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At first sight it’s pretty clear and obvious, Bitcoin used and uses

standard technologies which are available for over 20 years. But

every time you think, you totally got it you realize that there are so
many more implications, uses cases, potential problem solutions
where Blockchain would or could make sense. Then you realize you
don’t know very much about Blockchain and there so many
dimensions you didn’t think off in the first place – until you are
completly convinced to truely understand the matter. But that point
is probably just the start of a new cycle of not knowing, exploring
and realizing.

In this section we want to provide you with some information for

beginners, content which didn’t fit somewhere else and would like to
share our insights of the way down the rabbit hole.

Blockchain is a term that first emerged in the context of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a digital currency technology that was invented and first
published on the internet in 2009 by an anonymous person or group
known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Today there is much talk about its so
called underlying core technologies commonly referred to
as blockchains or distributed ledgers. In spite of being eight years
old, the general knowledge and broader understanding of the
subject is still evolving. We are convinced that it has the potential to
lead to fundamental changes in our existing economic, legal, and
political systems

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