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Review Book

Science of Law
The science of law includes and discusses about all matters relating to the law. Legal
science deals not only with statutory regulations but also asks philosophical questions such as the
discussion of the nature and origin of law, the relationship between law,power and law with

In the legal literature, law is known as Jurisprudence, derived from the word jus, juris
which means law or right; prudence which means to look forward or have expertise. The general
meaning of jurisprudence is the study of law.

Legal science does not question a particular legal order which happens to be in a state but
legal science extends far beyond the legal limits of a country or a particular time. The object here
is law as a phenomenon in human life.

There are several methods used in law science. Everyone can use any method according
to their choice, provided that the choice is consistently applied. The choice of this method can
not be separated from one's vision of the nature of the law. Selection of each vision will continue
on the method that will then be used.

The following method that used in the science of law is (I) The idealistic method is a
method which sees the law as the embodiment of certain values. (II) The ideological method is a
legal method that understands the meaning of justice. (III) The normative method of analyse is
an analytical legal discussion. (IV) The sociological method is the linking method of the law
with to the effort to achieve the goals and fulfill the concrete needs in society.

Legal science has an interdisciplinary nature. We know this fact from the use of various
disciplines to help explain various aspects related to the presence of law in the community such
as politics, anthropology, economics, etc.

Legal science has a universal reach, beyond the legal limits of a particular nation and
state. The legal theory is the classification of legal values and postulates up to their philosophical
foundation. According to Radbruch, legal theory takes as its basis the values as well as legal
postulates and not the rules of law. Values and legal postulates provide greater possibilities for
examining the link between law and the background of conception of man.

Legal science does not give up its attention to the substance of the structure and the legal
system itself. Discussion in jurisprudence does not begin with legal values or postulates but
rather law as a body or arrangement of laws. Legal theory is an important part of jurisprudence.
Through legal theory, the science of law can reflect the development of society.
The science of law leads its readers to get a general idea of the law before it increases to a
more detailed understanding of the law. Therefore the science of law can also be described as an
introduction into the further study of law.

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