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A Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Computer Studies, University of Cebu-Banilad.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Systems


Funtanar, Eduardo C. Jr.

Catubig, Eldwin Christian Y.

Mr. Eric Ortega


October 2019


The completion of this study couldn't have been achievable without the support and help
of such a large number of individuals whose names may not all be specified. Their commitments
are genuinely valued and thankfully recognized.
We earnestly express gratitude towards Mr. Eric Ortega, our Capstone Project Adviser,
for his direction and persistence in the arrangement of our work, and for giving recommendations
for the study’s completion.
Furthermore, to our Capstone Subject Adviser, Mrs. Moma Ortega, for sharing her basic
originations and academic remarks for the study's substratum.
To our grammarian, Mr. Rechie Ople, for revising the language structure and setting for
the study’s unwavering quality.
To our parents, companions, and other people who shared their stronghold, either
ethically, monetarily and physically, bless your heart. The result of this manuscript would not be
achievable without every one of them.
Most importantly, to the Almighty God the Father for his endless love.
We bless your heart.


To University of Cebu-Banilad

To Faculty Instructors and Students

To People in general

To Almighty God

TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………………....i
TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………iv
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………………...v
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………vi
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………….1
Rationale of the Study……………………………………………………………..1
Objectives of the Study…………………………………………………………....2
Scope of Limitations of the Study…………………………………....…………...2
Significance of the Study………………………………………………………….2
Flow of the Study………………………………………………………………….3
Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………..4
Related Literatures………………………………………………………………...5
Related Studies………………………………………………………………….....6
Comparative Matrix……………………………………………………….8
Software Development Methodology……………………………………………10
Planning/Conception-Initiation Phase…………………………………………...12
Business Model Canvas………………………………………………….13
Program Workflow………………………………………………………13
Validation Board………………………………………………………....16
Gannt Chart……………………………………………………………....17
Functional Decomposition Diagram……………………………………..19
Analysis-Design Phase…………………………………………………………..20
Use Case Diagram……………………………………………………….20

User Interface Design……………………………………………………22

Story Board………………………………………………………………34
Database Design………………………………………………………….36
Entity Relationship Diagram……………………………………..37
Data Dictionary…………………………………………………..38
Network Design………………………………………………………………….42
Network Model…………………………………………………………..42
Development/Conceptional Phase……………………………………………….43
Technology Stack Diagram………………………………………………43
Software Specification…………………………………………...44
Program Specification……………………………………………………………45
List of Modules…………………………………………………………..45

A- Transmittal Letter
B- Transmittal Letter

C- Transmittal Letter


Table Figure Name Page









9 COACH 40




Figure Table Name Page

1 Flow Chart 3

2 Software Development Methodology 10

3 Program Workflow 15

4 Gannt Chart 17

5 Functional Decomposition Diagram 19

6 Use Case Diagram 21

7 Log-in 22

8 Register As 23

9 Player Registration 24

10 Coach Registration 25

11 Home 26

12 Notification & Messages 27

13 Search Coach 28

14 Results 29

15 View Coach 30

16 Admin 31

17 Coach Profile 32

18 Update Schedule 33

19 Request Schedule 34

20 Story board 35

21 Database 36

22 Entity Relationship Diagram 37

23 Network Model 42

24 Technology Stack 43

The coach is one of the most important people who guide individuals or organization.
Coaching supports a learner or client achieving a specific personal or professional goal by
providing training and guidance. Coaching is applied in fields such as sports, performing arts,
acting, business, education, health care, and relationships. Coaches use a range of communication
skills such as targeted restatements, listening, questioning, clarifying, etc. to help clients shift
their perspectives and thereby discover different approaches to achieve their goals.

Rationale of the Study

Hiring Sports coaches is very popular among athletes. All sports have coaches especially
basketball, volleyball, football, tennis, etc. A sports coach has a significant role in a team because
they assist the athletes in developing to their full potential. They are responsible for training
athletes in a sport by analyzing their performances, instructing in relevant skills and by
encouraging. They also create the right conditions for learning to happen and to find ways of
motivating the athletes. They are responsible for the guidance of the athlete in their chosen sport.

There are many kinds of coaches. Finding a coach suitable for you can be hard. Not every
coaching relationship is smooth flowing and joyous. Some coaching relationships are contentious,
peppered with arguments, power struggles, and other tension-inducing elements. Knowing your
coach will be a significant part of training to be more effective and determined on the goal.

Sports coaches in Cebu can be difficult to be acknowledged by players due to the lack of
information on coaches. Some coaches are not popular enough to be recognized by the people.
Another barrier could be limited resources to advertise themselves. And other coaches do not
have social media accounts. These are the problems and barriers to acquiring the coach’s data.

Surveying for places to conduct training can be a hassle for many Cebuano trainees and
coaches. The lack of facilities and crowded gyms can be a deterrent to training. Some sports
facilities are miles away and travel time is an obstacle. Choosing a suitable sports facility for both
parties is essential for training. Conflict of schedule for using the training facilities can be a
troublesome experience especially for the trainee that has tight schedules.

WePlay is a website that helps coaches and players in Cebu City find each other and
acquire on certain goals, communicate effortlessly and plan venues for training. Players can
choose their preferred coach for the goal to achieve. Surveying sports facilities would be easy and
fast. Coaches can promote themselves effortlessly for free.

Objectives of the Study

The study aims to develop a coach-player finder & court schedule booking system for
player and coaches without having to meet each other in person for planning training sessions &
book court schedule with training facilities.

To achieve this aim the specific objectives are:

1. To gather data about the coaches’ profile;

2. To build a rating scheme of coaches and players; and
3. To identify the notification scheme.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

WePlay aims to develop a system wherein athletes and sports enthusiasts can find sports
coaches for their training. The system will boost the popularity of the coaches and revenues. The
athlete can send request/s or propose training plans to any sports coach user in the system which
coaches can accept or decline.

WePlay is a talent matching system where a person with a talent can match with coaches
but it is only limited to physical sports like basketball, volleyball, tennis, and etc. During the
payment transaction with player and coaches, sports coach cannot receive any payment from the
player directly. The system will only be operational with the use of an internet connection.

Significance of the study

The study is beneficial to the following:

Players. They will be able to find coach according to their needs to help them with their
Coaches. They will have more customers as they can advertise their credentials by creating a

Researchers. Researchers can share knowledge with what they know about the study, and also
gain knowledge about what they still don’t know about the study.
Future Researchers. This will help them with their future research related to this kind of project.
Flow of the study

The flow of the study shows the all information and data needs to be inputted



-Data about coaches

-Rating scheme of
coaches and players Design

-Notification scheme

Figure 1: Flow of the study

Figure 1: Flow of the Study

The flow of the study shows the input, process, and output of the study. The inputs are
the gathered data through survey questionnaires. The data gathered is used to understand the
basics and to deeply understand the problem. The method to be used in this study is the Agile
Method where it includes the Requirement Analysis, Planning Phase, Design Phase, Design
Phase, Implementation Phase, and Maintenance Phase. The output is a Web-based application
called WePlay: Talent Matching System.

Definition of Terms

To avoid misconceptions in understanding the terminologies used, the following words

are defined operationally within the context of the study:

Talent matching system. this refers to the researcher’s system of matching.

Data about players and coaches. this refers to the profile of the players and the

Notification Scheme. this refers to a feature for notifying the user

Rating Scheme. this refers to a feature for rating coaches and players or
characteristics that include skills/talents, experience, and payment.

WePlay. this refers to the researcher’s web-based system application



This chapter includes a detailed discussion about “WePlay: Talent Matching System” to
better understand the purpose of the study it includes the review of related literature and studies.

Related Literature

In 1994 Vikki G. Brock saw the need for coaches to assist people as companies
transitioned to a more participative leadership style. In 1995, she left her 21-year career at The
Boeing Company to start VB Coaching & Consulting with the mission of providing premier
coaching services to leadership. Dr. Brock specializes in bringing coaching skills into business
and industry. Her clients are high performance and hi-potential leaders and organizations
undergoing transformation.

Vikki defines coaching as 'raising awareness, so people are at conscious choice." Since
2005, Vikki's practice has expanded beyond North America to every continent. Committed to
transformation at a global level, one-third of her clients are international leaders committed to
making a difference in their country. Dr. Brock is committed to life-long learning and
contributing to the field of coaching. The foremost subject matter expert on the roots and
emergence of the coaching field, her impressive credentials include an Executive MBA, a PhD in
Coaching and Human Development, and Master Certified Coach (MCC) from the International
Coach Federation (ICF).

Vikki was one of the first coaches to receive an MCC from the ICF in 1998. Dr. Brock
has been actively involved with governance, accreditation, and credentialing with the ICF since
its inception in 1996. She served as Director of the History and Archive Division at The Coaching
Commons, a project of The Harnisch Foundation (2005-2010). She has published numerous
articles on the coaching profession, is an adjunct professor in a university executive coaching
certificate program, and frequently speaks internationally on coaching. Vikki provides sessions
face-to-face at client sites and by telephone from her 50' sailboat named Cuidado, which is
moored in Ventura Harbor about an hour north of Los Angeles, (Brock 2012).

Training effects everything from the day we are born until now. We started to walk, talk,
and read by training. Every day we learn and improve We just need a guide to correct our wrong
and know what is right. According to (Melville Leedham 2009). Pilots learn to fly aircraft
through the process of training. MBA students learn to manage the future through the process of
education. The effect of training is convergence. The effect of education and development is
divergence. Values, opinions, behavior, and culture are all affected. If we train MBA students and
educate pilots, we are headed for nosedive

Physical activities can improve our daily life it reduces the chances of having disease it
also gives benefits such as flexibility, strong bones, stamina strength and etc. According to D.
(Stanley Eitzen 2009). The exercise requires sports participants is good for them. It promotes
coordination, stamina, strength, strong bones, joints flexibility, and heart and lung capacity.
Exercise diminishes the ill effect of disease such as diabetes. It reduces hypertension (high blood
pressure), lowers bad cholesterol, and raises good cholesterol. Physical activity is an important
part of controlling weight.”

Another method of coaching is online coaching. Online coaching or e-coaching is an

efficient way of coaching because the learner does not need to travel in order to study, also the
coach or tutors can work in any location. The technology allows the opportunity to meet live
online with many experts which can’t be done due to the distance between the learner and tutor. It
also allows learners to share questions via email or chat rooms. (Janice Caplan 2003).

Skills are being passed through generations. Today there are so many young athletes that
are good in their sports. Sports are very beneficial to the young athletes it contributes to the
child’s ability to learn. According to (Istvan Balyi, Richard Way, Colin Higgs 2013). Evidence
shows that physically active, fit children perform better in the classroom and that daily physical
education does not hinder academic performance. Infact, an increase in physical activity levels
maintains and occasionally enhances academic performance, despite a reduction in study time
(Sallis et al. Shepard, 1996, 1997).

Related Studies

According to Bendíková Physical activity is a tool for maintaining physical and mental
balance that can result in increased fitness, performance, self-confidence and self-fulfillment and

self-confirmation. Despite its physical and mental benefits, we must say that there is a constant
decrease in amount of regular daily or weekly physical activity in all age stages (Liba, 2000).

Since the ample of sports categories are existing out there, it is becoming all the way
more difficult for the users to identify the appropriate sports coaches be it for the basketball, table
tennis, cricket or maybe anything else. Since today’s generation is embracing the idea of being fit,
hence they are constantly looking for the sports coaches so as to undergo training and sports
sessions. Thus, we can say that the Sports Coach Finder mobile app had become the need for the
hour and the businesses investing in the niche are likely to earn chunks of revenues. Moreover,
the sports coaches can also showcase themselves on the app plus can attract visibility on a good

Coachfinder offers user a common platform to view, select and get advice on which job
and pathway is the best fit for one’s development in coaching. For a Club or Sports provider, it
offers a dedicated platform to source available coaches that best fit the coaching needs of clubs.
(Coachfinder, 2016)

CoachSource CONNECT is the new worldwide community of executive coaches created

by CoachSource for coaches to help each other learn, share and connect. Membership entitles you
to access to the profession’s most comprehensive source of online research and information, plus
ongoing webinars, live seminars, educational and social events, and much more. (Brian Underhill,

2Evolve offers unique learning experiences and educate your management team to
become more effective leaders through sporting experiences. Managing a high-performance team
can be heavily linked to managing a team in challenging business environment. (Cunningham,

LinkedIn leads a diversified business with revenues from membership subscriptions,

advertising sales and recruitment solutions. In December 2016, Microsoft completed its
acquisition of LinkedIn, bringing together the world’s leading professional cloud and the world’s
leading professional network. (Jeff Weiner, 2003)

Comparative Matrix

Table 1


Related Studies Features Limitations Platforms

Name: Sports coach finder Allows the users to buy Needs internet -Hardware-
mobile app sports-related products. connection
URL:https://www.octalsoftwa Enable the users and the Needs mobile Positioning sports coach to device that has System (GPS)
finder-app-development communicate over video GPS.
or the voice call. -Software-
Year: 2018
Proponent(s): Arun Goyal Allows the users to keep Smartphone
the track of their health Application

Name CoachSource Allows the users to do Needs internet -Software-

CONNECT group chatting with other connection
URL: coaches Smartphone
coachsource-connect Allows players to request Web
a coach Application
Year: 2006
Allows the user to do team
Proponent(s): coaching
Brian Underhill

Name: Coachfinder Allows the user to post Needs internet System (GPS)
URL and search job position connection according to his/her sports -Software-
Allows the user to choose Smartphone

Year: 2016 a specific address related Application

to his sports

Name: 2Evolve Allows the user to book a Needs internet -Software-

URL training session connection Smartphone
Allows the user to choose
Year: 2016
a specific training session Web
Anthony Cunningham

Name: D1 Sports Training

Allows the user to find Needs internet -Software-
jobs, people, more connection
Matches the user Application
characteristics, skills, and
Year: 2003
profession to companies
that are hiring
Will Bartholomew

Table 1 shows the information of the existing studies using a tabular layout. The layout
presents the comparison among the different studies. Each study is compared starting with the
name implied for the study. The features column is to distinguish the features associated with the
kind/type of study/invention. The limitation is to list down its limiting condition and the platform
details is to state any hardware or software that could host the given application or service. These
studies are related to the study that the researchers are conducting. These related studies are used
by the researchers as references to identify desired objectives that need to be involved to develop
Chapter III


This section covers the steps, procedures, actions and technical specification to
strengthen and widen the understanding of the study. It includes the features and materials that
will be used to develop a Coach Finder System that shall match the objectives of the study

Software Development Methodology

The methodology used in this study is the Agile Software Development Methodology as
the proponents’ qualitative methodology. Qualitative methodology focuses on words rather than
numbers. This study is concerned with the understanding the human behavior from the informant’
perspective. The data collected from the participant’s observation will be used to improved and
enhance the system. This method uses interview and seeks for participants opinion their

Figure 2: Agile Methodology


The figure 2 shows the continuous iteration of the Agile Methodology that is used as the
software development of the study. The Agile Methodology has six phases: planning,
requirements analysis, design, development, testing, and deployment.
Requirements Analysis

In the requirements analysis phase, the researchers had collected the data of coaches and
sports enthusiasts. The following information to be used are: user’s identifications, contact
information, sports played/coached, sports experience, addresses, and coach’s skills. The purpose
of the data gathered is to build the coaches and players profile. The data gathered will be the
guide for our user interface design. The intended users are the coach and players.

Design and Architecture

In the design phase, the gathered information and requirements have given idea to the
Researchers design for the system. The researchers discussed how the team can match the
coaches and players. For the software design, the researchers aim to create a friendly-user app
with a soft look that is pleasing to the eyes.

Development and Coding

In the development phase of the study, the goal of the researchers is to develop the
system design into a website. The major component in this phase is writing the programs to build
the WePlay website and fins investors to compensate the expenses for future development of the

Quality Assurance & Software Testing

In the testing phase, the researchers will focus on the practical review, in which the result
the test will describe the quality of the system. The researcher’s goal in this phase is to ensure that
the system is successfully built and has completed all the requirements during the development
phase and together with the design parameters. The researchers will make sure that the talent
matching system will successfully coordinate with the software by conducting several tests. The
testing will not stop until the level of confidence on the system is achieved.


In this phase, the system will be ready to be used in a real environment by the end users.
The rule of the deployment phase that the WePlay team needs to follow is to ensure that the code
and technology deploy appropriately.

Maintenance and support

In the maintenance phase, the website requires maintenance to operate properly. Properly
maintaining the site helps to ensure site security, increase the number of new visitors, boost
returning traffic, and more.

Planning Conception-Initiation Phase

Planning and conception- initiation, it is where the start of the undertaking is introduced.
The researchers made a plan of action canvas for the marketable strategy of the undertaking, the
Gantt diagram which contains the assignments and exercises that the venture needs and its given
span. It likewise incorporates the functional decomposition of the project which demonstrates the
progressive system of various business forms that is engaged with the venture that necessities
itemized operations, capacities, and activities.

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvass is for developing new or documenting existing business
models in a strategic management and lean startup template presentation.

Table 2




 Sports  Gather Data  The player

on Coach,  Customer • Coaches
Coach can match
Player and with coaches feedback for
 Sports Facilities according to • Players
Enthusiasts Profile enhancing the
talent &
•Court Owners
skills system
 Design and
Develop the  The coaches’
system.  Develop new
clients can
advertise features for
 Testing their skills
 Deployment  Provides a satisfaction
revenue for
 Maintenance posting

 Programmer  Advertisements

 UI Designer
 Social Media

 Website Publishing Cost  Commissions

 Web Storage Hosting  Maintenance fee

 Advertisements fees

Table 2 explains the business model canvas of WePLay. The key partners on this project
are the Sports Coach and Sports Enthusiasts. Each entity can provide and offer big help in
creating and making the project work. These entities will help the researchers succeed in areas
that the researchers would be inefficient to do alone. The key activities represented on the canvas
are the activities that the researchers/developers are and will be performing in creating the
project. As for value proposition, the aim of the project is to create a faster, easier, less effort and
better way of finding coach and player. With this, it could boost the coaches’ popularity and
revenue since it will help make more clients for the coaches. The relationship with customers will
be maintained through developing new features, and good response to customer feedback and
suggestions for further system improvement. For Customer segments, the possible group of
clients appropriate for this project are the sports coaches, sports players, and court owners. The
key resources that the Researchers need are programmers and UI designer. The channels that
could be used for gaining client is through direct advertising and mass media. The cost structure
will be website publishing cost and web storage hosting cost for the system. Revenue streams, the
possible means of gaining profit is commissions, for every transaction with the sports enthusiasts
and coaches there is a commission, maintenance fee for the upkeep of the website, and
advertisements fees from coaches’ and training facility for posting their profile.

Program Work Flow

The following figure shows the processes and tasks that the WePlay: Talent Matching
System executes. The objects below are arranged in order to understand the whole process of the

Figure 3: Program Work Flow

The Figure 3 shows the flow of the study and on how the user use the program. First if
the user is already registered, the user can login using a valid account but if the user does not have
account, the user must create an account before proceeding to login. To create an account the user
must choose whether he wants to register as coach or as a player. After the user register. If the
user is a player, the user must choose a coach to book session and wait for the request to be
accepted by the coach. On the other hand, if the user is a coach the user must wait to have a
request to have a trainee. If request is accepted, the request will be passed to the coach and to
check if the schedule is available and send notification to the player, and if the coach will decline
the request, the system will notify the player that the request has been decline by the coach.

Validation Board

The Validation Board is a tool that will help the group or entrepreneurs track their
progress and focus on what really matters for their new project or business idea.

Table 3


Start-up Idea: WePlay:

Stage: Coach/Player
Matching System
Stage 1
Experiment 1 2
Sports Coach Sports Enthusiasts
Problem They are not so popular causing They do not have contact to coaches
to less clients.
Using WePlay the coaches can Using WePlay sports enthusiast can now
boost their popularity and contact sports coaches.
Solution revenue

The coach may not The athlete may not attend to the planned
Riskiest accommodate athlete’s training training session
Assumption session request
Success 90% of coaches cannot notice 80% of the sports enthusiast do not have
Criteria walk-ins contact information to coaches.

Results and The coaches found out that The sports enthusiasts found out that
Discussion WePlay can be useful WePlay helps them find/contact sports
coaches without a hassle.
Learnings Some sports coaches are not very Some sports enthusiasts really need a
known to players sports coach to guide them with their

Gantt Chart

ID Task Name Task Lead Start Date End Date September 2019 October 2019

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 Acknowledgement Catubig 9/21 9/27
2 Dedication Catubig 9/21 9/27
3 Table of Contents Catubig 9/21 9/27
4 List of Tables Catubig 9/21 9/27

5 List of Figures Catubig 9/21 9/27

6 Rationale of the Study Catubig 10/2 10/8

7 Objectives of the Study Funtanar 10/2 10/8

8 Scope and Limitations of the Study Catubig 10/2 10/8
9 Significance of the Study Funtanar 10/2 10/8
10 Flow of the Study Funtanar 10/2 10/8
11 Definition of Terms Catubig 10/11 10/14

12 Related Literature Funtanar 10/11 10/14

13 Related Studies Funtanar 10/11 10/14

14 Comparative Matrix Funtanar 10/14 10/16

15 Qualitative Methodology Catubig 10/14 10/16

16 Business Model Canvas Catubig 10/14 10/16

17 Program Workflow Funtanar 10/16 10/16

18 Validation Board Funtanar 10/18 10/20

19 Gantt Chart Catubig 10/25 10/28
20 Functional Decomposition Diagram Catubig 10/18 10/21
21 Analysis-Design Phase Catubig 10/18 10/21
22 Use Case Diagram Catubig 10/21 10/23

23 Storyboard Funtanar 10/21 10/23

24 Database Design Funtanar 10/21 10/23

25 Entity-Relationship Diagram Funtanar 10/21 10/23

26 Data Dictionary Funtanar 10/23 10/23

27 Network Design Catubig 10/23 10/23

28 Network Model Catubig 10/23 10/23

29 Development/Construction/Build Phase Catubig 10/23 10/23
30 Technology Stack Diagram Funtanar 10/26 10/27

31 Software Specification Funtanar 10/26 10/27

32 List of Modules Catubig 10/26 10/27

33 References Funtanar 10/26 10/27

34 Curriculum Vitae Catubig 10/27 10/28
35 Appendices Catubig 10/27 10/28
36 Transmittal Letter Catubig 10/27 10/28


Incomplete: red On-going: yellow Complete: green


Figure 4: Gannt Chart

Figure 4 represents the tasks or activities accomplished within the given time. It
contained the list of tasks or activities done by the researchers. Each task or activity has a time
period to be done. The time period for each task or activities varies on how complicated it is. The
Gantt chart is a representation of tasks or activities to be done in the project, it also includes start
date and end date for each task or activity and task lead. It also shows the status of the tasks or
activities within the time period given for each. Each task or activity has a corresponding task ID
which will be unique identification for each the task or activity. For each task or activity there is a
task lead who will be leading in doing it. The start date and end date is the time period given for
each task or activity. The chart also presented the status of each task in the time period given. The
status is represented using the colors red, yellow, and green. The color red means the task or
activity is incomplete, yellow means the task is already being done, and green means the task is
already done.

Functional Decomposition Diagram

This section is the presentation of the various function, processes and other object broken
down into lower level. The diagram covers the detailed functionality of each component that is
present on the proposed system and how each component would interact with each other.

Figure 5: Functional Decomposition Diagram

Figure 5 shows the hierarchal breakdown of the system flow. The presentation began
with the system itself going down to its lower level processes, according to how the user uses the
system and how the system would react to circumstances. It is an overview of what the proposed
system can perform. The system is intended for specific users, the coach, player, and the training
facility, who could login and logout. The training facility owners, coach, and player can access
the system through the website. Three types of users are authorized to use the system namely the
sports coach, sports players, and training facility owners. Coach, player and facility users can
register by filling out the required information. When already registered, users can now access the
website. Coach and players have different access than the training facility owners. Coach and
players can only view profiles, view sports events, view online users, post pictures, send
messages to other users, save specific events, view court schedules, and send court reservation
request to the training facilities while training facility owners can view and edit court schedules,
post sports events & news, accept or decline court reservation request, and receive court request

Analysis-Design Phase

In this phase, analysis and design of the project is represented. It contained the different
charts that further clarified the stream of the undertaking and the cooperation of the clients and
the framework application. It additionally secured the back – end plan and front – end outline of
the framework

Use Case Diagram

This section illustrates the graphic presentation of interaction within a system, and depicts the
business process of the system

Figure 6: Use Case Diagram

The figure 6 shows the actors who may be using the system and the set of activities. An actor is a
person who finishes the arrangement of activity consecutively as per his part, while a set of action
is a definite role played by the actor within the system. There are actors involved in the study,
specifically, the player, sports coach, and the system admin. The player and coach need to sign up
for an account to acquire access from the app. After signing up, the user has now the privilege to
gain access of the functionalities. The functionalities the player can perform are search coaches
and send game schedule request to the coach to and coaches is to confirm or decline. The admin
is to manage the registered accounts of players and coaches, Also sends push notification to users.

User Interface Design(Web)

This section presents the balance of crafty depiction of linked interfaces and the ability of
the user to operate the interface’s usage. It aims to entertain the user artistically and satisfy the
user with its usability.

Figure 7: Log-in Form

Figure 7 shows the login form display where users who already have an account can
login their account to successfully access the system. Users are required to input username which
needs to be considered unique together along with the password for secured credential purposes.
On the other hand, users who don't have an account yet can simply register to the register page.

Figure 8: Register As:

Figure 8 shows the register as page where users must choose whether they want to
register as coaches or player. There are two buttons, Sport player button for sports enthusiast or
athletes and sports coach button for sports coaches.

Figure 9: Player Registration:

Figure 9 shows the player registration page where users create an account. The user
inputs necessary personal information that will be needed for identification purposes. The user
must input all the fields to proceed to the next page.

Figure 10: Coach Registration

The figure 10 shows the coach registration form where sports coaches must input
username, password, first name, last name, coach status whether he/she is a professional or non-
professional, sports coached, years of coaching, contact number, address, training facility name
where the coach is hired, training facility address, training facility contact address, rate of
payment or payment range of coaches for the training sessions payments.

Figure 11: Home

Figure 11 shows the home display where users can view posted training facilities and
sports coaches, about WePlay, news about sports, blogs about sports, contact details. On the top-
right of the website you can see home button for directing to home page, how to use button for
helping new users on how to use the website, and coaches button for users who wish to view
kinds of coaches in the system. There are also icons which are the notification and message icon,
search icon, profile icon, and setting icons, these icons are linked to other website pages.

Figure 12: Notifications & Messages

The figure 12 shows the notifications and messages wherein the user can communicate
through sending and receiving text messages for their training plans. There is also a notification
section wherein the system sends notification to the user that concerns to status of payment,
training schedule proposal requests, system updates, and news about the website.

Figure 13: Search Coach

Figure 13 shows the search coach page wherein the athlete users can find coaches, in
order to do that the user must input these fields. In the sports field, the user must input what kind
of sport coach is he/she want to train with like basketball coach, volleyball coach, tennis coach,
and etc. For the professional or non-professional field, the user chooses between a professional or
non-professional coach to train with. For the skill level field, the user must input the rating of the
coach’s skill eg. Five-star or four-star coach to play with. For the budget button, the user input the
budget for the training session that will match with the coach’s rate of payment.

Figure 14: Results

The figure 14 shows the results page wherein the user can choose between kinds of sports
coaches with the results of inputted fields from the search coach page. Also, shows the name of
the coach, sports coached, status, skill level, and the price range of payment charges for the
training sessions. The user can view more details about the coach by clicking the names of the
coaches. Also, user can select another kind sports and status of coaches.

Figure 15: View Coach

The figure 15 shows the view coach page wherein the athlete user can view more details
about the coach and comments from the athletes. Also, shows the reserved schedules for training
sessions with the athletes. The book schedule button is for the user who wishes to train with the
coach and the message button is for athlete who wishes to communicate with the coach with text

Figure 16: Admin

The figure 16 shows the admin page wherein the admin can view all the user’s
information. Also, admin can add, delete, or edit an account. There are two tables shown about
the coaches’ and players’ information inputted from the registration forms.

Figure 17: Coach Profile

This figure 17 shows the coach profile page wherein the sports coach can edit his/her
account by clicking the edit profile button. Also, the coach can view balance and withdraw
money from the training session payments. Also, coaches are capable of updating the reserved
training schedules.

Figure 18: Update Schedule

This figure 18 shows update schedule page wherein the sports coaches is able to update
the training schedule table and view athlete’s name who booked the schedule. Also, coach can
update the date, day, and time which is planned with the athlete.

Figure 19: Request Schedule

This figure 19 shows request schedule page wherein the athletes can request training
session schedule. The athlete must input these fields; date, day, and time for the coach to receive
a proposal of training session from the athlete. Also, it shows some guide text on what to do after
requesting a training schedule and payment instructions.

Story Board
This section presents the visualization of the chronological order process of WePlay, in
order to help the users, understand the story behind the user interface.

Figure 20: Storyboard

Figure 20 exhibits the visual story of the WePlay website application. To use this
application the user must create an account and fill out the necessary form and chooses what kind
of user he/she wish to register as a sports player or sports coach user. If the user has successfully
logged in a valid account, they can access the system. The athlete users can rate, search, and book
schedules with coaches. The coach users can accept or decline the athlete’s training session
request, updates his/her training schedule table, and view profit from training sessions. Also,
admin manage all the accounts registered in the system wherein he/she can edit the accounts and
capable of sending push notifications to users.

Database Design
The database design is composed of the detailed data model inside the database. The data
model is composed of logical and physical design choices and physical storage parameters that
are needed to be able to generate a design in a data definition language, which can be usable in
order to create a database. A data model should be composed of detailed attributes for each entry
so it can be considered as fully attributed data model.

Figure 21: Database Design

Figure 21 shows all the data stored in every table inside the database. The data that are
stored in each table are the attributes that are needed and involved during the system process. The
entities are dependent with each other and are not functional without the other.

Entity Relationship Diagram

This section is a graphical representation of entities, including their relationship with

each other. All the entities are dependent on each other, which is necessary for the proper
functionality of the tables.

Figure 22: Entity-Relationship Diagram

Figure 22 shows how the tables or entities are related with each other. The figure shows
how data is shared between entities. All entities are dependent on each other and neither one can
be functional if one is removed from the relationship.

Data Dictionary
Table 4

Table Name Column Data Type Size Null Description
Us er’aw Player_ID VARCHAR 25 Not Null Unique ID of each Player

Player_username VARCHAR 25 Not Null Username of The Player

Player_password VARCHAR 25 Not Null Player’s Password
PLAYER Player_Fname TEXT 25 Not Null Player’s First Name
Player_Lname TEXT 25 Not Null Player’s Last Name
Player_contact INTEGER Not Null Player’s Contact Number

Table 4 presents the field names found on the PLAYER, it consists of Player_ID,
Player_username, Player_password, Player_fname, Player_lname, and Player_contact. These are
the fields needs to be fill out to get access to the system.



Table Name
Column Data Type Size Null Description
Coach_Sports Text 25 Not Null Sports of the Coach
Coach_Status Text 25 Not Null Status of the Coach
Coach_level Text 25 Not Null Level of the Coach
Coach_paymemnt Float Not Null Coach Payment Range

Table 5 presents the field names found on the SEARCH_COACH page, it consists of
Coach_Sport, Coach_Status, Coach_level, Coach_payment, These are the fields need to fill out
for matching coach


Table Name Column Data Type Size Null Description
Coach_Fname Text 25 Not Null First Name of the Coach
Coach_Lname Text 25 Not Null Last Name of the Coach
LTS Coach_Sports Text 25 Not Null Sports of the Coach
Coach_Status Text 25 Not Null Status of the Coach
Coach_level Text 25 Not Null Level of the Coach
Coach_paymemnt Float Not Null Coach Payment Range

Table 6 presents the field names found on the SEARCH_RESULTS page, it consists of
Coach_Fname, Coach_Lname, Coach_Sport, Coach_Status, Coach_level, Coach_payment. These
are the fields will display after the players match a coach.

Table 7


Table Name Column Data Type Size Null Description

Coach_Schedule Coach_Date Date/Time 25 Not Null Date Schedule of the Coach
Coach_Day Date/Time 25 Not Null Day Schedule of the Coach
Coach_Time Date/Time 25 Not Null Time Schedule of the Coach

Table 7 presents the field names found on the Coach_Schedule, it consists of

Coach_Date, Coach_Day, Coach_Time. These are the fields will display to the coach profile and
disply the Schedule of the coach.


Table Name Column Data Type Size Null Description
REQUEST_SCH Coach_Date Date/Time 25 Not Null Request Date Schedule
EDULE Coach_Day Date/Time 25 Not Null Request Day Schedule
Coach_Time Date/Time 25 Not Null Request Time Schedule

Table 8 presents the field names found on the REQUEST_SCHEDULE, it consists of

Coach_Date, Coach_Day, Coach_Time. These are the fields are need to fill out to request a
schedule to the coach.



Table Column Data Type Size Null Description

Name Name
Coach_ID VARCHAR 25 Not Null Unique ID of each Coach and
Primary Key of the
Coach_username VARCHAR 25 Not Null Unique Username of each
Coach_passowrd VARCHAR 25 Not Null Password of the coach
Coach_Fname TEXT 25 Not Null Coach’s First Name
Coach_Lname TEXT 25 Not Null Coach’s Last Name
Coach_Status TINYINT Not Null Coach Status
Coach_sports TEXT 50 Not Null Sports of the Coach
Coach_yrs INTEGER Not Null Coach years of experience
Coach_contact INTEGER Not Null Coach Contact Number
Coach_address TEXT 50 Not Null Coach Address
Coach_facility TEXT 50 Not Null Coach Facility Name
Coach_Faddress TEXT 50 Not Null Coach Facility Address
Coach_Fcontact INTEGER Not Null Coach Facility’s Contact
Coach_payment FLOAT Not Null Coach Payment Range

Table 9 presents the field names found on the COACH, it consists of Coach_ID,
Coach_username, Coach_passowrd, Coach_Fname, Coach_Lname, Coach_Status, Coach_sports,
Coach_yrs, Coach_contact, Coach_address, Coach_facility, Coach_Faddress, Coach_Fcontact,
Coach_payment. These are the fields needs to be fill up to Setup the coach profile.



Table Name Column Data Type Size Null Description

Player_Fname Text 25 Not Null Players First Name
Player_Lname Text 25 Not Null Players Last Name
ULE Coach_Date Date/Time Not Null Game Date Schedule
Coach_Day Date/Time Not Null Game Day Schedule
Coach_Time Date/Time Not Null Game Time Schedule

Table 10 presents the field names found on the GAME_SCHEDULE page, it consists of
Player_Fname, Player_Lname, Coach_Date, Coach_Day, Coach_Time These are the fields will
display to the coach profile and disply the booked training session with players

Network Design

This section contains the planning of the implementation of computer network and
infrastructure. It involves the evaluating, understanding and scoping the network to be
implemented. The whole network design is conventionally represented as a network diagram that
accommodates as the blueprint for implementing the network physically.

Network Model

Figure 23 : Network Model

Figure 23 shows the network model of the system. The mobile and PC user sends
requests to access the WePlay system with the use and help of the internet. The WePlay system
receives the necessary information from the user to access the system. The information received
by the system will be saved in the system’s database. The data stored in the database will be
managed by the administrator

Development/Construction/Build Phase
In the development phase, everything that is needed to implement the project is arranged.
This includes all parties involved in the development of the application such as the users,
developers, smartphone users, and panelists.

Technology Stack Diagram (Development)

The technology stack also called a solution stack, is the set of software components that
compose a logically complete platform for running a service or supporting an application.

Figure 24: Technology Stack

Figure 24 shows the technology stack diagram for the Coach-Player Matching System.
The figure shows the different technologies to be use for the development of the WePlay system.
For the Website Application it uses HTML, PHP, and CSS. For the Future Development, the
researchers plan to use IOS platform and Android platform.

Technology Stack for Website Application:

HTML is for creating the Website applications.
PHP is for connecting the data with the database.
CSS is for customizing the design of the website.

Future Development:
iOS is a mobile operating system that runs on Apple’s mobile devices. It’s main software that
allows you to interact with your Apple phone or tablet.
Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other
open source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones
and tablets.

Software Specification

This section represents the software designation of the study which includes the operating
system, the platform, the programming language, and the database.

WePlay will operate within the conditions of the designated requisites. It will run in
variety of internet browsers. It will utilize Web Service, particular SQL server, for its database.

Program Specifications

This section represents the list of algorithms needed for the system. It displays the list of
modules designating the programmers’ assigned modules and assigned tasks.


Programmer(s) Modules User

Christian Catubig Log In/Log Out
1. Retrieve

No. of Points (1 point per module per user)

Eduardo Funtanar Register

1. Insert

No. of Points (1 point per module per user)

Christian Catubig Home

1. Insert
2. Retrieve
No. of Points (1 point per module per user)

Eduardo Funtanar Coach Request

1. Insert

No. of Points (1 point per module per user)

Christian Catubig Court Schedule Request

1. Insert
2. Retrieve
No. of Points (1 point per module per user)

Eduardo Funtanar DB Management

1. Insert
2. Retrieve
3. Update
4. Delete
No. of Points (1 point per module per user)

Table 9 displays the different modules and process/set of rules for the system needed.
The modules are assigned to each I.T expert who is eligible to execute the task responsibly.


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Eldwin Christian Catubig

Villa Leyson, Bacayan, Talamban,
Cebu City
Mobile #: 09237398189

Birth Date : December 27, 1998
Place of Birth : Cebu City
Age : 20
Sex : Male
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino

University of Cebu – Banilad Campus
Bachelor of Science in Information System
SY 2019
Benthel Asia School of Technology
2014- 2015
Marie Ernestine School


Eduardo Funtanar
Paseo Saturnino Maria Luisa Road
Barte Compund Banilad Cebu City
Mobile #: 09557261464

Birth Date : February 16, 1998
Place of Birth : Carmen Bohol
Age : 21
Sex : Male
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino

University of Cebu – Banilad Campus
Bachelor of Science in Information System
SY 2019
Banilad Nigh High School
2014- 2015
Vallehermoso Carmen Bohol
2011- 2012

Appendix A – Transmittal Letter


Appendix B – Transmittal Letter


Appendix C – Transmittal Letter

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