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R15BA10E Ho 25-Sep-2008

Instruction Manual
Crack Depth Gauge
RMG 4015
Rev. 7a

This manual is part of the delivery of the

Crack Depth Gauge RMG 4015 with serial number:

Subject to change without notice

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 1


 All our appliances, installations and accessories are planned, con-

structed and manufactured in accordance with the state of the art.
We assume that our customers are aware of the state of the art and
of the resulting restrictions on the completeness or security of test
processes. We will be pleased to provide explanations in cases of
 Our products are inspected in accordance with given technical
data. Appliances are inspected and released by specialized staff
members. We shall be liable for faults or defects only in the frame-
work of our Standard Terms and Conditions.
 Our products are used for non-destructive material tests for parts
whose breakdowns represent a high risk. This applies, for example,
for materials or parts for the automotive industry as well as for
aerospace and atomic energy. All reasonable measures must be
taken by operators to prevent workpieces with deviations passing
through unnoticed. We can supply monitoring devices for the test
appliances. Appliance faults can be reduced by regularly checking
the appliance, accessories, test media, working conditions and test
personnel. In particularly important cases it may be necessary to
provide for a check before and after each test. Checks can be used
to find not only systematic but also sporadically occurring system
and appliance function faults. If a function fault is discovered,
measures must be taken without delay to prevent parts tested since
the previous inspection with perfect results being used before they
have been checked once again.
 We are prepared to provide advice on the type and extent of in-
spection and organizational measures before release of the inspec-
tion and test sequence.

2 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401


1 What you should know before starting a test.... 6

1.1 Notes on this manual 6
1.2 Appropriate use of the RMG 4015 7
1.3 Requirements for test personnel 8
1.4 Safety instructions 8
1.5 Operating and storage temperatures 8
1.6 Probes and measuring range 9
1.7 Measuring uncertainty and display resolution 12
1.8 Reproducibility of measuring results 12
1.9 Declaration of Conformity 13
1.10 Contacting KARL DEUTSCH 14

2 General information 15
2.1 Characteristic features 15
2.2 Cleaning 16
2.3 Type identification 16
2.4 Accessories 17
2.4.1 RMG reference block 17
2.4.2 Printer 18
2.5 Power supply 19
2.5.1 Operating time 19
2.5.2 Charging rechargeable batteries 20
2.5.3 Charging time for a full charge 20
2.5.4 Never charge primary cells! 20
2.5.5 Replacing batteries 21
2.5.6 Storage 21

3 Controls 22
3.1 Keypad 23
3.2 Operating concept of the parameter menu 24
3.3 Display 26

4 Switching on / starting / measuring 28

4.1 Basic remarks 28
4.2 Switching on 30
4.3 Cleaning the measuring place 31
4.4 Positioning the measuring probe 32
4.5 Examination and calibration of the probe 33

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 3

4.5.1 Function of the probe calibration 33
4.5.2 Checking the probe 34
4.5.3 Executing a probe calibration 35
4.6 Material correction 37
4.6.1 Function of the material correction 37
4.6.2 Executing the material correction 37
4.6.3 Useful notes on material correction 39
4.6.4 Customized material characteristics 41
4.7 Measurement of inclined cracks: determination of the crack angle 42
4.7.1 Measuring method for inclined cracks 42
4.7.2 Determination of the angle  43
4.7.3 Measuring the projected crack depth 47
4.8 Measuring modes 49
4.8.1 Single measurement mode 49
4.8.2 Permanent measuring mode 49
4.9 Measured value output to printer/PC 50
4.10 Replacing the contact pins 51
4.10.1 Removing used contact pins 52
4.10.2 Fitting new contact pins 52
4.10.3 Selecting the contact pins 53

5 Measured value memory / batches 55

5.1 Design of the data logger 55
5.2 Activating the measured value memory 56
5.3 Interrupting measured value storage 57
5.4 Restoring measured value memory 57
5.5 Printout of current batch contents 58
5.6 Printout of all batch contents 59
5.7 Delete current batch contents 60
5.8 Deleting the complete measured value memory 60
5.9 Data transfer to a PC 61

6 Additional functions 62
6.1 Automatic switching off 62
6.2 Input of date and time 62
6.3 Altering display units (mm / inch) 63
6.4 Selecting the language 63

4 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

7 Influences on measuring accuracy 64
7.1 Workpiece surface 64
7.2 Influences caused by the shape of specimen and crack 64
7.2.1 Edge effect 64
7.2.2 Deep cracks 65
7.2.3 Short cracks 65
7.2.4 Crack width 65
7.2.5 Cracks with contacting walls (discontinuous cracks) 65
7.3 Measuring in crack fields 66
7.4 Material influences 66

8 What to do when ... 67

8.1 Error messages 67
8.2 Resetting the gauge and probe to ex-works presets 68
8.3 Practical notes: What to do if ...? 69

9 Technical data 70

10 Appendix 73
10.1 Transmission parameters and pin layout for the serial interface 73
10.2 Remote control of the RMG 4015 via the RS232 interface 73
10.3 Customized material specific reference crack 74
10.4 Order numbers for probes, accessories and consumables 75
10.5 Foldout view of the instrument 77

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 5

1 What you should know before starting a test....

1.1 Notes on this manual

This manual is a standard accessory for the KARL-DEUTSCH Crack
Depth Gauge RMG 4015.

Further copies may be obtained from KARL DEUTSCH by quoting order

no. 7443.401.

Information shown with this symbol must be read and the contents
complied with and understood when using the RMG 4015 so that the func-
tion and measuring quality of the appliance are not impaired.

This symbol indicates interesting additional information.

When you read this manual you will see numbers set in parentheses,
e.g.. "(5)". These numbers refer to the folding view of the appliance at the
end of the manual.

6 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

1.2 Appropriate use of the RMG 4015
The crack depth gauge RMG 4015 works according to the Alternating Cur-
rent Potential Probe Procedure and is used for the determination of the ex-
tension of surface cracks in metallically leading parts (preferably iron and
steel) as exactly as possible.

The course of the crack to be measured along the surface must be deter-
mined before by means of other methods of NT (non-destructive testing),
for example magnetic flux (MT) or color penetration examination (PT) and
known at start of measurement.

The measuring range is dependent on the material and the employed

RMG probe. It covers 0 to 99,9 mm at most ferromagnetic steels.

For use with materials with particularly high specific a.c. conductivity,
e.g. copper or gold, special probes are required. With these the measuring
range is reduced.

The gauge is designed for use with probes and accessories offered by
KARL DEUTSCH for the RMG 4015.

Further information on the appropriate use of the gauge and on the physi-
cal background of the crack depth measurement can be taken from this
operating manual and from the leaflet on the crack depth measurement
which is part of the delivery. Therefore, before the first initiation this operat-
ing manual and the leaflet should be read and understood.

The crack depth gauge does not replace the usual procedures for rec-
ognizing cracks but is used to supplement them in a practical manner. The
crack depth gauge provides, for example, help on making decisions if there
is some doubt whether cracked parts can be further processed in case of
measured crack depthes being less than the machining allowance.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 7

1.3 Requirements for test personnel
The following is required for optimal use of the RMG for the respective
tests ...

 ... operators must have a basic knowledge of measuring technology to

enable them to make objective judgements regarding measured values
and their tolerances.

 ... operators must be familiar with basic measuring technology.

This will considerably increase the possibility of recognizing systematic,

application engineering and also appliance-based faults.

1.4 Safety instructions

The RMG 4015 is not approved for use in explosive environments. Al-
ways comply with the relevant safety regulations.

1.5 Operating and storage temperatures

The RMG 4015 can be operated at ambient temperatures between 0°C
and + 45 °C.

Storage temperatures for the RMG 4015 should be in the range 0 °C –

45 °C if batteries are inserted1.

If the batteries are removed, the appliance may be stored at temperatures

between - 20 °C to + 60 °C.

Do not forget that temperatures behind glass (e.g. car windows) can
increase easily to + 60 °C in sunshine.

1 Please note the respective information of the battery manufacturer

8 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

1.6 Probes and measuring range
There are various types of probe available depending on the measuring

All probes have feather appliances integrated into the pins. These level out
the surface unevenness and guarantee an approximately uniformly strong
placing-pressure, also at round or cylindrically shaped surfaces.

(A) (B) (C)

RMSL 0º RMSQ 0º RMSL 90º

Fig. 1: The probes of the RMG 4015 for straight2 cracks

2 "inclined" and "straight" cracks: c.f. section 4.7 ff

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 9

(D) (E)
RMSL-S 0º RMSL-S 90º

Fig. 2: The probes of the RMG 4015 for straight and inclined3 cracks

A) Measurement of straight cracks:

Probe with 4 measuring pins arranged in a row
Abbreviation: RMSL 0º
Order number: 4416.001

B) Measurement of straight cracks:

Probe with 4 measuring pins arranged in a square
Abbreviation: RMSQ 0º
Order number: 4418.001

Pins arranged as a square usually generates a higher measuring signal

compared to the signal generated by pins arranged as row. Therefore, this
probe should be used always in those cases, where the part to be meas-
ured has a smaller electric resistance than ferromagnetic iron- and steel,
for example austenitic steel or non-iron (NE) metals.

3 "inclined" and "straight" cracks: c.f. section 4.7 ff

10 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

C) Measurement of straight cracks:
Angled probe with 4 measuring pins arranged in a row
Abbreviation: RMSL 90º
Order number: 4417.001

The angled design means that measurements can be taken in narrow

openings as well.

A prism-shaped groove makes it easier to place the probe on round mate-

rials, when the crack runs across the direction of the circumference.

D) Measurement of straight and inclined cracks:

Probe with 4 measuring pins arranged in a row
Abbreviation: RMSL-S 0º
Order number: 4421.001

E) Measurement of straight and inclined cracks:

Angled probe with 4 measuring pins arranged in a row
Abbreviation: RMSL-S 90º
Order number: 4420.001

The angled design means that measurements can be taken in narrow

openings as well.

A prism-shaped groove makes it easier to place the probe on round mate-

rials, when the crack runs across the direction of the circumference.

Please quote the 5-digit serial number of your reference block when or-
dering new probes. The serial number is engraved on the left-hand side of
the reference block.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 11

1.7 Measuring uncertainty and display resolution
The real uncertainty of measurement of the given application depends al-
ways on the specific material qualities of the parts to be examined and can
be very different due to different preparatory treatments even with same
material denotation. The values indicated in section 9 for the uncertainty of
measurement are only type-related values. They also assume that the part
to be tested is not magnetized and has a uniform grain texture, that the
surface is at the point of measurement even, smooth and clean and that
the crack distance from any material edge is at least the twofold of the
crack depth. They refer to the physical measuring depth "T" (c.f. Fig. 8,
page 42), and not to the projected depth as it comes with the measure-
ment of inclined cracks. The real measurement uncertainty of an unknown
piece of material must be determined in every case experimentally before.

Also curved surfaces can damage the result of measurement. The same
is valid for all inhomogenity that leads to variations in the electrical and
magnetic qualities of the part to be measured. These can arise for example
as a result of mechanical tensions after the manufacturing-process, thus ba-
sically after thermal or mechanical demand or by magnetizing.

The display resolution in mm-mode is 0.1 mm, in Inch-mode it is

±0.001 Inch.

1.8 Reproducibility of measuring results

The crack depth measurement is a comparison measurement. The com-
parison of measured values at undisturbed (crack-free) and crack afflicted
surface sections leads for the statement of measuring technique. With the
RMG, the accuracy of all following measurements depends on how care-
fully the calibration and material correction have been carried out before
start of measurement. A precondition for reproducible and technically rea-
sonable results is that the test conditions do not change after that. Only
then, reproducible and technically reasonable results can be achieved.
Thus, during probe calibration (see section 4.5.3) and while determining
the material correction factor (see section 4.6), as well as during the exe-
cution of measurement sequences, ensure that the temperature remains
unchanged at the point of measurement and in the material under test.
If you are in doubt you should execute both a new calibration and a mate-
rial correction.

12 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

1.9 Declaration of Conformity

The characteristics within the meaning of the CE Directives apply-

ing to this measuring appliance and the appliance's proven quality
characteristics apply to correct use of the appliance.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 13

1.10 Contacting KARL DEUTSCH
We work flextime. You can reach surely during the core hours:

Monday through Thursday:

8.00 a.m. - 12.15 p.m. / 12.45 p.m. - 3.30 p.m.
8.00 a.m. - 12.15 p.m.

Phone: +49 (-202) 7192-0

Fax: +49 (-202) 714932

Postal address:

Prüf- und Messgerätebau
GmbH + Co KG
Postfach 132354
D-42050 Wuppertal

Office address:
Otto-Hausmann-Ring 101
D-42115 Wuppertal

14 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

2 General information

2.1 Characteristic features

Depending on the material and the employed probe the RMG 4015 meas-
ures crack depths from 0 to a maximum of 99.9 mm in ferromagnetic (for
example iron, steel) and non-ferromagnetic4 (for example aluminum) basic
material. For the adaptation to the geometry of the part different probe de-
signs are available (see section 1.6).

In single measuring mode (usual setting) after every placement of the

probe 1 measured value is indicated. In continuous measuring mode a
measured value is determined and indicated approx. once per second af-
ter placement.

The RMG 4015 is equipped with a real time clock and a data memory (da-
ta logger).

The data interface offers connectivity to ...

... the serial interface of an IBM-

compatible computer (PC).
Using the software program
"STATWIN 2002" a convenient evalua-
tion software for the PC is available.

... the KARL DEUTSCH thermal printer


4 The measuring range with non-ferromagnetic material depends on the specific

conductivity of the material. The lower the conductivity is the higher you can se-
lect the upper limit of the measuring range. Ask KARL DEUTSCH if you require
more information..

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 15

2.2 Cleaning
The RMG 4015's housing is made of ABS plastic, the keypad membrane is

The membrane keypad is largely dirt-resistant and is easy to clean, as is

the rest of the housing.

Normally all there you need to do is to wipe the appliance with a cloth
soaked in a mild cleaner. When cleaning the appliance, make sure that
there is no mechanical abrasion and that you do not scratch it.

Never use plastic-dissolving cleaners or agents that can scratch the sur-
face of the inspection window.

When cleaning the appliance, make sure that liquid does not penetrate into
the housing inside.

2.3 Type identification

The type label for the RMG 4015 is on the back and shows the production

The type designation for the probe is engraved on the probe body.

Always quote the type designation and the production serial number in
any correspondence.

16 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

2.4 Accessories

2.4.1 RMG reference block

The RMG reference block (Art.-No. 4720.002) is made of steel (C45K, ma-
terial number 1.0503) and has a straight test crack with a crack depth be-
tween 0 and 10 mm. This saw cut serves as artificial test crack.

The RMG reference block is mainly used to check the proper function of
the unit prior to start of measurement and to find out any variations (c.f.
section 1.7). In particular mechanical wear of the probes and temperature
changes of the probe and variations in temperature changes for probe and
device may affect the gauging accuracy. These influences can be com-
pensated however to a large extent when the probes are calibrated on the
artificial crack of the RMG reference block.

Fig. 3: RMG reference block 4720.002

Due to the manufacturing limits of the RMG reference block the actual
crack depth can deviate around ± 0.1 mm from the engraved integral value
at the measurement points (1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm etc.).

With the resistance depth measurement also the ambient temperature must
be observed.

If the temperature of the RMG reference block is increased and/or lowered

compared to the temperature at the date of calibration for around 10 °C, the
crack depths are indicated approx. 10 % higher and/or lower than the en-
graved nominal values.

This is caused by temperature-dependent changes of the electrical and mag-

netic characteristics of steel.

Magnetization of the RMG reference block will lead to illegal results of

measurement and improper calibration. Thus, ensure that the RMG reference
block is never affected by magnetic fields.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 17

2.4.2 Printer
The battery-powered (rechargeable) thermal printer (art. no.: 6010.201) is
available for printing of current measured values and batch contents.

Fig. 4: Thermal printer 6010.001

You will need printer cable 1657.307 to connect the matrix printer to the
RMG 4015.

18 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

2.5 Power supply
The RMG 4015 is powered by two 1.5 V AA batteries or two 1.2 V re-
chargeable batteries. When inserting non-rechargeable batteries, use only
leak-proof alkali-manganese batteries.

As rechargeable batteries we recommend to use NiMH cells because of

their improved environmental compatibility and higher capacity.

The charger is not a power pack. It must only be connected when re-
chargeable batteries have been inserted. Using the charging appliance with-
out rechargeable batteries can cause damage to the measuring appliance.

2.5.1 Operating time

The operating time depends on the operating mode (permanent opera-
tions, single measurements, memorization, etc.) and on the type of battery

The following operating times are possible in permanent operations with

active measured value store and the interface switched-on, i.e. highest
possible energy consumption of the unit:

Type Capacity in mAh Operating time

(approx.) in h

Alkali-Manganese 2300 8.2

NiMH 2000 7.1

NiMH 1300 4.6

NiMH 1000 3.6

All other operating modes use less energy and the operating time is corre-
spondingly longer then.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 19

2.5.2 Charging rechargeable batteries
Rechargeable batteries are charged in the unit as soon as the charger5 is

Connect the charger to the socket (5) on the left-hand side of the RMG

Do not connect the charger if you are using non-rechargeable batteries

(e.g. alkali manganese cells). Danger of explosion!

2.5.3 Charging time for a full charge

The time required for a full charge depends on the type of rechargeable
battery used, the battery charge status and external conditions, such as
the temperature and the age of the battery.

A full charge with the appliance switched off and discharged batteries ta-
kes at least 12 h with NiMH rechargeable batteries.

2.5.4 Never charge primary cells!

If you are using conventional, non-rechargeable batteries e.g. alkali-

manganese batteries:

Do not connect the charger!

Do not charge!

Danger of explosion!

5 art. no. 2806.001 for 230 V primary voltage, others on request

20 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

2.5.5 Replacing batteries
To replace the batteries, unscrew the cover of the battery compartment on
the back of the appliance (two Phillips screws - use the correct screw-
driver). Insert the new batteries as shown in the drawing in the compart-

2.5.6 Storage

If the RMG 4015 is stored for longer periods (e.g. for several weeks),
always remove the batteries.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 21

3 Controls


Fig. 5: Front view RMG 4015

(1) Probe socket (marked with a red dot)

(2) RS232C interface (for PC and printer)

(3) Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

(4) Keypad

(5) Charger socket

22 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

3.1 Keypad
When a key is pressed an acoustic signal is generated. If an invalid key is
pressed, a double signal can be heard.

 ON/OFF key

 Calls zero point calibration

 Starts upper range value calibration

 Calls material correction

 Switches between menu and measuring

 In menu: scrolls menu items upwards

 After entering a number: auto-increment key (in-

creases displayed value)

 In menu: scrolls menu items downwards

 After entering a number: auto-decrement key (de-

creases displayed value)

 Calls display cursor

You can now selectively update positions in the dis-
played value with the arrow keys .

 Activates the current menu item

 Confirms a (changed) parameter

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 23

3.2 Operating concept of the parameter menu
While only to the most frequently used instrument functions are assigned
to a key, you can select and change all gauge functions and settings (for
example operating mode, language, unit etc.) via the instrument menu.

 Call the menu by pressing the key.

 Select the menu item you want via the arrow keys .

 Activate the selected menu item by striking .

 In the activated menu item values can be updated using the


 If you are entering numbers use the key to select the position you
wish to update and alter the figure by pressing the keys.

 To select and save the updated parameter, press .

The following table shows all items of the operating menu. They are listed
as they appear successively when striking .

Material correction

Instrument function for measurement of inclined


Measuring mode single/continuous

Output of measured values

OFF: additional functions not shown

ON: the following additional functions are

shown in the menu

24 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

Calling the memory for measured values

Output of the current batch

Output of all batches

Deleting the current batch

Deleting all batches

Strike to select remote operation via the

interface (2). Required e.g. when instrument is
controlled by the PC software STATUS Win-

While this mode is active the display shows


Strike to select the normal operating

mode without PC again.

Setting time and date

Setting the unit mm or Inch

Setting the language (German/English)

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 25

3.3 Display

The display on the RMG 4015 can show a total

of 8 characters.

Numerical displays have up to 3 digits. Meas-

ured values are shown with a resolution of 0.1

With activated batch mode (i.e. measured val-

ues are saved to the measured value memory)
the letter appears.

When the appliance is ready to measure you

will see the measuring flag to the left of the
measured value, indicating that the instrument
is ready for measurement.

The appliance waits until the probe is posi-

tioned. During measuring the measuring flag
disappears briefly.

If batch mode is switched on, the measuring

flag is not available. Instead the letter
goes out or flashes.

Request when a probe for inclined cracks is

connected: Connect the plug of the external
moving arrow to magnet cable to the socket on the probe (with
the left-hand side
measurement of inclined cracks).

Request when a probe for inclined cracks is

connected: Disconnect the plug of the external
moving arrow to magnet cable from the socket on the probe
the right-hand side
(with measurement of inclined cracks).

Symbol that indicates measurement of the pro-

jected depth, i.e. the reading results from a
measurement of an inclined crack.

26 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

Battery capacity is practically exhausted.

You must reckon on the gauge being switched

off within the next minutes automatically. Re-
place with new batteries and/or charge the in-
serted rechargeable batteries.

Note: The measured values stored in the

batches are not lost when changing the batter-

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 27

4 Switching on / starting / measuring

4.1 Basic remarks

When employing the crack depth measurement to the potential probe pro-
cedure, you will feed alternating current of constant strength via two con-
tact pins into the specimen. Two other pins of the probe are used to meas-
ure the assigned electrical voltage resp. potential drop. This voltage is a
measure of the crack depth. Since it depends on the electrical and mag-
netic specs of the respective part however with same crack depth, the
crack depth measurement is always a comparative measurement. The
comparison of measured values at defect-free (crack-free) and crack af-
flicted surface sections of the same material leads to the measuring sta-

Before you carry out measurements with the RMG, the probe must be
checked, first of all, on an appropriate reference block (accompanying if
ordered) and calibrated where appropriate again. Then the instrument
and the probe need to adjusted to the specific electrical and magnetic ma-
terial properties of the part to be tested. This procedure is called material

 If no reference crack on the part to be measured is available, you

should merely execute a single point material correction in a crack-
free area in proximity of the crack to be measured.
 If a reference crack of known depth is available on the part, a two
point material correction is to be carried out on the part at a crack-
free place and on the reference crack.
A two point material correction takes also into consideration the chan-
ges of the electrical and magnetic specs with the depth of the part. Thus, a
two point material correction generally leads to more secure and more
precise results of measurement and should be preferred to a single point
material correction, which is carried out only (at a crack-free place) on
the surface of the part.

Checking and calibration of the probe on the appropriate RMG reference

block is described section chapter 4.5, executing the material correction
in chapter 4.6.2.

28 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

In addition, the following references should never be neglected when using
of the RMG:

During crack depth measuring a low constant AC current (0.3 A

approx.) is fed into the test piece via the probe contact pins. Positioning and
removing the probe pins may result in sparking and for this reason the test
area must be carefully cleaned (make sure there is no flammable material,
such as, e.g. oil, in the test area!) and ensure that the ambient atmosphere
is not combustible.

For reasons of measuring accuracy you should make sure that the place
where you want to place the probe is as clean as possible, i.e. free of all liq-
uid, oxidation, scales, etc. Each additional layer can influence measurements
of the crack depth.

To exclude systematic and environmental/appliance errors as far as

possible, we recommend that you carry out control measuring with known
crack depths and materials before starting a measuring series and at regular
intervals during measuring.

If environment and application influences change during the measure-

ment (for example temperature, mechanical wear etc.), the measurement
needs to be discontinued and a new calibration and material correction has
to be carried out.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 29

4.2 Switching on

 Press key . You will see a notification on the current version of the
operating program stored in the instrument. After this the RMG 4015
will change automatically to measuring operating mode.

With probe for inclined cracks: If the symbol (moving ar-

row to the right-hand side) shows, you need to disconnect the cable of the
external magnet from the probe socket.

 When switching off and on again an existing probe calibration is

memorized and will be used when the unit is switched on again.
 With every switch-off of the device also the material correction func-
tion will be deactivated. It remains deactivated when restarting the in-
strument. However, the last executed material correction is memorized
in the device and can be turned on again after the restart of the device
via the instrument menu. Nevertheless is recommended after every
switch-on of the instrument, to carry out a careful material correction
where appropriate on the part to be measured.
 At first, check the measuring accuracy and functionality of instrument
and probe by executing several measurements on the part to be tested
at cracks of known depth and on crack-free surface areas. If no refer-
ence cracks are available on the part, just employ reference blocks of
the same material as the part to be measured or (with switched off ma-
terial correction) use the accompanying RMG reference block (for ex-
ample, one measurement in crack-free area and one with a crack
depth of 10 mm). If the results are not within the measuring tolerance
(see section 1.7), you need to execute a new probe calibration on the
accompanying calibration block. In this case also the last material cor-
rection is no longer valid and needs to be executed again on the part to
be measured..
 If there is only a short measuring break and you want to employ the
last executed material correction again, you need to select the menu
item to after switch-on again.

You can carry on with the existing material correction only if you are
going to continue the measurement on the same place with unchanged tem-
perature. In all other cases a material correction must be carried out again
on the part to be measured 4.6.2).

30 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

There is a high probability for illegal measuring results if measuring is
executed on cracked material without respective material correction or with
switched-off material correction ( selected to ).

4.3 Cleaning the measuring place

If possible, before measuring remove all dirt, liquid, scales, rust, etc. from
the place where the probe is to be positioned so that the contact pins con-
nect a blank surface. Each additional layer can influence the size of the
value measured and falsify the crack depth display.

Sparks may be caused during measuring when the probes are posi-
tioned. It is therefore essential that you ensure that there are no flammable
materials (oil, petrol, etc.) and combustible gases near the probe positions.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 31

4.4 Positioning the measuring probe
Place the probe on the part, as shown as in the following illustration, so the
crack is exactly in the middle between the pins, that is 2 pins each are on
every side of the crack. When doing this keep the measuring probe per-
pendicular to the material surface.

Fig. 6: Positioning of the probes with square (A) and linear (B) arrangements
of the measuring pins

When using probes with square arrangement of the probe pins (A in Fig. 6)
the crack must pass exactly in direction of the mark between the pins, us-
ing probes with linear arrangement of the probe pins (B in Fig. 6) it should
run exactly perpendicular to the connecting line of the four pins. Probes
equipped with a 90 °bent handle (B in Fig. 6) the handle can be used for
orientation: Position the probe so the grip is aligned in parallel to the crack.

The placing pressure should be selected so the springs of the pins are
compressed for about two thirds on placing. Pressing up to the stop gen-
erally is not necessary and reduces the service life of the pins unnecessar-

Never turn or move the probe while it is placed. This will bend the
probe pins. To alter the probe position you should lift it before moving and
later, being in its new position, lower it again.

32 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

4.5 Examination and calibration of the probe
Prior to every start of measurement the function of the probe must be
checked on the accompanying RMG reference block and calibrated again,
if required.

4.5.1 Function of the probe calibration

In every RMG probe an individual characteristics curve is stored, which
contains the correlation between receive voltage of the respective probe
and the crack depth on the delivered one and related RMG reference
block. Neither this ex-works characteristics can be lost, nor deleted or oth-
erwise manipulated by the user.

By means of control measurements on the accompanying RMG reference

block 4720.002 you can check at any time, whether the instrument works
properly or whether wear of the contact pins, long-term drift or deviations
of temperature affect the result of measurement.

Within certain limits the instrument offers the possibility to compensate the
influences of probe wear, long-term drift and temperature changes when a
probe calibration is carried out on the assigned reference block. The com-
pensation data determined by the probe calibration are memorized in the
probe until they are replaced by a new calibration. With every switch-on of
the instrument the at last acquired calibration data are recalled and used
for operation.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 33

4.5.2 Checking the probe

The menu item is used to switch the material correction function

on and off. This makes it possible during a measuring series with material
correction function to check whether the probe's basic calibration is still

Proceed as follows:

Select menu item .

 Press .

If the material correction function is switched on you will now see


 Use the arrow keys to set the display to .

 Press . The material correction function is now switched off.

In this condition, i.e. with the material correction function switched off,
measurements carried out on the test material are invalid, because influ-
ences specific to the material are not taken into account. Where necessary,
deactivate the data logger before determining - invalid - measured values
with the material correction function switched off (cf. chapter5.3).

 Carry out several measurements on the reference block 4720.002 and

check whether the displayed values are within the permitted tolerance.
 If this is not the case, recalibrate the probe and the upper range value
(cf. chapter 4.5.3).

34 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

4.5.3 Executing a probe calibration
Probes are calibrated on reference block no. 4720.002, supplied with the

Fig. 7: RMG-Reference block 4720.002 and polishing fleece

The probe calibration usually consists of a zero value and an upper range
value calibration.

For probe calibration, please use the reference block 4720.002 being
part of the delivery and identifiable by the serial number as quoted on the
test report. Using a different reference block may lead to deviations of the
measured values caused by charge variations of the electric and magnetic

To ensure the best results: Remove all dust, oil, grease, cuttings and
similar matter from the probe and the measuring position. When calibrating,
keep the probe in position until you hear the signal.

If measuring conditions change during a measuring series, calibrate the

probe again.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 35


 Press . The display shows , followed by .

 Carry out several measurements (at least three; the more measure-
ments, the more precise the calibration) on a blank surface in a crack-
free section of the 4720.002 reference block. Hold the probe at least 1
cm from the edge or any crack of the sample material.

 Press .


 Press . The display briefly shows , followed by

 Carry out several measurements (at least three; the more measure-
ments, the more precise the calibration) over the crack depth 10 mm
on the sample crack in the 4720.002 reference block.
 After completing calibration measuring, set the displayed value to

10.0 mm with the keys.

 Press .

If the probe was incorrectly positioned, or if the measured values are

implausible (e.g. deviations during consecutive calibration measurements
for a crack depth are too large), you will see the display ERROR 3 and the
current measuring step needs to be carried out again (zero point calibration
resp. upper range value calibration).

36 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

4.6 Material correction
Prior to any measurement on the part to be tested, you need to carry out a
material correction.

4.6.1 Function of the material correction

The electric conductivity and magnetic permeability are different for every
material to be tested. Often they distinguish from part to part even in spite
of same material denotation. These differences are mostly caused by the
production, for example due to different mechanical or heat treatments
during the production. Also a cooling down at different places within a pile
of semi-finished product or locally different heat demand on parts can lead
to local changes.

With the crack depth measurement to the Alternating Current potential

probe procedure, the measuring signal of the crack probe (voltage de-
pending on the crack depth) depends on the electric conductivity and
magnetic permeability of the material to be tested. Within certain limits
these influences can be compensated by the instrument when a "material
correction" is carried out.

4.6.2 Executing the material correction

To determine the material correction factor you will need a sample of the
cracked material or the material to be tested, where possible with a refer-
ence crack of known depth, which is verified by a direct measuring proce-

The material correction usually consists of a measurement on a crack-free

section (zero) and several measurements on reference cracks with differ-
ent depths.

With inclined reference cracks you need to know the "depth" along the
physical direction of the crack and not the projected depth (see Fig. 8).

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 37


 Press . The display now briefly shows , followed by

 Carry out several measurements (at least three; the more measure-
ments, the more precise the calibration) on a blank surface in a crack-
free section of the sample material. Hold the probe at least 1 cm from
the edge of the material.

With inhomogeneous material you should carry out this measurement

close to the crack under test. But ensure that the contact pins are placed be-
side the crack (and not over it).

 Complete measurements and press .

 The display now shows followed by

If reference cracks of known depths are available, carry out additional cali-
bration on the reference cracks (see below). If not, finish determination of
the material correction factor by pressing .
Material correction with reference cracks:

 After zero calibration (as described above) the display shows briefly
followed by
 Select the first reference crack with known depth and carry out several
measuring over it.

 Finish measuring and use the keys to set the display

reading to the depth of the reference crack.

 Press .

 will show. Select the second reference crack and carry out
measurement as described with .

38 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

 Proceed in the same manner with the rest of the reference cracks. The
number of the MAT CAL indication will increase correspondingly. Up to
20 reference cracks are possible. There is no special crack depth se-
quence required when measuring several reference cracks. If only one
reference crack is available for material specific calibration, finish after
the first reference measurement as described below. With material
specific calibration it is recommended to use reference cracks the
depth of which cover the entire range of possible cracks which may oc-
cur during real measurements.

 Finish the material specific calibration by striking . The instrument

then will switch to measuring mode (measuring flag displayed).

You should contact KARL DEUTSCH if the instrument exceeds the toler-
ance range as listed in chapter 1.7, though proper material correction based
on zero and material specific measurements have been executed. It then can
be assumed that the material properties deviate to such a great extent that
the internal basic factory setting curve (which refers to common steel) can
not cover this specific material type. In most cases, a material specific basic
factory calibration that is stored in the probe, will be the solution (see sec-
tion 4.6.4).

Please keep in mind that due to their extremely low resistivity some materi-
als cannot be used for reliable crack determination (e.g. Gold, copper).

4.6.3 Useful notes on material correction

With many materials a material correction which is carried out on crack-
free place and on the reference crack with known depth will lead already to
a sufficient gauging accuracy. However, basically the gauging accuracy to
be expected is the higher, the more reference cracks of different depth are
available within the desired measuring range, since this permits the meas-
uring voltage for the material correction to follow the crack depth more
precisely. This is valid in particular for unusual materials, that is materials
with unusual electric and magnetic qualities. Also difficult cases of applica-
tion can often be solved, when a sufficient number of material samples
with artificially made cracks are available (e.g. saw-cuts), which you can
use to execute a careful material correction.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 39

When producing material samples with artificial cracks to be used for ma-
terial correction with the RMG, please pay attention to the following notes
(see section 10.3 as well):

 The material surface must be metallically shining.

 The individual reference cracks should be available with linear division
ratio, e.g. 3 mm, 6mm and 9 mm.
 The crack length should be threefold of the crack depth.
 The material thickness needs to be twice the maximum crack depth.
 The crack width needs to be between 0.5 and 2 mm.
 The distance of the reference cracks from the material edge needs to
be at least twice the maximum crack depth.

Note: Under the option number 4901.001 ("Special characteristic for

RMG-probes") special characteristics can be stored in all RMG probes ex
works. For recording of special characteristics a sample of the material to be
examined needs to be available with at least 3 different referent cracks be-
tween 1 mm and 10 mm of depth or a continuously slanting crack in the field
from 0 mm to 10 mm. The dimensions of the material sample needs to meet
the specifications as mentioned above. Unlike the material correction de-
scribed above, which can be repeated or altered at any time by the operator,
an ex-works special characteristic cannot be changed by the operator any-

Probes with a specific material characteristics are exclusively suitable

for the measurement on parts of this particular material.

40 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

4.6.4 Customized material characteristics
In (rare) cases materials with unusual electrical and magnetic properties
occur, which, by means of the stored standard characteristics cannot be
measured with the required accuracy. Option number 4901.001 ("special
characteristic for RMG probes") permits to store special characteristic into
all RMG probes. To acquire special characteristic curves material samples
according to the following conditions must be available:

 At least 3 differently deep artificial cracks between 1 and 10 mm or one

continuously growing inclined crack between 0 and 10 mm depth
should be available
 The surface of the material must be metallically bright.
 In case of single cracks, their depth should approx. be in a linear rela-
tion (e.g. 3, 6, 9 mm)
 The length of the artificial cracks should be at least three times bigger
than their maximum depth
 The thickness of the material should be at least two times bigger than
the maximum depth of the cracks
 The width of the artificial cracks should be between 0.5 and 2.0 mm
 The distances of the reference cracks from edges should be at least 2
times of their maximum depth

Probes with specific material characteristics are only suitable for meas-
urement on parts made from this specific material.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 41

4.7 Measurement of inclined cracks: determination of the crack

4.7.1 Measuring method for inclined cracks

For determination of the crack angle a probe for inclined cracks with addi-
tional external current pole6 (designed as contact magnet) is required.

With unknown crack depth you can use this with four sequential measuring
steps to determine at first the angle  (see Fig. 8) and then by means of
the successive measuring the projected depth P (see Fig. 8). The pro-
jected depth P is understood as the depth that is projected to a perpen-
dicularly thought axis against the surface of the part.

Fig. 8: Projected depth P, crack angle  and depth of crack T

As requirement for the measurement of inclined crack you need a careful

calibration of the special inclined crack probe for vertical cracks by means
of the assigned RMG reference block and, if appropriate, a material cor-
rection on the part to be tested. For the subsequent measurement of in-
clined cracks by means of the special probe for inclined crack the menu
item must be turned on.

6 part of the delivery of the probe for inclined cracks

42 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

4.7.2 Determination of the angle 
The steps which are described in the following can be terminated by strik-
ing .

Proceed as follows:

 Select menu item .

 Strike key .

If measurement of inclined cracks is switched off the display shows


If the display shows now, an angle factor is active already. On

striking the key MENU/MEAS you can quit the determination of the crack angle now
and, if you wish, continue using the existing angle factor for determination of the pro-
jected crack depth (see section 4.7.3). On determining a new angle , you will at first
select the menu item to , in order to delete the existing angle
factor and the will proceed as follows.

 Use the keys to alter the reading to .

 Strike the key .

 An animated arrow (left move) will display .

 Connect the cable of the external magnetic pole to the socket of the
crack probe.

 The animated arrow symbol will be replaced by , which initi-

ates the first zero measurement.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 43

General notes on the following measuring steps:

If the values of two successive measurements differ too much, you will
see the display ERROR 3 and readings acquired until the error occurred will
be deleted. The current measuring step then needs to be carried out again
(there are four measuring steps: 1st zero measurement, 1st crack measure-
ment, 2nd zero measurement, 2nd crack measurement). Thus, for proper ter-
mination of the current measuring step, simply execute some measurements

The more measurements per measuring step are executed the more
precise the determination of measured values will be.

The distance between probe and external current pole should be at

least 10 cm. A smaller distance will reduce the measurement accuracy.

Following the four measuring steps for determination of the crack angle:


 Arrange probe, reference block and pole as to be seen in set-up A (Fig.
9). All probe contact poles are situated on the side of the crack that is
opposite to the external magnetic pole. The active current pole
(marked by a spot on the probe) is on the outer side of the arrange-
ment. The inner contact pole is close to the crack. All contacts need to
be placed on a crack-free section of the reference block.

Fig. 9: Set-up A for the 1 zero measurement

 Execute several measurements (lift probe and place again at approxi-

mately the same place as before). Every measurement is confirmed by
a signal beep. The reading will show a four-digit number which is pro-
portional to the measured value.

44 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

 Strike to end the first zero determination.

 The display will change to .

Step #2: 1st crack measurement

 Alter the measurement arrangement as to be seen in Fig. 10 (set-up
B). The crack is now located between the inner poles (voltage poles) of
the probe. Still the active current pole (spot marking) is located oppo-
site to the external magnetic pole.

Fig. 10: Set-up B for the 1 crack measurement

 Execute several measurements (lift probe and place again at the same
place as before). Every measurement is confirmed by a signal beep.
The reading will show a four-digit number which is proportional to the
measured value.

 Strike to end the first crack measurement.

 The display will change to .

To carry out both final measurements the probe and the external magnetic
pole needs to be rotated for 180º. The active current pole (spot marking) is
still opposite to the external magnetic pole.

Step #3: 2nd zero measurement

 Arrange probe, reference block and pole as to be seen in set-up C
(Fig. 11). All probe contact poles are situated on the side of the crack
that is opposite to the external magnetic pole. The active current pole
(marked by a spot on the probe) is on the outer side of the arrange-
ment. The inner contact pole is close to the crack. All contacts need to
be placed on a crack-free section of the reference block.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 45

Fig. 11: Set-up C for the 2 zero measurement

 Execute several measurements (lift probe and place again at approxi-

mately the same place as before). Every measurement is confirmed by
a signal beep. The reading will show a four-digit number which is pro-
portional to the measured value..
 Strike to end the 2 zero determination.

 The display will change to .

Step #4: 2nd crack measurement

 Alter the measurement arrangement as to be seen in Fig. 12 (set-up
D). The crack is now located between the inner poles (voltage poles) of
the probe. Still the active current pole (spot marking) is located oppo-
site to the external magnetic pole.

Fig. 12: Set-up D for the 2 crack measurement

46 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

 Execute several measurements (lift probe and place again at the same
place as before). Every measurement is confirmed by a signal beep.
The reading will show a four-digit number which is proportional to the
measured value.
 Strike to end the 2 crack measurement.

 The display then shows the angle  that results from the a.m. meas-
urements as described before. Angles with a positive sign have a run-
ning direction away from the external magnetic pole, angles with a ne-
gative sign indicate that the angle direction is towards the external
magnetic pole (c.f. Fig. 13).

Fig. 13: Correlation between angle sign and crack direction

 Strike to quit the angle determination.

 An animated arrow symbol (moving right) will appear .

 Disconnect the cable of the external magnetic pole from the connection
socket of the probe.

4.7.3 Measuring the projected crack depth

Having executed the four steps as shown in section 4.7.2 and the external
current pole has been removed the RMG 4015 now is ready to measure
inclined cracks.

Although the probe always measures the extension of the crack into the
material, the display will show the projected depth that is based on the
previously executed angle determination.

As long as is selected all following measuring will

show the projected crack depths based on the same angle factor.

To switch-off measurement of inclined cracks, you should alter the

menu item to .

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 47

The algorithms utilized for the determination of angles are adapted to
commonly used ferromagnetic materials. You easily can check, whether the
given material is suitable for measurement of inclined cracks using the stan-
dard execution of the RMG 4015: You need the material to be tested with a
reference crack and a known angle (more than 30°). If the calculated angle
reading of the RMG 4015 lies within the tolerance range  = reference
crack ±10% ±5°, you can use the RMG 4015. If the tolerance range is ex-
ceeded, please contact KARL DEUTSCH to discuss a material specific probe

48 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

4.8 Measuring modes
Measuring can be carried out in single measurement mode or permanent
measuring mode.

 Select menu item with the arrow keys.

 Press .

 You will now see (permanent measuring) or (sin-

gle measurement mode).

 Change modes with the arrow keys .

 Press to exit from the menu item.

4.8.1 Single measurement mode

In the single measurement mode, after the probe is positioned ...

 ... the measured value is determined once only.

 ... successful measuring is concluded with a signal.
Lift the probe for another measurement.

The next measurement can be carried out as soon as the measuring flag
can be seen again.

4.8.2 Permanent measuring mode

In the permanent measuring mode ...

 ... the measured value is determined roughly once every second when
the probe has been positioned.
 ... there is no signal heard on a successful measuring. Instead, the
measuring flag goes out briefly.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 49

4.9 Measured value output to printer/PC
Values measured in single measurement or permanent mode can be
transmitted via the interface connector (2) at the top side of the instrument
to the printer 6010.201, or stored in a PC, with the help of the KARL
DEUTSCH transfer software "STATWIN" (art. no. 2904.001).

 Use link cable 1657.307 to connect the printer 6010.201 or the PC via
the serial interface (2) of the RMG 4015.
 Select PC to the transmission parameters of the RMG 4015 (cf. chap-
ter 10). The printer needs no pre-selection.

 Press .

 Use the arrow keys to select the menu item and ac-
tivate by pressing .

 The display will now show (switched off).

 Use the arrow keys to switch to (switched on).

 Press .

If the error message TIME_OUT appears, the printer or PC has not

been switched on, or the connection is faulty. Press to cancel the
TIME_OUT message.

====== RMG 4015 ======

Date: 19.12.95
Time: 08:23:50


No. Crack depth

1: 6.8 mm
2: 5.3 mm
3: 3.2 mm

Fig. 14: Example of a printout of measured values

Readings resulting from a measurement of inclined cracks are marked

with an asterisk "*". In addition the reference angle of the batch is printed.

50 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

4.10 Replacing the contact pins
The gilded pins of the probes ensure a good electric contact to the part.
Keeping the intact is important for reproducible results of measurement.
However, the pins of the probes are subject to continuous mechanical
stress and must be replaced if they are worn or damaged.

In case of normal demand and proper handling of the probes a replace-

ment of the pins is rarely seldom necessary. Nevertheless you may control
the pins from time to time visually for their mechanical function: The pins
must easily move through their full spring way. They must not be bent or
may stick. The tips must not be rounded or broken. Worn-out pins are indi-
cated during the measurement for example by an instability of the meas-
ured value. Even if during the regular controls of the probes on the related
RMG reference block increasing deviations are found, this indicates, first
of all, a wear of the probe-pins.

A set of additional pins already come with every RMG probe. Ordering da-
ta for further spare pins are listed in section 10.4.

Due to the mechanical construction the probe pins of the straight

probes RMSQ 0°, RMSL 0° and RMSL-S 0° are exposed to a higher mechani-
cal strength (vs. the angled probes RMSQ 90° and RMSQ –S 90°) since – in
usual measuring mode – they often are fully depressed and thus the manual
power is added to the sole spring power. You should carefully place the
probe and not exceed the probe's spring pressure.

If the contact pins can be pulled out of the guide by hand, the contact
pin holder is worn and must be replaced by KARL DEUTSCH or authorized af-
ter-sales service agency.

When needle contact pins are replaced there is a danger of injury

caused by the needle points. Take care when removing and replacing this
type of pin, e.g. place the probe on a firm support and insert and remove the
pins slowly.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 51

4.10.1 Removing used contact pins
To remove the contact pins you will need flat pliers to pull the pins out of
the guide.

If you want to ensure that the used pins will not be damaged, the flat pliers
must only contact the movable part of the pin (see Fig. 16), and the pins
need to be pulled out of the guide in the probe case..

4.10.2 Fitting new contact pins

When fitting new contact pins we recommend the use of a special fitting
tool (art. no. 4816.001). This ensures that you can insert the new contact
pins without danger of mechanical damage and risk of personal injury.

Fig. 15: Fitting tool 4816.001 for the RMG contact pins with handle (A) and
guiding sleeve for contact pins (B)

Alternatively you may use flat pliers though there will be a danger to
damage the pins. So please note: Ensure that the spring receiver of the mov-
ing part is not pressed in. After replacing a contact pin, check that the pin
receiver can be moved up and down without any resistance. If this is not the
case, insert a new pin.

52 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

When inserting a new contact pin, ensure that the inserting force is not
applied to the movable part of the contact pin. Use the tip of the flat pliers
as shown in Fig. 16.

Fig. 16: The picture shows where the flat pliers are to be applied when contact
pins are replaced

4.10.3 Selecting the contact pins

Contact pins are used to feed the constant current generated by the appli-
ance into the material with the least possible contact resistance, which is
an important condition for proper measuring results. All probes ex-work are
equipped with gilded standard contact pins. For difficult materials you al-
ternatively may use needle or self-twisting pins, which are available from
KARL DEUTSCH as accessories.

Standard contact pin

This robust contact pin is suitable for use in most appli-

cations with clean workpiece surfaces.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 53

Needle contact pin

The needle contact pin can be used if non-conductive

surface layers make contacting difficult. The extremely
small contact surface (needle point) makes penetration
of the surface layer and therefore contact easier with a
low contact resistance.

Self-twisting contact pin

The point of a twisting contact pin is turned automati-

cally by 90° on contact and this makes it easier to pene-
trate any mechanically hard surface layers.

54 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

5 Measured value memory / batches

5.1 Design of the data logger

The RMG 4015 can store a total of up to 3850 readings.

It is possible to divide the stored readings into batches (groups of meas-

ured values):

Division into batches is helpful if, for example, different measuring series
are to be recorded.

Measured values from the measuring series can then be stored in several
different batches, so that the measured values can be kept separate in
subsequent outputs (printer or PC).

In addition to the measured values the following are stored in each batch:

 the calibration values (zero and upper range value calibration)

 the material correction factor
 the statistical values
 and, as options, the instrument settings (measuring mode, unit, lan-
guage, date/time of batch opening)
This means that, if required and if it is practical, when a batch is called
measuring can be continued from exactly the same place at which the exit
from the batch took place (no re-calibration required).

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 55

5.2 Activating the measured value memory

Press the MENU/MEAS key and select the menu item with the
arrow keys.

 Press ENTER.

 The display now shows .

There are now two possibilities for further procedures:

 Use the arrow keys to select a new batch number (possible batch
numbers: 1 - 9999).

Alternative way to select a new batch number (may be helpful particu-

larly with high, 4-digit batch numbers): Use the CURSOR key to select the
current digit (marked with an underline). Then use the arrow keys to alter
the current digit value.

 Press ENTER to confirm.

 After a brief display of (NEW BATCH) the appliance swit-

ches to measuring mode. On the left-hand edge of the display you will
see the letter as a sign that all the new measured values are saved
in the selected batch.

This possibility exists only if batches have already been set up. It is descri-
bed in section 5.4.

56 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

5.3 Interrupting measured value storage
You can interrupt storage of the measured values in the current measured
value memory:

 Press the MENU/MEAS key in measuring mode.

 Use the arrow keys to select the menu item and press
ENTER. You will now see .
 Press ENTER again. The appliance switches back to measuring mode.
The letter is no longer displayed and the measured values are not

5.4 Restoring measured value memory

Carry out the following steps to restore measured value memory:

 Press the key MENU/MEAS in measuring operations.

 Use the arrow keys to select the menu item and press
ENTER. The display now shows .

 While is in the display press the MENU/MEAS key. The ap-

pliance will now show the existing batches for your selection.
 Use the arrow keys to select the batch to which additional measured
values are to be written.

If the message "Eod" is displayed, this means that there are no addi-
tional batches stored in the measured value memory. In this case, exit from
the menu with the key MENU/MEAS and start the selection process again if

 Press ENTER again. The appliance switches to measuring mode and

the letter is displayed. New measured values are added to the exist-
ing ones and numbered consecutively.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 57

5.5 Printout of current batch contents

A printout of the current batch contents is only possible in active batch

mode (see chapter 5.2). If you have not activated a batch, the error message
ERROR 1 is displayed.

Use the cable supplied to connect the printer to the serial interface7. Use
the arrow keys to select the menu item and press . The
contents of the current batch are then printed via the interface (for exam-
 Two empty lines are transmitted
====== RMG 4015 ======

Date: 10.12.95  Date and time batch first set up.

Time: 15:09:52

Batch no.: 2  This is not a consecutive number

but the number (1 - 9999) entered
No. Crack depth when the batch was set up.
1: 11.4 um
2: 11.4 um
3: 12.8 um
4: 12.8 um
5: 12.8 um
6: 16.7 um
7: 17.0 um
8: 17.2 um
9: 17.2 um

* Statistical values *  Statistics

No. of meas. values: 9

Minimum value: 17.4 mm
Maximum value: 11.2 mm
Mean value: 14.3 mm
Standard dev.: 2.5 mm

Press to interrupt the printout (e.g. if activated by mistake). There

may be a few seconds between pressing the key and the printout actually

Readings resulting from a measurement of inclined cracks are marked

with a "*". In addition the reference angle of the batch is printed.

7 Switch the RMG 4015 on first and then the printer. In this way you will prevent a
switching pulse from the RMG 4015 from blocking the printer's data input and
preventing data from being transmitted.

58 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

5.6 Printout of all batch contents
Connect the printer to the interface. Use the arrow keys to select the menu
item and press . The contents of all batches will then printed
via the interface (for example):
 Two empty lines are trans-
mitted first.
====== RMG 4015 ======

Date: 10.12.95  Date and time refer to the

Time: 15:09:52 first time each following
Tester: batch was set up

Batch no.: 2  This is not a consecutive

number but the number (1 -
No. Crack depth
9999), entered when the
1: 11.4 um
2: 11.4 um batch was set up
3: 12.8 um
4: 12.8 um
5: 12.8 um
6: 16.7 um
7: 17.0 um
8: 17.2 um
9: 17.2 um
 The assigned statistical
* Statistical values *
block is printed after the
No. of meas. values: 9 contents of each batch
Minimum value: 17.4 mm
Maximum value: 11.2 mm
Mean value: 14.3 mm
Standard dev.: 2.5 mm

 The printout of the next

batch starts here
====== RMG 4015 ======

Date: 10.12.95
Time: 15:12:47

File no.: 3

No. Crack depth

1: 12.9 um
2: 17.2 um
3: 11.9 um

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 59

If there is no batch contents the error message ERROR 2 will be dis-

Press to interrupt the printout (e.g. if activated by mistake). There

may be a few seconds between pressing the key and the printout actually

Readings resulting from a measurement of inclined cracks are marked

with an asterisk "*". In addition the reference angle of the batch is printed.

5.7 Delete current batch contents

You can delete the contents of a current batch.

• Select the menu item and press .

• The instrument will now ask for a confirmation of the delete command:
the message will blink in the display.

• Now press to start deleting the current batch or the key to

interrupt deleting.

If you have not loaded a current batch file, the error message ERROR 1
appears in the display.

5.8 Deleting the complete measured value memory

To delete the complete measured value memory carry out the following

• Select the menu item and press .

• The instrument will now ask for a confirmation of the delete command:
the message will blink in the display.

• Now press to delete the complete measured value memory or

the key to interrupt deleting (which has not yet been carried out).

60 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

5.9 Data transfer to a PC
You can use the PC software STATUS Windows to read the data logger of
the RMG 4015 and transfer the contents to the PC:

 Use PC data cable 1657.307 to connect PC and RMG 4015.

 Select menu item of the RMG 4015 and strike .

 Start STATUS Windows on the PC and remotely control the RMG via
the STATUS Windows menu.

With active menu item all other instrument functions are

If you want to return to measurement without PC simply strike .

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 61

6 Additional functions

6.1 Automatic switching off

After about 1 minute of not being used the RMG 4015 is switched to an
energy-saving stand-by mode.

The display then shows .

Press to return to the operating condition that was active before the
stand-by mode.

6.2 Input of date and time

The RMG 4015 is equipped with a real-time clock. When creating a batch
the current time is automatically stored as well.

To set the date and time, carry out the following steps:

• Select the menu item and press . The current time will

be displayed in hours, minutes and seconds. Use the keys to

update the time now.

• Press . The display switches to the date.

• Alter the date with the keys.

• Press to end the setting process.

62 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

6.3 Altering display units (mm / inch)
The RMG 4015 can display measured values in the linear units mm and

To select the display unit, proceed as follows:

• Select the menu item and press .

• The current linear display unit will appear.

• Change the display unit with the arrow keys .

• Press to end the selection process.

Altering the display units will change the display resolution as well,
i.e. 0.001 inches resp. 0.1 mm.

Inch mode is indicated as "i", whereas metric mode is indicated as "mm" on

the display.

6.4 Selecting the language

The language for the RMG 4015 printer output can be set with the menu
item .

You can choose either German or English.

Carry out the following steps:

• Select the menu item and press .

• Use the arrow keys to select the language you want.

• End the input with .

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 63

7 Influences on measuring accuracy

7.1 Workpiece surface

To ensure a good electrical contact the surface should be plain because
fluctuations in the contact resistance can falsify the measuring results.

7.2 Influences caused by the shape of specimen and crack

In those cases where the current flow next to the point of measurement
becomes geometrically constrained a higher electric resistance occurs
which leads to increased crack depth readings. For example, this can be
noticed at the front edge of the RMG reference block: There the crack
depth is indicated with higher values than it is actually. Thus, in order to
minimize geometrical influences, attention should be paid to the following
notes during measurement:

7.2.1 Edge effect

If the crack being measured runs towards an edge, please note that the
probe has to be positioned by at least one value of the crack depth from
the edge.

As you will normally not know how deep a crack at the edge of a workpiece
is, the necessary distance is determined from a previous measurement di-
rectly at the edge. If, for example, 8 mm is displayed here, keep the probe
8 - 10 mm from the edge and you can be sure that you will obtain correct
measured values.

If a crack runs parallel to an edge of the workpiece, measuring errors

caused by the edge need not be taken into account, even if the crack is so
close to the edge that the probe can just about be put into position.

64 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

7.2.2 Deep cracks
If a crack passes through practically the complete width of a workpiece
measured values will be too large. In this case as well the current lines be-
low the crack are obstructed by the opposite wall and this results in a
greater voltage drop. However, this case is only important if the crack ta-
kes up more than 75 % of the workpiece cross-section.

7.2.3 Short cracks

To measure the depth of a crack correctly it will normally have to be three
times as long as it is deep. Most cracks conform with this condition. How-
ever, there are cracks (e.g. flake cracks) which can be as deep as they are
long. In these cases you must expect to receive measured values that are
10 - 20 % less than the actual depth of the crack. The explanation for this
effect is that some of the current lines do not run underneath the crack but
around it, on the surface.

7.2.4 Crack width

An important characteristic of potential probe processes is the fact the
width of the crack has no effect on the measuring process. The explana-
tion for this is that the path of the current lines between the two measuring
poles is independent of the width of the crack. Of course, the crack width
must be smaller than the distance between the measuring poles.

7.2.5 Cracks with contacting walls (discontinuous cracks)

Experience shows that the metallic contact of the two crack walls does not
cause any faulty measurements. The contact resistance for the current is
considerably greater than the resistance of the material around the crack.

However, in particular with castings cracks may occur, which within their
course do not only show zones of metallic touch, but also zones of metallic
tie. In this case, only the upper crack can be measured, as the current
takes the path of least resistance, namely over the first metal bridge.

Since the zones of metallic tie in general are small within the entire crack
course, several measurements should be carried out successively along
the crack visible on the surface. Mostly these vary considerably because
they are by far larger immediately next to the tied areas which are also
named "bridges". You will find it typically as well, that after local grinding at

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 65

the place of first display, you mostly will measure similar values as before
and not smaller.

When in doubt, combine the crack depth measuring process with an ultra-
sound angle probe test.

7.3 Measuring in crack fields

Not only individual cracks can arise from multiple temperature cycling or
thermal shock stress, but whole crack fields. This applies, for example, to
the surface of rolls, that contacts continuously one after the other the red-
hot pre-material to be rolled out to sheet steel or profile shapes and is chil-
led immediately after that again in air or by means of liquid. This easily
may lead to cracks between the poles, where there is not only the one to
be measured but several others. Since the current runs around all cracks
in this case always a wrong crack depth will be measured.

7.4 Material influences

A crack depth measurement according to the potential probe method pro-
vides that the material to be tested is electrically and magnetically homo-
geneous. When commencing the measurement, it is recommended to
place the RMG probe on different crack-free places of the material and to
check the values indicated. If these are different, you can assume that at
least the surface area of the material is inhomogeneous. Further on, if the
material correction can be carried out only on crack-free places, a higher
measurement error can be assumed. In case of doubt it is always recom-
mended to carry out also the material correction on a reference-crack of
known depth. Where appropriate test blocks should be made from the re-
spective material.

66 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

8 What to do when ...

8.1 Error messages

The RMG 4015 is equipped with an error logic that signals incorrect or in-
sufficient operations by means of various ERROR messages.

ERROR messages remain in the display for approx. 3 seconds before the
previous operating condition is restored.

Message Meaning

ERROR 0 Probe not connected or defective or

external magnet connected during crack measurement

ERROR 1 Batch not loaded

ERROR 2 No batches found

ERROR 3 Implausible measured value (unstable or - during cali-

bration - deviates too much from the measured values

ERROR 4 Memory full, batch cannot be created

ERROR 5 No measuring available for the desired action

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 67

8.2 Resetting the gauge and probe to ex-works presets
Although the RMG works extremely reliably due to a microprocessor-
based automatic monitoring, it can occur in rare cases under unusual op-
erating conditions that apparently calibrations can not be carried properly,
measured values are illegal or the operating software of the device is lo-
cked. In these cases the instrument usually can be made operational again
by resetting it to ex-works presetting. To do so, proceed as follows:

 Strike to switch the unit on.

 The last reading is displayed.

 Strike , keep it depressed and in immediate succession (before

the display changes to ) strike .

 Now, an ex-works probe calibration is executed and the material cor-
rection is fed with standard values.
 Finally execute the probe calibration and the determination of the mate-
rial factor, as described in sections 4.5 and 4.6.

68 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

8.3 Practical notes: What to do if ...?
 ... measured values and functions do not react as expected in spite of
correct operations?
 Check if the battery warning LOW BAT is displayed. If so, replace
the battery / recharge the rechargeable battery.

 ... the display remains empty after switching on?

 New batteries / charge rechargeable batteries.

 ... an ERROR message appears?

 Read chapter 8.1 again to find out the reasons for the ERROR
message and correct the inputs or alter operations accordingly.

 ... no measured values are displayed.

 Fault during calibration. Recalibrate.

 ... measured values deviate from the expected value?

 Recalibrate
 Determine the material correction factor
 Probe defective

 ... measured values not transmitted to the printer?

 Check the cable connection (loose contact, not plugged in etc.).
 Printer not switched on.
 Printer batteries empty. Replace or charge batteries!

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 69

9 Technical data

Notes on the data of measurement uncertainty:

The measurement uncertainty which is actually effective with an application

always depends on the specific material properties of the workpieces to be
examined. The values indicated here are typical values for many common

With these values it is postulated that the specimens to be examined are not
magnetized, show a homogeneous structure, have a surface which is smooth
at the place of measurement and that the crack distance from the edge of
the workpiece is at least twofold of the crack depth. They refer to the physi-
cal measuring depth "t" (see Fig. 8) of the crack and not to the projected
depth with the measurement of oblique cracks.

The measurement uncertainty which is present with an unknown material,

however, needs to be determined experimentally prior to commencing of

Display method 8 characters LCD DOT matrix display
Visible area approx. 60 x 15 mm
Character resolution 5 x 7 pixels

Acquisition of measuring data

Measuring rate (continuous mode) approx. 1 reading per second
Measuring range 0 - 99.9 mm
Measuring resolution 0.1 mm

Measurement uncertainty
On reference block 4720.002 after two 0 - 10 mm: ±1 % - ±3 %
point calibration

*)After zero point material correction 0 - 10 mm: ±1 % - ±23 %

(w/o use of a reference crack) on fer- 10 - 100 mm: ±1 % - ±25 %
romagnetic material with material
properties similar to CK45

After zero point material correction 0 - 100 mm: ±1 % - ±25 %

(w/o use of a reference crack) on aus-
tenite material with material properties
similar to material no. 1.4301

After two point material correction (w/ 0 - 10 mm: ±1 % - ±13 %

use of a reference crack) on ferro- 10 - 100 mm: ±1 % - ±15 %
magnetic material

After two point material correction (w/ 0 - 10 mm: ±1 % - ±20 %

use of a reference crack) on austenite 10 – 100 mm: ±1 % - ±25 %

70 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

Measurement uncertainty when de- ±10 % ± 5° at  > 30°
termining the inclined position of crack
(angle , only with ferritic material)


Serial PC/printer interface 4 pin LEMO1 connector for data cables
1657.307 (PC) and 1657.306 (printer)
Data format: 4800 baud's, 8 data bits, 1
stop bit, no parity
Probe 7 pin LEMO2 socket to connect all
RMG probes
Charger socket 1.3 mm low voltage connector for
charger 2806.001

Measure system selectable mm and Inch
Date and time Real time clock included

Readings up to 3850 readings
Number of batches max. 300

Rechargeable battery mode 2 pcs. NiMH rechargeable batteries
operating time (with max. (size AA)
current consumption) approx. 7 hrs (new batteries with
2000 mAh)
Battery operation 2 pcs. alkali manganese primary cells
operating time (size AA ),
up to 8 hrs approx.
Indication of battery capacity approx. 15 to 30 minutes before getting
to undervoltage condition the indication
"LOW BAT" is shown on the display

Operating temperature 0 °C to +45 °C
Storage temperature -20 °C to +60 °C w/ removed batteries
0 °C to +45 °C w/ inserted batteries
Dust and humidity protection class IP 40

Dimension (h x w x d) 83 x 151 x 35 mm
Weight 225 g w/o batteries

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 71

Material ABS, black

Measuring method Potential probe, 2 current poles, 2 volt-
age poles
Measuring tips spring-loaded gilded pins, separately
exchangeable acc. to wear
Pin types Standard contact pins for most applica-
tion tasks with clean material
Needle contact pins: for the penetration
of very thin non-conducting surface
Twister contact pins: for penetrating
mechanically hard non-conducting sur-
face layers
Integrated electronics Characteristics memory for 3 charac-
teristics curves, CK45, VA (1.4301),
Difference amplifier for amplification of
the measuring voltage (40 dB gain)

Arrangement of the measuring tips

Square Current tips in parallel to the voltage
greater resolution than linear pin ar-
especially suitable for austenite mate-
determination of crack angles not pos-

Linear Current tips outward, voltage tips in-

due to the greater voltage drop more
suitable for material correction than
squared arrangement of pins
determination of crack angles possible

Probe types
RMSQ 0° art. no. 4418.001 straight probe, squared pin arrange-
RMSL 0° art. no. 4416.001 straight probe, linear pin arrangement
RMSL 90° art. no. 4417.001 angled probe, linear pin arrangement
RMSL-S0° art. no. 4421.001 straight probe, linear pin arrangement
for determination of inclined cracks
RMSL-S90° art. no. 4420.001 angled probe, linear pin arrangement
for determination of inclined cracks

72 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

10 Appendix

10.1 Transmission parameters and pin layout for the serial inter-

Transfer rate: 4800 baud
Data format: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity bit
Signal level as per RS232C standard

Pin Signal (RS232C level)

1 TXD (data output)

2 RXD (data input)

3 n.c.

4 CTS (clear to send)

Jack type: 4-pole Lemo socket

10.2 Remote control of the RMG 4015 via the RS232 interface
Please contact KARL DEUTSCH for detailed information on the remote
control facilities of the RMG 4015.

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 73

10.3 Customized material specific reference crack
For manufacturing a material specific reference crack for the material cor-
rection (see section 4.6) you should follow the geometric guidelines shown
in the sketch below.

Aufsetzbereich der Sondenstifte

Placing area of the probe pins

min. 2r

min. 3r
min. 2r d

min. 4r + d

Fig 17: Geometric guidelines for a reference crack (r = crack depth)

 The surface of the material must be metallically bright.

 The length of the artificial cracks should be at least three times bigger
than their maximum depth
 The thickness of the material should be at least two times bigger than
the maximum depth of the cracks
 The width of the artificial cracks should be between 0.5 and 2.0 mm
 The distances of the reference cracks from edges should be at least 2
times of their maximum depth

74 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

10.4 Order numbers for probes, accessories and consumables

Crack Depth Meter RMG 4015 incl. batteries ...........................4015.003

Probe RMSL 0° ........................................................................4416.001
Probe RMSL 90° ......................................................................4417.001
Probe RMSQ 0°........................................................................4418.001
Probe RMSL-S 0° (incl. contact magnet and cable) .................4421.001
Probe RMSL-S 90° (incl. contact magnet and cable) ...............4420.001

Special characteristic curve for RMG probe .............................4901.001

Each probe comes with a set of 8 spare contact pins (art. no.:

Please quote the 5-digit serial number of your reference block when or-
dering new probes. The serial number is engraved on the left-hand side of
the reference block.

RMG reference block (0 - 10 mm crack)
incl. 2 x polishing fleece............................................................4720.002
Charger for inserted batteries (230 V) ......................................2806.001
NiMH battery set (2x 1.2 V AA) ................................................6016.001
External charger 230 V for NiCd/NiMH batteries ......................6015.001
USA charger (115 V, 60 Hz) for inserted batteries ...................6018.001
Mobile thermal printer
(incl. 5 pcs. thermal paper rolls,adapter, charger (230 V))........6010.201
Instrument-specific printer cable
RMG 4015 (Lemo)  Thermal printer 6010.201......................1657.307
Protective bag for 2041, 2051, 4015 ........................................4825.001
Fitting tools for RMG probe pins 4815.00x ...............................4816.001
Adapter USB (PC) -> RS232 incl. driver CD ............................2691.001
Software "STATUS Windows" ..................................................2903.001

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 75

8 contact pins (standard) ......................................................... 4815.001
4 contact pins (needle)............................................................. 4815.002
4 contact pins (twister) ............................................................. 4815.003
Polishing fleece for reference block (5 pcs.) ............................ 4820.001
Replacement paper roll for thermal printer 6010.201 (5 pcs.) .. 6010.202

76 Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401

10.5 Foldout view of the instrument


Fig. 18: Front view of the RMG 4015

(1) Probe socket (marked with a red dot)

(2) RS232C interface (for PC and printer)

(3) LC display

(4) Keypad

(5) Charger socket

Instruction Manual RMG 4015 Art. No. 7443.401 77

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