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Pune Institute of Business Management


No. of
Subject Sessions Page
Sr.No Subject Nomenclature Name of the faculty
Code of 1 hr. 15 No.
min. each

1. 101 Managerial Economics 24 2

Organizational Behaviour & Fundamentals

2. 102 of Management
34 3

3. 103 Human Resources Management 24 5

4. 104 Effective English Communication 24 6

5. 105 Business Statistics & Mathematics 24 7

6. 106 IT Skills & Computer Basics 24 8

7. 107 Accounting for Managers 24 9

8. 108 Marketing Management 24 10

9. 109 Principles Of Manufacturing Management 21 11


Pune Institute of Business Management

In Trimester I, we will study the very basics of managerial economics and understand concepts like demand
and supply, cost analysis, market types and structures and certain government policies.

Sr.No. TOPIC of 1hr.15min

Introduction: Definition, scope, nature and significance of managerial

1. economics. The gap between theory and practices in business
organizations and the role of managerial economics
L 3

Demand Analysis: Demand-concept and meaning, determinants of

demand, law of demand and exceptions to the law of demand, shift and
2. movement along the demand curve. Concept of elasticity-Price elasticity L+C 5
of demand, determinants of price elasticity of demand, brief introduction
to the income and cross-elasticity of demand
Spot Test/Assignment
Supply Analysis: Supply concept and meaning, determinants of supply,
law of supply and exceptions to the law of supply, shift and movement
3. along the supply curve. Concept of elasticity-Price elasticity of supply,
determinants of price elasticity of supply, brief introduction to the income
L+C 5
and cross-elasticity of supply

Cost Analysis: Concept of cost, types of cost and short run cost- fixed
4. and variable costs (law of variable proportion), long run costs and
revenue concepts
L+C 4

Four Market Structures: Monopoly-meaning, characteristics, causes of

monopoly. Perfect Competition- meaning & characteristics. Monopolistic
Competition- meaning, characteristics, price discrimination. Oligopoly-
5. meaning, characteristics and types of oligopoly. A comparative analysis L+C 5
of all the four types of market and profit maximization conditions of each
market structure

Spot Test/Assignment
Market Failures & Government Policies: Externalities and public goods,
6. monopoly power, government intervention (taxes and subsidies) L+C 2

Total 24

Methodology: Case study-‘C’; Lecture-‘L’

Schedule /stage at which spot test /assignment or both to be conducted is tentative and may change as per
academic/administrative convenience.
Text Book: Managerial Economics: V.L. Mote, Samuel Paul & G.S. Gupta
Reference Books: Microeconomics by Dholakia & Oza, Managerial Economics by Dominic & Salvatore



Pune Institute of Business Management

In Trimester I, we will study certain aspects/theories of human behavior at work and in interpersonal
relationships and how this can enhance performance. We will also study basic principles and functions of

Sr.No. TOPICS Methodology

1. AN INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT: Understanding the Manager's Job; Evolution of L 4

Management Thoughts; The Environment of Organizations and Managers
2. PLANNING: Planning and Strategic Management; Managerial planning; Types of planning; L+C 3
Steps in planning; Managing by objectives; Managing Decision Making; Entrepreneurship
and New Venture Management.
3. ORGANIZING: Organization Structure and Design; Organization Change and Innovation; L+C 3
Managing Human Resources in Organizations.
4. Staffing & Leading: Concept of Staffing & Directing. Motivation, Special Motivational L+C 3

Spot Test/ Assignment

5. Leadership: Concept ; Nature and Attributes of a leader; Developing of Leader in an L+C 2

organization; The Management Grid; Contemporary Issues Regarding Leadership, Future
Perspective of Leadership.
6. CONTROLLING: Basic Elements of Control; Managing Operations, Quality, and Productivity. L+C 3


1. Introduction to Organizational Behavior: The Field of Organizational Behavior ; L 1

Organizational Justice, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
2. Basic Human Processes: Perception and Learning; Personality and Attitudes; Coping with L 2
Organizational Life: Emotions and Stress
The Individual in the Organization: Work-related Attitudes; Motivation in Organizations. L 2

Motivational Theories: Definition; Importance; Motives; Characteristics; Classification of L+C 3

4. primary and secondary motives; Need Theory; Hygiene Approach To Motivation Equity
Theory, Expectancy Theory, Goal Setting Theory, McGregor’s Theory X & Theory
Y, Theory Z .
Spot Test /Assignment

5. Group Dynamics: Group Dynamics and Work Teams; Communication in Organizations; L+C 4
Decision Making and Creative Problem Solving; Conflict, Cooperation, and Trust.
6. Influencing Others: Social Influence, Power, and Politics; Leadership L+C 2

7. Organizational Processes: Organizational Culture, Creativity, and Innovation; L+C 2

Organizational Structure and Design;
Managing Organizational Change: Strategic Planning and Organizational Development
Total 34



Pune Institute of Business Management

In Trimester I, we will introduce students to the concept of human resource management, various aspects of
planning, training and productivity. We will also cover basic aspects concerning employees like performance,
compensation etc.

Sessions of
Methodology 1hr.15min.

1. Introduction: Definition of Human Resources, Objectives, Scope and importance of L

human resource practice; Evolution; Difference between Personnel Management ;Role 2
of Human Resource Manager

2. HR Planning: Objectives; Importance; HRP Process; Manpower L+C

Estimation; Job analysis; Job Description; Job Specification. Recruitment; Sources
of Recruitment; Selection Process; Placement and Induction; Retention of

3. Strategic Role of HRM: Nature; Barriers to Strategic HRM; Model of Strategic HRM; L+C
Role of HR Strategic Management

4. Career Planning: Concept of career; Career stages; Career planning process; Career L+C 2
Development- programme; Time Management.
Spot Test/ Assignment

5. Productivity Management: Concepts; TQM; Kaizen; Quality Circles L+C 3

6. Training & Development: Objectives and Needs; Training Process; Methods of L+C
Training; Tools and Aids; Evaluation of Training Programs.

7. Performance Management: Definition; Concepts and Ethics; Different methods of L+C 3

Performance Appraisal; Rating Error; Competency management.
8. Compensation: Concepts and Components; Job Evaluation; Incentives and Benefits. L+C 2

Spot Test/ Assignment

9. Employee separation: Superannuation; Voluntary Retirement Schemes; L+C 3

Resignation; Discharge ; Dismissal; Suspension; Layoff.
10. International HRM: Managing International activities L+C 1

Total 24

Methodology: Case study-‘C’; Lecture-‘L’

Schedule /stage at which spot test /assignment or both to be conducted is tentative and may change as per
academic/administrative convenience.

Text Books: Hand book of HRM Practice: Michael Armstrong; Kogan Page Publications; 10th edition
Organizational Behaviour: Stephen Robbins and Seema Sanghi; Pearson Education Publishers; 11th Edition
Reference Books: Human Resource Management by Cynthia Fisher, Lyle Schoenfeldt, James B
Shaw, 5th Edition
Organizational Theory by Gareth R. Jones, Addison Wesley Publishers, 2nd edition


Objectives: To start from the very basics of English in terms of Grammar, Oral and Written Communication,
in order to give the students a firm foundation of the subject.
Pune Institute of Business Management

Sr.N of
o. 1hr.15min.

1. Basic Introduction: Importance of English, Reason for mastering English L 1

Communication Skills,
2. Grammar: Articles-Definite & Indefinite L 2

3. Grammar: Prepositions L 2

4. Communication: Nature, Process and Importance of Communication L 2

5. Communication: Formal and Informal Channels of Communication, Grapevines etc L 3

6. Communication: Dimensions and Directions of communication-Types such as

L 2
Downward, Upward, Horizontal, Diagonal communication, its advantages &
disadvantages, uses and importance
Spot Test/Assignment

7. Letter Writing: Types of letters, Importance and Layout, Specimens of standard L

professional letters as per the reason of drafting letters for example-Invitation, Quotation, 4
Rejection, Complaint, Congratulatory etc

8. Written Communication: Topics for written communication as a part of internal L 2

9. Group Presentation: List of topics given for Power Point Presentation (PPT) in groups or L 8
individual for stage confidence, daring and improving communication
Spot Test/Assignment

10. Written Communication: Comprehension/Passages based on vivid L 1

management topics based on current affairs, tips from successful business men/
women etc for writing answers on the questions based on the above

Total 27

Methodology: Case study-‘C’; Lecture-‘L’

Schedule /stage at which spot test /assignment or both to be conducted is tentative and may change as per
academic/administrative convenience.

Text Books: Essential English Grammar by Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 2007 edition
Business Communication by Dr C.B.Gupta, Sultan Chand & Sons Publications, 2006 edition

Reference Books: High School English Grammar & Composition by Wren & Martin, S.Chand & Co
Publication, 2008 edition
High School English Grammar & Composition by Kumar, Vee Kumar Publications, 2007 edition
Business Correspondence & Report Writing-A practical approach to business and technical communication
by R C Sharma, Krishna Mohan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, Third Edition



In Trimester I, we will study basic aspects of statistics and Mathematics as they apply to business needs. We
will study probability theory, statistical distribution, methods to test hypothesis and data analysis and
Pune Institute of Business Management

Methodology of
TOPICS 1hr.15min.
1 Probability Theory: Normal distribution curve-its applications. Testing of normality of
L+P 2
distribution and non-normal distribution, Correlation-various types, multiple regression

2. Statistical distributions: Binomial, Poisson and normal distributors L+P 2

Spot Test/Assignment

3. Testing of Hypothesis: Basic concepts, level of significance, degrees of freedom, types of

L+P 4
errors, types of hypothesis etc

4. Testing of Hypothesis: Parametric hypothesis, t-test of two independent samples, paired- L+P 4
t, t-test for matched sample, sandlers statistics

5. Testing of Hypothesis: ANOVA (Computation of f), one way and two ways L+P 3

6. Non-Parametric Statistics: Chi-square test, Mann u-Whitney test, Wilcoxon test ANOVA L+P 4
of non-parametric statistics-Krushkal-Walis test and Friedman’s test

Spot Test/Assignment

7 Data Analysis & Interpretation: Statistical packages-Excel & SPSS (Practical) L+P 5

Total 24

Methodology: Case study-‘C’; Lecture-‘L’; Problems-P

Schedule /stage at which spot test /assignment or both to be conducted is tentative and may change as per
academic/administrative convenience.

Text Books: Quantitative Techniques for Business: A B Rao; Jaico Publications

Reference Books: Statistical Methods: SP Gupta; S.Chand Publications
Statistical for Management : Richard I Levin, David S Rub; Prentice Hall Publications


In Trimester I, we will study basic computer handling skills and then application to day today managerial work.
We will introduce students to various aspects of software, enterprise systems, database system, networking,
MS Office and Excel in preparation for their advance study further.

Sr.No Methodology Sessions


Pune Institute of Business Management

TOPICS 1hr.15min.

1 Introduction to computer : Basic block diagram of computers;

Generation and History of Computer; Hardware Vs Software; Storage L 3

2 Introduction to software : Software classification; Types of computer L 1


3 Information systems: Concept, need; uses for automation; quality management

and decision support etc; Introduction to different operating systems Windows;
L 2
Linux(only introduction)
4 Enterprise Systems: concepts; types-legacy systems; ERP, CRM, SCM L 1

Spot Test/ Assignment

5 Database Management systems: advantages, ERD entering, introduction to database L 3

warehousing, data mining and data mart
6 E-Commerce: Introduction, advantages, B2B, B2C and electric middleman L 2

7 Networking : Need, Goals, Applications, Types, Topology L+C 5

8 Basics of Ms Office: Introduction and application of Word and

L+P 4

8 Basics of Excel: Introduction, Workbooks and worksheets, Excel data types,

Toolbars, Excel window introduction, Series, Cell formatting L+C 5

Spot Test/Assignment

Total 24

Methodology: Case study-‘C’; Lecture-‘L’

Schedule /stage at which spot test /assignment or both to be conducted is tentative and may change as per
academic/administrative convenience.

Text Books: Information Systems Today: Leonard Jessup & Joseph Valacich; Pearson
Publication, 2nd edition
Reference Books: MIS: James A O’ Brien; Tata McGraw Hill
MIS: Waman S Jawadekar; Tata McGraw Hill


In Trimester I, we will study basics of financial accounting to unable use of the data decision making and
economic analysis control of the business. We will study various accounting concepts, profits and loss
accounts, financial statements, cash flow and aspects of capital management.

Pune Institute of Business Management

Sr. No. TOPIC Methodology
of 1hr.15min

1. Introduction: Business Accounting; objectives and user of financial statements; various L 2

elements in financial statements
2. Accounting Concepts and Principles: Business transactions, rules of double-entry, L+P 2
book-keeping and entries into the required books of accounts; recording transactions; trial
3. Preparation & Importance: Profit and Loss account L+P 3

4. Final Accounts: Final accounts of limited companies-schedule vi to the companies act, L+P 3
1956 statutory audit & annual reports
5. Financial Statement Analysis: objectives of financial statement analysis; sources of L+P 3
information; quality earnings; techniques of financial statement analysis; financial ratios
Spot Test/ Assignment

6. Working capital & capital expenditure management L+P 3

7. Cash flow statements: preparation of cash flow statements ;reporting cash flows; L+P 4
interpreting the statements
8. Introduction: Introduction to cost accounting and cost concepts L+P 3

Spot Test /Assignment

9. Concept: Concept of direct & variable costs and indirect and fixed costs L+P 4

10. Accounting for Deprication : L+P 3

Total 30

Methodology: Case study-‘C’; Lecture-‘L’

Schedule /stage at which spot test /assignment or both to be conducted is tentative and may change as per
academic/administrative convenience.

Text Book: Financial Accounting-A managerial perspective by Narayanswamy, Prentice Hall, 2006
Reference Books: Accounting Principles: Anthony Robert N and James S Reece; AITBS Publishers
Financial Accounting: ICFAI Publishers
Accounting & Analysis-The Indian Experience volume I & II published by GDSIL (Global Data Services of
India Ltd- a subsidiary of CRISIL)
Financial Accounting: PC Tulsian; Tata McGraw Hill


In Trimester I, we will study basic marketing concepts with reference to business and customers. We will also
study aspects like marketing planning, information systems, consumer behavior and market segments in
preparation for advance study of the subjects later.

Pune Institute of Business Management


Marketing Concepts: Introduction to marketing; meaning and definition; Approaches to L 3
marketing, study and functional approaches, core concepts of marketing, marketing
process and functions of marketing; difference between marketing and selling concepts
2. Business concepts and orientations: Market and selling oriented firms, L 2
characteristics of successful market oriented firms
Creating and delivering Customer value: concepts of quality, cost, price, value and L+C 4
3. satisfaction; customer satisfaction vs. customer delight; concept of customer delivered
value and strategies for maximizing the same with profit for the firm.
4. Concepts: customer loyalty and customer life time value; CRM; Strategies for creating L 2
value utility drivers, cost drivers & repositioning strategies
Spot Test/Assignment
Marketing Planning: Nature, process and contents of marketing plan; the changing L+C 4
5. marketing environment, analyzing needs & trends in macro environment; economic
environment, technical, political and socio-cultural environment; significance of
competitive environment and introduction to4 P’s of marketing mix
6. Marketing Information System: Steps in Marketing Research; Marketing Intelligence L+C 3
system; Application of Marketing Research ; trends in Marketing Research
Consumer Behaviour :Different types of buying motives; different types of buying role; L+C 4
7. 7 O’s framework of consumer behavior ;Factors influencing consumer behavior; Buying
decision process and its stages; consumer psychology; industrial buying behavior vs.
domestic buying behavior
Spot Test/Assignment
Market Segmentation: s-t-p framework, types of market, bases of segmentation, L 4
8. segmentation of consumer goods, industrial goods and services- marketing targeting
and positioning strategies

Methodology: Case study-‘C’; Lecture-‘L’

Schedule /stage at which spot test /assignment or both to be conducted is tentative and may change as per
academic/administrative convenience.

Text Book: Marketing Management: Philip Kotler; Pearson Publishers; 13th edition
Reference Book: Marketing Concepts and Cases: William Stanton; Tata McGraw Hill: 13th edition
Marketing Management-Planning, Implementation & Control in the Indian context: VS.
Ramaswamy & S Namakumari; Mac Milan India Ltd


In trimester I, we will study various principles and aspects of manufacturing management in order to ensure
productivity with quality. We will also study certain aspects like materials planning and control.

Methodology Sessions

Sr.No. TOPIC of

Pune Institute of Business Management


Introduction: Nature; scope; conversion process; functions; organization and importance L+C 3
1. of operations management

Types of manufacturing and service systems: facility location, process planning, L+C 4
2 product/process analysis tools; plant location; types of manufacturing layouts.

Spot Test/Assignment
Manufacturing Planning and control : Order preparation; materials planning; scheduling L+C 4
3. and control systems; concepts; methodology and application of simple tools

Productivity of resources: relevance in competitive business environment, measures. L+C 5

4. Improvement strategies and methodologies-work study. Job design & employee
motivational techniques

Spot Test/Assignment
Overview of quality: Definitions and concepts, quality control techniques, inspection vs. L+C 5
sampling, statistical process control, use of different types of control charts


Methodology: Case study-‘C’; Lecture-‘L’

Schedule /stage at which spot test /assignment or both to be conducted is tentative and may change as per
academic/administrative convenience.

Text Book: Manufacturing Management: L C Jhamb; Everest Publications

Reference Book: Production & Operations Management: Adam Everest E and Elbert &Ronald J; Prentice

1. Duration:

2. Final Examination:


3. Broad methodology for assessment will be as under a. Internal Assessment.

This will be based on the following as applicable.

Pune Institute of Business Management

a. Attendance.

b. Assignments.

c. Unit tests.

d. Surprise tests.

e. Case studies.

f. Set and extempore presentations.

g. Personal Interviews.

h. Project reports.

i. Library reading compulsory – 20hrs per month.

j. Community work (Kaizen).

k. Surveys done for the government / private projects.

l. Any other test at the discretion at PIBM.

m. Final examination at the end of trimester.

n. Allotment of grades.

A = Excellent – 70% and above

B = Good – 60% to 69.99%

C = Average – 50% to 59.99%

D = Satisfactory – 40% to 49.99%

E = Fail – Below 40%

4. PIBM will make every effort to invite maximum number of companies to give opportunity to students towards temporary
attachments, projects and eventual placement.

However, the onus lies with the students to come up to standards in terms of attendance, performance in the curriculum,
achieving expertise in verbal and written communication skills, mastering technique for interviews and all other aspects
which lead to excellent performance and eventual selection by the companies.

In this connection, it has been experienced that students securing higher grade may get a look in but those below may not
appeal to the companies.


5. As post graduate students of PGPBM and MBA the organizations expects all the students to set very high
standards of behavior. Only this will create lasting improvement , which in turn will be helpful in building a
prosperous nation.
6. In view of the above we expect the students to observe the following without any deviation:-
a. Highest standards of discipline and conduct in and out of PIBM to create extremely positive impression about
PIBM community.

Pune Institute of Business Management

B .100% attendance, for the curriculum as also other outdoor activities. In case the attendance falls below 90%
PIBM reserves right not to allow the student to take internal assessment test as also final examination at the
end of the trimester.

c. Extreme politeness in interacting with one another and with any outsiders.

d. Respectful demeanor towards faculty and staff.

e. Observance of all the rules in the classes, computer labs, hostels and any other place where interactions take

7. All the above are tentative and subject to any changes depending on progress of curriculum and other factors.


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