Wicca Candle Magic Fundamentals of Wiccan Candle Magic For Beginners PDF

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Wicca Candle Magic

Fundamentals of Wiccan Candle

Magic for Beginners.
Learn the Art of Candle Magic
and How to Use the Power of Fire for
Purification and Cleansing.
Simple Spells Included.
Crystal Marie Moonshine
© Copyright 2019 by Crystal Marie Moonshine - All rights reserved.
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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Magic and the Element of Fire
How Fire Is Used in Wicca
The Magical Meaning of Colors
Wicca Recap
Magical Tools
Chapter 2: Living With the Seasons
Candle Magic for Every Sabbat
Honoring the Esbats With Fire
Chapter 3: Types of Candles Used in Magic
Glass Container Candles/7-Day Candles
Chanukah, Temple, and Birthday Candles
Pillar Candles
Shaped Candles
Making Your Own Candles
Chapter 4: Candle Magic Spells
Money and Wealth

Congratulations on downloading Wicca Candle Magic, Fundamentals of

Wiccan Candle Magic for Beginners, Learn the Art of Candle Magic and
How to Use the Power of Fire for Purification and Cleansing, and thank you
for doing so.
This book is all you need to get started with spells, ceremonies, and rituals,
and the chapters will lead you through many magical practices.
The following chapters will discuss Wicca in general, touching on the most
important aspects and explaining how candle magic is so intrinsic to the
Wiccan faith. Additionally, we’ll discuss the magic of colors and how they
correspond, boost, or work against your spellcrafting success. We’ll wander
through the Wheel of the Year, including spells that coincide with and can be
cast during the Sabbats and the lunar Esbats. The types of candles used in
magic and ritual will be thoroughly covered, finishing with an easy-to-follow
recipe for beeswax container candles.
Finally, a thorough guide to candle magical spells will cover everything from
healing rituals to banishing candle spells, as well as a guide to
troubleshooting mistakes that are commonly experienced during candle
Just turn the page to enter the mystical and magical world of Wicca Candle
There are plenty of books on this subject on the market; thanks again for
choosing this one! Every effort was made to ensure it is full of as much
useful information as possible. Please enjoy!
Chapter 1: Magic and the Element of Fire
How Fire Is Used in Wicca
In Wicca, as in other neo-pagan faiths, fire is an essential element. It is an
element that must be either created or captured by humanity; it does not occur
naturally, except in rare instances, such as wildfires, lightning strikes, and
volcanic activity. The fire has the power to destroy, with a nearly instant
touch, and yet it can keep us alive. This duality is a perfect embodiment of
the universe’s balance, and of the union and relationship in nature of The
God and The Goddess.
This is why, in Wicca, we use fire to celebrate and honor the incredible
energy and power of the divine. Fire dances and breaths, it becomes a beacon
to the heavens. Merely watching the fire in action is an act of meditation.
Humanity has been able to recognize the miracle that is fire for thousands of
years. It is a life-force and protector that can instantly harm within seconds of
physical touch; it is an enigma and conundrum, but we cannot stop playing
with it. It represents, effortlessly, the divine fire and spark. It turns dangerous
food into a sumptuous feast, creates

chemical reactions that turn living plants into medicines, and closes wounds
so that they heal faster and safer.
Many Wiccans and pagans find that they are drawn to a particular, magical
Element; others find that more than one pulls at their curiosity and
Fire seems to be the most universally appreciated magical Element, and it is
this robust potential that makes candle magic both so effective and so
enjoyable. In addition, we can consecrate candles for a multitude of purposes,
including elemental magic having to do with the other three elements. In this
context, the added fire of a burning candle acts like other “quickening”
agents, such as cinnamon, pepper, alfalfa, or rue. Candle magic is instinctual
to us as witches.
With it, success is made easier, and our spirits can delight in magic made to
manifest. Many of the Sabbats are fire festivals: Beltane, Imbolc, Lammas,
and Samhain. These Sabbats are both sacred to fire, as well as use fire to
directly communicate with the spirit world and The God and Goddess.
Fire is also used in Wicca for scrying, to ritually cleanse, to consecrate, and
to bless. Fire has the power to bring us together as a community and also to
ignite hope among those who practice our witchcraft and rituals alone.
The Magical Meaning of Colors
When working with candle magic, it is very important to choose the proper
color for your magical intention so that the results match up with your desires
and expectations. Here is a quick guide to color magic for your candle spells:
White: The all-purpose candle color. It can be “dressed” with oils pertaining
to your intention or even anointed with an herbal tincture that aligns with the
purpose of your spell. Additionally, white candles can be used in purification,
consecration, scrying, and blessing rituals, as well as for new and full moon
lunar magic.
Black: This candle is as useful as a white candle. It can be used for dark
moon magic, for protection, for grounding, for creativity and overcoming
creative blocks, to absorb negative energy to help with depression, anxiety,
lack of confidence, illness, and for divining and connecting with the Crone
goddess and Elder god.
Red: Linked with the element of Fire, red candles are perfect for fire festival
Sabbats, and any spellcraft having to do with strength, courage, passion, good
health, and initiative.
Orange: Another solar color, orange, is especially good for matters dealing
with personal success, raising energy, and reaching specific goals.
Yellow: Can be used in spellcraft connected to either the air or fire elements.
It is also good for magic having to do with love, sensuality, and romance. It is
the color of good cheer and optimism, as well as intellect. Yellow candles can
help you regain a positive attitude and also better realize your goals because
you envision them more clearly.
Pink: This candle color is good for the magic that protects babies and
children. It is also used in love magic and opening up oneself to new love.
Violet: This color, as well as lavender, indigo, and purple, is connected to our
psychic abilities and the divine. It heightens intuition and promotes prophetic
dreaming. Violet is also very healing, and it can invoke healthier sexuality
and self-image. Use an array of colors in this family to connect your crown
chakra with the divine and receive messages, wisdom, and blessings.
Blue: This candle color is most often used in healing, but is a good color
for the masculine energy to connect with the divine and ancestors. It is a
color of exploration, courage, and hope. Additionally, blue protects us from
harmful spirits, and it bridges the gap between heaven and Earth. It is also
used in water magic.
Green: Possibly the most popular of the spectrum colors for candle magic,
green is used for everything from wealth and prosperity magic to fertility,
rituals for the Horned God and Green Man, and to consecrate the home and
garden. Use green whenever life is celebrated or when growth is sought after.
It’s also good for attracting abundance and wishes.
Brown: Use brown to connect to the element of Earth, and for healing and
grounding magic. You can use brown candles with other colors to reach out
to your animal guides and familiars.
Gold: Use in rituals to connect with divine Solar energy and as an offering to
the Sun God or Goddess. Use to attract riches and happiness, especially when
combined with yellow and orange candles.
Silver: Use in magic honoring the Moon and for rituals honoring the Maiden
Wicca Recap
Wicca is an Earth-based religion that promotes peace and respect for the
natural world—humanity included—and is a relatively new religion that has
gained great popularity and respect. It is based on folklore and historical
findings from the British Isles and Celtic culture, but it has also absorbed
magical knowledge and spiritual wisdom from across Europe. It is based on
the power of return, the acknowledgment that humanity mirrors the divine in
body, spirit, mind, and sexuality, and that all have the right to live joyfully
and in peace. It promotes the avoidance of doing harm and the right for all
living things to live freely.

The God and The Goddess

The God and The Goddess are the centermost points of Wicca, guiding us
through myth and ritual around the metaphoric “Wheel of the Year,” as well
as through our own lives as humans. These deities transcend mere gender and
sexuality. As their children, we find that there are aspects of God and
Goddess within us all. We follow the life cycles of these deities of duality
through each Sabbat and esbat, and in doing so, we learn more about
ourselves and our lives on planet Earth.
The Triple Goddess is an example of life cycles and has been worshipped in
many names and forms throughout humanity’s history. The Maiden aspect of
The Goddess is the legendary “virgin,” but we look at this state of being as
having to do with much more than mere sexuality. The Maiden is the student,
the bold adventurer, The Goddess free to explore and play, roam and hunt,
express creatively, and write her own legends. She guides us through our own
breakthroughs and discoveries as if we were not alone when we feel the most
The Mother aspect of The Goddess is the most common aspect across the
world’s cultures. Early humanity understood the vitality and importance of
the archetype of the mother and of divine femininity mirrored on Earth and in
humanity. Wicca celebrates and reveres the Mother goddess the most often;
some covens and communities focus solely on her, and in this aspect. There
are as many deities who are Mother Goddesses, as there are examples of
human intuition and imagination. Some care for their children sweetly,
nurturing them, while others guide with a stern hand and strong voice.
Whatever your needs are for spiritual healing and growth, there is a Mother
goddess out there who can help you along your path.
Finally, there is the Crone aspect of The Goddess, the elder who shares

subtle wisdom with her descendants. She is the Matriarch, the Wise Woman
steeped in herbal lore, fire magic, and Keeper of the Cauldron. She is
celebrated most at the last two Harvest Sabbats, Mabon and Samhain, as well
as during Yule alongside the Mother goddess. She represents humanity in
medicine and is the labor coach. She also rules over hospice and end of life
realities and encourages us to remember that death is not an ending, but a
second beginning.
Both men and women can benefit from getting in touch with the Triple
Goddess, as She represents us in every stage of our lives.
The God has many representations in Wicca and other modern pagan faiths.
He is The Goddess’ consort, traveling with Her through life and through the
seasons of the year. At Yule, He is the newborn Sun, weak and well-
protected. At Midsummer, He is a mighty King of the Wood, crowned by the
sun at its highest potential.
The Oak and Holly Kings are two versions of The God that represent the
light half and the dark half of the year, respectively. The dark-haired Holly
King rules from Midsummer’s end to Yule, and the flaxen-haired Oak King
rules from His birth at Yule to Midsummer.
The Horned God is often misunderstood by Christian faiths as being
synonymous with Satan or the Devil, although Wicca recognizes neither of
these entities. Instead, The Horned God is a god of nature, of the beasts of the
wood and the field, as well as the harvest and the forest. He was beloved all
over ancient Europe and the British Isles and remains today an iconic deity in
Wiccan worship.
The Green Man is an aspect of The God similar to the Horned God. His
leafy beard and crown have been seen carved into the stones of ancient
British churches. He is thought to be responsible for good fortune and a good
harvest, as well as a successful hunt. He is the shepherd of flora

and fauna and the wild to the core.

In addition to these core Wiccan deities, there are gods and goddesses for
every aspect of the natural world:
Anubis, an ancient Egyptian psychopomp (deity of death) that is also helpful
in healing from grief and loss, as well as recovering from addiction and living
successfully with sobriety.
Babalu Aye, a god who inflicts Himself with suffering so that those who
seek His help can be physically healed. He is also a patron god of the poor
and the homeless.
Baba Yaga, an ancient Russian/Slavic goddess who ferociously (and wittily)
defends Her grandchildren and imparts courage and wisdom.
Bastet is an ancient Egyptian goddess who helps with healing and protects
Brigid, a Celtic Triple Goddess who works in fire and rules over the smithy,
as well as provides inspiration to poets and writers.
Frey (also known as Freyr) is a Norse god of everything that makes life
Hecate is an ancient goddess of wisdom, revolution, magic, and witches.
Inari-Okami, a genderless Japanese agriculture deity who teaches to work
through life’s challenges by listening and using one’s intellect rather than
brute force.
Isis, an ancient Egyptian goddess who nurtures as She guides.
Kali, a Crone goddess of India, who promotes the survival and successful,
joyful life of Her children by teaching them skills of defense, as well as how
to purge that which is negative or harmful.
Lugh, British god of light.
The Morrigan, a powerful Crone goddess who pushes Her children to
overcome their fears, adversaries, and challenges.
Mother Holle, a charming Crone goddess who bestows gifts to Her
grandchildren and is celebrated during Yule.
Oshun, a maiden Goddess who reminds us to enjoy life to its fullest.
Pan, a nature-god and promoter of exploration, adventure, and fun.
Persephone, a Mother goddess who is also linked to the underworld, rebirth,
and new life in Spring.
Ra, the ancient Egyptian sun god.
Santa Muerte, the Mexican goddess of death, protection, and rebirth.
The origins of the word “witch” come from the meanings “to change, alter, or
bend.” Additionally, the word “pagan” comes from the Latin word, meaning
“of the countryside.” Witchcraft is a form of manipulation of energy, while
pagans and Wiccans use natural elements such as herbs, crystals, magical
tools, water, earth, and fire. With the timing of the lunar cycles, seasons of
the year, days of the week (and even hours of the day), they craft
manifestations that result in change. Wiccans do not believe that spellcraft or
magic should ever be used to change another person unless it is for healing or
some other positive purpose that the other person has expressly agreed to.
The Rule of Three is a Wiccan concept similar to Eastern faiths’ belief in
karma: every energetic action results in a ripple effect, and several more
reactions. A magical act will result not only in the manifestation of the spell
caster’s specific desire but will also enact other changes that the spell caster
may or may not have foreseen. That is why Wiccans and other modern
pagans tend to be very careful in their magical work,
intent, details, the imagination, and the spoken word. They are all very
important to ensure that the spell does not backfire or result in unwanted
results. Additionally, the witch’s own belief and force of will are essential
ingredients in magic. A witch should be able to cast a spell when he or she
has nothing at all on hand. The human imagination and will are enough to
cast a successful spell, even though we choose to utilize tools to aid us in our
work because tools help us work more efficiently and thoroughly.
The Wiccan Rede is a concept and tenet that is drawn from a fictional novel
written by one of the founding fathers of Wicca, Gerald Gardner. Still, it
resonates with many who practice witchcraft. The modern version of this rede
is: “Do what you will, that it harm none.” This insight can be found mirrored
in Buddhism and other Eastern faiths as well.
Proper spellcasting protocol includes casting a circle, which ensures that
you have a specific and limited space to fill with magical energy, as well as
protects you from any unwanted spiritual visitors or energy while you work
your magic. It also grounds you after you’ve finished your work and opened
your circle so that the divine energy you’ve channeled doesn’t disrupt the
delicate balance of your body and spirit. Casting a circle is as simple as
calling the four quarters of North, East, South, and West, while grounding is
simply directing one’s energy back into the Earth, usually by kneeling on the
floor or ground or pressing one’s palms down while practicing deep
The Moon
The Moon is the essential partner in Wicca and modern paganism to the Sun.
It represents the divine feminine and the healing and regenerative power of
life. The Moon rules the ocean, which is also connected to the concept of
motherhood and the divine womb. When the moon is full, we can see our
greatest potential, and our magic enjoys an extra charge of lunar power.
The lunar cycles correspond to periods of give and take, gain, and loss, and
gathering and release, just as the tides go back and forth from high to low.
Our magic works the way we imagine it will the most when we cast spells in
correspondence with the lunar phases, for instance, casting
a spell for a new job during a waxing phase of the full moon. Sometimes,
however, time is of the essence (or we forget to do our homework). Then,
casting an employment spell, say during a waning phase of the moon, might
result in success, but only after we are fired or have quit our current job.
Magic is similar to Water or Air in nature: it gets where it’s going, no matter
During a New Moon, it is best to cast spells that focus on growth, new
discovery, truth, wanted change, rejuvenation, and courage. Any lunar phase
can be used for divination, but during a new moon, you’re likely to reveal
hidden truths and/or insights about yourself that you either didn’t expect or
were not quite ready to see. Either way, a new moon can be a time for healthy
assessment and planning.
During a Waxing Lunar Phase, it is best to focus on spells that have to do
with manifestation, drawing, and growth. It can be a great time for a multi-
phase spell, such as performing candle magic for one hour per day,
culminating at the end of the spell during the full moon.
During a Full Moon, the sky is the limit. Spellcraft involving money, love,
health, success, wealth, abundance, divination, and protection are all well-
suited at this time.
During a Waxing Lunar Phase, it is best to focus on spells that have to do
with release, cleansing, banishing, protection, or shedding old ways or habits.
During a Dark Moon, we may focus on divination, exploring and embracing
our Shadow Selves, banishment and exorcism, and protection magic for our
family, person, and home.
Magical Tools
Before you get too far along in your magical practice, you must have certain
magical tools to help guide you in controlling and guiding the magical
energies of the universe.
This chapter will give a list of items that you may want to get. The list is
extensive, but not exhaustive.
The Altar
The first tool that you should have is an altar.
An altar is a piece of furniture or a box that you place in the magic circle, you
can place items on, such as candles, pictures, clay idols, and other small items
for the worship of the deity. Using an altar can increase the magic behind
your spells.
The Athame
The athame is the Wiccan ritual knife. It is traditionally dual-bladed, with a
black handle and is also symbolic of The God and used in community ritual
to represent the divine masculine. In spell work and in ritual, the athame is
used to ritually “cut” not cut in a mundane way, such as how a kitchen knife
is used. The athame is also used to direct the spellcaster’s energy, such as
when they cast a circle, draw the energy down from the Moon to activate a
candle or charge an amulet, sachet, or charm.
There are now many variations and interpretations of the traditional athame—
as many as the possibilities of an artisan’s imagination. One can obtain an
athame carved from stone or crystal or wood. Simple or extravagant, your
choice of athame is up to you, and if you decide you would rather not work
with one, that is acceptable, too.
The Wand
The wand is attributed to the element of Fire and is masculine energy.
It is used to direct energy and magic. It may be used to consecrate, imbue, or
cast a circle just like the athame. Like the athame, a wand can be made
traditionally from sacred wood, such as oak or yew, but it can also be made
of silver, pewter, ceramic, or hand-carved from branches found on walks.
Bamboo makes an excellent wand of resiliency and great strength. A wand
may be encrusted with a crystal or many stones or left simple and plain.
The Cauldron
This iconic tool was used traditionally in a much larger form than its typically
available today. It was used to cook large amounts of food for settlements
and country homes, as well as to brew medicine made from herbs. If you
choose to purchase the smaller, more common modern version of the
cauldron, it can make a useful place to burn incense, herbs, and candles in a
fireproof container, as well as provide a divination tool if you fill it with
The Besom
The besom is perhaps the most recognizable of Wiccan symbols, or rather,
the symbol of the stereotypical, Hollywoodesque “witch.” Now, the besom is
used to ritually “sweep out” negative or residual, stale energy from a sacred
space or home. The thought that witches could fly upon their brooms was
likely the alteration of stories about astral projection or hallucination during a
ritual ceremony.
The Bell
The bell is used across the world to ready the mind and spirit for magic,
meditation, and prayer. There is something about a single, pure tone that
instantly reaches the spirit and calms the mind; when purchasing a bell for
use in ritual and magic, make sure you can experience it in person, and test to
see if you enjoy its tone. Ordering bells online is a risk in this context.
The Boline
The Boline is another traditional knife. However, unlike the athame, the
boline is meant to actually cut things. It is used for practical purposes during
magical settings, such as cutting herbs, cords, cloth, or even parchment. It is
traditionally a single blade with a white handle, although any sharp knife can
be spiritually cleansed, blessed, and consecrated for use as a boline. When
buying magical tools from secondhand or thrift stores, it is especially
important they are thoroughly smudged and cleansed before use, although
any item you buy for magic should be cleansed and consecrated.
Chapter 2: Living With the Seasons
Candle Magic for Every Sabbat
Candles are a perfect way to easily and readily incorporate magic into your
Sabbat celebration, particularly if you live in an urban setting or have a home
where it is not permissible to light a bonfire.
The ancient Celts viewed the entire year as two halves: the winter half and
the summer half. Beltane through Samhain is the latter, and Samhain marks
the beginning of the New Year for Wiccans. When the veil is thin, the Crone
Goddess mourns Her dying consort, the Old God, and the ancestors can be
felt more keenly around this time than any other time of the year. Samhain is
considered the third of the three harvests, while Lammas, the harvest of
wheat, and Mabon, the harvest of gourds, are the other two. Samhain is a
harvest of game, a celebration of the prowess of the hunter, and it honors the
Horned God this way.
Just like on Beltane, Samhain’s invisible veil means that access to the faerie
world is wide open, and it is a good rule of thumb to take care when traveling
through the woods or over fields, lest one enter a realm that isn’t our own.
Spells that reach out and pay homage to our beloved dead, as well as spells
for divination, protection, and storing cheer to revisit in the coming,
darkening days are all proper witchcraft for Samhain Eve.
Ancestral Honor Spell
You will need:
three black taper candles
three red taper candles
three white taper candles
either nine candleholders (identical is ideal, but use whatever is
available to you; it’s the intention that counts here) or a large, fireproof
surface, such as a metal or ceramic platter that is large enough to have
all of the candles burning in a star formation
rosemary oil for remembrance
Arrange the candles in this way: the three black tapers on top, representing
the spirit world, the three red candles below, representing the material plane,
and the three white candles in the middle, representing the three stages of life
and the Triple Goddess. Carefully anoint each candle with the rosemary oil.
Using a long match (the kind for lighting stoves or chimneys, so as to avoid
singeing or burning yourself), light the candles in the order shown in the
diagram, thus forming an opening, sun-wise spiral of light.
Once you are finished lighting the candles, say:
“Beloved dead, shining like the stars in the sky,
you are always alive in my heart.
Your memories are like the stars, always present, reminding me of you
and filling me with love and wonder.
How blessed am I that you walked this Earth,
how blessed am I to feel your life continue in me.
How blessed is the universe to have the brightness of your spirit
added to its divine sum.
Blessed be, beloved. Blessed be.”
Remain as long as you like in the circle, and when you are ready, open the
circle and ground your energy, but allow the candles to burn down
completely. You may wish to add offerings of fruit, flowers, and/or a plate
from the celebration feast for the ancestors as well.
Midnight Divination Spell
This is a good spell if you have a simple question. It can also be a two-part
spell that you begin on midnight of Samhain and finish when you awaken the
next day, All Souls.
Use this spell if you need to know a) a yes or no answer to a question or b) a
choice between two possibilities. Speak your desire in a detailed manner. Be
You will need:
a single black taper candle (it must not be the “dripless” kind, as you
will need the melting wax for your spell to work)
optional: a single white taper candle, if you wish to explore the matter
a penny and a nickel
if you would like to continue the divination, a deck of tarot cards
Cast your circle, and set the candle in its holder upon your altar. Set the
penny on one side of the candle and the penny on the other, approximately
two inches away from the candle itself. Prepare your mind, relax your body,
and breathe deeply. When you are ready, light the candle, and say:
“Oh, brilliant night, when the veil is thin,
I seek the answers from within,
let this candle burn around,
that which represents the truth found.”
Pick up the nickel, and state what it represents, such as:
“This coin represents yes” or “This coin represents (choice A).” Return it to
its place beside the candle.
Pick up the penny, and state what it represents, such as:
“This coin represents no” or “This coin represents (choice B).” Return it to its
place beside the candle.
Record what you’ve designated each coin as in your book of shadows. Recite
the spellcasting words, and open the circle and ground.
The next day, if you want to investigate further the answer you received from
the candle, first, burn the bottom of the white candle a little, so it can melt
onto the mound of the black candle’s drippings, in the center of the coins.
Then, draw three tarot cards and place them next to whichever coin was the
correct answer. The cards represent the following in this order:
1) Why you received the answer you did
2) What will unfold if you accept the answer
3) What will unfold if you deny the answer
Allow the white candle to burn down; when it does, toss the wax from both
candles, as well as the coins into a crossroads to give thanks for the insight of
your divination.
Blessing and Protection Spell for the New Year
On Samhain, you are standing in the gateway between the old year and the
new. It is important to set a boundary here and keep any negative energies or
misfortune from following you into the New Year.
You will need:
five black candles
one white candle
a teaspoon of brewed coffee to anoint the candles
sage oil or Protection oil
Florida Water or Orange Blossom Water
six candleholders or a heat-proof surface
Start with the white candle. Fix it to the heat-proof surface by melting the
bottom, or place it in a candle holder and place on your altar. Anoint this with
the oil; this candle represents you. Next, surround the white candle with the
five black candles arranged in the shape of a pentagram (see the diagram for
the Ancestor spell for reference). Anoint each black candle with coffee
(coffee banishes all spiritual energy, good and bad.) Next, sprinkle the salt in
a circle that surrounds all of the candles.
Beginning with the candle in the northern corner (which should be the top of
your pentagram), light the candle and say:
“The end of the old and birth of the new,
my fortune is good, and my worries are few
what occurred in the past will not last, nor follow,
my future is bright and untouched by sorrow.”
Say this with the lighting of each consecutive candle. Leave the white candle
unlit. Allow the black candles to burn down, and in the morning, asperge the
white candle with the Florida or Orange Blossom Water, and light the white
candle and say:
“Happy New Year to me,
good luck and happiness times three.”
On the Winter Solstice, the Sun is the farther away from the equator than it
will be for the rest of the year. We feel this within our souls. It affects us, and
even the most joyful among us can feel lost in the dark. That is why we
gather together, especially on this sabbat. But if you are by yourself during
Yule, remember that The God and The Goddess are always near. Candle
magic on this night can be especially uplifting.
During Yule, we celebrate the birth (or rebirth, if you like) of the Sun God.
Therefore, decorating and surrounding ourselves with things like the colors of
the sun are good choices and can add greatly to the cheer of our living spaces.
Spells that celebrate the Sun God, remind us of our potential, and inspiration,
hope, and joy are perfect work to be crafting during Yule.
Sun-Welcoming Spell
You will need:
a gold, orange, or yellow candle in a glass container
organic glitter (can be found online and is biodegradable, unlike
standard glitter)
sunflower oil
a straw, pencil, or chopstick
For this spell, you will actually anoint the glass itself, not the candle, as
container candles plus oil can cause a fire. The container holds the heat of the
candle in a small space which can act like a furnace, so never add oils to
container candles. As for the glitter, take the straw, pencil, or chopstick and
gently press two or three channels down into the wax, then sprinkle some of
the glitter over each hole and press the glitter down into the wax. Anoint the
glass with the sunflower oil, and when you are ready, light the candle. Say:
“Fiery God, born anew, on this dark night we welcome you,
the fields are quiet, icy blue, but this dark night we welcome you,
the woods are hushed, sleeping through,
but this dark night we welcome you.”
Imagine the Sun God hearing your words and reaching out to you with
warmth, purpose, and hope. Feel the yellow light fill your body with healing
energy. When you are ready to do so, open your circle and ground The God’s
energy into the Earth to be received by The Goddess.
Purification Spell
There is something unique about light and fire that helps us really focus. We
can see beyond the shadows to our divine spark and recognize how to live
our lives without the burden of things we no longer need, such as old habits,
physical clutter, shame or guilt about things we’ve blamed ourselves for but
are not our fault, or ambitions that are not truly what our hearts desire. Yule
is a wonderful time to let all of that fall away so that our true selves are
revealed, ready to come to life as the Sun warms the soil and seeds stir in the
Before you begin, make sure that you’ve bathed or showered, then fully
smudged yourself with sage, rosemary, or palo santo wood, as well as
spiritually cleansed your altar space.
You will need:
a white taper candle
Purification oil (you can purchase this online or in a pagan supply
store, or make the blend yourself. Typically, purification oil consists of
lavender, lemongrass, rosemary, and tea tree essential oils. Make sure
they’re organic, so you’re not burning anything that might be toxic.)
a mirror, preferably circular, that you can burn the candle upon
palo santo wood to gently burn during the ritual
Cast your circle and gently melt the bottom of the candle so you can stick it
on the mirror. Anoint the candle with the purification oil, and light the palo
santo, setting it beside the candle. As the smoke mingles with the fire-light,
relax your body and your mind, keeping your posture straight and your
breathing deep and regular.
Imagine yourself as a star in the sky. See your energy flickering, burning, and
part of the universe. You are perfectly imperfect in form and purpose;
sometimes, your energy arcs and jumps. Sometimes, a storm rushes over you,
but over time, you are doing what you were meant to do—be a part of the
light of the universe.
When you are ready, say:
“I am as I should be,
a light in the sky
shining endlessly.
I cast away what is not true,
and achieve what I am meant to do.”
Allow the candle to burn down, taking with it any residual negative energy
you have carried on your shoulders for too long.
Birthday for the Sun Spell
This is a spell that sparks the imagination and inner child; it is also a good
spell to do with children if they are being raised in the Wiccan or modern
pagan tradition.
You will need:
a gold, yellow, white, or orange candle to represent the Sun
birthday candles (three, five, or seven are all suitable amounts for this
enough cupcakes for the amount of birthday candles. Choose frosting
and/or decorations in the colors of the sun for a maximum effect.
white or yellow flowers, decorations, streamers, etc.
Decorate the altar with the streamers, flowers, and candles. Light the sun
candle, and say:
“New Sun, welcome to the world.”
Light the birthday candles and say:
“Make a wish, your heart be true,
as we celebrate this night with you,
welcome home, triumphant Sun,
and enjoy this feast with everyone.”
You may allow any children present to blow out the birthday candles (but not
the sun candle), or you can blow them out yourself. Share the cupcakes with
all present, but leave one for the Sun God.
This is a fire festival and is devoted to goddesses, one of which is Brigid,
goddess of the forge, artist, and augury (divining from the songs of birds).
She is also The Goddess of inspiration and creativity. Imbolc is also
dedicated to Oya, The Goddess of lightning, marketplace, and cemetery and
rebirth. We, too, are reborn in the Spring, awakening from introspection and
reflection to reach out once more toward the growing light of the Sun.
On Imbolc, we celebrate the awakening of sleeping life and can also honor
Persephone, as She makes Her long journey back from the underworld to
return the gift of life to Earth.
Spells that give thanks, provide inspiration, refresh our spirits, and spark our
creativity are all well-suited to Imbolc.
Nine Lights of Imbolc Spell
You will need:
a cauldron or wide bowl that will fit nine tea lights inside of it
nine tea lights in an assortment of these colors: pale green, white,
yellow, orange, and black
a long match to light the candles without burning yourself
(A note: if you pray to Oya, offer her any of these foods or fruits: eggplant,
plums, and red wine. Do not burn incense as she doesn’t care for smoke).
You can either light one tea light at a time and set it in the bowl or cauldron,
or you can set them all inside the bowl or cauldron, and light them one at a
time. Each tea light will represent a different aspect of the sabbat and what
you want to receive from it. As you light each candle, say the following
words (one phrase per candle):
“I return to myself as life returns to the Earth.”
“The fire of inspiration lights my spirit.”
“Warmth fills my heart and soul.”
“I am ready for great endeavors.”
“I have the potential for joy and fulfillment.”
“I will share my light with others.”
“I am healed of past hurts.”
“I forgive others, and myself.”
“Let the light of the Sun and the fire of the cauldron fill my spirit with
enthusiasm for life.”

Five Wishes Spell

Some of us may feel as if we simply do not have five wishes to make, while
others may feel that they can easily think of five wishes they would love to
come true. If you are in the former group, ask a friend for permission to ask
for a wish on their behalf, and include that in this spell.
You will need:
five short (4–5”) taper candles. These can easily be purchased online or
at a pagan supply store.
dried peppermint
dried alfalfa
dried calendula
powdered cinnamon
a bay leaf, crumbled
dried vervain
a mortar and pestle
Gently grind and mix the herbs together, then set on your altar to one side.
Line the candles in a row, and light them. When you are ready to state your
wishes (you can say them out loud), take a pinch of the herb mixture, and toss
it into the flame of the first candle on the left. Continue this process with each
wish, working from left to right.
When you have completed stating your wishes, say:
“Imbolc’s magic, fire true,
grant these five wishes,
merrily do!”
When you are finished, allow the candles to burn down and sprinkle the herb
mixture in your garden or in a crossroads.
A Spell to Rejuvenate the Spirit
There are times in our lives when we first have to imagine a positive change
of energy before it manifests. Though the days may seem dark and gray, we
can still imagine sunny days filled with happiness. Magic can help us
manifest these images into reality.
You will need:
fresh, clean collected water such as rainwater
a floating candle in pale green, white, pink, or yellow
lavender oil
a glass bowl
Cast your circle and pour the water into the glass bowl. Add three drops of
the lavender oil to the water. Set the candle on the water’s surface and light it.
As you gaze at the candle’s light, imagine the sun reflecting on a lake in
summer. Imagine your spirit carried on the tides of the universe, drifting
comfortably, with nothing to fear. Hear the birds sing, and smell the
fragrance of honeysuckle and green grass. When you are ready, say:
“What I see in my heart’s eye, I cast into the universal sea, where it becomes
a reality for me, so mote it be.”
Spend as much time as you need in meditation, gazing at the candle’s light,
letting your worries and fears melt away.
Spring is upon us now, which is the Spring Equinox. The light and dark are
perfectly balanced on this day, and it is a good time to practice cleansing and
balancing on our own. Sweeping away the dust and the cobwebs, both
literally and figuratively, is a good practice on Ostara. In order to receive the
coming abundance of the Summer, we should clear away any unnecessary
aspects of our lives, our energy, and our spirits that we have collected,
perhaps unknowingly.
This is a good time to spiritually cleanse your living space and altar. Use your
besom to sweep the old, stale energy out your door ritually. Physically
cleanse your space as well; scrub the floors and windows, making everything
sparkle to let the coming sunlight back in.
Spells that seek to balance, ground, and sow seeds of the promise are best
undertaken during Ostara.
A Spring Equinox Spell to Achieve Balance
This spell is a journey and will take three nights to complete. Start on the
night before Ostara and end on the night after. Make sure you have your book
of shadows handy to record any impressions, thoughts, or visions you have
during this spell.
You will need:
one black pillar candle
one white pillar candle (the candles should be the same size)
divination oil (typically mugwort, rose, and jasmine)
one piece of onyx and one moonstone
Arrange your sacred space so that you are able to sit between the candles
comfortably, with no danger of singeing your hair or clothing with the flame.
Have your book of shadows open before you and a pen or pencil. Place the
moonstone beside the black candle close enough so that you can reach and
pick it up without rising from your seated position. Place the onyx beside the
white candle, also close to you.
Take time to get your mind into a comfortable, meditative space. Sit with
your spine straight, breathing deeply and comfortably. Light the candles, and
pick up the stones. Holding the onyx in one hand and the moonstone in the
other, say:
“Goddess of the Earth, Goddess of the Sky,
bring my shadows into the light.”
Close your eyes and recognize the first few things your mind shows you. Be
patient. If your mind floods with mundane images and thoughts, such as what
you did that day, your commute to work, your shopping list, and anything
that seems to be without meaning, quickly acknowledge them and then
discard them, making room in the space of your mind for your inner eye to
recognize something significant.
Open your eyes, and return the stones to their places by the candles. Record
in your book of shadows anything that you saw. Return to your meditative
space and breathe. When you are ready, pick up the stones again, sit straight,
relax, and say:
“Goddess of Life, Goddess of Birth,
show me what is most of worth”
Again, close your eyes and clear your mind. Notice the images or scenes you
see in the theater of your imagination. When you are ready, return the stones
and record the images in your grimoire.
A third and final time, pick up the stones, breathing into a meditative space,
and say:
“Goddess of Spring, Heralding the Sun,
show me what who I may become.”
Close your eyes and open your mind. There may be conflicting imagery, but
stay the course and focus on what your third eye is telling you. You are
connected to the universe and receiving divine insight; don’t doubt what you
see. Doubt has no place in divination.
Record the images, and for reference, write this next to each step:
Record the images, and for reference, write this next to each step:
1. What my shadows are; which parts of myself I need to make peace
with because they are a vital aspect of me.
2. What truly brings me happiness, and what I should strive to have more
of in my life.
3. The paths ahead; the possibilities that may become my reality.
If this spell proves to be a helpful exercise for you, you may decide to include
it more often into your magical work, such as during new or full moons or
twice a year—once at Ostara, and once at Mabon.
Fertility Spell
Ostara is named after the fertility goddess Eostre, from which we have the
word estrus. The symbols of the hare and the egg are both connected to
Ostara because of their fertility symbolism.
Another fertility goddess is Oshun, a Nigerian goddess who rules over all
things that make life worth living, such as love, happiness, wealth and
sensuality. While Her sister, Yemaya, rules over motherhood (as well as the
ocean’s depths), Oshun can help get the ball rolling if you are looking to
bring life into the world. Additionally, fertility magic is not just for those
seeking to become parents; artists, writers, entrepreneurs, even gardeners can
benefit from fertility magic.
You will need:
a pumpkin (This can be a “typical” orange or white pumpkin, but
chances are you’ll have better luck finding what is called a calabaza.
You can find these in Latin grocery stores and oriental markets. You
should hollow out the pumpkin before you begin the spell. You can
leave the pumpkin uncovered; once you carve out the top, discard it.)
five white tea lights
a yellow seven-day candle
Do this spell during a waxing moon cycle.
Cast your circle, and light the yellow candle. Pour the honey into the
pumpkin, and taste it with your finger (this is because whenever you offer
honey to Oshun, you must taste it first, as someone once tried to poison Her
this way). Light the tea light and carefully drop it into the pumpkin.
“Beautiful Oshun, dancing goddess of the river,
please grant me the fertility I need to see my wishes come true.”
Allow the candle to burn down. Repeat this spell once per night for five
nights, always tasting the honey before dropping another candle into the
pumpkin. After five nights have passed, take the pumpkin to a river and toss
it into the waters, saying, “Ashé, Oshun!”
Open yourself to receiving the blessings that Oshun will send you.
Energy-Raising Spell
Ostara is a good time to feel life growing within yourself, especially if you’ve
been stuck in a rut or subdued by wintery feelings of sadness or ennui.
You will need:
one green candle
one brown candle
one orange candle
a pot filled with gardening soil*
some seeds of your plant of choice
*whatever seeds you plant, look up what, if any, additional additives they
require in the soil for optimum growth as seedlings. Some plants require a
mix of lime and soil to raise the pH; others do well with a mix of gardening
Make a triangle out of the candles so that the bottom left of the triangle has
the brown candle, the bottom left the green candle, and the orange candle is
the top. Make sure the triangle is large enough so that you can place the pot
in the center of the triangle comfortably. Light the candles in this order:
brown, green, and orange.
“From the soil to the tree,
from the seed and to the leaf,
so do I grow joyfully,
from Winter’s sleep I find relief,
and flourish in the Sun.”
Water and care for your plant, and feel your spirit growing in strength and
positivity in the coming days. Your plants can be harvested at Midsummer if
you wish, to be distilled into an elixir or oil of joy and hope for use during the
following Winter.
On Beltane, our ancestors said, one is not allowed to look at where they’ve
been, only to where they are going. This is a time of joy, and nothing else—
no regrets, no shame, no rumination, or self-doubt. Allow yourself one day to
simply be alive and happy in the moment.
While Beltane is a day of huge, public celebrations and rituals, if you happen
to prefer to worship by yourself (or if you have no public communities close
enough to you), there are rituals perfectly-suited to Beltane that you can
perform in your own living space.
Spells in the name of celebration—and by celebrating, you draw even more
of the things that make life worth living—are perfect for Beltane. This, too, is
a fire festival and well-suited for candle magic.
A Maypole Braid Spell
You will need:
a variety of colored ribbons, a pencil, and some sturdy tape
a fiery-hued, small pillar or taper candle in any of these colors: red,
orange, yellow, gold, or white
Fire elemental oil (cinnamon and clove oil will work well for this
Take each end of every ribbon and line them up on the sticky side of the tape.
Press the tape against a hard surface, such as your altar or table. Anoint the
candle with fire elemental oil, and light the candle.
Now, begin to braid the ribbon together, slowly and thoughtfully. As you
work, imagine something you would like to manifest in your life. It should be
one, unique thing, vividly imagined and in full detail. Be specific. Remember
that for a single thing to manifest, the universe weaves many strands of
reality together, gently, over time. Remember to infuse this spell with your
gratitude, patience, and delight in what will one day manifest for you.
Breathe deeply as you work.
Once you are finished braiding the ribbons, tie the two outermost ribbons
together in a knot to seal the braid. Lift the starter end from the tape and do
the same to it. Hold the braid at a safe distance above the candle, and say:
“Braid and weave, life’s many strands,
and I believe, in the universe’s hand,
that it will bring my wish to fruition,
by my magic and intuition.”
Keep the braid on your altar or on your person as the following days go by.
Within a lunar cycle, your wish should manifest.
A Gratitude Spell for Abundance
Abundance begins with, and returns to, gratitude. When we are grateful for
what we already have, we see the value of what we have. Thus, do not
blindly seek more simply to fill a void within our spirits. When you suddenly
see the value in what you have, you instantly grant abundance into your life
—and abundance draws more abundance.
Pick an array of colors for this spell. The candles do not have to match
(unless you really want them to, and that is fine), but they all should be new.
Never use previously-burned candles for your magic, as they still have the
energy from their former owner, and wax—being a soft, malleable substance
—is difficult to smudge clean, spiritually.
You will need:
a variety of different colored candles
a bowl (preferably a glass bowl, or your cauldron) of natural, beautiful
things, such as collected stones, crystals, cut flowers, nuts, seeds
Arrange the candles in a semicircle above your bowl or cauldron, and light
each one from left to right. Hold your arms out to each side comfortably,
your elbows bent and palms skyward. Feel the bounty, healing light, and love
of the universe gently fall to you, like rain. Feel it gathering in your hands
and in your body. Feel yourself rejuvenated by this energy. When you are
ready, place your energized hands around the bowl or cauldron and say:
“I give thanks for all of the blessings in my life,
for the abundance, for the joy,
for the days and for the nights,
sunrises and sunsets,
rain and sun,
wind and song,
tears and memories.
I am rich with all that the universe gives me,
and continues to give me,
and I am thankful.
Blessed Be.”
Allow the candles to burn down, and leave the offering on your altar for a
week and one day.
A Candle Blessing to Find True Love
Finding love is not easy; there are surely many things that “pretend” to be
love, such as obsession, co-dependence, control, and attraction, yet these
things have little to do with true love. Sexuality and lust are not things that
Wiccans consider bad. On the contrary, they are a joyful part of life when
consent is present—true love is about making a daily choice to be present for
somebody else. This can be difficult, even challenging. But love calls us to
make a choice, and when it is real, we reap the rewards of companionship
and synchronicity with another human being.
How does one prepare for true love? To start, assess what you are able to
bring into someone else’s life and what you might need that person to bring
into yours. Perhaps you feel as if you don’t “need” anything from anyone else
—you are perfectly independent. In that case, what would you like? What
would make you happy? If you’ve never considered (or stopped considering)
how other people can make you happy, then that is the work you must do
before your heart is ready for love.
You will need:
a red or pink candle (your preference)
a blue candle (for the truth)
a purple candle (for intuition)
a white candle (for spiritual health)
a brown candle (to remain grounded and humble)
an orange candle (for success and joy)
your athame, knife, or a nail
a piece of rose quartz
With your athame, knife, or a nail (these work wonderfully to inscribe
candles), carve your name into the red or pink candle. On the other side of the
candle, carve “my true love.” Set this candle in the center; you will make a
semicircle around the candle, with the brown candle in the center of the
candle and toward the Northern direction of your altar.
Set the other candles as such, around your candle in this order: blue, purple,
brown, white, and orange. First, light your candle (the red or the pink one)
and say:
“I dare to admit that I want to be ready and open for true love to come into
my life, and stay.”
Next, light the blue candle, and say:
“I dare to be honest with myself, and with my true love.”
Next, light the purple candle, and say:
“I dare to listen to my intuition when it comes to all things, and with finding
my true love.”
Next, light the brown candle, and say:
“I ask the Earth to keep me grounded during this journey, as well as humble
and kind.”
Next, light the white candle, and say:
“I make a pact with myself to keep my spirit clean of negative thoughts and
Next, light the orange candle, and say:
“I dare to believe in the possibility that true love may successfully exist in my
life, and in my heart.”
Now sit with the rose quartz, and breathe deeply, spine straight, mind open
and calm. Imagine small moments of interaction with true love — honest
laughter, physical touch, a feeling of safety and healing, and a thrill of the
heart when your eyes see the person you love. Remain this way for as long as
you are comfortable. Set the quartz in front of your candle and allow the
candles to burn down.
Beltane Honey Jar for Riches and Joy
This spell’s alternate version can be found in the Mabon spells.
You will need:
A large mason jar with lid (or any glass container with a heat-proof lid)
dried fruits
Irish moss
dried basil
dried rose petals
dried lavender
brown sugar
a pink taper candle
a piece of rose quartz
Lavender oil
At the bottom of the jar, place the piece of rose quartz. Next, in layers, add
the rest of the ingredients in this order: dried lavender, rice, Irish moss,
alfalfa, dried basil, brown sugar, and dried rose petals. Finally, fill the jar the
rest of the way with honey.
When the jar is completely full, close the lid tightly, and melt the bottom of
the candle to firmly fix it to the lid. Anoint the candle with lavender oil.
Raise your arms to call down the energies of the elements and the Earth.
Imagine the energy filling your circle and infusing your jar with powerful,
abundance-drawing energy. Light the candle and say:
“Fire bright,
success ignite,
that love and light,
are mine tonight and ever after.”
Allow the candle to burn down, and recharge the bottle with another pink
candle during full moons on Litha and during Lammas.
For many of us, Midsummer, also known as Litha, is the most wonderful
sabbat of all. The weather is warm (if you’re in the northern hemisphere), the
flowers are in full bloom, and the beauty of the natural world is visible and
It can be easy to get caught up in the abundance of The Goddess and nature,
but Litha can also be an important time to take stock of ourselves, find
balance, and set in motion plans for the second half—the darker half—of the
Spells that dispel negativity, rejuvenate the spirit, and celebrate the Sun at its
peak are perfect for the Litha sabbat.
Fire Cleansing Spell to Banish Negativity
You will need:
a well-ventilated space (or you may choose to perform this ritual
a thick pillar candle in any of the following colors: red, green, yellow,
or white
a fireproof bowl or cauldron
unlined paper and a pencil
dried sage and rosemary
your athame, a knife, or a nail to use when inscribing the candle
If you are able to, perform this spell at noon on Litha.
Before you light the candle, take whatever tool you’ve chosen and carefully
carve a banishing spiral on the front of the candle. To do this, start in the
center of what will be the spiral symbol, and slowly work your way outward
in an ever-increasing circle, going counterclockwise from the starting point.
When you have covered most of the front of the candle, stop, and light the
Next, tear your paper into as many smaller pieces as you need; you are going
to use the paper pieces to write things you wish to banish from your life (a
word of caution: do not write the names of people here. If you believe you
need to be free of a person’s influence, then write that instead.) As you finish
writing on each piece, fold the paper away from you, then hold it in the
candle’s flame to light it on fire. Drop the burning paper into the fireproof
bowl or cauldron to continue to burn, and drop a pinch of the sage and the
rosemary into the flames. Continue these steps for each piece of paper you’ve
written on.
When you are finished, grab one more pinch of the herbs and drop these into
the candle’s flame, and say:
“By the fire of the Litha sun,
these things that have plagued me
are no more,
As I’ve burned them one by one,
my spirit is healed, and restored.”
Allow the candle to burn until midnight; then you may pinch out the flame.

Herbal Consecration Candle Spell

The best time of the year to harvest magical herbs from your garden is at
midnight on Litha. However, any time of day and night on this sabbat will do
if your schedule doesn’t permit a midnight outing. Additionally, if you have
purchased herbs, you can still consecrate them for maximum results in your
You will need:
a yellow candle; any size or type will do
the herbs you wish to consecrate
an additional bundle of herbs to use to asperge
lavender, orange, or rosewater (Try to make your own instead of
buying from a store, especially if you plan on using any of the herbs in
food or for tea; store-bought sometimes contains perfumes, dyes, or
Cast your circle, and light the candle. Carefully pass each herb over the
candle’s flame, far enough so as not to singe the leaves, and say each time:
“By The Goddess of the Earth, and Hunter God of the sacred woods,
By the water of the river that is The Goddess’s blood,
bless these herbs that they may when used,
powerful magic thus infuse.”
Next, lightly asperge the herbs with your herb bundle and the water of your
choice. Hang the herbs to dry, or lay them out on a platter or cookie sheet if
your house is dry and warm enough.

A Spell to Banish Poverty

The best time to attract more good fortune is when you are experiencing it.
During the bounty that is Litha, an anti-poverty spell is particularly effective.
You will need:
three green apples
three white votive candles
three pinches of fresh yarrow
three fresh basil leaves
three five-dollar bills
Start by cutting each apple horizontally so that the five-pointed star is
revealed at their center. Discard the apple tops, or add them to your compost.
Gently carve a small hollow (approximately a half-inch deep) into the middle
of the remaining apples. Place each apple half on top of one bill. Add a drop
of honey to each apple’s hollow, then a bit of yarrow, one fresh basil leaf,
and, finally, one of the votive candles.
Light each candle, and say:
“By the heat of the Day,
and the song of the Night,
By the glow of the Sun,
and the Moon’s white light,
I banish hunger from this home,
and send misfortune off to roam,
far away from here, and so,
with this spell, away poverty goes.”
Allow the candles to burn down (do not leave them unattended, and make
sure they are burning on a fire-safe surface). Over the next five days, donate
each of the five-dollar bills to a charity or homeless person.
Lammas, or Lughnasadh, is the first sabbat of the dark half of the year, as
well as the first Harvest. It is named after the Latin word for “mass of
loaves,” as well as the feast of the sun god, Lugh.
During Lammas, we may feel a bittersweetness as the summer is coming to
an end, and winter is approaching. It is also a time when the veil between
worlds is just beginning to thin, and we may benefit from divine guidance.
Harvesting Wisdom Spell
You will need:
a green candle for the North
a red candle for the South
a white candle for the East
a purple candle for the West
three tiger’s eye stones
three clear quartz stones
three amethyst stones
three green calcite stones
Ancestor oil (rosemary, dragon’s blood, and carnation)
tarot cards or a scrying bowl (a bowl or cauldron filled with water)
your book of shadows and a writing implement
Anoint each candle, and place it in its respective corner. Place the green
calcite stones around the Northern candle, the clear quartz stones around the
Eastern candle, the tiger’s eye stones around the Southern candle, and the
amethyst stones around the Western candle. Light them in sunwise order,
starting from the North. When you are ready, say:
“Divine wisdom, share with me,
from the heavens, flow through me,
and show me what you see.”
Spend a few moments gazing at the candles’ light, getting into a rhythm that
will allow you to intuit the wisdom of the ancestors, The God, and The
Goddess. When you are ready, either draw 5 cards, one for August,
September, October, November, and December, or relax your thoughts and
gaze at your scrying bowl. Record any information you receive or images and
scenes you see on the water’s surface. Be sure to thank the universe for its
wisdom before you open your circle. Allow the candles to burn down.
A Spell to Nourish the Spirit
When there is plenty, as there is during the time of Harvest, it’s important not
to forget to feed our spiritual selves.
You will need:
a white, glass-encased candle
feverfew, bee balm, and chamomile
a pencil or straw
a large bowl of water
Using the pencil or straw, push three deep channels into the wax of the
candle. Place small pinches of each of the three herbs listed into the channels,
using the pencil or straw to push them below the candle’s surface. Place the
candle into the bowl of water; the candle should be submerged half-way or
Light the candle, and say:
“Spirits of Earth and Sky,
Shower me with good health and serenity,
rejuvenate my spirit as the dawn brings light to the World.”
Spend some time gazing at the candle, and feeling the healing warmth of the
Sun and the magical power of the Moon filling your spirit with vitality. You
may continue this each night as a meditation until the candle has been spent.
Mabon is the Autumnal Equinox, and it is a time when the world is in perfect
balance. Additionally, Mabon is the Second Harvest, the Harvest of gourds.
We can perform magic for balance, grounding, and for abundance to great
effect at this time.
Equinox Earthing Spell
You will need:
four brown or green candles (size and shape doesn’t matter, but they
should all be the same)
four pieces of pyrite
four pieces of black tourmaline
four small bowls of salt
four small bowls of soil
Perform this spell someplace where you can set the candles on the floor and
be seated in the middle of them. This spell can be performed outdoors, and if
you choose to, have container candles so that the wind doesn’t blow them
Place each candle at a directional point: North, East, South, and West. Place
one piece of pyrite, one piece of black tourmaline, one bowl of salt, and one
bowl of soil around each candle, leaving plenty of room for you to sit or
kneel (or sit in a chair or stand, if that is more physically possible and/or
comfortable). Light the candles in this order: North, East, South, and West,
then take your place in the center of the square.
Imagine the grounding energy of the Earth and breathe deeply. Imagine a
figure standing, a dish of salt in one hand, a dish of soil in the other. Feel the
strength of the spirits of Earth empower you and gently re-position you
spiritually so that you, too, are perfectly balanced. When you are ready,
repeat this mantra eight times (you may use your fingers to keep track as you
“Air, Fire, Earth, and Sea
My soul finds balance perfectly.”
After the eight mantras, take some time to meditate and feel the energy of the
Earth. Then when you are ready, say this second mantra, also eight times:
“From Earth’s teachings, I have found,
how simple it is to reach out and ground.”
Spend some more time meditating in the surrounding energy of the candles.
When you are ready, open your circle, ground the energy you’ve raised, and
move the candles, crystals, and dishes to your altar as a Mabon ritual to
ground you and keep you on track for the rest of the year.
Candle Spell to Let Go of Fear
When the natural world is in perfect balance, it can be a good time to assess
with a clear eye anything that’s troubling you in your life. This is a spell to
help ease unnecessary fears or anything that’s holding you back from
achieving your goals.
You will need:
one black votive or short taper candle, and one white candle of the
same type and size
a piece of onyx and a piece of sunstone
Cast your circle and light the black candle. Hold the onyx in your left hand
and the sunstone in your right; your left hand is typically the side of your
body that receives spiritual energy, while your right hand gives your energy a
purpose. This can be different according to the person. Consider which hand
you use to push open a door and which you use to receive money handed to
you, and select accordingly. At the beginning of the spell, you want the onyx
in your receiving hand and the sunstone in your giving hand.
Close your eyes and imagine your fears as shadows, looming tall beneath the
early morning sun. Now, begin to picture the sun rising in the sky, making
the shadows grow ever smaller. When you are ready, open your eyes, and
light the white candle. Pick up the crystals and switch hands so that the onyx
is in your giving hand, and the sunstone is in your receiving hand. Close your
eyes, and imagine the sun beginning to set, and the shadows drift away
completely while a full, healing moon rises to the night sky. Imagine feeling
safe and protected. Place both stones together in front of the candles, and say:
“Sun and Moon, in unity,
my fears can no longer harm me,
so it is done and so mote it be.”
Allow the candles to burn down, and meditate with the stones whenever you
need extra courage and balance.
Harvest Candle Spell for Prosperity Through Winter
Magic often mimics the natural world because magic is, itself, a natural
occurrence. We are born with the ability to change energy using tools, natural
components, and most importantly, our minds. This spell seeks to take
inspiration from the ancient practice of storing food by drying, canning,
filling granaries, and generally preparing for the coming winter months.
You will need:
a large mason jar with lid (or any glass container with a heat-proof lid)
wheat germ
Irish moss
dried basil
brown sugar
a green taper candle
a piece of green calcite
abundance oil
At the bottom of the jar, place the green calcite. Next, in layers, add the rest
of the ingredients in this order: salt, rice, Irish moss, dried basil, alfalfa,
wheat germ, and brown sugar. If you have to repeat any layers to make sure
the jar is completely filled, you can add a second layer of any of these
ingredients: the Irish moss, alfalfa, sugar, or rice.
When the jar is completely full, close the lid tightly, and melt the bottom of
the candle to firmly fix it to the lid. Anoint the candle with abundance oil.
Raise your arms to call down the energies of the elements and the Earth.
Imagine the energy filling your circle and infusing your jar with powerful,
abundance-drawing energy. Light the candle and say:
“Moon and Earth,
birth and rebirth,
as this candle burns,
so my resources redouble and return.”
Allow the candle to burn down, and recharge the bottle with another green
candle during the full moons on Samhain and on Yule and Imbolc. On
Beltane, you can make another jar, called a honey jar, to use during the
warmer half of the year.
Honoring the Esbats With Fire
While most communities perform a special esbat or lunar ritual on a full
moon, a solitary witch or Wiccan coven can choose to perform magic on any
moon phase or cycle, as per need or desire. Living mindfully of the Moon is a
wonderful way to live in unison and cooperation with the
universe’s energy. Knowing when to build up and when to let go, as well as
when to shine most brightly and when to be subtle are the benefits of living

Waxing Moon Wish Spell

You will need:
one piece of moonstone
one piece of howlite
one piece of citrine
two white candles
one yellow candle
Wish oil
In a row from left to right, place the candles in this order: white, white, and
yellow. Before lighting the candles from left to right, place the stones in this
order: moonstone, howlite, and citrine.
Anoint the candles with the Wish oil, and light the candles. Imagine your
very specific desire in three, distinct forms — idea, fruition, and realization.
Spend as much time as you need meditating on this.
Perform this spell once more before the full moon and again on the third and
final time during the full moon. On the full moon, after you meditate, say:
“Mother Moon, sage and sweet,
I lay my desire at your feet,
stir it to life, as I’ve seen in my mind,
that a reality from my desire I find.”
Allow the candles to burn down, and keep the stones near you when you
sleep. Trust in the Moon to grant your wish.
Dark Moon Banishing Spell
The dark moon is the night before the new moon comes into phase, and it is
the perfect time for getting rid of energies or influences we do not need or
which are harmful to us.
You will need:
one black pillar candle
sage or palo santo wood
a single, whole clove
Dragon’s Blood oil
Anoint the candle with the Dragon’s Blood oil and light it. Light the sage or
palo santo wood and gently smudge yourself then the candle. Hold the single
clove. Picture the energy or influence you want to banish from you, and say:
“This represents what I no longer need,
return from whence you came, a tree to seed,
my will be done; you will heed.”
Toss the clove into the fire, and allow the candle to burn fully down.
Full Moon Empowerment Spell
It can be easy to find your energy depleted, especially if you’re the type of
person to shoulder too many responsibilities or pile too much onto your
proverbial plate. The full moon is the perfect time to recharge and restore.
You will need:
an orange taper candle
three white quartz stones
Florida or Orange Blossom Water
Cast your circle and light the candle. Anoint your forehead and the back of
your neck with the water. Place one quartz crystal in front of the candle, and
hold the other two in each hand. Raise your hands at your sides, and invite
the Moon’s energy to come into your circle and rejuvenate you. Say:
“Goddess Moon, come to me for I am in need of your help,
reach down and heal me with your medicine rays,
fill my body and my spirit with your powerful energy,
cleanse from me anything that has hurt or slowed me,
brighten my eyes that they shine with love,
Goddess Moon, send energy from above.”
You can perform this spell as often as needed, during any full moon.
New Moon, New You Spell
The new moon is a time of change. If you feel that you need some change in
your life, perform this spell.
You will need:
a blue candle
a piece of turquoise
Lotus oil
Anoint the candle with the lotus oil, and set the turquoise before the candle.
Call down the invisible energy of the new moon, and imagine it filling your
circle like the blue currents of the ocean, rising up until it turns silver when it
reaches the top. Breathe in the radiating power of

the maiden Goddess that is filling your circle. When you are ready, say:
“Brave Goddess, help me to follow your lead and break free from old ways
that no longer serve me. Rejuvenate my spirit, and lend me courage,
that I may make the changes I need to achieve happiness and success.”
For the rest of the month, carry the turquoise with you to bring positive
opportunities for happiness and change and to bridge the divide between
heaven and Earth.
Chapter 3: Types of Candles Used in Magic

One of the most important things every witch learns as they continue on their
magical path is the fact that everything in magic is, in the end, subjective.
There’s a school of thought for and against nearly every common magical
practice. Take the simple act of lighting a candle—some superstitions say that
matches should never be used to light a magical fire, as the tips of matches
are encased in sulphur (aka the work of the “Devil”), while other groups,
particularly many Wiccans, try their best to avoid using lighters because
sacred fire should never touch metal (and yet, iron is a metal, and so is steel,
and The Goddess Brigid, among other things, is a master blacksmith). What
is the point of all of this? To illustrate that whatever your intuition or budget
allows, use what you choose to make magic!
Candles, when lit, instantly encompass all five Elements. The wick, which is
necessary for the candle to burn, is made from fiber, which comes from
Earth. The wax itself evaporates and goes from liquid (Water) to gas (Air),
and of course, the flame represents Fire. Spirit is the magic we pour into the
candle from ourselves.
Glass Container Candles/7-Day Candles
This is personally one of my favorite types of candles to use for magical
spells. They’re not 100% fire-safe, especially if you light them, snuff them,
light them again, etc. Ideally, they should be allowed to burn until they
extinguish themselves. Furthermore, cheap 7-day candles (think a big-box
store or your local dollar store) will often burn out before they reach the
bottom of the candle, which can leave you feeling uneasy about the efficacy
of your spell.
However, if you buy from a reputable seller and keep them in a fireproof spot
(such as a stainless steel sink or dedicated steel pot or crockpot), they are
extremely versatile. They’re cheaper than beeswax or bayberry, and you can
poke deep channels in them to fill with herbs that enhance the spell’s power.
Do not pour oil down these channels; you’ll be setting yourself up for a fiery
surprise! Instead, anoint the candle around the exterior of the glass, or lightly
lend a few drops to the candle’s surface.
Syncretism and Saint Candles. The Orishas are native Nigerian deities that
were brought over with the slaves to the Americas. When the slaves found
themselves further punished and persecuted for practicing their faith, they
syncretized their deities with Catholic saints, a practice that endures to this
day. 7-day candles are often sold in supermarkets and other stores with
images of the Catholic saints upon them. You can still use these in ritual
magic if you know which saints are really the powerful, heroic Orishas in
Chango: god of thunder, divine masculine energy, and courage = Saint
Oshun: goddess of love, riches, joy, and sensuality = La Caridad del Cobre
or Our Lady of Charity
Yemaya: Mother goddess of the ocean = Lady of Regla
Ellegua (aka Papa Legba): the African version of Mercury, god of
communication, the intellect, messages, fun, and games = Saint Anthony
Babalu Aye: god of healing = Saint Lazarus
Eshu: god of divination = Saint Peter
Obatala: god/goddess of purity, beginnings, divination = Our Lady of Mercy
Oya: goddess of business dealings, lightning, the rainbow (and LGBT
people), and the cemetery = Saint Theresa
Orunmila: god of oracles, fortune telling and divination; the wisest god of
them all = Saint Francis of Assisi
Olokun: a god who represents the form of Yemaya that is the deepest parts
of the ocean = Stella Maris
Ibeji: god/goddess child fraternal twins, representing protection for children
and babies, and delight in the world = Saints Cosme and Damian
Seven-day candles are wonderful to work with when you want to devout a
certain amount of time each day or night to working magic for a goal. Seven
days before the full moon would be a wonderful time to start a 7-day candle
Tapers burn relatively quickly, compared to candles, such as pillars and
glass-encased. They will consume themselves in an evening, and must be
supported by a candleholder, or melted to a fireproof surface (such as a plate
or spell jar) before being lit. When you have a specific goal that must be
realized soon, tapers are a good choice.
In addition to burning fast, tapers also have a large surface area on which you
can inscribe magical symbols, runes, or words of a spell to boost their power.
Beeswax tapers are wonderful for healing and empowerment spells, as
beeswax purifies the air when burned, and is a natural, organic material.
Chanukah, Temple, and Birthday Candles
Speaking of fast, consider all three of these types of candles a perfect sort if
you’re looking for versatility of color choice, as well as quick burning speed.
Chanukah candles are slim, and approximately five inches in height, and
usually sold by Jewish supply stores (you can easily find them online at one
of the biggest internet superstores as well). Their wax burns cleanly and
Temple candles are thicker and often a bit longer but still nice and sturdy.
They will burn in an evening, too, and come in as many colors as you can
imagine. You can find these online, as well as in pagan supply shops.
Birthday candles—in a pinch—can be a quick, merry way to slingshot a
desire into the universe for manifestation. Miracles have been realized using
birthday candles—never underestimate them.
Another candle to use on the magical fast-track, tealights are preferred by
many magic users for a multitude of reasons. One, they use less material
(thus causing less waste), and two, they are cheap. A third reason to love
tealights for magic is the fact that you can easily make your own out of
paraffin, beeswax, or mulberry.
A note on colors such as green, red, brown, orange, and black candles:
popular big box stores sell these (as well as pillars, tapers, and container
candles) in the thousands during commercial Halloween, Thanksgiving, and
Christmas, so stock up during those times.
Pillar Candles
Pillar candles are the powerhouses of candle magic. They are meant to burn
for longer periods of time and are wonderful for spells that involve greater
change or powerful manifestation. Do not simply rely on the size of a candle
for a spell with a pillar to work, however—if your candle’s going to go the
distance, so should you. Take time in researching what purpose your magic
will have and exactly what you want it to manifest. Get into the “zone”
before working with a pillar candle, and save time each day or evening to
return to pouring your will into the energy of the candle. Waxing to full moon
or waning to dark moon are good lengths of time for pillar candle spells.
Shaped Candles
Male Image Candles
Use to represent a particular masculine person in your spell (get their consent
first). Inscribe the subject’s name into the candle.
Female Image Candles
Use to represent a particular feminine person in your spell (again, consent is
necessary). You may carve the person’s name into the candle for best results.
Cat Image Candles
Used for luck spells. Throw pinches of catnip into a green cat candle’s flame
for joyful ways money can come into your life.
Bride and Groom Candles
Can help strengthen the peace, understanding, and unity of a couple. For
those who are separating, a black marriage candle can help ease the pain and
banish the negativity so that the process is more neutral and amicable. A red
marriage candle can help ignite lost passion, and a white marriage candle can
help a couple return to the feelings they had when they first fell in love with
each other.
Skull Candle
Can be used for divination, to cure illness, for protection, and banishing
negative energy
Seven Knob Candle
These odd-looking candles are powerful when used in wish manifestation
spells. Each “knob” should be burned once per day, for seven days.
Additionally, you can carve a word of the wish, a rune, or another symbol,
into each knob of the candle. Choose the color to coincide with the nature of
your wish.
Making Your Own Candles
If you decide to take the time to learn and can make a dedicated workspace
for candle-making at home, making your own candles can improve your
health and help you keep more of your hard-earned money. When you make
your own candles, you know exactly what is going into them; some store-
bought candles can have wicks that contain dangerous lead and have
additives that you’d rather do without. Beeswax is a healthy choice, as it
improves air quality and lends a sweet, honey-like aroma to the home.
Beeswax pillar candles often leave a remaining “circle” of unburned wax
around the outer edge; this is normal. You can recycle that wax for future
candles. However, if you want to blend the beeswax with a softer material,
you can reduce the melting point (beeswax burns very hot) and get a more
even melt on your candles. Add a half of a cup of coconut oil to a pound of
melted beeswax material for candles that will burn more smoothly and won’t
crack when they cool. Also, an important note about any candle is to make
sure you have time to let the candle stay lit for at least an hour the first time
you light it. That way, you’ll get a longer life from the candle itself.
Simple Recipe For Beeswax Container Candles
What you will need:
Sixty ply wick (braided cotton)
a pound of organic beeswax
half of a cup coconut oil
three canning jars, half-pint sized
pitcher (metal)
a large pot for the double boiler—the pitcher should fit comfortably
wooden skewers
Before you begin, candle-making requires a few things. First, make sure the
room you’re working in is well-ventilated; breathing in the fumes from wax
is not good for you, even if the wax is organic. Second, do not use kitchen
tools, pots, utensils, etc. for candle-making. Use items dedicated for your
homemade candles so that you don’t accidentally use them later during food
Put the pitcher with beeswax into the double boiler, then add water to
the double boiler (do not add so much that it might spill into the pitcher
when it boils).
Keep the water gently boiling until the wax is completely melted.
While you wait for the beeswax to soften, cut a six-inch piece of each
Remove the pitcher from the double boiler. Add the coconut oil to the
fully-melted wax in the pitcher. Using a skewer, mix the ingredients
Add a small amount of the mixture to the bottom of each jar, and press
one wick into each jar, using the skewer to center the wick at the
Let the wax in each jar cool for approximately fifteen minutes.
Gently wrap the top ends of the wicks around a skewer, and fill each
jar with the wax mixture, leaving an inch between the surface of the
candle and the lip of the jar. Use tape to keep the wick around the
Allow the new candles to rest overnight.
Once the wax is fully set, allow the candles to rest more, for
approximately one week. When you are ready to light one, make sure
you trim the wick to about one half of an inch. The first time you burn
your candle, remember that you need at least an hour (but preferably,
two or three) of steady burning for your candle to have the longest life.
Each time you burn a candle, you should first re-trim the wick to the
half-inch length.
Essential oils and dye chips can be added to the melted wax (when you
remove it from the double boiler) for scented candles in different
Chapter 4: Candle Magic Spells
Invisibility Spell
Do this spell during a dark moon or waning moon phase and on a Monday,
Tuesday, or Saturday.
For the three candles, a small temple-sized candle or tea light is best.
Whichever you choose, make sure all candles are the same size and type.
You will need:
a black candle
a silver or gray candle
a white candle
any one of the following dried herbs: amaranth, chicory, or fern
Arrange the three candles in a row, equally—from left to right. The black
candle should be first, then the gray candle, then the white. Carve a circle in
the white candle to symbolize the full moon, carve a half-moon symbol in the
gray or silver candle, and do not carve anything on the black candle.
Light the white candle first, and say:
“See me now, then see me not.”
Toss a pinch of herbs into the flames. Imagine yourself becoming invisible to
those you’d rather not be visible to, as in coincidentally just avoiding them.
Imagine your name not coming up on online searches or spoken in their
circles. Allow the white candle to burn down before you light the gray
Light the gray or silver candle next, and say:
“See me once, then not at all.”
Toss another pinch of the herbs into the gray or silver candle’s flames.
Meditate on the success of your magic while you watch this second candle
burn down.
Light the black candle, and toss one last pinch of the herbs into its flames.
“See me never, now and forever.”
Allow the candle to burn down, then discard all three and smudge the ritual
space with sage or palo santo.
Rings of Saturn Spell
Perform this spell on a Saturday on a new, full, or dark moon, or during a
waxing moon phase.
You will need:
a white taper candle
three black or blue taper candles of the same size
five pieces of hematite or obsidian
one small, black dish of soil
one small, black bowl of water
an offering for Saturn: wine, fruit, and some incense
Place the white candle at the center of the altar. Arrange the three other
candles around the white candle, with one at North and the other two at
Southeast and Southwest. Then place the five crystal pieces around the
candles at these points: North, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and
Northwest. Place the offerings to Saturn at the right of the altar, and place the
dish of soil to the right of the candles at East. Place the bowl of water to the
left of the candles at West.
First, light the incense, and say:
“Wise Saturn, please accept this humble offering as a tribute. Please grant
me protection from that which threatens me.”
Light the white taper candle first, and say:
“This flame represents me.”
Light the blue or black candles, starting with the North and going clockwise,
and say:
“These flames represents the power of Saturn.”
Meditate while watching the flames, and feel Saturn’s strength and wisdom
surrounding and protecting you. Stay this way as long as you feel
comfortable, then open the circle and ground your energy, allowing all four
candles to burn down.
Midnight Protection Spell
Perform this spell on a full or dark moon, at midnight or during any of these
sabbats: Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Litha.
You will need:
three black tealights
one of any of these herbs and plants: holly leaves, chickweed,
patchouli, and nettle (handle nettles with gloves)
kosher salt
a timepiece to keep track of the minutes
Begin this spell at a quarter to midnight. Pour a thin circle of salt on your
altar, large enough to encompass the candles and herbs. Place a bit of the
herb beside each candle, and keep the candles in a triangle formation.
At a quarter to midnight, light the first (at the Southwest point) candle, and
“Quickly burn as the hands of time turn,
I am protected from harm and scorn.”

At ten to midnight, light the next (at the Southeast point) candle, and say:
“Quickly burn as the hands of time turn,
I am protected from wrath and ruin.”

At midnight, light the third candle, and say:

“Quickly burn as the hands of time turn,
protected and safe am I.”
Recite your words of casting:
“So it is done, so mote it be, to bring no one harm nor to bring harm to me.”
Protection Charm
Cast this spell on a Tuesday or Saturday on a full moon.
You will need:
a clove of garlic
a piece of hematite
a black candle that drips (you will need the wax)
dragon’s blood incense
a nutmeg
three juniper berries
a pinch of alfalfa
thick black yarn
a heat-proof dish
a candleholder
Using the black yarn, tie together and thoroughly wrap the garlic, hematite,
nutmeg, and alfalfa into a reasonably spherical shape, leaving a loop at the
top from which to hang the charm somewhere.
Light the incense. Take the charm and allow it to soak up the smoke of the
incense for some time, and as you do, imagine the power of the universe
infusing the charm with strength and potency.
Next, place the charm onto the heat-proof dish. Light the black candle, and
allow it to drip onto the charm. Fully seal the charm in wax, leaving the loop-
free of wax (do this if you’re going to choose to hang the charm; otherwise,
disregard having a loop).
Set the candle in a candleholder, and hold the charm in your hands once the
wax has fully set. Say:
“By the power of three times three, I empower this charm effectively, to bring
no one harm,
nor to bring harm to me,
to keep harm away, during the night and the day,
I cast this spell now—so mote it be!”
Place the charm on your altar or in your car; you can carry it in your bag or
hang it by your front door. You may recharge it by lighting a black candle
and saying the casting words on any full moon.
Green Abundance-Drawing Candle Spell
Perform this spell on a full moon or waxing lunar phase. In addition, you may
choose to cast it on any of these sabbats: Ostara, Litha, Lammas, and Mabon.
You will need:
Green glass-encased (7-day) candle
organic gold and silver glitter
dried basil
dried alfalfa
five pieces of green calcite
Prosperity oil (or olive oil)
metal straw, wooden or metal skewer, or chopstick
a slip of unlined paper and a pencil
a green ribbon
Using the straw, skewer, or chopstick, press five deep channels into the wax
of the candle, going as deep as you can. Then add the glitter, basil, and
alfalfa, pressing them into the channels with your tool of choice. Anoint the
outside of the glass-encased candle with the oil, and place the three pieces of
green calcite around the candle at the North, East, Southeast, Southwest, and
West positions.
Tie the green ribbon in a bow around the candle glass.
On the slip of paper, write one thing that would represent increased
abundance to you, such as “more money coming to me each week” or
“bonuses at work several times a year” or “gifts throughout the year from
loved ones.” As you write, do not lift the pencil from the paper, regardless of
how loopy or messy the writing may look to you. When you are done, fold
the paper once toward you, and place the paper beneath the magical candle.
Draw the power of the Sun and Moon after you cast your circle to fill your
space and your candle with attracting energy. Light the candle and say:
“Heavens sparkle, moon and sun,
abundance comes to everyone,
including me, now more than ever,
my ties to abundance never sever.”
Allow the candle to burn down over the next week. If it gets blown out,
simply relight it. Use the calcite and green ribbon for other money-related
candle spells in the future.
Abundance Jar
Perform this spell on a full moon.
You will need:
a small mason jar, or any glass jar or container that has a lid that can be
organic gold and silver glitter
dried basil
dried oregano
Irish moss
five clear quartz crystals
one coin of each denomination: penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and silver
a Herkimer diamond
a green taper candle (the kind that is able to melt over something, not
Come to Me oil
Place some of the Irish moss, glitter, basil, oregano, cinquefoil, rosemary,
chamomile, coins, and quartz pieces into the jar. Add a little more Irish moss,
then fill the jar with honey. Seal the jar’s lid tightly, and melt the bottom of
the candle a little, so it can stick to the lid of the jar. Anoint the candle with
Come to Me oil, and light the candle. Say:
“All of that which makes life joyful,
come to me, may my life be bountiful,
beautiful, sweet, fulfilling, complete,
I charge this jar to attract abundance--
so it is done, so mote it be.”
Allow the candle to burn down and keep the jar in your home. At each full
moon, you can recharge the candle by burning another green candle upon its
Success Candle
Perform this spell on a new or full moon or during a waxing phase. You can
cast this during any sabbat.
You will need:
an orange pillar candle
Crown of Glory oil
honeysuckle vine, ivy, or braided sweetgrass (depending on the season)
orange blossom oil
three pieces of citrine
Anoint your pillar candle with the Crown of Glory and orange blossom oil,
then carefully tie the vine of your choice around the base of the candle. Make
sure you set your candle in a fireproof holder after you’ve finished casting the
spell: a stainless steel pot or cauldron would be ideal. Make sure you keep an
eye on the candle from time to time.
Place the three pieces of citrine around the candle at the North, Southeast,
and Southwest positions. Light the candle and meditate while watching its
dancing flame. Breathe positivity into the candle, knowing you will be
successful in your endeavors and in the magic that you are casting right now.
Raise your hands to the heavens and beckon the divine light into your ritual
space by saying:
“God and Goddess,
grant me some of your energy
that I may perform this humble
Now, watching the candle flame, say:
“Shimmer and spark,
light the dark,
my attempts will reach their mark.
Dance and glow,
my endeavors will successful be.”
Allow the candle to burn down and keep the citrine pieces at your workplace
or any area at home that you are trying to be most successful (home gym,
kitchen, or bedroom if you are looking for love or better sleep, etc.)
Prosperity Candle
Perform this spell on a full moon.
You will need:
a green pillar candle
a thick screwdriver or another tool to carve the candle—you may also
use your athame if you prefer, but in this spell, we’re going to fill the
carvings with materials, so the channels should be thick
organic gold and green glitter
dried and powdered oregano
dried and powdered thyme
dried and powdered basil
dried and powdered cinquefoil
a bowl and spoon, or a bowl and your athame
a large bowl of water and a towel
To begin, carve three large dollar signs on your candle, making sure the
symbols reach both the bottom and the top of the candle. Mix the dried
oregano, thyme, basil, and cinquefoil together, then add a small amount of
honey just to make the mixture stick together. With your fingers, press the
mixture into the channels of the dollar signs all around the candle. Rinse your
hands in the water and dry them off, then gently pat the glitter onto the dollar
signs, fully covering them. Rinse and dry your hands once more.
Light the candle, and say:
“Money, money, paper, and coin,
come to me, often and soon,
so that I may spend you, save you, and count,
all that I receive—such a large amount.”
Allow the candle to safely burn down in a fireproof bowl, pot, or cauldron.
Money and Wealth
Money-Drawing Sugar Jar
Perform this spell on a full moon or during a waxing lunar cycle.
You will need:
three bay leaves
three walnuts in shell
Irish moss
a glass jar with a sealable, fireproof lid
brown sugar
a coin of each denomination
a piece of citrine
a piece of clear quartz
a piece of tiger’s eye
a garnet
three temple-sized taper candles: one orange, one gold, and one green
(you may want to buy six of each so that you can burn them on the full
moon to recharge the jar in the coming months)
Come to Me and Crown of Success oils
Place the Irish moss at the bottom of the jar, and add the bay leaves, walnuts,
basil, oregano, and alfalfa. Add a layer of brown sugar. Next, add the coins
and the crystals, and fill the jar with sugar until you’ve reached the top. Seal
the jar, and melt the bottoms of each of the three candles onto the jar’s lid.
Anoint the candles (do this carefully so that they don’t come unglued from
the jar’s lid) and the jar itself with the Come to Me and Crown of Success
oils. Light the candles, and say:
“Silver and gold, come to me,
riches flow to me easily,
to keep and save, spend and share,
money comes to me from everywhere.”
Let the candles burn down, and keep your jar where you keep your wallet (or
phone). Recharge your jar during full moons.
Herbal Money Candle
Cast this spell on a full moon, during a waxing phase, or during Samhain,
Yule, Litha or Lammas. You can also cast this spell on a Sunday, using the
herbs in season. As long as you have the three all-season herbs, you will only
need one of the summer or winter herbs to go with them.
You will need:
a thick, green pillar candle
a wooden or metal skewer
a fireproof plate or large candleholder, on which to burn the money
summer herbs: honeysuckle, goldenrod
all-season herbs: allspice, powdered nutmeg, cinnamon
winter herbs: pine needles, ground oak leaf
Money-Drawing oil
your athame or a nail
The best days of the week to cast this spell are Sunday, Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday, keeping in mind the recommended lunar phase and
sabbats above. Using the skewer, carefully press five, deep channels into the
wax of the pillar candle while it is sitting on the fireproof plate or
candleholder. Then, one at a time, add and press into the channels the rice (a
few grains for each channel will suffice), allspice, powdered nutmeg,
cinnamon, and, at least, one of the summer or winter seasonal herbs.
Carefully inscribe the following words around the middle of the candle:
“Money comes to me constantly.”
Finally, anoint your candle with Money-Drawing oil, and light the candle.
The candle must be allowed to burn down, and you must keep an eye on it
and have it in a place where its surroundings will not catch fire. This spell is
rather explosive and will cause change to occur in your life so that more
money comes to you on a regular basis. Meditate for a while as you watch the
candle’s flame, and when you are ready, say these necessary words:
“Money flow, do not go,
money comes, under moon and sun,
like a river, flowing on,
Money comes to me from dawn to dawn,
I cast this spell with a merry heart,
no harm to come from near or far,
I cast this spell, three times three,
to bring no one harm nor to bring harm to me,
I cast this spell so mote it be.”
Allow the candle to burn down completely. You may use a bit of any leftover
wax in a mojo bag if you like.
Luck of the Green Money Candle
Perform this spell on a Sunday, during a new moon or waxing lunar phase.
This is a good spell for when you need a specific amount of money.
You will need:
a green glass-enclosed (7-day) candle
metal or wooden skewer
organic gold and silver glitter
a bamboo leaf
pen or thin-tipped marker
First, press three deep channels into the candle’s wax, then add into two of
the channels the basil, saffron, and vervain. Carefully write on the bamboo
leaf the amount of money you desire, and roll the leaf tightly upward before
inserting it into the third channel. You will need to use the skewer to push the
leaf into the channel. Finally, add the gold and silver glitter to the top of the
Light the candle, and say:
“My peaceful heart is without greed,
universe, provide me the amount I need.”
Allow the candle to burn for as many days as it can. Make sure you are open
to all opportunities for the financial game in the coming days.
A Wish at Midnight Money Spell
Perform this spell on any night but only at midnight. Make sure you have a
very specific money-related wish in mind. Also, make sure you can see
exactly when the clock turns to midnight while you are casting this spell.
(There are apps you can download to see the exact time of your time zone, or
you can set the alarm to go off at midnight if you prefer).
You will need:
a green container candle
a bay leaf
a thin-tipped marker
a cauldron or other fireproof bowl
a well-ventilated area
At five minutes until midnight, light the candle, and carefully write your wish
on the bay leaf. As soon as the clock strikes midnight, hold the leaf into the
flame so that it catches fire, then quickly set it in the cauldron or fireproof
bowl to burn.
You may snuff out the candle when the sun rises, or simply allow it to burn
until you’re ready to leave the house and start your day. The magic has
already been cast into the universe.
Strength of Bees Candle Spell
Cast this spell on a Thursday, and on a new or full moon or a waxing lunar
You will need:
a beeswax pillar candle
an amethyst
three dried African violet petals
Light the candle and take some time to meditate on your own energy. Feel the
warmth of the flame imbue you with rejuvenation and strength. When you are
ready, toss each of the three dried African violet petals into the flame, and
“Like the wise bee, I continue to work,
undaunted, unstoppable,
until my goal and rich rewards.”
Now, take the amethyst and hold it in your hand, over the candle’s flame (but
not close enough to singe yourself). Say:
“Flickering light, day and night,
imbue this crystal with your might.”
Let the candle burn completely with the crystal next to it (keep an eye on it to
make sure it doesn’t engulf the amethyst in melted wax). Carry the amethyst
and meditate with it for greater empowerment.
Strength of the Oak Candle Spell
Perform this spell on a full moon or during a waxing lunar phase, and on a
Sunday, Tuesday, or Saturday.
You will need:
a brown taper candle
an oak leaf
dried parsley
some pine needles
dried thyme
a cauldron or fireproof bowl
sandalwood incense
Sandalwood oil
your athame or a nail
Using your athame or a thin nail, inscribe a figure eight on the front of the
candle. Anoint the candle with the sandalwood oil, and place the
candleholder with the brown candle on top of the oak leaf. Light the candle.
Using the candle’s flame, ignite the pine needles, one at a time, then set them
in the cauldron or fireproof bowl. (They may not burn completely away; this
does not matter.) Say:
“Like the swaying pine, I can adjust to what comes my way.”
Toss a pinch of dried parsley into the candle’s flame, and say:
“I have the strength that I was born with, given to me by The God and The
Toss a pinch of the dried thyme into the candle’s flame, and say:
“I have what it takes to be successful and strong in my life.”
Light the sandalwood incense now, and circle the smoking end three times
around the candle’s flame. Say:
“Like the Oak King, I know my weaknesses and my strengths, but I will
overcome whatever challenges come my way, so mote it be.”
Allow the candle to burn down even after you open your circle.
Inner Beauty Potion Candle Spell
True beauty is not social constructs that come and go with the times but a
real, actual energy that fills a human being with attractiveness, charm, and
grace in their own way. Many famous people who would not be considered
“beautiful” by society’s physical standards were renowned as lovers and
much sought-after as mates. This spell can help tap into your inner delightful
energy, which will be seen by those who look upon you, much better than
any heavily-marketed, rejuvenating face wash can.
You will need:
three pink, blue or violet tea light candles (choose the color you’re
drawn to)
a piece of pink quartz
organic evening primrose oil
a piece of lapis lazuli
dried heather
a tea infuser ball
aloe juice
apple juice (real juice, not a juice “drink”)
spring water
a glass jar, such as a small Mason jar, or anything with a fireproof
sealable lid
Cast this spell over the course of three nights: before the full moon, during
the full moon, and after the full moon. Your beauty will not wax nor wane
but will become a constant light within your spirit.
Place the dried heather into the tea infuser ball, and place the ball into the jar.
Add a few drops of aloe juice, a few drops of apple juice, a drop of evening
primrose oil, the piece of pink quartz crystal, and the piece of lapis lazuli. Fill
with the spring water and seal the jar. Give it a gentle shake to mix the
Set the candle without its metal case on top of the jar, and light it. Say:
“Venus, beautiful goddess, hears my words tonight.
Rekindle the divine spark in me,
that I, too, may shine bright.
Kind goddess, I thank you for your grace,
and for allowing my inner light to shine,
and bring joy to my face.”
Let the candle burn down completely, then refrigerate the jar. Take it out the
next two nights, and repeat the spell. On the last night, thank Venus for
helping you with your magical work. Keep the jar refrigerated, and during
your normal cleansing routine, dab a bit of it on the top of your head, upon
your cheeks, and behind your ears to enhance your inner glow and radiate
with beautiful energy.
Candle Meditation to Strengthen Your Connection to Your Body
Many of us struggle with a poor self-image, and this is especially true of our
bodies. However, our minds are so powerful that we can use meditation and
the force of will to change our own perception of our bodies. Once you carry
yourself with acceptance and self-confidence, you will appear more
attractive, as well as happier, to others.
Perform this spell for a few minutes each night for seven nights. You will
begin three nights before the full moon and end three nights after.
You will need:
an indigo pillar candle
On the three nights that the moon is in its waxing phase, you will light the
candle and begin to meditate. Imagine the moon growing in strength, lending
divine, universal energy down into your sacred circle. Imagine the moon’s
light imbuing your body with healing. When you are ready, say:
“My feet, you come from the divine source, and you too, are beautiful.
My legs, you are strong and come from the divine source, and you too, are
My hips, you carry me forward and come from the divine source, and you
too, are beautiful,
My belly, you hold the divine source of energy, and you too, are beautiful,
My chest, you are the source of my life’s blood, and you come from the divine
source. You too are beautiful.
My shoulders, you allow me to work hard, to express myself, and to lift myself
up. You come from the divine source. You too are beautiful.
My arms, you allow me to create, to touch, to connect. You come from the
divine source, and you too are beautiful.
My throat, you are my gateway to expression and nourishment. You come
from the divine source, and you too are beautiful.
My face, you mirror the divine in your features. Through you, I may
experience the beauty of the natural world. You too are beautiful.
My mind, you are a treasure of divine gift. I inherit the mysteries and
knowledge of the universe through you. You too are beautiful.”
Allow yourself as much time as you need, then open the circle and snuff out
the candle. Repeat this meditation during the full moon.
During the three days after the full moon, when meditating on the candle
before speaking the words, imagine the moon’s assistance in peeling away
those energies that hurt you and cause you any shame about your appearance.
Imagine feeling rejuvenated and made newly strong in your confidence about
your body. Then, when you are ready, you may repeat the words above.
7 Nights to New Love Candle Spell
Perform this spell during a waxing lunar cycle. You may combine this spell
or culminate it on the full moon with a self-empowerment or healing spell or
another spell to open yourself to love.
You will need:
a red, pink, or yellow 7 knob candle
Venus or Isis sacred oil blend (can be found at online or brick and
mortar pagan supply shops)
your athame or a thin nail
Being open to new love requires some thought and a conscious decision to
prepare yourself for the potential of meeting a new lover, mate, or partner.
This spell breaks down that process and helps you consider the many aspects
involved in true, healthy love.
On the first night, carve the word “choice” into the topmost knob with either
your athame or a thin nail. This is to remind you that love is a choice and an
action. We choose to love our partners even when life is challenging, even if
we don’t agree with them, and even during their faults. We return to love
because we chose to be there in the first place. Additionally, we must choose
to love ourselves, despite our shortcomings or challenges. Finally, we must
always choose a partner who chooses us; in other words, one who has an
interest in gaining power over us or harming us should ever have a shot at
romance. The goal here is to achieve healthy, unconditional love that grows
and matures.
Light the candle after inscribing the word “choice” in it, and spend time in
meditation over this concept for as long as you are comfortable. I recommend
staying present while the first knob burns (just so it doesn’t accidentally carry
over onto the second knob). Even if you feel that you aren’t able to meditate,
just spend time in your circle. Perhaps write your thoughts on love into your
book of shadows. When the first knob is fully melted, extinguish the flame by
pinching it or using a candle snuffer.
On the second night, carve the word “joy” on the second knob. This is to
remind you that love should be fun. It should make you smile and warm your
heart. In the past, you may have chosen to connect with partners for other
reasons, such as status or validation. Validation is not happiness—it is a false
concept that you can gain validation from other people. Other people can help
bolster your confidence and make you feel good when they recognize you,
praise you, and give you compliments, but validation comes from within
yourself. For true love, look to someone you enjoy being with. Repeat the
same steps with the second knob of the candle as you did the first time.
On the third night, carve the word “respect” into the third knob. This is to
remind you, of course, that you must have self-respect before entering into a
union—even a friendship—with someone else. It also reminds you that you
must always respect your partner when seeking love and intimacy if that is
what you’re after. Consent is sacred. Conversely, your new partner should
always respect your boundaries. Repeat the same steps with the third knob of
the candle as you did the first and second.
On the fourth night, carve the word “new” into the fourth knob. This is to
remind you that getting to know someone will perhaps take you to new
places, new ways of thinking, new ideas, activities, and, most importantly,
possible new feelings. Don’t be afraid of what is new. Discovery and learning
refresh the spirit. Repeat the same steps with the fourth knob of the candle as
you did the others.
On the fifth night, carve the word “gratitude” on the fifth knob. This is to
remind you that one of the surest ways to attract anything positive into your
life is to cultivate a gratitude-based mindset. When we value what we have
and who we are, we: a) don’t come across to others as needy, which may be
frightening to some, b) don’t try to fill our lives with useless stuff (and people
we don’t need as well), and c) take joy in what we have and the people we
are close to. Gratitude is a perfect foundation of true love and will help
sustain that love over time. Repeat the same steps with the fifth knob as you
did the others.
On the sixth night, carve the word “expression” into the sixth knob. The
expression can be categorized into the same group as “communication,” but
the expression is a bit more primal, more instinctual. With new love, you’re
going to have to learn what this new person values. How do they like to feel
loved? What shows them that someone loves them? This is the same concept
as the term “love languages,” and you can take a test to discover how you
like to communicate and how you like to feel loved. For some people, words
are perfect, as are poems, love letters, and cards. For others, they are more
action-based and like to do things with their mate. Still, others love gifts, and
others love physical touch. Take some time to discover how you express your
love and how you would like your future partner to express it. Remember that
adjusting how we express love can help us bridge the gap between ourselves
and our partner and also reveal sides of ourself we didn’t know were
possible. Repeat the same steps with the sixth knob as you did the others.
On the seventh and last night, carve the word “possible” on the sixth knob.
In order to attract true love, you have to believe that it is possible. Know that
you are loved by the divine and by the universe and that you are capable of
being loved, as well as giving love. Spend extra time meditating on this last
word, if possible. You can do it! You can be successful in love. Allow the
last knob of the candle to burn out, and congratulate yourself on a successful
inner journey.
Endless Heart Love Spell
Perform this spell on a full moon.
You will need:
rose quartz shaped like a heart (easily found in crystal shops and
organic rose essential oil
dried rose petals
a pink floating candle
a glass bowl
Roses contain powerful magic; they are linked to the faerie world, the
underworld, Heaven, and the divine. They can heal our spirits and our souls
with their aroma and medicine. If you find that your heart has been hurt too
many times, you may no longer believe that love is possible for you. This
spell will help you work toward healing, and toward believing that you, too,
deserve love and care.
Place the rose quartz heart at the bottom of the bowl, then add the dried rose
petals. Fill the bowl halfway with water. Add five drops of rosewater to the
bowl and five drops of rose essential oil. Place the floating candle on the
surface of the water and light it. Take some time to relax your mind and
breathe deeply.
Now, imagine your heart as the rose quartz heart, deep in a pool. Imagine
gazing up peacefully at the surface of the water. You are able to breathe, and
you are safe. Notice the candle’s light glowing on the water’s surface. It may
seem far away but is very close. You could reach the surface if you just try.
When you are ready, say:
“Goddess, thank you for your mercy,
and for allowing me to see,
that love is possible, even for me.”
Carry the quartz heart with you, or place it beneath your pillow to continue to
benefit from its healing properties.
Twin Blooms Love Attracting Spell
Perform this spell on a Friday, during a full moon or waxing lunar phase.
You will need:
two of any of these flowers—the choice is yours: red or purple rose,
purple or pink hyacinth, pink or purple zinnia. Keep enough stem to
match the length of your candle.
two small vases or glasses
two pink taper candles, the sort that melts (not drip-less)
a large, heat-proof plate
your athame or a thin nail
Carve your name on one of the pink candles using your athame or a thin nail.
Carve “my new love” into the other candle. Burn the bottoms of the candles,
so they stick to the place, leaving an inch of space between them. Choose one
of the flowers to represent you, and place it in one of the vases. Fill with
water and place behind the candle designating yourself. Do the same for the
other flower, vase, and candle.
Light the candles, and say:
“Wherever I go, wherever I roam,
I will find the one whose heart
I can call my home.”
Allow the candles to burn down, melting into each other. Keep the flowers on
your altar for five days, then leave them at the field or forest’s edge.
Pain Relief Candle Spell
Perform this spell on a waning moon and on a Friday, Sunday, or
You will need:
a glass bowl with a glass cover (You can find these in thrift stores;
many of them were used as candy dishes. Make sure you thoroughly
smudge and cleanse it before using it during the ritual.)
fresh plantain (a common wild plant, found across fields and lawns;
you can use dried if fresh is nowhere to be found)
aloe vera (fresh from the plant itself)
dried feverfew (or fresh if from a friend’s garden or your own)
lavender oil
a white temple-sized candle
five clear quartz crystals
unscented white lotion
a mortar and pestle
mixing bowl and spoon
First, thoroughly mash the herbs together in the mortar and pestle. Next,
scoop out the herbal mixture into the bowl. Add the lotion and mix well.
Finally, spoon the herbal lotion mixture into the glass container. Melt the end
of the white candle, so you can adhere it to the glass container’s lid. Light the
candle and say:
“By forest, by field,
this pain will yield.
By Sun and by Moon,
this pain will ease soon.”
Allow the candle to burn down, adding its healing and solar energy to the
lotion mixture. You may then remove the mixture and put it into a storage
container of your choice. Keep it refrigerated, and ease it onto the area of the
body that’s hurting. You will have to remove the mixture after time, but leave
it on during periods of relaxing or meditation.

Crown Chakra Healing Spell

Perform this spell on a Sunday during any lunar phase. This spell heals the
body via opening the crown chakra and allowing divine energy to heal the
body and spirit.
You will need:
a white skull candle
three clear quartz pieces
a bell with a soothing tone
a fireproof plate (preferably clear or white)
a small white taper candle
Crown chakra oil
lavender incense
Begin by lighting the small taper candle and dripping a bit of wax onto the
bottom of the quartz crystals, then pressing the quartz onto the skull: one at
the top of the skull and one in each of the eye sockets. Add a drop of oil to
the top of the skull, the back, the two sides, and the forehead.
Light the incense, then light the candle. Ring the candle once, and imagine
the light of the universe filling your sacred space, opening your chakras and
gently floating above your head. Open yourself to the divine light. Let the
light in through your crown chakra so that it fills your entire body. Meditate
this way for as long as you like, and allow the candle to burn down.
Joyful Candles House Blessing Spell
Perform this spell during any lunar phase, but preferably on a Sunday,
Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.
You will need:
a collection of seven different colored candles of various sizes and
shapes (no container candles)
a large heatproof platter, preferably white or a bright color
Florida water
bouquet of bright flowers
Perform this spell whenever you move into a new home or if your home
needs rejuvenation or healing. Before you cast this spell, make sure you
follow these steps (that day or in the days before):
Clean the house thoroughly:
1. Remove trash and clutter from the house.
2. Wash dishes and clothes.
3. Vacuum and/or sweep and mop the floor.
4. Clean the windows (the best that you can).
5. Add fresh paint to any marked or dingy walls.
6. Organize closets and drawers.
7. Donate any unused items to charity.
Spiritually cleanse the home:
1. Smudge each room with smoke using sage, rosemary, palo santo
wood, or incense.
2. “Sweep out” any negative or sluggish energy by using a besom and
saltwater. Use regular water that has been charged with obsidian if
you have pets and want to avoid having them step in salty water.
3. Open every door and window (making sure pets and small children
are secured) to allow the negative energy out. Close the windows
and all exterior doors before you cast the spell.
Once you have cleansed the home physically and spiritually, you are ready to
cast the blessing spell. Gently melt the bottoms of the candles you have
selected, and press them onto the plate. Take your time with this process so
that the candles don’t accidentally tip over; you are going to walk from room
to room with the platter.
Once all seven candles have been firmly secured to the platter, light each one
carefully (work back to the front to avoid burning yourself). A note: if you
are doing this spell by yourself, make two trips: first, bring the platter to each
room and second, asperge each room with the flowers and Florida water. If
you have someone to help you, do both actions at the same time.
First, go to each room and closet and open every interior door. Retrieve the
platter of burning candles and visit every room, going clockwise as best as
you can from room to room. As you enter each room, say:
“Glorious lights shining bright,
bless this house both day and night!”
Shaking Florida water with the flowers into each corner of the room, say:
“Sweetness of life,
to keep away strife,
bless this house both day and night!”
When you are finished, place the flowers in a vase of water, and place with
the candles on your altar. Allow the candles to burn.
You may repeat this spell once per year, on the next Samhain or Beltane.
Candle Blessing For a New Endeavor
When you are starting something new, such as a weight loss program or
exercise routine, a new job, a new course of study, or a new business venture,
use this simple candle spell to send it off with a heaping dose of good luck.
Cast this spell on a new moon.
You will need:
a lodestone
a bayberry votive candle
purple corn kernels
a whole nutmeg
mint (dried or whole leaves)
honeysuckle oil
dried red clover
a round, unlined piece of paper
a pencil
a small, round plate you’re willing to part with
Begin this spell the night before you cast it. At your altar, describe your new
endeavor on the circle of paper using the pencil. Place the lodestone in the
center of the paper and leave overnight.
The next day, place the bayberry votive on the paper, in the center. Anoint
the candle with the honeysuckle oil. Place pinches of the dried red clover, the
goldenrod, the marjoram, the purple corn kernels, and the mint around the
candle. Place the nutmeg in front of the candle and the lodestone behind the
Light the candle, and say:
“Something new, I’ve dared to try,
I ask the swiftness of the sky,
to bless this thing I start anew,
and make find successes true.”
Take time to meditate on the Element of Air, communication, and swift
energy. Next, say:
“I’ve dared to try something new,
I ask the richness of oceans blue,
to bless this thing I start anew,
and make find successes true.”
Take time to meditate on the Element of Water, abundance, and the positive
use of emotion and memory. Next, say:
“I’ve dared to answer adventure’s call,
I ask the steadiness of forests tall,
to bless this thing I start anew,
and make find successes true.”
Take time to meditate on the Element of Earth, grounding, wise choices, and
richness. Next, say:
“I’ve dared to start the road ahead,
I ask the brilliance of sunsets red,
to bless this thing I start anew,
and make find successes true.”
Take time to meditate on the Element of Fire, passion, an appetite for life,
and the warmth of character and spirit.
After the candle has burned down, you may keep the plate somewhere hidden
and safe until the next Samhain and burn in the bonfire while you reflect on
your new venture.
Black 7-Knob Candle Banishing Spell
Perform this spell on a dark moon or waning phase and on a Tuesday or
You will need:
one black 7-knob candle
your athame or a thin nail
dragon’s blood incense
rosemary incense
two incense holders
This spell is best cast at night, and if you can cast at midnight, even better.
From top to bottom, inscribe these words, one per each knob of the candle:
1. Leave
2. Me
3. No
4. Longer
5. Influence
6. My
7. Life
Before you light the candle, light the dragon’s blood incense and circle the
candle eight times with its smoke. Say:
“I cast this spell to protect myself; I cast this spell to improve my health.”
Set the dragon’s blood incense in an incense holder. Light the rosemary
incense; circle the candle eight times with its smoke and say:
“I cast this spell to harm no one; I cast this spell, my will be done.”
Set the rosemary incense in a second incense holder, making sure each
incense is to one side of the candle (dragon’s blood to the left and rosemary
to the right, for instance). Light the candle, and say:
“So mote it be. I will state the influence’s name secretly.”
As loudly as you can, think of the person, organization, or affliction’s name
in your head, eight times. Then say:
“So it is done.”
Allow the candle and incense to burn completely after you open your circle.
Good Luck Cat Candle Spell
Cast this spell on a full moon.
You will need:
a white cat candle
almond oil
rose oil
Anoint the candle with the almond oil and rose oil. Light the candle and say:
“Little cat, swift and light,
invite good luck into my life,
clever cat, smart and bright,
I have good luck on this good night!”
Allow the candle to burn completely after you open your circle.
Burn Away Negativity Candle Spell
Perform this spell when the moon is in its waning phase.
You will need:
a black votive candle
dried amaranth
dried, crumbled sage
Light the candle, and take time to meditate on the areas of your life that seem
to be overburdened by negativity. When you are ready, throw a pinch of the
amaranth into the flame, and say:
“By three times three, negativity will leave me!”
Repeat this with the allspice and sage. When you are ready, say:
“I have the strength to live positively; I release the hold negative energy once
had on me. So it is done, so mote it be!”
A Candle Spell for Patience
Perform this spell at any lunar phase but the dark moon or during an eclipse.
Cast this spell on a Monday, Thursday, or Sunday.
You will need:
a light blue candle
a piece of clear quartz
a piece of lapis lazuli
Light the candle, and hold the lapis lazuli in one hand and the clear quartz in
the other (it doesn’t matter which hand you begin with because you will
switch them halfway through the spell). When you are ready, say:
“Pond and ocean, river and stream,
balanced mind, spirit serene.”
Take time to breathe, and allow the Element of Water to move throughout
your spirit, calming it and imbuing it with patience. Next, switch hands to
hold each crystal in the opposite hand you started with. Say:
“Wind and song, poem and rhyme,
spirit serene, balanced mind.”
Remain this way for as long as you are comfortable, and allow the candle to
burn after you open your circle.
A Spell to Call a Familiar Into Your Life
Perform this spell during a full moon or waxing lunar phase.
You will need:
a brown pillar candle (on the small to medium side, as you will likely
be attracting a small, domestic animal into your life)
one sheet of unlined paper (keep more on hand if you are a
a black ink pen or thin marker
crayons or colored pencils
a moonstone or opal
oil consecrated to any of these deities of your choice: Pan, Cernunnos,
Anubis, Bastet, Artemis, the Horned God, Herne the Hunter, the Green
Man, and Freyr.
a fireproof plate
Anoint your candle with your choice of oil. Light the candle, and slowly,
with patience and cheerfulness of heart, draw your would-be familiar first in
ink. You do not have to be a talented artist; you are drawing from your
emotions. Try to capture the energy or spirit of the animal you would like to
be your familiar. If a symbolic outline is all you can manage, do not worry or
feel ashamed; have fun with it.
Color in your animal’s shape, being as creative as you like. You do not need
to go for realism. Beneath the finished image, write down some traits you
would love your familiar to possess, such as:
When you are finished, fold the paper toward you once. Slide the paper
below the candle and set your choice of crystal before it (but far enough away
so that the candle, while melting, does not surround or cover the stone.
After you’ve finished your drawing, say:
“God and Goddess (or you may say the name of the deity the oil you used
was for), please provide for me an animal to be my familiar, magical, and
true. I thank you for your loving kindness.”
When you are finished with the spell, allow the candle to burn down. The
next day, bury it with the paper in your garden or by the woods. Allow some
time for the universe to create your familiar, and keep an eye open for
animals coming into your life. Do not obsessively check the classifieds or
local shelter’s website: allow your intuition to guide you. When it calls to
you, take action—or wait for the animal to cross your path. You will know
when it is right.
Animal Wisdom Spell
Perform this spell on a full moon or during Litha.
You will need:
three brown candles (they should be the same type and size, as well as
small in size)
a tarot deck
your book of shadows to record your insights
Place the candles in the North, Southeast, and Southwest spaces of your altar
but close enough together so that you can easily watch their flames
simultaneously. Light the candles and begin your meditation. As you watch
the candle flames, empty your mind of unnecessary thoughts. Allow an image
of an animal to enter the arena of your mind. When one does, say:
“Grant me wisdom, beloved being of The Goddess.”
With your intuition, you may “hear” words spoken by this animal, or see
words appear in the arena of your mind. The animal may lead you to a place
in your imagination. Allow it to happen. When you are ready, take your book
of shadows and simply record everything you have seen and heard, like this:
a wolf
the forest
pine trees
a small, running stream
the word “focus”
the word “again”
the word “action”
Do this meditation two more times, recording what you see and hear. Allow
the candles to burn down and let the book of shadows sit for a day. Then,
take time to research all of the symbols you saw and the words you heard,
and reflect on what that knowledge and wisdom mean to you, in your life,
and on your current path.
Joy Invoking Candle Spell
Perform this spell whenever you need a burst of joy in your life. It is also a
wonderful spell to be performed on Yule, Beltane, or Litha.
You will need:
a glass-encased orange candle
two different colors of thin ribbon (Choose from red, purple, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.)
dried eyebright
dried marjoram
dried oregano
sunflower oil
some tape
one small red temple-sized candle
a heat-proof plate on which to work
Begin this spell at a quarter to midnight. Pour a thin circle of salt on your
altar, large enough to encompass the candles and herbs. Place a bit of the
herb beside each candle, and keep the candles in a triangle formation.
You will need to work slowly and carefully. Light the red candle, and set it in
a candleholder. Take the end of one of the ribbons, and drip wax from the red
candle onto it. Quickly press the other ribbon’s end on the first ribbons,
effectively sealing the two ends together. Next, place the unlit glass-encased
candle on its side, and hold the ribbons so that their combined ends are in
place on the top of the back of the glass-encased candle—do this, so each
ribbon extends to an opposite direction. Drip a generous amount of the red
candle’s wax on the ends of the ribbons, fixing them in place, onto the glass
of the glass-encased candle.
Stand the candle up, and gently bring each ribbon around to the front of the
candle. Working slowly and carefully, wraps the ribbons around, crossing
them over each other. Bring them to the front, and cross them again, bringing
them to the back. Repeat this, working your way down so that the ribbons
cover the glass-encased candle. End by dripping more candle wax on the
other ends of the ribbons, adhering them to the glass-encased candle.
That was a lot of work! Now, light the glass-encased candle, and say:
“I open my heart to joy.”
Raise your hands to the heavens, and say:
“I call upon the power of the Sun and Moon, divine and bright,
to fill my heart with sweet delight.”
Release your frustrations, your impatience, and your sadness to the light of
the candle, and take pride and delight in its beauty. Allow the candle to burn
down even after you’ve opened your circle.
Candle of Truth
Perform this spell on a new or dark moon or during Midsummer or Samhain,
at midnight, when you need to know if someone is lying about a particular
thing or telling the truth. Before you light the candle, take time to meditate on
the truth that you want to learn about, not whether or not the person in
question is a chronic liar.
You will need:
a black taper candle
six pins
a single clove
a single nutmeg
your athame or a thin nail
The white taper (not dripless) candle should be placed at the center of your
altar. Inscribe the person’s name on the candle. Insert each of six pins
through the candle from top to bottom. Place the single clove on the right side
and the single nutmeg on the left of the candle, each approximately four
inches away from the candle. Say:
“To do no one harm, I ask of thee,
do you speak lies or truthfully?”
Allow the candle to burn down. Consult the results and compare:
If the wax mostly enclosed or covered the clove, the person has lied to
If the wax mostly enclosed or covered the nutmeg, the person has
spoken the truth.
If the wax enclosed both things relatively equally, the person spoke a
half-truth, and there is more to the matter to be considered.
If the wax touched either the clove or the nutmeg, the issue lies with
you and your trust you have for the person.
A Candle Spell to Help With Grief or Loss
You can cast this spell at any time. Ask the Mother or Crone aspect of The
Goddess for help during this spell; She will comfort you and is a good
You will need:
five blue taper candles
a bell with a clear, soothing tone
Set the candles on your altar in the shape of a five-pointed star. Light them
from front to back so as not to singe yourself.
Take time to breathe deeply and empty your mind of unnecessary thoughts.
This may be difficult, and you may, instead, feel consumed by painful
emotions. Allow yourself to feel the emotions, even though you are seeking
healing or release from them. When you are ready, ring the bell once, and
“I ask the universe, in perfect love and perfect trust, lend your divine, healing
light unto my heart.”
Ring the bell again, once, and say:
“Only those who wish me well may enter here.”
Ring the bell again, once, and say:
“Goddess, I ask you for help in processing this loss. I understand that life is
circular in nature.”
At this point, feel free to add your own words. If you wish to continue feeling
the painful emotions and simply need help processing them, say so. If you are
overburdened by the pain and need some relief, ask for help in the form of
restful or restorative sleep. If you are not sure what you need, let The
Goddess know—She will look into your heart and provide it to you,
Allow the candles to burn down, and remain in your sacred space for as long
as you need. It’s important to note that, as Wiccans, we do not need to have a
ritual or sacred space to speak to The God and/or The Goddess; we can
connect with either of Them, simply by being out in the natural world, in our
homes, in our cars—whenever we have need of Their aid and guidance. Do
not feel shy to reach out. Their love is unconditional.
If You Encounter Problems During a Candle Spell
Spells, sometimes, encounter unexpected technical issues. If this happens to
you, do not panic, and know that this happens to every witch, at least once!
There are messages in a candle blunder and lessons to be learned. Pay
attention to what is happening to your candle.
The candle extinguishes itself. This is probably the most common, as well
as the most frustrating instance when casting spells. You have a couple of
choices if this happens. You can drain some of the wax in case it’s drowning
the wick and relight the candle, or you can consider that the timing of your
spell may be premature. If the candle insists on going out, stop the spell,
allow yourself some forgiveness, and make a note of it in your book of
shadows. Do some more research on your intent, and pick another day to
attempt the spell.
If the flame is too robust. I have an image on my phone of one of my cats
staring intently at a flame that’s nearly a foot tall; sometimes, because of the
ingredients used, the warmth of the room, a good draft piping in extra
oxygen, or just the energy of the spirits, a flame scares us, just a little. If this
happens to you, carefully move the candle to a place where it can absolutely
do no harm. Your fireplace or wood-burning stove are good options, so is a
cast-iron skillet or bowl filled with sand.
The flame is too weak. This is a disheartening event, but understand that
some spells simply need our faith and the time necessary to achieve the
manifestation we desire. Pour out the wax from time to time, but let it work
its patient magic.
A 7-day or container candle’s glass breaks. Whether or not you stop the
spell depends on the severity of the damage. A candle is, by nature,
combustible, and adding spiritual energy to it increases its likelihood. If it’s a
small break and the candle’s still burning, consider using one of the methods
to control a large flame, and let it continue. If the break has completely made
the candle unsafe, then it is time to abandon and reconsider the spell. There
may be a magical barrier to your spellwork. Consider an “un-crossing” or
“banishing” spell before you attempt this again if you choose to do so.
The candle burns unevenly, with one side remaining unmelted. You can
look at the direction the candle melted toward, and see if there is any
Elemental wisdom you need to reflect upon or if there is some aspect of your
spell that needs to be changed.
Divination Using Candles After They’ve Burned
If the soot is white. You have the support of the universe in your goal.
If the soot is black. This indicates resistance to your goal.
Images are seen on the glass. This can include residue from the candle itself
or leftover herbs, oils, or glitter. You can gain divination insights while
looking at these.
Rings of glitter. If you can, figure out the time of day or night when these
happened; this is when the energy of your spell was at its strongest.
Remaining bits of wax on the wick. This means that whoever the spell was
for has some additional work to do in order for the magic to be successful.
How to Discard the Glass From Candles
You can reuse glass from positive spells, but negative or powerful banishing
spells demand that you should bury the glass far from your home or
workplace. You can break it, and take it to the recycling depot, asap. Don’t
leave broken glass where wildlife may step on the shards, and don’t toss them
into bodies of water.

Thank for making it through to the end of Wicca Candle Magic,

Fundamentals of Wiccan Candle Magic for Beginners, Learn the Art of
Candle Magic and How to Use the Power of Fire for Purification and
Let’s hope it was informative and able to provide you with all of the tools
you need to achieve your goals, whatever they may be.
The next step is to research what types of spells could be the most useful to
you right now. Perhaps a sabbat is close at hand; take a look again through
the chapter on candle magic per the Wheel of the Year and the seasons, and
see if one is right for your needs at this time.
Or, you may instead choose to give candle-making a try. Follow the easy
beeswax candle recipe, and then cast a simple intention spell with it during
the next full moon.
Finally, if you already have some experience with magic, take some time
looking through the inventory of your local pagan supply shop or online and
decide which candles are best for your next spell or ritual. Use the spells
included in Wicca Candle Magic, Fundamentals of Wiccan Candle Magic for
Beginners, as a starting point and a guide.
Finally, if you found this book useful in any way, a review on Amazon is
always appreciated!

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