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Transmastoid approach to otogenic brain

abscess: 14 years experience
V R Borade, S A Jaiswal, H O Nemade
Department of ENT, Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Government Medical College, Solapur, India

Objectives: Objectives of this study were to review our experience in on otogenic brain abscess and its
management by transmastoid drainage and compare the results. Materials and Methods: All patients with
brain abscess secondary to CSOM presenting to our department from January 1997 to December 2010
were included in this study. All patients subjected to clinical, neurological, opthalmological examination
and CT scan was done as an imaging modality. All patients managed by radical mastoidectomy or
modified radical mastoidectomy and transmastoid drainage of brain abscess as neurosurgical facility
not available. Results: Seventy-two patients in whom brain abscess secondary to chronic suppurative
otitis media was diagnosed and has been treated since 1997 are presented. 85% of patients were
below 20 years of age. More than 50% patients presented with more than one complication of chronic
suppurative otitis media. 85% of patients were having extensive cholesteatoma and 15% patients were
having extensive granulations in middle ear and mastoid air cells. 83% patients were having cerebellar
abscess while 17% patients were having temporal lobe abscess. 80% of the pus culture was sterile while
in 20% patients various microorganisms such as Proteus spp., Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Staphylococcus spp., and Streptococcus spp were cultured. Overall mortality in this series was 4.4%.
Conclusion: In diagnosis of otogenic brain abscess CT scan with constrast is of immense help. Transmastoid
drainage of brain abscess is a safe and effective method that can be performed by otologists in cases
of otogenic brain abscess.

Keywords: Otogenic brain abscess, Transmastoid drainage, Complications of CSOM

Introduction Morand reported a successful operation for brain abscess.

In 1856, Lebert accurately described the pathology of brain
Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) with cholesteatoma abscess, confirming the fact that it follows infection of the
has the potential for intracranial spread of infection. ear, not the reverse. The treatment of otogenic brain abscess
Although there has been a marked decrease in the incidence consists of medical management in the form of antibiotics
of otogenic intracranial complications because of early and the agents to lower the intracranial pressure and surgical
diagnosis and prompt treatment of ear infection, availability management which include burr hole or craniotomy to drain
of higher antibiotics, and advances in otological surgical the brain abscess by neurosurgeon and removal of the ear
techniques, otogenic intracranial complication persists as a and mastoid cholesteatoma by radical or modified radical
difficult problem.[1,2] CSOM accounts for 28,000 deaths and mastoidectomy done by otologist. In our setup due to lack
a disease burden of more than 2 million Disability Adjusted of neurosurgical facility, the otogenic brain abscess patients
Life Years (DALYs).[3] Over 90% of the burden is borne by were treated by otologists by radical or modified radical
countries in the South-East Asia and Western Pacific regions, mastoidectomy and approaching the brain abscess through
Africa, and several ethnic minorities in the Pacific rim. The defect in tegmen antri and Trautmann’s triangle.
most commonly encountered intracranial complication is
meningitis followed by brain abscess. Brain abscess was the Access this article online
first complication of otitis media to be recognized and the Quick Response Code:
first one successfully treated by operation. It was in 1768 that Website:

Address for correspondence: Dr. Hemantkumar Onkar Nemade,

Department of ENT, ‘B’ Block, Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj General DOI:
Hospital and Dr. VMGMC, Solapur-413005, India. 10.4103/0971-7749.94493

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Borade, et al.: Transmastoid approach to otogenic brain abscess: 14 years experience

The objectives of this study were to review our experience Results

on treating otogenic brain abscess transmastoid route with
particular reference to symptoms, signs, intraoperative From the total of 72 patients, 40 patients were male and 32
findings, and results. were female. Ages of patients ranged from 6 years to 54 years
with the mean age of 16 years. 85% patients were below 20
Material and Methods years of age. Otological diagnosis revealed that 62 (85%)
patients were having cholesteatoma while 10 patients were
This article will review our experience with 72 patients having granulations in middle ear and mastoid air cells
of otogenic brain abscesses treated from January 1997 [Table 1]. Cerebellar abscess was found in 60 patients (83%)
to December 2010 in our hospital. All cases of CSOM while temporal lobe abscess was found in 12 patients [Table 2].
with suspected intracranial complications were subjected
to clinical examination, neurophysicians opinion, In all, 48 patients were having more than one intracranial
fundoscopy by ophthalmologists, and imaging by computed complication. Lateral sinus thrombosis was found in 15
tomography (CT) scan. Brain abscesses from other origins patients, meningitis in 4 patients, and epidural empyema in
and extradural abscesses were excluded from this study. 20 patients. Intratemporal complications such as labyrinthine
According to the severity of the disease, modified or radical fistula was found in 36 patients and facial nerve palsy seen in
6 patients [Table 3].
mastoidectomy was performed under general anesthesia. In
temporal lobe abscess, the dural plate was carefully examined
to look for erosion. If granulations were present on dura, Table 1: Otological diagnosis
the tegmen antri was removed till healthy dura was seen. Otological diagnosis Cholesteatoma Granulations
Brain cannula was inserted into the abscess cavity through Patients (n) 62 10
the healthy portion of the dura and the pus was aspirated off Percentage 86 14
[Figure 1]. The abscess cavity was irrigated with antibiotic
solution. In cerebellar abscess, the sinus plate examined for
Table 2: Brain abscess location
erosion, presence of granulation, perisinus abscess, and sinus
Location Temporal Cerebellar
was palpated for signs of thrombosis, and aspiration of sinus
Patients (n) 12 60
was done. If no free flow of blood, sinus was exposed from
Percentage 83 17
sinodural angle up to mastoid tip and sinus was incised and
thrombus was removed till there was free flow of blood.
Aspiration of cerebellar abscess was done through the Table 3: Associated intracranial and intratemporal
Trautman’s triangle [Figure  2]. Hemostasis was achieved, complications
and antibiotic pack was kept in operated cavity. Postaural Complication Patients (n) Percentage
wound was not sutured. Repeated aspiration of brain abscess Lateral sinus thrombosis 15 20.83
was done after every 48 hours. Clinical status of patient was Meningitis 4 5.56
assessed and abscess was also assessed by repeat CT scan, Epidural empyema 20 27.78
when satisfactory secondary suturing of postaural incision Menigocoele 2 2.78
was done at a later date. Antibiotics continued for almost 1 Facial palsy 6 8.33
month after surgery. Labyrinthine fistula 36 50

Figure 1: Transmastoid drainage of temporal lobe abscess through Figure 2: Transmastoid drainage of cerebellar abscess through the
the dural plate Trautmann's triangle posterior fossa dura

156 Indian Journal of Otology | October 2011 | Vol 17 | Issue 4 |

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Borade, et al.: Transmastoid approach to otogenic brain abscess: 14 years experience

Figure 3: CT scan of cerebellar abscess Figure 4: CT scan cerebellar abscess

Out of 12 cases of temporal lobe abscess, morbidity was seen in Spread beyond middle ear cleft can occur due to destruction
one patient in the form of persistence of hemiplegia. Mortality by cholesteatoma, through fracture lines, preformed pathways,
was seen in two patients of temporal lobe abscess and in three through the Haversian system of veins or through the
patients of cerebellar abscess. periarterial space of Virchow Robin. In this era of antibiotics,
incidence of complications is reduced due to awareness of
All patients of facial nerve palsy had undergone facial nerve disease, advances in diagnostic, and treatment modalities.
decompression and two patients showed partial improvement. The clinical diagnosis of intracranial complication and brain
abscess are not reliable and must be confirmed by CT scan
Pus was sent for Gram staining and culture sensitivity. In [Figures  3  and  4]. This is also not an invasive, quick, and
80% of patients, pus was sterile on culture. Remaining 20% reliable method of preoperative and postoperative assessment
showed variable causative organisms, e.g., Escherichia coli, of patients of otogenic brain abscess. HRCT temporal bone
Pseudomonas aurugenosa, Proteus spp., Staphylococcus spp., sometimes misses the temporal bone abscess, so CT brain plain
and Streptococcus spp. plus contrast must be complimented by the HRCT.

Discussion All patients presented with headache more than 7 days and
associated with the nausea and vomiting, fever, and variable
A brain abscess is a focal suppurative process within the brain alteration in consciousness. All patients gave history of
parenchyma surrounded by a region of encephalitis. The risk purulent and foul smelling discharge through the ear. Radical
for a patient with chronic otitis media to develop a cranial mastoidectomy is considered as the surgery of choice in event
abscess is of 1 in 10,000 patients per year, but in adults who’s of the presence of intracranial complications.[11,12]
had the disease since the childhood this risk may increase to
1 in 200 patients per year.[4,5] Yen and associates’ recent series Open cavity mastoidectomy was used as a method of
of 122 consecutive patients seen in a Taiwan hospital between choice in our series. In modified radical mastoidectomy,
1981 and 1994 revealed that otitis was the third most common hearing preservation was attempted by ossiculoplasty and
cause of intraparenchymal brain abscess, exceeded only by myrigostapedopexy.
those associated with cyanotic congenital heart disease and
those secondary to head injury or neurosurgery.[6] The mean follow-up period was 1 year and seven patients
required revision surgery. Hence, recurrence rate was 12%
According to Nalbone et al., otogenic brain abscess carry which was comparable to the existing series. The mean
a mortality rate ranging from 7% to 61%.[7] According to duration of hospitalization was 15 days. Postoperative follow-
Ludman, 25% of all brain abscesses were otogenic in children, up was kept with serial CT scans in clinically suspicious cases.
whereas in adults 50% brain abscesses were otogenic.[8] For
some unknown reasons, otogenic intracranial complications Conclusion
occur predominately in males. As a rule, otogenic brain
abscesses are single and multiple only in rare cases.[9] The Otogenic brain abscess is a challenging condition to manage.
mortality associated with brain abscess of otogenic origin High degree of suspicion is indicated for diagnosis for which
in the antibiotic era is about 25%. Patients who present with CT scan with contrast is of immense help.
altered mental status have more advanced disease and have a
higher mortality rate.[10] Transmastoid drainage of otogenic brain abscess is equally safe

Indian Journal of Otology | October 2011 | Vol 17 | Issue 4 | 157

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How to cite this article: Borade VR, Jaiswal SA, Nemade HO.
4. Nunez DA, Browning GG. Risks of developing otogenic
Transmastoid approach to otogenic brain abscess: 14 years
intracranial abscess. J Laryngol Otol 1990;104:468-72. experience. Indian J Otol 2011;17:155-8.
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Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.
of lateral sinus thrombosis in chronic otitis media. Otol Neurotol

158 Indian Journal of Otology | October 2011 | Vol 17 | Issue 4 |

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