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PAKET 1 UN 2018/2019 Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 9 50 Butir 2 jam RTO-

1. Many years ago, there was a rich Maharlika or nobleman who spent his bachelor days wining and
dining in the company of nobility. He drank the finest wines, ate the most delicious food and enjoyed the
company of the most beautiful and bejeweled woman of the noble class. After spending this kind of life for
many years, he decided to settle down and get married to a woman of his choice. “But whom to marry?”
he asked himself, “All the woman I know are gorgeous and charming, but I am tired of the glitter of their
jewels and the elegance of their clothes! “Finally, he found himself a simple, charming girl whose name was
They got married and lived happily. She loved and pampered him with the most delectable dishes and
kept his home and clothes in order. But soon he got bored and began to long for his friends’ company.
He looked at his wife and thought, she is not beautiful and doesn’t have the air of nobility and wisdom in
her that I am so used to. And so he returned to his world of glitter and pleasure. He started to spend his
evenings sitting around with his friends, drinking and talking till the next morning.
Seeing this, Dama felt that she was losing her husband. She wept and prayed, “Oh, God! Help me.
Give me a magic charm that would make my husband come home again and never leave my side,
forever!” At midnight he came home, opened the door of their bedroom, and called for Dama to tell her to
prepare his nightclothes. He shouted for her and searched the whole house, but he could not find his
wife. Finally, he returned to their bedroom and when he opened the door, he stopped. A sweet and
fragrant scent that he had never smelled before drifted to him. He went straight to the window from
where it seemed to be coming. He was amazed to see a strange bush growing outside his window. The
bush had thousands of tiny star-like white flowers, from which the heavenly and enchanting scent was
He stood there, completely enthralled by the glorious smell. “Dama…” he whispered softly.
Wondering, could this be Dama? The noble man sat by the window and waited for his loving, simple wife to
return. But she did not come back. Only the fragrance of the flowers stayed with him, casting a spell over
his entire life.
In the moonlight, Dama of the night, or Dama de Noche would be in full bloom capturing the rihh
Maharlika and ensuring that he never leave her side again.

What is the best title for the text?

a. A Bachelor Nobleman

b. The Legend of Dama de Noche

c. Dama the Simple and Charming Girl

d. Star-Like Fragrant Flowers

2. Many years ago, there was a rich Maharlika or nobleman who spent his bachelor days wining and
dining in the company of nobility. He drank the finest wines, ate the most delicious food and enjoyed the
company of the most beautiful and bejeweled woman of the noble class. After spending this kind of life for
many years, he decided to settle down and get married to a woman of his choice. “But whom to marry?”
he asked himself, “All the woman I know are gorgeous and charming, but I am tired of the glitter of their
jewels and the elegance of their clothes! “Finally, he found himself a simple, charming girl whose name was
They got married and lived happily. She loved and pampered him with the most delectable dishes and
kept his home and clothes in order. But soon he got bored and began to long for his friends’ company.
He looked at his wife and thought, she is not beautiful and doesn’t have the air of nobility and wisdom in
her that I am so used to. And so he returned to his world of glitter and pleasure. He started to spend his
evenings sitting around with his friends, drinking and talking till the next morning.
Seeing this, Dama felt that she was losing her husband. She wept and prayed, “Oh, God! Help me.
Give me a magic charm that would make my husband come home again and never leave my side,
forever!” At midnight he came home, opened the door of their bedroom, and called for Dama to tell her to
prepare his nightclothes. He shouted for her and searched the whole house, but he could not find his
wife. Finally, he returned to their bedroom and when he opened the door, he stopped. A sweet and
fragrant scent that he had never smelled before drifted to him. He went straight to the window from
where it seemed to be coming. He was amazed to see a strange bush growing outside his window. The

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Kode Soal

PAKET 1 UN 2018/2019 Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 9 50 Butir 2 jam RTO-

bush had thousands of tiny star-like white flowers, from which the heavenly and enchanting scent was
He stood there, completely enthralled by the glorious smell. “Dama…” he whispered softly.
Wondering, could this be Dama? The noble man sat by the window and waited for his loving, simple wife to
return. But she did not come back. Only the fragrance of the flowers stayed with him, casting a spell over
his entire life.
In the moonlight, Dama of the night, or Dama de Noche would be in full bloom capturing the rihh
Maharlika and ensuring that he never leave her side again.

The main idea of paragraph two is…

a. the nobleman was looking for a wife

b. Dama de Noche blooms under the moonlight

c. the nobleman and Dama’s happy married life changed

d. Dama tried hard to win her husband back

3. Many years ago, there was a rich Maharlika or nobleman who spent his bachelor days wining and
dining in the company of nobility. He drank the finest wines, ate the most delicious food and enjoyed the
company of the most beautiful and bejeweled woman of the noble class. After spending this kind of life for
many years, he decided to settle down and get married to a woman of his choice. “But whom to marry?”
he asked himself, “All the woman I know are gorgeous and charming, but I am tired of the glitter of their
jewels and the elegance of their clothes! “Finally, he found himself a simple, charming girl whose name was
They got married and lived happily. She loved and pampered him with the most delectable dishes and
kept his home and clothes in order. But soon he got bored and began to long for his friends’ company.
He looked at his wife and thought, she is not beautiful and doesn’t have the air of nobility and wisdom in
her that I am so used to. And so he returned to his world of glitter and pleasure. He started to spend his
evenings sitting around with his friends, drinking and talking till the next morning.
Seeing this, Dama felt that she was losing her husband. She wept and prayed, “Oh, God! Help me.
Give me a magic charm that would make my husband come home again and never leave my side,
forever!” At midnight he came home, opened the door of their bedroom, and called for Dama to tell her to
prepare his nightclothes. He shouted for her and searched the whole house, but he could not find his
wife. Finally, he returned to their bedroom and when he opened the door, he stopped. A sweet and
fragrant scent that he had never smelled before drifted to him. He went straight to the window from
where it seemed to be coming. He was amazed to see a strange bush growing outside his window. The
bush had thousands of tiny star-like white flowers, from which the heavenly and enchanting scent was
He stood there, completely enthralled by the glorious smell. “Dama…” he whispered softly.
Wondering, could this be Dama? The noble man sat by the window and waited for his loving, simple wife to
return. But she did not come back. Only the fragrance of the flowers stayed with him, casting a spell over
his entire life.
In the moonlight, Dama of the night, or Dama de Noche would be in full bloom capturing the rihh
Maharlika and ensuring that he never leave her side again.

How was Dama de Noche like?

a. It looks like stars

b. It has a bad odor

c. It is like a bush

d. It is as dark as night.

4. Many years ago, there was a rich Maharlika or nobleman who spent his bachelor days wining and

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Kode Soal

PAKET 1 UN 2018/2019 Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 9 50 Butir 2 jam RTO-

dining in the company of nobility. He drank the finest wines, ate the most delicious food and enjoyed the
company of the most beautiful and bejeweled woman of the noble class. After spending this kind of life for
many years, he decided to settle down and get married to a woman of his choice. “But whom to marry?”
he asked himself, “All the woman I know are gorgeous and charming, but I am tired of the glitter of their
jewels and the elegance of their clothes! “Finally, he found himself a simple, charming girl whose name was
They got married and lived happily. She loved and pampered him with the most delectable dishes and
kept his home and clothes in order. But soon he got bored and began to long for his friends’ company.
He looked at his wife and thought, she is not beautiful and doesn’t have the air of nobility and wisdom in
her that I am so used to. And so he returned to his world of glitter and pleasure. He started to spend his
evenings sitting around with his friends, drinking and talking till the next morning.
Seeing this, Dama felt that she was losing her husband. She wept and prayed, “Oh, God! Help me.
Give me a magic charm that would make my husband come home again and never leave my side,
forever!” At midnight he came home, opened the door of their bedroom, and called for Dama to tell her to
prepare his nightclothes. He shouted for her and searched the whole house, but he could not find his
wife. Finally, he returned to their bedroom and when he opened the door, he stopped. A sweet and
fragrant scent that he had never smelled before drifted to him. He went straight to the window from
where it seemed to be coming. He was amazed to see a strange bush growing outside his window. The
bush had thousands of tiny star-like white flowers, from which the heavenly and enchanting scent was
He stood there, completely enthralled by the glorious smell. “Dama…” he whispered softly.
Wondering, could this be Dama? The noble man sat by the window and waited for his loving, simple wife to
return. But she did not come back. Only the fragrance of the flowers stayed with him, casting a spell over
his entire life.
In the moonlight, Dama of the night, or Dama de Noche would be in full bloom capturing the rihh
Maharlika and ensuring that he never leave her side again.

The word "pampered" in paragraph two has similar meaning with…

a. treated

b. received

c. messed

d. taken

To : All photo lovers

We are pleased to announce a photo contest.

The theme is all about insects. The contest is for students, with the following conditions:
• All contest entries must be original and never been published before
• No photo editing is allowed
• Free of offensive material

The committee will award these prizes:

• First Prize : Certificate, Rp2.000.000, A DSLR camera
• Second Prize : Certificate, Rp1.000.000, a pocket camera
• Third Prize : Certificate, Rp1.000.000,

Send your photos, maximum 10 shots, to:

No later than 2nd May 2018
Your name, age, address and phone number must be included.

For further information, contact:

Melati Class VIIC, Julian Class VIIIF and Ken Class IXA

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Kode Soal

PAKET 1 UN 2018/2019 Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 9 50 Butir 2 jam RTO-

Where do you possibly find this announcement?

a. In a newspaper

b. In a magazine

c. At school

d. At home

To : All photo lovers

We are pleased to announce a photo contest.

The theme is all about insects. The contest is for students, with the following conditions:
• All contest entries must be original and never been published before
• No photo editing is allowed
• Free of offensive material

The committee will award these prizes:

• First Prize : Certificate, Rp2.000.000, A DSLR camera
• Second Prize : Certificate, Rp1.000.000, a pocket camera
• Third Prize : Certificate, Rp1.000.000,

Send your photos, maximum 10 shots, to:

No later than 2nd May 2018
Your name, age, address and phone number must be included.

For further information, contact:

Melati Class VIIC, Julian Class VIIIF and Ken Class IXA

From the text we know that…

a. The theme of the contest is about animals

b. Participants are prohibited to edit their photos

c. The contest winners will be announced on 2nd May 2018

d. All winners receive certificates, trophies and cameras

To : All photo lovers

We are pleased to announce a photo contest.

The theme is all about insects. The contest is for students, with the following conditions:
• All contest entries must be original and never been published before
• No photo editing is allowed
• Free of offensive material

The committee will award these prizes:

• First Prize : Certificate, Rp2.000.000, A DSLR camera
• Second Prize : Certificate, Rp1.000.000, a pocket camera
• Third Prize : Certificate, Rp1.000.000,

Send your photos, maximum 10 shots, to:

No later than 2nd May 2018

Kunci dan pembahasan dapat dilihat dari aplikasi Ruangguru dengan scan QR Code dan input Kode Soal di pojok kanan atas soal.

Follow dan cek ins tagram Ruangguru di @ruangguru untuk mendapatkan Copyright © 2019 Ruangguru hal. 4
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Kode Soal

PAKET 1 UN 2018/2019 Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 9 50 Butir 2 jam RTO-

Your name, age, address and phone number must be included.

For further information, contact:

Melati Class VIIC, Julian Class VIIIF and Ken Class IXA

You like taking pictures. What will you do after reading the announcement?

a. Attend the contest

b. Watch the contest

c. Look at the photos

d. Publish the photos

8. Here are some ways of avoiding those embarrassing moments when you sit back, kick of those shoes
and your friends make a fuss. These techniques are guaranteed to ensure you have the sweetest smelling
trainers around.
1. Tea-bag them! Stuff several unused tea bags into each shoe and then leave for a couple of days.
2. Send the talcum to the rescue! Sprinkle the inside of each trainer with talcum powder.
3. Use tea tree, rose or peppermint oils. Drip a couple of drops of essential oil in the inner soles.
4. Use cat litter! Fill two clean socks with cat litter (ideally some that your car hasn’t already used) and
leave them in your trainers over night!
5. Soften that fabric! Or maybe you could tuck sheets of fabric softener into the bottom of your
trainers, underneath the soled.

Which of the best title for the text above?

a. How to remove shoes odor

b. How to train your shoes

c. How to clean your socks

d. How to wash your shoes

9. Here are some ways of avoiding those embarrassing moments when you sit back, kick of those shoes
and your friends make a fuss. These techniques are guaranteed to ensure you have the sweetest smelling
trainers around.
1. Tea-bag them! Stuff several unused tea bags into each shoe and then leave for a couple of days.
2. Send the talcum to the rescue! Sprinkle the inside of each trainer with talcum powder.
3. Use tea tree, rose or peppermint oils. Drip a couple of drops of essential oil in the inner soles.
4. Use cat litter! Fill two clean socks with cat litter (ideally some that your car hasn’t already used) and
leave them in your trainers over night!
5. Soften that fabric! Or maybe you could tuck sheets of fabric softener into the bottom of your
trainers, underneath the soled.

Which technique uses socks?

a. Tea bag technique

b. Cat litter technique

c. Talcum powder technique

d. Peppermint oil technique

10. Here are some ways of avoiding those embarrassing moments when you sit back, kick of those shoes
and your friends make a fuss. These techniques are guaranteed to ensure you have the sweetest smelling

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Kode Soal

PAKET 1 UN 2018/2019 Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 9 50 Butir 2 jam RTO-

trainers around.
1. Tea-bag them! Stuff several unused tea bags into each shoe and then leave for a couple of days.
2. Send the talcum to the rescue! Sprinkle the inside of each trainer with talcum powder.
3. Use tea tree, rose or peppermint oils. Drip a couple of drops of essential oil in the inner soles.
4. Use cat litter! Fill two clean socks with cat litter (ideally some that your car hasn’t already used) and
leave them in your trainers over night!
5. Soften that fabric! Or maybe you could tuck sheets of fabric softener into the bottom of your
trainers, underneath the soled.

How long do we have to wait for the tea bags to absorb the odor?

a. several days

b. overnight

c. two days

d. two nights

11. Here are some ways of avoiding those embarrassing moments when you sit back, kick of those shoes
and your friends make a fuss. These techniques are guaranteed to ensure you have the sweetest smelling
trainers around.
1. Tea-bag them! Stuff several unused tea bags into each shoe and then leave for a couple of days.
2. Send the talcum to the rescue! Sprinkle the inside of each trainer with talcum powder.
3. Use tea tree, rose or peppermint oils. Drip a couple of drops of essential oil in the inner soles.
4. Use cat litter! Fill two clean socks with cat litter (ideally some that your car hasn’t already used) and
leave them in your trainers over night!
5. Soften that fabric! Or maybe you could tuck sheets of fabric softener into the bottom of your
trainers, underneath the soled.

Which statement is TRUE according to the tips above?

a. We have to sprinkle cat sprinkle cat litter inside the trainers

b. We have to put the fabric-softener into the socks

c. We have to leave the tea-bag for a couple of days

d. We have to drip the inside of each trainer with talcum powder

12. The energy radiation produced by stars radiates into space as electromagnetic radiation and particle
radiation. The particle radiation emitted by a star is manifested as the stellar wind (which exists as a steady
stream of electrically charged particles, such as free protons, alpha particles, and beta particles,
emanating from the star’s outer layers) and a steady stream of neutrinos emanating from the star’s core.
The production of energy at the core is the reason why stars shines so brightly: every time two or
more atomic nuclei of one element fuse together to form an atomic nucleus of a new heavier element,
gamma ray photons are released from the nuclear fusion reaction. This energy is converted to other
forms of electromagnetic energy, including visible light, by the time it reaches the star’s outer layer.
The color of the star, as determined by the peak frequency of the visible light, depends on the
temperature of the star’s outer layers, including its photosphere. Besides visible light, stars also emit
forms of electromagnetic radiation that are invisible to the human eyes. In fact, stellar electromagnetic
radiation spans the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from the longest wave lengths of radio waves and
infrared to the shortest wavelengths of ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays. All components of stellar
electromagnetic radiation, both visible, are typically significant.

Particle radiation could be best described as…

a. a type of energy produced by stars and radiated into the space

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PAKET 1 UN 2018/2019 Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 9 50 Butir 2 jam RTO-

b. part of an electromagnetic radiated by stars

c. the electromagnetic element in the core of a star

d. a particle manifested by wind.

13. The energy radiation produced by stars radiates into space as electromagnetic radiation and particle
radiation. The particle radiation emitted by a star is manifested as the stellar wind (which exists as a steady
stream of electrically charged particles, such as free protons, alpha particles, and beta particles,
emanating from the star’s outer layers) and a steady stream of neutrinos emanating from the star’s core.
The production of energy at the core is the reason why stars shines so brightly: every time two or
more atomic nuclei of one element fuse together to form an atomic nucleus of a new heavier element,
gamma ray photons are released from the nuclear fusion reaction. This energy is converted to other
forms of electromagnetic energy, including visible light, by the time it reaches the star’s outer layer.
The color of the star, as determined by the peak frequency of the visible light, depends on the
temperature of the star’s outer layers, including its photosphere. Besides visible light, stars also emit
forms of electromagnetic radiation that are invisible to the human eyes. In fact, stellar electromagnetic
radiation spans the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from the longest wave lengths of radio waves and
infrared to the shortest wavelengths of ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays. All components of stellar
electromagnetic radiation, both visible, are typically significant.

Which of the following is NOT electrically charged particles?

a. Free protons

b. Alpha particles

c. Outer layer of stars

d. Beta Particles

14. The energy radiation produced by stars radiates into space as electromagnetic radiation and particle
radiation. The particle radiation emitted by a star is manifested as the stellar wind (which exists as a steady
stream of electrically charged particles, such as free protons, alpha particles, and beta particles,
emanating from the star’s outer layers) and a steady stream of neutrinos emanating from the star’s core.
The production of energy at the core is the reason why stars shines so brightly: every time two or
more atomic nuclei of one element fuse together to form an atomic nucleus of a new heavier element,
gamma ray photons are released from the nuclear fusion reaction. This energy is converted to other
forms of electromagnetic energy, including visible light, by the time it reaches the star’s outer layer.
The color of the star, as determined by the peak frequency of the visible light, depends on the
temperature of the star’s outer layers, including its photosphere. Besides visible light, stars also emit
forms of electromagnetic radiation that are invisible to the human eyes. In fact, stellar electromagnetic
radiation spans the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from the longest wave lengths of radio waves and
infrared to the shortest wavelengths of ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays. All components of stellar
electromagnetic radiation, both visible, are typically significant.

According to the text, which of the following is NOT the factor that determines the color of a star?

a. Frequency of a visible light

b. The temperature of the outer layers of a star

c. The core of a star

d. The photosphere of a star

15. The energy radiation produced by stars radiates into space as electromagnetic radiation and particle
radiation. The particle radiation emitted by a star is manifested as the stellar wind (which exists as a steady

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Kode Soal

PAKET 1 UN 2018/2019 Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 9 50 Butir 2 jam RTO-

stream of electrically charged particles, such as free protons, alpha particles, and beta particles,
emanating from the star’s outer layers) and a steady stream of neutrinos emanating from the star’s core.
The production of energy at the core is the reason why stars shines so brightly: every time two or
more atomic nuclei of one element fuse together to form an atomic nucleus of a new heavier element,
gamma ray photons are released from the nuclear fusion reaction. This energy is converted to other
forms of electromagnetic energy, including visible light, by the time it reaches the star’s outer layer.
The color of the star, as determined by the peak frequency of the visible light, depends on the
temperature of the star’s outer layers, including its photosphere. Besides visible light, stars also emit
forms of electromagnetic radiation that are invisible to the human eyes. In fact, stellar electromagnetic
radiation spans the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from the longest wave lengths of radio waves and
infrared to the shortest wavelengths of ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays. All components of stellar
electromagnetic radiation, both visible, are typically significant.

The third paragraph implies that stars produce forms of electromagnetic radiation that…

a. human beings can modify the color of stars

b. are very dangerous for human eyes

c. human eyes determine the color of stars

d. cannot be seen by the human eyes

16. The next artist in this survey of American artist is James Whistler; he is included in this survey of
American artist because he was born in the United States, although the majority of his artwork was
completed in Europe. Whistler was born in Massachusetts in 1834, but nine years later his father moved
the family to St. Petersburg, Russia to work on the construction of a railroad. The family returned to the
United States in 1849. Two years later Whistler entered the U.S. military academy at West Point, but he
was unable to graduate. At the age twenty-one, Whistler went to Europe to study art despite familial
objections and he remained in Europe until his death.
Whistler worked in various art forms, including etchings and lithographs. However, he is most famous
for his paintings, particularly Arrangement in Gray and Black No.1: Portrait of the Artist’s Mother or
Whistler’s Mother, as it is more commonly known. This painting shows a side view of Whistler’s mother,
dressed black and posing against a gray wall. The asymmetrical nature of the portrait, with his mother
seated off-center, is highly characteristic of Whistler’s work.

Which of the following best describes the information in the passage?

a. Several artists are presented

b. One artist’s life and works are described

c. Various paintings are contrasted

d. Whistler’s family life is outlined

17. The next artist in this survey of American artist is James Whistler; he is included in this survey of
American artist because he was born in the United States, although the majority of his artwork was
completed in Europe. Whistler was born in Massachusetts in 1834, but nine years later his father moved
the family to St. Petersburg, Russia to work on the construction of a railroad. The family returned to the
United States in 1849. Two years later Whistler entered the U.S. military academy at West Point, but he
was unable to graduate. At the age twenty-one, Whistler went to Europe to study art despite familial
objections and he remained in Europe until his death.
Whistler worked in various art forms, including etchings and lithographs. However, he is most famous
for his paintings, particularly Arrangement in Gray and Black No.1: Portrait of the Artist’s Mother or
Whistler’s Mother, as it is more commonly known. This painting shows a side view of Whistler’s mother,

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PAKET 1 UN 2018/2019 Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 9 50 Butir 2 jam RTO-

dressed black and posing against a gray wall. The asymmetrical nature of the portrait, with his mother
seated off-center, is highly characteristic of Whistler’s work.

Whistler is considered an American artist because…

a. he was born in America

b. he spent most of his life in America

c. he served in the U.S military

d. he created most of his famous art in America

18. The next artist in this survey of American artist is James Whistler; he is included in this survey of
American artist because he was born in the United States, although the majority of his artwork was
completed in Europe. Whistler was born in Massachusetts in 1834, but nine years later his father moved
the family to St. Petersburg, Russia to work on the construction of a railroad. The family returned to the
United States in 1849. Two years later Whistler entered the U.S. military academy at West Point, but he
was unable to graduate. At the age twenty-one, Whistler went to Europe to study art despite familial
objections and he remained in Europe until his death.
Whistler worked in various art forms, including etchings and lithographs. However, he is most famous
for his paintings, particularly Arrangement in Gray and Black No.1: Portrait of the Artist’s Mother or
Whistler’s Mother, as it is more commonly known. This painting shows a side view of Whistler’s mother,
dressed black and posing against a gray wall. The asymmetrical nature of the portrait, with his mother
seated off-center, is highly characteristic of Whistler’s work.

It is implied in the passage that Whistler’s family was…

a. unable to find any works in Russia

b. not supportive of his desire to pursue art

c. working class

d. military

19. The next artist in this survey of American artist is James Whistler; he is included in this survey of
American artist because he was born in the United States, although the majority of his artwork was
completed in Europe. Whistler was born in Massachusetts in 1834, but nine years later his father moved
the family to St. Petersburg, Russia to work on the construction of a railroad. The family returned to the
United States in 1849. Two years later Whistler entered the U.S. military academy at West Point, but he
was unable to graduate. At the age twenty-one, Whistler went to Europe to study art despite familial
objections and he remained in Europe until his death.
Whistler worked in various art forms, including etchings and lithographs. However, he is most famous
for his paintings, particularly Arrangement in Gray and Black No.1: Portrait of the Artist’s Mother or
Whistler’s Mother, as it is more commonly known. This painting shows a side view of Whistler’s mother,
dressed black and posing against a gray wall. The asymmetrical nature of the portrait, with his mother
seated off-center, is highly characteristic of Whistler’s work.

The statement “Whistler went to Europe to study art despite familial objections…” could be best restated

a. Whistler went to Europe to visit his family

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b. Whistler learnt art in Europe because his family asked him to

c. Although he wasn’t allowed by his family, he still kept learning art in Europe

d. Although he was allowed by his family, he still didn’t want to learn art in Europe


What is the purpose of the text?

a. to persuade the readers to buy a drugs

b. to tell the readers the benefit of consuming a drugs

c. to inform the readers the detail information of drugs

d. to inform the readers the ingredients of drugs

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Which information is NOT included in the label?

a. the best way to keep the drugs

b. the uses of the drugs

c. side effect of the drugs

d. where to buy the drugs

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“temporarily relieves” implies that the drugs…

a. can lessen the pain from certain diseases in certain period of time

b. can lessen the pain of all diseases in certain period of time

c. can heal any disease in certain period of time

d. can be consumed for a long time to heal many diseases

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We should stop consuming the drugs if, EXCEPT…

a. we experience dizziness or nervousness

b. symptoms do not improve in seven days

c. cough comes back and occurs with fever

d. we experience nasal and sinus congestion


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The word venomous is synonymous with….

a. Dangerous

b. Harmful

c. Poisonous

d. Huge


What does the sign mean?

a. We must be careful because there is a dangerous cobra in the area

b. We must be careful because there is a poisonous snake in the area

c. We must be careful when we see a poisonous snake in the area

d. We must be careful to look for a poisonous snake in the area.

26. “Your son will be operated on tomorrow morning. He…….have a good rest tonight”, the doctor said.

a. might

b. can

c. could

d. must

27. Every night the watchman turns on the light and….. around the building every half an hour.

a. Walks

b. is walking

c. to be walking

d. to walk

28. Diana has been sick for two weeks. She was hospitalized a week ago. After getting out of hospital, she
hasn’t been fully recovered. Therefore, doctor suggested her to take medicine……..

a. regularly

b. next week

c. three days ago

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d. seldom

29. Mr. Bowman has a garden full of flowers. His only daughter, Regina,……….the flowers every morning, but
two months ago, she went to study overseas. Now, Mrs. Bowman……..the flowers instead of Regina.

a. used to water, used to watering

b. used to watering, used to water

c. used to water, is used to watering

d. is used to watering, used to water

30. Rina : I’m going to watch Aquaman movie this weekend. Would you like to come along with me?

Dino : It sounds great, but….

a. I have two tickets

b. I have to visit my grandmother at the hospital.

c. I would like to join you

d. I must watch the movie

31. Rina : I’m going to watch Aquaman movie this weekend. Would you like to come along with me?

Dino : It sounds great, but….

According to the dialog above, which statement is NOT correct?

a. Rina plans to watch Aquaman

b. Rina is going to watch Aquaman with Dino

c. Dino wants to watch Aquaman but he can’t

d. Dino is invited by Rina to watch Aquaman together.

32. Rina : What’s the matter Dino? Why do you look so sad?

Dino : My grandmother is sick and she has been hospitalized since yesterday.

Rina : I’m sorry to hear that. ………………………

a. I hope she will get better soon

b. I think you should take a rest

c. I suggest you cheer up forever

d. Congratulations!

33. Rusli : Why are you sneezing?

Sita : I’m allergic to smoke.

Rusli : Oh,……….for causing you such an inconvenience.

a. would you mind

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b. may I be excused

c. I’m terribly sorry

d. Pardon me.

34. Danau Toba or Lake Toba is one of the most popular destinations in Indonesia, especially in
Medan, North Sumatra. Danau Toba is the largest volcanic lake in Indonesia, even in the Southeast Asia.
Which make it more special is taken from the Samosir Island, an Island that settled in the middle of the

Lake Toba is an area of 1,707 km², we can say that this is 1,000 km² bigger than Singapore. It was formed
by a gigantic volcanic, mount Toba, eruption some 70,000 years ago, it is probably the largest resurgent
caldera on Earth. Pulau Samosir or Samosir Island,the island in the middle, is joined to the caldera wall by a
narrow isthmus, which was cut through to enable boats to pass; a road bridge crosses the cutting.
Samosir island is the cultural center of the Batak tribe, the indigenous tribe of North Sumatra.

The eruption of a super volcano (Mount Toba) was estimated to have caused mass death and extinction of
several species of living creatures. It has also led to changes in the earth's weather and the start into the
ice age that affects the world civilization.

Lake Toba is actually more like a sea than a lake considering its size. Therefore, the Lake placed as the
largest lake in Southeast Asia and the second largest in the world after Lake Victoria in Africa. Lake Toba is
also included as the deepest lake in the world, which is approximately 500 meters.

What is the purpose of the text?

a. To persuade people to come to Lake Toba

b. To persuade people to come to Samosir island

c. To inform the description of Lake Toba

d. To inform the description of Samosir island

35. Danau Toba or Lake Toba is one of the most popular destinations in Indonesia, especially in
Medan, North Sumatra. Danau Toba is the largest volcanic lake in Indonesia, even in the Southeast Asia.
Which make it more special is taken from the Samosir Island, an Island that settled in the middle of the

Lake Toba is an area of 1,707 km², we can say that this is 1,000 km² bigger than Singapore. It was formed
by a gigantic volcanic, mount Toba, eruption some 70,000 years ago, it is probably the largest resurgent
caldera on Earth. Pulau Samosir or Samosir Island,the island in the middle, is joined to the caldera wall by a
narrow isthmus, which was cut through to enable boats to pass; a road bridge crosses the cutting.
Samosir island is the cultural center of the Batak tribe, the indigenous tribe of North Sumatra.

The eruption of a super volcano (Mount Toba) was estimated to have caused mass death and extinction of
several species of living creatures. It has also led to changes in the earth's weather and the start into the
ice age that affects the world civilization.

Lake Toba is actually more like a sea than a lake considering its size. Therefore, the Lake placed as the
largest lake in Southeast Asia and the second largest in the world after Lake Victoria in Africa. Lake Toba is
also included as the deepest lake in the world, which is approximately 500 meters.

Based on the text, mount Toba eruption caused the following condition EXCEPT:

a. mass death and extinction of many species of living creatures

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b. changes in earth’s weather and start into ice age

c. the formation of lake Toba

d. lake Toba got deeper

36. Danau Toba or Lake Toba is one of the most popular destinations in Indonesia, especially in
Medan, North Sumatra. Danau Toba is the largest volcanic lake in Indonesia, even in the Southeast Asia.
Which make it more special is taken from the Samosir Island, an Island that settled in the middle of the

Lake Toba is an area of 1,707 km², we can say that this is 1,000 km² bigger than Singapore. It was formed
by a gigantic volcanic, mount Toba, eruption some 70,000 years ago, it is probably the largest resurgent
caldera on Earth. Pulau Samosir or Samosir Island,the island in the middle, is joined to the caldera wall by a
narrow isthmus, which was cut through to enable boats to pass; a road bridge crosses the cutting.
Samosir island is the cultural center of the Batak tribe, the indigenous tribe of North Sumatra.

The eruption of a super volcano (Mount Toba) was estimated to have caused mass death and extinction of
several species of living creatures. It has also led to changes in the earth's weather and the start into the
ice age that affects the world civilization.

Lake Toba is actually more like a sea than a lake considering its size. Therefore, the Lake placed as the
largest lake in Southeast Asia and the second largest in the world after Lake Victoria in Africa. Lake Toba is
also included as the deepest lake in the world, which is approximately 500 meters.

The following statements are FALSE, EXCEPT….

a. Singapore is a thousand times kilometers bigger than Lake Toba

b. Lake Toba isn’t a popular tourist destination in Indonesia

c. Lake Toba is considered as the largest volcanic lake in Southeast Asia

d. We can’t find Bataknese in Samosir Island

37. Danau Toba or Lake Toba is one of the most popular destinations in Indonesia, especially in
Medan, North Sumatra. Danau Toba is the largest volcanic lake in Indonesia, even in the Southeast Asia.
Which make it more special is taken from the Samosir Island, an Island that settled in the middle of the

Lake Toba is an area of 1,707 km², we can say that this is 1,000 km² bigger than Singapore. It was formed
by a gigantic volcanic, mount Toba, eruption some 70,000 years ago, it is probably the largest resurgent
caldera on Earth. Pulau Samosir or Samosir Island,the island in the middle, is joined to the caldera wall by a
narrow isthmus, which was cut through to enable boats to pass; a road bridge crosses the cutting.
Samosir island is the cultural center of the Batak tribe, the indigenous tribe of North Sumatra.

The eruption of a super volcano (Mount Toba) was estimated to have caused mass death and extinction of
several species of living creatures. It has also led to changes in the earth's weather and the start into the
ice age that affects the world civilization.

Lake Toba is actually more like a sea than a lake considering its size. Therefore, the Lake placed as the
largest lake in Southeast Asia and the second largest in the world after Lake Victoria in Africa. Lake Toba is
also included as the deepest lake in the world, which is approximately 500 meters.

From the last paragraph, we can infer that…

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a. Lake Toba comes the second as the largest lake in the world after Lake Victoria

b. Lake Victoria comes the second as the largest lake in the world after Lake Toba

c. Lake Toba is as large as Lake Victoria but lake Toba is deeper

d. Lake Toba is as large as Lake Victoria but Lake Victoria is deeper

38. Danau Toba or Lake Toba is one of the most popular destinations in Indonesia, especially in
Medan, North Sumatra. Danau Toba is the largest volcanic lake in Indonesia, even in the Southeast Asia.
Which make it more special is taken from the Samosir Island, an Island that settled in the middle of the

Lake Toba is an area of 1,707 km², we can say that this is 1,000 km² bigger than Singapore. It was formed
by a gigantic volcanic, mount Toba, eruption some 70,000 years ago, it is probably the largest resurgent
caldera on Earth. Pulau Samosir or Samosir Island,the island in the middle, is joined to the caldera wall by a
narrow isthmus, which was cut through to enable boats to pass; a road bridge crosses the cutting.
Samosir island is the cultural center of the Batak tribe, the indigenous tribe of North Sumatra.

The eruption of a super volcano (Mount Toba) was estimated to have caused mass death and extinction of
several species of living creatures. It has also led to changes in the earth's weather and the start into the
ice age that affects the world civilization.

Lake Toba is actually more like a sea than a lake considering its size. Therefore, the Lake placed as the
largest lake in Southeast Asia and the second largest in the world after Lake Victoria in Africa. Lake Toba is
also included as the deepest lake in the world, which is approximately 500 meters.

The word indigenous in the last sentence of the first paragraph has the closest meaning to…

a. populous

b. native

c. massive

d. marvelous


Where can you probably find this notice?

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a. in a library

b. in a classroom

c. in an office

d. in the headmaster room


What is the notice about?

a. Rules for all students in a classroom

b. Rules for all students in a school

c. The punishments for all students who break the rules in a classroom

d. The punishments for all students who break the rules in a school


From the notice, it can be concluded that the teacher is….

a. clever and kind

b. clever and assertive

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c. strict and assertive

d. kind and strict


Nina is a student. She failed the exam and she read the notice. What is Nina supposed to do?

a. Studying harder and asking for friend’s help

b. Studying harder and asking for the teacher’s help

c. Leaving the excuses at the door

d. Admitting it to the teacher.

43. November 2nd 2018

Regina Sihombing
Sahardjo Street
Jakarta Selatan

Dear Ms. Regina,

It is with great concern that I address an incident you experienced with our customer service department.
After hearing of this issue, I would like to make an apology on behalf of our company. We are taking all the
necessary steps to make sure that this type of problem does not happen again.

It is our policy to refund or return any products that you are not completely satisfied with. I regret that
this was not made clear to you when you called our customer service department.

Our company values all of our customers and any feedback that is provided. Please feel free to contact
me personally to discuss any concerns that you may have in the future. We look forward to continuing
our relationship with you and hope that we can serve you once again.


Head Manager
Head Manager

Why does the head manager write the letter?

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a. To apologize to a customer for a damaged package

b. To apologize to a customer for a missing package

c. To apologize to a customer for unsatisfying service of the store’s customer service

d. To apologize to a customer for unsatisfying service of the head manager

44. November 2nd 2018

Regina Sihombing
Sahardjo Street
Jakarta Selatan

Dear Ms. Regina,

It is with great concern that I address an incident you experienced with our customer service department.
After hearing of this issue, I would like to make an apology on behalf of our company. We are taking all the
necessary steps to make sure that this type of problem does not happen again.

It is our policy to refund or return any products that you are not completely satisfied with. I regret that
this was not made clear to you when you called our customer service department.

Our company values all of our customers and any feedback that is provided. Please feel free to contact
me personally to discuss any concerns that you may have in the future. We look forward to continuing
our relationship with you and hope that we can serve you once again.


Head Manager
Head Manager

What will the company do with the unsatisfying product?

a. Apologize to the customer

b. Check the product

c. Resend the product

d. Refund or return the product

45. November 2nd 2018

Regina Sihombing
Sahardjo Street
Jakarta Selatan

Dear Ms. Regina,

It is with great concern that I address an incident you experienced with our customer service department.
After hearing of this issue, I would like to make an apology on behalf of our company. We are taking all the
necessary steps to make sure that this type of problem does not happen again.

It is our policy to refund or return any products that you are not completely satisfied with. I regret that
this was not made clear to you when you called our customer service department.

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Our company values all of our customers and any feedback that is provided. Please feel free to contact
me personally to discuss any concerns that you may have in the future. We look forward to continuing
our relationship with you and hope that we can serve you once again.


Head Manager
Head Manager

In which paragraph does the writer show her regret and sorry?

a. 1 and 2

b. 2 and 3

c. 1 and 3

d. 1, 2, and 3

46. Rearrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!

1. Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel.
2. She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her.
3. Then the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.
4. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away quickly from this net.
5. Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out his net towards the dove,
hoping to trap it in this way.
6. One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking around for a moment, she came to a
7. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree and dropped it
immediately into the water near the struggling ant.
8. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and
fell unintentionally into the water.

a. 6-8-2-7-3-1-5-4

b. 6-8-2-7-3-5-1-4

c. 6-8-7-2-3-1-4-5

d. 6-8-7-2-3-5-1-4

47. Rearrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!

1. When you finish using the modem, open the modem program again and click ‘exit, then remove
your modem from the modem slot.
2. Finally turn off your PC.
3. First, turn on your PC.
4. Choose one of the internet browser programs and type the web address you want.
5. Next, click ‘connect’ in the modem program. If the blue light in the modem is on, this means that the
modem is connected and you can start working with it.
6. Then insert your modem into the slot.
7. After that, install your modem in the program.

a. 3-6-7-5-4-2-1

b. 3-6-7-5-2-4-1

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c. 3-6-7-5-4-1-2

d. 3-6-7-4-5-1-2

48. My Grandpa’s Funeral in Toraja

Last month my family and I went to Toraja to attend Grandpa’s funeral. It was my first time to go to such
a ceremony. We gathered there with our kin in the ceremony.
Overall, the ceremony was quite elaborate. It took about a week. Several days before the ceremony was
done, grandpa’s body was kept in a series of houses arranged in a circular row (48)…… an open field
called Tongkonan. His corpse was dressed in a fine wearing.
The funeral was held in two phases. First, we slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes, and then moved the
corpse to face north. In this ceremony we wore black clothes. After that, the corpse (49) …. in a
sandalwood coffin. Then, it was brought out of the house and placed on an open platform beneath the
granary. Meanwhile, my uncle, my brother, and I prepared the wooden puppet and a funeral tower called
Lakian. The next phase of the ceremony was held in this place. The coffin is borne from the house and
placed in the Lakian. During the day, there were also buffalo matches. They were great matches. In the
night, we were feasting, chanting, and dancing.
On the last day, the grandpa’s coffin were lowered from the funeral tower and brought up to the
mountain side family graveyard. It was followed by great shouting and excitement from the relatives and
the guests. Finally, we installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony where other puppets representing
the members of a whole family were already there. The funeral ceremonies made my family and me tired.
(50)……, we were grateful because it ran smoothly.

a. at

b. during

c. around

d. for

49. My Grandpa’s Funeral in Toraja

Last month my family and I went to Toraja to attend Grandpa’s funeral. It was my first time to go to such
a ceremony. We gathered there with our kin in the ceremony.
Overall, the ceremony was quite elaborate. It took about a week. Several days before the ceremony was
done, grandpa’s body was kept in a series of houses arranged in a circular row (48)…… an open field
called Tongkonan. His corpse was dressed in a fine wearing.
The funeral was held in two phases. First, we slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes, and then moved the
corpse to face north. In this ceremony we wore black clothes. After that, the corpse (49) …. in a
sandalwood coffin. Then, it was brought out of the house and placed on an open platform beneath the
granary. Meanwhile, my uncle, my brother, and I prepared the wooden puppet and a funeral tower called
Lakian. The next phase of the ceremony was held in this place. The coffin is borne from the house and
placed in the Lakian. During the day, there were also buffalo matches. They were great matches. In the
night, we were feasting, chanting, and dancing.
On the last day, the grandpa’s coffin were lowered from the funeral tower and brought up to the
mountain side family graveyard. It was followed by great shouting and excitement from the relatives and
the guests. Finally, we installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony where other puppets representing
the members of a whole family were already there. The funeral ceremonies made my family and me tired.
(50)……, we were grateful because it ran smoothly.

a. was taken

b. was placed

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c. was held

d. was done

50. My Grandpa’s Funeral in Toraja

Last month my family and I went to Toraja to attend Grandpa’s funeral. It was my first time to go to such
a ceremony. We gathered there with our kin in the ceremony.
Overall, the ceremony was quite elaborate. It took about a week. Several days before the ceremony was
done, grandpa’s body was kept in a series of houses arranged in a circular row (48)…… an open field
called Tongkonan. His corpse was dressed in a fine wearing.
The funeral was held in two phases. First, we slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes, and then moved the
corpse to face north. In this ceremony we wore black clothes. After that, the corpse (49) …. in a
sandalwood coffin. Then, it was brought out of the house and placed on an open platform beneath the
granary. Meanwhile, my uncle, my brother, and I prepared the wooden puppet and a funeral tower called
Lakian. The next phase of the ceremony was held in this place. The coffin is borne from the house and
placed in the Lakian. During the day, there were also buffalo matches. They were great matches. In the
night, we were feasting, chanting, and dancing.
On the last day, the grandpa’s coffin were lowered from the funeral tower and brought up to the
mountain side family graveyard. It was followed by great shouting and excitement from the relatives and
the guests. Finally, we installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony where other puppets representing
the members of a whole family were already there. The funeral ceremonies made my family and me tired.
(50)……, we were grateful because it ran smoothly.

a. though

b. although

c. or

d. However

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Petunjuk pengerjaan :

1. Pilih satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada huruf (A/B/C/D) pada lembar jawaban.
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