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Simple Present Tense

When, Where, What time, How long, What,Why

Kada vi putujete u ameriku ?

When do you travel in america ?
Gdje on ide svaki dan ?
Where does he go everyday ?
U koje vrijeme ona uči engl ?
What time does she learn english ?
Koliko dugo oni ostaju u americi ?
How long do you stay in america ?
Šta vi radite svako jutro ?
What do you work every moning ?
Zašto oni rade u nedelju ?
Why do you work in Sunday ?

Present Continuous Tense

When, Where, What time, How long, What, Why

Kad vi radite u toj fabric ?

When are you working in that factory ?
Gdje on putuje naredne sedmice ?
Where is he traveling next week ?
U koje vrijeme ona uči engl ?
What time is she learning english ?
Koliko dugo vi ostajete u americi ?
How long are you staying in America ?
Šta vi radite večeras ?
What are you working tonight ?
Zašto oni rade u nedelju ?
Why are they working in Sunday ?

Present Perfect Simple Tense

When, Where, What time, How long, What, Why

Kada ste vi putovali u ameriku ?

When have you traveled in america
Gdje je ona išla sinoć ?
Where has she gone tonight
U koje vrijeme je on učio engl ?
What time has he learned English
Koliko dugo su oni ostali u Americi ?
How long have they stayed in America
Šta ste vi radili u toj fabrici ?
What have you worked in that factory
Zašto je on dolazio na intervju ?
Why has he come on an interview

Past Simple Tense

When, Where, What time, How long, What, Why

Kada ste vi putovali u Ameriku ?

When did you travel in America?
Gdje je on išao sinoć ?
Where did he go last night?
U koje vrijeme je ona došla na
zabavu ?
What time did she come on the
Koliko dugo su oni ostali u
Americi ?
How long did they stay in America?
Šta ste vi radili sinoć ?
What did you work last night?
Zašto ste vi išli na sastank jučer ?
Why did you go on the meeting

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