design & constructions it is difficult to
predict how much design is necessary before construction.
3) Analysis, design, construction & testing are not as predictable.

These three assumptions are important. These three are agile process.

In agile process these three difficulties we can properly handle by using

some of the agility principles, these principles mange unpredictability &
also it improve the quality of software.

We can represent the term agile process by using following 12

principles (Agile Rules).

1) Set our highest priority (Goal) to satisfy the customer through

early & continuous delivery of valuable software.
2) Welcome the changing requirement even late in development
that means you must ready for fulfill the customer requirement.
3) Deliver working software frequently that means you must ready
for deliver the working software frequently in short time scale.
4) Business people & developers must work together for daily
working project.
5) We need to build a project as per motivation of every individual
6) For proper & effective software delivery it is coma these three
assumptions are important compulsory to give the face to face
convergent facility for purpose.
7) Working software is primary that means we can measurement the
progress of company depending on only working software
development & also the actual development is related about how
many working software’s are develop.
8) Agile process also need constant pace from all components
regarding with some primary terms.
9) Continuous attention to technical excellence is also important
10) Simplicity is another one requirement is work for give the
simple process for apply effective results.
11) The best architecture of planning is another one important
term for give the working software rapidly.
12) Regular interval is another one important term it works for
managing the effective working ability.

All these 12 agile principles are responsible for apply proper agile
process for complete the working software delivery.

Explain agile politics?


Politics of agile development

Agility is that simple term in proper & effective working delivery
preservations it work about proper software delivery at that time the
politics of agile development is more important, in politics of agility
there are following some term are present.

1) Competence
2) Common Focus
3) Collaboration
4) Design Making Ability
5) Fuzzy Problem Solving Ability
6) Mutual Trust & Respect
7) Self Organizations

These all are the political issue are involved in the politics of agile


In software engineering the politics of agile development is responsible

for giving simple approach for improve the working software
development quality & also it improve all the simple resources for
managing several issues about agile development.

1) Competence: Talent is that term which is responsible for

managing all the debate risk & also work about actual facts.
2) Common Focus: All members of agile team may perform different
task but the focus of the all members must be common
3) Collaboration: it is the proper communication between several
agile members & they collaborate the all the skill for particular
4) Design Making Ability: It is basic term for effective results because
by taking popper designs we can achieve results.
5) Fuzzy Problem Solving Ability: In agile development the team
must accept the facts that the problem they are solve properly.
6) Mutual Trust: Mutual trust is that term which is associated with
some of the requirements of proper trust on each other.
7) Self Organizations: It is work about 1) team organize itself 2) the
team organize the process & it best accommodate in its local
environment 2) the team organize the work schedule it must be
best for achieve the results.

As per given all details in politics of agile development every term must
be in proper approach the main purpose of politics of agile
development is to maintain the proper approach between software
engineering & agility

What are agile process models?

In agile development there are several agile models are present, every
models are agile process is associated with the actual working of agile

1) Adaptive Software Development Model

2) Scrum Model
3) Dynamic System Development Method Model
4) Crystal Model
5) Extreme Programming Model

Above all are the basic models in agile development

Extreme Programming Model (XP):

In given diagram extreme programming process is responsible for

developing the agile process using following some actions.

1) Planning: Planning is 1st stage it works for make proper estimate &
proper schedule that means in planning criteria we work about
development team & its requirement.
2) Design: Design is the 2nd stage in this model it work for make our
project simple (Keep it simple).
3) Coding: Coding is actual development process, it work for
programming & implement the designs for achieve task, in coding
activity we work about extreme programming for managing the
programming environment for developing the software.
4) Testing: testing is the key element of XP approach it work for
properly test all frame work activities that enable us to deliver or
relies our software, testing strategy is use as verification of every
tool of software (Data Structure, Interface, functionality &
uncover Errors). In testing process the main purpose is cover the
uncover errors.
5) Delivery: Delivery or relies is main term in XP model (Extreme
Model) Is work for implementing all the software delivery
operation for actual use our software.

Adaptive Software Development model (ASD): ASD model is another

one agile process model it work about development of software &
relies the software, in this process there are main three term are use
before delivery

1) Speculation
2) Collaboration
3) Learning
4) Releasing

These four term are involve in adaptive software development model

In given diagram ASD model is considered as a agile process model with
rapid delivery of software. In ASD model following some actions are

1) Speculation: it is adaptive cycle planning is conducted for

customer’s mission statement. A speculation is 1st term in ASD it
provides time walks regarding with release plan.
2) Collaboration: Collaboration is requirement gathering & also it
give the process for combine all agile methods with 1) criticize
without animosity 2) assist without resentment 3) work as hard
harder than they do 4) Communicate the problem & find out
3) Learning: Learning is final step before delivery it work for study
about technical review & perform the project postmortem
4) Delivery: Delivery is another one important term it work for
release the software & provide it to customer for actual use.

Above all actions are involved in correspondent ASD model.

Dynamic System Development Method Model (DSDM): In agile process

model there are several term are present but every term is work about
80% of application & other 20% is impairment at runtime. Normally in
agile process every activity is associated with some of the iterative
software process. In DSDM there are several process are applicable
regarding with its iterative method but during runtime it complete the
task. In DSDM there are following some term are use:

1) Feasibility Study
2) Business Study
3) Functional Model
4) Design
5) Implementation
6) Delivery

These all are the activities in DSDM model.

DSDM is most effective agile process model it works about some

effective transmissions of software form one stage to other stage.


1) Feasibility Study: Feasibility is that term which is associated with

primary term for do study about existing process model
components. In feasibility study whenever we need to perform
agile development throughout the feasibility study dynamic
development can be start.
2) Business Study/ Financial Study: Financial or business study
another one term it works about proper study about
establishment of system (Properties).
3) Functional Model: It is another one approach in DSDM it works for
define or create requirement functional model that applicable for
avoid the business related problem regarding with environment
4) Design: Designing is a simple process for managing flowchart
development for our specific process model.
5) Implementation: implementation is actual coding process it work
for implement our design in required view or required model
6) Delivery/ release: it is final step in DSDM model it works about
development product delivery process that means delivery the
product to customer (Client).

Scrum Model:

Scrum Model is another one model in agile process it work about

several problem definitions with consistent & manifesto it work about
following some framework activities:

1) Requirement: requirement is 1st stage in scrum model it works

about several requirement studies for product development.
2) Analysis: In this 2nd stage we work about several analysis process
for verify requirements are valid or not.
3) Design: It is 3rd stage it works about backlog, sprints as well as it
works about several meeting manuals for implement the process.
4) Evolution: Evolution is actually 15min meeting in this meeting
they work about current problem (Last meeting dissection,
current problem & next meeting plan)
5) Delivery: Delivery is another one term it work about several
release process for deliver the software.

Explain the concept of FDD model?

Feature Driven Development Model:

In agile process model there are several model are use but FDD is
object oriented software engineering model in this model we work
about following some steps.

1) Develop & Overall Model

2) Build a Features List
3) Plan by Feature
4) Design by Feature
5) Build by Feature

These five activities are basic activities in feature driven development.

In given diagram feature driven development (FDD) is implementing
with repetition process for object oriented software engineering, it was
launched by Peter coad. In FDD model there is same approach as like
other models with some additional features.

1) Collaboration among people on a FDD team

2) Manage the problems & project complexity
3) Perform proper communication of technical details using verbal
communication, Graphical communication & text based

These all are the basic approach in existing FDD model for improve the
efficiency & quality.

In FDD model there are following some actions are perform.

1) Develop An Overall Model: in this step making a product design as

well as product model before its development.
2) Build a Feature List: in this step all additional features list must be
create before its development that means features are also
required before its development process.
3) Plan by Feature: it is another one term it is related about
development of proper plan as per required features.
4) Design by feature: it is FDD model it works about make design or
flowchart before its actual development.
5) Build by Feature: it is responsible for managing the proper
implementation of given structure.
6) Delivery: it is releasing process it work for give the delivery of
software to client

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