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RMIT International University Vietnam

Do you agree or disagree that modernization is

synonymous to Westernization? What have been the
impacts of modernization to Asian society? What might
be the consequences of this process to Asia in the
future? Explain your ideas using sufficient cultural text
analysis and course theories. You can choose a country
among those we focused in the course as a case study


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Course Code: COMM2377

Course Name: Modern Asia

Location where you study: Sai Gon South Campus

Title of Assignment: Major Essay

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Major essay-s3410129- Modern Asia

Student name:
Do Thi Hoang Mai
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Learning Facilitator in charge:

Duong Trong Hue
May 8, 2013
Assignment due date:
May 8, 2013
Date of submission:
11 pages
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Question: Do you agree or disagree that modernization is synonymous to Westernization?

What have been the impacts of modernization to Asian society? What might be the

consequences of this process to Asia in the future? Explain your ideas using sufficient

cultural text analysis and course theories. You can choose a country among those we

focused in the course as a case study.

During 18th century, thanks to industrialized revolution, many countries in the West became

superior in military powers and economic development. At the same time, some countries such as

Asia, Africa, and Latin America still had to suffer from a deepening poverty and increasing

unrest as being colonizing and stereotyped from the West. This connects to the point made by

Zakaria (2008) that for hundred years after fifteen century when the West achieved the stage of

industrialization, urbanization and modernization, the rests were still sunk into poverty and

backward farming and rural style. Moreover, according to Said 1994, the West portrayed the

Eastern countries as exoticness but backward civilization. Under shadow of the Western

countries, several independent countries decided to follow and learn from their path to develop

sufficient and well-being lives for their citizens. When it comes to the real life, Schramm, Lerner,

Pye, Ithiel De Sola Pool and Rostow argued that the development process involves the

unidirectional transformation from traditionalism to modernization and finally reaches Wetern

status. However, in my opinion, there are three solid reasons to support that we do not need to

adopt all Western values to become “Modern.” Therefore I think that modernization is not

synonymous westernization by analyzing the case study of Japan and other cultural text of other

Asian countries.

First, there is a great difference in definition between modernization and westernization.

According to Huntington 1996, modernization is similar to industrialization, urbanization,

educational improvement as well as enhancement of wealth and standard of living when

westernization refers to the classical legacy, Christianity, the division of church and state, law

and civil society. This is supported by the example of Singapore. Singapore just adopts high

technologies of the West but not the way to govern country and citizens. Singapore’s government

does not allow its citizens privacy as they control everything from internet, social network. In the

meanwhile, Liberalism specifically private respect is considered the great practices of the West.

This connects to the theories made by John Locke that there are certain laws that cannot be

denied by authority including liberty, property, and privacy. If Singapore followed and applied

that perspective, Singapore would become westernized. It can be clearly to see that Singapore is

just modernized by all industrial revolutions, and high technologies.

Second, the modernization came after the West had been Westernized (Huntington 1996). When

the Western countries were established, they created a certain values and cultures to differentiate

them from Eastern called Westernization. In specific, Westernization originally relied on Greek

philosophy and rationalism, Roman legislation, the definition of human natural law, the Latin

language, the Christendom society, and conflict between Protestant and Catholic Christianity

(Huntington 1996). Then, until the late 18th century and early 19th century, industrialization

marked a significant development known as a sign of modernization. Industrialized revolution

first started in England then diffused to other Western countries by the coming of numerous

inventions especially new machines, trade development, and travel (Parliament,n.d). From this

period, education was paid much attention by authority so the number of literate. After that,

urbanization was first seen in United Kingdom in the second half of 19th century. In fact, in 1851,

there were almost 50% of United Kingdom’s citizens came to urbanized areas (Questia, n.d.).

Many Asian countries also follow the urbanized revolution trend later in middle 20th century. In

short, Western countries were first existed from 8th century to 9th century flowing with the birth

of Westernization, but it took until 18th century for Western countries to modernize.

Third, Westernization is just a type of Modernization. All modern societies can be similar in

many aspects but never come to homogeneity (Hungtingtons, 1996). Therefore, they must have

many types besides Western’s type. That also means modern civilization is not necessary

Western civilization and vice versa. This perception was supported by Friedman 2000 in the story

of the Oliver Tree and the Lexus. In his opinion, a country can easily build up their modernity by

keeping good fundamental basis (the Lexus). Each country has its own culture and value that

already became ideologies and cannot be easily abolished. For instances, although India is

modernized and predicted to be one of the world’s four biggest economies (Zakaria, 2008), saris,

traditional clothing of Indian woman, is still kept and wore on special holiday. Besides, because

of being influenced by Western, saris nowadays are more comfortable, cool and colorful than

traditional one. Another example is Singapore’s government which still remains single party

system and was called dominant party system by political scientists. However, Singapore still

became developed, powerful, and civilized. Therefore, Asian countries have their own strength to

develop modernity. One of their strength is focusing on socialism not on individualism. Karl

Marx’s theories could be a great example to support while he emphasized on the responsibility of

each individual to sacrifice for common wealth.

Next, I would like to discuss the impact of modernized process to many Asian countries.

Modernization not only makes positive effects but also the negative influences on people’s lives.

First, due to competitions among countries, modernization becomes an important factor to

develop one country in science, society, and economic based on traditional values. People

nowadays use and take a lot of benefits from science and technologies every day (Schmidt,

2007). Those have facilitated our lives easier, more interesting and more approachable. For

example, todays, we are more active in receiving the news rather than 10 years ago when there

was no internet available. Through internets, people can get news faster and also contribute to the

news by make commends or correct the news that we can make our own content through blogs,

wikis, and sharing photo or video on website. This also called the web 2.0 which functions as

discussion and collaborate area (Michael Platt, n.d.). Second, however, we cannot avoid several

threats that have happened. One harmful effect is environmental destroy and pollution.

Modernization often goes with industrialize revolutions. All dangerous chemical from factory,

pollution and exhaust fumes from vehicles can cause much harm for health and serious diseases

especially lung cancers. Interestingly, four most developed and powerful countries are listed to be

top ten polluted countries in the world that is China, United States, India, and Japan

(Actionforourplanet, 2007). However, modern people totally depend on technologies. Instead of

using cars or motorbike, we can walk or drive bicycles that could decrease huge amount of

pollution every day. Materialistic as well as indifferent society is also another consequence of

modernization. People nowadays hardly visits others thanks to chatting on internet or making a

phone call. In addition there is a huge increase in robber number in Vietnam lately.

At the meanwhile, westernization which is considered the imitate process of western countries to

non-western countries also threatens the Asian countries. In specific, westernized process

influences on cultural identity and custom. First evidence is the increasing number of Vietnamese

people believes and follows Christianity or Catholic and churches in every district. According to

Viet Vision Travel 2008, Catholic and Protestant is the second largest religion with 10%

population. Second, young generation tend to adopt and prefer Western Music as well as Western

action movies. Most of famous singers name such as Taylor Swift, Michael Jackson, Britney

Spears, have been loved by young teenagers. Besides, Disney Channel is also one of the most

attractive channels for children around the world. Or Movies Tom and Jerry cartoon is also

watched by millions children in the Vietnam. Day by day, this process will influence and finally

decrease patriotism to national identity.

To be clear, I would like analyze the case studies of Japan on modernization of Japan and how it

changes the relationship of Japan. To begin with, on July 14, 1853, Matthew C. Perry, American

Commodore traveled to Japan’s Edo Bay in Black Steam ship (Hockins, n.d.). Japanese had

never seen that technology before so they considered it is the threat of Western Technologies.

Therefore, Japan’s government decided to open the door to trade to the West specifically United

States and signed Kanagawa Treaty to promote relationship of amity and friendship between US

and Japan. According to Mahbubani 2004, the rest of the world needs to change and adapt to the

West to escape the mire in the past. Shimoda and Hakodate became important ports for trading of

United States. It marked a significant period for Japan to stop 200 years of seclusion and

enlighten Japan of modernization and integration. This period enlightened by Emperor Meiji who

transformed Japan from agriculture to modern economic and military power. The impacts of

Meiji Restoration are undeniable. First, education of Japan was adopted from the West. Clearly,

all textbook from the West were translated into Japanese and studies as learning materials.

Japan’s government also allowed many excellent students to study abroad as well as hired

Western’s expert. Second, modernized revolution in Japan helped to build several new industries

and technologies. For many people, this era began with the coming of electricity, followed by

invention of Trams and Trains. Third, however, at the same time, Japan is also influenced by

western styles. The most important change was to remove Samurai Class System together with

promoting “Democratization” to establish equality. This means that no one is above anyone.

Fourth, military change was also a great impact of modernization which came after the last

rebellion of Samurai depicted by Hollywood with Tom Cruise. Then, Japan focused on imperial

army with uniform and modern weapons. Then, there was the war. Learned from Western

Imperial Model, Japan began to expand its country by invading and colonizing Korea. Next,

Japan gained victory of 1905 Japanese-Russio War. In short, modern Japan was fear and respect

by Western and other Asian countries.

Nowadays, Japan was one of most developed countries. However, they are not westernized

completely. First, Japan does not adopt individualism theory from the West but still keep

practicing Confucius theory and Socialism. The reason is it can lead to trouble of divorce rate and

difficult controllability. Second, Japanese used their mother tongue on every exported product

without any English version. Third, Kimono, traditional clothes, is still worn in special holidays

and on wedding on some places. Kimono has become a semiotics sign whenever people think of

Japan. Lastly, Japan is leading in technologies in which creates many famous brand in all aspect

such as Lexus for Car, Toshiba and Sony for electronic equipment. Japan has used

Westernization as a basis guide to modernize. However, Japan is a smart country which knows

how to select theories and practices applied to country and finally it can stand up equally to other

Western countries.

To sum up, Modernization is not synonymous to Westernization. They are not only different in

definition but also in time when westernization happened first in eight or ninth century and gave

fundamental basis for the appearance, development and diffusion of modernization from 18th

century. It also could be understood that Westernization is one type modernization and Asian

countries has their own power to become modern. However, again, modern country does not

mean modern civilization is not necessary Western civilization and vice versa. Then, when it

comes to impacts of both Westernization and Modernization, we must considered both positive

and negative side. Although modernization can facilitate our lives, it not totally makes our lives

better due to environment pollution and dehumanizing society. Meanwhile, Westernization is

considered bringing negative effects on cultural identity and patriotism. To have further

understanding, I come to describe and analyze the case study of Japan. Japan has used

Westernization as a major factor to develop but not all Western cultures and styles are adopted.

The reason is Japan‘s ambition to be equal to the West and realization of modernization’s impacts

on economic, political, social, military development. Japan had reached modern industrial

democratic state based on westernization. Unfortunately, Japan kept following the Western

Imperial Model to colonize and invaded other countries. This situation leads me to the

conclusion that modernization was a key reason of WWII in 1939. This can be predicted to have

a Third War World to rearrange the power of the world. Thanks to modernization, the

development of nuclear bombs and other high technological weapon can destroyed our society

faster. Most of us do not want to come back to period without any technologies even if it is

possible. Therefore, we should take some actions to protect our society from harmful impacts.



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