Sample Narrative Writing: " White Death"

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Sample Narrative Writing : " White


Mercury level had dropped to -10°C. Thick layer of snow had concealed
everything and the whole landscape was painted white. It was just another
ordinary day for Nanga Perbat, a place devoid of any life except the
occasional visits by the climbing fanatics who dared to step on its surface.
Yusf, Ahmed and Ali were three professional climbers and apart from this
very close friends. Winter had reluctantly arrived but with the start of
January the weather had gone berserk. With its complex and challenging
topography, it was one of the most challenging peaks in the northern areas
of Pakistan. The trio had taken up the challenge and contrived to excel the
seemingly impossible peak in such an abominable weather conditions.

After the grueling journey of five hours from Islamabad they finally reached
the base camp if the Nanga Perbat. Stepping out of the car, the cold dry
wind slapped their faces and indicated the danger up ahead. After
assessing the situation and defying all the odds the three friends started
setting up their camp. Ahmed being the senior and the most experienced
summoned the other two inside.

“Look! The weather is nothing what we had earlier thought of. What do you
say? Should we move ahead?” he inquired, expressing his grave concerns.
“We should take up the challenge. There is no going back,” retorted Ali, the

After a heated discussion about their plans, they finally decided to move
Cladded in thick suits and covered from head to toe, they came out of the
camp carrying their bulky backpacks. The sun was now at its peak and the
snow shimmered like the glittering gold. The azure sky was clear and they
stood in awe admiring the beauty of the magnificent peak that they dared to
“Let’s go,” exclaimed Ahmed, brimming with confidence and
determination. They finally set on the arduous journey. Only one hour had
passed by now that the things started to go amiss. The loose ice on
mountain slope got detached. The snow cam bursting through the trees
and all the tree climbers were taken by surprise. Stream of snow took the
three friends in different directions and their communication broke down.
Once again Nanga Perbat was in grave silence. The mighty peak stood
vindictive and apparently it had taught the lesson to those who try to stand
in its defiance.
Sudden moment of the ice broke the silence. Ali somehow managed to
gain his consciousness back. He gathered his courage and started the hunt
for other two. There was no sign of life anywhere. It was a difficult time for
him but he had taken up the responsibility to save his friends. By now
apprehension was gnawing him and the frigid weather was deflating his
spirits as he searched here and there in vain.
Feeling dejected at his failure, he decided to give up. When was just about
to sit down underneath the only pine tree, he got a glimpse of familiar
human hand protruding from the snow. A wild excitement rushed through
him and stared to dig the snow madly with his bare hands with a renewed
vigor and determination. He stood there petrified as he saw Ahmed and
Yusf under the snow motion less. He wasted no time and sent an
emergency signal for help through his transmitter and started to perform
CPR. He had feared that he might dead but a feeble moment of their hand
gave him a glimmer of how as tear pricked his eyes.

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