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RH Law- Contraceptives Issue

One of the most controversial issues nowadays is

whether to control birth or just let it be. Before, sex is a
very sensitive topic for it is reserved only to a married
couple. Means of birth control such as the use of
contraceptives like pills, condoms and ligation is highly
frowned upon by many because of their belief that it
makes people disregard morality. Despite it being a
solution to contemporary issues such as abortion,
teenage pregnancy and the increasing population, we
cannot deny that there are still people who are against it.
I believe that contraception only becomes a sin if it is
not used for its right purpose. Considering the fact that
a normal teenager nowadays can fall into tease and peer
pressure with regards to sexual activities just to fit into
social norms and be considered ‘cool’.

The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health

Act of 2012 is a law in the Philippines, which guarantees
universal access to methods on contraception, fertility
control, sexual education, and maternal care. With this,
there are two things that I wanted to elaborate and
stand for, about contraception to be specific. First, RH
Law has provisions. Article 10354, section 2.01, states
principles one of which is that, “The provision of
reproductive health care shall not discriminate between
married or unmarried individuals, for all individuals
regardless of their civil status have reproductive health
concerns ”. It is clearly stated that it is open for those
who participate in premarital sex which is okay. Because
even though some might think that it opposes God’s
Law of creation, they do not consider the risk of
overpopulation which would affect the country as well.
Second, some think of the use of birth control as health
alarming because of possible side effects. However, the
use of condoms and other contraceptives are not risky
at all because they were improved to avoid unwanted
side effects. According to UNICEF, around 11 Filipino
mothers die everyday or an estimated 4,500 every year
due to severe hemorrhage, hypertensive disorders,
sepsis and problems related to obstructed labor and
abortion. These means of birth control may prevent the
deaths of teenage mothers due to several

In conclusion, these issues prevalent in our country can

ultimately be lessened by being educated with proper
knowledge, and most importantly for the youth to act
responsibly. Not just because there are these
contraceptives means that we, the youth, are free to do
whatever we desire. We are armed with the knowledge
to discern which is right and wrong thus we must be the
difference in our era today where most youth already
engages in premarital sex. Awareness about RH Law also
lessens the curiosity of teenagers when it comes to
sexual activities because they become more educated
about consequences of their actions. I believe that one
must also do family planning first. That way, you
consider every decisions thoroughly, which would
benefit you for the rest of your life. Lastly, I suggest that
the use of contraceptives would be better if you are
married to a partner or for the purpose of family
planning only.


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