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 Immunity is the ability of an individual host to resists development of disease
and allergy even after having received infective dose of pathogen with
complete virulence and the various allergens.
 Immune system is the system of animal body which protects it from various
pathogens / infectious agents / allergens and cancer
 Immunology is the science of development of immunity against particular
pathogen or allergen
 The foundation of science of immunology were laid by three workers:
(i) Edward Jenner ( 1796)
A risky inoculation of small pox pustule through a scratch on vein was
performed in Turkey and other eastern countries. Jenner noticed that milk
– maids did not suffer from small pox though they did develop similar
scabs of cowpox. He transferred the material from the scab of milkmaid
sarah Nelmes to a young boy of eight years James Phipps. Later he
inoculated the boy with live small pox material. The disease did not
appear. The procedure was tried on other with equal success. Jenner also
coined the term vaccine. He is regarded as father of immunology
(ii) Louis Pasteur ( 1879)
Developed the technique of weakening or attenuation of pathogen as
heat, cold or starvation for preparation of vaccine
(iii) Von Behring ( 1891)
He discovered the technique of passive immunization by injecting of
diphtheria pathogen into sheep and preparing serum from its blood after
some time
 The agents which invite action of immune system are micro organism, their
products certain food items, chemicals, drugs, pollen and pollutants. Body
defense system or immunity is of two basic types, non-specific or innate and
specific / acquired


 It is natural defense system of the body with an individual is born and which is
always available to protect the body against various types of discomfort
causing environmental agents. This is done by having barriers to prevent entry
of foreign agents and dispose of them as soon as they enter the body. Non
specific body defense does not involve antigenic recognition. It is also called
innate inborn, familial or natural immunity.
 There are number of components of innate immunity anatomic, physiological,
phagocytic, inflammatory, natural killer cells and complement system. The
anatomic and physiological barriers constitute the first line of body defense.
Phagocytic barriers, inflammatory barriers, natural killer cells and complement
system constitute second line of body defense
 Innate immunity or non-specific body defense is only defense for most
animals and plants.
(1) Anatomic / physical barrier : These don not allow foreign agents and
pathogens to enter the body
(i) Skin : Keratinised dead outer cells of horny layer, do not allow entry of
pathogen in body. Oil from sebaceous glands and sweat from sudoriferous
glands make the skin acidic with pH 3-5, and possess bactericidal as well as
fungicidal properties
(ii) Nostril hair: They filter out dust and micro –organism from inhaled air
(iii) External friendly microorganisms/ friendly bacteria : Many friendly
bacteria live on skin, produce acids and secrete chemicals harmful to
(iv) Mucous membrane: They line digestive, respiratory and urinogenital tracts
so as to prevent of entry of germs into body tissues.
(v) Mucus and cilia : Mucous membrane of the nasal tract possesses cilia for
pushing back dust and germs. It also secretes mucus for trapping and
killing them
(vi) Internal Friendly microorganism: They occur in intestine and vagina.
Intestinal microorganisms secrete chemicals harmful to other microbes.
Bacteria present in vagina secrete lactic acid for keeping it free from other
(2) Physiological Barriers : They are barriers related to body temperature, pH and
chemical of body secretions which inhibits growth of pathogens.
(i) Fever : Thee is rising of body temperature due to toxins released by
pathogens and pyrogens produced by leucocytes. Fever stimulates
phagocytosis and inhibits growth of many pathogens
(ii) External secretions: Sweat, oil and secretions of external friendly
bacteria are acidic to prevent growth of many pathogens.
(iii) Lysozyme: It is a bacteriolytic enzyme present in sweat, tears, saliva
and mucus lysozymes bring about hydrolysis / break down of bacterial
cell walls
(iv) Activity of stomach : HCl of gastric juice kills most of microorganism
ingested with food and drinks.
(v) Bile : It does not allow growth of micro-organisms

(vi) Cerumen ( ear wax) : It is secretion of ceruminous glands present in
external auditory canal cerumen traps dust particles, kills bacteria and
repels insects.
(vii) Interferons : They are glycoproteins which are produced in small
amount of certain kinds of cells ( wbc, NKC, fibroblasts, epithelial )
when infected with virus. Interferons make the surrounding cells
resistant to viral infection. Interferons were discovered by Isaac and
Lindemann ( 1957). They are used in treatment of certain cancers,
hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, oscteoporsis, influenza etc
(3) Phagocytic Barriers
Phagoctosis is carried out by leucocytes and macrophages. The act as soldiers
of defense and scavengers of the body. Phagocytic leucocytes are neutropils
and monocytes. They come out of blood capillaries through diapedesis, engulf
and digest most of the microorganisms.
Macrophages are modified monocytes. They are large phagocytic cells of two
types – fixed ( inside lymph nodes, spleen, liver, bone marrow) and wandering
( connective tissue). They constitute reticulo-endothelial system macrophages
of liver are present along sinusoids and called Kupffer’s cells. Macrophages
attack germ and inorganic substances that happen to enter tissues and engulf
then. Pus may collect. Puss is a thick liquid formed in the region of wound and
is composed of tissue fluid, damaged body cells, dead phagocytes, some
leucocytes and microorganisms
(4) Inflammatory Barrier
Inflammation is reaction of living tissues to injury, irritation or infection which
is characterized by pain, swelling, redness or heat. Inflammatory response can
be localized ( area of injury or infection) or systemic ( whole body). The injured
region attack mast cell ( histamocytes) of connective tissue and basophils of
blood. They release prostaglandins and histamine. Histamine dilates blood
capillaries and other small blood vessels. Therefore, more blood flows into the
area of injury making it red and warm. Histamine also makes fine blood vessel
permeable, lowers blood pressure and allows greater leakage of phagocytes
allows destruction of microorganism. Plasma contains serum proteins with
antimicrobial activity. Accumulation of tissue fluid causes swelling and dilution
of toxins produced by pathogens.
(5) Natural killer cells (NKC)
They are small lymphocytes / cells of immune system which are specialized to
kill virus infected and tumor cells. Killer cells produce perforins. The latter
produce pores in the plasma membrane of the target cells. Water enters the

perforated cells. They swell up and burst. Cellular remains are then cleared by
(6) Complement system
It is a system of thirty proteins which participate in both innate and acquired
immunities in cascade fission for protecting the individual from pathogens.
Many of the proteins of complement system function as enzyme precursors.
In acquired immunity the system becomes active in response to antigen –
antibody complex. It is also called classical pathway. In innate immunity, the
complement system is activated directly in response to bacterial endotoxins,
microbial polysaccharides, cell wall and other components of invading the
microorganisms. It is called alternate pathway as well as properdin system.
The pathway helps in dealing with invading microorganisms even before a
person becomes sensitized against them, certain proteins of this system
cleave and form two components, membrane attack complex and biologically
active fragments. Membrane attack complex functions as lytic complex which
produces trans membrane pores in the microbes. The latter burst and die.
Biologically active fragments produce opsonins, anaphylotoxins and
chemotactic factors. They form a coat over the invading microbes and attract
phagocytes ( neutrophils and macrophages) for engulfing them. Complement
system also causes agglutination of microbes, neutralization of viruses,
activation of mast cells and basophils and has some direct inflammatory


 It is immunity obtained during the life of an individual against a particular

microorganisms due to previous infection vaccination or inoculation of
antiserum. Specific body defense is also called acquired adaptive or specific
immunity. This type of immunity occurs only in vertebrates. It supplements
protection provided by innate or inborn immunity. However it takes a few to
several days to become effective. Acquired immunity is also called third line of
body defense.
 It has four unique characteristics:
(i) Specificity – It is a specific for each type of pathogen.
(ii) Diversity – Acquired or adaptive immunity can develop against all the
diverse type of pathogens their toxins and other molecules
(iii) Discrimination between self and nonself – It can differentiate foreign ( non
self) and body ( self) cells and molecules. Only the foreign or nonself
materials are attacked

(iv) Memory – The first encounter between the specific foreign agent or
microbe and the body’s immune response but also memory of this
encounter. Because of it a second encounter with the same microbe brings
about quicker and heightened response.
 Acquired immunity or specific body defense is of two type
i) Active (acquired) immunity
This involves the active functioning of the person’s own immune system
leading to the synthesis of antibodies and / or production of immunologically
active cells
Active immunity is produced by clonal selection and expansion. This occurs
because interaction of an antigen with its receptors on the lymphocytes
surface stimulates cell division, so that more lymphocytes are available to
combat subsequent exposures to the same antigen
Clonal selection lead to the eventual production of :
(i) A pool of antibody – secreting plasma cells plasma cells are B-cells that
have booled up ( forming a large endoplasmic reticulum) for massive
synthesis and secretion of an antibody. The antibody is the secreted
version of the BCB ( B-cell receptors for antigen)
(ii) A pool of ‘ memory ‘ cell – These are B lymphocytes with receptors of
the same specificity as those on the original activated B cell
ii) Passive ( acquired ) immunity
- Immunity is said to be passive when antibodies produced in other organisms
are injected into a person who already has potential antigen in his body.
Passive immunity is developed to counteract snake venom, rabies, tetanus
toxin and salmonella infection
 An antigen or immunogen is any foreign substances like protein or
polysaccharide present in the external coating of pathogen, toxin of pathogen,
white egg, feathers, constituent of vegetable, fruit, meat, drug chemical,
tissue or organ transplant which induces the immune system to produce
antibodies. Sites over the antigens that are recognized by antibodies and
receptors found on B and T cells are called antigen determinants ( epitope).
An antigen may have one to several types of antigen determinants
 Antibodies are glycoproteins which are of innumerable types, each specific to
specific antigen. They occur in blood plasma as gamma-globulins or
immunoglobulines (Ig). About 20% of plasma proteins are antibodies, each
antibody consists of four polypeptides, two long heavy or H chains and two
short, light or L-chains. They are held together in a Y-shaped configurations.
Long H-chains are present throughout while short L-chains are restricted to

the two arms. The tips of the two arms posses a specific architecture that fits
over the antigen determinant in a lock and key fashion to form antigen-
antibody complex. The antigen binding fragment (Fab) of arms is called
variable or V-region while the stem and basal parts of arms of antibody form
constant or crystalline fragment (Fc). The latter determines diffusivity and
adherence of the antibody


 IgA: Called secretory immunoglobulin because it is present in all body

secretions including colostrum and mother’s milk. Functions as first line of
defense against inhaled and ingested pathogens by activating alternate
pathway of complement system.
 IgD: Along with IgM occurs over B-lymphocytes as antigen receptors activation
of B-cells, also present in serum tissue and effective against toxins and
 IgE : Present in mucous membranes, skin and lungs. Attaches to mast cells and
basophils for releasing histamine and other substances that mediate
hypersensitive response to allergens.
 IgG : Constitue 75% of total Ig, present in call body parts including milk and
can pass through placenta providing passive immunity to neonates, stimulates
complement system and phagocytes against toxins, fungi, viruses and bacteria

 IgM : Largest Ig with 10 binding sites, activates B-cells over which it is present
along with IgD, also first to reach the site of infection and activate classical
pathway of complement system.


 Immunity system contains antibodies, specific cells, tissues and lymphoid

organs. It takes part in recognition of foreign antigens, eliminates them and
keeps a memory of the same. It has also a role in allergies, autoimmunity and
organ transplantation.
 Immune system has two components humoral and cell mediated.

Humoral Immune System or antibody mediated immune response ( AMIR)

- Antibody – mediated immunity is associated with the appearance of

antibodies, secreted by cells of the B-lymphocyte series, in extra cellular fluids
such as plasma, lymph and external secretions.
- The AMIR defends the body against
a) Some viruses.
b) Bacteria with polysaccharide capsule.
c) Toxins that enter the body fluids ( blood and lymph).
- When antibodies on a B cell’s surface bind antigens, the B cell is activated and
divides producing a clone of daughter B Cells. The daughter cell specialize into
plasma B cells and memory B cells
- The plasma B cells are antibody factories. The antibodies pass into and
circulate in three lymph to dispose of the antigens. For this, the antibodies
selectively bind to the antigens forming antigen – antibody complexes to
destroy the antigen. Each person can make 10 7 to 108 different kinds of
antibody molecules so that there is an antibody molecules, so that there is an
antibody on a B cells to fit any antigen
- The plasma cells do not migrate to the site of infection and act through a fluid
( lymph). Hence they are said to form humoral immune system ( L. humor =
liquid). The B – lymphocytes are short lived and are replaced every few days
from the bone marrow
- The memory B cells live for a long time and serve to quickly dispose off the
antigens in case re-infection of the same virus or bacterium occurs.
- The antibiotics bind to their specific antigens an inactivate the invading
microorganism or foreign molecules so that these are conveniently disposed
of by the pathogen.
- The antibodies fight the antigene in five different ways
(i) Neutralization – some antibodies neutralize the antigens termed toxins
and make them ineffective. They are called antitoxins. The phagocytes
dispose off the neutralized antigen – antibody complexes
(ii) Agglutination – Certain antibodies causes the particulate antigen to
stick together in clumps, thus immobilizing then for easy disposal by
the phagocytes through ingestion. They are termed agglcutinins.
(iii) Opsonziation – Other antibodies coat the surface of the microbes and
make them more susceptible to phagocytosis. Such antibodies are
known as opsonin
(iv) Precipitation – other antibodies combine with the antigens to form
precipitates that are easily ingested by phagocytes
(v) Complement activation – Antibody antigen complexes activate
complement protein which may –
a) Lyse cell walls of bacteria, causing their disintegration.
b) Incite inflammatory response.
c) Opsonize antigen.
d) Attract phagocytes to area of infection.

Cell mediated immunity / Action of T cells

- T cells are long – lived cells which have upto 100,000 receptors sites on their
surface for binding antigens. The cells develop antigen specificity through
previous contact. They are often called competent lymphocytes. The latter
respond to specific antigen by forming a clone of cells. The cells then
differentiate into following types
1. Cytotoxic or killer T-cells : The cells reach the site of infection or agglutination
and get attached to antigen containing microorganisms. They secrete
perforins that produce holes in the attached cells. The killer T cells then pass
toxic chemicals into attached cell for killing the same. Afterwards they move
away for attacking new antigen containing cells. Killer T cells attack virus,
invaded cells, cancer cells and cells of transplanted organs. They also destroy
helper T cells when the latter are invaded by HIV. AIDS is due to deficiency of
helper T cells. The killed cells are removed by phagocytes
2. Helper T cells : They constitute more than 75% of total T- cells. They regulate
immune functions by secreting lymphokines. Interleukin-2 has positive
feedback system for helper T cells, stimulates growth and proliferation of
other T cells. Interleukin-4,5 and 6 stimulate B lymphocytes macrophages are
attracted to the site of infection and stimulated to phagocytosis by

3. Suppressor T cells : The cells act as negative feedback and keep the activity of
other T-cells under check. This protects the body tissues and chemicals from
attack of phagocytes and their antibodies
4. Memory T cells : They are sensitized T Cells which retain memory of antigen
specificity for future. Sometimes lifelong. Other T Cells are amplifier T cells,
killer, helper and suppressive T-cells are also called effectors cells.


 They are lymphocytes and antigen presenting cells like macrophages. A

healthy human has about a trillion lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are of two
types, T-layphocytes ( T-cells) and B-lymphocytes ( B-cells). Both of them
develop in bone marrow from lymphatic system cells by the process called
haematopoiesis, some of the young lymphocytes migrate into thymus for
preprocessing. They are called T-lymphocytes. Afterwards they pass on to all
the lumphoid tissues of the body and get lodged there. The other types of
lymphocytes remain in the bone marrow and get preprocessed there. They
are called B lymphocytes because in birds they are preprocessed in lymphoid
diverticulum of cloaca called bursa of Fabricius. After being preprocessed B
lymphocytes also migrate to all the lymphoid tissue of the body where they
reside near but separate from T-lymphocytes
 MHC / HLA molecules ( HLA antigen )
Polymorphic molecules call MHC class I are present on most body cells,
Another group of molecules, , MHC class II, occur over professional antigen
presenting cells. They bind to peptide antigen producing MHC antigen
complex. The same is present to CD4 and CD8 T-cells respectively
 Activation of adaptive / acquired immunity
An antigen is processed by antigen presenting cells like macrophages and B-
lymphocytes. A type of T-cells ( T-helper cells) interacts with presented
antigen and becomes activated. The activated T-cells not only form a clone of
T-cells but also B-lymphocytes.


 Formation of a clone of cells by each activated T-lymphocyte and antibody

producing plasma cells by activated B-lymphocyte, each exhibiting the
specificity for the same antigen is called clonal selection. The cells are of
course of more than one type and perform different functions. One type of
cloned lymphocyte do not function as effector cells but instead develop into
long lived memory cells.

 Primary immune response is the first immune response developed during the
first encounter with the antigen. It is feeble but relatively longer
 Secondary immune response is quick heightened immune response against a
subsequent encounter with some antigen. It is due to the presence of memory
cells against that antigen. A person having caught chicken pox or measles only
becomes immune to subsequent attack of the pathogen due to it.


 They are those organs having lymphatic tissues where maturation and
proliferation of lymphocytes occur. The sites where T-lymphocytes and B-
lymphocytes mature and develop antigen specific receptors are called primary
lymphoid organs viz. thymus for T-lymphocytes. And bone marrow for B-
 Secondary lymphoid organs are those organs having lymphatic tissues where
B and T-cells are settled after maturation and where they undergo
proliferation / differentiation on being activated by specific antigens e.g.
lymph nodes, spleen and tonsils, MALT is mucosal lymphoid associated tissue.
It constitutes more than 50% of the total lymphoid tissue.


 Immunization is phenomenon of increasing specific antibody production and

development of memory B and T cells against the potential attack of a
pathogen. It is carried out through vaccination and injection of antiserum.
When an immunized person is attacked by the pathogen, the existing
antibodies immediately attack the antigen while the memory T and B cells give
rise to a massive crop of lymphocytes and antibodies.
 Vaccination is a process of inoculation of harmless antigenic material into
healthy person for providing active acquired immunity against the disease. A
single vaccination against the disease. A single vaccination may not give
adequate immunity. Therefore 2-3 booster doses of vaccine are administered
later on at specific intervals. Vaccine is suspension / extract of weakened
attenuated dead germs or antigen containing compound of pathogens which
when injected into healthy person provides active acquired immunity to the
 Now vaccines are also available for diphtheria, cholera, typhoid, whooping
cough, tetanus, tuberculosis, plague, measles, mumps and polio. The cells

infected with cancer causing viruses usually show on their surface to the virus.
This has led to the first successful immunization against cancer in cats and
chickens. Unfortunately, efforts to produce antibodies to cancers not caused
by virus have had very little success
 Many serious infectious diseases also have no effective vaccines. These
include malaria, trypanosomiasis and AIDS
 In India, vaccines are generally produced at Hoffkins Institute at Mumbai and
Virus Institute at Pune
 National Institute of Immunology ( NII), New Delhi is involved in the
production of antifertility vaccine kits to detect pregnancy and infectious
disease etc.


AUTOIMMUNITY ( Auto immune diseases)

 Auto immunity is an abnormal immune response against self antigens. When

the cell acts as antigens in the same body then they are called autoantigens
 The nature of auto immune diseases depends on the autoantigens involved.
For example, if the autoantigens are RBC then the body destroys its own RBCs,
resulting in chromic anemic, if the autoantigens are muscle cells then it results
in the destruction of its own muscles resulting in severe weakness (
myasthenia gravis); if the autoantigens are liver cells, then it results in chronic
hepatitis, etc. Other autoimmune diseases are insulin dependent diabetes,
Addison’s disease, ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis

ALLERGY ( Hypersensitivity)

 Allergy is the inappropriate immune response of person to harmless

substances coming in contact with the body or entering the body from the
environment or in food or in medicine
 The substances which causes allergic reaction are called allergens. They are
generally weak antigens. The common allergens are dust, dust mites, cat,
pollen, feathers, fur, venom etc.
 Allergic reaction depends on the nature of the allergen. The common allergic
reactions are inflammation of mucous membrane, sneezing, gasping, running
of eyes, irritation of upper respiratory tract, itching, skin rash
 Allergy involves mainly IgE antibodies and histamine. It causes marked dilation
of all the peripheral blood vessels and the capillaries becomes highly

permeable so that large amounts of fluid leak out from the blood into tissues.
The blood pressure decreases drastically often resulting in the death of the
individual within a short time
 Hay fever : In this allergic form, there is swollen, reddened, running eyes and
nose. The drugs called antihistamines are of major importance in treatment.
 Asthma: The tissue surrounding the respiratory tubes in the lungs swell up and
compress the tubes. Hence there is difficulty in breathing. Antihistamine drugs
are also given in this disease


Severe combined immune deficiency ( SCID)

 Severe combined immunodeficiency ( SCID) represents a group of rare,

sometimes fatal congential disorders characterized by little or no immune
 It is a defect in the specialized white blood cells ( B and T-lymphocytes)
 Without a functional immune system, SCID patients are susceptible to
recurrent infections such as pneumonia, meningitis and chicken pox. Though
invasive, new treatment such as bone marrow and stem cells transplantation
save as many as 80% of SCID patients.
 Sometimes new born children are without T-cells and B-cells. These children
are susceptible to various infections
 SCID is caused by a defect in the gene that codes for the enzyme adenosine
deaminase on chromosome number 20. Lack of the enzyme adenosine
deaminase (ADA). Means that the substrate for this enzyme accumulate in the
cells. Immature lymphoid cells of the immune system are particularly sensitive
to the toxic effects of these unused substrates, so fail to reach maturity.
 As a result, the immune system of the afflicted individual is severely
compromised or completely lacking. Lack of this enzyme makes the body
defenseless against infections.
 SCID is the first genetic disorder to be combated with gene therapy.

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome ( AIDS)

 AIDS is a disorder of cell mediated immune system of the body. There is a

reduction in the number of helper T-cells which stimulate antibody production
of B-cells. This results in loss of natural defense against viral infection
 AIDS infection were detected in India for the first time in prostitutes of
Chennai in 1986.

 Virus responsible for AIDS was identified and named HIV

AIDS virus – HIV

- HIV virus belong to the retrovirus family, a family of single stand RNA viruses
distinguished by possession of viral reverse transcriptase that transcribes viral
RNA into provirus DNA which is integrated into the host cell genome.
- HIV is 100 to 140 nm in diameter, has a cylindrical core, single-stranded linear
RNA and reverse transcriptase enzyme surrounded by glycoprotein coat,
double lipid membrane and two protein coats
- Virus of AIDS was isolated and identified in green monkey by Prof. Luc
Montagnier in France in 1983 and almost the same time by Prof Robert Gallo
in USA ( 1984 )
- HIV is subdivided into two distantly related types, HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is
the predominant world wide isolated from individuals with AIDS or at high
risks for the development of AIDS. HIV-2 is endemic among people in west


- HIV -1 and HIV-2 differ in their ability to cause disease and their geographical
- Both, HIV-1 and HIV-2, cause the body to produce antibodies with three to six
months, although the period between initial infection and illness may be
longer in case of HIV-2
- The incubation period of HIV is 15 -57 months. Average incubation period is 28


- AIDS is transmitted only by a constant of infected cells containing blood of a

patient with the blood of a healthy person as in:
(i) Unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected person
(ii) Use of contaminated needles and syringes to inject drugs or vaccines.
(iii) Use of contaminated razors for shaving

(iv) Use of infected blood or blood product for transfusion
(v) Organ transplant
(vi) Parturition from mother to baby due to rupturing of blood vessels
- The sexual rout of transmission accounts for over 75% of infections
- AIDS can not be acquired by
i) Insect bites
ii) Crowded transport
iii) Shaking hands
iv) Sharing towels
v) Coughing and sneezing
vi) Kissing and embracing
vii) Sharing utilities

Signs and symptoms of AIDS

- People infected with AIDS virus remain apparently well even after infection.
They may not show any physical symptoms of illness for a long time
- When the AIDS virus enters the blood stream it begins to attack certain white
blood vessels and antibodies. These antibodies can be detected by a specific
blood test usually two weeks to three months after infection.
- In some people, the protective immune system may be destroyed by the virus
and then other germs that ordinarily do not attack cause opportunistic disease
to infect and destroy the body.
- Opportunistic infections occur during the last phase of HIV, which can occur
up to 10 to 11 years after the infection. These infections are described as AIDS
related complex (ARC)
- AIDS virus may attack nervous system causing damage to the brain resulting in
memory loss and other neurological disorders.
- Some early signs may be persistent cough and fever associated with difficulty
in breathing.
- Certain cancers
- Tuberculosis
- A typical pneumonia by fungus pneumocystis carinii
- Brain damage
- Night sweats and tiredness
- Swollen lymph nodes and fever
- Weight loss, chronic diarrhea that last for more than one week, loss of
appetite and lack of resistance to infection.

Diagnostic test

- HIV is diagnosed by testing the blood for the presence of antibodies to the
- ELISA ( Enzyme -linked immunosorbent assay) screening test is the initial one.
The test works by detecting antibodies, substances, proteins which are
produced in the blood, when the virus is present.
- Western blot test will confirm the result of repeated test through detection of
HIV proteins.
- Viral load test measures the amount of virus in the blood which will help in
determining the probable progression of the disease


- However, no specific treatment has been found so far, and the mortality from
AIDS is virtually 100%
- A combination of three and more antiretroviral agents, called triple therapy or
highly active anti-retroviral theory ( HAART ), has been highly effective in
reducing the number of HIV particles in blood stream though HAART is not
cure for HIV.


- The following steps may help in controlling this dreaded disease:

i) People should be educated about AIDS transmission, advantage of
ii) Disposable needles and syringes should be used
iii) High risk group should be refrain from donating blood
iv) Sexual habits should be changed
v) Before receiving blood, ensure that it has been screened for HIV
vi) While getting dental treatment, insist on the use of thoroughly
sterilized equipment.
- December 1 is celebrated every year as the world AIDS Day.


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