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Karanaprada housein the Ashtakavarga of the Ascendant:

In the Ashtakavarga of the Ascendant :
One planet in the 10th,11th and the 6thhouses: 2 planetsin the third house; 3 planets in the lst and the
4th houses; : 5 planets in the 2nd house: 6 planets in the'5th', 8th' the 9th and the 12th houses: and
all'exccpt Jupiter in the 7th house are karnapadas;
the Ascendant sun moon in the first House;; the Ascendant Mars, the Moon, Sun and Saturn in the 2nd
House; Jupiter and Mercury in the 3rd House; ,the Ascendant the Moon' Mars' Mercury and Saturn and
the Sun in the5thHouse ; the Ascendant' the Moon and Mars in the 4thHouse,; Venus in 6th House; all
except Jupiter in the 7thHouse;:
the Ascendant sun moon Mars Jupiter and Saturn in the 8th House;the Ascendant sun moon Mars,
mercury and Saturn in the 9nd House; : Venus in the10th and the 11th House; , the Ascendant, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in the l2th from their own places are Karanapradas

Rekhapradas in the Ashtakavarga of the Ascendant:

[Sl:65-68.] In the Ashtakavarga of the Ascendant:

Saturn,Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Mars in the lst : Mercury, Juprter and Venus in the 2nd:
the Ascendant the Sun, the Moon, Mars Venus, and the Saturn in 3rd : the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter,Venus
and Saturn in the4th : Jupiter and Venusin the5 th, all except Venus jn the 6th :
Jupiter in the 7th : Mercury and Vcnusi n the 8th: Jupiter and Venus in the 9th: all except Venusin the
l0th : all except Venus in the11 : and the Sun and the moon in thc l2th from their own places are

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