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A report on “ Demand” for the fulfillment of AISSCE. (2018-


Guided by: Poulomi Nag Bakshi and Himani Choudhury

Submitted by: Ritisha Paul

Class : XII-ARTS
This is to certify that the candidate bearing the admit
no.___________ of class XII-Arts of Vivekananda
Kendra Vidyalaya,(NEC) Baragolai has completed her
project under my guidance. She has taken proper care
and shown utmost sincerity in completing this project.
I certify that this project is up to my expectation as per
guidelines issued by C.B.S.E. in partial fulfillment of
‘Economics Project Work’ for A.I.S.S.C.E 2018-19

________________ ______________
External Examiner Internal Examiner
(Signature) (Signature)

For the accomplishment of this project I would

like to extent my deep sense of gratitude and
thanks to our honorable teachers Himani
Chaudhury ma’am and Poulomi Nag Bakshi
ma’am, whose support has been very vital in the
completion of the project. They have been involved
in completing this project directly or indirectly.
I would also like to extent my thanks to my
parents, friends and anyone who have directly or
indirectly help me out in completing this project.
With a hope that present project report meet its
requisite and is accepted amidst those concerns.
Thank You..

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