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Kelly Parnell March 1, 2018

Homework #6 – Digital Participation Algorithm

In designing an online course, I would use an LMS like Moodle, and I would include several of
the items reviewed in the videos and readings. Those items would include a syllabus quiz,
discussion forums, and a self-reflection at the end of each module. I would incorporate a badge
system, so that they would earn a badge for each assignment completed. Once each of the
steps and assignments have been completed, and all badges have been earned, the student will
be able to access and complete the self-reflection for the module.
Rather than assigning a point value to each assignment or discussion, the student will receive a
grade for the self-reflection. This will be my primary gauge of participation. The self-reflection
would be based on items and activities discussed throughout the module. Given the structure
of the LMS, I would be able to determine how long a student spent on each activity and the
overall module.
As an example, the Syllabus would contain the grading structure to reflect participation and
include the following:
Assignment Percentage of Grade
Personal Introduction 10%
Syllabus Quiz 10%
Module 1 20%
Module 2 20%
Module 3 20%
Module 4 20%
Total 100%

Attendance Policy – also to be included in the syllabus

For reporting purposes, an absence in a distance learning course is operationally defined as a
missed online submission deadline—such as a quiz, assignment, or discussion post. Distance
learning courses must require an initial online submission within the session drop/add period.
Students who do not submit may be dropped from the roster.

• Online attendance will be taken through participation in the discussions and submissions of
assignments and quizzes by the due dates.
• Students will know if they have completed all assignments for the week/module when they
receive a completion badge.
• Absences due to your own illness, family illness and death, or other extenuating
circumstances will need documentation. Please email me at the earliest possible time to
alert me as to any of these issues that may occur throughout the semester.

This is an example of how the

badges may be structured for
each module.

This is a very broad example of how the participation structure would be designed for this
course and used for grading:

Final Reflection Activity for Practice Course

Final Reflection Activity for Each Module

Once you've completed all assignments including one (1) discussion post submission for each module, please
complete the final reflection activity below for the module. You should earn a badge for EACH module after
you complete the assigned activities. Please only complete the Final Reflection Activity once you've earned
the badge.
You will continue to have access to this content in our workshop for a period of time, through at minimum
March 28, 2018.
Upon completion of the reflection activity for each module, I will be notified of your completion status for

• Final Reflection
Grading summary
Participants 0

Submitted 0

Needs grading 0

Due date Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 12:00 AM

Time remaining 1 day 6 hours

View all submissions Grade

Although the grading of the final reflection will be partially subjective, there will be items incorporated
from the activities assigned within each module. I imagine that they will be similar to items we have
been submitting in this course as homework.
As previously noted, Moodle allows for an instructor to identify time spent within a module. I would
hope to utilize this information as another way to measure participation, however, it would not be
included as part of the grading.

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