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Chapter I


Background of the Study

In 2015, 18,844 cyclists were injured in reported road accidents all over Great

Britain, including 3,339 who were killed or seriously injured. These figures only

include cyclists killed or injured in road accidents that were reported to the police.

Many cyclist casualties are not reported to the police, even when the cyclist is injured

badly enough to be taken to hospital. The figures also exclude cycling accidents that

occur away from the road. Although the number of deaths is accurate, there could be

two or three times as many seriously injured cyclists and double the number of

slightly injured.

According to Philstar, MANILA, Philippines - The MMDA also recorded at least

932 persons injured in bicycle-related road accidents in the given period with March

and May posting the highest numbers at 88 injured each. According to the MMDA,

there were at least three non-fatal injuries from bicycle-related road accidents

reported per day during the covered period. Of the 27 deaths related to bicycle road

accidents from January to December last year, the MMDA said Manila posted the

most number of victims at eight, followed by Quezon City (6), Valenzuela and

Parañaque (6); Caloocan (4); and Marikina, Malabon, Navotas, Las Piñas,

Muntinlupa, Pasay and Taguig (3).

Due to these statistical reports, we were also able to seek for the causes of

these accidents. There were many different causes of these accidents, but of the

main reason is, a lot of them were injured during night time when it is dark, and cars

that are passing by don’t seem to notice the cyclists, it is because these cyclist

doesn’t have headlights or backlights.

That is why we came up with the idea of “Mechanically Powered Bicycle

Headlight and Portable Light”. As we all know, Dynamo is a device that can create

energy by spinning its knob, which is why this project will be a dynamo connected to

the pedal of the bike, so while pedaling the bike, you can create energy through the

dynamo, and there will be lights connected to it, the backlight. The innovation on our

study is that, it is not just to have backlight, this project may also be detached from

the bike and be a portable light which can also be charged by pedaling the bike. The

project is recommended to be charged by pedaling at daytime and can be used as

backlight at nighttime or as a portable source of light. This study will focus on the

resettlement of bicycle road accidents, as these accidents are mainly caused by the

lack of headlight and backlight of the cyclist. As this light is empowered by a free

energy source, this project will also be environmentally friendly and will cause no

harm to the environment. This project will and may also be used to illuminate

households that lacks source of light.


Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of conducting this kind of study is to create and provide

more in depth definition and information about Mechanically Powered Bicycle

Headlight and Portable Light. The questions below will serve as the guide to broaden

the existing knowledge of the researchers.

1) How much electrical energy we can produce when pedaling on the bicycle?

2) How do we create a continuous cycle of electrical energy while using the


3) How long can electrical energy supply power to the LED Light?

4) What is the efficiency of the device?

5) Is the device environmentally friendly?


Objective of the Problem

The study aims to achieve the following specific objectives.

1) The capability to produce energy without inserting or existing exterior any

form of energy.

2) To be able to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy.

3) To be able to compromise and to have the choice to use the product as a

working flashlight.

4) To fully build and complete the product and make it work and produce light.

5) To successfully produce light on cycling.


Significance of the Study

This study will discuss the substantial of the portable LED generator to the

bicycle users, to the community, and to the future researcher.

To the bicycle users. To help avoid road accidents caused by blind spots of

vehicle drivers and ineffective reflectors.

To the community. To help in power outage emergencies and to lessen

number of bicycle accidents in the community. It will be an environmental solution to

the problem source of light. They will benefit in a way that they can conserve and

reduce electrical consumption.

To the future researchers. The future researcher can use this study as their

guide in developing their knowledge about Mechanically Powered Bicycle Headlight

and Portable Light.


Scope and Limitations

The main purpose of this study is to innovate a device that is connected to the

wheel of a bicycle thus converting mechanical energy into electrical energy, and by

this it will provide energy to illuminate light. This will be done by the use of a Dynamo,

that is connected to the pedal of the bicycle, while being pedaled, the pedal inputs

mechanical energy to the dynamo and eventually be converted to electrical energy

by the dynamo thus the dynamo produces 24 volts of electricity, there will be a diode

attached to the positive pole of the dynamo so that the electricity won’t knockback to

the dynamo, there will also be a toggle switch connected to the diode, and from that,

a AA Battery is connected to it, the switch will indicate if the electricity will flow

directly to the battery for it to recharge or the electricity will flow directly to the 12V

LED that is connected to the battery and at the negative pole of the dynamo.

This device is not only applicable on the bicycle, this device can also be

detachable from the bicycle so that not only it may be used as headlight and

backlight of the bicycle, it may also be used as a portable light since it has its own

battery and can illuminate independently.


Chapter II


This chapter will discuss the different attributes of the topic that were gathered

from different articles and studies that would be a great help to expand their

knowledge regarding to the said topic. The review of related literature is composed of

different chosen keywords that are in good relation of the topic.


The first known iterations of a wheeled, human-powered vehicle were created

long before the bicycle became a practical form of transportation. In 1418, an Italian

engineer, Giovanni Fontana (or de la Fontana), constructed a human-powered

device consisting of four wheels and a loop of rope connected by gears, according to

the International Bicycle Fund (IBF).

In 1813, about 400 years after Fontana built his wheeled contraption, a

German aristocrat and inventor named Karl von Drais began work on his own version

of a Laufmaschine (running machine), a four-wheeled, human-powered vehicle. Then

in 1817, Drais debuted a two-wheeled vehicle, known by many names throughout

Europe, including Draisienne, dandy horse and hobby horse.

The first modern day bicycle was created in the early 1860’s. The Olivier

brothers, Aime, Rene, and Marius, recognized the commercial potential of the dandy

horse and set up a partnership with blacksmith and bicycle makers Pierre Michausx

and Pierre Lallement to improve the bicycle design and mass produce them. They

attached rotary cranks and pedals to the front wheel hub of a dandy horse walking

machine creating the first pedal powered bicycle. Mass production of the

“velocipedes” began in 1868 and by the following year, a velocipede craze reached

full force in Europe and America. The fad quickly faded primarily because the bikes

were so uncomfortable to ride. Using a stiff iron frame and wooden wheels

surrounded by tire made of iron, they were sometimes referred to as “Boneshakers”.

Bicycle histories websites include a sketches showing a primitive version of a

bicycle, purported drawn by Leonardo da Vinci, that surfaced in 1974. Experts

consider the sketches a hoax: Further examination of the drawings indicates these

are not by da Vinci's hand. The speculation that these are a sketch by a pupil after a

lost drawing by da Vinci is also considered false. Several nations have been involved

in the bicycle’s (and the motorcycle’s) development, and some decisive concepts can

be attributed to individuals within those countries. Thus, for example, the basic two-

wheeler concept on which all bicycles are based is attributed to Karl Von Drais, a civil

servant with a background in technology acquired at the University of Heidelberg in


According to International Cycling History Conferences (1890) Safety Bike as

the name implies the safety bike is safer than the ordinary. The further improvement

of metallurgy sparked the next innovation, or rather return to previous design. With

metal that was now strong enough to make a fine chain and sprocket small and light

enough for a human being to power, the next design was a return to the original

configuration of two same-size wheels, only now, instead of just one wheel

circumference for every pedal turn, you could, through the gear ratios, have a speed

the same as the huge high-wheel. Initially, the bicycles still had the hard rubber tires,

and in the absence of the long, shock-absorbing spokes, the ride they provided was

much more uncomfortable than any of the high-wheel designs.

Margaonkar et al (2001) Pedal Powered Generators have been of interest at

many places where no other alternative electricity generator has been viable. While

using pedal power is not a new concept in itself, it has not been successfully used on

a wider scale. There are a lot of schools in rural India, which are residential and are

not grid connected. A pedal power generator with a lighting system was developed for

such schools and tested. It provides 40 minutes of lighting for 10 minutes of pedaling.

Currently about 10 such lighting systems are in use all over India and more are being


Seabury et al (2007) After review of previous studies, it seemed desirable to

investigate further the interrelationships between pedalling rate, power output, and

energy expenditure, using bicycle ergometry as a model for recreational bicycling.

Thus, there is appreciable interaction between pedalling rate and power output in

achieving the ‘most efficient’ rate in bicycle ergometry. The ‘ most efficient’ pedalling

rate observed at high power outputs in the present study is considerably lower than

that reported for racing cyclists by others. This discrepancy may well be related to the

difference in swing weights between the ergomeler’s heavy steel flywheel and

crankset, and that of the lightweight wheel and crankset used on racing bicycles.


Life has revolved around light since the beginning of time. The power to

control and emit light has been a struggle for humans for over 10,000 years ago

since the first fire starting kits were created in the Neolithic Period. 17 Since then light

sources have grown and expanded as all of society and technology has. Oil and gas

lamp use spanned from 2600 B.C to the late nineteenth century. In 1800 it was

confirmed that electricity was able to emit visible light by an arc between two

electrical rods. It was not until a consistent source of energy generation,

electromagnetic induction, that this visible arc of electricity was harnessed into arc


Coming to the invention of LED, it was in the mid-1920s that Losev observed

emission of light from zinc oxide and silicon carbide crystal rectifier diodes that were

used in radio receivers when current was passed through them. In 1927, his first

paper on emission of silicon carbide diodes entitled as “Luminous carborundum

[silicon carbide] detector and detection with crystals” was published in a Russian

journal. Soon, the paper was published in a few important publications in British and

German journals as well. These effectively constituted the discovery of what we now

know as the light emitting diode or the LED: Losev set up the current threshold for the

onset of emission of light from the point contact between a silicon carbide crystal and

a metal wire and recorded the spectrum of this light. He was able to provide a

comprehensive study of the LED and outlined its applications in the 16 papers

published between the years 1924 and 1930.

A good light is bright enough to be visible, illuminates the road without blinding

others, and stays bright while you’re stopped at a traffic light. Most dynamo lighting

equipment is designed to comply with German road-use regulations (StVZO/TA).

These stringent and specific regulations are in place to ensure that cyclists are well lit

from all directions and that the lights don’t interfere with other traffic. A headlight

should have a horizon, meaning that the light’s beam is limited by a hood at the top

and aimed so that the center of the beam hits the ground 33 feet (10 meters) from the

front of the bicycle. A concentrated beam illuminates hazards on darkened streets

without blinding oncoming motorists and cyclists. Lights are also required to have a

standlight feature, a built-in capacitor that continues to power the lights for four

minutes once you stop moving. This feature ensures that you remain visible while

stopped at intersections. In most countries, cyclists are required to have a white light

up front and a red light in rear. A single dynamo can power both front and rear lights.

Similarly bright battery-powered lights have run-times of only 1-3 hours before they

require recharging.

A bicycle lighting system comprising a dynamo generator, integrated

rechargeable batteries and an integrated electronic circuitry, the bicycle being an

exemplary embodiment of pedal-driven vehicles provided with standard front and rear

lamps. Hitherto known systems operate with conventional dynamos having an

efficiency far too low to provide power to energize lamps and simultaneously charge

batteries at speeds below 15 kmph. The inventive generator is constructed such that

a rotating magnetic-circuit arrangement with a stationary air-core coil and specially

defined pole shoes achieve 90% efficiency. At 5 to 7 kmph, at least 4 W energy is

available for energizing lamps and rapidly charging batteries. From standstill to

approximately 5 kmph, the batteries energize the lamps. The electronic circuitry

comprises a converter having a special voltage set-up and voltage set-down function

such that for a determinate output voltage, the input voltage can be lesser than,

equal to or greater than the determinate output voltage. Above 5 kmph, energy

apportioning for energizing lamps and simultaneously charging batteries in ratios of

1-2:1 is rendered possible.

Reflection Theory

Reflection theory is used rather more loosely in the field of literary studies and

tends really to pose the question as to what extent society is reflected

in literary production. An example of reflection theory can be found in Lacey et al.

(2010) feminist analysis of video games, albeit taking a rather direct positivist notion

of 'reflction'. Media, that conglomeration of advertisements, television shows, movies,

and countless other formats, is a medium that can provide a surprising amount of

insight into modern society. The sociological idea of Reflection Theory describes how

media is essentially the reflection of the inherent social structures of society; how the

films, books, magazines, and commercials we see every day directly reflect the

values, norms, and beliefs of our culture.


The word dynamo (from the Greek word dynamis; meaning power) was

originally another name for an electrical generator, and still has some regional usage

as a replacement for the word generator. After the invention of the AC Generator and

that alternating current can be used as a power supply, the word dynamo became

associated exclusively with the commutated direct current electric generator, while an

AC electrical generator using either slip rings or rotor magnets would become known

as an alternator. A small electrical generator built into the hub of a bicycle wheel to

power lights is called a hub dynamo, although these are invariably AC devices, and

are actually magnetos.

The generation of electricity by a dynamo is based on a principle of magnetism

called induction. When the lines of force that pass from the north to the south pole of

a magnet are cut by a wire there is produced or induced in the wire a current of

electricity. That is, if we take a loop or coil of wire which has no current in it and a

magnet which also has no current, and move the loop or coil between the pole, a

momentary current is produced. If a series of loops or coils are used instead of one

loop, a current may be generated continuously. This method of generating electric

current is called induction. (Dooley, 2001)

The generator evolved from work by Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry in the

1820s. Once these two inventors discovered and documented the phenomena of

electromagnetic induction, it lead to experimentation by others in both Europe and

North America. 1832 - Hippolyte Pixii (France) built the first dynamo using a

commutator, his model created pulses of electricity separated by no current. He also

by accident created the first alternator. He did not know what to do with the changing

current, he concentrated on trying to eliminate the alternating current to get DC

power, and this led him to create the commutator.

Electrical Energy

Electricity is produced in power stations. It is then distributed at high voltage

using a network of overhead and underground cables. Power stations. Power is the

rate of doing work, or the rate of energy transfer. Electrical energy can be used to

move charged particles through a wire from a power plant to our homes and

businesses. The movement of a charged particle through a wire is called current, or

more commonly, electricity.

According to Freidl (2015) motors and generators run because of something

called electromagnetic induction. It was discovered by Michael Faraday, this is when

a voltage is induced by a changing magnetic field. With electromagnetic induction, an

electric current can be produced in a coil of wire by moving a magnet in or out of that

coil, or by moving the coil through the magnetic field. Either way, voltage is created

through motion. The amount of voltage induced depends on the number of loops in the

coil of wire, as well as the speed at which the magnet is moved through the coil.

A motor turns electrical energy into motion. A motor is made from a magnet

with a wire trapped around it. Electricity moving through the wires spins the magnet

around. Electric motors use two different types of electricity to run. The kind of

electricity that flows into houses through the plug on the wall is most likely alternating

current or AC. The other type of electricity is called direct current or DC. DC motors

are found in many places as well. Some motors are especially designed to run on

either type of electricity (Microsoft Encarta).

An electric generator is a device that converts mechanical energy obtained

from an external source into electrical energy as the output. It is important to

understand that a generator does not actually ‘create’ electrical energy. Instead, it

uses the mechanical energy supplied to it to force the movement of electric charges

present in the wire of its windings through an external electric circuit. This flow of

electric charges constitutes the output electric current supplied by the generator.

Mechanical Energy

The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica (2017) explained that mechanical

energy, sum of the kinetic energy, or energy of motion, and the potential energy, or

energy stored in a system by reason of the position of its parts. Mechanical energy is

constant in a system that has only gravitational forces or in an otherwise idealized

system—that is, one lacking dissipative forces, such as friction and air resistance, or

one in which such forces can be reasonably neglected. Thus, a swinging pendulum

has its greatest kinetic energy and least potential energy in the vertical position, in

which its speed is greatest and its height least; it has its least kinetic energy and

greatest potential energy at the extremities of its swing, in which its speed is zero and

its height is greatest.

Mechanical energy can be broadly classified into potential energy and kinetic

energy. Potential energy refers to the energy any object has due to its position in a

force field. Kinetic energy is the work required to accelerate an object to a given

speed. Mechanical energy due to the pressure of the fluid is known as pressure


Theoretical Framework

Figure 2.1

The theoretical framework was made by Rita Carreno (2007). Pedal

power is the transfer of energy from a human source through the use of a foot pedal

and crank system. This technology is most commonly used for transportation and has

been used to propel bicycles for over a hundred years. Less commonly pedal power

is used to power agricultural and hand tools and even to generate electricity. Some

applications include pedal powered laptops, pedal powered grinders and pedal

powered water wells. Some third world development projects currently transform

used bicycles into pedal powered tools for sustainable development.

This Framework shows how the pedal gives life or energy in this case to the

generator that will make the LED light attached to it generate light. The generator will

be attached to the bikes pedal as show in figure 1. While pedaling or using the bike it

will create a mechanical energy that will be transferred to the generator which will be

converted to electrical energy. The electrical energy in the generator will be

transferred to the LED light attached to it giving it the ability to produce light.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study, shown in Figure 2.2, was derived from

the theoretical framework. This framework has been the guide of the researchers in

making the entire research project.

Figure 2.2

The Mechanically Powered Bicycle Headlight and Portable Light is a project

that the researchers came up with to help cyclists be seen at night. Though bikes

have these things called reflectors, it is not fully guaranteed that these bikes we'll be

seen especially on the blind spots of car drivers or other vehicle drivers.

The Mechanically Powered Bicycle Headlight and Portable Light is a

detachable Bicycle Headlight and Portable light, at day it can be removed and as it is

detached it can be charged throughout the day and be attached again to the bike

when it is again needed, fully charged and well-functioning.

To build the project the researchers gathered the materials needed which are

24v dynamo, 12v led, AA Battery, toggle switch, diode, electrical tape, wires, and

soldering iron long life tip. To make the power source the researchers of the

Mechanically Powered Bicycle Headlight and Portable Light recharging while

pedaling, the researchers assembled the 24v Dynamo, Diode, Battery and Toggle

Switch. The researchers used and attached the dynamo to the pedals and used a

Diode so that the electrical energy will not knockback to the dynamo then we

connected a toggle switch to the diode and connected a battery to it. Once the switch

is turned on, produced energy we’ll be consumed for the LED lights while pedaling

and the researchers used batteries for the constant and stable supply of voltage to

the LED lights and when the switch is turned off the batteries recharge while

pedaling. Of course the researchers used wires to connect the 12v LED lights to the

power source and to do that the researchers used the soldering iron long life tip to

melt the solder and so that it can flow into the joint of the 12v LED lights and the

power source.

When the Mechanically Powered Bicycle Headlight and Portable Light is

attached to the bike gear and the bike is used, the power supply either uses the

electrical energy in recharging the battery or to power the headlights and portable

lights. Since the Mechanically Powered Bicycle Headlight and Portable Light is

detachable, it can also be used as a substitute light when there is power outage thus

making it very helpful and convenient or handy in emergencies.


Definition of Terms

These are the terms defined by the researcher to make this study easier to


Diode is a two-terminal electronic component that conducts primarily in one

direction (asymmetric conductance); it has low (ideally zero) resistance to the current

in one direction, and high (ideally infinite) resistance in the other.

Dynamo is a machine for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy;

a generator.

Efficiency is defined as the ability to produce something with a minimum

amount of effort.

Electrical wire is usually pliable metallic strand or rod made in many

length and diameters, sometimes clad and often electrically insulated, used chiefly for

structural supporter to conduct electricity.

Electricity is produced when electrons move through a conductor (wire). It is

the flow of electrons in a wire.

Generator is a machine by which mechanical energy is transformed into

electrical energy.

Headlight is a powerful light at the front of a motor vehicle or railroad engine.


Mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic and potential energy in an object that

is used to do work its energy in an object due to its motion or position, or both.

Pedal is a foot-operated lever used to control certain mechanisms, as

automobiles, or to play or modify the sounds of certain musical instruments, as

pianos, organs, or harps.

Toggle switch is a class of electrical switches that are manually actuated by a

mechanical lever, handle, or rocking mechanism.

Voltage is the pressure from an electrical circuit’s power source that pushes

charged electrons (current) through a conducting loop, enabling them to do work

such as illuminating a light.


Chapter III


Project Design

This section will be discussing the totality of how the project was brought up.




Figure 3.1 Mechanically Powered Bicycle Headlight and Portable Light

This section of this chapter will deliberate the project design. The figure above

shows the overall external plan of the device. As shown in the figure 3.1, mechanical

energy will be created through pedaling. As the DC motor connected to the gears is

pedaled mechanical energy is produced and is then converted to electrical energy to

then illuminate the LED light.

Project Components

The following electronic devices and equipment were utilized in developing

the Mechanically Powered Bicycle Headlight and Portable Light. All modifications are

stated and functions of how these components will contribute to the project.

AA Battery

AA battery—also called a double A or Mignon (French for "dainty") battery—is

a standard size single cell cylindrical dry battery. The IEC 60086 system calls it size

R6, and ANSIC18 calls it size 15.

Figure 3.2 AA Battery


Bicycle is a vehicle composed of two wheels held in a frame one behind the

other, propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars attached to the front wheel.

Figure 3.3 Bicycle


Diode is a semiconductor device with two terminals, typically allowing the flow

of current in one direction only. A thermionic tube having two electrodes (an anode

and a cathode).

Figure 3.4 Diode


The Dynamo can be used to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy.

Alternating current can be produced normally using the dynamo. This current can be

directly used to illuminate series of L.E.D. light that needs 12 volts of current.

Figure 3.5 Dynamo


Gear is one of a set of toothed wheels that work together to alter the relation

between the speed of a driving mechanism (such as the engine of a vehicle or the

crank of a bicycle) and the speed of the

driven parts (the wheels).


Figure 3.6 Gears

LED Lights

LED Light has a lifespan and electrical efficiency which are several times

greater than incandescent lamps and are significantly more efficient than most of the

fluorescent lamps. It only needs 12 volts of current to be illuminated. Thus, it is the

most suited kind of light for the project.

Figure 3.7 LED Lights

Toggle Switch

Toggle Switch is an electric switch operated by means of a projecting lever

that is moved up and down.

Figure 3.8 Toggle Switch

Project Development

This section of this study will discuss the project development. The Initial

project design will be subjected into series of innovation to come up with a better

outcome. Parts of the device will be changed independently to have a comparison of

which is the best kind of equipment to be used.

Project Design will also be tested for its’ portability and efficiency.

Different sizes of dynamos will be tried upon the device to find out what is best suited

for the device.


Testing and Operation

The researcher will use trial and error which is a fundamental method

of problem solving. It is characterized by repeated, varied attempts which are

continued until success, or until the researcher stops trying. It is an act or an instance

of trying or proving something like test or experiment.

Basically, the researcher will operate trial and error method which will try a

method to see if it is a good solution. If it is not a good result, the researcher will try

another option. Adjusting parts of it for every trial and failure. The researchers will

check, test and fix the parts that could possible the cause of failures. If the method

works, the researcher will use it to acquire the correct solution to a problem.

Project Evaluation Method

The researchers have chosen purposive sampling to be the sampling

technique for this study. The researchers have selected Expert sampling, a simple

sub-type of purposive sampling. Expert sampling will be use by the researchers to

seek opinions or assessment from the experts with a high degree of knowledge about

the study area.

The study will have three experts with sufficient understanding and knowledge

about the conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy that will evaluate the

device for its portability and dependability during unpredicted situations.

Weighted mean is a kind of average that will use by the researchers. Weighted

mean are used extensively in descriptive statistical analysis such as index numbers.

The results is summed and the total is divided by the sum of the weights. It will be

used to evaluate the results of the study.


∑ 𝐹𝑦
𝑊𝑚 = 𝑁

Formula for weighted mean

The formula shows above will be used by the researchers, where Wm is the

weighted mean, Y is the scale value, while F is the frequency of the response and N is

the total number of the respondents of the study.

Point Rating System

Rating Description Range

4 Very Good 3.56-4.00

3 Good 2.76-3.50

2 Not that bad 1.56-2.75

1 Bad 1.00-1.50

Table 3.1

The table 1 illustrates the scale used by the researcher for the evaluation of

the respondents. The highest level of the scale is 4 (Very Good) which is marked as

3.56-4.00 followed by 3 (Good) which is marked as 2.76-3.50. The third scale is 2


(Not that Bad) that rates from 1.56-2.75. The last scale is 1 (Bad) with a rate of 1.00-


The researchers used evaluation method for the study to gather data from

three experts. The researchers will conduct evaluation through distributing survey

questionnaires that contain inquiries that will be used for the performance checking of

the study.



In this chapter, project description, project structure, project capabilities and

limitations and project evaluation will be discussing by the researchers.

Project Description

Dynamo connected to the bicycle is simply an example of mechanically

powered generator, it proves the idea of Renewable Energy or Free Energy, by the

conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy from the pedaling power of the

bicycle to the dynamo. This product may be used as a source of energy. The amount

of electrical energy that is produced by this process is sufficient to be used on this

project. The product is designed as a hand-carry or portable like a flashlight. The


materials used were all recycled materials, came from junks of other objects, thus

providing a cost-free materials.

The materials utilized in this project are Dynamo, AA Rechargeable Battery,

LED Lights, Gears, Toggle Switch, and the Bicycle. The Dynamo served as the

generator and converter of mechanical energy into electrical energy, it can produce up

to 24V of electricity. The AA Rechargeable Battery’s roles is to store energy coming

from the Dynamo during broad daylight when the lights are not being used, and can

be turned on by the Toggle Switch when it is needed. The gears simply connects the

pedal to the dynamo. Final is the LED Light, which is used for the final product of the

process, it shows the behavior of illumination by the empowerment of electrical energy

from the dynamo.

Project Structure

In this part of the study it will illustrate how the product was constructed.


AA Battery

Figure 4.1

In figure 4.1, the researchers illustrate the whole product, where you can see

all the detailed parts of the project and how “Mechanically Powered Bicycle Headlight

and Portable Light” was constructed.

Project Requirements

Components Minimum Used Recommended

Bike Kiddie bikes City bike Any types of bikes

Dynamo 24V 24V 24V

Gear Small size Medium size Medium size

LED light 12V 12V 12V

Reflective Reflective Recyclable Recyclable

chamber chamber reflective chamber reflective chamber


Rechargeable Double AA Double AA Double AA


Toggle switch Small Small Small

Wire Electric wire Electric wire Electric wire

Table 3.2 Project Requirements

Established on table 3.2, researchers include main components of the project,

minimum requirements, used features, and recommended features for the use of

components. The researchers used a city bike, dynamo which has a minimum of 24V

and we used 24 volts. The researchers used a medium size of gear. The LED light that

has been used by the researchers is 12V. The researchers chose small size of toggle

switch instead of big toggle size. AA battery has been used by the researchers because

it is more compatible than the other battery. The researchers used electrical wires and

lastly, the researchers used the recycle reflective chamber.


Project Capabilities and Limitations

The “Mechanically Powered Bicycle Headlight and Portable Light” is capable of

supplying limited amount of energy that can be used in conduction of light. This project

is different from other projects because this study is made to innovate a device that is

connected to the wheel of the bicycle, thus when the bicycle is being used mechanical

energy is being created and will be converted to electrical energy. This will be made

and performed by the use of a dynamo that is a part if the mechanism. The dynamo in

the mechanism will produce 24 volts of electricity that came from the electrical energy

produced. A diode is attached to the positive poles of the dynamo so that a knockback

in electricity would not happen. We have installed a switch connected to the diode with

“AA Battery”. The said switch will designate if the electricity will be used to recharge

the battery or flows directly to the 12V LED light at the negative pole of the dynamo

and is connected to the battery.

The mechanism can also be used as a working portable light or “flashlight” since

it has its own source of energy (the battery) making it illuminate independently.

Project Evaluation

This part of the study discusses the evaluation of the project constructed by

the researchers. This is the part of the analysis and interpretation of data that is done

by the researchers. Five (5) evaluators who were in the field of engineering and are

attributed to have the profound knowledge and understanding in this kind of field of

study were asked to evaluate the project done by the researchers. In order to do this,

the researchers distributed evaluation forms to the evaluators with questions that

may help determine the performance of the study. The given questions were each

significant to determine the great functionality and quality of the project.

Data and Results










Workability Portability User-Friendliness

Figure 4.2 Data and Results

The figure shows the data evaluation of the project. Evaluated data or the

results show that the Workability of the product is 68 %, the Portability is 68 % and

the User-Friendliness is 56 %.


This chapter involves the summary, conclusion and recommendations that is

made by the researchers to develop and improve this project.


There has been a series of reports regarding bicycle accidents. In 2015,

18,844 cyclists were reported injured and 3,339 were killed due to crashes caused by

their poor visibility in the night which causes the vehicle drivers to not see them.

Because of this the researchers thought of a project to help cyclists be more

visible at night. The researchers formulated a solution where they created a

mechanism called “Mechanically Powered Bicycle Headlight and Portable Light”. The

researchers searched on how much mechanical energy can be converted to

electrical energy when pedaling a bicycle. Then the researchers also sought to find

how to create a continuous cycle of producing electricity while using the bicycle. We

observed the LED light on how long will it be able to be powered.

This study will be beneficial primary to bicycle users because it will help them

avoid road accidents. To the community, it will help them during power outage

emergencies. It can also be an environmental solution because it will reduce the

consumption of electricity in the community. Lastly, this study may help future

researchers because they may use this study as their guide in other forms of study.

The project is powered by a DC motor and AA batteries. During the day, when

the project is not necessarily to be put into use, the toggle can be switched into

charging and complete the process through pedaling. Then at night, when light is

less abundant and the cyclists visibility is poor, the toggle can be switched again to

illuminate the light and make them visible to avoid crash accidents. The portability of

this project makes it useful not only to the cyclists but also to anyone who needs

source of light especially those who needs light in emergency purposes.

The primal purpose of this study is to be able to convert mechanical energy to

electrical energy and produce electricity without using any other forms of energy.


This part will discuss the conclusion made by the researchers.

Based on the first statement of the problem, “How much electrical energy we

can produce when pedaling on the bicycle?” The researchers concluded that 24V of

electrical energy is produced when pedaling the bicycle. Second statement of the

problem, “How do we create a continuous cycle of electrical energy while using the

Bicycle/Pedal?” By continuously pedaling the bicycle, that causes the continuous

creation of electrical energy. The third question is, “How long can electrical energy

supply power to the LED Light?” The “Mechanically Powered Bicycle Headlight and a

Portable Light” is capable of supplying limited amount of energy in a long time that can

be used in conduction of light. The fourth statement of the problem, “What is the

efficiency of the device?” The researchers determined that “Mechanically Powered

Bicycle Headlight ad Portable Light” will be a great benefit in lessening these dangers.

Not only does it perform as a headlight it can also work as flashlight when needed. A

two for one deal in one simple project. The last statement of the problem, “Is the device

environmentally friendly?” The researchers concluded that the mechanism is

environmentally friendly because it uses alternative source of generating electricity and

it does not need source of electricity from outlets, it will also be beneficial in lessening

these bicycle accidents especially on night time and also will be a great use when a

source of light is needed.

Therefore, the researchers concludes that mechanism, “Mechanically Powered

Bicycle Headlight and a Portable Light” will be beneficial in lessening these bicycle

accidents especially on night time and also will be a great use when a source of light

is needed.


The researchers of this study tends to recommend things to the future

researchers. First, be sure to complete and finalize every materials needed for the

project, do not start with the prototype if some materials are still missing, unless if you

know every material needed and budget is the only thing on the way.

The researchers also recommends to the future researchers to add a

cellphone charger since there is a significant amount of energy being exerted by the

dynamo, which is enough to show the behavior of charging a phone. Also a charger

port may also be added for the rechargeable battery to be charged when a flashlight

is needed.

Lastly, the researchers recommends to have further more knowledge about

the capability of the dynamo and for them to seek more ways on supporting the idea

of free energy, on what ways can the dynamo be used for it to conduct free energy,

which is needed these days.

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