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Exam : set Paper Science And Technology - I Marks : 498

Date : 13-Nov-2019 Chapter: Time : 03.00 Hours

Q.1) Write Short Notes( ANY nineteen )

1) Anomalous behavior of water.

ANS i.  When a liquid is heated up to a certain temperature, it expands and when cooled it
ii.  Water shows a special and exceptional behavior.
iii. If water is cooled at room temperature, it contracts till 4°C, but if it is cooled below
4°C to 0°C, then it expands instead of contracting.
iv. On the contrary, if water at 0°C is heated, it contracts in volume instead of
expanding till 4°C.
v. Thus, at 4°C, the volume of water is minimum and then the volume increases as
the temperature rises above 4°C.
vi. This exceptional  behavior of water between its temperatures from 0°C to 4°C is
called anomalous behavior of water.
2) Relative humidity

ANS i.  The feeling of humid or dry nature of air not only depends on the amount of vapor
in the air, but it depends on the temperature of the air also.
ii.  The ratio of actual mass of vapor content in the air for a given volume and
temperature to that required to make the air saturated with vapor at that
temperature is called the relative humidity.
iii. % Relative humidity = 
actual mass of water vapor content in the air in a given volume
mass of vapor needed to make the air saturated in that volume
iv. The relative humidity at the dew point is 100%. If the relative humidity is, more than
60% we feel that the air is humid.
v. If the relative humidity is less than 60% then the air is dry.
3) Refractive index

ANS i.  For a given pair of media, the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine
    of the angle of refractive is constant.
ii. Sin i
 = Constant = n
Sin r
iii. This constant is called refractive index.
iv. The value of the refractive index is different for different media and also for the
light of different colours for the same medium.
4) The refractive index of diamond is 2.42. Explain what is meant by this statement.

ANS i. The refractive index of diamond is 2.42 means the speed of light in air is 2.42 time
the speed of light in diamond.
ii. Speed of light in air (vaccum)
Refractive index =  
Speed of light in diamond
  2.42 × speed of light in diamond = speed of light in air.
iii. Diamond is optically denser than air.
5) Define dispersion of light.

ANS i. The process of separation of while light into its component colours while passing
through a medium is called dispersion of light.
ii. The Velocity of light in a medium depends on the frequency of light and thus
different colours travel with different velocity.
iii. The refractive index of a medium is therefore different for different colours.
iv.  So when white light passes through a medium the angle of refraction are different
for different colours and it emerges as a spectrum of seven colours.
6) What is spectrum ?

ANS The band of coloured components of a light beam is called spectrum.

i. It has seven colours
ii. The order of colours in the spectrum can easily be remembered by the word
iii.  Violet (v), Indigo (I) , Blue (B), Green (G), Yellow (Y), orange (O) and Red (R)
7) Define Centre of Curvature of spherical mirror.

ANS i. The centre of curvature of a mirror is the centre of the sphere of which the mirror is
a part.
ii. It is represented by symbol C.
iii. A line joining the Centre of curvature to any point of mirror is normal on the mirror
at that point.
8) Define Radius of Curvature of spherical mirror.

ANS i. The Radius of curvature of a mirror is the radius of sphere of which the mirror is a
ii. It is represented by symbol R.
iii. It is distance of the centre of curvature 'C' from any point of the surface of mirror.
9) Define Pole in spherical mirror.

ANS i. The geometric centre of the spherical surface of the mirror is called Pole of the
ii. It is the mid point of the aperture  AB of the mirror.
iii. It is represented by Symbol P.
10) What is a lens.

ANS i. A lens is a transparent medium bound by two surface.

ii. A way of light gets refracted twice while passing through a lens, once while
entering the lens and once while emerging from lens.
iii. The direction of the ray changes because of these refraction.
11) Define centre of curvature of lens.

ANS i. The centre of imaginary sphere, whose parts form the surfaces of the lenses are
called centre of curvature of the lenses.
ii. A lens with both surfaces spherical has two centres of curvature C1 and C2.
12) Define Principal Focus (F) of Convex lens.

ANS i. When light rays Parallel to the Principal axis are incident on a Convex lens, they
converge to a point on the Principal axis.
ii. This point is called the Principal focus of lens.
13) Define Principal Focus (F) of Concave lens.

ANS Rays travelling parallel to the principal axis falling on a Concave lens diverge after
refraction in such a way that they appear to be coming out of a point on the Principal
axis. This point is called Principal Focus of the Concave lens.

14) Define Power of a lens

ANS i. The capacity of the lens to converge or diverge incident rays is called its Power (P).
ii. The Power of a lens depends on its focal length.
iii. Power is inverse to its focal length.
iv. The unit of Power of lens is Dioptre (D).
v. 1
P = 
Dioptre = 
15) State uses of Convex lens

ANS A Convex lens is used

i. To correct hyper metropia. (Far sightedness)
ii. To read words in small print.
iii. Used in optical instruments such as simple microscope, compound microscope,
refracting telescope, Camera etc.
16) What is Cornea

ANS i. Cornea is the thin and transparent cover on the human eye.
ii. Light enters the eye through it.
iii. Maximum amount of incident light is refracted inside the eye at the outer surface
of the Cornea.
17) What is adaptation

ANS The tendency of the Pupil in the human eye to adjust the opening for light, depending
on the intensity of incident light, to Control and regulate the amount of light entering
the eye is called adaptation.

18) Give the characteristics of image formed by refracting telescope

ANS i. Highly magnified

ii. Virtual
iii. On the same side of the object
iv. Inverted.
19) State two uses of compound microscope

ANS i. It is used to observe blood corpuscles, Plant and animal cell, bacteria etc.
ii. It is used in a pathological laboratory to observe blood, urine etc.
Q.2) Attempt the following.( ANY eleven ) 22
1) Study the figure and answer the following questions.

1. Identify and explain the phenomenon shown in the figure.

2. What happens to the melting point when pressure is applied or removed from ice

ANS i.  The phenomenon shown in the figure is regelation in which the ice converts to
liquid due to applied pressure and then re-converts to ice once the pressure is
ii. The melting point of ice becomes lower than 0 0 C due to pressure. This means
that at 0 0 C, the ice gets converted into water. As soon as the pressure is removed,
the melting point is restored to 0 0 C and water gets converted into ice again.
2) When water is heated up to a certain temperature, it expands and when cooled it

1. What term is used to describe such behaviour of water?

2. What happens when water is cooled at room temperature?

3. What happens when water is heated?

ANS 1. The term used  to describe such special and exceptional behaviour of water
is Anomalous Behavior of water.

2. If water is cooled at room temperature, it contracts till 4°C, but if it is cooled below
4°C to 0°C, then it expands instead of contracting.

3. If water at 0°C is heated, it contracts in volume instead of expanding till 4°C.Thus,

at 4°C, the volume of water is minimum and then the volume increases as the
temperature rises above 4°C.

3) 1. What can be studied with Hope's apparatus?

2. What mixture is used for this experiment?

ANS 1. The anomalous behavior of water can be studied with Hope’s apparatus.

2. The freezing mixture of salt and ice along with water is used in this experiment.

4) Label the given diagram.


5)   Situation : The pencil in water appears to be bent.  

i. How will the pencil appears if then is no water in the beaker.(1)
ii. Give the reason. (1)
ANS i. The pencil appears straight if there is no water.
ii. The ray of light coming from tip °C of the pencil bends at the surface of water as it
enter in air and it appears to be coming from point D.
  It is due to the refraction of light from water to air that the pencil ABC appears to be
f(m) 0.2 ................. 0.1

P(D) ................ 2 ............

∵     P = .................

f(m) 0.2 0.5 0.1

P(D) 5 2 10

∵     P = 
7) Complete the table

h1(cm) ................. 5 10

h2(cm) -30 -20 .................

M -2 ................ -0.5

h1(cm) 15 5 10

h2(cm) -30 -20 -5

M -2 -4 -0.5

8) Concave lens

Position of Position of image Size of Nature of

object image image

At infinity On first focus F1  ............... .................

............... Between optical centre and ................ Virtual and

focus F1 erect

Position of object Position of image Size of Nature of
image image

At infinity On first focus F1  Point Virtual

image and erect

Any where between optical Between optical small Virtual

centre and infinity centre and focus F1 and erect

Points Answers

i.  Position of the object ...............

ii.  Position of the image ...............

iii.  Size of the image ...............

iv.  Nature of the image ...............

Points Answers

i.  Position of the object Between F1 and optical centre

ii.  Position of the image Same side as the object

iii.  Size of the image Very large / magnified

iv.  Nature of the image Virtual and erect

10) Swarali has got the following observations while doing an experiment. Answer her
questions with the help of observations.

          Swarali observed that the light bent away from the normal, while travelling
from dense medium to rarer medium. When Swarali increased the values of angle of
incidence (i), the values of angle of refraction (r) went on increasing. But at a certain
angle of incidence, the light rays returned into the dense medium.

So, Swarali has some questions. Answer them –

i. Name this certain value of ‘i ’. What is the value of ‘r’ at that time ?
ii. Name this process of returning of light in dense medium. Explain the process.
ANS i. Critical angle
  r = 90o
ii. Internal reflection
  As light is going from denser to rarer medium, if the value of angle of incidence
increases then the value of angle of reflection also increases. But after specific
angle of incidence (critical angle) the light gets reflected back into the dense
11) What is the correct reason for blinking / flickering of stars? Explain it.
i. The blasts in the stars.
ii. Absorption of star light by the atmosphere.
iii. Motion of the stars.
iv. Changing refractive index of gases in the atmosphere.
ANS (iv) Changing refractive index of gases in the atmosphere is the correct reason.
a. Atmosphere is unstable due to changing density and temperature of air, hence
refractive index of air keeps changing continuously.
b. The position and brightness of the star keep changing continuously and the star
appears to be twinkling.
Q.3) Distinguish between( ANY thirteen ) 26
1) Absolute humidity and Relative humidity.

   Absolute  Relative humidity

i. The mass of vapor The ratio of actual mass of vapor content in the air
  present in a unit for a given volume and temperature to that required
volume of air is to make the air saturated with vapor at that
called absolute temperature is called the relative humidity.

ii.  Absolute humidity Relative humidity is measured in term of

is measured in percentage.

iii. Mass of water The extent of humidity is measured.

vapor is measured.

2) Humidity and Dew point

  Humidity Dew point

i. The dampness or moisture in the air The temperature at which air

due to presence of water vapour in it becomes saturated with water
is called humidity. vapor is called dew point.

ii. It is usually measured in terms of It is measured in terms of

relative humidity which is a temperature in degree Celsius.

3) Specific heat and Specific Latent heat

  Specific heat Specific latent heat

i. Specific heat is the amount Latent heat is the amount of heat

of heat required to raise the absorbed by a substance to convert a unit
temperature of unit mass of mass from solid to liquid or liquid to gas
substance by 10C. at constant temperature.

ii. The SI unit of specific heat is The SI unit of specific latent heat is
J/kg°C. KJ/Kg.

4) Heat and Temperature

  Heat Temperature

i. Heat is a form of energy. Temperature is the measure of

degree of hotness or coldness of
an object.

ii. The SI unit of heat is joule(J). The SI unit of temperature is


iii. Two bodies having same quantity Two bodies at same temperature
of heat can be at different can have different quantities of
temperatures. heat.

iv. Flowers from holler objects to Temperature whereas when healed

cooler object. and tells when cooled.

5) Refraction and Dispersion

  Refraction Dispersion

i. Change in the direction of light when it passes Splitting of light into

from one transparent medium to another is its component colours is
called Refraction. called dispersion.

ii. It occurs when light passes between any two It occurs when light
transparent medium. passes through a prism.
6) Dispersion of light and Scattering of light

  Dispersion of light Scattering of light

i. The phenomenon of splitting of When ray of light is incident on extremely

light into its component small particles, the particles deflect the
colours is called dispersion. light in different direction.

ii. It takes place in a prism. it takes place due to very fine particles in
the atmosphere.
7) Refraction of light through glass prism and Glass slab

  Glass prism Glass slab

i. The emergent ray through a prism is The emergent ray through

not in direction of the incident ray.  glass slab is in the direction of
incident Ray.

ii. Refraction occurs at two inclined Refraction occurs at two parallel

surfaces. surfaces.
8) Concave mirror and Convex mirror.

  Concave mirror Convex mirror

i. A concave mirror is made by A Convex mirror is made by

silvering on the outer surface of silvering on the inner surface of
hollow sphere. hollow sphere.

ii. Images formed are mostly real and Image formed are virtual and
inverted. upright.

iii. It is used as a shaving mirror, It is used as a rear view mirror,

reflector, doctors head mirror. reflector in street lamps and
Vigilance mirror.

9) Real image and Virtual image.

  Real image Virtual image

i. A real image is formed when the A virtual image is formed when the
light rays starting from an object light rays starting from an object
meet after reflection or refraction.
appear to meet after reflection or

ii. It can be projected on a screen. It cannot be projected on screen.

iii. It is inverted with respect to It is erect with respect  to the object.

10) Concave lens and Convex lens

  Convex lens Concave lens

i. It is thicker at the centre than its It is thinner at the centre than at the
edges. edge.

ii. Convex lens is called converging Concave lens is called a diverging

lens at it converges the rays of light lens as it diverges the rays of light
falling on it. falling on it.

iii. Convex lens can form real as well It can form only virtual image.
as virtual image.

iv. Convex lens is curved outward. Concave lens is curved inward.

11) Farsightedness (Hypermetropia) and Near sightedness (Myopia)

  Farsightedness  Nearsightedness

i. In this defect human eye can see In this defect human eye can see
distant objects distinctly but is near by objects distinctly but is
unable to see nearby objects unable to see distant objects
clearly. clearly.

ii. Image of the near by object is Image of the distant object is

formed behind the retina. formed in front of retina.

iii. Can be corrected using Convex Can be corrected using Concave

lens. lens.

12) Simple Microscope and Compound Microscope

  Simple Microscope Compound Microscope

i. One Convex lens is used. Two Convex lenses

objective and eye piece are

ii. Object is placed within the focal length of Object is placed beyond the
the Convex lens. focal length of the objective

iii. Magnifying power is less in comparison to Magnifying power is much

compound microscope. greater then simple

iv. It is used to read words in small print, used It is used to observe plant
by watch maker to see the minute parts of cells, animal cells, blood
a watch. corpuscles.

13) Simple microscope and Astronomical Telescope

  Simple Microscope Astronomical Telescope

i. In it only one Convex lens is used Two Convex lens, objective lens
and eye piece are used

ii. Object is placed within the focal Object is far away from the
length of the Convex lens objective lens

iii. Image formed is erect Image formed is inverted.

iv. Used to read words in small print Used to observe satellites,

planets, stars etc.

Q.4) Answer the following.( ANY eleven ) 22

1) While deciding the unit for heat, which temperatures interval is choosen? Why? Short

ANS i.  The temperature interval chosen for deciding the unit of heat is 14.5°C to 15.5°C.
ii. If 1 kilogram of water is to be heated through 1°C in different temperature range
than 14.5°C to 15.5°C, the amount of heat requires will be slightly different.
iii. It is therefore essential to define a specific temperature range while defining the
unit of heat.
2) On what basis and how will you determine whether air is saturated with vapor or not.

ANS i. We can determine whether air is saturated with vapour  or not on the basis of
relative humidity.
ii. Relative humidity is the ratio of actual mass of vapour content in air for given
volume and temperature to that required to make the air saturated with vapor at
that temperature.
iii. If the relative humidity is 100%, the air is saturated with vapour. This is called dew
iv. If the relative humidity is less than 100%, then the air is unsaturated.
3) What is meant by reflection of light ? Name different types of reflection.

ANS i.    The phenomenon of a light beam rebounding after hitting a surface is called
  reflection of light.
ii. The reflection can be regular or irregular.
4) State the Laws of reflection of light

ANS   Laws of reflection state that

i.     The angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection ∠i = ∠r
ii. The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal, all lie in the same plane.
5) State some characteristics of shadow.

ANS i. Shadows are formed only in the presence of light.

ii.  Shadows are always formed on the opposite side of the source of light.
iii. The nature and position of shadow depends on size and position of both the light
source and object.
iv. The nature of the shadow also depends on the distance between the object on the
light source and screen.
6) What is absolute Refractive index ?

ANS i.    The refractive index of the medium with respect to vacuum is called its absolute
  refractive index.
ii. If first medium is vacuum, Then refractive under of second medium is called
absolute refractive index.
7) ............... is refractive index of ............... with respect to ............... Then refractive
1 1
index of medium 1 with respect to medium 2 can be written as   i e  2n1 =  This
1  2
1  2
is called principle of reversibility.

ANS 1n2 is refractive index of medium 2 with respect to medium 1 Then refractive index of
1 1
medium 1 with respect to medium 2 can be written as   i e  2n1 =  This is
1n 2 1n 2
called principle of reversibility.

8) State the condition necessary for total internal reflection.

ANS   The condition necessary for total internal refraction are :

i. The incident light should move form denser to rarer medium.
ii. The angle of incidence of light ‘i’ should be more than the critical angle ic or that
particular medium.
9) The absolute refractive index of a medium is the ratio of Two ............... and has no
............... It is always ..............., as the speed of light in any medium is less than speed
of light in ............... .

ANS The absolute refractive index of a medium is the ratio of Two speeds and has no unit
It is always more than 1, as the speed of light in any medium is less than speed of
light in vacuum.

10) The upper half of  a Convex lens is made of one transparent medium, while the lower
half is made of another medium. Will this effect focal length of lens ? Explain

ANS Yes, the focal length of the two halves will be different as it depends upon the
refractive index of the lens material.

11) At which position will you keep an object in front of convex lens to get a real image
smaller than the object? Draw a figure.


Q.5) Give scientific reasons( ANY twenty three ) 46

1) The outer surface of the beaker containing ice cubes becomes wet in a short while.

ANS i.  The atmosphere always contains some quantity of water vapor.
ii. The temperature of the air outside the beaker is higher than the temperature of the
beaker containing the ice cubes.
iii. so when the air cools, due to decrease in temperature it becomes saturated with
water vapor.
iv. As a result, the excess of water vapor gets converted into tiny droplets.
v.  Hence, the outer surface of the beaker containing ice cubes becomes wet in a
short while.
2) During cold nights, sometimes dew is formed.

ANS i.  The atmosphere always contains some quantity of water vapor.
ii. When the sample of air is cooled sufficiently, or when it touches cold surfaces like
grass, the water vapor present in it gets saturated and some water vapor
condenses into water droplets.
iii. The temperature at which the air becomes saturated with water vapor is called the
dew point.
iv.  Hence, during cold nights, sometimes dew is formed.
3) In winter, pipelines carrying water burst in cold countries.

ANS i.  In winter, sometimes in cold countries the temperature of atmosphere falls below
ii. Therefore the temperature of water inside the pipelines also decreases.
iii. When the temperature of this water falls below 4°C, it begins to expand due to
anomalous behavior of water and turns into ice.
iv.  As there is no place for the water to expand, it exerts pressure on the walls of the
v. This creates tremendous pressure in the pipes causing them to burst.
vi. Thus, in winter, the pipelines carrying water bursts in cold countries.
4) A white trail may be seen behind high flying aircraft.

ANS i.  Sometimes on a clear winter day white trails may be seen behind high flying
ii. This is because; the water vapor from engine condenses to form a cloud.
iii. If the surrounding air is moist having high relative humidity, the trails are long and
takes long time to disperse.
iv.  If the relative humidity is low the trails are short or may not form at all.
5) In cold regions in winter, the rocks crack due to anomalous expansion of water.

ANS i. Occasionally, water enters into the crevices of rocks.

ii. When the temperature of the surroundings falls below 40C, the water begins to
iii. As there is no place in the  crevices for expansion of the water, tremendous
pressure is exerted on the rocks.
iv. This results in crumbling of rocks into pieces.
v. Hence, in cold regions in winter, the rocks crack due to anomalous expansion of
6) The absolute refractive under of a medium can never be less than 1.

ANS i. The refractive index of a medium with respect to vacuum is called its absolute
refractive index.
ii. It can never be less than one because the velocity of light in all medium is less
than the velocity of light is vacuum.
iii. Light travels fastest in vacuum.
7) Why does the sky appears blue ? 

ANS i. The scattering of light depends upon the wave length of light.
ii. The wave length of red colour is more than the wave length of blue colour.
iii. So the blue colour is scattered more than the red colour.
iv. Due to the scattering of blue light in different direction the sky appears blue.
8) A reflecting glass prism is better reflector than highly polished mirror.

ANS i. A glass prism reflect 100 percent of the incident light.

ii. A mirror absorbs 5 to 10 percent of the incident light.
iii. Hence reflecting glass prism is better reflector than highly polished mirror.
9) The sky appears dark instead of blue to a person located in space.

ANS The blue colour of the sky in due to scattering of light by the atmosphere
i. At higher altitudes there is no atmosphere hence the scattering of light does not
take place at all.
ii. Hence in space the sky appears dark instead of Blue.
10) Stars twinkle at night. 

ANS i. Stars are point source of light as they are very far away.
ii. The refractive index of air in the given region in atmosphere goes on changing
continously and randomly.
iii.When the atmosphere refracts more light towards us, the star is seen bright.
iv.When the atmosphere refracts less light towards us, the star is seen dim.
v. Thus due to the change in refractive index of atmosphere, stars appear twinkling at
11) Planets do not twinkle.

ANS i. As compared to stars, Planets are closer to earth.

ii. They do not appear as point sources but appear as collection of point sources.
iii. If the intensity of light from one point source decrease, it increases from other
iv. Hence average intensity remains the same and therefore planets do not twinkle.
12) rainbow Can be seen at fountains in any season.

ANS i. Rainbow appears in the sky after a rain shower.

ii. Water droplets act as small prism.
iii. The water droplets refract and disperse the sunlight and than they reflect it
internally and finally again refract resulting in a rainbow.
iv. The water droplets of a fountain can do the same thing if sunlight passes through
v.  Hence it is possible to enjoy a rainbow at fountains in any season.
13) The sun appears reddish early in morning. Explain.

ANS i. At the time of sunrise or sunset the sun is very close to the horizon.
ii. Sunlight has to travel a longer path through the atmosphere to reach the observer.
iii. The blue and the violet colours are scattered is a grater amount then the red
iv. The light that Reacher to the observer is mostly red and yellow.
v.  Hence the sun appears reddish early in the morning.
14) The sun is seen before sunrise and after the sunset.

ANS i. Before sunrise and after sunset the upper atmospheric layers are warmer than the
layers near the earth surface.
ii. Atmospheric layers near the earth surface are denser than above.
iii. When the sun in just below the horizon the light from sun, while coming towards
the earth, suffers refraction from rarer to denser layer and so it bends towards the
normal at each refraction.
iv. Due to continuous bending of light rays, the sun can be, seen even when its actual
position is just below the horizon.
v. As a result sun is seen in advance, a few minutes before it rises above the horizon
in morning.
vi. Similarly in the evening sun is seen delayed by 3 to 4 minutes longer above the
horizon after sun set.
15) How will you find out whether the image is real or virtual.

ANS i. A real image can be obtained on screen.

ii. A Virtual image can not be obtained on a screen.
iii. This is how we can find out whether an image is real or virtual.
16) Why can a Virtual image not be obtained on a screen.

ANS i. An image forms only when at least two light rays actually intersect at some point.
ii. A Virtual image is due to the intersection of produce of the light rays.
iii. This produce can not be seen on a screen.
iv. Hence only a real image in Visible on a screen.
17) Piece of paper held in front of the Concave lens will not burn.

ANS i. The concave lens is a diverging lens.

ii. It will diverge the rays of sunlight falling on it.
iii. So the paper will not burn.
18) One can sense colours only in bright light.

ANS i. The retina is made up of many light sensitive cells.

ii. The rod shaped cells respond to the intensity of light.
iii. The cone shaped cells respond to various colours.
iv. These cone shaped cells do not respond to faint or dim light.
v. Hence one can sense colours only in bright light.
19) Colour blind person are not able to differentiate between colours.

ANS i. The cone shaped cells of retina respond to colours.

ii. In a colour blind person, cone shaped cells responding to specific colours are
iii. Hence they are unable to distinguish between different colours.
20) My grandfather uses bifocal lens in his spectacles.

ANS i. In old age people suffer from both Myopia and Hypermetropia. Therefore they
need spectacles having bifocal lenses.
ii. The upper part of bifocal lens is Concave to correct myopia.
iii. The lower part of bifocal lens is Convex to correct Hypermetropia.
21) A person suffering from Myopia (near sightedness) uses spectacles of Concave

ANS i. Person with this defect can see nearby objects clearly as the image of a nearby
object is formed on the retina but can not see distant objects clearly as the image
of a distant object is formed in front of retina.
ii. A Concave lens diverges the rays of light passing through it.
iii. When spectacles of Concave lens of appropriate power are used, the parallel rays
coming, from a distant object are diverged to proper extent before they are
incident on eye lens.
iv. After the diverging action of the eye lens., the image of distant object is formed on
the retina of the eye and hence the distant object can be seen clearly.
22) A person suffering from hyper metropia (far sightedness) uses spectacles of Convex

ANS i. Person with this defect can see distant objects clearly as image of distant object
is formed on the retina but can not see nearby objects clearly as the image of the
nearby object would be formed behind retina.
ii. A Convex lens converges the rays of light passing through it.
iii. When spectacles of Convex lenses of appropriate power are used, the rays of light
coming from a near by object are converged to proper extent before they are
incident on eye lens converging action of the eyelens the image of a nearby object
is formed on retina of the eye and hence the nearly object can be seen clearly.
23) Fast movement of a burning incense stuck appears as a complete circle of red light.

ANS i. When the object is removed, the impression of image on the retina last for about 
th of a second.
ii. If the incense stuck is moved at a rate more than 16 revolution per second, we see
a circle or red light due to persistence of vision.
Q.6) Attempt the following.( ANY eighteen ) 54
1) i. What are the different ways of heat transfer ?
ii.  Is the concept of latent heat applicable during transformation of gaseous phase to
liquid phase and from liquid phase to solid phase ?
iii. Where does the latent heat go during these transformations ?
iv. We feel that some objects are cold and some are hot. Is this feeling related in
some way to our body temperature ?
ANS i.  Three different ways of heat transfer are conduction, convection and radiation.
ii.  Yes, the concept of latent heat is applicable in both the cases. The heat energy will
be evolved from the substance.
iii. The latent heat is utilized for the transformation of the states.
iv. a. If two objects are kept in contact with each other, then there will be an exchange
of heat taking place from hot body to the cold body.
  b. We feel that an object is hot, when our body temperature is low as compared to
that of the object because the heat is transferred from the object to the body.
  c. Similarly, when the body temperature is high as compared to that of the object,
we feel that the object is cold because the heat is transferred from the body to
the object.
2) Complete the diagram and fill in the blanks.

The ............... of star keeps changing a bit because of the motion of  ...............,
..............., temperature. The ............... of air keeps changing continuously. Because of
the change the  ............... and  ............... of the star keep changing and star appears to
be  ............... .


The apparent position of star keeps changing a bit because of the motion of
atmospheric air, changing air density, temperature. The Refractive index of air keeps
changing continuously. Because of this  change the position and brightness of the
star keep changing and star appears to be twinkling.
3) Complete the given diagram.


4) State the rules used for drawing ray diagram for the formation of an image by a
Convex lens, with the help of given diagram ?

ANS The rules for drawing ray diagram are :

i. When the indicant ray is parallel to the Principal axis, the refracted ray passes
through the principal focus.
ii. When the incident ray passes through the Principal focus, the refracted ray is 
parallel to principal axis.
iii. When the incident ray passes through the optical centre of lens, it passes without
changing its direction.
5) With the help of given ray diagram show image formation by a concave lens.

ANS i. Object PQ is placed between F1 and 2F1

ii. The incident ray PA, starting from P and going parallel to principal axis goes along
AD after refraction.
iii. If AD extends backwards it appears to come from F1
iv. Ray PO passes through O and intersects AF1 to at P1.
v. Image of Q is formed at Q1. P1Q1 is image of PQ.
vi. Image formed is always erect, virtual and smaller than object.
6) Explain with the help of given diagram, what are the two convenient light rays used to
obtain the image of any object placed in front of a lens? 

ANS i. It is convenient to choose following two light rays from the tip of the object to
obtain the image of any object from the lens.
ii. Parallel to Principal axis that refracts through focus of lens.
iii. Through the optical centre of lens that refracts undeviated.
iv. The point of intersection of refracted rays on their produce forms the tip of the
7) Complete the following ray diagram and show the position of final image


8) Complete the following ray diagram


9) Convex Lens

Position of object Position of image Size of image Nature of image

At  2F1 ................ ................ Real and inverted

................ At in finity Very large .................

................. Between F2 and 2F2 ................ Real and inverted

Position of Position of image Size of Nature of image
object image

At  2F1 At  2F2 Same size Real and inverted

At  F1 At infinity Very large Real and inverted

Beyond 2F1 Between F2 and 2F2 Smaller Real and inverted

10) Label the given diagram.

O =               
F2 =                

O = Optical Centre
F2 =  Principal Focus
11) Surabhi from Std. X uses spectacle.  The power of the lenses in her spectacle is 0.5
Answer the following questions from the given information :
i. Identify the type of lenses used in her spectacle.
ii. Identify the defect of vision Surabhi is suffering from.
iii. Find the focal length of the lenses used in her spectacles.
ANS i. Convex lens.
ii. Hyper metropia or far sightedness
iii. Power = 0.5 D
  Focal length= 1
  F= 1
    = 1 2
 =  1  = 2 m
0.5 5
∴     The focal length of the lenses used in her spectacle is 2 m.

Observer the following diagram and answer the questions.

i. Which eye defect is shown in this diagram?
ii. What are the possible reasons for this eye defect?
iii. How this defect is corrected, write it in brief?

ANS i. Myopia or Nearsightedness

ii. Possible reasons of defect
  a. The curvature of the cornea and the eye lens increases. The muscles near the
lens cannot relax so that the converging power of the lens remains large.
  b. The eyeball elongates so that the distance between the lens and the retina
iii. correction of defect: this defect can be corrected using spectacles with concave
lens. This lens diverges the incident rays and these diverged rays can be
converged by the lens in the eye to form image on the retina.
13) Study the following experiment and answer the questions given below :

1. Take 3 spheres of iron, copper and lead of equal mass.

2. Put all the 3 spheres in boiling water in a beaker for some time.
3. Take 3 spheres out of the water. Put them immediately on a thick slab of wax.

i. Name and explain the property of a substance that can be studied with this
ii. What can you conclude by this experiment?

ANS i. We can study specific heat capacity of object with this experiment. Specific heat
capacity means the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a
unit mass of an object by 1°C.
ii. We can conclude that different substances have different specific heat capacities
by this experiment.
ANS i. Line AB represents time from 0 – 4 minutes and conversion of ice into water at
constant temperature.  When ice is heated it melts at 0oC.
ii. During 0 – 4 minutes, the solid state remains solid, the heat energy supplied is
utilized for weakening the bonds between atoms and molecules in solid and
transform it into liquid phase.  This is known as latent heat of fusion.
iii. Line BC represents rise in temperature of water from 0oC to oC.
iv. Thereafter even though heat energy is supplied to water its temperature does not
rise as shown by line CD.
v. 100oC is boiling point of water.  At this temperature water transforms into gaseous
vi. The heat energy absorbed at constant temperature during transformation of liquid
into gaseous is called the latest heat of vapourization.
15) Observer the following diagram and answer the questions

i. Which eye defect is shown in this diagram?

ii. What are the possible reasons for this eye defect?
iii. How this defect is corrected, write it in brief?
ANS i. Myopia or Nearsightedness
ii. Possible reasons of defect
  a. The curvature of the cornea and the eye lens increases. The muscles near the
lens cannot relax so that the converging power of the lens remains large.
  b. The eyeball elongates so that the distance between the lens and the retina
iii. correction of defect: this defect can be corrected using spectacles with concave
lens. This lens diverges the incident rays and these diverged rays can be
converged by the lens in the eye to form image on the retina.
16) The observation made by Swarali while doing the experiment are given below.  Based
on these write answers to the questions :
Swarali found that the light ray travelling from the denser medium to rarer medium
goes away from the normal.  If the angle of incidence (i) is raised by Swarali, the
angle of refraction (r) went on increasing.  However after certain value of the angle of
incidence the light ray is seen to return back into the denser medium.
i. What is the specific value of ∠i called ?
ii. What is the process of reflection of incident ray into denser medium called ?
iii. Draw the diagrams of three observations made by Swarali.
ANS i. Critical angle
ii. Total internal reflection of light

17) Observe the given figure and answer the following questions.

i. Identify and write the natural process shown in the figure.

ii. List the phenomena which are observe in this process.
iii. Redraw the diagram and show above phenomena in it.
ANS i. The natural process shown in the figure is formation of rainbow.
ii. The phenomena observed in this process are refraction, internal reflection and
dispersion of light.

18) Explain the following temperature vs time graph.

ANS During heating ice the change in temperature with time is shown in the graph
Seg Seg AB represents conversion of ice in to water at constant temperature. During
AB: melting of ice at 00C, ice absorb heat energy and this  continues till all the ice
converts into water.
Seg once all ice is transformed into water, temperature of water starts rising it
BC: increases up to 1000C. Seg BC represents rise in temperature of water from 00C
to 1000C.
Seg even though the heat energy is supplied to the water after 1000C its temperature
CD: does not rise. The heat energy absorbed by water is used to break the bonds
between molecules of the liquid to convert it into gaseous state.
Q.7) Answer the following( ANY seventy five ) 225
1) A copper sphere of 100g mass is heated to raise the temperature to 100°C and is
released in water of mass 195 g and temperature 20°C in a copper calorimeter. If the
mass of calorimeter is 50g. What will be the maximum temperature of water?

ANS Given: Specific heat of copper = 0.1 cal/g°C

  Specific heat of calorimeter = 0.1 cal/g°C
  Mass of copper sphere = 100g
  Mass of water = 195g
  Mass of calorimeter = 50g
  Temperature of copper sphere =100°C
  Temperature of water =20°C
  Suppose the copper sphere, water and the calorimeter attain a final
temperature ‘T’.
To find: the maximum temperature of water = ?
Formula: Q = Q1 + Q2 , Q= m × c × T
Heat lost by solid object = heat gained by water in calorimeter + heat gained by
Heat lost by the copper = mass of the copper × specific heat of copper ×
sphere    decrease in temperature of the ball.
Q  = 100 × 0.1 × (100 – T)
Heat gained by the water = mass of water × specific heat of water ×
   increase in temperature of water.
Q1  = 195 × 1 × (T-20)
Heat gained by the = mass of the calorimeter × specific heat capacity ×
calorimeter     increase in temperature of the calorimeter.
Q2  = 50 × 0.1 × (T-20)
Q = Q1 + Q2
  100 × 0.1 × (100 – T) = 195 × 1 × (T-20) + 50 × 0.1 × (T-
  10 (100-T) = 195(T-20) + 5 (T-20)
  10(100 – T) = 200 (T-20)
  210T = 5000
  T= 23.8°C
Ans: The maximum temperature of the water will be 23.8°C
2) If 80g steam of temperature 97°C is released on an ice slab of temperature 0°C, how
much ice will melt? How much energy will be transferred to the ice when the steam
will be transformed to water.

ANS Given: Latent heat of melting the ice= L melt = 80 cal/g

  Latent heat of vaporization of water = L vap = 540 cal/g
  Mass of steam = m steam = 80 g
  Temperature of steam = 97°C
  Temperature of ice = Tice = 0°C
To find:  The amount of energy transferred = ?
  The amount of ice that will melt = ?
Formula: Q = m × c × T, Q = m × L
Heat released during conversion of steam of temperature 97°C into water of
temperature 97°C
     = msteam × Lvap  
     = 80 × 540 ... (1)
Heat released during conversion of water of 97°C into water at 0°C
     = m steam × T × c  
     = 80 × (97 - 0) × 1 = 80 × 97 ... (2)
Total heat gained by the ice = 80 × 540 + 80 × 97 ... from equations 1 & 2
     = 80 (540 + 97)  
     = 80 × 637 = 50960 cal.  
Some mass of the ice, m ice will melt due to this heat gained by the ice,
Then,  mice × L melt = 50960  
mice × 80 = 50960  
mice = 637g  
Ans: 637 g of ice will melt and 50960 cal will be given to the ice.
3) Liquid ammonia is used in ice factory for making ice from water. If water at 20°C is to
be converted into 2kg ice at 0°C, how many grams of ammonia are to be evaporated?
(given latent heat of vaporization of ammonia = 341 cal/g)

ANS Given: Latent heat of melting the ice = Lmelt = 80 cal/g

  Latent heat of vaporization of ammonia = Lvap = 341 cal/g 
  Mass of water = mwater = 2kg = 2000g
  Temperature of water = 20°C
  Temperature of ice = Tice = 0°C
  Specific heat of water = 1 cal/g°C
To find:  mass of ammonia = ma?
  The amount of ice that will melt = ?
Formula: Q = m × c × T, Q = mL
Qice = QAmmonia
Heat released during conversion of water of 20°C into water at 0°C
  = mwater × c × T  
Heat released during conversion of water of 20°C into water at 0°C
 = m water × c × T  
 = 2000 × (20 − 0) × 1  = 2000 × 20 = 40000 calories ..... (1)
Heat released during conversion of water of temperature 0°C into ice of temperature
 = m water × L melt  
 = 2000 × 80 = 160000 calories ..... (2)
Total heat gained by the ice = 40000 + 160000 ..... from equations 1 & 2
Qice = 200000 cal  
Qammonia= ma × Lvap  
 = ma × 341  
Qice = QAmmonia  
Then, ma  × Lvap = 200000  
 ma = 200000/341  
 ma = 586.5g  
Ans: 586.5 g of ammonia will have to be evaporated for making ice from water.
4) A thermally insulated pot has 150 g ice at temperature 0°C. How much steam of
100°C has to be mixed to it, so that water of temperature 50°C will be obtained?
(given latent heat of melting of ice = 80cal/g, Latent heat of vaporization of water =
540cal/g, specific heat of water = 1cal/g°C).

ANS Given: Latent heat of melting the ice= Lmelt = 80 cal/g

  Latent heat of vaporization of steam = Lvap = 540 cal/g
  Mass of ice = mice = 150 g
  Temperature of steam T1 = 100°C
  Temperature of water T2 = 50°C
  Temperature of ice = Tice = 0°C
  Specific heat of water = 1 cal/g°C
To find:  mass of steam = msteam = ?
Formula: Q= m × c × T, Q = mL
Qsteam = Q ice  
Heat released during conversion of steam of temperature 100°C into water of
temperature 100°C
            = msteam × Lvap  
            = msteam × 540 calories ... (1)
Heat released during conversion of water of 100°C into water at 50°C
            = msteam × c × T  
            = msteam × 1 × (100 - 50)  
            = msteam × 50 calories ... (2)
Qsteam = msteam × 540 + msteam × 50 ... from equations 1 & 2
Qsteam = m steam (540+ 50)  
            = msteam × 590  
Heat gained during conversion of ice of temperature 0°C into water of temperature
            = mice × Lmelt  
            = 150 × 80 calories ... (1)
Heat gained during conversion of water of 0°C into water at 50°C
        = mice × c × T  
        = 150 × 1 × (50-0)  
        = 150 × 50 calories  
Qice = 150 × 80 + 150 × 50 ... from equations 1 & 2
Qice = 150 (80 + 50)  
Qice = 150 × 130 calories  
But Qsteam= Qice  
msteam × 590 = 150 × 130  
m steam = 150×130/590 = 33.05g  
Ans: 33.05 g of steam needs to be passed.  
5) A calorimeter has mass 100g and specific heat 0.1 kcal/kg°C. It contains 250gm of
liquid at 30°C having specific heat of 0.4 kcal/kg°C.
If we drop a piece of ice of mass of 10g at 0°C. What will be the temperature of the
mixture ? 

ANS Given: Specific heat of liquid = 0.4 kcal/kg°C

  Specific heat of calorimeter = 0.1kcal/kg°C
  Mass of calorimeter = 100g
  Mass of ice = 10g
  Mass of liquid = 250g
  Temperature of ice = 0°C
  Temperature of calorimeter = 30°C
  Temperature of liquid = 30°C
  Latent heat of melting of ice = Lmelt = 80 cal/g
  Suppose the ice, liquid and the calorimeter attain a final temperature ‘T’.
To find:  The temperature of the mixture = ?
Formula: Q = Q1 + Q2 ,
  Q = m × c ×  T,   Q = m × L
Heat gained during conversion of ice of temperature 0°C into water of  
temperature 0°C
= mice × Lmelt  
= 10 × 80 calories ... (1)
Heat gained during conversion of water of 0°C into liquid at T°C  
= mice × c × T  
= 100 × 1 × (T − 0)  
= 10 × (T − 0) calories ... (1)
Qice = 10 × 80 + 10 × (T − 0) ... from
equations 1
Qice = 800 + 10 (T − 0)  
Heat released by the liquid = mass of the liquid × specific heat of liquid × 
decrease in temperature of liquid.
Q1 = 250 × 0.4 × (30 − T)  
Heat released by the calorimeter = mass of the calorimeter × specific  
heat capacity × decrease in temperature of the calorimeter.
Q2 = 10 × 0.1 × (30 − T)  
Heat gained by ice = heat released by liquid in calorimeter + heat  
released by calorimeter.
Q = Q1 + Q2  
800 + 10 (T − 0) = 250 × 0.4 × (30 − T) + 100 × 0.1 × (30 − T)  
800 + 10 (T – 0) = 100 (30 – T) + 10 (30 – T)  
800 + 10(T – 0) = 110(30 – T)  
800 + 10T = 3300 – 110 T  
110 T + 10 T = 3300 – 800  
120 T = 2500  
T = 2500/120 = 20.8°C  
Ans: The temperature of the mixture will be 20.8°C  
6) A copper sphere of mass 500g is heated to 100°C and then introduced into a copper
calorimeter containing 100g of water of 20°C.
Find the maximum temperature of the mixture, if the mass of calorimeter is 100g and
specific heat capacity is 0.1 cal/g°C.

ANS Given:   Specific heat of copper = 0.1 cal/g°C 

   Specific heat of calorimeter = 0.1 cal/g°C
   Mass of copper sphere = 500g
   Mass of water = 100g
   Mass of calorimeter = 100g
   Temperature of the copper sphere =100°C 
   Temperature of water = 20°C
   Suppose the copper sphere, water and the calorimeter attain a final
temperature ‘T’. 
To find:   The maximum temperature of water = ?
Formula:  Q = Q1 + Q2, Q = m × c × T
Heat lost by the copper sphere = mass of the copper × specific heat of copper ×
decrease in temperature of the ball.
Q = 500 × 0.1 × (100 – T)
Heat gained by the water = mass of the water × specific heat of water × increase in
temperature of water.
Q1 = 100 × 1 × (T – 20)
Heat gained by the calorimeter = mass of the calorimeter × specific heat capacity ×
increase in temperature of the calorimeter.
Q2 = 100 × 0.1 × (T – 20)
Q = Q1 + Q2
500 × 0.1 × (100 – T) = 100 × 1 × (T – 20) + 100 × 0.1 × (T – 20)
50 (100 – T) = 100 (T – 20) + 10 (T – 20)
50 (100 – T) = 110 (T – 20)
5000 – 50T = 110T – 2200
5000 + 2200 = 110T + 50T
7200 = 160T
7200/160 = T
T = 45°C
Ans: The maximum temperature of the water will be 45°C
7) Explain the method of mixing for measurement of specific heat.

ANS i. The specific heat of an object can be measured by mixing method using a
ii. When a hot solid object is put in water in a calorimeter, heat exchange starts
between hot object, water and calorimeter.
iii. This continues till temperature of the solid object, water and the calorimeter
becomes equal.
iv. Therefore, Heat lost by hot object is equal to the Heat gained by the water and
v. If the specific heat of water and the calorimeter are known, then the specific heat
of solid object can be calculated.
8) What is the role of anomalous behavior of water in preserving aquatic life in regions
of cold climate ?

ANS i. The anomalous behavior of water plays an important role in the survival of aquatic
plants and animals in the cold region.
ii. When the temperature of the air decrease, the water at the surface of the lake
begins to contract due to which its density increases.
iii. When the temperature of the water falls below 40C then due to its anomalous
behavior, the water expands instead of contracting.
iv.  The temperature of the water at the surface goes on decreasing to 0 0C and finally
water gets converted into ice.
v. Water below the ice continues to remain at 4 0C. as ice is a bad conductor of heat,
the surface of ice does not allow heat to pass from the water to surrounding.
vi. Thus at 4 0C fishes, aquatic animals and plants are survived.
9) How can you relate the formation of water droplets on the outer surface of a bottle
taken out of refrigerator with the formation of dew ?

ANS i. The atmosphere always contains some quantity of water vapor.

ii. The temperature of the air outside the bottle is higher than the temperature of the
bottle and so when the air cools, due to decrease in temperature it becomes
saturated with water vapor.
iii. As a result, the excess water vapor gets converted into tiny droplets.
iv. Hence, formation of water droplets is seen on the outer surface of the bottle taken
out of the refrigerator.
v. This is similar to the dew seen in the early mornings on leaves of plants and
window glass of vehicles.
10) What is meant by latent heat ? How will the state of matter transform if the latent
heat is given off ?

ANS i. Latent heat is the energy absorbed or released by a substance to change the
phase of a substance without changing its temperature.
ii. The latent heat associated with melting a solid or freezing a liquid is called the
latent heat of fusion.
iii. The latent heat associated with vaporizing a liquid or condensing a vapor is called
the latent heat of vaporization.
iv. If the latent heat is given off, then the gas will get converted into liquid and a liquid
will get converted into a solid.
11) Explain the role of latent heat in the change of state of a substance ?

ANS i. The latent heat plays a major role in changing matter from one phase to another
ii. During transition of solid phase to liquid, the object absorbs heat energy, but its
temperature does not increase.
iii. This heat energy is utilized for weakening the bonds between the atoms or
molecules in the solid and transforms it into the liquid phase.
iv. Hence, this energy which causes a change in state and does not change the
temperature is called Latent heat.
12) Draw graph of time against temperature for Hope’s apparatus experiment.


13) Draw diagram of latent heat.


14) State the Laws of refraction ?

ANS   The Laws of refraction states that :

i. The incident ray, the normal at the point of incidence and the refracted ray, all lie in
the same plane.
ii. For a given pair of media and given colour of light, the ratio of the sine of angle of
Sin i
incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is a constant  = constant = n.
Sin r
iii.This ‘n’ is called refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first
15) 3 4
If the absolute refractive indices of glass and water are   and     respectively. What is
2 3
the refractive index of glass with respect to water.

ANS Given:  3
absolute refractive index of glass = 
  3 Speed of light in vacuum
2 Speed of light in glass
∴ 2
Speed of light in glass =   × speed light in vacuum. 
=   = absolute refractive index of water
  4 Speed of light in vacuum
3 Speed of light in water
∴ 3
Speed of light in water =   × Speed of light in vacuum.
  Refractive index of glass with respect its water = 
Refractive index of glass with air 2 9
 =  = 
Refractive index of water 4 8
∴ 9
 is the refractive index of glass with respect to water.
16) ............... was the first person to use a ............... to obtain sun’s ............... when
............... is incident on the prism, different colours bend through different angles.
Among the ............... colours, ............... bends the ..............., while ............... bends the

ANS Sir Issac Newton was the first person to use a glass prism to obtain sun’s spectrum
when white is incident on the prism , different colours bend through different angles.
Among the seven colours, red bends the least, while violet bends the most.

17) i. Which light is scattered easily ?

ii. Why red light scatters minimum ?
iii. How does the sky appears to an astronaut in space ?
ANS i. Lights which have shorter wave length (eg violet 400 mm) scatter easily.
ii. Red light has maximum wave length (close to 700 mm) hence it scatters the least.
iii. The sky will look black or dark to the astronaut in the space.
18) i. How will you remember the sequence of colours as formed due the dispersion
white light.
ii. Why do we see a rainbow in the sky ? 
iii. What do you mean by optically denser or optically rarer medium.
ANS i. The acronym VIBGYOR helps us to remember sequence of colour formed due to
dispersion of while light.
ii. The rainbow is seen in the sky due to the combination of different phenomenon
like dispersion, refraction and reflection. 
iii. In refraction of light, the medium of higher refractive index is called optically
denser  medium while the optically rarer  medium has comparatively lower
refractive index.
19) What is critical angle ?

ANS i. When a light ray travels from a denser to the rarer medium it move away from the
normal and its angle of refraction ∠r becomes more than angle of incidence.
ii. Increasing the value of angle of incidence, the angle of refraction also increase in
a constant ratio.
iii. The value of angle of incidence of which angle of refraction become 90°, is called
critical angle.
iv. It is denoted by ic.
20) A rainbow is the combined effect of the refraction, dispersion and total internal
reflection of light.

ANS i. Rainbow is a beautiful natural phenomenon.

ii. It is a combined effect of a number of natural processes.
iii. The rainbow appears in the sky after a rain shower.
iv. The water droplets act as small prism.
v. When sunlight enter the water droplets present in the atmosphere, They refract
and disperse the incident sunlight.
vi. Then they reflect it internally inside the droplet and finally again refract it.
viii. As a collective effect of all there phenomenon the seven coloured rainbow is
21) i. Draw the diagram to show how rainbow is formed.
ii.Name all the phenomenon occurring.
ANS i.

ii. Refraction, Dispersion and total internal reflection.
22) During Holi we see flickering of on object through a turbulent stream of hot air rising
above the fire of Holi.

ANS i. The air just above the fire becomes hotter than the air further up.
ii. The hotter air is lighter than the cooler air above it.
iii. Hence the refractive index of hotter air is less than cooler air.
iv. As the physical condition of air are not stationary when we observe the apparent
position of object fluctuates.
v.  Hence during Holi we see flickering of an abject behind fire.
23) The prism it self does not give any ...............  It simply ............... white light into
............... colours. This seven colour band in called ............... This phenomenon is
called ............... The reason of dispersion of light is different ............... of a medium
for different colours.

ANS The prism it self does not give any colour. It simply splits white light into seven
colours. This seven colour band in called spectrum. This phenomenon is called
dispersion The reason of dispersion of light is different reflective index of a medium
for different colours.

24) Draw diagram of recombination of white light.


25) i. Draw the diagram to show the apparent position of star.

ii.What is the effect of this.
ANS i.

ii. Twinkling of stars.
26) The depth of water in a vessel when seen from air appears to be less.
i. Draw a well labelled diagram.
ii. Give the reason for same
ANS i.

ii. The reason is refraction of light from water to air.

  Apparent depth is less than real depth.
27) i. Show with the help of diagram when a light ray passes from a rarer medium to
denser medium.
ii. Give reason for the same.
ANS i.

ii. The ray bends towards the normal because the speed of light decrease in the
denser medium. 
28) i. Show with the help of diagram when a light ray passes from a denser medium to
rarer medium.
ii. Give reason for the same.
ANS i.

ii. The ray bends away from normal because the speed of light increase in the rarer
29) Draw the diagram when the ray of light is incident normally on the surface separating
two media.


30) What are spherical Mirrors ?

ANS i. Spherical mirrors are made by silvering the pieces of glass which are the part of
hollow sphere.
ii. The surface on which silvering is done is called silvered surface and reflection of
light takes place from the other surface which is called reflecting surface.
iii.There are two kinds of spherical mirrors :
  a.Concave mirror    
  b.Convex mirror.                                                                                                                     
31) Explain with the help of a diagram what is concave mirror ?

ANS A concave mirror is made by silvering on the outer surface of hollow sphere such that
reflection takes place from hollow surface.

32) Explain with the help of a diagram what is convex mirror ?

ANS A convex mirror is made by silvering on the inner surface such that reflection takes
place from outer (bulged) surface.

33) Draw a diagram: Concave mirror and label on it pole, centre of curvature, radius of
curvature and principal axis. 

ANS P = Pole
R = Radius of curvature
C = Centre of curvature 

34) Draw a diagram: Convex mirror and label pole, centre of curvature, radius of
curvature, principal axis.

ANS P = Pole
R = Radius of curvature
C = Centre of curvature

35) With the help of diagram define focus of concave mirror.

ANS The focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis at which the light rays
incident parallel to the Principal axis meet after reflection from the mirror.

36) With the help of diagram focus of Convex mirror.

ANS The focus of a convex mirror is a point on its principal axis at which the light rays
incident parallel to principal axis appears to meet after reflection from the mirror.

37) State few application of lenses.

ANS i. Eye lens is a Convex lens that forms the real and inverted image of any object.
ii. The lenses used in a camera, microscope and telescope are Convex lenses.
iii. A magnifying glass in a Convex lens used to watch minute object.
iv. Spectacles are lenses used to correct the vision of our eye.
v. A Concave lens is used in Galillean telescope. 
vi. Lenses are embedded in front door of the house.
38) Draw diagram: The three types of Convex lenses.

39) Draw diagram: The three types of Concave lenses.


40) Convex lens is also called converging lens, Explain with diagram ?

ANS Convex lens is also called converging lens because it converges parallel light rays
towards the principal axis of the lens.

41) Which lens is called diverging lens and why ?

ANS A Concave lens is called diverging lens because it diverges parallel light rays away
from the Principal axis.

42) i. A Convex lens is broken into pieces. One of the lens pieces is used to obtain the
image of a object ?
ii. How will the image be different from the image obtained from the full lens ?
ANS i. Focal length of the broken piece of lens would be same as that of the lens. Hence
there is no change in the position of the image.
ii.How ever the intensity of image is dull as ferver lights rays are refracted from piece.
43) With the help of diagram show the cross section of Convex and Concave lenses. and
label it.


The cross-sections of convex and concave lenses are shown in parts a and b of
The surface marked as 1 is part of sphere S1 while surface 2 is part of sphere S2.

44) Define optical centre of lens and explain with the help of diagram.


The point inside a lens on the principal axis, through which light rays pass without
changing their path is called the optical centre of a lens. In the dig 'O' is the optical
centre of the lens.

45) Draw a diagram to show Principal focus of both Concave and Convex lens.


46) State the characteristic of an image formed by Concave lens.

ANS i. Virtual and erect

ii. Smaller than the object.
iii. Same side of the lens as the object
iv.  Generally formed between the optical centre of the lens and the Principal focus
v. If the object is at infinity, the image is a point image formed at F1.
47) State the Cartesian sign convention for refraction of light by a lens.

ANS i. The optical centre (O) of the lens is taken as origin.

ii. The principal axis of the lens is taken as X axis of the coordinate system.
iii. The object is always placed at the left of lens.
iv. All distances measured to the right of the origin are taken as positive while
distances measured to the left of origin are taken as negative.
v. Distances measured perpendicular to and above the principal axis are taken as
vi. Distance measured perpendicular to and below the principal axis are taken as
vii.  The focal length of convex lens is positive and that of concave lens is negative.
48) Draw the diagram to show the Cartesian sign convention for Convex lens.


49) Draw the diagram to show the Cartesian sign convention for Concave lens.


50) What is lens formula.

ANS i. The relation ship between the distance of object (u), the distance of image (v) and
the focal length (f) is called the lens formula.
ii. 1 1 1
− =
v u f
iii. The lens formula is same for any spherical lens and any distance of the object
from lens.
iv. It is however necessary to use the sign conventions properly.
51) What do you understand by magnification by a lens.

ANS The magnification due to a lens is the ratio of the height of image to the height of the
Height of image (h2)
Magnification =   
Height of object (h1)
The magnification due to a lens is also related to the distance of object (u) to the
distance of image (v) from lens.
v (distance of image)
M =   
u distance of object

52) Is it possible to burn a piece of paper using a convex lens in day light without using
any direct flame ? Draw a ray diagram to illustrate your answer.

ANS Yes, if we focus sunlight rays from a Convex lens of larger aperture on the piece of
paper heat radiation apart from light rays will concentrate on the paper and will burn
the paper.
53) An object is placed in front of converging lens at a distance greater than twice the
focal length of the lens. Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the image.


54) If there is an increase or decrease in the focal length of a lens, what will be the effect
on the power of the lens.

ANS i. The Power of a lens is the inverse of its focal length.

ii. If there is an increase in the focal length of a lens, the power of lens will decrease.
iii. If there is an decrease in the focal length of a lens, the power of lens will increase.
55) State uses of Concave lens.

ANS i. Concave lens is used in spectacles to correct Myopia. (near sightedness)

ii. One or more Concave lenses are used in a small safety device, in the peep hole in
a door, due to which we can see a large area outside the door.
iii. It is used to spread light emitted by small bulb in a torch over a wide area.
iv. In some optical instruments such as telescope, microscope a combination of a
Concave lens and a Convex lens is used.
56) i. What is Iris ?
ii. What is Pupil ?
iii. What is retina ?
ANS i. Iris is the dark, fleshy screen behind the cornea of human eye.
  The colour of Iris is different for different people.
ii. A small hole of changing diameter at the centre of the iris is called pupil.
  Pupil controls the amount of light entering the eye.
iii. The retina is a light sensitive screen consisting of a delicate membrane with a
large number of light sensitive cells.
57) Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the structure of human eye.

58) What happens when light falls on the retina.

ANS i. Retina is made up of light sensitive cells.

ii. These cells get excited  when light falls on them.
iii. They generate electrical signals.
iv. These signals are conveyed to the brain through optic nerve.
v. The brain analyses these signals and converts them in such a way that we
preceive the object as it is. 
59) i. What are Ciliary muscles ?
ii. What is meant by power of accommodation of the eye ?
ANS i. The muscles which hold the eye lens in its position and bring about the changes in
the shape of the eye lens, and hence of focal length are known as ciliary
muscles. The capacity of the lens to change its focal length as per need is called
Power of accommodation.
ii. It is brought about by changing the curvature of eye lens making it thinner or
60) We can not clearly see an object kept at a distance less than 25 cm from the eye.

ANS i. The eye lens become more rounded when we try to see a nearby object.
ii. Due to this its focal length decreases and a clear image of the object is formed on
the retina of the eye.
iii. But the focal length of the eye lens cannot be decreased beyond some limit.
iv. There fore we cannot clearly  see an object kept at a distance less than 25 cm
from the eye.
61) An object is kept 60 cm from a lens gives a Virtual image 20 cm in front of lens. What
is the focal length of the lens ? Is it converging lens or diverging lens.

ANS   Given :
  u = -60 cm
  V = -20 cm
  1 1 1
= −
f V u
  1 1

−20 cm −60 cm
− ( 20 1 − −60 
= − (
60  )

  2 −1
= − =
60  30 cm
  1 −1
f   30
∴      f = -30
  The focal length is -30 cm and it is diverging lens.
62) Write a short note on Persistence of vision.

ANS i. We see an object because the eye lens creates its image on retina.
ii. The image is on the retina as long as the object is in front of us.
iii. The image disappears as soon as the objects is taken away.
iv. How ever this is not instantaneous and image remains imprinted on our retina for 
 of a second after the object is removed.
v. The sensation on retina persists for a while.
vi. This is called persistence of vision.
63) Explain how the Phenomenon of persistence of vision used in motion pictures.

ANS i. In motion pictures, the photographs of moving objects are taken at the rate of
more than sixteen pictures per second.
ii. These photographs are projected on the screen at the same rate.
iii. Each picture is slightly different from other.
iv. As a result of persistence of vision, we get the impression of observing the
objects in continuous motion.
64) What are the main causes of defect of vision.

ANS Problems of vision are related to :

i. Weakening of ciliary muscles
ii. Change in the size of eye ball
iii. irregularities on the surface of cornea
iv. formation of membrane over the eye lens.
65) i. What is a bifocal lens ?
ii. When are bifocal lenses used in spectacles.
ANS i. A bifocal lens is a lens of which the upper part is a concave lens to correct Myopia
and lower part is a convex lens to correct hypermetropia.
ii. When a person con not see nearby objects as well as distant objects clearly,
bifocal lenses are used in spectacles.
66) Explain the working of astronomical telescope using refraction of light.

ANS i. It consists of two Convex lenses called objective lens (directed towards object)
and eyepiece (directed towards eye)
ii. The focal length and diameter of objective lens is greater then the focal length
and diameter of the eye piece.
iii. The principal axes of the objective lens and eye piece are along the same line.
iv. When the objective lens is pointed towards the distant object to be observed.
v. The rays of light from the distant object, which are almost parallel to each other
pass through the objective lens.
vi. The objective lens being larger in size collect maximum amount of light
vii. It forms a real, inverted and diminished image in the focal plane of the objective
viii. Now the position of the eye piece is adjusted such that image falls just with in
the focal length of the eye piece and serves as the object for the eye piece which
works as a simple microscope 
ix. The final image is highly magnified, Virtual on the same side as that of the object
and inverted with respect to original object.
x. The final image can be observed by keeping the eye close to the eye piece.
xi. If the image formed by the objective lens lies in the focal plane of the eye piece,
the final image is formed at infinity.
67) What is meant by the apparent size of an object ? Draw a neat labelled diagram.

ANS i. An object appears small or big depending upon the size of its image formed on the
retina of eye.
ii. The size of an object as per ceived by eye is called apparent size of the object.

68) Draw a neat labelled diagram for refracting telescope.


Fo - Principal focus of objective lens

Fe - Principal focus of eye piece
Fo - Focal length of objective lens
Fe - Focal length of eye piece.

69) Draw a neat labelled ray diagram for the image formation by convex lens when the
object is at various position. Give the characteristic of the image object is at infinity ?


Image in real, inverted and highly diminished (point)

It is formed at F2
O : Optical centre, F1 , F2 Principal foci,
f : Focal length, 
AB : Object, A'B L Image, u : Object u : Object distance, v: Image distance

70) Draw a neat labeled ray diagram for the image formation by convex lens when the
object is beyond 2F1. Give the characteristic of the image. Object beyond 2F1


Image in real, inverted, diminished

Image is formed between F2 and 2F2
O : Optical centre, F1 , F2 Principal foci,
f : Focal length, 
AB : Object, A'B L Image, u : Object u : Object distance, v: Image distance

71) Draw a neat labelled ray diagram for the image formation by convex lens when the
object is at 2F1. Give the characteristic of the image. Object at 2F1


Image in real, inverted, of the size as the object.

Image is formed at 2F2.
O : Optical centre, F1 , F2 Principal foci,
f : Focal length, 
AB : Object, A'B L Image, u : Object u : Object distance, v: Image distance

72) Draw a neat labelled ray diagram for the image formation by convex lens when the
object is at various position. Give the characteristic of the image. Object between F1
and 2F1

Image in real, inverted, magnified
Image is formed beyond 2F2
O : Optical centre, F1 , F2 Principal foci,
f : Focal length, 
AB : Object, A'B L Image, u : Object u : Object distance, v: Image distance

73) Draw a neat labelled ray diagram for the image formation by convex lens when the
object is at various position. Give the characteristic of the image. Object at Focus F1


Image in real, inverted, highly mgnified

Image is formed at infinity
O : Optical centre, F1 , F2 Principal foci,
f : Focal length, 
AB : Object, A'B L Image, u : Object u : Object distance, v: Image distance

74) Draw a neat labelled ray diagram for the image formation by convex lens when the
object is at various position. Give the characteristic of the image. Object between F1
and optical centre O.


Image in vitual, erect and larger than object.

Image is formed on the same side of lens as the object
O : Optical centre, F1 , F2 Principal foci,
f : Focal length,  
AB : Object, A'B L Image, u : Object u : Object distance, v: Image distance

75) At which position will you keep an object in front of convex lens so as to get real
image of same size as the object. Draw the figure. Object at 2F1


Q.8) Answer the following in detail ( ANY thirteen ) 65

1) If heat is exchanged between a hot and cold object, the temperature of the cold
object goes on increasing due to gain of energy and the temperature of the hot object
goes on decreasing due to loss of energy.
The change in temperature continues till the temperature of both the objects attains
the same value. In the process, the cold object gains heat energy and the hot object
losses heat energy. If the system of both the objects is isolated from the environment
by keeping it inside a heat resistant box (meaning that the energy exchange takes
place between the two objects only), then no energy can flow from inside the box or
come into the box.

i. Heat is transferred from where to where? (1 marks)

ii. Which principle do we learn about from this process ? (1 marks)
iii. How will you state the principle briefly?  (2 marks)
iv. Which property of the substance is measured using this principle? (1 marks)
ANS i.  Heat is transferred from the hot object to the cold object. Hence, the temperature
of the hot object decreases and that of the cold object increases.
ii. Principle of heat exchange
iii. The principle of heat exchange states that, if a hot body is kept in contact with a
  cold body, then the quantity of heat lost by the hot body is equal to the quantity of
heat gained by the cold body. i.e. Heat energy lost by the hot object = Heat energy
gained by the cold object.
iv.  The property of specific heat of an object is measured using this principle.
2) i. What is melting point of solid ?
ii. What is meant by latent heat of fusion ?
iii. What is the boiling point of liquid ?
iv. What is meant by latent heat of vaporization ?
v. Name the apparatus used to study the anomalous behavior of water in the
ANS i. The constant temperature at which solid converts into liquid is called melting point
of solid.
ii. The heat energy absorbed at constant temperature during transformation of solid
into liquid is called latent heat of fusion.
iii.The constant temperature at which the liquid transforms into gaseous state is
called the boiling point of liquid.
iv.The heat energy absorbed at constant temperature during transformation of liquid
into gas is called the latent heat of vaporization.
v. Hope’s apparatus is used to study the anomalous behavior of water in the
3) i. What is the meaning of the term ‘humidity’?
ii. Write the formula for percentage relative humidity.
iii.  Write the units of heat in CGS and MKS system.
iv. What are the units of specific heat capacity ?
v. How does heat get transferred ?
ANS i. The dampness or moisture in the air due to the presence of water vapor in it is
called humidity.
ii. % Relative humidity = 
actual mass of water vapor content in the air in a given volume 
x 100
mass of vapor needed to make the air saturated in that volume
iii. In CGS system, heat is measured in calories and in MKS system, it is joule(J).
iv. The units of specific heat capacity in CGS is cal/g0C and in MKS or SI it is J/kg0C.
v.  Heat always gets transferred from hot body to the cold body till the temperature
of both the bodies becomes equal.
4) Observe the following graph. Considering the change in volume of water as its
temperature is raised from 0°C, discuss the difference in the behavior of water and
other substances. What is the behavior of water called ?


ANS i. The figure shows a graph showing a relation between temperature and volume of
1 kg of water when heated from 0°C, and change in volume per °C.
ii. The curve shows that as the temperature of the water increases from 0°C  to 4°C,
it contracts instead of expanding.
iii. At 4°C, the volume of the water is minimum. If water at 4°C  is heated, then it
expands and its volume increases.
iv.  This behavior of water between its temperatures from 0°C. to 4°C. is called
anomalous expansion of the water.
v.  From the graph, it is observed that if water is heated from 0° C to 4° C, it contracts
instead of expanding.
vi. As the volume of water is minimum at 4°C, density of the water is maximum at
5) Explain the below diagram in detail.
ANS i. When light enters a rarer medium from denser medium, it gets partially reflected i
e part of the light gets reflected and come back into denser medium as per laws
of reflection.
ii. This is called partial reflection.
iii. The rest of the light gets refracted and goes into the rarer medium.
iv. As the light is going form denser to rarer medium it bends away from the normal i
e angle of incidence is smaller than the angle of refraction.
v. if we increase Li, Lx will also increase according to shells low as the refractive
index is a constant.
vi. For a particular value of i , the value of x because equal to 90°.
vii. This value of i is called critical angle.
viii. For angle of incidence larger than critical angle, the angle of refraction is larger
than 90°.
ix. Such rays return to the denser medium.
x. Thus all the light gets reflected back into the same dense medium.
xi. This is called total internal reflection.

i. Which phenomenon is shown.

ii. Name all the components of white light in sequence.
iii.Who was the first person to use glass prism.
iv.Which light bends the least and which bends the most.
v. What is the name given to this beams of seven colours of light.
ANS i. Dispersion of white light through a glass prism.
ii. Violet (v), Indigo (I), Blue (B), Green (G), Yellow (Y), Orange (O), Red (R).
iii. Sir Issac Newton was the first person to use a glass prism to obtain sun’s
iv. Red light bends the least and Violet light bends the most.
v. Seven colour band is called spectrum.
7) i. A light ray after refraction moves away from the normal. State whether this ray is (1)
moving from dense to rare medium or otherwise.
ii. Give reason for your answer. (1)
iii.Draw the diagram for the same. (3)
ANS i. The ray is moving from the denser to the rarer medium.
ii. When the light moves from dense to rare medium, speed of light increase It travels
more distance in same time interval and follow’s more oblique path Hence it move
away from the normal.

i. Name the phenomenon. (1)

ii. Define the phenomenon. (1)
iii.State the cause of this phenomenon.(3)
ANS i. Mirage
ii. It is an illusion of the appearance of water on a hot road or in a desert.
iii.The cause of mirage is the refraction of light :
  a. In the desert, the sand become very hot during the day and it rapidly heats the
layers of air in contact with it.
  b. The layers of air near the ground are warmer (rarer) than the upper layers.
  c. upper layers are denser.
  d. when a ray of light from sum after reflection from the top of a tree travels from a
denser to a rarer layer, it bends away from normal.
  e. As a result, in refraction at the surface of separation of the surface of separation
of successive layers, each time the angle of refraction increase and angle of
incidence of ray going from denser medium to rarer medium also increase.
  j. A stages reached when the angle of refraction become 90°.
  g. On further increase in angle of incidence, The ray of light in traveling from denser
to rarer layer is not refracted, but it suffers reflection.
  h. This reflected ray now travels from the rarer to the denser layer, so it bends
towards the normal at each refraction.
   i. On reaching the eye of the observer an inverted image of the tree is seen.
  j. This gives a false impression of pool of water in front of the tree.
9) An object AB is placed on the Principal of Convex lens. F1 and F2 are two Foci of the
i. Draw the ray of light starting from B and passing through O. Show the same ray
after refraction by lens ?
ii. Draw another ray from B which passes through F2 after refraction of the lens ?
iii. Locate the final image formed ?
iv. Is the image real or inverted ?
v. State the characteristics of image ?

v. The image is erect and Virtual, larger than object and on the same side of the lens
as the object

10) An erect and diminished image is formed when an object is placed between the
optical centre and principal focus of the lens.
i. Name the type of lens, which forms above image.
ii. Draw a ray diagram for same.
ANS i. Concave lens


i. Which type of microscope has the arrangement of lenses shown in the adjoining
ii. Label the figure correctly.
iii. Write the working of this microscope.
iv. Where does this microscope used?
v. Suggest a way to increase the efficiency of this microscope.
ANS i. Compound microscope
ii. Scientifically and technically correct figure.  (Object, Objective lens, Eye piece,
iii. Magnification is obtained by the combined effect of two lenses. The
magnification occurs in two stages. The image formed by the first lens acts as the
object for the second lens. Clear image can be obtained by adjusting the distance
between two lenses.
iv. To study small sized objects like blood cells, animal and plant cells, bacteria.
v. Any relevant remedy (For example, Selection of lens with appropriate focal length)
12) Observe the following figure and answer the questions.

i. Which optical instrument shows arrangement of lenses as shown in the figure?

ii. Write in brief the working of this optical instrument.
iii. How can we get different magnifications in this optical instrument?
iv. Draw the figure again and labelled it properly.
ANS i. Arrangement of lenses shown in the figure is refracting telescope.
ii. a. object lens collect the light coming form the distant object and forms the
  b. The image works as object for the eye piece which forms the final image.
iii. We can get different magnifications by using the eye piece with different focal

13)           If heat is exchanged between a hot and cold object, the temperature of the cold
object goes on increasing due to gain of energy and the temperature of the hot
object goes on decreasing due to loss of energy.
          The change in temperature continues till the temperatures of both the objects
attain the same value. In this process, the cold object gains heat energy and the hot
object loses heat energy. If the system of both the objects is isolated from the
environment by keeping it inside a heat resistant box, then no energy can flow from
inside the box or come into the box.
i. Heat is transferred from where to where?
ii. Which principle do we learn about from this process?
iii. How will you state the principle briefly?
iv. Which property of the substance is measured using this principle?
ANS i. Heat is transferred from hot object to cold object.
ii. This process shows the principle of heat exchange.
iii. In this process, the cold object gains heat energy and the hot object loses heat
energy. If the system of both the objects is isolated from the environment, Heat
energy lost by the hot object = Heat energy gained by the cold object. This is
called the principle of ‘Heat Exchange’.
iv. The specific heat of the substance is measured by using this principle.

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