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Enhancing Content with Video Marketing

Executive Summary
As discussed in our Content Marketing Plan Playbook, video is just one of the content types
popular among marketers today. Video falls under the larger umbrella of “content” along with
articles, guides, whitepapers, case studies, eBooks, etc.

However, the sheer growth of online video watching over the past two years has analysts believing
that video could be the “go-to” content marketing format of the future.

“Watching online videos is now a mainstream activity.

78% of people watch at least once a week and 55%
watch every day”

Videos are not only affecting the Content Marketing realm, they are also making a big impact on
Social Media.

“Video is the most shared brand content on Facebook.”


"500 years of YouTube video are watched every day on

Facebook, and over 700 YouTube videos are shared on
Twitter each minute”

These statistics on video viewing and sharing behaviors are enough to make any marketer immedi-
ately invest time in researching a Video Marketing program. Likewise, these statistics will certainly
help when building a business case for Video Marketing to gain buy-in from senior management.

This How-To Guide discusses why Video Marketing is the Content Marketing format for 2014,
shares the benefits of Video Marketing, and introduces actionable items to get started on your
Video Marketing program.

Download the Demand Metric Video Marketing Playbook.


Why is Video a Good Choice for Content?
The rapid growth of video viewing and sharing provides marketers with many substantial motivations
for utilizing video as a catalyst for a content marketing initiative. Video has become so popular for
sharing content, that many researchers believe that video is the content choice of the future. While the
list of reasons to choose video to support content marketing is lengthy, here is a short list of the most
compelling justifications:

Consumers process visual content faster. “90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and
visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text” (3M Corporation & Zabisco). Biologically,
consumers are programmed to handle visuals better. Theoretically, then videos will illicit action to
content well before their textual counterparts.

Video is an extremely effective medium. “If your video ads prove enjoyable to a viewer, your chances
of getting a sale increase by 97%, brand preference by 35%, and brand association by 139%” (www. Brand recognition, brand selection, and revenue are highly-coveted objectives
for any organization. Therefore, it seems that video would be a means to an end for those objectives.

Search engines love video. According to Visibility IQ, “You can double your search traffic by having
a video thumbnail in your search result.” It is clear that engaging in video marketing will increase the
likelihood of garnering higher SEO rankings. Ultimately, your rankings will create more organic traffic
to your website and lead to more interest in your company/brand.

Video is highly preferred by Internet users. “One-third of all online activity is spent watching video”
( There are hundreds of statistics, just like this one, illuminating the fact
that video is the content format preferred by Internet users. Consumers are letting the marketing
world know how they prefer to get their information.

Benefits Of Video Marketing

Just as there are many reasons to develop a Video Marketing program under your Content Marketing
umbrella, there is plenty of ROI that will follow a Video Marketing initiative. Below is a broad compila-
tion of the projected benefits to a Video Marketing program:

Augments Content Marketing Initiatives – As mentioned above, video falls under the unified
umbrella of Content Marketing. Although Video Marketing is taking on its own entity, the ultimate
goal is to supplement current content initiatives with the highly effective medium of video.

Provides Collateral for Social Media Marketing – Once videos have been produced, they are
powerful entities that should be shared on all of an organization’s Social Media channels. Current
statistics prove that video is one of the most highly shared content formats on the Internet right now.

Increases User Engagement – By choosing to “play” a video, a viewer is already showing interest in
your topic/product/service. With videos, viewers have the option of actively choosing content rather
than just passively receiving content via email, advertisements, etc.


Produces Realistic Customer Experience – For those organizations that have little one-on-one
contact with their clients, video provides a platform for organizations to show the faces of the organ-
ization and personalize communication to specific buyer segments. In comparison to other content
formats (i.e. whitepapers, case studies, eBooks, etc.), video content allows organizations to gain a
manufactured face-to-face interaction that allows them to connect personally with clients.

Generates Engaged and Qualified Leads – When video content is strategically planned, produced,
and distributed for a particular audience it is more likely to generate prospects that are invested in
your product/brand/company. One-minute of relevant, engaging video content can be very powerful
to the right audience and increase the likelihood of a viewer following a call-to-action.

Enhances Brand Identity – Gaining an audience for your videos will improve viewers’ connection
between your brand and the message you are providing in the video. For this reason, it is important
to create a clear, relevant story that highlights the most appealing attributes of your organization.

Improves SEO Efforts – As previously discussed, “search engines love video.” Consequently, the
more videos your program produces, the higher your SEO rankings will become.

Creates Revenue – Some organizations choose to make their videos fee-based, which would
certainly provide more revenue, if presented properly. However, even organizations that open video
content to everyone should expect a hike in revenue due to the other projected benefits listed
above. A strategic plan for the production and distribution of a video marketing program will eventu-
ally help generate revenue.

Bottom Line
Content Marketing covers a broad spectrum of formats; and each format has its unique purposes
and advantages. However, current consumer behaviors and statistics are suggesting the viewers’
content choice for the upcoming year – video.

The compelling justifications and extensive list of projected benefits for a video campaign
encourage marketers to pursue executive support for this initiative.

Furthermore, analyst predictions suggest video will be the content choice of the future; thus,
it would be in the best interest of any organization to, at a minimum, prepare for a Video
Marketing project this year.


Action Plan
STEP 1 - Learn More About Content and Video

Learn More
Explore Content Marketing
1 About Content
and Video
and Video Marketing Plans

Evaluate Your Download our Content

2 Preparedness for
Marketing Plan Playbook
and Video Marketing Plan
Video Marketing Playbook.

Review these methodologies

Create a to see how they work together
Business Case and how you can get started
3 for Video on a Video Marketing program
Marketing to enhance your Content
Marketing initiatives.

Strategize For your

Playbook & Toolkit


Follow this simple step-by-step playbook to develop a content marketing plan

that supports your company’s goals & objectives.

Content Marketing Plan Playbook



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