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Suzy Smith is having a yard sale with lots of toys to choose

Teddy Bear: Doll: $ 2.00 Puzzle: $.50 Toy Clown: $1.05


Big Crayons Book: $2.50 Paints: $. 95 Puppet: $ .35 Jack in the Box
$1.65 $1.25

Toy Car: 1.00 Pencil Set: $1.85 Lil’ Crayons: $.75 Toy Horse: $.85

Football: $2.00 Baseball: $1.69 Basketball: $1.40 Baseball Bat: $3.00

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1. Jack has $3.75 to spend. He buys the pencil set How much
money does he have left over?

2. Annie has $4.00 she earned raking leaves. She wants to

buy the doll and the puppet. Can she afford them both? If
so, how much money will she have left over?

3. Sarah only has $2.00 left of her allowance. She buys the
big crayons. How much money does she have left over?

4. Jimmy has $2.15 with him today. He wants to buy the

Little crayons, and the jack in the box. Does he have
enough? If so, does he have any leftover? How much?

5. Allison has $3.00. Then, she buys the paints for $.95. How
much does she have left to spend? Can she buy the toy
clown? Will she have any money left over?

6. Tamara has $1.97 and she wants to buy the Toy Horse.
How much would she have leftover?

7. Johnny and Tommy both want to buy the baseball bat

and baseball. Johnny has $5.00 and Tommy has $4.50.
Which one of them can buy the baseball and bat? Will he
have any change? If so, how much?

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8. Jane has $2.90. She buys the basketball. How much
change does she get?

9. Aaron and Andrea want to buy the football together.

Aaron has $.40 and Andrea has $1. 45. Do they have
enough money together to buy the football? If so, what is
their change? If not, how much more money do they

10.Sam got to the yard sale late and almost all the toys are
gone! He has $1.00 left to spend. The only thing he can
buy is the toy car. How much money will he have

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Shopping Spree Answer Key

1. $3.75-$1.85=$1.90 Jack will have $1.90 leftover.

2. $2.00+$.035=$2.35 Yes, she can afford the doll and the puppet. $.400-$2.35=
$1.65. She will have $1.65 in change.

3. $2.00-$1.65=$0.35 Sarah will get $.035 change.

4. $0.75+$1.25=$2.00. Jimmy can afford both toys. $2.15-$2.00=$0.15. He will

get $0.15 change.

5. $.300-$0.95=$2.05. After the paints, Allison has $2.05 to spend. The toy clown
is $1.05. She can afford the clown. $2.05-$1.05=$1.00. She will have one
dollar leftover after she buys the paints and the clown.

6. $1.97- $0.85=$1.12. She will get $1.12 in change.

7. $1.69 + $3.00 = $4.69. The baseball + baseball bat is $4.69. Because Tommy
only has $4.50 he cannot afford to buy them both. $5.00-$4.69=$0.31. Johnny
will get $0.31 in change if he buys them both.

8. $2.90-$1.40=$1.50. Jane will get $1.50 in change.

9. $0.40 + $1.45=$1.85. The football is $2.00. Aaron and Andrea DO NOT have
enough money to buy the football. $2.00-$1.85 = $0.15. They need $0.15 to
buy the football.

10. The toy car is EXACTLY $1.00. Sam does not get any change.

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