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Incident Resolution Codes in ServiceNow

Close Code Description Example

Solved (Permanently) When the incident has been completely solved, unlikely to occur Application corruption and it's been re-installed
Solved (Workaround) When the customer is back up and running but there is still an Customer can't print because printer is broken and we map them to
underlying issue another printer
Not Solved After a given time of not being able to replicate the issue, we Strange error appears to customer but we can't reproduce it and have
mutually agree with customer to close the incident no idea what it means, despite our best efforts; agree to close after 3
Closed/Resolved by Caller indicates that they have solved their incident before we get Customer reports wireless issue with laptop via email, then emails again
Caller to it to say that they discovered the wireless was turned off; they turned it
back on and now everything is better

Cause Sub-Cause The cause of the incident is: Example

Change induced User Originated Customer changed something Customer changed a PC setting causing a problem with their PC
IT Originated IS changed something, either locally for that IS installed a new desktop application and causes customer PC error
customer, or through a CCB ticket IS updates an enterprise application (CCB) causing an error for all
Supplier Supplier changed something, such as a hosted Patch from vendor included a defect that customers are now reporting
Originated application or a patch we applied
Capacity related PC Performance Degradation of the PC performance, unrelated to Customer reports unusually slow PC issues and we determine that a
a specific component bunch of applications were running in the background that shouldn't
have been
Server Degradation of a Server performance, unrelated Multiple customers report an application running slowly, rebooting the
Performance to a specific component server seems to fix the issue.
Application/ Application performance degradation or ran out of Customer cannot login to application as no licenses are available
Licensing customer licenses
Mailbox/Email An email box ran out of storage Customer cannot send or receive emails due to full mailbox
Local Storage Local PC hard drive ran out of space or memory Software cannot be installed due to lack of disk space
Shared Storage A shared server ran out of space or memory File server stopped working due to lack of available memory
Network Network could not keep up with demand Network is painfully slow due to large volume of data packets
Supplier Supplier infrastructure could not meet SH demand Supplier hosted site is too slow due to too many connections it's
Other Any other capacity related issue not listed above

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Incident Resolution Codes in ServiceNow—Page 2

Cause Sub-Cause The cause of the incident is: Example

Knowledge/Training Communication issue Lack of effective communication Customer did not see communication regarding new application and
Related now has a question
Documentation error Inaccurate documentation Documentation customer is referring to has incorrect instructions and
now has a question
Training issue Lack of effective training Customer was unable to attend the training when offered and now
has a question
Security Related Virus/Malware Virus or Malware on a PC or Server Virus detected on file server
Employee Breach Security breach through an employee Employee inadvertently shared confidential data through unencrypt-
ed email
Supplier Breach Security breach through a supplier Supplier site breached by a third party causing data loss
External Attack Any other external security attack not listed above DMZ is hacked into by external party
Access Management Incorrect or missing access to perform function Customer cannot perform desired function due to lack of access
Component Issue Hardware Issue Hardware not functioning properly Disk failure, fan broken, etc.
Software Issue Software not functioning properly Issue with Software not attributed to one of the above factors
Interface Issue Interface not functioning properly Issue with Interface not attributed to one of the above factors
Environmental Issue Problem due to environment Electrical outage, flooding
Supplier Issue Problem with supplier Issue with supplier not attributed to one of the above factors

SharePoint: ITSM Development > Incident Management > Design Materials > All Documents

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