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Global Farmers Market

You and your group will be creating a stall at our Farmers Market to advertise a specific form of agriculture. You
will be assigned one of the following types of global agricultural practices. You will be presenting these exhibits to
your customers (a.k.a. the rest of the class) at our market day (Day 4 of the Ag Unit).

Subsistence Commercial
1 Shifting Cultivation 6 Plantation
2 Pastoralism 7 Truck Farming/Commercial Gardening
3 Intensive Wet Rice 8 Mediterranean
4 Intensive Smallholder Crop and Livestock 9 Dairy
5 Hunting and Gathering* 10 Mixed Crop and Livestock/Organic Farming
11 Grain
12 Livestock Ranching
13 Aquaculture
14 Suitcase Farms
Your project will have 3 components:
1. Brochure: (30 points)
Your brochure is what other students will be looking at as they rotate “booths.” Make sure it is student-friendly.
They are relying on you to give them the information they need for the test. It must include the following:
 A description of the style of agriculture and what products are grown
 A map of where you would live in order to practice it and a description of the climate there and
necessary conditions
 An explanation of whether it is commercial or subsistence agriculture and what that means for the
potential lifestyle of the farmer practicing it (think: “a day in the life of your farmer”)
 Visuals with explanations that show us the products and the fields or processes used
 You must have 3 copies in color of your brochure.
2. Poster: (50 points)
Once you have researched and understand the basics of your type of agriculture and created your brochure, begin
on your poster. Your poster will need to be more in depth research about how your agriculture style impacts global
ethical concerns.
 Think: What are any negative environmental impacts of this industry? Are there genetically modified
varieties? Issues around the ethical treatment of animals? organic/free range options? The impact your
agriculture has on sustainability of food futures, natural resource depletion, mass consumption, pollution,
impact on climate change, etc… you won’t answer or research all of these questions for all products. Know
YOUR product.
3. Option: (20 points)
 A current event about your type of farming with the news article AND a summary in your own words on
your poster.
 OR a food sample with a description of how your food relates to your type of farming on your brochure
-Must bring enough for the whole class (you must think about serving size)
-Must bring utensils, napkins, or whatever you need to prevent mess

Make sure to think about how you will set up your booth. Creativity and presentation
Global Farmers Market
Potential farmers - welcome to our Farmers Market! Your job is to learn about EACH
of the different types of farming so that you may make an informed decision about
the style YOU would like to choose.
Agricultural Style Notes – products, climate, locations, conditions,
pros/cons, life style, etc.



Intensive Wet Rice

Smallholder Crop
and Livestock

Hunting and




Mixed Crop and

Live Stock
(often Organic


Livestock Ranching


Suitcase Farms

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