Armin Meiwes

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Tanner Hoffman

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Mrs. Martin

Armin Meiwes

“ I wanted to eat him , I didn't want to kill him “ - Armin Meiwes

On March 9th, 2001 Armin Meiwes and Bernd - Jurgen Brandes had planned to meet up

in Rotenburg Germany where Meiwes resided. They were meeting after Brandes volunteered to

be eaten by Armin.

Armin joined the cannibal cafe because he had a dream of eating someone since he was

12 years old. He posted “ Hi, are you between 18 and 30 years old and have a normally built

body and would you like to be slaughtered, damn come to me, I'll do it. Application please with

indication of age, size, and weight with photo. - Franky “. He received a response but when the

victim showed up he bailed and Armin let him go. Later on during his televised interviews he

said he would never kill someone without their consent, he didn't want to be a murderer.

Brandes later responded to Meiwes and actually wanted to be eaten. When Brandes

arrived Armin invited him in and started giving him sleeping pills and Schnapps, Brandes had

ingested about twenty sleeping pills. He laid down in Meiwes bathtub while he set up the video

recorder. Meiwes then started the amputation, the decided to eat certain body parts together but

Brandes got to weak to continue from blood loss. Meiwes then drew Brandes a bath and took a

break to read a Star Trek book, checking on Brandes every 15 minutes while he bled out. After

the bath, Brandes collapsed into unconsciousness due to blood loss. After long hesitation and

prayer, Meiwes killed Brandes by stabbing him in the throat.Over the next ten months, Meiwes
devoured Brandes’ body, storing parts of his body in his freezer, hidden behind pizza boxes.

Authorities say he consumed over 44 pounds of flesh.

Meiwes then posted again needing another volunteer and also posted details about his last

kill. The college student who viewed this advertisement tipped it off to the police and later

Armin's house was searched where they found the chopped up body of Brandes under frozen

pizzas in the freezer and the videotape of the entire ordeal. Meiwes admitted to murder and

cannibalism and he also said he regrets his decisions.

On the time his trail cannibalism in Germany was not illegal, so at first he only received 8

½ years in Prison. Meiwes was deemed fit to stand trial and convicted of manslaughter in 2004

but was retried for murder a year later. He was found guilty of murder with a sexual motive and

sexual fantasy to kill and was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2006. Meiwes is currently

serving time in Kassel Prison in Germany where he has now become a vegetarian and plans to

write a book where he will steer people away from following his footsteps of cannibalism.

If this crime was committed in today's time I would obviously look through computer

records and interview anyone who has ever recieved or responded back to Meiwes. I would look

for missing people reports around that area and look through their computer records also. In the

crime scene you could test for DNA on the carpet in the kitchen and living room. You could also

look for Human fat all over the house because sometimes criminals don't clean up all their tracks

and leave some evidence around the scene. I would also look for any evidence of human remains

in the oven or freezer and test the remains for DNA.







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