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Design Principles of RF and Microwave Filters and Amplifiers

Solution to Assignment-4: Design of Low noise, Broadband and Power Amplifier

Q1. The scattering matrix and noise parameters of a transistor at 1 GHz(50Ω) are-
Fmin = 2.5dB
0.66 −1700 0.056 160
Γopt = 0.56 1450
2.06 300 0.506 −950
RN = 5Ω

a. Determine the maximum available gain GA,max

b. Determine the noise figure, if the transistor is used in an amplifier designed for GA,max

The maximum available power gain will be equal to the maximum transducer gain if the transistor
is unconditionally stable. The stability of the transistor can be checked from the Rollet’s stability
criteria. According to the criteria,

1 − |S11 |2 − |S22 |2 + |△|2

2|S12 S21 |
1 − 0.6 − 0.52 + 0.252
2 × 2 × 0.05
= 2.16 > 1

where, △ = (S11 S22 − S12 S21 ) = (0.66 −1700 × 0.56 −950 − (26 300 × 0.056 160 ) = −0.1 + j0.23 =
0.256 113.50
Therefore, the transistor network passes the Rollet’s stability criteria and it is potentially unstable.
So, the maximum transducer gain

|S21 |2 1 − |Γl |2
GT,max = GA,max =
1 − |Γs |2 |1 − S22 Γl |2
√ √
B1 ± B22 −4|C1 |2 B2 ± B22 −4|C2 |2
Where Γs = 2C1
and Γl = 2C2

B1 = 1 + |S11 |2 − |S22 |2 − |△|2

= 1 + .62 − 0.52 − 0.252
= 1.04
B2 = 1 + |S22 |2 − |S11 |2 − |△|2
= 1 + 0.52 − 0.62 − 0.252
= 0.83

C1 = S11 − △S22
= 0.66 −1700 − (0.256 113.5 × 0.56 950 )
= −0.48 − 0.04j
= 0.486 −175.230

C2 = S22 − △S11
= −0.08 − 0.35j
= 0.366 −102.90

Hence, there are two solutions for both Γs and Γl . Considering Γs = 0.676 174.880 and Γl =

0.576 103.060, we can determine the value of GA,max .

22 1 − 0.572
GA,max = ×
1 − .672 0.712
= 9.72
= 9.87dB

Now, it is mentioned that the transistor is used in an amplifier with transducer gain of 9.87 dB.
Hence, the vale of Γs = 0.676 174.880 can be taken to calculate the noise figure of the amplifier.

4RN |Γs − Γopt |2

F = Fmin +
Z0 (1 − |Γs |2 )|1 + Γopt |2
4 × 5 × | − 0.26 − 0.23j|2
= 100.25 +
50 × (1 − 0.672 )|0.59 + 0.29j|2
= 1.98
= 2.98dB

Q2. The scattering and noise parameter of GaAs FET measured at low bias point and f=12 GHz (50Ω)
Fmin = 2.2dB
0.756 −1160 0.016 670
Γ opt = 0.656 120
3.56 640 0.776 −650
RN = 10Ω
Design a transistor amplifier to have minimum noise figure. Calculate the maximum possible trans-
ducer gain for the amplifier network with minimum noise figure.
The transistor will have minimum noise figure when Γs = Γopt . The maximum transducer gain for
an amplifier can be achieved, when there will be no reflection at the input as well as output side,
i.e the case of conjugate matching. However, in this case wee need to obtain the minimum noise
figure too. So, we can not achieve the conjugate matching in the input side (as the noise figure
is dependent on Γs and independent of Γl ). Therefore, the maximum gain with minimum noise
figure can be achieved by conjugate matching in output side.

In order to have conjugate matching, the stability of transistor network is required to be checked.
From the Rollest’s criteria,

1 − |S11 |2 − |S22 |2 + |△|2

2|S12 S21 |
1 − 0.752 − 0.772 + 0.552
2 × 3.5 × 0.01
= 2.101 > 1

Where, △ = S22 S11 − S12 S21 = −0.55 − 0.02j = 0.556 −177.920 . Therefore, the transistor network

is unconditionally stable and Γl = Γ∗out can be chosen for conjugate matching. Now.

S21 S12 Γopt ∗

Γl = (S22 + )
1 − S11 Γopt
0.016 67 × 3.56 64 × 0.656 120 ∗
= (0.716 −65 + )
1 − (0.756 −116 × 0.656 120)
= 0.31 + 74j
= 0.806 670

So, the maximum possible transducer gain for the given network is

|S21 |2 (1 − |Γopt|2 )(1 − |Γl |2 )

GT,max =
|1 − Γin Γopt |2 |1 − S22 Γl |2
3.52 × (1 − 0.652 ) × (1 − 0.802 )
|0.47 − 0.01j|2 × |0.38 − 0.02j|2
= 79.84
= 19.02dB

S21 S12 Γl
Γin = S11 +
1 − S22 Γl
0.016 67 × 3.56 64 × 0.856 69.2
= 0.756 −116 +
1 − (0.776 −65 × 0.856 69.2)
= −0.4 − 0.71j
= 0.816 −119.40

Q3. Design a broadband microwave BJT amplifier with GT U = 10dB at 1.5 GHz in 50Ω design envi-
ronment. The amplifier must have noise figure better than 4 dB in the frequency of operation.
The scattering matrix and noise parameters of the transistor are given below.
Γopt = 0.486 23
0.64 −98
6 0 RN = 23.3Ω
5.146 1130 0.796 −300 Fmin = 1.45
It is mentioned that, the unilateral transducer gain for the network has to be 10 dB. We also know
that, GT U can be expressed as GT U = GSU G0 GLU and in dB GT U = GSU + GLU + G0 .
At the operating frequency, G0 = |S21 |2 = 26.42 = 14.22dB. So, we can choose GSU = 0db and
GLU = −4.21dB such that, unilateral transducer gain becomes 10 dB. Choosing GSU = 0 dB
ensures that the Γs = 0. Hence, we need to construct a noise figure circle which crosses origin of
the smith chart.
Therefor, from the concept
√ of noise figure circle, it can be concluded that |CF | = RF . So, equating
Γopt N (N +1−|Γopt |2 )
CF = N +1
and RF = N +1
we get the solution for N = |Γopt |2 for which |CF | = RF

Using the value of N we can calculate the value of F .
|Γopt |2 × 4RN
F = Fmin +
|1 + Γopt |2 × Z0
0.482 × 4 × 23.3
= 100.145 +
|1.44 + 0.19j|2 × 50
= 1.6
= 2.04dB

Now, the designer need to choose the value of Γl in such a way that it gives, −4.21 dB gain at output
side. As the transistor is unilateral, any value of Γl from the constant gain circle GLU = −4.21dB
can be chosen.
The smith chart based solution is given in figure below.

Q4. A receiver has a noise figure of 6 dB, a 1-dB compression point of 21 dBm (referenced to output), a
gain of 30 dB and a third order intercept point at 33 dBm (referenced to output). If the subsystem
is fed with a noise source with Ni = −105 dBm and the desired output SNR is 8 dB, find the
linear and spurious free dynamic range of the subsystem. Assume that the system has 20 MHz
It is mentioned the system shown in figure below is connected to a noise source of -105 dBm or
equivalently −135 dBW. Converting the information into equivalent linear values we get, G =
103 = 1000, F = 290 × (100.6 − 1) = 864.51K. The output noise power N0 from the system can be
calculated as

N0 = G(Ni + kTe B)
= 103 × (10−13.5 + (1.38 × 10−23 × 20 × 106 × 864.51))
= 2.70 × 10−10
= −65.68dBm

Hence, the linear dynamic range in dB DRl = P1 − N0 − SNR = 21 − (−65.68) − 8 = 78.68dB.
Similarly, the spurious free dynamic range in dB DRf = 32 [P3 − N0 − SNR] = 32 × [33 + 65.68 − 8] =
60.45 dB.

Q5. An amplifier with gain of 12 dB, a bandwidth of 150 MHz and a noise figure of 4 dB feeds a receiver
with equivalent noise temperature of 900K. Determine the noise figure of the overall system.
The entire system can be represented by the given below.
From the noise temperature specification of the receiver, we can calculate the noise figure of the

Te 900
receiver. So noise figure of the receiver F2 = 1 + T0
=1+ 290
= 4.10.
By using the formula of overall noise figure of a cascades system,
F2 − 1
F0 = F1 +
4.10 − 1
= 100.4 +
= 2.71

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