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Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your
vision is the promise of what you shall be one day; your ideal is the
prophecy of what you shall at last unveil. When you make a mistake,
don't look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind
and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot
be changed. The future is yet in your power. I don’t want what I am
saying to sound like a prophecy or anything like an analysis of modern
society. These are the only feelings I have, and I am the least speculative
man on earth. I wanted to rock back and forth between myth and distant
futures, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It felt a bit like a prophecy and
a bit like storytelling. The fireworks begin today.
In life no matter what we did in the past or whatever is in store for us in
the future, in the end, what counts is the present time --- which will
make the past better and will identify our future.
Each of us has our little dreams, each of us hoped that one day we
could earn on our own and be the person that we wanted. We journey,
and out of nowhere we aspire and I believed that right at this moment,
we are thinking of what lies ahead of us. The best feeling in this world is
to do the things they say you can never do. And if you want the rainbow;
you have to deal with the thundering rains of life.
My batch mates, allow me to bring you to the future as we will see
ourselves 16 years from now. Lend me your ears. In just a minute, we’ll
take a trip to the future. Stand back, widen your imagination and enjoy
the trip. Let’s explore the year 2036!
I was glazed in my deep slumber, hurdled in the Dewey breeze
caused by the rosy scent of my room when I heard someone calling me,
saying that I need to wake up. I ignored it because I know it is just my
mom who wants to wake me up and get ready for school. The calling
continued so I decided to get down on my bed. As I was preparing
myself to go downstairs, my eyes flew on the calendar placed on the
wall of my room. I was shocked and my eyes wide awaken to my
surprise, it was the year 2036. I simply ignored it. But confusions were
all over my face. Questions were popping out on my head. I heard a soft
clicked. That made me back to reality again. My door opened and I saw
a man in his mid-20. A blonde man. He came near to me and said that I

should wake up because I’m going to be late at work. I was

dumbfounded. Huh? Work? Seriously? I am only 18 and I’m still
studying. Then I saw an I.D. beside my drawer, my jaw dropped because
my whole name is printed on it. JIREH A. FLAVIO, 34 years old, Head
Journalist, in TIME MAGAZINE. I can’t believe it! Then the man who’s
inside my room spoke again. He said that I should get going or else I’ll
be late. So I have no choice but to follow what he said even though I’m
struggling with what’s going on. I hurriedly went out of my apartment
and held a cab. At the building where my so-called work located is, the
editor-in-chief came and went to my cubicle. Would you ever believe
that my boss is my classmate before? Yes, he is. My boss, the editor-in-
chief/Business Man of TIME MAGAZINE is no other than
ALEJANDRO CALAOR. He said that I’ll be going to be a part of one
of the greatest events in the history of the Philippines. It’s the 8th Papal
visit. I am one of the lucky journalists to be able to cover the visit of the
Pope. By the way, my work is located here in New York so I need to go
back to my beloved country. Two days after, I was at Rafil’s
International Airport owned by ANGELIC JOY RAFIL. I was waiting
for my flight when I saw a familiar face. I saw APRIL ROSE PIOQUID.
She was my former classmate and she became a flight attendant. We
greeted each other and when they announced my flight, I instantly stood
up and took my way. I ran as quickly as I can to catch up. Luckily, I’m
with my former classmates inside the plane and that made my worries
and ROBELYN ESTILLORO I’m shocked when they told me that they
work together as a fashion designer. Seriously? Am I hallucinating?
Suddenly I feel nostalgic that made me emotional and then I need to pee
so I decided to go to the bathroom. The plane landed at Almendral’s
International Airport owned by RONELO ALMENDRAL. He also
owned the Big A Bus Line that travels from Alimodian to Manila and
vice versa. The Pope was welcomed by His Excellency MICHAEL
SUAREZ, the President of the Republic of the Philippines. Along with
him is MICHELLE SANOY, Vice President and their cabinet members.
The Pope went inside his car, and I together with my fellow journalists
went to the Press area, waiting for our ride to Quirino Grandstand the
first destination of the Pope. On our way to that place, we saw a
commotion on the road. There I saw DR. KRISTENE KAYE


ALBUYA with their 3 nurses reviving someone who met an accident. I
am very proud because they were my schoolmates, trying to save the life
of that poor man. At last, we’re able to arrive before the program starts.
The program started when JAVANA DENISE ALMENDRAL the
conductor of the famous Nasudi Chorale sung the National Anthem
followed by the singing of a Christian song by the famous singer
FLORANTE CAŇAS JR. After that, a mass was conducted by Cardinal
ANDRIE BON TACAISAN together with the Pope.
Moreover, while the fresh air blew hard a newspaper from security
flew and I caught it. Out with curiosity, I attentively read those jaw-
dropping articles of this publication which was tagged by the headline
Papal Visit but one headline hooked my attention. “TRANSGENDER
FILIPINA WRECKED HOLLYWOOD” I hurriedly open it and
surprised with the highlighted name, she was CLOYD KENT
CASORLA. On the other side was a printed salutation to the 2 beauty
queens namely ROCHELLE ALIDO and VIANN CALUBO. It was
4:00 in the afternoon when the Pope decided to take around here at
Manila. By 6:30, the Popemobile went to Manila Hotel. There will be a
conference inside the function hall after the dinner of the Pope. The
foods they served were very delicious. And I can say that all the chefs
are really creative and very well-trained. So I asked the waiter who are
the chefs of this hotel and then he said that they were JERICK VILLA,
ALOBA. After dinner, we proceeded to the conference hall of the hotel.
Many popular people were gathered here just to see nearly the Pope.
Like the basketball legends namely CHRISTIAN CALUSTE and
ADRIANE CANSANCIO. What highlighted the reception was the
presence of our white-haired former mentors. My only regret was that
some of our teachers remained singular & it’s too late for them to get
plural. But, they were amazingly young-looking that they do not grow
old that fast. Questions were asked, and I can say that the Pope is very
bubbly in answering those questions. But two of the well-known
lawyers of the country ask the Pope, which made the Pope smile in
speechless. He is ATTY. AIRON TATIL and his assistant

lawyer/teacher slash wife ATTY. RE JEAN LAURETA. After more

than 2 hours, the conference ended. And after a while, a heartbreaking
tribute and video of love and faith for God and to Pope for his visit was
viewed in its high 4D documentary.
Day two of the Papal visit. He was scheduled to re-visit Tacloban after
the visit last 2022 so as a journalist, we followed him. He visited the
typhoon Ubang victims. In that place, you can see the huge improvement
of the society made by the hope brought by Pope Francis. You can’t
even determine that this place once been devastated. And I can say that
after the deadly catastrophe they’ve overcome it. Before the mass, the
Pope toured first around the city. They were a hundred thousand people
gathered along the street just to take a glimpse of the Pope when I
noticed 3 familiar faces. They’re JONELO SANTO, VINCENT
GUADAYO, and JASON CABAYA. I learned from them that they were
the architects and engineers for the renovation of the different
infrastructures in this place. In that way, I realized that they’ve helped
the people of Tacloban big time!

The mass started, all of us were very emotional. We all looked

back at the happenings when Typhoon Ubang came. We prayed for the
lives that had been killed at that time. After that, the mass, many pupils
and students together with their teachers namely, DONA GRACE
AMALIO, and ANGEL AMORSOLO went to the Pope. I can’t believe
that they are teaching here in Tacloban.
We traveled back to Manila after a long and tiring day in Tacloban. On
the third day of the Papal visit, there’s this Youth Encounter at the
University of Sto. Tomas which involves thousands of children from
different regions in the country. We were welcomed by Miguel de
Benavides, the owner of the University. I was very glad seeing those
kids on how they’ve devoted their attention to the Pope. I was surprised
and happy at the same time upon seeing familiar faces. They were
ALEJANDRINO, and IVAN JAN ITOK. I asked them why did they

want to become a Businessman and they simply answered me these

words, “Money runs everything.”
The Youth encounter went on; the kids were giving their full
attention to the Pope when someone caught my attention. I saw
JIMBOY VILLA, holding a mic, and the cameraman was recording him.
He’s now a news reporter personally broadcasting the Papal visit live.
When he was done, I went to him then and we did some catching ups. I
learned that he’s now a news reporter at ABS CBN. After the Youth
Encounter, the Pope tour around the University. The people were very
happy that they were able to see the Pope nearly. I also saw, DR.
University and they said that they were the Dean’s in this school.
On the last day of the Papal visit, the Pope went to the Malacanang
Palace and had breakfast together with the President and his twenty-four
Senators. Three of them were my schoolmates, SPO3 RAMIE
Captain CHARLES MIKEE DELACRUZ. They’ve thanked the Pope
for visiting again the country.
We were now on the plane owned by JESSICA CANITAN, going
back to Vatican City. The five-day visit of the Pope went really good. It
was a nice experience though I’m still dumbfounded by the question,
why am I here because as far as I know I’m still 18 and I need to attend
my last GRADUATION as a High School student.
After 8 hours of flight, we’re nowhere at Vatican City. I checked in to
Jired’s Hotel owned by my husband JARED PALMA. While I was
waiting for the key to my room, I felt that someone was looking at me
intently. Then I looked around and, there I saw my Favorite BL actor.
The famous lead actor of THARN TYPE THE SERIES. I asked why
he’s here; he then answered me that he has a world tour. His group
mates were also there. We did some chit chats then we bid goodbye to
each other. It was past 7:00 in the morning when I reached my apartment
in New York. I was very exhausted to the point that I just threw myself
on my bed without changing my clothes.
Hours passed when I felt someone has poked me. I don’t want to
open my eyes because I’m still feeling tired. The poking didn’t stop

that’s when I’ve decided to open my eyes. There I saw my mom again,
she told me to prepare myself because any minute from now, my
makeup artist will be here. I made a look, I was about to ask her but my
gaze went to the mirror. There, I saw myself, No longer a 36 years old
man but back with old self when I was 18. I screamed I can’t believe
this! I’m back! I’m back to myself. I looked at the calendar and there I
saw the date, April 3, 2021. And this day will be my last journey in my
High School life. I remembered what happened. As if it is true. I found
myself smiling at the thought of me and my batch mates 16 years from
now. Are we going to be successful as what I’ve experienced in my
dream or we’ll turn out to be those who were left behind? But then,
nothing is impossible in this world if you will strive hard towards your
chosen career. People change so do their future if they`ll take the right
path. My dear batch mates let strive and make this dream of mine come
true. We are not the product of our circumstances, we are the product of
our decision. So we can hold our heads up high and say “We rocked the
world, and changed the cursed of modern history.”
To everyone thank you very much for listening and God Bless.

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